2018 City of Ottawa Muncipal Candidates For the period ending July 17 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Deadline to register as a candidate is 0 Friday, July 27, 2018, at 2 pm. Mayor Councillors 2018 List of Ottawa Municipal Candidates and Debates The following pages contain an up-to-date listing of: ▪ all candidates registered to run in the 2018 Ottawa Municipal elections for the position of Mayor or Councillor. ▪ Contact information for each declared candidate ▪ Background information on candidate’s performance in past municipal elections ▪ Information on upcoming all candidate meetings This information is maintained on a weekly basis courtesy of www.RelationshipCenteredModel.com If any errors or omissions are identified, please contact Dale Harley at 613-882-5684 or
[email protected] 2018-07-17 | Candidates for Mayor 1 Candidates for Mayor Name Telephone Email Other Contact Info. Notes Incumbent Jim Watson (613) 580-2496
[email protected] Won in 2014 with 76% and 2010 with 49% Declared www.hamidalakozai.com Hamid Alakozai 613-262-6011
[email protected] Twitter: @alakozai88 Bernard Ran in 2014 with .051% (613) 277-9310
[email protected] @H2OBoyGlobal Couchman Ryan Lythall
[email protected] bellscorners.wordpress.com/why-im- Craig MacAulay 613-518-2107
[email protected] running-for-mayor Michael Pastien 613-799-9110
[email protected] linkedin.com/michaelpastien Moises 613-558-6447
[email protected] facebook.com/moisesbox Schachtler www.jimwatson.ca www.facebook.com/jimwatsonottawa Jim Watson 613-693-0142
[email protected] https://twitter.com/jimwatsonottawa www.instagram.com/jimwatsonottawa/ Date/Time Location Sponsor 2018-07-17 | Candidates for Mayor 2 Candidates for Council Ward 1 - Orleans Name Telephone Email Other Contact Info.