Historical Cumberland Village Enhancement Project Proposal to enhance the historical village core Submitted by the Cumberland Community Association

ABSTRACT The Cumberland Community Association is proposing a multi-year plan that will celebrate the historical legacy of Cumberland Village through multiple enhancement initiatives. The components of the project fall under Education, Beautification and Recreation through storyboards, historical banners, way finding signposts, benches and information & notice board and an Historical Cumberland Village Walking Tour. The intended outcome of invigorating the village core is to benefit residents and contribute to making Cumberland Village a day trip destination for the broader region.

Table of Contents PROJECT OVERVIEW ...... 3 BACKGROUND ...... 3 OBJECTIVES ...... 3 Education ...... 4 Beatification ...... 4 Recreation ...... 4 Other ...... 4 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ...... 5 PHASE 1 - 2018 - 2019 ...... 5 Education ...... 5 Beautification ...... 5 PHASE 2 – 2019 – 2020 ...... 6 Education ...... 6 Beautification ...... 6 Recreation ...... 6 CONDITIONS ...... 6 BUDGET ...... 7 APPENDICES ...... 8 A. Map of Cumberland Village ...... 9 B. Veteran Banner Sample ...... 10 C. Bench Details ...... 11 D. Organization, Project Lead & Organizational Agreement ...... 13 E. AGM Minutes ...... 14 F. Treasurers Report ending April 30, 2017 ...... 19 G. Statement of Incorporation ...... 20


PROJECT OVERVIEW The Cumberland Community Association (CCA) is proposing a collaborative community led, city supported plan for Cumberland Village; specifically, to enhance the historical character of the village through commemorating and celebrating the history and early settlers of the area. The project components align to our objectives of Education, Beautification and Recreation.

BACKGROUND The Cumberland Community Association (CCA) continues to seek opportunities to stimulate community involvement and pride and promote the Village of Cumberland, in line with the City of Official Plan Vision Statement for Cumberland Village.

“Cumberland Village will become a resilient, complete, and distinctly historic rural Village. Key community destinations and neighbourhoods will be strongly connected by scenic paths and a small but vibrant mixed-use core will be supported by residents and the surrounding rural community. The unique combination of Cumberland’s historic charm, surrounding rural landscape, the Ottawa River, renowned Farmers Market and expanded heritage museum will make Cumberland Village a day trip destination for the broader region.” 1

In support of recent new businesses and to generate interest in Cumberland Village, this plan would significantly contribute to the unique historical charm of Cumberland Village and increase the depth of knowledge and scope of activities available for museumgoers, visitors and residents alike. In continuing to improve the attractiveness of the village through beautification and education we hope to attract like-minded people to invest in our community. This initiative expands upon the very successful CCA volunteer development of the Wilsondale Trails and Environmental Area. We cherish our community and wish to enhance its rural and historic charm and enhance its attractiveness.

OBJECTIVES The CCA envisions developing the Historical Cumberland Village Project through a collaborative community volunteer based team (including other interested community organizations) with a comprehensive multi-phase plan focused on the following specific objectives:

1 Ottawa.ca > City Hall > Planning and development > Official plan and master plans > Official Plan > Vision Statement Cumberland 3 HISTORICAL CUMBERLAND VILLAGE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT

Education 1. Identify and print historical photographs for village banners. 2. Develop unique banners representing the war veterans inscribed on the Cumberland cenotaph to be hung along Main Street in November. 3. Provide education and insight regarding early setters of Cumberland and notable/ historic buildings through storyboards. In collaboration with experts (Cumberland Historical Society) and knowledgeable residents document stories regarding people, places and events that would be of interest and significance to residents and visitors. 4. Develop and install Storyboards in locations throughout the village area. Design, build and install a community information board.

Beatification 1. Extend 8 village banners along Old Montreal Road towards the museum to provide more of a link with the Museum/Wilsondale Trails and the village. 2. Enhance the village core with 6 permanent self-watering flower containers with a focus on planting heritage plants. 3. Place 6 vintage benches along the Historical Cumberland Village Walking Tour Route. 4. In order to replace the many ash trees that were removed in and around the village and to enhance the beauty of the village and highlight our focus on preserving our natural surrounding we would like to plant trees along Cameron, Old Montreal Road and Dunning in the village core. 5. Encourage the resurfacing of Cameron, Sparkle and Market in the village and repair of sidewalks and brickwork along Old Montreal Road. 6. Straighten existing heritage lamp standards. 7. Create a central community bulletin board and remove all unnecessary signage in the village including on lamp poles. 8. Develop and erect 6 heritage looking way finding signposts pointing out significant features and establishments in and around the village.

Recreation 1. Develop a digital/downloadable Historical Cumberland Village Walking Tour in collaboration with the Cumberland Historical Society using storyboards. 2. Identify distances on the trail for active lifestyle benefit. 3. Install signage and promote the Cumber Tour de Land bicycle routes http://documents.ottawa.ca/sites/documents.ottawa.ca/files/bike_route_cu mberland_en.pdf

Other 1. Collaborate with interested community groups, city staff and other experts. 2. Maximize opportunities for funding through grants, special project support and fundraising. 4 HISTORICAL CUMBERLAND VILLAGE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT

3. Engage community members.

The CCA is prepared to coordinate the activities required to achieve these objectives. It is anticipated that volunteers will do much of the work. Placement of storyboards, flower containers and benches on city property will require consultation with appropriate city departments. Road and sidewalk resurfacing and repair are ongoing through our city councilor. The CCA is prepared to raise money and apply for grants to achieve our vision over 2 years. We believe that continuing to work on making Cumberland Village an attractive, pedestrian friendly place will contribute to resident wellbeing, support our businesses and attract future investment.


PHASE 1 - 2018 - 2019

Education 1. Identify 10 high quality photographs from Cumberland Historical Society archives for new village banners. Print 40 new banners for fall installation. 2. Order 14 banner holding hardware; 8 new to install east towards the museum and 6 sets to replace those damaged by snow removal. 3. Obtain photos of Cumberland War veterans; design, order install banners between Cameron and Dunning. This is in celebration of 100 years ending of WW1. 4. In collaboration with the Cumberland Historical Society, identify 8-12 homes/locations of importance/businesses of significant historical interest in the village. 5. Obtain “stories’ pertaining to the history of identified people and places. 6. Develop storyboard text for the identified places of interest. 7. Research storyboard signage and identify method of installation.

Beautification 1. Consult with the city for the placement of permanent flower boxes. Order and install 4 self-watering flower boxes, 2 large wooded similar to Cameron and OMR for corners of Cameron and 174. Fill boxes and plant with native or heritage plants where possible. 2. Order 3 commercial grade vintage style benches (See Appendix C)(http://www.classicdisplays.com/product/site- furniture/benches/sustainable-benches/classic-victorian), procure and securely install at locations identified in Appendix A. 3. Plant 5 large trees along either side of Cameron between 174 and OMR. 4. Plant 10 large trees along south side of OMR between Dunning and Barnett. 5. Design, build and install an attractive information board. This will reduce the amount of posting on poles that is unattractive.


PHASE 2 – 2019 – 2020

Education 1. In collaboration with city staff identify suitable location for 8-10 storyboards pertaining to historical places/people identified in developed texts. 2. Finalize design, locations and bilingual text for storyboards. 3. Order and install storyboard signage.

Beautification 1. Design and order 25 new summer banners with 5 different designs for the village. 2. Install 3 heritage style benches. 3. Plant 10 large trees along OMR between Barnett and Museum. 4. Plant 10 large trees along Dunning to the south end of Wilfred Murray Park

Recreation 1. Based on storyboard information develop digital / downloadable Historical Cumberland Village Walking Tour, which incorporates storyboards. Highlight other features, stories and anecdotes of village and area history. 2. Publish walking tour on CCA website. Link to CoO website. 3. Design produce and install 6 way finding posts with arrow directions to various attractions in and around Cumberland Village. Design will be in keeping with the historical nature of the village.

CONDITIONS 1. The Cumberland Community Association (CCA) appreciates that this is an ambitious project but is prepared to support much of the work for this project through volunteer effort thereby dramatically reducing costs. 2. The CCA recognizes that fund raising may be required to fully actualize the objectives and vision for the Historical Cumberland Village Project. 3. The Project Development Committee will seek out and rely heavily on the insight, expertise and recommendations of a number of experts. 4. To actualize this vision the CCA would need to establish an operating agreement encompassing the scope of the project with the City of Ottawa.



Historical Cumberland Village Enhancement Project Budget PHASE 1: 2018-2019 ITEM NO. COST TOTAL NOTES Education Winter banner replacement with historical theme 25 55 1375 Banner hardware (replacement of damaged) 14 30 420 Veteran Banners 11 130 1430 Beautification Self watering flower boxes 4 250 1000 Wooden Flower boxes 2 250 500 Benches are on sale until Mar 31. Then price increases $100 Classic Victorian Bench 3 870 2610 each. Bench installation 3 150 450 We are hopeful we can piggy back on projects where the city is already planting trees to Trees 15 250 3750 reduce the per tree costs. Information Board 1 1500 1500 TOTAL 13035 PHASE 1: 2019-2020 Education Design, create and install storyboards 10 750 7500 Beautification Design summer replacement banners 25 55 1375 The benches will be on sale again between January and Classic Victorian Bench 3 950 2850 March 2019. We are hopeful we can piggy back on projects where the city is already planting trees to Trees 20 250 5000 reduce the per tree costs. Recreation Focus will be to have this information available online and Develop and produce Historical downloadable. May produce a Cumberland Village Walking Tour support brochure to advertize the materials. 1 500 500 Walking Tour. Hope to generate some funding for this from businesses who Way finding posts 6 500 3000 would like to be listed. TOTAL 20225

18-03-13 1


APPENDICES A. Map of Cumberland Village B. Banner examples C. Bench Details D. Organization, Project Lead & Organizational Agreement E. AGM Minutes F. Audited Financial Report 2017 AGM G. Business Incorporation


A. Map of Cumberland Village


B. Veteran Banner Sample

CUMBERLAND WAR VETERANS BIRTH DEATH AGE FORCE UNIT DIVISION FAMILY 1914-1918 WWI Princess Patricia's Canadian Linght Infantry (Eastern Son of Josephine McKenzie of McKenzie Charles Henry 1886-12-22 16-09-27 29 Private Army Regiment) O'Leary, Prince Edward Island. Canadian Infantry (Eastern 38th McKenzie John Arthur 1893-05-15 16-11-18 23 Private Army Ontario Regiment) Battalion Lance Canadian Infantry (Eastern 2nd Son of Dorothy Allan of Allan Creswell John 1891-09-01 17-05-04 25 Corporal Army Ontario Regiment) Battalion Cumberland, Ontario

Taylor Robert Leslie 24

Canadian Infantry (Quebec 77th & 73rd Brother of Mina J. McLaren, of McLaren Peter James 1882-02-20 17-06-09 35 Private Army Regiment) Battalions Cumberland, Ontario. Canadian Infantry (Eastern 38th Son of James and Harriet Sprat of Spratt William James 1889-03-12 16-11-18 27 Private Army Ontario Regiment) Battalion Cumberland, Ontario Foye Thomas 1939-1945 WWII Son of Robert John and Mary Matilda Graham, of Cumberland, Ontario. Husband of Gladys T. Graham Edgar 46-08-04 26 Corporal Air Force RCAF Graham, of Gananoque, Ontario Son of Robert James Kennedy and Robena Eva Kennedy, of Flying 434 Cumberland, Ontario. Brother of Kennedy Carleton Gladstone 44-08-30 21 Officer Air Force RCAF Squadron Robert, Irving, Laurie and Joyce Warrant Officer 408 Son of William Herbert and Irene Lough William Herbert 43-02-07 20 Class !! Air Force RCAF Squadron Grace Lough, of Ottawa, Ontario 1950-1953 Korea Princess Patricia's Canadian Linght Infantry (Eastern Son of William Morrison and Arnott Robert Victor 32-08-18 51-10-23 19 Private Army Ontario Regiment) R.C.I.C Florence Arnott


C. Bench Details

The Classic Victorian is a very durable bench and has been produced to a long lasting, commercial grade product. The Classic Victorian features cast aluminum ends, a zinc plated, powder coated steel harness and 100% recycled plastic lumber boards. These boards are not only environmentally superior, they are also virtually maintenance free. No sanding, staining or painting will ever be required and as the colour goes all the way through the boards as opposed to a surface treatment, scratches, blemishes and vandalism will be far less noticeable than traditional wooden or steel products. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these benches or if there is anything further I can do to assist you at this time. Please keep in mind that all of our bike racks, planters, picnic tables, waste/recycling containers and Christmas displays are also on sale at this time.

Classic Victorian Bench $965.00 list $868.50 sale












D. Organization, Project Lead & Organizational Agreement

Organization Name: Cumberland Community Association Organization Contact: Anda Bruinsma [email protected] 613-805-5136

The undersigned certifies that all information provided to the City of Ottawa in support of this request for funding is true and complete, and undertakes to provide any further information that may be required for City of Ottawa to render a decision, in a timely manner. The undersigned also herewith provides consent for the City of Ottawa to make sufficient credit and other enquiries that may be necessary in the evaluation of this request for funding.


Russ Thomas______Co-President

Barry Turner______Co-President






In attendance

Executive Anda Bruinsma Co-President Russ Thomas Co-President Chris Thomas Treasurer Eva Lyons Secretary

Board Brent Chisholm Ice Rink Chair Rebecca Dufton City Issues Chair Lyle Fair Trails Committee Chair Bobbie Walker Social Committee Chair Anne Hawley Clive Horne Donna Nuttall Euan Swan Barry Turner

Members 44 Cumberland residents

Also in Attendance Councillor, Cumberland Ward Philip Berthiaume Councillor Blais’ Office Josee Vallée City of Ottawa Randy Dempsey City of Ottawa

Regrets Francie Somers Beautification Chair

1. Welcome / Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Cumberland Community Association (CCA) Co- President Russ Thomas at 7:05 p.m. Russ welcomed the guests and residents and made introductions. He also thanked the City of Ottawa for joining the CCA and holding their Public Consultation on the proposed Bike Pathway from Cumberland to Orleans.

2. Approval of the Agenda A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Barry Turner, seconded by Bobbie Walker. Adopted.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting The Minutes of the May 2016 AGM were approved by the executive committee in June 2016. Reference copies were available at the sign-in table and are also posted on the CCA website. 14 HISTORICAL CUMBERLAND VILLAGE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT

4. Co- President’s Report Russ Thomas stated that the CCA has had a very successful year thanks to the ongoing commitment of its committees and residents. The House Tour was again very successful and despite lower than anticipated attendance at the Beach Party Dance, some profit was generated. Most of the CCA’s raised monies go back into community activities.

CCA committees attempt to develop activities of interest to all, often partnering with other organizations. Currently the CCA is co-operating with other groups such as the Cumberland Museum and supporting the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community with their 150th Canada Day celebrations.

Anda Bruinsma thanked members of the Board of Director’s and the community for contributing to and participating in activities.

5. Committee Reports a) Communications: Anda Bruinsma, Chair Anda Bruinsma stated that the Lamplighter is a valuable communication vehicle. It is published three times per year. Much of the $2,700 annual cost is due to Canada Post fees. By using a new printer and through the use of one page of advertising, that $2,700 cost has been reduced by $400 this year. If another page of ads is put in next season the printing costs can be virtually eliminated, resulting in just incurring Canada Post fees. Through feedback it is apparent that residents enjoy receiving a paper copy of the newsletter.

Thank you to Anne-Marie Dépault for the Lamplighter translations, to Eva Lyons for looking after the printing and distribution and to Cameron Taylor who took over the huge task of compiling the January 2017 Lamplighter in Anda’s absence.

All CCA meeting Agenda’s and Minutes are posted on the CCA website: www.cumberlandvillage.ca Residents can post their events on the website calendar as well as the news feed. There is also a substantial listing of local businesses plus information on City of Ottawa news.

Also thank you to Craig Clark and Carla Ala-Kantti for their tremendous website support.

Anda works very hard to communicate with residents and welcomes feedback to the website, twitter and Facebook postings.

There are 644 likes on CCA’s Facebook page. The CCA is looking for a volunteer to handle Twitter – currently the CCA has 1,000 followers. b) Social: Bobbie Walker, Chair Bobbie recapped the social events of the past year: - October: Halloween Pub Night - November: Home and Village Tour - December: Christmas Tree Carolling - February: Beach Party Dance / Silent Auction - June: Community Garage Sale

Following the House Tour $1,000 was donated to the Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre. Thank you to the Canci’s for allowing the CCA to display their Holiday Table in the front window of the old convenience store. Jeannie Smith led the Christmas singsong, hot beverages were enjoyed and thank you to the Black Walnut Bakery for the delicious cookies.

The Social Committee is planning a Car Rally/ BBQ later this Fall. Suggestions for social events are always welcome! 15 HISTORICAL CUMBERLAND VILLAGE ENHANCEMENT PROJECT

c) Beautification: Clive Horne for Francie Somers, Chair Clive Horne reported that the large planters at the corner of Old Montreal Road and Cameron were filled with flowers from Laporte’s Nursery. The flowerbeds at the R.J. Kennedy Community

Centre are now featuring beautiful Canada 150 tulips. The village planters will be filled within the next few days and weeding is ongoing. Planters and flowerbeds are difficult to maintain waterwise and any help with their watering or weeding would be greatly appreciated.

With Canada Day approaching, Anda Bruinsma thanked Lyle Fair for his initiative in hanging Canadian flags throughout the village, in addition to the seasonal banner changes that he does. d) Ice Rink: Brent Chisholm Brent Chisholm explained that it was a challenging year due to the weather, but the rink was very well used and attendance was good. Brent thanked the five high school volunteers who gave over 90 hours of their time to keep the rink open from January to mid-February. e) Trails: Lyle Fair Lyle displayed the map of trails. Lyle stated that the wet weather this spring has resulted in ravine sinkholes and landslides, but the clay should stabilize itself shortly. Lyle is still waiting for the large trailhead sign and hopes it will be installed by July 1st at the latest. Over the summer gravel will need to be spread in certain muddy areas.

Russ Thomas mentioned that the trails are well used throughout the winter as well. Anda Bruinsma thanked Lyle and his helpers and has received great feedback from those enjoying the trails. f) City Issues: Rebecca Dufton Rebecca Dufton worked closely with the City on a number of issues this year. The CCA was active on the gas bar proposal but unfortunately Mr. Aggarwal has passed away and the land is now up for sale.

Another topic of concern was the stormwater fee structure. Rural residents had many concerns and the CCA feels that the City listened and took those concerns into consideration.

The CCA is happy with the new businesses coming into the area.

6. Treasurer’s Report, Chris Thomas The CCA Treasurer’s Report, circulated with the meeting agenda, summarized the activities since the last AGM (April 30, 2016) to this year ending April 30, 2017. The current bank balance is $16,270.45. The financial statement is attached as Appendix 1.

Chris thanked Barry Turner and Roger Lyons for auditing the financials.

A motion was made by Clive Horne to accept the financial statements as presented, seconded by Anne Hawley. Adopted.

7. Elections for the 2017 / 2018 Board Nomination of Executive Board Members

Anda Bruinsma stated that she will not be returning as co-president this year but has agreed to continue as the Communications Director.

Co-President’s In the absence of any nominations from the floor, Russ Thomas will continue as Co-President. By acclamation. Adopted.


In the absence of any nominations from the floor, Barry Turner (Director) agreed to join Russ Thomas as Co-President. Anda Bruinsma moved that Barry Turner serve as Co-President. Seconded by Roger Lyons. By acclamation. Adopted.

Treasurer In the absence of any nominations from the floor, Chris Thomas will continue as Treasurer. By acclamation. Adopted.

Secretary In the absence of any nominations from the floor, Eva Lyons will continue as Secretary. By acclamation. Adopted.

Therefore the 2017/2018 CCA Executive is:

Russ Thomas Co- President Barry Turner Co- President Chris Thomas Treasurer Eva Lyons Secretary

Nomination of Board Director’s The following Board members will return as Director’s with portfolios to be assigned later: Anda Bruinsma; Lyle Fair; Anne Hawley; Clive Horne; Donna Nuttall; Francie Somers; Euan Swan; and Bobbie Walker. By acclamation. Adopted.

Following a call for nominations from the floor, Debra Wyatt stepped forward to join the Board. By acclamation. Adopted.

8. Councillor Blais’ Report: Councillor Blais presented an overview of the upcoming road resurfacing projects: Hwy 174 from Cameron to Canaan; Dunning Rd from Russell Rd to Russland; and Quigley Hill Rd from Hwy 174 to Old Montreal Rd. The big bridge on Sarsfield Rd will be replaced. Area culvert replacement will be ongoing and residents are asked to check the City of Ottawa website for more specific timeframes.

Ottawa 2017 events are happening all year long. Please check the City website http://ottawa.ca/en/visitors/ottawa-2017 for details. Highlights include: - Ottawa Welcomes the World - This series of world-class cultural events will promote and strengthen ties between nations on the occasion of Canada’s 150 anniversary. - Agri 150 - Awaken your senses and indulge in the pure beauty of rural Ottawa with Agri 150, a new Ottawa 2017 program stewarded by Just Food. More than 20 unique one-day outdoor events will take place over the course of the year in the following communities: West Carleton-March; Stittsville; Cumberland; Osgoode; and Rideau Goulbourn. - La Machine - La Machine will captivate audiences with its ambulatory urban theatre on the streets of downtown Ottawa from July 26 to 30, 2017. The production company, based in Nantes, France, is world-renowned for its extraordinary, large-scale machines. It takes 14 people to move the 4 story high robots. - Ze Kitchen Restaurant will host an upscale waterfront dinner.

9. Councillor Blais - Proposed Bicycle Route from Cumberland to Trim Road: Councillor Blais outlined the proposed cycling connection from the Village of Cumberland to the link at the Taggart trails in Orleans and gave a brief history as to how and why that routing was chosen. He encouraged residents to view the boards displayed at the back of the Hall and to ask City staff any questions they might have. A comment box was also available for written feedback.


10. Question and Answer

Together with audience questions, other issues that were brought up and discussed were: resurfacing of Wilhaven Road; speeding and unsafe conditions on Wilhaven; partial paving of only some shoulders on Dunning; noise and house shaking truck traffic on Old Montreal Rd during the repaving of Hwy 174 east of Cameron; why rumble strips are planned on bike paths; the need for speed display boards on Old Montreal Rd and needed repaving/sidewalk restoration on Cameron, especially for wheelchairs from the seniors home.

A resident asked if the Cumberland Ferry has an arrangement with the City of Ottawa regarding its operation. Traffic is extremely congested and backed up along Hwy 174 particularly at Friday evening rush hour. Councillor Blais said that he did not know and would look into it.

Barry Turner asked about the cost of fixing the road to Petrie Island. The causeway is washed out. Councillor Blais stated that in addition to the causeway the beach is in poor condition, leaving planned activities there in jeopardy.

Lyle Fair asked about any feedback concerning the effectiveness of control measures taken during the recent flood. Councillor Blais stated that the City is just ramping down from its relief efforts in the west end of the City and that a post mortem will follow. Lyle asked that a post mortem of this area be done with ways on how to improve emergency response for future flooding. Many questions need to be scrutinized – for example, where was City equipment during the sandbagging efforts? Why was there no instruction as to proper sandbagging techniques? Why was the City so late in responding when the flooding was fully predictable?

The CCA would like to be advised of any post mortem reports.

Barry Turner praised the efforts of Philip Berthiaume who stood out as an outstanding City employee in working so tirelessly to help the victims.

11. Adjournment

Anda Bruinsma thanked the audience for attending and reiterated that comments are always welcome. Board meetings are also open to all – held monthly from September to June on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 pm at Maple Hall.

The AGM was adjourned at 8:30 p.m., moved by Russ Thomas, seconded by Gillian Swan. Approve


F. Treasurers Report ending April 30, 2017

Bank Balance May 1, 2016 $ 14,536.48

Receipts CFM breakfast $ 1,195.30 Pub night $ 1,560.00 Christmas tour $ 5,707.80 Christmas tour sponsors $ 2,070.00 Winterfest Dinner $ 450.00 Silent Auction $ 1,196.00 Outdoor Ice Rink $ 4,620.00 Total Receipts $ 16,799.10

Disbursements Social Committee $ (42.05) CFM breakfast $ (382.04) Pub night $ (1,664.79) Christmas tour $ (1,933.12) Silent Auction $ (3.02) Winterfest Dinner $ (704.25) Trails $ (368.36) Outdoor Ice Rink $ (4,120.88) City Liaison $ (30.00) Lamplighter $ (1,028.36) Beautification $ (1,251.59) Operating Expenses $ (916.68) Bank Charges $ (70.76) AGM - 2016 $ (104.63) Donations $ (2,500.00) Total Disbursements $ (15,120.53)

Net Profit 2016-2017 $ 1,678.57 Equity Bank Balance as of April 30, 2017 $ 16,215.05 Petty Cash $ 55.40 Total Equity as of April 30, 2017 $ 16,270.45 Chris Thomas, Treasurer Audited and found to be correct Original signed by: Barry Turner & Roger Lyons, Auditing Committee

G. Statement of Incorporation