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VOL. VI.—No. 5 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1941 PRICE THREE GENTS LIONS' CLUB FIRE TRUCK RARITAN TO FIGHT BAN ACTIVITIES CHASERS HITTOWN ACTS TO SET UP ON WOODBRIDGE HIGHWIN PRAISE BY SWALESHOME DEFENSE FORCES B. Of E. Plan To Send 100 Sports Program To Follow Parade Civic Program Is Lauded Chief Launches Attack On Termites Gnawing Up Fords Home; 120 Men Over 30 To Be In- Pupils There This Year By District Governor Motorists Who Try To ducted As Volunteer Win Race To Blaze Target Of Lowery Memorial Day Services In Raritan At Session Tuesday Township Sought As Exterminator Auxiliary Police Annual May 30 Activities To Take Place On Commons ORDERS MEN TO TAKE Michael Elko Claims Avaricious Bugs Have Habitat DECLARES FACILITIES In Piscatawaytown; Dancing Also To Be Featured BOWLING TEAM GIVEN OFFENDERS' NUMBERS In Nearby Swamp Which Bailey Promised To Fill MAYOR ISSUES ORDERS ARE NOT SUFFICIENT PISCATAWAYTOWN—Tentative arrangements for COUNTY LOOP TROPHY WOODBRIDGE—In case the Township Committee IN LINE WITH N. J, LA! a program of activitiea on Memorial Day, including the an- Perth Amboy Driver First didn't have enough to worry about in regard to com- County Superintendent De- nual parade and memorial services, were announced yes- Plans Launched For Hold- To Feel Sting Of Drive; plaints about road conditions it has a new type of com- Need Of Keeping High- terday by the special committee of Raritan Engine Com- plaint to contend with in Fords. clares Two-Session Sys- pany No. 1, sponsor of the affair. ing Annual Ladies' Night Fined $25 And Costs Now its termites—commonly referred to in this part ways, Bridges Open Cit- tem Intolerable ' According to plans, the program will again include In Near Future PISCATAWAYTOWN — Fire of the country as swamp ants. ed; Co-Operation Asked a parade and memorial services in Chief Thomas Swales, Jr., of Rari- Michael Elko, the complainant the morning, games and sports for tan Engine Company No. 1 .this in the case, appeared at Township WOODBRIDGE—Acting under KAKITAN TOWNSHIP — The children and adults at the Piscat- FORDS—Members of the Fords week issued a warning to motor- meeting Monday night and in- the newly enacted law signeH by action of Dr. M. L. Lowery, county EPIDEMIC HALTED, awaytown Commons in the after- Lions Club were highly commend- ists who make a practice of fol- formed the committee that the SHOW TO BE GIVEN Governor Charles Edison on April 14, last, Mayor August F. Groiner siipennU'fident of .schools, to in- noon and free dancing and a so- ed this week for their efforts to lowing the local fire trucks or try termites are literally eating his to beat them to fires. is taking immediate steps to organ- tercept Karitan Township ninth BOARD JS_ADYEED cial evening at the fire-house to aid the blind, sponsoring of local home away. The house in ques- BY SCHOOL PATROL ize a local defense council and to students from being -sent to conclude the holiday celebration. civic improvements, assisting Boy Chief Swales instructed fire tion is located at Grant and Ford have all units in working order by uiKe High School will be Invitations to participate in the Scout troops, tendering Christmas marshals and other -officers of the Avenues and approximately 200 25 Children, Professional the end of June. contested by the Raritan Township Larson Says Total Number parade arc being sent out to all parties to needy children and oth- company to take the numbers of feet away there is a swamp which any cars following the trucks, at- The local council consists of tho Board of Education, John J. An- Of Measles Cases Drops civic, fraternal, service and pa- er worthy projects. is infested with the "swamp ants," Entertainers, To Be In- mayor, members of the Township derson, secretary and member of triotic organizations of the town- Lauding of the group occurred tempting to pass or in other ways Elko said. cluded On Program Committee, Township Attorney that board, stated yesterday. From 131 to 20 ship, and all school children, safe- at Tuesday night's meeting in interfering with passage of the "Before I built my home, I vis- Leon E. McEIroy and Chief of Po- Dr. Lowery's entrance into the fire trucks or endangering them. RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Health ty patrols, safety squads, fire Thomson's community hall here, ited Health Officer Bailey's office," PISCATAWAYTOWN — The lice George E. Keating. Mayor matter resulted from an announce- when three important Lion person- Violators will be summoned to po- the Fords man explained, "and I Greiner will serve as chairman. 1 Inspector Arthur W. Larson in- companies, police department and lice court and severely penalized. annual benefit show of the Pis- ment, appearing in this newspaper, township officials. ages attended the session. Dis- was told that he would see to it Police Commissioner Herbert B. catawaytown School Safety Patrol disclosing Raritan Township's plan formed the Township Board of The line of march will be along trict Governor Guy Benzinger of James Cser, 348 Thomas Street, that the swamp would be filled Raukin, vice chairman and Mr. Mc- to send 'about 100 sophomore tui- Health Tuesday night that the Woodbridge Avenue from Maple Princeton, Director Adrian Van Perth Amboy, was fined $25 and in at once. But nothing has been will be presented tonight in the Elroy will .be the secretary and co- tion students to Woodbridgc next epidemic in the township has dwin- Avenue to Meadow Road. Definite Ravensteine of Cranbury and De- costs by Recorder Alfred C. Urffer done. Thousands of termites have school auditorium at 8:15 o'clock. ordinator. school term. this week on charges brought by gone to work on my house and I dled from 131 cases reported dur- arrangements, however, have not puty District Governor Arthur The cast will include about 25 At the beginning of next week The county superintendent of Smith of Jamesburg all praised Fire Marshal John Bernat. have had to tear down my porch children and other featured enter- notices will be sent to the fire com- schools visited at a meeting of the ing the month to a mere twenty yet been completed. the Fords unit for the splendid in- Bernat charged that Cser trav- and build a new one. When the tainers. missioners and fire chiefs of each Woortbrirttfe school board Monday us of April 22. Because of added interest in pa- terestdis played in their work. water recedes a bit you can see district instructing them to attend elled in front of one of the en- One of the principal attractions night for the sole purpose of in- The epidemic definitely is on triotic celebrations, the parade is gines, driven by William Fisher, millions of the tennites on the a meeting at which the duties of forming members of the local expected to be one of the Jargest Anton J. Lund, captain of the ground. In addition the swamp is will be a program of magic pre- the firemen, in case -of disaster, wilt the wane, Larson's report shows, ewer held in the township. club's bowling team, presented the a "paid member of the company, sented by Harry Swivel, of New board of his objection against the and all that remains are a case from Dunham's Hill to the Raritan becoming a breeding place for rats be outlined. All fire departments movement. organization with the Class B tro- Brunswick. Known as The Great will be expected to undergo certain of mumps, twelve, eases of Ger- Fire Chief Thomas Swales, Jr., Arsenal main gate on Woodbridge and snakes." Lays Down Rule is serving as general chairman, as- phy which the bowling team won Mayor August F. Greiner told Swivel, the New Brunswick man drills required toy the defense coun- man measles, four scarlet fever in the Middlesex County Lions Avenue, a distance of about a mile is well known for his feats of Dr. Lowery told the Wood bridge sisted by Joseph Costa, Ezra and a half, refusing to allow the the complainant that immediate cil and each man will foe instructed cases, two chicken pox cases and Grant, Elden Rush, Edward Mon- Bowling League. R. L. Predmore, magic. as to hia duties in case the occasion board that "Itarit:m Township can president, was awarded a prize in apparatus to pass and cutting off steps would be taken to| determine not divert students from one high a case of old-fashioned measles. aghan, William Fcrcho, John Ber- the truck. the owner of the land in question Officer Edwin Mineu, director should arise. school to another without the per- From March 2G to April 22, the nat, Albert Fredericks, Joseph recognition of the improved score and action taken at once to elimi- of school safety patrols in the To Augment Police mission of the state school com- he recorded during the current Al«o Geta Reprimand following cases were investigated: Ambrosio, Harold Drake, Oscar Cser was, severely reprimanded nate the nuisance. Township, is general chairman, as- In the meantime, an auxiliary missioner." " • ' German measles, 9J); mumps, I); Pillar, George Graff, Walter Rush season in comparison with that of sisted by William Land, school the previous year. by Recorder Urffer. The court police force is to be organized un- "I am strongly opposed to the chicken pox, 5; scarlet fever, 6; and James Monaghan. pointed out that seven firemen principal, and William Schneider, der the direction of Chief Keating. present way (split-session) of whooping cough, 1; old-fashioned 'Ladies' Night' Planned phief. of the patrol. Should a tragedy occur in another Tentative plans were made for were riding on the truck, all ex- TOWNSHIP TAVERN community in the state and a re- school operations at Woodbridjre measles, 3 (two of which were at posed to great danger in case of Other committees include Dor- High School," Dr. Lowery said. Raritan Arsenal) ; hygiene cases, a "Ladies' Night" program to be quest is made for local police aid, held in the very near future, an accident, and stated that he was othey Hughes, LaVerne Bertram, "This setup should not be tolerated 2; persons bitten by dogs, 3; nui- STATE INSPECTOR LICENSEjtEVOKED Florence Keene, Ruth Ellmyer members of the regular force will any longer. It's not a high school A large attendance featured the being lenient only because it was •be sent to the scene for it is there sance case, 1; nuisance case con- the Amboy man's first offense. and Marie Jackovino, refresh- when the school is divided into two tinued 2, and miscellaneous cases, second in a series of affairs, being that trained men will be aeoded. parts. Something must be done at SPEAKEIUN FORDS Chief Swales further warned 'Hideaway' Loses Permit mentss and Carol Pfeiffer and The auxiliary force Will thifl. step 2. sponsored to raise funds to erect Frank Zippo, stage. once to change to single-session a memorial to the late T. Wesley motorists parking too close to a In Order Signed Tues- in and take over the duties of the full-time operations." Motor Vehicle Department Liddle at the Boy Scout camp on fire, pointing out that the trucks Proceeds will be used for the regular force in the TowttsHfr. Continuing hia remarks, Dr. the Delaware River. The function were unable to get to a hydrant day By Garrett annual bus outing of the patrol in Chief Keating has estimated that Lowery charged the Wood bridge Attache Addresses PTA was held at Thomson's. Music was at a house fire on Lincoln Highway June. he will need 120 men whom he will FORDS POSTOFFICE last week because of cars parked RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The board with "forcing boys and girls On 'Father^ Night' provided by the Gunst-Pedersen- plenary retail consumption liquor familiarize with police work. Town- into school for four hours; a day. I trio. Dancing and refreshments too close to the hydrant. ship residents, living here three FORDS — Inspector Richard license recently issued by the am opposed to taking students in TO SELL US BONDS (Continued on Page 3) Board -of Commissioners to "The years, who are citizens, over 30 (Continued on Page 3) Stern, of the State Motor Vehicle Husband Gone Three Years, AMBULANCE DRIVE years of age and who are inter- Securities To Finance De- Department, was the guest speaker Hideaway" tavern, conducted by ested in volunteering their services at tile Fathers' Night meeting of WOR Again Will Broadcast Wife Begins Hunt For Him Joseph Janscn and Edward Turn- as auxiliary police officers are ask- fense Work To Be Of- the Fords Parent-Teacher Asso- er, Inman Avenue, Piscataway- TOPIC OFJEETING ed by Mayor Greiner to make ap- WOODBRIDGE — After fail- town, was revoked Tuesday by E. PROPERTIES SOLD fered Starting May 1 ciation Wednesday night in School May 30 Exercises-Provided (Continucd on Page 3) No. 14. He talked on the subject ing to hear from her husband for W. Garrett, acting commissioner Annual Fund Campaign To of safety. WOODBRIDGE—If there are three years, Mrs. Gertrude Pot- of the department of alcoholic TO SATISFY LIENS FORI>S—The United States De- "no emergencies arising from ter, formerly of Iselin, and now beverage control. Be Talked At Council fense Savings Bonds and Postal A minstrel was also presented •the war situation," Woodbridge Savings 'Stamps will be placed on of 12 De Hart Street, Morris- In his decision, Mr. Garrett Meeting On May 15 TOWlUfTsEND 22 by members of the association. Re- Township's annual Memorial town, has finally asked the local wrote: 16 Parcels Purchased From sale at the Fords post ofiice at the freshments were served by the hos- •Day celebration on May 30 will opening of business on Thursday, police, to help her locate her "On April 10, 1941, conclusions KARITAN TOWNSHIP—Pres- Town For $16,070; pitality committee in charge of be broadcast once again over ,tnissing spouse. ent and former members of the TO ARMYMAY 7TH May 1, as 'part of the national ef- Mrs. L. Mayland. Station WOR. wore entered herein granting leave Bidding Spirited fort to make America impregnable. According to Mrs. Potter, her to present to me proof, within ten Raritan Township Safety Council An inspection of class rooms This assurance was given to husband, William R. Potter, 55, days from the date of the con- will meet at the Highland Grove Six Volunteers Included •PoHtimister. Edward W. Seyle-r took place prior to the evening's Roy E- Anderson, local program WOOI)BRIDGE— With building announced yesterday that plans left theft- home on Dow Avenue, clusions, that Edward Turner had Hall, Route 25, Piscatawaytown, activities reaching new heights in program in the auditorium. chairman, when he met with Iselin, in 1938, to go West and completely severed his connection Thursday night, May 15, for the In Contingent; One Re- arc nearly completed for this com- WOR officials this week. During the Township, 2'S additional parcels munity, along with thousands of seek work. He is a carpenter with the- licensed premises and purpose of launching a drive to of property, owned by the munici- the past few years Woodbridge's and-millwright. She said she raise funds for maintaining the placement Listed others from coast to coast, to do its memorial services have been that Joseph Jansen is now the sole pality, were sold for $16,070 at a full part- at the opening of the Tieard from him a short time owner.of the business, and provid- township's two ambulances for the WOODBRIDGE—Six volunteers public sate by tUe Township Com- SPECIAL SERVICE broadcast over a nation-wide later and he gave his address as balance of the year. savings program. It is expected hook-up and the municipality ing further that unless such proof will be among the contingent of 22 mittee Monday night. Spirited 7704 Sagamore Avenue, Cleve- was presented within said time a selectees who will leave Wood- bidding marked the sales of prop- that many civic leaders will be has been introduced to the coun- land, Ohio. Since then she has A special program will be pre- among the first purchasers of sav- FOR CONFIRMATION try as "a typical American final order would be entered here- sented at the session, according to bridge on May 7, Eugene Bird, sec- erty to Lawrence Esposito for the received no word, Mrs. Potter in reversing the action of respon- retary of the local Draft Board, Real Value Development Company ings bonds and stamps here. town." stated.' an announcement by Commission- and to Kit gone Finn for Conrad Postmaster General Frank C. Group To Receive Apostol- dent Board of Commissioners in er Victor Pedersen, president of announced today. The quota will Walker, in a letter to postmasters granting the license to Joseph Jan- the council. also have a replacement for ono Krcisel. The rest of the sales "went rejection in this week's contingent. through without any opposition. throughout the country, said that ic Rite At St. Peter's sen and Edward Turner; The organization plans to place Purchases were made as follows: the help of local postmasters would Church On Sunday Fords Church Is Scene Saturday "And it appearing that the ten fifty, containers in stores, taverns, The volunteers are: Herman J. be "a real service to the country." days have expired and that no Stern, Township assessor, of 590 diners and service stations Avenel Street, Avencl; Henry K. Lawrence Esposito for Real He transmitted the thanks of Sec- FORDS—The following mem- proof has been presented to me throughout the township. Value Development Company, $2,- retary of the Treasury Morgenthau bers of St. John's Chapel Will re- Urr, 246 Old Road, Sewaren; Of Tatarka-Somers Nuptial Rites in accordance with the terms of The ambulances responded to a Charles J. Donegan, 639 Linden 3!>D (the minimum bid was $1,- for the help that local postmasters ceive the Apostolic Rite of Con- the conclusions, 800); Howard Fullerton for Wil- had already given in the sale of firmation at a service to be held FORDS—At a high nuptial mass Bridesmaid Wears Pink large number of calls in recent Avenue; Stephen L. Hruska, Jr., liam A. and Mildred M. White, "It is, on this 22nd day of months and funds are sorely need- 153 Valentine Place; Louis F. Var- United States securities, and also in St. Peter's Church, Perth Am- in Our Lady of Peace Church here, Miss Anna Bullhouer of Fords April, 1941, I?800; Stern and Dragoset for Miss Rose Delores Xatarka, daugh- ed to aid in keeping the vehicles shany, of 216 Fulton Street and Mr. Morjrenthau's thanks in ad boy, Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock: was (bridesmaid. .She wore pink "Ordered that the action of the Aaron Pinkocze, ?100; Stern and vance "for the co-operation which N. Mildred Rose Colletta, Eliza- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tatarka, of velveteen marquisette, a sweet- and equipment up-to-date and in Lester J. Tobrowsky, of School Dragoset for Frank and Anna Pelz- 26 Evergreen Avcuue, became the Board of Commissioners of the servicej it was said. Street, all of Woodbridge. he knows you will give to this new : beth Dey, Charles Moore, Gloria heart bonnet of pink tulle and car- Township of Karitan, Middlesex man; Stern and Dragoset for Anna effort." j Moore, Harding Peterson and bride of Lieut. George M.. Somers, ried blue sweet peas and yellow Others in the contingent are: Alazzaro, $300; James A. O'Con- son of 'Mr. and Mrs. James F. daisies. County, in granting a plenary re- William S. Scall, 39 Loretta Street The new Defense Savings Bond ; Warren Peterson. tail consumption license to re- nell Co., for Jim Dale Parkway is similar to the familiar "Baby I Since St. John's Young People's Sorners, of Freeman Street, Wood- The flower girl, little Joan Ta- and Edward A. Pinelli, 77 Juliette Clothes, Inc., $1,800. bridge. spondents, Joseph Jansen and Ed- FORDS MAN PUPIL Street, ITopelawn; Melvin L. Bond," of which more than five bil- j Fellowship will attend in a body, tarka, niece of the bride, wore a ward Turner, for premises on the A. Soren Nielsen for Hans and lion dollars -worth have been no regular meeting will be held at The ceremony was performed at frock of -white chiffon, floral ros- Freight, St. George Avenue; James Karen Knudsen, $2,500; Alfred D. 9:30 o'clock Saturday morning by north side of Inman avenue, Pis- F. Storey, G19 Ridgedale Avenue bought by more than two and a j the chapel. ettes in her hair and carried yel- catawaytown, Township of Rari- AT FLYING»OL Hyde for Frieda M. Rapacioli, half million Americans since 1D35. Rev. Joseph Ketter, pastor of the low roses, yellow daisies and pan- and Washington L. Smith, negro. : I The guest speaker at the last tan, be and the same is hereby re- $l 00; William B. Turner, agent, A Defense Bond may be pur- church. During the marriage, for sies. Box 291, all of Woodbridge; Ed- j meeting, Roy Fullerton, supervisor versed, effective immediately; and ward C. Wielonski, 25 Homestead $1,000; Albert M. Hagen, $500; chased May 1, or thereafter, for which the alter was banked with "John K!ug of Metuchen served George C. Rajkovich Ex- Milton W. and Agnes Hansen, ; of physical education in the Rar- Easter lilies, the church •organist it is further Avenue; Edward M. Gocze, Rem- §18.75. In ten years, this bond j itan Township public schools and as best man. Ushers were Edward pected To Complete His sen Avenue; SoIIie A. Avcry, 240 $180; Mary Ebalmg, $250; Alex- will be worth $25.00. This is an played nuptial music. Sorcnson of New Brunswick and "Ordered that all operations un- ander and Gezelia Tarcz, $125; ] president of the Fords Sporting der said license cease forthwith." Training May 31 Woodruff Avenue and Steve Kuz- increase of 33 1-3 per cent, equal , Club, discussed "Athletics as a The bride was escorted to the Raymond Somers, brother of the ma, Coddingfcon Avenue, Avenel. Emil Koyen^pr assigns, ?750; Eu- to an annual interest return of 2.9 1 Life Work". altar by her brother, Stephen Ta- bridegroom. FORDS—George C, Rajkovich, Also Leave gene Finn for Conrad Krcisel, per cent, compounded semi-annual- tarka, of Perth Amboy. She wore a The bride's mother was attired Keasbey Hall Redecorated, son of Mrs. Ella Rajkovich, of 48 $555 (minimum bid was $300); ly. Any time after sixty days from princess styled gown of white vel- lin flowered blue crepe with dark Walter J. Szewczyk, 9 Calvin, School Board Is Advised Maxwell Avenue, is among those Street, Sewaren; Angelo M. Dapo- George and Julia Gyudindak, $200. the date of purchase, the bond may Raritan's Vital Statistics [ veteen-niarquisette,made with long i blue accessoi-ies and wore a cor- flying cadets undergoing training Other Purchasers be redeemed for cash, in accord- sleeves pointed at the wrist. Her isag-e of gardenias and yellow dai- lito, 12 Second Street, Port Read- KEASBEY—School Commission- at the Air Corps Basic Flying ing; Andrew Ivan, Highland Ave- Louis and Anna Martino, $550; ance with a table of redemption For First Quarter Shown long tulle veil fell from a wreath ,sies. The bridegroom's mother wore School, Montgomery Field, Ala- Edward L. and Frances Breen, of orchids and lilies-of-the-valley. j an ice-blue dress with gold accent, er Roy E. Anderson told members nue; Anthony G. WagenhofFer, 420 values printed on the face of the of the Township Board of Educa- bama. SUOO; William Kovach or assigns, bond. RARITAX TOWNSHIP—Dur- She carried her mother's prayer dark blue accessories and a cor- Crows Mill Road, and John S. Ko- $275; Nepperhen Realty Co., $60; ing the first three months of 1941, book with camellia? and sweet peas sage of daisies. tion that the auditorium of the He is expected to be graduated vacs, Jr., 10 Crows Mill Road, all PLAN LUNCHEON twenty-three marriages, thirty-five Keasbey school was completely re- from the school about May 31. of Keasbey; Arthur Hilbert, Cor- Kai and Baleta Davr, $12a; Peter attached to the markers. Her only I A reception for the "bridal party Noth, $1,400; private sale in Avc- FORDS—A covered dish lunch- births and forty-one deaths were ornament was a golden heart lock- decorated during the Easter vaca- Before his arrval at Montgom- reja Avenue, Iselin, and Stephen , and two families was held dt the tion period. Smalley, 27 Paul Street, Fords. nel, $000. con will be hold Thursday, May S, recorded by V. B. Skov, township et and chain. Miss Julia Soos of ihome of the bride. ery Field, he was a student at the In addition to Monday night's by the Missionary Society of the registrar of vital statistics, ac- Fords was maid of honor. She wore Darr Aero Tech, Albany, Ga., In the meantime, the local draft cording to a report submitted to j Lieut, and Mi's. Somers are on a PROUD PARENTS sale, Township Clerk E. J. Dunigan Grace Lutheran Church in the par- a powder blue gown in a style and wedding trip to Washington, D. C. KEASBEY—A daughter, Joyce, where he secured sixty hours in board, which had halted the send- was authorized to advertise 15 ad- ish hall. Plans for the affair were the Townshp Commission Tuesday material similar to the bride's with Both young people are graduates the air and had his first solo on ing out of questionnaires until the night. His report also showed the si sweetheart bonnet of blue tulle •was born to Mr. and Mrs. Steven ditional parcels of property for a completed at a meeting last night of Woodbridge High School. Lieut. Orosz, Smith Street, recently. Mrs. January 23 of this year. He was doctors could catch up with the public sale at the next Township in the parish hall, King George's issuance of twenty-seven marriage and carried pink sweet peas and appointed a flying cadet on De- work, continued the practice this , licenses. Somers received his commission in Orosz, prior to her marriage, meeting on Monday night, May 5. Road. blue forget-me-nots. theJJ. S. Army last January. Miss Julia Baton of Pertn Ambo ceniber 28, ""940. (Continued on Page 3) w PAGE FRIDAY > APfclt 25: 19.41 FORDS AND RARITAM tOT/NSHlP BEACON Fondo Is Floored s ched d AUXILIARY PLANS MURK-KIZUKiEWICZ SOCIAL RECEIPTS TOi*™ By Teacher$^ °!< f f \ Obituaries Am UrATIWr Emm Assoaatwn RITES SOLEMNIZED AID HEATING FUND PISCATAWAYTOWN — The D. A. Sanders 10 FETE MEMBERS ISSLIN—D. A. Sanders, iifi, hus- Raritar; Township Teachers' • i- -u , „„,„,„„„ band.1 of Lillian Sperr Sanders, of ciation will sponsor a i-ammage TJ.II r- 1^- i V i Bifiudtys Of Two To Be Fords €irl Becomes Bride I Baptist Chapel Party Is i Berkley Court, this place, died Of Keyport Man In Lu- I HHeld Friday; Novel sale Saturday. May 3, in the Bap- Wednesday night at the Medical Celebrated At Party tist Church chapel, Woodbridge Center, Jersey City. Funeial ser- In Clara Barton theran Ceremony Program Presented Avenue. vices will be held tomorrow after- Proceeds will be used to help noon at the Greiner Funeral Home, V CI.AIIA BARTON—At a meet- FORDS—The marriage of Miss PISCATA\VAYTOWN — The establish a Middlesex County den- 44 Green Street, Woodbridge. Cre- Doiothy Murk of this place to stunt program conducted by ing of tin? Lsulies' Auxiliary to tal clinic. Miss, Hazel Dalton is in mation win take place at the Rose Louis Kizukk-wicz of Keyport was members of the Baptist Chapel charye of arrangements. Hill Crematory, Linden. Llarihir: Kiifdnt Company XA '1 announced this week. The cere- Friday night was a huge success Tuesday irijrht in the Amlioy Ave- mony was performed at Our Re- and well attended. Proceeds will nue ftrehouse, plans wefe launched deemer Evangelical Lutheran go toward the heating fund. for futurt1 activities of the frroup. Church here by the pastor, Rev. The program consisted of four Tin- birthdays, of Mrs. Michael A. L. KreyhiDfr.'April 12. parts: "The Cherry Blossom Spe- Iiu<:hok and Mis. John Kalman After the ceremo.ny, a recep- cial Bus," "And the Light Went will hu observed at the May 1 '•'> tion was held at the home of Mr. Out." "Mrs. Jones' Boarding! House" and "Father's Night at the' .•.ossrion. MRS. EDWARD MURROW, and Mrs. William Wallers, Ford Avenue. . P. T. A." Taking part were How-, "Mi.-s Mildred Saimtich, Jj I,incoQii If.ondon, representative, who di- FUR ard Furbeck, Raymond Harrison, •Street, leci'ivi'd tin* auxiliary rect* relief activities of Bundles Guests present included: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kizukiewicz Fred Mayer, Jr., LeRoy Hellmann, j iward at the: meeting. Mrs. John for Britain in the bomb-torn Lako, pri'sidt-nl*, presided. and daughter, Cecelia, of Cliff- George Reed, Clifford Giddes, capital of England, is shown in wood; Mrs. Fred Mundy. and Herman Frey, Kenneth Stout, Mrs. Appointed to serve refj-fsh- her automobile; while on a tour daughter Cynthia, of South Am- Russell Harrison, Mrs. Anna Fvey. STORAGE • til the Miiy I'I meeting were .of wrecked hospitals, nineteen hoy; Mrs. George Solo-neck, of Barbara Stanwyck's aggressive ardour seems to have put Henry Mrs. Frank Danford, Mrs. F. H. L . Mifhat-I Buchok, Miss Helen of which Bundles for Britain Buc-hok, Mrs.- Emery Demcsak, Keyport; Mr. and Mrs. John Murk T"onda in a temporarily uncomfortable situation. The scene is Meyer. Mrs. Joseph Brtindage. recently "adopted." A total of from the new laugh hit, "The Lady Eve" opening Sunday at the Mrs. Wilbur Kliinehard and Miss and sons, Kenneth' and John, of $110,500 has been cabled to Rahway Theatre. Others Taking Part Mary Sovar. •• . Metuehen; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kath Repairing and Remodeling these instilutions to replace lost and son, Arnold, and Otto Murk, of Mrs. E. M. Voorhees. Mrs. Ken- KENNY DITTEN equipment and maintain vital Lafayette. School Patrol To Benefit SPECIAL MEETING CALLED neth Stout, Misses Lotte Smith, —W. J. Kenney, of service in the care of war cat- ISELIX—A sperial meet inc.- of Leona Skidmore, Ruth Davis, Ann Other Guests 76 W. Cherry -Street. Rsihway., was ualtici. Mrs. Murrow is the From Movie Show, May 1the Holy Name Society of St. Ce-and Elizabeth Stout, Ruth Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stanton bitten.' oh the night thigh by a (LI>K wife of the London commenta- celia's Church will be held -Wec!- Rut!) Shipman, Mary Lou Mount. and children, Florence, Margaret owned by Roceo I'arseTla, of West tor of the Columbia Broadcast- WOODBRIDGE—The annual | nesday night at tijrM o'clock in Eileen Danford. Mclva Barlow. and Russell, Jr., of South Amboy; ing Sy*tem. I the church. All members arc ui-£ed The Rev. Robert Seely played OODBRIDGE FUR HOP In man Avenue, Monday. benefit movie show sponsored by W S Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stuhl of Ise- . to -be -present in order to obtain his musical saw, Miss Grace and the Junior Police Patrol of lin; Mr. and Mrs. William Walters, t invitations for the communion Remson Kentos their guitars and 522 Amboy Ave. Tel. Wood. 8-0770 Contributed to Civil War Woodbridge Township will be and children, Ann, Beriiice, Ger- i breakfast to.be held on Mother's Warren Balentjne of the New The cotton gin is said to have been held ntxt Thu*sd:iy nifrht, May en trude, Jear.ettc and William. Jr. Day, May-11. Brunswick Y. M. C. A. conducted a contributing cause of the Civil l/at the State Theatre. The M-M-M-M! war. singing. feature pictures will be Tommy Per capita tax in 1940 put at The magic aroma of choice Three Contracts Awarded Dorsey and hirf orchestra in $109, agafnst ?(3G in- COLOMBIAN coffees in Fords Playhouse Dix in "Cherokee Strip." Tick- this new, RICH blend. Tel. PA 4-0348 Fords, N. J. WUODBHIDGE -— Three con- ets may be purchased from any -si v - JIOV - TI i;s . tracts for janitors' supplies, lamps Junior Police metirbt'i' or from ••\ iltUM V Captain Benjamin Parsons wlio w I Mi 1lmli-Ii-iii<- *lir in II mill and fuses, and 'brooms were award- has .charge of the patrol. f-'rcil illicit urrii.i ed to low bidders at a meeting of - \IM> - FLAGSTAFF the Board of Education Monday Proceeds of the affair will be 'ltd-; <;HI;AT I'),\M-: IIKBHKIIV used to finance the annual pic- HIGHEST QUALITY \VKI>. -' THI us. nic which is the o»ly reward the Tin- UtliVli l-'n nifty hi Main H'arcfw'avc Company of "I-II-MO « ITII m:\ K * •• Wood bridge, submitted the low bid youngsters get for doing traffic COFFEE \lx<> - of $1,.IT)8.0.5 for janitors' supplies. duty at school intersections dur- 1 IB. VACUUM •MIKIIT TJU-: « IMICAT ing the school year. PACKED CAM The local concern's bid of-$447.23 27c Fltl. - S IT. was also low for broom's. Wood- IS ENGAGED One of the many flagstaff •n.o.\ I:VMOO;\ i-mt bridge Hardware Company was low j As Exclusive Carteret Re foods sold exclusively •IIKHK con i-;« with $123.35 for lamps and fuses.' KEASBEY—Mr. and Mrs. Alex through your neighborhood Ughy, Highland Avenue, announce independent grocer. He the engagement of their daughter, serves you fafthfully, han-, lilizalbeth Anne, to William V. Sul- Philco Radios & Refrigerators dies only qualify foods. livan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John SADDLE HORSES Sullivan of Elizabeth. Battleship North Carolina a FOR HIRE •pvmbol of United States might. 'V Spring is here and Horseback BRAKES A. Complete Line Of New 1941 Riding is a delightful pastime INGLE-NOOK STABLES STEERING RADIOS, RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS Woodbridge Ave., Avenel, N. J. TODAY and SAT. (Just off Highway #25) LIGHTS AND REFRIGERATORS MIGHTY SPECTACLE!" G. J. BELVOR, INSTRUCTOR TEL. 8-1578-R .WINDSHIELD WIPERS 5 .AND SHOCK AESOEBEBS miaxxomM Drive Vour Car in NOWl NOW ON DISPLAY/ JEAN ARTHUR \%> Fltl. - SAT. - Sl'V. WILLIAM HOLDEN I - "HORROR ISLAND" BRAKE SERVICE INC. Dick Fo.ran - Leo Cari-illo QtDfST&LARGtSr SAFETY SPECIALISTS IN H.J Peggy Moran — Ami — 257 New Brunswick Ave. "MAN-MADE MONSTER" (at Elm St.) AN EXAMPLE OF PHILCO LEADERSHIP Lionel Atwill - Lon Clianey, Jr. Perth Air.boy, N. J. Anne Nagel Branches: Newark nnd Jer*ey City IN ENGINEERING and INVENTION P. A. 4-S2SD Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The Greatest Refrigerator REPEATED BY POPULAR DEMANDS KI:

This refrigerator is unlike anything you have ever seen . . . offering you more features, conveniences and econo- STANWYCK • FONDA, mies ever combined in a single refrigerator. VEVV HUGE FROZEN FOOD COMPARTMENT—BOTH Dry and Moist Cold - Philco SUPER Power System - CON- SERVADOR, the shelf-lined inner door that give* you Finn • RICHARD DIX 26% more quickly usable space, keeps warm air in - cold air out, keeps foods you use most right at your fingertipi - PLUS many other new and exclusive Philco features...

RAHWAY ^r-FRIDAY . SATURDAY • MONDAY Fri to Sun. Don't miss this Great Money Saving Offer. Dress FirstTiir* on the Screan! ONLY PHILCO GIVES YOU bom head to foot. Pay as convenient. "Charge It!" NO DOWN PAYMENT DREAMING OUTLQUD SUIT or SUPER POWER System FJIUCH Linefot(L-ff Jn* Cidvin TOPCOAT . ^29.75 Bsht Watson • Phi! Harris Extra-fast freezing—surplus power < i;s \K noili-;ttci ii New HAT . 4.95 As little as 10c a day "ROMANCE OF THE . . . greater efficiency and economy. RIO GRANDE" Fine Shirt . 1.95 Comedy "THE 3 STOOGES" 3 years to pay - A marvel of precision manufacture. 3 Pr. SOCKS 1.00 REGENT NOW New TIE . . .95 5 Year Protection Plan Deanna DURBIN \ Actual VcUu* 38.60 "NICE GIRL" ! :. Fron(honOHI.. Woll.r 95 £ "TRIAL ol MARY , I DUG AN" ^SS',- Choose from 9 Models H19



MON. M:45,Dn.,0 20. 6 MONTHS TO PAY/ • -• u-ivrisi;-.;-;---.



School 14 PTA Will Serve Cab Pack To Be Organized VISIT WASHINGTON ON FISHING TRIP irlNDENEAU—Elmer ElLmyer, Raritan To Fight Ban Fashion Show Is Feature Of Party Lunch j 12-2, Wednesday SHOWER IS GIVEN FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Louis (Continued from Page 1) By Auxiliary To Troop 12 Toth, Jr., Ford Avenue, and Mr. Apple Street; Louis Pettit, School for $105 (tuition pupils from dis- FORDS—Plans have been made FOR BRIDE-ELECT PISCATAWAYTOWN — Theand Mi's. John Lesko, Evergreen Street, and Anthony Chiavarini, tiifct,s without high schools) for On Clara Barton Club's Birthday for a covered dish luncheon to be Mothers' Auxiliary of Boy Scout Avenue, spent the -weekend at Woodbridge Avenue, report a nice four hours when at other schools held by the Parent-Teacher Asso- Washington, D. C. catch of flounder on 'a fishing trip they g-et six hours of study for Mrs. Fred Olsen Is Hostess Troop 12 is sponsoring a "cub Ninth Anniversary Is Celebrated At Affair Held In ciation of School No. 14 on Wed- pack" for boys between the ages out of Beach Haven Tuesday. $130, You've not giving as good nesday from 12 o'clock noon to 2 At Surprise Party For American Medical Assn. is found a value for $105 as other schools School Tuesday; Mrs. William Testa Is In Charge o'clock. A volunteer committee of 10 and 11. guilty in trust case. —Classified Ads. Bring Results— give for $130. will prepare and serve the meal. Keansburg Girl Parents of all boys who are in- "The state provides $60 for each CLARA BARTON—A fashion show featured the Tickets have been distributed to FORDS—Mrs. Fred Olsen, New terested are asked to contact John tuition student," Dr. Lowery said, ninth birthday celebration of the Clara Barton Woman's the following committee: Mrs. "and my duty is to apportion same. Brunswick Avenue, was hostess at Whitney of Highland Park, chair- Club Tuesday night at the Clara Barton school. The show Seyler Brose, Mrs. Edwin Defler, a surprise miscellaneous shower man of the cubbing; committee of • •••#. However, I'm not going to appor- Mrs. Peter Jewel, Mrs. Thomas tion $G0 for each, tuition pupil to was presented by Mrs. Caroline Crowe, fashion stylist of given for Miss Jean Boeder of the Middlesex County Council of Aldington, Mrs. Fred Beauregard, Keansburg in honor of her ap- be sent from Raritan Township Perth Amboy. Mrs. William Testa, president, presided. Mrs. William Toth. Mrs. G. De- Boy Scouts. & THE DEFEMSE to Woodbridge High School. You proaching marriage to Fred Olsen don't give enough value for the A soft musical background throughout the show was Angelus, Mrs. B. DeSatnyk, Mrs. of Fords. money. If you guarantee a full provided by Mrs. Daisy Thornall Fred Ahrens, Mrs. Edith Waldman, Mrs. Jack Geiling, Mrs. Charles The decorations, done in blue day of six hours, then I have noth- playing the piano. Synder, Mrs. Leland Taylor and and pink, featured a wishing well 22 TO ARMY of ing: to say against you taking tui- At the conclusion of the fash- Mrs. Hazel Dawson. Blanchard, Mrs. A. Bergman and (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Hans Erickson. in which the gifts were piled. tion students," he concluded. ion parade, the mannequins, dress- Mrs. William Bennett, second Favors were miniature umbrellas. week. Those who received forms Has Elliott Okay ed in church-going attire, together vice president, extended greetings .Refreshments were served. in yesterday's mail were as follows: Members of the Wood bridge with the entire assembly, sang to the assembly, as did Mrs. John Nicholas "W. Meyers, 84 Wood- "Faith of the Fathers." C. Anderson, third "vice president, Among those present were Mrs. bridge Avenue, Port Reading; board pointed out to Dr. Lowery NIELSEN IS ELECTED Clara Broeder, Miss Jean Brocder, that the split-session system at the and Mrs. Testa. Mrs. Willard An- George Grega, Jr.. 115 Fairfield National defense workers! To defend The mannequins who modeled Miss Norma Broeder and Miss Ann Avenue, Fords; Georg-e D. Krumm, high school was approved by "both the new styles included Mrs. Wil- drews presented corsages to the your eyes is to defend your country . .( Charles H. Elliott, state commis- guests of honor. RIDING CLUB HEAD Riebold of Keansburg; Mrs. Carl 526 Olive Place, Woodbridge; better eyesight means better work! lard Andrews, Miss Betty Testa, Dunbach of Rahway; Miss Ger- Frank Semanick, 116 West Pond sioner of education, and Dr. How- Mrs. D. P. Wilkes, Mrs. Raymond During the business session, ard D. White, assistant commission- trude Nier of Avenel; Mrs. Lillian Road, Hopelawn; Leslies F. Ober- Wilck, Mrs. Henry Stockel, Miss Mrs. L. Tyler, chairman of theLonely Acres Group Holds Oldenboom, and Mrs. John Pow- lies, 624 Ridgedale Avenue, Wood- er of education. To this, the coun- Norma Anderson, Miss Eleanor American home department, an- ty .superintendent replied, "I know, Business And Social ers, Jr., of Woodbridge; Mrs. bridge; Ralph H. Hogan, Auth Ave- Karnish, Miss Jane Anderson, Mrs. nounced that the next meeting will Philip Smith and Mrs. Beatrice nue, Iselin* Frank A. Hayd.uk, 96 but I apportion the money and I'm Gustav Bergman, Mrs. Austin Meeting At Varady's absolutely opposed to the short be held May 14 at the home of Freeman of Perth Amboy. Roosevelt Avenue. Carteret; Roy day." . „ | M].s_ D p. Wilkes, First Street. FORDS—George Nielsen was Other GueiU C. Pateman, 525 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge; John Gulick, Jr., 86 lined. Veteran organizations, fra- i Mrs. C. Berry, of Berry Patch, elected president of the Lonely Mrs. George Kentos and Mrs. Board members also informed Dr. ternal groups and service clubs will Metuchen;* will be • the guest Blair Road, Port Reading; John Lowcry that the standard of edu- Acres Riding Club at a meeting Arthur Olsen of Metuchen; Mrs. be asked to cooperate. speaker. She will talk on the sub- of the group at Varady's Grove. Deganio, 119 West Pond Road, cation at Woodbridije High School Joseph Greiner, Miss Virginia Hopelawn. was one of the highest in the state. When al! groups are thoroughly ject "Old Glass." After the session a social hour Greiner, Mrs. Chris Breens, Mrs. •• — -i ..liii.ic. iii Irnsps nilrt Proof of this is visible through the organized, a series of tests will be Mrs. Emma Moore, literature was enjoyed. Mary Fisher, Mrs. Wilbur Fisher, John J. Nagy, Jr., Green Street, improvements jn frame styles—ruo(icr- number of student? going to higher made. All orders for such tests and history department chairman, Other officers named were: Miss Mrs. Hold Fisher, Mrs. Leon Fish- Woodbridge; John S. Totka, G51 institutions of learning and those will be issued from police head- announced that the next meeting [Dove Cheret, vice president; Miss er, Mrs. John Manton, Mrs. David Raritan A_venue, Perth Amboy; quarters and a special call letter Dr. M. Belford entering the business world. will be held Tuesday afternoon, Grace Anderson, secretary; Stew- Hunt, Mrs. Nels Lauritzen, Miss Peter Dziabak, Trenton Street, Ise- Reg:. Optometrist Asked whether or not Wood- will be used to prevent any false April 20, at 2:30 o'clock at theare Clark, treasurer; Michael Lorraine Lauritzen, Miss Edna lin; Charles R. McCabe, 116 bridg<» would be required to build alarms by pranksters. home of Mrs. John Shoe, Wood- Zoldi and Miss Peggy Rogan, ser- Lauritzen, Miss Marjorie Mandy, Church Street, Woodbridge; Albert a now high .school building, Dr. Besides organizing the various bridge Avenue. Mrs. Frank Mc- jeant-at-arms, and Steve Hruska, Mrs. Anna Berkowitz and Mrs. R. Zullo, Woodbridge avenue, Port Lowery said he kn<.:\v of "no other groups the law gives the council Cormick, president of the Perth Michael Zoldi, George Nielsen and Fred Olsen of Fords. Reading; LeRoy S. Rodney, 42 way out." Inforiiied of the high the power to make a series of stud- Amboy Woman's Club, will be the Walter Fee, membership board. George Street, Sewaren; Michael tax rate now existing here, the ies and surveys and to make recom- speaker. Among those in attendance were Currency at One Time Danaharies, Fourth Street, Port county superintendent, who resides mendations for national and state Lynn Schwartz, Louis N'agy, Ru- The United States currency at one Reading; Anthony J. Kobus, 83 St. defense to the New Jersey State The members voted to hold the Stephens Avenue, Keasbey, and in New Brunswick, said, "I'm pay- June supper at Buttonwoocl Man- dolph Klein, Wanda Potonice, time included such coins as the half- ing $-150 in taxes for a seven-room Defense Council. The law also Dove Cheret and Marge Sivon, of eagle, half-cent,, half-dime and the John Tonishkin, 5 Tappen Street, gives the council, through the or, Matawan. Mrs. Stanley Nogan Avenel. 133 SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY house on a 55x100 lot." is chairman of the affair. Carterct; Olive Walkozy, William shilling. The local board also pointed out mayor, the right to appoint sev- eral sub-committees, which un- Mrs. Carl Reitenbach reported and Roland Manee and Stewart Woodbririge has accepted tuition on the birthday bank and theClark, of Perth Amboy; Albert students before without a single doubtedly will be done within the next few days. building fund. It was announced Jacques, James Varady, George objection. Now that it effects that Mrs. Walter Dorsey, of Perth Nielsen, Grace Anderson and Vir- .such districts as New Brunswick, Mayor's Statement Amboy, has donated several books ginia Moore, of Fords; Timothy Highland Park, Metuchen and In discussing the new set-up to the. club's library- McCoy, John Kudela, of South An Old Friend Returns to Perth Amboy Perth Amboy, a sudden move is Mayor Greiner said: Amboy; Ennis Bowie, of Parlin; made to prohibit Woodbridge from Edward Gutowski, Steve Hruska accepting Karitan Township pupils. "I know that the people of Wood- bridge Township will make every Piscataway and Mary Bodnar, of Woodbridge; Old timers in Middlesex and Monmoutk Counties remember the Griffith "Well, gentlemen." Dr. Lowery offoi-t to cooperate with the local Walter Fee of Keasbey and Peggy .•inswered, "you know I apportion defense council. We are near Rogan, of Plainfield. Piano Company from away back. For years we had a piano store on the money and I will not 'okay' it Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Rhodes, enough to the center of defense The next meeting of the club in this case." industries to takn this matter seri- Lloyd Avenue, spent 'Sunday in State Street in Perth Amboy. Of course, nearly everybody, young or old, Trenton. will take place Thursday night, States Stand ously. 1 hope that a representa- May 1. knows the high standing of the name Griffith in connection with every- Informed of Dr. Lowery's visit tive body of men will volunteer for Miss Gladys Brodtman, Meadow to Woodbridge, Mr. Anderson of the auxiliary police, for in case of Road, spent Sunday at I.akewood. CLUB UNITS MEET thing musical in Northern New Jersey. Griffith piano stores hi Newark, the Raritan Township school board disaster, they will be sorely need- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson, FORDS—The board of directors naid, "There's nothing in the school ed. In this township we have high- Columbus Avenue, visited in Wash- of the Junior Woman's Club met Plainfield and Paterson'have been operating for many years. It is the laws prohibiting sending pupils to ways to keep open, bridges to guard ington, D. C, over the week-end. •Monday night at the library. The largest piano house in New Jersey—one of the biggest in the entire United approved hiM.li schools. Wood- and oil storages to safeguard. 5 Mr. sftid Mrs. Clifford Voorhees, glee club held a rehearsal at the bridge High School i.s an accredited call upon you all to do your bit. I Silver Lake Avenue, spent Sunday home of iMiss Ruth Seel Tuesday States. We represent nearly all the leading make pianos, the very finest institution, iu\d from our investiga- know you will not disappoint me." in Washington, D. C. night. tions, it is one of the best in the pianos made. GRIFFITHS IS THE CHEAPEST AND SAFEST PLACE state as far as standards of educa- tion are concerned." TO BUY YOUR PIANO. Mr. Anderson further stated'that Hnritan Township does not plan to divert present U-it ion .students from ono school to another. Pupils In addition to our large opening stock of world-famous pianos^ now entered at New Brunswick, say we offer for a limited time only, this special Hallet & Davis value Highland Park, Metuchen and Pe.ith Amboy will continue at those institutions until graduated. The 100 students referred to as possible Celebrating The Opening of the GRIFFITH PERTH AMBOY STORE Woodbridge students next school •term aw all new ninth gnidc en- trants. "If a school district is within the HALLET & DAVIS SPINET PIANO law to refuse tuition students due to overcrowded conditions or be- Hallet & Davis pianos have been made since 1840 and were one of the first makes cause of the sending district's fail- of pianos sold by Griffith Piano Co. when starting in business in Newark years ago. ure to pay tuition bills when due, then Raritan Township also has the privilege to send pupils to what- ever district it desires," Anderson said. AT A SAVING OF «56 Anderson concluded by saying, "Wo will take the entire matter to BRAND NEW-FULL SCALE OF 88 NOTES-MAHOGANY court if nccessaiy. The taxpayers of Raritan Township are entitled to send students to a school with Here's how you save 860 on tin excellent reputation and at the same time be able to save approxi- this latest style Spinet Piano mately $10,001) annually startin-r in 1943." REGULAR Price $325 Lions Club SPECIAL Price $269 (Continued from t'tuic 1 > were. enjoyed until a late hour. s\^ A "Smorgasbord" supper was serv- ed at midnight by Mr. and Mrs. Actual Saving William Thomson. The committee charge consisted of Anton To You Lund, Kay Mumly.Ben Jensen 56 i\nU Coimnitteeman Charles J. Alexander. Pay Only Among the local guests present $ were: Mr. uml Mrs. George Metz- g-or. Mr. and Mrs. Eniil Switzor, 5 DOWN Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gilsdorf, Mr. $ and Mrs. Jluymoud Muudy, Mr. Sen? 5 PER MONTH and Mrs. R. L. Predmore, Commit- tee-man and Mrs. Charles J. Alex- Plus Small Carrying Charge Note these 25 ander, Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mey- QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS ers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunham, , ... then compare J and Mrs. Willard Dunham. Mv. Allowance made for your present instrument. The makers of this century 1. EQUIPPED "WITH PRACI'IANO Mrr. and Mrs. .1. AHyn' Peterson, 2. PINS BUSHED WITH ROCK for. and Mrs. Albert Gardner, Mr. old favorite name Piano and Griffith Piano Co., hoth fully guarantee its MAPLE BUSHINGS r. 3. NICKELED TUNING PINS and Mrs. Chris Lehman. Mr. and quality. This lovely spinet occupies no more floor space than a two hy five 4. REINFORCED HAMMERS Mrs. Hans Johansen. Mr. and Mrs. foot rug and possesses many fine features rarely found in a piano at this 5. EXTRA HEAVY FULL POST Hans Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. William price. Come in and see and hear this wonderful value before it is too late. BACK Thomson, Joseph A. Dambadi, Jr.. f>. Remarkably even overstrung ic«Ie Louis Kirsch and Anton J. Lund. If you. cannot conveniently call, fill out and mail this coupon to be sure of 7. Unusually long sirityt lenjtth getting one of these money-saving fine latest style pianos. 8. Mahogany or walnut back cap Also. Mrs. Theresa Miller, Wil- 9. Full bronied*mctal plate _-.- . MAIL COUPON ; 10. Fully veneered case... inside and out liam Dalton and Mr. and Mrs. Griffith 3*iano Co. 11. Bnss hardwire throughout Carl Johansen, of Perth Amboy, 278 Ilohart St., Perth Amboy, N. J. Date . 12. Continuous brass hinga and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daub, of 13. Folding music desk I cannot call now, so please send me complete information on the opening special 14. Three pedals Neptune. Hallet & DITU i'U I J. Responsive action vith damp-proof centers 16. Moth-proofed, reinforced hammers 17. Bolts from plate thru back Addreas- 18. Ribs let into buck Home Defense 19- Aged, laminated rock maple pin (Continued from Pa


LEGAL NOTICES Mrs. Nogan Wins 1st Prize Ht-iVr To: W-Cii DochM IIS HO At MeetingJ)f_Card Club Fords Notes Keasbey NOTICIO OF I'liHI.IC SALH ST. JOHN'5 CHAPEL TO WHOM IT MAY CO.N'OHKN: CLARA BARTON—Miss Ruth —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross- '•—Mi1, and Mrs. William Siska, At a regular meeting of list: Town- Rev. William H. Schmaus, S. T. B. f Notes & Bolts Shoe entertained members of the ship Committee of tlie Township <> meyer of Sayreville, Mr. and Mrs. I>oug;]as Street, entertained rela-. Vicar WoiulbriilKf lu'lil lldTnliiy, A pril BY Spade Bridge Club at her home in Fred Lockey of Metuchen, Miss HI. liU 1. I was ilirectnl I" mlver- •tfives from Carteret Monday night. Woodbridjre Avenue. Mi*s Ida Fullerton, Organist tlse Hie fact that mi Moiuliiy <-vi- WILLIAM "JUICY" FAUBLE Lillian Lund and John Burkw, Jr., —Mr. and Mrs. Jack Msmchec. nlnff, May r., 1rs<\\, FORDS FrCfCLES—Mayor A. months wiii hurry up .so they can of Auth Avenue teaching his St. —The Gabby Chatter Club met ••Womiug Prayer and Sermoo children, Joan and Nancy, motor- a-iil cuposii iind sell at ;>ul>ll • X-'e F. Greiner officially opened the go to another one when he move? Bernard dog some new tricks Other quests present included at the home of Miss LilHan Lund, 9:.'1O A. M. ed to Keansburjrh recently. :m.] to the itiKhc-st l.idili-r .;n< -iniinti second annual tournament of the back to William Street. . . • Charley (Barrymore) K. is Mrs. John C. Anderson, Mrs. John to terms at KSI)<* nn ill.- vltli Hie Ford Avenue, Wednesday nitrlit. Church School, 19:30 A. M. .' —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuller- 'i'ownslilp (,'i^rk open 'o ins]»- .•<•- Central Jer«ey Women's Bowl- beating Bob (De-icer) H's time. C. Smith, Mrs. Arthur Sargent —St. Cecelia Choir of Our Lady Confirmation at St. Peter's lion and to be puldiclv i-cml nrior ton of Fords and Mr. and Mrs. ing Ass'n la*t Sunday at the lo- Johnny Woth'i minus ihould He was seen recently at the Rail- and Mrs. Carl Reitenbach. 1., aaji-. I-ills 2-1 and i.'. and 10H and of Peace Church met last nigbtt at 7:30 P. M. Charles Pfeiffer, Smith Street,1 10!) in lil'.'-k r,i7!-:, WooilbridKc cal Recreation center. The tour- let him keep one of (hose fish- way playhouse with the heart- the church. I Thursday, Choir rehearsal, 7:00 Townsiii|i AJJHf-nsni''iLi Ma|i. visited in Fleminpton, Sunday. nament will be extended over ing dates with Ted Ratajack . . . throb . . . J. Zark of the U. S. he has the "Red Spots" (measle?) —There will be a get-together P. M. Litany, 7;.'J0 P. 31. —Mr. and Mrs. Aladar Orosz, Take furlhor nottfP that the three weekends, closing Sunday Who was the local "up-to-the- Navy was home Sunday and sure . . . Irvin Raphael bought a new Township ("'itTimittci- hae, by reso- of Beef's Bowlers at the Alamo Crows Mill Road, were recent evening. May 4th. Plenty of ac- minute" guy who was getting in- looked swell in his well-fitting tractor for plowing his farm. In- lution and pursuant In law. fixtwl Tuesday night. Trenton visitors. a minimum prit-p at whifh said lot* tion is anticipated as teams have formation about the Lake wood uniform . . . When it comes to cidentally he also 'has a new Gabby Chatter Club Meets; in wtld lil'jck will hf wold niffcilifir been entei-ed from Middlesex, imitating a monkey, Bill Blairs ivlth all othor dctnUn pertlm-nt, said fire at the local P. O. . . . We'd "scent" for sale at $5.00 per ton Fords Members Hostesses mini mum pi i' •<"• Ij-iufc $ IT -"•. < M i phis Monmouth and Hunlerdon coun- like to know which one of the could even make a monkey . . Tony R. has been down in the j Scout Troop Mothers' Club West Raritan Republicans cfiatH of prcpjirlnB def-d and ailvor- tiei. So come you local femmes, laugh. And we warn him to keep tlNiriff this h:i)i-. Paid lota In naid local fishermen got "dunked" on dumps since the Greeks have been Lists Card Party Tonight FORDS—A delightful social block if sold mi ir-nn.*, will venu'we a give everything you have and that recent trip. Was it Tony away from the Ringling circus on the retreat . . . Sorcn (Easy To Conduct Treasure Hunt down ]>iiynici!i -if IHi.'m, tin- li;H;inr of payment, in connection • • . plaining about poor business . . . i tho first'four . . . Tony Aqnila ha.~ I Peter Peterson, 10 Lewis Street. Arline Kreudl, historian. followed the meeting. c;ine one. or more minimum bids shall Matty Olpinski and his Mrs. re- quented spots in town . . . Mathias j. d outside the ring and bn received. lljs hat po se ceived a letter from Texas ad- Upon acceptance of thp minimum Janson makes the Inkspots because is ready to let it go ... bid, or hid ahuve minimum, by the Bacskay Jr. received a "wish dressed: Ann &. Matty, Liberty TOWIIHIIIJI (''inuiiLltei- and (lie ]<:iy- you were here" card from Billy Kl- St., Fords. Thai's what it means inf.ul Ihcrcol' by Ilie pui'lniyer iic- lis, but he hopes Billy doesn't mean OUR 'ordiiiK to tin- niiiiiner of purHia«e to be popular . . . GUARANTEED In acrordiini'e wiili ti-rum of nule it ... Those kolbasz sandwiches on nti-, tli? Township wU], deliver a .served at the City Line Beer Gar- bATRaln ami aule deed for nriid prtm- This balmy summer weather ha<- CARS AND PRICES iHCH. den are so good that they even ]JATi:i>: April 22, liMI. Julius Kardos and Ken Van Horn make you talk Polish . . . Johnny ii. .1. DUNICiAN, fixing up their tackle for the com- MORE? Townnnin (Tii and ing season . . . Johnny Deak sayc $695 by taking a weekend trip with '40 Buick sedan '38 Chrys. & Dodge $375 A KELVINATOR MJIV L', ION. in tin- Fords Heacon. he's not going to see his Giants 4 Door: Itiidio: lleiiler Si-(•* |'| I1I.IC: SAI.K he goes, they lose . . . Johnny Jago -I Door llnnlor Reading but wound u.p in Bethle- i Hour; Itmtlo; Healer To Wlmrn Tt Mn>' Concern: is back in circulation again . . . hem as the scenery was more beau- '38 Ford sedan $395 IS a Good Investment At ;i reK'iUir [neeUiiK "f HIP T, WdodhildRc ToWnslilp AKM*MS- of a banquet Windsor Lakis went meals—and more eco- tlleni .Mil p. HI, |!MI, I Was directed to adver- '37 Buick sedan $365 tise, the fait that on Monday eve- to t'other night as he was seen put- *39 Cadillac sedan $695 •MID" S|M>einl; It ml lit; Hi-fiH-r Ci:iiv. "«"; Kndio; llonter Take further tioiico that the ning. May ">, 1011, the Township ting away a few hamburgers a hall nomical meals (because Township Comwiltli-e has, by reso- (•ouimitlec will meft at 7 P. M. '37 Buick sedan $295 lution and pucHinnit to hiw, fixed a fldST) in the CommilLee Chambers, hour later . . . '39 Pontiac $595 Jlemorii'l Municijjiil Jiuildinp, Wood- -i I)<' to inspection and 1O be publicly read T the averages of the first four '39 LaSalle sedan $495 '37 Oldsmobile sed. $295 lilndt ll .Hold on ItTiiw. will require prim- lo sale, Lots 111 and 25 in •I Door; "li"; Itndio worry over food storage— ;i dtiwn pnymr-nl en' $l.'i.(ttl. liie 1 *:* I —Hhick -|-IM> and Lots M and ffi In bowlers in the Class B league, 1 Di.nr; ){iutio: 11 I'll (IT ft not* of imri-hiiBo price to IIP JIU.1'1 Itlof-U .|42K, WooilbildRe Township right to the pin . . . We hear that '37 Dodge sedan $275 in t'tjiiiil nuiiillily installments of '39 Plymouth coupe $495 in knowing there are al- $ IT. nil plus inleresl iitnl oilier terms the Peterson Brake boys have Convertible: Itmll'i; HviiU-r '37 Chevrolet sedan $195 provided fur In er HH it may spied, duo rcpurd tising this sale. Ssiiil lots in said vidual trophy from Hans any- '39 Oldsmobile sed. $475 >l»Ktcr Town IU'IIIK K'vi'ii to'terms ami manner iilfick if solrl on terms, will require way . - • OrcKids to the Corner A1«<1 ()pl' lit pwyuieiil, in c;if"e out* or muri' a down payment of S4'i.{ili, tlie bal- '36 Hudson sedan $155 quickly. (There are special lultdiniini bids «hull be I'eccived. ance of. purchase price to be paid in Tavern Boys. Even tho' they're '39 Buick sedan $455 4 Door; Like .Nt-iv *'pon acceptiince of the minimum equal monthly instnlIiTipnts of $^U.OO in last place they always show Spfcfnl 4 Door: Itndio; H enter Md, or bid above minimum, by the plus Interest and other terms pro- '35 Oldsmobile sed. $195 up with five men and are a swell freezing speeds for this.) Townidilp CoinniiUeti and the pay-vided for In contract of sale. '39 Chevrolet sedan $395 •1 IJoor "It" ment tlu'ivof by Vhe pui'fliaBer ac- bunch of fellas . . . What's ciirdlnp to t he manner tit' purchase Take further notice that at said 4 Door MHS< deed for said prem- mittee reserves the right in its dis- cretion to reject any one or all Mils Andy Poulsen and his Irvington -I llnor: Ktullo; 1]tiller automatically and is not ises. and lo sell said loin in said block '33 Plymouth sedan $45 HATKH: April :'•„', mil. lo such bidder as it may select, due cutie will be missing from the al- •'39 Pontiac sedan $395 Jt. J. l.iiyXfCAN, regard bciiifi given to terms and leys now that the season is about "fl"; Almi OJXTH Conpv '32 Chevrolet coach $25 expensive to maintain. Townsliln Cler'r, trimmer of payment, in case one or To lie iMlverir.'ied A|n-it 2~> and May moro minimum bids shall be re- closed . . . What has happened to '39 Dodge sedan $395 '32 Essex coach $15 -', l!i 11 in the l-'unlM llea< on. ceived. the Fords Bowling League ban- -1 Dour: < OI'R"U-ll nV At.I. DAY SI'NDAY Upon acceptance of fhe minimum quet . . » TKIOIS TO SI IT - TitAI110S ACC Itef.-rTo: W-2««-ket \22fZVZ bid, or bid above minimum, by the '39 Nash sedan $375 Township Committee and the pay- MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM NOTrCK OF 1'1'BUC SAf.E ••II" Tnvrn MotlH TO WHOM IT MAY COXCKI1N: ment thereof by the purchaser ac- At a reKuhir meeting of the Town- cording to the manner of purchase ISEL1N INK3POTS—We hear '38 Cadillac sedan $595 ship Committee of (he Township of In accofdance'wlth terms of sale on that Jack (Brown Splash) W. is AUTC SALES Wimdhrldfte held Miuiday. April '11, (lie, the Township will deliver a "HO" Mx-ilitl; itii'llo; HeiKcr 1IH1, 1 was directed to advertise Hie bargain and sale deed for said prem- allergic to femmes. 'Tts a sad ises. ROUTE NO. 25 - U. S. SUPER NO. 1, AVENEL, N. J. fact that on Monday evening, May ca«e . . . The Oak Tree Road JJKALUItS I.WITKII KOK W1I4ILKSALK "i. IIM1, the Township < 'uiinilil - DATKP: April 22, Iflli. tee will meet :\\ 7 I'. M. ( KST) in B. J. DUNIGAN, candy heroes made a trip to CALL WOODliriilKe S-IHS3 the (.'o in in 11 tee Chambers. Memorial Township Clftrk. Lakewood to see the big fire . . . Hotwpfii ltrihwtiy HIM! Clovcrleitl' ("'!rrl<* A-B35B To lie rulvertised April 2~> and Municipal Iliiiblitijr, WoiMibrldjTe. We got a glimpse of Ed Bourn (Opposite rKlHliuiKli I'nint I'rot Iiltf (•rniiiiilii) New Jersey, and expose and sell at .\l:i\ :\ lull in thf Kurds HWUII. public side and In Hie hifcliest bid- der according lu terms ol' sale on file with tho Tuwnsliiji Clerk open to inspection anil to be publUMv read prii.ii' t.i sale. Lots LTiL'!i to 12."•:;K in- clusive in Hloi k is::-!;, W'uodhrlilKc Townshiii AsKt'ssnieiit Map. XLIA4 JIM AND THE f Take furll:er mitlee that the Township Commillee has, by reso- lution and pursuant lo law, tlxoU a mini mum price at which said lots in said bl.uk will he sold ms.;.>l her with ail tit her details pertinent, said minimum price lieinK f.'itni.ini plus coats oi ineparlnj;' deed and udver- lislntr this sale. Said lots In said Muck it' soM mi terms wilt require a down payment uf JfiiMin, the bal- ance of purcluise price to he paid in euual moiuhly iiistaHinetils of $lu.itu pliiM interest and other terms pro- vided for in contract of sale. Take further notice I hat at said pale, or any ilad1 tn which it may tie adjourned, the Township Com- mittee reserves the ripht in its dls- cretlnji to reject any one or all Wds and In sell said b'ts in said hh.rk i.' nut'h biddi-r us it nmy aeiect, due re- eanl beliiK «iven to terms and man- ner of payment, lu case one or more mini mum bids shall be re- ceived. Upon acceptance of the minimum bid, or bid above minimum, by the Township Cnnimitlee ami tho pay- ment thereof by Hie purchaser iic- enrdinp to HIP manner of purchase In areordancv with terms of sale on flip, the Tnwn.sh.lp will deliver « bargain and sale deed for said prem- ises. I»ATI:I>: Apni •:•:, nm 1). .1. Dl'NIGAN. Town shin Clerk. To be advertised April 1'.". ana Mny 2, H' I I. in the |-*ords Heucon. ^ STATI-: OF M:\\ .IKIISKV Deiitirlinoiit of State CEKTIPICATh: OF IHSSOM'TIOX T.i ail to wliiim these present may cum,., (ireetins:: WIllOHlOAS. h appears to my sat- isfaction, by duly authenticated rec- ord ol' the proceedings for the vol- untary dissolution Hiereuf by the unanimous consent

FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1941

very patient man, played by Char- From Barber To Barbarian les Rugbies. Deanna Durbin Gives Small-Town Gossips Something NEW CHAPLIN FILM 'HONEYMOON FOR 3' * Perfect Combination "Honeymoon For Three" is a Tojafc 46oaf As She Triumphs As Gay Glamour Gir/SMACKS DICTATORS IS SPARKLING HIT perfect combination of sophisticat- ed and slaps-tick humor. Both the Franchot Tone Furnishes The film is Deanna's ninth, fol- [Desmond, Kenneth Howeil, Selmer Slashes Boldly At Totali- Ann Sheridan And George dialogue and the situations provide lowing her record-breaking eipht I Jackson and Tommy Kelly. plenty of laughter. One of War- Romantic Interest In straight hits, and for each of the William Seiter directed from the tarian Rulers; Opens Brent Co-Starred In ner's top notch directors, LJoyd Ditmas Attraction Deanna Durbin pictures Producer entertaining; screen-play which pre- At Majestic Tomorrow Crescent Picture Bacon, gave the picture a breezy Joe Pasternak gathered an out- sents Deaiina as a small-town "nice pace that is in keeping with its standing cast. Yet Hollywood - girl" who becomes subject of a humorous story. One will never By far the finest cast over as- Charlie Chaplin is back. A new, light-hearted, rollicking forget the scene where Brent is pembled for a Deanna Duiliin pic- servers have notoii that the star's town scandal. After two years of now-you-see- comedy called "Honeymoon For forced to keep up a running chase ture will be seen in support of the new supporting" cast contains more between two sections of a roadside stellar names thnn any previous him-now-you-don't and an incred- Three' opens Monday at the Cres- star when "Nice Girl" opens to- ible confusion of rumors as to restaurant. night at the Pitman Theatre. line-up, most of them appearing cent Theatre and it is the year's with the sUir for the first time. HORRORS APLENTY whether he would make "The Great funniest film. Ann Sheridan and The supporting cast is made up Tone Has Conspicuous Role Dictator" or not make it, and then, George Bvt>nt are starred as a of a group of screen favorites who having1 made it, whether it had to all givt1 tine performances. There's FranchotTone appears with Miss couple of puople who fall in love ON STRAND SCREEN be remade, and then, whether it with one another "but try to con-William Orr as a young lawyer Durbin for the first time, in the would ever be publicly shown, the who is more capable in trying: to CRESCENT role of rt representative of a New vince themselves that it is more n Lionel Atwill Chief Chill news is that "The Great Dictator," matter of convenience than ro- get a case than he is in winning York scientific foundation. the first Charlie Chaplin comedy one. He is aided and abutted in his ADMISSION PRICES Man In Offering To mance. When an ovov-amovous ex- The Academy Award-winning since "Modern Times," will open college student, played by Osa pursuits by the very expressive *TI\I-:I-;S • i;\ t:\i\us character actor, Walter Jirennan, Open Tonight at the Majestic Theatre tomorrow. •Mas-sen, claims Brent as the manlittle Jane Wyman. Loe Patrick ijll .", I*. ,11. | as.- /II<-. tax also makes his initial appearance she adores, romance climbs out of is a riot as a mother who wants SiM. tt Hun 'JH<- All Uny with Deanna, as a Connecticut post Bejyinning: tonight two new chill iXot only that, there are the fol- the back seat and takes over the Brent to christen her child. t'ltriltlrcn j(j<- ui All Time man ant! town ** character." Helen lowing foot-notes; that it was com- dramas, combined in a special hor- driver's wheel. Brodprick, as housekeeper for De- pleted in 171 days of shootiing OVERCOMES HANDICAPS STARTING FRIDAY anna's family and "romantic in- ror show, will provide thrilling Ann comes throujrh with her Now Yoi-k—Begun a month af- time, which is reasonable enough finest performance to date as a APRIL 25 terest" for Brennan, also appear? screen fare at the Strand Theatre. when it is considered that Chaplin ter the crash* of H)2y, a business with the star for the first time. jsirl who has to enter a battle of Because of their unique spine- writes the story and the dialogue, establishment f01.1 ruled by a crip- | wits (armed with some very snappy pled man and employing only Robert Bcnchley, too, makes his tin«r!ins: elements, the films,"Ma ndirects the story, plays a ilual role j dialogue) to keep her man from 5 - Star Show - 5 first appearance with Deanna m crvppltid umployvs. hi\d a gross in- Made Monster" and "Horror Is- in the picture, edits it and scores surrendering: to an eiffht year old the role of her father,'a small-town the music. come of $85,000 last year . The ***** land," have been looked for this romance. Brent shows how excel- firm, a mailing: service employing1 scientist, Robert Stack, popular It cost in the neighborhood of lently l\e can play :i comedy role 1 3 STOOGES young leading man who was De-double-barreled program of screen ! more than $2,000,000. That it is It's Charlie Chaplin playing sharply contrasting roles— 25 persons, handled about J-10,000 when he comes in for laug-h after pieces of mail ;i day i'or their cli- in anna's first romantic lead, in "First shockers. first a pathetic Ijttle ghetto barber then a bombastic, bomb- the most ambitious and the most lautfh as a popular author who has ents which included detriment Love," is her hay-fiiend again in expensive production that Chaplin exploding dictator in the "Great Dictator", his latest and great- more trouble with his women than "THREE MISSING LINKS" the new film. _ In. "Man Made Monster" Lionel est three-ring circus-comedy which opens tonight at the Majestic stores, transportation companies Atwill as a fantastic scientist at- has ever attempted is less import- with his writing-. Miss Massen was and reliffious organizations. J. P. COLOR CARTOON Popular Farovites Theatre. tempts to prove that life can be ant that the fact that it involves perfectly cast as the young matron Golden, who founded the firm is 2 "Wacky Wild Life" Ann Gilli«, popular ingenue, and the little clown in artistic respon- who could not forget a certain an infantile paralyses victim. Anne Gwynne, featured player in motivated and controlled by elec- sibilities and caricature that he has summer's evening during: her col- CHAPTER SIX Deanna's eighth picture, "Spring tricity. Lon. Chancy. Jr.. Anne Xa- lege career but who could easily never before attempted. ' Wyoming'Starring WallaceBeery French children express thanks 3 "SKY RAIDERS" Parade," portray the star's sisters. gel and Frank Albertfon are fea- For, in "The Great Dictator," forget that she was married to a tured. to the U. S. for food cargoes. and Elisabeth Risdon and Nana Bry- Ohaplin is seen not only as the ant, well-known character actres- Action of "Horror Island" takes 2—BIG FEATURES—2 little tramp with the derby, the Is Rip-Snorting Action-Thriller ses, are seen as a pair of gossipy place in the haunted castle believ- cane and the awkwardly fitting New England spinster .sisters. Oth- ed to have been the one-time hide- ^hoes, but in another role as well When. Wallace Beery takes to young lieutenant. Beery and little ers in the Jong cast include George out of Morgan, the pirate. Dick —that of a mighty dictator of a the Great Outdoors his fans are Bobs Watson provide some of the WILD MAN Ernest, George Billings, Nell Foran, Leo Carrillo. Feg^y Mo ran war-mad power. There are twousually sure of great entertain- finest scenes in the picture, and his ! READE'S O'Day, Mareoa Mae Jones, William and Fuzzy Knight head the east. stories that eonvc ge—the story of ment. This is particularly true in comedy with Leo Carillo enlivens of BORNEO Both films were directed by the little barber from the ghetto, "Wyoming," thrill-packed saga of many A moment. Joseps Calleia is George Waggner. with FRANK MORGAN id lx* and the story of the palace. the pioneer West., filmed in the convincingly menacing as the vil- — AND — Jackson Hole country of Wyoming lainous Buckley. Richard Thorpe's Scientific Deanna's Back Again and coming Wednesday to the direction is deft, and the camera Crescent Theatre. Like its prede- •work by Clyde DcVirma of great cessor, "Bad Man of Brimstone," beauty. its action .and comedy are played 'Players include Henry Travers, Fur ajrainst scenery of breath-taking Clem Bevans, Sara Haden, Russell Starting With WILLIAM BOYD Simpson, Chief Thundercloud, Dick wirh RUSSELL beauty. 'Ct^i Alexander, Addison Richards and Storage Beery plays Reb Harkness, re- Glenn H. Lucas. Hundreds appear formed ti'ain robber who assumes in raid and battle sequences. MON. and TUES. There's an old proverb: protection of Am: Rutherford and little Bobs Watson, whose father PREVUE TONITE! An apple a day keeps the has been killed by cattle raiders. TOOTHPICK KILLS AUTHOR doctor away. In doing so lie becomes the leader Atlantic City, X, J.—According IT'S A TWIN-TERROR SHOW AND of the forces of law and order in to an Army Doctor, Lt.-Col. Henry n primitive wilderness, helps Gen- C. i)ooling, a wooden toothpick, THAT WILL DOUBLE SCARE YOU! eral Ouster in his Indian fighting -which Sherwood Anderson, famous, Greenhouse author, swallowed caused the au- SiiiriiivJi <* mid i-fUtinx the other hand, he. plays Lothario while traveling along the South IliWr ln'iiiil j . PHANTOM and courts Marjorie Main, the American coast and died at Colon Here's what you get: "lady blacksmith" in his funniest Hospital, Cristobal, on March 8. romance -since "Min and Bill." The toothpick punctured Ander- • Thorough Cleaning son's lower intestines, causing • Fumigation AR the good-natured

^x r\ ^\

Deanna Durbin is again starred in "Nice Girl" which opens with a prevue tonight at the Ditmas Theatre. Robert Stack, and popular- leading man, who was Deanna's first romantic lead in ^^CZrWJZkfr Returned by Popular Request Phone P. A. 4-1346 "First Love" is her boy friend a second lime. nirit our IMHIII«'<1 IIH'NNCIIJ;*T will "Down Argentine Way" eitll I'm- ymir KUVIUOU(H, DON AMECHE A.GREENHOUSE FREE DISHES To Ladies Man, - Tuei, 195 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY ON STATE STREET at the FIVE CORNERS, PERTH AMBOY rovrixrors FHOII a i*. M, riiu.\j<: I»JCKTII A>II*OV 4-:t:tss

THRU THURSDAY Seven (7) Days Starting Saturday, April 26 TODAY MAY 1st PREVUE TONIGHT CHAPLIN talks.. while YOU laugh! Two Complete Shows - Last Show Starts at 8:38 P. M. His greatest comedy since"ShoulcJer Arms" and "The Gold Rush"! Superb in Fit, Cool, and Fast Drying

It's Deanna s most U. romantic role .. LON GLOVES /, with too many suitors! AND SHOCKER NO. 2 A Walking dynamo... whose touch meant DEATH! Van Ra<« glov«i ma.d« of nylon gW« you a ntw idea of beautiful grooming for hindi. Eactt* elas- ticity makes them fit suptrbly with no bagginesi at knucklei even after theyV* b««n worn &nd lftun* dered many timei. They're *hd«r and strong, and they dry to fast that you car. have a fresh pair in Great 1 next to no time. These arc thft styles you HW in the current Vogue—

NYLON SLIPON. patfoct in NYLON MESH GLOVES (it, imooth and •iti»-»turdjr. cool »nd him on th« DICTATDIT $1. Longtr Nylon Slipoa, lona en WMI. A OTUtd v&lu* A UNITED ARTISTS S1.5O at $1.00 RELEASE ^^^ with ^ LATE SHOW SATURDAYS Last Complete Show II:00~P. M. i PAULETTI60DDARD - JACK OAKiE All Seats 28c, Tax Included

FREE CHINA TO THE LADIES READE'S THURSDAYS PREVUE TIME TABLE LAST TIMES TODAY 5:24 "Cheers for Miss Bishop" Levy Brothers SHOW STARTS 1:00 P. M. SUNDAYS MAJESTIC 7:03 "Nice Girl" "CHEERS FOR 8:38 "Cheers for Mis* Bishop" ELIZABETH Continuous from 2 P. M. Phone P. A. 4-0108 I0-.17 "Nice Girl" MISS BISHOP" PAGE SIX , XERIE 25, 1941 FORDS "AND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEATON

Raritan Company Is Called • Parents Give Fete Marking Indian Ceremonies, Dances To Aid At Lake wood Blaze Trip To New York By Legion Unit Birthday Of Keasbey Girl Menlo Park Will Be Depicted For PTA PISCATAWAYTOWX — In 1 KEASBEY—Miss Laura Nagy, —Miss Lila Chesire, daughter SAND HILLS—A program of addition tore sponding to two To Include Visit To Radio City Dahl Avenue, celebrated her fifth of Mr and Mrs. Edward T. Chesire, native songs, dances and ceremon- grass fires Sunday afternoon, FORDS—At a regular meeting Tomorrow noon, members of the birthday at a party given by herof Christie Street, returned to her ies to be presented by the North Raritan Engine Company No. 1 of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Harry Junior Auxiliary will leave from j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles home Sunday after spending the American Welfare Indians will Easter holidays with her aunt and received a call from State po- Hansen Post No. 163, American Hornsby Street and New Bruns- I Nagy- feature the regular meeting of the wick Avenue by chartered bus to uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George lice at 1:30 P. M., to stand by egion, held at the post rooms on Present were: Betty and Steven Bird Houses in Park edition of the 'Red Cross Hand- New Brunswick Avenue Tuesday attend the annual convention of Lowrery, of Union. Sand Hills Parent-Teacher Asso- The Scouts of Troop 51 assem- book of First Aid." His program in the event more help was the Department of New Jersey Payti, Rose Marie Manchec, Eve- ciation this afternoon at the bled at Poi-ds Park last Saturday is to take the boys completely needed at the Lakewood con- •vening, final plans were formu- lyn and William Egri, Lucille Fan- —John C. Wilkens, U. S. N., ated for the annual bus ride. The Junior American Legion Auxil- school. The meeting is scheduled under the direction of Scoutmas- through the book. flagration. tasia, Mr. and Mrs. John Fantasia, Brooklyn Navy Yard, spent the bus will leave from the monument iary. Miss Gloria Sunshine, junior weekend with his mother, Mrs. to start at 2 o'clock. ter Gilsdorf. Their purpose was The course has already covered Members of the local depart- president, representing Middlesex j Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manchec, Miss to erect some bird-houses in thethe purpose and necessity of first on Corrielle Street at 6 P. M. Mary Payti and Mr. and MrsJoh. n Wilkens, Middlesex Avenue. The Indians will be attired in ment stood by all afternoon to sharp, Mrs. Chovan, chairman, an- County, has been chosen to give a —Mrs. Henry A. Koerber, Ham- park trees. The Scouts .spent part aid, the anatomy and physiology help fight the flames that rav- three minute talk on the "Amer- Xagy. native costume and will use tom- of the day looking for suitable of the body, the skeleton, veins nounced. ilton Avenue, was hostess to thetom music to accompany their aged the Lakewood vicinity, but ican's Creed". Senior members Menlo Park Bridge Club at her trees in which to place the houses and arteries, and pressure points. their services were not needed. The group will attend a per-will accompany the juniors. Announcement was made at the dances. A small admission fee will and then fastened some of them (At this course it may be noticed meeting that the post will hold home Wednesday night. be charged. formance at Radio City, and has Members attending the monthly in well-protected trees. that the Scoutmaster, who is six made reservations at Zimmerman's a roast-beef supper on May 3 at —Mr. and Mrs. Linden .Baker, Since the time was not sufficient feet three inches tall and weighs ferent way and arrived at three meeting of the Middlesex County the post rooms. Tickets may be ob- of Gettysburg, Pa., were the week- HOLD REHEARSAL o'clock. Restaurant for supper. Mrs. Cho- for alt the houses to be set, it215 pounds, always demonstrates van reports there are several res- American Lecrion and Auxiliary tained from the unit president, end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. CLARA BARTON—A rehearsal was apreed that they shouid re- on the smallest boy i n the troop, "There were four Scouts with Executive Board, which was held Mrs. Arthur Perry. Grapes, of Lincoln Highway. of the cast of the play to be pre- the patrol, Ray Bonalsky, Jack ervations still open and asks that turn in the future to place the Hans Pederson, who is four feet these be made at once. in Spotswood Wednesday evening, Refreshments were served by sented at the Guest Night program Peterson,' Bob Drake and Harry Earliest Americans are called of the Clara Barton Woman's rest of the houses. seven inches and weighs, seventy Mrs. Arnold Christensen gave a were Mrs. Arthur Perry, Mrs. Mrs. Emma Smith, Mrs. Nell Ras- refugees from . The bird-houses are a result of pounds!) Glick. We had a lot of trouble Paul Chovan, Mrs. Arnold Chris- mussen and Mrs. Pete Sondegaard. Club on May 9 was held Wednes- with the bikes, especially Drake's. final report on the party given the day night at the home of Mrs. a recent bird-house building con- The Scouts who are enrolled in members of Menlo Park, which was tensen and Mrs. Benjamin Sun- The dark horse prize was won by Expansion of . recreation and est held by Troop 51. Stephen His pedal kept falling off along the Mrs. Perrv. health aid urged to build morale. James Fortier, First Street. the course are Jack Peterson, way. Ray had an accident with a a huge success. shine. Bartos was the winner of the con-Hans Pederson, Mill Molnar, Steve test. dog—it was chasing him up the Bartos, Walt Anderson and Danroad and got in front of him and Senior Scout Meeting Rodner. all we could see was dust! Drake A meeting of the Explorer Vacation Hiking still show 3 big rip in his overalls Patrol of Fords was held at the Since most of the Scouts of from the dog." home of William Lesburg on April Troop 51 had no school because of 16. Patrol Leader Howard McCal- In addition to this bike hike, len was in charge of the meeting. the Easter vacation, many of them there were two foot-hikes to Had- The newly-organisted patrol, took advantage of the fine weather ley Airport One was a hike un- which has already been on twoand spare time to do some hiking. der the direction of Quartermaster camping trips, discussed an over- Here is a report of a bicycle hike Ken Schultz. This hike was "just night hike to a spot in the vicinity held by the Tiger Patrol just as for the practice." With Schultz of Cheesequake. The distance it was handed in to the Troop went four other boys, Joe Hoff, was stated as being about fifteen Scribe: "We left Bob Drake's Don Rodner," Bob Mascenik and miles. Although no definite dates house at nine o'clock and headed Bill Lehman. have been set for the hike, the toward Harlley Airport. We then The other hike was a fourteen- other plans have been fairly well started to head toward Plainfield mile hike taken by two second formed. and went all through the country class Scouts, Bill Molnar and Hans Pederson. This hike had a defi- Mothers' Club Affair roads. We then found a stream nite purpose—to pass the first A card party, under the auspices and ate our lunches, which were class fourteen-mile hike require- of the Mothers' Chib of Troop 51, light. Later we went home a dif- ment. will be held Lonight at School No. 7. The Mothers' Club has been working to raise sufficient funds to send every boy in Troop 51 to FHA BE SMART! the Raritan Council camp at Kit- H|l|>riM I'll tatinny this summer, or at least to be able to pay a sizeable portion Prices Rising! of each boy's fee. So far as we know, no other BUY NOW! parents' organization has taken such an active interest in its boys' welfare. The mothers go to much Colonial Village trouble, to*be able to help the boys, Wood bridge and the Club should be highly complimented for its efforts. Firat Aid Course Monthly Scoutmaster Gilsdorf has begun a new first aid course for the 25-Year Mortgage Scouts of Troop 51. The course will benefit all boys wishing to WOODBRIDGE HOUSING CORP. W pass First Class First Aid. Olllei*! lit. ::r.—;tu» II. \in-ili of < loverli-nf H You Get These Scoutmaster (Jitsdorf is using AI.HKItT II. (iltlOIOM-U-;!,!) tfc (((., SllleH Audits for a reference book the new Superior Features TAKE THE WORD OF MILLIONS on 1941 Kelvinators

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FORDS AND KARITAN TOWNSHIP BEATON FRIDAY, APRIL" 25, 1941 VXGE SEVEN. schools where the tuition fee will be $161. We hope neither will retreat unless Dr. Lowery comes up with a better argument Blossom Time SWEETNESS AND LIGHT PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY than he has produced so far. By CHARLES E. GREGORY —by— . THE BEACON PUBLISHING CO. A Sad Anniversary With Office. »t The Public Attitude Clarifies 611 New Brunswick Avenue, Ford*, N, J, It was a year ag-o Tuesday that D. Frederick Burnett, TELEPHONE: PERTH AMBOY 4—2123 The Gallup poll, in one of its most re- Subscription $1.50_per year; _ cent probings of the public attitude, asked New Jersey's first Commissioner of Alcoholic Beverage Elmer J. Vecaey Publisher and Managing Editor one question that brought forth a particu- Control, died while on a brief holiday. He was my friend Entered at the Post Office"at"Pords,"N."J.~as larly interesting response. The reaction and my idol and it was my intention to recall on this tragic second class mail matter on April 17, 1936. f of the American people to this query really anniversary those sterling attributes of his which the gives occasion for more than casual months since his passing have made to shine ever more thought. brightly. Here is the question raised by the noted Mr. Burnett's successor, E. W. Garrett, anticipated Hold Tight! pulse-taking group: "Do you think industrial (business) me and has spoken out of his intimacy and friendship a Strictly from a layman's point of view, far more eloquent memorial than I could have wrought. we believe that Dr. Millard L. Lowery, leaders are helping the national defense County Superintendent of Schools, has production program as much as they Commissioner Garrett writes: taken an extremely narrow point of view should?" One entire year has gone since at historic in considering the plan of the Raritan Of those who had an opinion, 62 per Charleston in South Carolina there passed the soul Township Board of Education to send ap- cent felt that industrial leaders were co- of D. Frederick Burnett. proximately 100 ninth-grade pupils to operating to the top of their ability, and Not large in body, yet he achieved the phenome- Woodbridge instead of to New Bruns- only 38 per cent were of the opposite view. non—by taking thought—of adding- cubits to his wick this fall. Meanwhile, answering queries concerning stature. This, at least, was the impression created by other aspects of defense, the public was this master of metonymic expression. Dr. Lowery intends to challenge the considerably less pleased with the way transfer by recommending withholding of others were doing their part of the job. A dynamo of mental energy, he chatted with his state funds which ordinarily would be al- physicians even toward the end, remarking: "I am a lotted toward defraying the cost atf edu- It is particularly stimulating to realize nervous critter and my brain must have work to do." cating these particular youngsters. He that industry has won this public accept Those near him who understood him could feel the bases his position on the grounds that since ance without fanfare. It has been plug- pervading influence of his unuttered, endless stream Woodbridge already is required to hold ging away every possible moment of each of thought. two sessions daily to provide classes for its day turning- out articles to make this coun- try safe, while its critics have had plenty Master of the art of concentration, he combined own children it obviously does not have with it an attention to details that was a marvel of the facilities to offer to outsiders. of free time for carping. Yet the Ameri- can people have wisely chosen to recognize conscientious care. Faithful devotion to precision This, however, is in the face of the con- and approve deeds, not words. A Reporter In Washington caused him to strive constantly to exact improvement sidered opinion of both Raritan and Wood- in the work of his subordinates. He believed that any bridge Townships that the accommodation Since earlier polls, during the depres- By H. S. Sims dereliction of an employee was a personal reflection sion years, showed no such confidence in THE JAP-SOVIET PACT pie to believe that if either be- Moreover, the means have been upon him. This attitudeimpelled him to write innu- can be affected without loss of educational came engaged in a -war, the other provided for more effective pro- efficiency. It seems to us that this is an industry, this situation has its deep mean- U. S. POLICY UNCHANGED. merable memoranda to his erring flock. He said; TOKYO'S AMBITIOUS PLAN. would take advantage of the tection of ships carrying our ma- ing for those will ponder it. Our history situation. terials to the British Isles. The "When I stop writing memos to a subordinate, it is important point and one which would not HOSTILITIES MORE LIKELY. be considered lightly by the school authori- shows us that confidence in industry, a be- probability is that the United because I have lost hope that he can grow in useful- lief in its ability to accomplish the aims set BASES QN GREENLAND. This danger, so far as Japan is States will extend her neutrality ties of either community. After all, nei- EXTENDS U. S. PATROL. concerned, has been removed by patrol almost to the edge of Ice- ness to the service." for it, is the prerequisite for America's PRICE CONTROL COMING? the neutrality pact -\vith . land. The bases in Greenland ther is going to run the risk of penalizing Consequently, if Japan becomes So deep and insatiate was this sense of responsi- the children whose future is quite as im- moving ahead. In the production of peace- wjll facilitate the defense of Can- time goods, this was the case: industry The policy of the American involved in a war with the United ada and the Northern, part Qf the bility and so continuously did he arrogate the tasks portant to them as it may be to Dr. Lowery. Government in the Far East "re- States over her expansion program United States in the event of hos- which might have been delegated that this character- brought the nation the highest standard of mains unchanged," says Secretary in the South Pacific, the Soviet is tilities with any European power. In the second place, the County Super- living any society anywhere has ever known of State Cordell Hull, despite the obligated not to take advantage of istic may well have shortened his years. intendent seems to lose track completely during generations when it received the neutrality agreement negotiated Japan and pledges neutrality. The strategic value of Green- His continued high level of intellectual curiosity. of the economic advantage inherent in the between Japan and Russia. land explains the action of the benison of public good will. It is reason- The implications of the neu- United States, but the President toward daily tasks was a thing of wonder. This, even plan. Woodbridge can take the Raritan able to expect that, with the same measure Heretofore, the policy of the trality treaty, it seems to us, makes plain the fact that this is though he could be heard, at times, to remark: "At pupils for $105 apiece per year. The rate United States in the Far East seriously affects the likelihood of confidence, it can effectively produce included: (1) The Open Door in designed to maintain Greenland this job you get your pains for your thanks." A stern of hostilities between the United in its present status as a colony in any other qualified school scales up- the national security that is our most press- China, designed to give all na- States and Japan in the Far master, yet he found it almost impossible to bring tions equal commercial opportu- of . The flight of Ger- ward from $130 per pupil. Thus, for each ing need. East. This country has stated man planes over Greenland have nities in that country; and (2) her position very plainly and up- himself to discharge a man. Though kindly and boy or girl sent to Woodbridge, Rai'itan the territorial integrity of China, been recently reported and last It would seem to be the case that an on repeated occasions. There is year German landing parties thoughtful of another's welfare, there were times will save at least $25 and at the same time designed to prevent the parti- little likelihood that Washington provide the kind of training which has emergency has served to bring- about the tioning of China by conquest, were put ashore on the when he demanded superhuman performance. will back down in the face of Eastern coast of Greenland for prepared local students for attainment of clearest public vision. The destructive which, would mean, in the long Japanese aggression. , A striking aggregation of human qualities to the critics who had their fun at the expense of run, the establishment of prefer- the purpose of making scientific memory of which one reacts with mixed emotions. record grades in college. This saving, ential rights for the country tak- With the threat of an attack by surveys. Meanwhile, the proba- under the program, will eventually pro- the "builders and doers" in former periods ..ing possession of the territory. Russia removed, Tokyo is apt to bility exists that the bases in Mr. Burnett did not die. In his bulletins he built gress to $10,000 a year. These facts can- do not gain the public ear in times of stress. be encouraged in further expan- Greenland -will be" used to pre- his monument, piece by piece—an everlasting symbol It is not, of course, pleasant to reflect that When Japan initiated her ven- sion in the South Pacific. Cer- vent extension of 's of the fertile initiative of his mind. Come fair weather not be ignored. ture into Manchukuo in 1931, the tainly, if the position of Great Submarine activity toward the it takes a world crisis to bring about this United States reaffirmed its sup- Britain becomes more serious, and North American continent. or foul to the human organization which was the in- We all recognize, as does Dr. Lowery, state of affairs. But the condition itself, port of these fundamental princi- the United States becomes some- strument of his sojourn here, no force can ever ex- that the two-session program in Wood- from every vantage point of national wel- ples. Henry L. Stimson, then what; involved in the Atlantic An interesting aftermath of the Secretary of State under President Ocean, the Japanese will be in- agreement was the action of the tinguish the lamp of wit and painstaking perspicacity bridge Township is not ideal and that it fare, is devoutly to be desired! Hoover and now Secretary of War clined to push their program to Government of Denmark, at Cop- immortalized in the. pages of his bulletins. should be abandoned as soon as the time under President Koosevelt, placed the limit. This may mean war enhagen, in ordering the recall of God rest the restless man. the United States on. record by w^th the United States. the Danish minister because of comes that the taxpayers are in a posi- On the first beautiful Sunday of the declaring that this country would his negotiation of. the Greenland tion to provide a large building. This time, year, Eastern American cities reported not recognize any territorial ad- The agreement between the agreement. The Minister, however, ence and Health with Key to the frankly, is not close at hand. We feel that themselves deserted, by thousands of mo- vantage g-ained by Japan through United States and the Danish asserted that his government was Scriptures" fby Mary Baker Eddy: the necessity is not sufficiently urgent to the use of force. His effort to Minister to this country, which acting under duress from Berlin Christian "If man is never to overcome torists, all of whom tried to get back home secure- British cooperation against authorizes the defense occupa- and was not a free agent. Sec- death, why do the Scriptures say, worry about, either, so long as the local for supper at exactly the same hour. Japan did not succeed. tion of Greenland by American retary of State Cordell Hull agreed 'The last enemy that shall be de- system maintains its high standing. forces, and the establishment of and continued to recognize him as Science Church stroyed is death'? The tenor of the The present crisis in the Far air and naval bases by this coun- the authorized Minister of Den- Word shows that we shall obtain At present, it is the intention of both The Nazi news agency reports that East stems from the well-known try on the ice-covered Danish mark. the victory over death in propor- Boards to go ahead with their plans. We Greeks at Salonika welcomed the incom- ambition of Japan to dominate colony, extends the defensive Calendar tion as we overcome sin" (p. 427). think their position can at least be as ten- ing Nazi forces, bringing bread and floral the entire region. Following the screen of the United States much, The fact that President Roose- Manchukuo incident, this Japa- closer to the war in Europe. By velt has created an office of Christian Science—First Church ARGENTINE BEEF able as that of a New Brunswick resident offerings to the invaders. Perhaps the nese set up a quasi-independent this step, hemisphere defenses Price Administration and Civil- .of Christ Scientist, Sewaren, is a The troublesome question of who can be excused if he seems to be drum- Nazis have forgotten that old warning state and a few years later, as a have been greatly strengthened ian Supply, with Leon Hender- branch of the Mother Church, The the importation of Argentine beef ming" up business for New Brunswick against Greeks bearing gifts. result of a clash of soldiers near and Hitler has been warned son, former chief of the Price First Church of Christ, Scientist, and wool for the Ar,my and Navy Pekin, began the present war against encroachments in the Stabilization of the Defense in Boston, Mass. Sunday services was settled by a compromise, pro- against China. Ultimately, Ja- Western Atlantic. (Continued on Page 10) 11 A. M., Sunday School 9:30 A. hibiting the purchase o£ foreign- panese ambition embraces the M., Wednesday Testimonial meet- grown 01* foreign-produced ar- acquisition of extensive territory ing 8 P. M. Thursday, reading- ticles of food or clothing for the Shall Everybody Sacrifice? in the South Pacific, including room, 3 to 5 P. M. armed forces except when, such French Indo-China, The Nether- OUR DEMOCRACY "PROBATION AFTER DEATH" articles of satisfactory quality, I The CoatcBville (Pa.) Record published And another thing about which the lands East Indies and, possibly, quantity and pric-.j cannot be pro- the following letter and vouched for it* authen- Singapore and the Philippines. is the Lesson-Sermon subject for ticity as having been written to the President fathers and mothers are talking is the sys- Sunday, April 27, in all Christian duced in the United States. AN AVERAGE Science Churches and Societies of the United States by a man in a Govern- tem now in effect which seems to promote While neither the United States ment position.] throughout the world. LABOR the idea that if a man does not wish to join nor Great Britain has undertaken Tho National Labor Relations Dear Mr. President: I listened to you a union he can starve to death. I believe to stop Japanese expansion by The Golden Text is: "God hath the other night when you told us that in force, or the threat of force, the both raised up the Lord, and will Board has ordered collective bar- that a man has a l'jght to belong to a union trend of events in the past few also raise up us by his own power." gaining elections among- the work- order to protect democracy we must all (I Corinthians 6:14). ers at the Ford JVIotor Company's if he so desires, and I am willing to fight years has brought about an in- River Rouge and Lincoln Plant, make sacrifices, and I believed every word to defend that right. But I also believe creasingly grave situation. Tokyo Among the Lesson-Sermon cita- of it Most of my" friends believed it, too, statesmen recognize that the op- tions is the following from the Bi- near Detroit, and at the Bethle- that a man has a right to stay out of a un- position of the Anglo-Saxon na- ble: "If in this life only we have hem Steel Corporation's Plant at but a lot of ... boys in the army . . . are OUR UNCENSORED DAILY AND WEEKLY hope in Christ, we are of all men Lackawanna, New York. These ion if that be his wish, and that the Gov- tions is the only barrier that NEWSPAPERS HAVE A READIN6 PUBLIC/ asking questions. stands "between them and the ful- most miserable. For as in Adam plants employ about 100,000 work- ernment should defend that right . . . 104,700,000.'c, „ all die, even so in Christ shall all My son is making a sacrifice. He had a fillment of their colonial dream. ers. The Ford workers will vote When C. I. O. and A. F. of L. members be made alive." (I Corinthians 15: on whether they want to be rep- job that paid §50 per week and he is now Consequently, Japan adhered 19, 22). resented by the C.I.O., the A.F.L., getting $21 per month as a selective service will not handle material made by each to the Rome-Berlin Axis, in a The Lesson-Serrnon also includes or neither. The Bethlehem plant soldier. I and all members of my family other; when both organizations refuse to pact which would seem to be the following passage from the will vote "yes" or "no" on repre- handle material made by non-union labor, aimed at the United States and Christian Science textbook, "Sci- sentation by the C.t.O. are making a sacrifice too, because this son Russia. H provided that if any contributed a large part of his wages to is the Government promoting democracy nation not now engaged in the j 12,142,000 GO .. 31,950,000 REGISTERED MOTOR , help support his younger brothers and sis- by letting them get away with it? If we wars in Europe and Asia entered TO THE MOVIES' VEHICLES ARE AVAILABLE FOR USE. have a democracy, why are not men free the conflict, the signatory powers IT COSTS SO LITTLE ters. My own income is not nearly as great would come to the aid of each as was his, so you can see that all of us to work without interference by other other. The threat against the are making a sacrifice. All of us do' this men? . . . United States arose from our ac- Yet SAVES SO MUCH tivity in sending aid to Great gladly. . . . The boys in the army are wondering Britain. To add additional hazards protection to your whether it might not be a good idea for regular fire insurance coverage—the perils The chap who now has my son's old job TVe -were given notice, by the is joining with a group which demands a them to refuse to sleep, in a union-made Pact, that if we entered war on 3900 COUPLES 6200 BABIES ARE BORN- of EXPLOSION, Aircraft, Smoke, Wind- wage boost of 25 per cent. If they got it, tent, carry a union-made gun or fire union- the side of Great Britain, Japan GET MARRIED.. . ABOUT Sl.4% 5OYS.AND 43.6% storm, Hail, Vehicles and others should be the wage increase would be about double made ammunition. Would they be protect- would go to the aid of Germany 3S00 PERSONS DIE. ' >- guarded, against when the rates are so rea- ed by you in the same way you are pro- and Italy. Conversely, if we got what my son is getting in the army. But into a war with Japan, as a result sonable. he was satisfied, He worked for a corpora- tecting men who \v6iTt handle any non- of her policies in the Far East, tion and believed he was being treated union materials? Germany and Italy were theoreti- CONSULT US FOR RATES cally supposed to po to the aid of fairly. I recently read the annual report I don't believe you know these things, Japan, but actually so long as of this same corporation and discovered Mr. President, and it is because I think you Great Britain resisted, the Axis that if employees last year had received should know them that I am addressing powers would be unable to help 25 per cent more in wages, there wouldn't this public letter to you. If I have the Japan. BOYNTON BRDTHERSsCOMPANY have been anything for the stockholders. wrong idea, and these other people who Insofar as Russia was con- Is it your idea that the corporation stock- believe as I do have the wrong idea, won't cerned, the Pact operated to POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES OF LIFE INSURANCE, threaten the Soviet with war on 1! POLICIES RECEIVE ^£397,000 EACH AVERAGE DAY.' - INSURANCE holders, soldiers and their families shall you set us straight? If we happen to be two fronts in the event that Rus- 1 MORE THAN 36,000,000 MEN AND MORE THAN ' make all the sacrifice? Is that chap who right, won't you do something to st-aighten sia became involved in a strug- !| _ 11,000,000 WOMEN GO TO WORK.ON SCHOOL DAYS^ t PERTH AMBOY.tl.d. TELEPHONE 4 3300 got my son's job making the kind of »ut the mess? gle witK Germany or Japan. j 3<}3O0,00O SOYS AND GIRLS GO TO CLASS IN *i n Longstanding enmity between re talking *b »t? FATHER OF SELECTEE. Japan and Rutsia led many peo- J. •SCHOOL OR COLLEGE.V. _ PAGE EIGttf &PBTL 25, 1941 FORDS ASD RABITAN TOWNSHIP' Police Chief To Be Host thereafter can get an application but birth certificates of persons •claims approved. Frequently it i'ffl-m by writing or calling: at hi?now G5 years old or more are com-takes some time to locate such evi- News From The Screen World To Press Club On Tuesday] Social Security And The New Job nearest Social Security Board of- paratively scarce. If a birth cer- dence as a church record of infant By Emily Enright fice. With ihe form properly filled tificate is not available, the Social ."baptism or record from the family WOODBRIDGE — A regular' it Inn;' nurLern urt* now t-bnos- aci*uunt i«> nvuli] delays or tlllfi- in, the worker will-need to furnish Security Board o3ice will advise Bible. meeting of the Middlesex County lili jobs or taking Itidr tlrst Job* fulileti nben he or hi* family are •! flrapewin, whose per- Marlene Dietrich, who has an as ;Jt result or the nuilnnal IIC^'DKC rtiiily |o collect fnmirnncf- benctiln. some proof of hid age. If his wife claimants about other types of Press Club will ho held Tuesday Iir0urn.n1. >lowl ut tlu-ne Jobs are Any worker who IIOPH not have a HORSE VS. MULES fonv.atico as Jeeters has been agreement with her .studio where- tov*rfii by uld-usr and nur\ Ivors' MOi'ial stM-ut-fty ncrouni number is past 65, she will be entitled to proof of age which will "be accept- rated "tops" by nearly all critics, by she can approve all publicity night, Apri) 29, at the home of Po- irtHiirnnce under the Sot-Iiil •«rcur- vttrtl ittii ii bio hi one at the Social benefits, and should obtain and fileable. Boston. — While attempting to Sf<-urll> Uoaril olflcf. has had an unusually interesting stills before release, gives the pho-lice Chief and Mrs. George £. Keat- Ity Ai-l. a separate application form. She Workers and their wives who are stop a runaway horse, a man was sixty-six years of lift. He has been \tographers a real work-out because Ur. (;er<»niiiiu. mn anger of tlie ing, 170 Decker Place. Pcrlli Aiu)><» «M>i-fnl Security No. 6 too will need to furnish proof of planning to file claims for old-age bitten on the leg by the horse. The a trapeze artist, a vaudeville per- she approves very few of the pic- Plans for the jumirfcr months Iloiii il f>lficr in the PONI Oltlf** her age and, in addition, proof of 1. niitliiiu Im-. itrt-jJiirerl n Kf-rit-H at A worker who want? to claim his and survivors insurance benefits man's name was—Henry Mules. Jorim-r, an automobile manufac- tures. . . . will be discussed. A novel program v\xiil brief urtlrlt'H for lliiH iifWs- her marriage to the worker. should obtain their proofs of age turiiifc executive i'.nd a very suc- .Spurned by the- V. 55. Navy be- itittte-.r <-x;i1aliilnx i he step* rjich o]d-ago and survivors insurance has been planned for the social \tort.fr slioiiltl nuw lake In i'on- There is usually little difficulty and marriage beforehand in order Employment and payroll totals cessful "character" actor before cause he didn't htve a college di- hour. Members may invite guests. utioii nidi IUM »iu-Iul necurlty benefits at age G5 or any time in obtaining a wedding certificate, at new peaks in February. the cameras. He and his wife, ploma, Stirling Hayden has the to avoid relay in getting their Anna Chance, celebrated their! slight compensation of sharing the forty-fifth weddinir anniversary by! leading role with William Holden SEW beinx married all over again, with : in "Tomorrow's Admirals," which all tht- trimmings. . , , deals with the Government's plan to train college men into naval of- The .Siinone Sirron (pronounced. ficers. , . . SUPERMARKETOWNED AND OPERATED ET S .-moan) who has returned to! Phil Silvers, whose work in Hollywood is a different pemon | Broadway's "Yokel Boy," attract- SERVICE SELF - SERVICE • FOOD • STORES • from the pouting, jinn-cooperative! ed Hollywood attention, loafed in temperamental actress who left I Hollywood for an entire year under Hollywood several year* ago.' contract with .Metro, When his F'laying a small pavt in "The Devil contract was not vnewed "because Here's Why Women Shop at A&P-- and Daniel WtbsU'r.". she i» hum-he hadn't done anything during* the bly taking direction from Dieterle, year he was unde>- contract," RKO is (.n-iitfiul for even this small part immediately hired him for a role in To Get Fine Foods-Make Big Savings! and' I-, v.'eUinj< aloni*: well with other "Tom, Dick and Harry" with Gin- me mlx-ivi of the ca>:t. Quite an im- ger Rogers. This caused Metro to Af toon as you enter your A&P Super Market you'll dairy products! Prices are so low because A&P buys provement, «ays everyone. . . . sit up and hike notice and he was know why A&P has so many customers! For here are direct—eliminates many in-between profits and shares The first preview of "Caught in promptly signed for their "Lady shelf after shelf, table after table, bin after bin, all filled the big savings thus made with you! So come . . , the Draft," starring Bob Hope and Be Good." ... with delicious things to eat at amazingly low prices! join the smart, thrifty women at A&P Super Markets Dorothy Lamour will be presented It took a trip to New York and AMERICA'S BEST UEAD BUT"! Here are 5 big food departments, in each one of which . . . get fine foods at low prices every day . . • liclore draftees at Kort Ord, Calif., a successful role in Gertrude Law- you can make important savings ... on meats and not Just on week-ends! . . . Shop and save with on May 2nd by Paramount. ... j rence's "Lady in the Dark" to fur- poultry, fruits and vegetables, groceries, baked goods. confidence. •J Although fans are. anxious for' ther Hollywood's interest in Victor Fred A stain* and Ginger Rogers to Mature. Hal Roach has given him make another dance musical, and y film contract, under which he will Fret! .says he's willing. Ginger de- receive $1.7'»0 a week, compared A&P Fine Quality Meats—Guaranteed to Satisfy or Money Back! clares she has put up her "dancing' to his probable $500 a week-before hlippers" for good.—she hopes. . . . the Broadway assignment. . . . 100% Pure Hydrogenated ' 1 3lb. Uj inn Donlevy rushed from his Barbara Pepper, whose roles for Vegetable Shortening • C f Can 39c Cut from 1st Six Ribs umioty-iiuy job w'uh Robert Taylor the past eight yea ft have been "so PfkVtt Flolrae SUNNYFIELD; 8 or; L^ Naturally Aged _^ Lb. in "Billy the Kid," to the Ktudio mean my.mother has refused to see PRIME RIBS of BEEF 27i VUlll Fid IV Cd Extra-Crisp Flakes where Taylor's wife, Barbara Stan- ixny of my pictures," has a sym- i sc Armour'i Stir, Ferrii, Wilion't Certified, Cudthy'j Puritan, wyck, was working, to appear with pathetic role for the first time in 8 oz. Sunny fie Id her in "The Great Man's Lady." the Warner picture, "Three Sons Keltogg's Corn Flakes LEGS of LAMB 22 10 to 12 lb. Average . He carried with him, as a gift for of Guns." In it she sheds tears Smoked HflkHS Whole w Ether Half tto ,. Barbaia, the (-lupty cartridge with rather lhan the usual hate, revenge & FRYERS SUNNYFIELD Wheaties...... 2 19c Lb Lb. which hr hnd "just killed" her hus- and cold hysteric.-; required in her BROILERS Rushed Fresh from Nearby Farms - Ready-to-EatHamSr ender Cooked 31c i band. . . . other roles. . . . Short Cut Pork BONELESS CHUCK 07 Fresh Galas 17c I Wheat Flakes 2 15c Lb POT ROAST ht Naturally Aged. m - Loin Pork Chops 29c 1 Fort Dix Review Dessert Shells*« Extra ^ncy—PILGRIM Brand Or)| One Smoked Calas 19c 1 DA Ann l^viinAk COFFEE CAKE y Quality—One Price Lb. Po FOUT DIX—Noarjy 80 per cent fantry Regiments, staged a field TURKEYS of the personnel of the 4'Jth Divi- prc'blem, called in military, termsE l Milk-Fed Smoked Butts sion is expected to take advantage OPX, la-st week against a mythical recan Uruncn JANE mm*t e t Veal Shoulders of Lamb Lb 13c of ten-day furloughs during the, enemy. The team was commanded LEG or RUMP of VEAL ^ 23 period of May iJO to June 8. Major by Colonel Charles E.-McCarthy of Hershey's Cocoa . . / SUNNYFIELD General Clifford ft. Powell, Com- Trenton. L Veal Loin Chops. 33c manding General, announced the Fort Beautified Daily Dog Food ... . SLICED BACON (Sugar-Cured 2 Frankfurters aw... 25c furloughs would be granted, and The beautilication of Fort Dix Cans that a few officers and men would will get under way in the near fu- bone e Liverwurst or Bologna be allowed to take theirs up toture, it was made known here by Tomato Soup rS - • CHUCK ROAST Fwh May HO. Lieutenant Colonial David R. Wol- 3 20c •17 Plate & Navel Beef ik 10c .Kighl, ofiicers of the -14th Divi- verton, Post Quartermaster. The Campbell's Tomato Soup Fine Quality ',;;:; sion, whose homew are in New .ler- cantonment areas of the Post will 2 BonelessBrisketBeef "29c : cy aii'l who are all members oi" the be beautified in a uniform manner 25c Lb. ^ 10C 1 i:!th Infantry, have volunteered —')00 acre.-; in all. Personnel of the Heinz Soups *!££?£* . 8oz; Buck Shad 5c Fresh Flounders Sirloin Steak ^^ 'for transfer to the Army's new Post and 44th Division will do the FrillfC ^ ASSORTED—Peachev^ ••$"-• i Cans ROe Shad Fresh . . . Lb. patachuU' tioops. preliminary grading, after which 13c Fresh Sea Scallops. ^23c Porterhouse Steak - 37c I III I la PearSi pineapple, Fruit Cwkfail • b The volunteers include. Major the New Jersey W.P.A. will finish Lb. Fresh Mackerel . 12c Fancy Butterfish 12c Round Pot Roast Botto^m • red K. Shobor of Burlington; the work of grading, planting, C0DwJ Captain Gregory J. Doyle, also of seeding and sodding. Preserves ™ C Freeh Fillpf Lb. 115 c FancF y SalmonS Steaks ^ 25c Chopped Beef . . . "19c 1-uilingtoii; First Lieutenants John Staff Sergeant John T. Walsh of 2P^17 i r I Cdll rlllCt HADLX1CK G. Crawford of Newark, Harold K. 55G Haddon Avenue, Collingswood, Fig NewtonYUs K0N 12c Smoked Fillet . . . 21cCross-Rib Pot Roast ib. 29c Gentile of Camden, Albert S. Mor-has 'been promoted to the rank of CLgB-Ginger Ale, Club Q Lge. 29 O CC Fresh Cod Steaks. i ion of Pemiberton, Thomas P: technical sergeant. Walsh, a mem- Soda, Fruit Flavors-Plus Dep. Voz.Bots.*w Alulvey of Wenonah and Charles ber of Headquarters Company, r G, Post of Col lint*? wood; Second 1203rd Stat'ion Complement, is a Scott Paper Towels . . 3 ^ 25c Grapefruit Sections 25c Lieutenant HusselUK. Stevens of finance clerk. DAIRY PRODUCTS 3 ^ Great Notch. O No. 2 Lieutenant Cnlonel Samuel Scottissue ™ 6cRed Cherries ^pmed Cam 19c The Mst Signal Battalion, con- Brown of Merehantville, 114th In- F Domestic Lb; 125 ff. sv k i.'ting of W officers and 553 enlist- fantry, has been ordered to the SWISS CHEESE 29 Cut-Rite Waxed Paper 2 Rolls Fresh Prunes ^ 10c i( men, moved last week into win- General Stan" Section, Headquar- 2125 ft. SULTANA • rized tents recently vacated by ters, 44th Division, for duty as as-' Waxed Paper QUEEN ANNE Rolls Fruit Cocktail Brand j . In- 71st Infantry. The 51st, for-sistant operations and training Whole Milk—American Cheddar Lb. 2Pkgs. Stuidud No 2 Facial Tissues QUEEN ANNE of 200 'merly of Kort Monmouth, N. J.,o fiicer. SHARP CHEESE 27 String Beans Quality • 3 Ca-m .ill make Fort Dix its permanent 2 1 Ib. DESSERTS-ANN PAGE : l.il ion. Speak English Tongue 20 Mule Team Borax Sparkle Genuine Fruit Flarort 3 10c The ';7tli Brigade combat team, Siberians, inhabitants of Liberia, Mazola or Wesson Oil which includes such New Jersey Africa, with a population of over AMERICAN CHEESE - 24 89c Junket Rennet Powder 2 "°>15c units as the 113th and 114th In-1,000,000; speak the English tongue. A L 15 oz. WoodburyV o?P . . . Sliced Pineapple ^i . Flat Can Muenster Cheese Fancy 21c Gruyere Cheese NESTLE'S ' 6 Port, s 10c Palmolive Soap ..... ^- 5c Sunnyfield Cake Flour Baby Goudas Domestic ( 23c Pabst-Ett Cheese 2 ».- 27c L silb. Large Swan Soap. . 2&i9o 3c rs23c Swans Down Cake Flour 19c These are Pressure Days Wildmere Eggs Mixed Colors '-' 1 dot.33c Nutley Margarine. 2 ^ 19c cok Pkg. Ivory Soap cue.tsi» Duff's Gingerbread Mix Pkfl. Cream Cheese , : 7c Bleu Cheese Domestic • •, . 39c 6 *« 25c 17c for Spaghetti FRANCO-AMERICAN Tuna Fish S 2E£-23c 21c Ivory Flakes or Snow 19c Fcls Naptha Soap. . .6—25c ANN Crabmeat 1 ib. WHITE SAIL juit Heat and Eat telephone Soap Flakes 2 ;-• 25c Elastic Starch Pkg. Campbell's Beans Cam 25c Fancy Shrimp 12 or. 1 Ib. Lux Flakes 19c White Sail Bluing. Bot.u Ann Page Beans Can 5c Broadcast 7 Hash 2 Cans 29c Qt 33ioz. WHITE SAIL Cam engineers Soap Grains WHITEST .2^; 25C Laundry Bleach 2 Baby Foods cupps-stramed 4 Armour's Potted Meats Tins Bots. 25c 10c L F<* A* Cans 214oz Rinso ...... ;;;; 17c Sal Soda WHITE SAIL • Pkg. Heinz Baby Food Junior i 3 25c Heinz Ketchup . . . DIAM0ND Quart 1A* Salt 26 or. Oxydol f;;17c Ammonia WHITE SAIL BoHlo IVW vail CRYSTAL • « 2 Pkgs. Gulden's Mustard . Largo ANN PAGE FLAKES or GRANULES Chipso » Pkg. 17c Babbitt's Cleanser Del Maiz Corn Niblets 9c Mustard American Style • * 2^ 150 Large Concentrated Super Suds Blue Pkg.17c White Sail Cleanser . . 3 8c Green Giant Peas . . 2 23c Hershey's BAKING Chocolate

ANN PAGE I MAY BUY READY- MADE CLOTHES, BUT! SURE HAVE SALAD DRESSING MY COFFEE CWT0M GROUND Our Best Qt. Seller Jar 25 Custom Ground.coffee is A&P WHITE HOUSE-EVAPORATED ceffee correctlyfground for MILK 4 25= you'rTown'jcoffeeTpbK Safe and nourishing . . . Accepted by the Council on Foods of the BOKAR COFFEE EVERY UPSURGE in New Jersey's effort for national de- American Medical Association. fense brings new demands for telephone service—and multi- plying problems for hundreds of telephone engineers who are working night and day to keep the system ready for every need. Defense naturally is -'No. 1" on their program, f Guaranteed lo PleascI i fp Hundredsof telephone construction projects are nowunder Vigorous and Winey way throughout the State. Hundreds more are in the manu- NECTAR TEA facturing, blueprint or study stage—new buildings, new Fine Tea at a Saving! switchboards sod additions, new facilities for expanding in- dustrial plants, new cable lines. Each brings problems not Orance Pekoe or Indi»-Cejlon-J«T*. Rich and only of installation but of production under rising pressure. Red Circle Coffee Full-Bodied *' All have a basic part in the effort of New Jersey and of the Mild Nation to meet promptly the requirements of national defense. Eight O'Clock Coffee Mello *w

NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 113 MAIN ST. Opposite Woodbridge Nafl Bank WOODBRIDGE 27''. SMITH STREET Between Elm andOak Streets PERTH AMBOY * ti 1396 IRVING ST. Between Cherry S *f^^Milton Ave. RAHWAY *54O N. BRUNSWICK AVE. * phis Sl^^B"0 ftIeat Department FORDS FORDS ANDRAPJTAN TOWKSKIP FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1941 > ^ First Three Starts Disastrous For WHS Ball Tossers TO FACE CARTERET TODAY; FIELD WORK LEGION TO TANGLE WITH FORDS SPORTING CLUB AT STADIUM HERE SUNDAY BARRON WEAKNESS Walt Karnas, Football Ace, [MRS, MUNDY'S 461 SOLDIERS BEATEN Begins Naval Reserve Duty Hankinson And AAA Part Company He'll Do! Locals Pile Up Errors In BY HOFFMAN'S, 7-0 WOODBRIDGK —Uncle Sam HIGH IN CLASS BBernie Keating HurLs, Losing Trio Of Open- stepped in at Woodbridge High School this week to strike out Hits Mates To Win; IN SEASON DEBUT i ing Diamond Tilts the Barrons' slugging diamond BOWLINGJIVISION Gets Homer star, Walt Karnas. The Red and Visitors Slap Out 6 Hits LOSE TO~~AMBOY, 5-0 Black athlete, fullback on last Only Fords Woman To Gain season's football team, left CARLISLE, Pa.—Benik- Keat- To Locals' 2, But Lat- WOOORRTIKJE — One 'of the Wednesday aboard the S.S. Listing In First Standing ng, son of Mr. and Mrs. James lightest and smallest baseball Omaha, one of the United States ter Ahead On Errors Keatingr, of WootlbridKe. N. J., teams in the history of Wood- Navy's large cruisers. How lone; Of Contestants bn'dge High in undergoing a he'll be- gone is a moot point. pitched and batted his team, Dick- SUNDAY'S~~fiST AT 3 thorough blitzing at the hands Karnas is a member of the Xaval PANTER MOTORS LEADS nson College, to a brilliant 5 to Ke.se rve. of its diamond enemies. FORDS.—The feminine bowler* 4 victory over the University of WOODBRIDGE — There'll be Launching its 1041 campaign of Perth Am'boy will carry off the Delaware last Saturday. plenty of doings at Legion Sta- last Friday afternoon, Woodbridge major honors in the second annual Keating allowed the heavy-hit- dium Sunday afternoon, starting* inff Delaware nine only seven hiin me! three opponents ;tnd hasKEASBEY KEGLERS Central Jersey Women's Bowling at '•)o'clock , when William (Monk) cattered hits, struck out eight and snifVered us many defeats. This Association Tournament, if the re- Messick's American Lejrion base- sults of Sunday's matches can be walked but one man. afternoon, the Ha irons will travel ball club and the Fords Sporting: to Carte ret for the fourth encoun- SINK INTO FOURTH taken as criteria. In the eighth inning, the Wood- player bolted a lonp home Club match brain and brawn in a ter. Advance reports indicate The tourney opened Sunday af- predicted diamond sizzler. that Coach Frank McCarthy's IN TITLE JOURNEY ternoon at the Fords Recreation un with two mates on the sacks boys are in no mood to permit a alleys and will continue each week- .(••• tic the score. In the tenth The Fords asj^rejration will Tame, he connected for a single to breeze into town set for a definite Wood bridge victory. They have- Len Meyer's Club Falters end until May '•$. n't forgotten last November's Mrs. Lillian Mumly of Fords, core the wim\i)\g vun. AH told, UiU. On the other hand, the Mes- football pa me. Game time in 2:30 As ABC Race Approaches competing in Class B singles, was he elbowed in Sft. Olah 140 212 157 Amboy Inter-City Baseball League Woodbridge aided Red Hank in lli-.s. M;u-j?<> KU'kc?—Mr*. M:iry Ripos I7;j last year. This year, the second 1 displacing Len ••Meyer's of Keasbey. O'Mi-icn ( P. A.) ;i7-\ winning . Six errors were charged KiMijnyik 155 152 ward combine expects to go places against the Priscomen. The Keawbey team dropped to Mr*. Ann t'lirislfiisi-n—Mis. llnuix' fourth spot -with 2,720. M^r-I-'iirljnu- i I'. -\. > !M'i. Karycki ]G,'v 184 18^ and do things in a greater way. SillKTlt-M Koczan ' 182 Tuesday the Barrens enter- While Class A leaders held theiv Mvs. Ann (.•Mifiwttnwfn (I*. A,i....f>1ir, To Use 3 Hurlers Collow 138 1G2 tained Somerville at Legion Sta- positions, six changes were effected Mr*. M:u-Ke SLuJtes (P. A.t •*"! Manager Mickey Milcsik will Mrs. Il.itiii* -M;u"K;M-!im<- (I*. A.I -I .'.' Deak I'll) 235 102 dium. And (hat's exactly what it in the Class B group. use three pitchers, each to work was. The Somerset County com- Standings to date and scores of Tciim.s three inninprs, and two catchers. bine left town with a 4 to 2 con- J-eviiiM Sport Simp 7!) 4 945 888 local teams rolled last Sunday are Perl 11 Arnhuy '22^2 Fords is one of the eight teams qucst. 01' the live Wooribridge as follows: Ralph A H.inLmson, left, veteran AAA aut Fords Sporting (1) UliintlHi Sjif-i'- Sh«p , Virgi'llo 170 138 168 in the Interboro League which •hits, Scmak got two—a pair of CIllKN A f'')Vf>-M(lll Peril] Anilmy 2i!L'7 gets under way May 13. A prac- triples. Belko and Murduk split ltkhiK. Smith Kiver -jwiiim-r's IONKO, l-'lt-minsrton :ill l Turkus !.. 172 187 2*08 iw:nMx, New TlrmiswitMt SSftfi tice session is slated for tomor- 1 Youn»' 1G1 160 K>9 the elbowing assignment. Belko i'h-w'.H Linn'i'iic* Harbor .. 'arhi Ktofkel—.Miss I rent' FiYitn- row afternoon at 2 o'clock in the 2SH OI tiic iittiiuii'niut: dfliii.iiuiiiug lyvu jr , aiiu noil j UIILNI u, acmcM) in Matusz 137 1(58 struck out eleven and Murdak one. Cutter's, Diincllcn bergx-r (P. -\.) 9N.1, Fords Park. The Barrons committed five er- ln'Ks, South Arniioy . 2S0O that everything is "okek." Hankmton operated Woodbridge Speed Helen Mark—Irene Tot in Damoci 138 ftllKN A. DOUltlCH U\ A.) SH5 Included in this year's Fords rors. arpv I.;itf"(!iL-l'"nirik Kur/.nwn 121ft Mrs. Kenneth Boiline—Mrs. Flor- Amleiffon '. 202 242 170 irU's Montn-Kd Hryllnskl l l M» ence Clemens I Fli'iniiiKtuii I S7C roster are Augustine, Handerhan, Hctx TJCVIne-Hen .P I'oiilsi'ii-.iin- Umit'li'^ki . . Kosup, pitchers; Scrittori, An- tangling with Perth Amboy at Le- 11f.li ..flty Selirotli (.Vow Brunswick) -H3 gion Stadium. "When it was all t'lusj. V. SiiiKlf* Mrs. Florence Clemens (Fleni- Kroop Meat (2) thony and Antonides, catchers; Kr;inlc IIjiKi'f, New ESriin.^wii-k -I1! over, Coach Tex Rosen's brigade Frank Donnelly. Tiincrc! II IH IN TOURNEY PLAY Schlenffer 163 183 124 Kriss, first base; Bassarol and Miki' fliiydui-k, Perth Amnoy.. fi:!i; (I,ASS "C" Tot»h, second base; Milcsik and hiwl the gtime tucked away via. ivKuri I'okfonVh, Xcw nrimjswick li"fi Ten in« Hirner 145 187 197 5 to 0 .score. The Red and Black j\nsrl ilorrls, S'nilli Amboy.... Ill* 1 SPORTS ECHOES Fanter Motors (Fords) Iilti6 Hundei'han 160 155 Parsler, short stop; Virgillo, third Dorothy Schwenzer, Walter tallied but four safeties—two of CIUHN II. Five-Man •BY ELMER "STEVE" VECSEI Double* base; Deak and Mezo, center Spdtsvi-oori 2S3S lit)] Kmitli—Lorraine Payne Gaydos 112 them by Venerus. Murdak went !';i\vl'i\v.«ltl'.«, Snyreville 27."..". Norman Only Undefeated (l-'lemintftfiiK NH Hanaen -.'- 234 179 183 field; Bandies and Dudash, left the entire route on the iiill for the I'i'flli A in boy Kvfnlnff News.... 272:2 The Heavyweight Mixnv •Mrs. (Jnife Hickei—Miss Connie Stevens 188 158 230 field; Koperwhats, right field, and 2720 Badminton Entries Tlii.-ia U'ueil losers, registering: six strikeouts. TVti I'in, Xii\v Hnniswlck 2712 Joe Louis's plans for this summer and next fall Anderson, Elko, M. Smalley, Kasi- The Barrons chalked up three CIHXN It. Dnnlilrx WOODBRIDGE — The Wood- Mrs. Grace Bicki-I (P. A.) . -1 A. H. Moore p. C. <1) mer, Young and Budnarik. J.imla KIsli ;inil VHccaro 11 SI are yet to be definitely outlined. Since the last an- Mfldt-tifl McDennott (P. A.) .| errors. .M:nt J.iiiicr-ficzii ('luu-Tipy .... 117.1 bridge Township double-elimina- fthiry J-Jerta fX. &.) .109 Koperwhats 193 .158 145 Available for Woodbridge Sun- .r * tli ii Oe;tk-.\1 Totli ' 1139 nouncement—just before the Galento - Buddy Baer Woodbridge (7) tion badminton tourney, being Koehek 159 125 200 day will be Ted Winneger, Toby Ailiiill K.-Kl'leski-JSill Ofll.S U?.l CLASS '•«' Hickle 137 136 178 AB R P 113:2 scrap—Jacobs has decided to let the champion take Bartos and Bob Simonstn, pitch- < 111.IN It. SIllKlt'N conducted at the parish house, isL. Mumly ., i jr.—Mil Zullo, 21> 4 1 3 HI— Jugan 191 169 125 ers; J. Karnas, catcher; G. Rusz- Iliirris*, Ni-iv llnni.sU'ick fi-i:i on Buddy Baer next month or sometime in the near.fu- fast drawing to a close. Only two ('.. IJIHu-l ....'.'."".'.'. IS1 —113 CoiiuviT, New Uriniswlcte -.. 63!t Marhevka 173 ]'56 167 nak, first base; M. Karnas, second Iluluiy, If 4 13 ture. Tony Galento's "broken hand" incident, inci- contestants, Walter Norman, in V. Clemens lleiiillt-k, Sayr.-villo fi21 JI. Alt-Merinott .. 147— ne base; Frank Jost, shortstop; Joe Scmak, rf 5 0 0('IiiU'iicy, New t ti-u tin wick CJO 6HU dentally, has never been completely cleared up. the men's division, and Miss Doro- &1. Ih'rtii 118— i n a 753 744 815 Barcelona, third base; Bill Gold- Karnas, 3b 5 1 1LJu Hi'ill urn m, lUnielleii AL Junes 1S5—107 Jacovinich, cf 4 0 0 But back to Baer—just why Jacobs wants to push thy Schwenzer, in the women's l'ayne J05—1(> en, left field;"Ed Delaney, center group, remain undefeated. B. Gary 135—-SSI Fords Coal (O) field, and Andy Barcellona, right Cilo, c 5 0 0 CLASS A l-'IVI'I-lfA.V Buddy into the picture ahead of many other worthy !•'. Hanson 124 153—:i'J Nagy 166 152 149 Drummond, ]b 4 2 0 All other players are charged P. lla 1-14—390 field. Ilalas nil INI iG-t contenders, such as Nova, Simon, and Conn, is a ques- T. Pillar J.-.7 116—388 Galya 153 126 187 Dun foe, ss 10 0 Knl.liik na is? mi with at least one defeat. Losers I-:. .Smith ... 1J1—3S1 Stanley 171 214 192 Venema, ss 3 1l-'ijiflio0 v 1G8 170 H(S tion. Buddy certainly didn't make any wonderful of matches next week will be G. Sehiukor W.'inip ; 195 202 190 C. Theiu 87—liii Toth 207 180 170 Belko, p 1 0 0Kins/. 203 193 183 showing against Two Ton Tony. He never did ex- eliminated from further play. Marinscak 160 150 142 METUCHEN TRIPPED Gi't'st'huk, \i 3 10 As expected, the Walter Nor- ranter Motor* <11K1«» Totals STC hibit a terrific punch. H. Chylki) JN \?,-£ 13 man-Art Locker match was the II. Romer J57 14.S ]•> 857 822 840 39 7 7A. Anderson 170 IS" most spectacular and best played H, Barney J12 1 ^ 1 III South Second Coal (3) BY CUBSJO TO 15 .1. Rnililo M.I IS]173 K. BalJii J05 130 VH Red Bank (10) !•:. .l.yiifli 150 HiS 178 Galento Could Have Continued during this week's play. Norman, H. ilack 133" ]f,IJ 15t Rakos _ 208 181 201 AB R HIt. Andorson 1S3 377 JfiS the victor, took the first game Deak 250 194 135 Iselin Pounds Trio Of Vis- 11. I/.ir^n \1\ 2H Some still believe Galento could have continued easily, but it appeared for a while «7S Eaposito, rf 4 2 2 Toliils 819 927 SS6 Le.sko 197 1G1 172 iting Twirlers For Total Ralph, c 5 0 2 CLASS H F1VK-MAX the fight—and if that belief is correct, Buddy had -that you lift- Locker would even Modffu 139 188 17G matters by winning the second Madjju 139 188 17fi Binato, p .110 Mil ir. i done pretty close to nothing. Yet Jacobs pushes the Of 19 Hits Jacobus, ss 4 0 1 i ir. 17:: tilt as the latter led 8 to 2. Nor- FLOUNDER FISHING Satnlorf ..... younger Baer straight into the heavyweight picture Sanborn, lb 5 2 2 17:: man, however surged through to 1918 911 905 ISELIN—Pounding three pitch- ITS lflT win, 15-9. He won the first game, ers for nineteen hits, the Iselin Wilson, cf 4 0 0I.niul " , 117 —this corner doesn't see it. Uncle Mike is a strange 1G0 OUGHT TOBE GOOD Cubs opened thy 1941 diamond Amhvi.ii-.it), It' 3 10 sort of a fellow. 15-1. Corner Tavei-n (0) Colmnbetti lfii Placzek 185 193 207 season here Sunday afternoon by Vftcc'r'lli, 2b 2 2 2 Those who have been eliminated 800 Thomson 149 14 fj blasting: (the Metuchen Eagles 20 Betterl, ;tb 4 2 2 .SCS 77S as a Result of two losses are Dot 7,000,000 Of The Specie I Whatney 185 158 to 15. Another heavyweight fight that raised a doubt- Kniely, Jane Warr, Aita Ryan, V. nonish 172 1-lfi Liberated In Tributaries McLary 154 1-57 Blyth started elbowing* for Ise- 34 10 11 T. Lund .11* lTii it;:. Mrs. George Ruddy, Kay Holland, ful impression in many fans' minds was that of the MacKay 145 lin but Rave way to Frcsftap; in the Score by innings: 131 200 Marrfieth Niebanck, B. Brewster, Within State C. J:i 163 149 I Billy Conn - Gunnar Barlund bout at the first of the Bilka 193 202 175 fifth inning, who carried on to vic- 11. Clniinicki 185 Emily Lee, Louise Gadek, Marion Woodbridge .... 002 111 200— 7 month. After an investigation, the Illinois Athletic TRENTON—The N'ew Jersey Jankovich 159 165 tory. Iselin's hitting barrage was lied Bank 002 004 13x—10 Totals B53 S-ll 7">S Lee, Mrs. V. Philips, Ann Con- State Fish ami Game Commissioi led by Ellis, Comsudis and Bahr, cannon, Nick Urban, Bob Deter, Somervlle (4) Commission suspended both Barlund and his manager, today announced that seven mil SO 7 8.->G 850with three bingles apiece. Jack Dunigan, Jack Schubert, Bill AT* R H Paul Damski, for one year and slapped a fine of near- lion flounder fry obtained from the Petersen Brake* (3) This Sunday afternoon the Cubs Urban, Tony Cacciola, N. Han- Sfrn'd'ri, 3b 5 1 ' 1 station of the Federal Fish and Banish 191 158 205 will tangle with St. Andrew's at FORDS DROPS PAIR ly $3,000 on Barlund. Damski had refused to let Bar- son, Maurice Dunigan and Harry TriuVrc, lb 5 12 Wildlife Service, at Woods Hole, Le^ko 1S7 18C> 10Berber'R s field here at 2:30 o'clock. Linde Jr. Connet, If 5 12 lund, bleeding from his cut right eyelid, answer the Massachusetts, have been liber- Tiee 223 1G4 178 Another large attendance is ex- ated in tributary streams of the Wiedlich, p 5 0 1TO PALACE HOTEL bell for the eighth round. The Commission concluded Still in the tournament are Wal- Balla 182 182 206 pected to witness the game. Atlantic Ocean within the State. Pec-orari, 2b 5 0 1 something was wacky and ended their little investiga- ter Norman, Art Locker, Clair Kantor 169 198 179 Metuch.?n (15) Bohem, rf 5 1Win1 s First Match But Suf- Bixel, Harry Linde Sr., George Rivers which received the floun- ABRH Febo, cf 10 0 tion by politely informing Mr. Damski it was himself Ruddy, Roy Fullerton, Barron der fry include the Shrewsbury, 952 888 934 Claypool, 2b 6 2 1 Miller, cf 3 0 0 fers Defeat For Series and his fighter. Damski contended that another cut Levi, Edward Miller, Bob Mac- Shark, Manasquan, Metedeeonk Shine, lb 6 2 2 Kinney, ss 4 0 0 Skimming, Tom Gerity, Percy and other tributaues of the Atlan- TaicHaboski, c 6 2 0 In Elks Tourney on Barlund^ right eyelid might have impaired the tic Ocean. Including the new sup-Penn Middleweight Champ Hoff, c 3 0 0 Locker, Samuel Gioe and Edward jBreen, ss 5 0 0 FORDS—The Palace Hotel won boxer's sight. Nevertheless, neither of the two re- Lots. All except Norman have at ply of flounder fry, a total of ap- On Brunswick Fight Card M. Gaudet, 3ib 4. 2 2 proximately 50,000,000 of these 41 i 8 two games from Fords in tho Perth ceived any purse for the combat, and will be out of least one defeat marked against Gaudet, If 4 11 Amboy Elks Home Bowling Tour- them. fish have been liberated in these HIGHLAND PARK — Joe Trokonch, rf, p 4 2 1 WoodbHdge (2) circulation for 12 months. ocean tributaries within the past "Butch" Lynch, Plainfield favor- AB R Hnament Monday night. Reick, cf 2 10 Among the women remaining in five years, the State Fish and Game ite, will meet Gene Pinter, mid- Stumpf, p ^ 12 1 Zullo, 21) 4 1 1 The local keg'lors won tho first Commission announced. A mark- Same by a margin of 95 pins, but the tourney are Schwenzer, Mrs. dleweight champion of Pennsyl- Bingle, p Ill Dubay, If 3 0 0 Dont Count Tigers Out P. Locker, Marion Suchy, Mrs. ed improvement in flounder fishing vania, in the feature eight-round dropped the next two games by along the coast has been noticed Aquila, 3b 10 0 margins of 15 and 10. It's the Yankees and Indians in the American Alfred Rodner, Margie Howe, bout on Promoter Benny Rubin's 41 15 9 Snrick, 3b 3 0 0 since the stocking: program wa? Paulson and A. Jensen were high League—they all say. They all said it was the Yank- Geraldine Komuves and Margaret card here at Masonic Hail tonight, Cubs (20) Semark, rf 4 12 Lee. Schwenzer is the only play- started. scorers for Fords with 183 and 171 ees last year. And this year they all point out where Bunky Wail, sensational Mor- AB R H Drununond, lb 4 0 1 respectively. er undefeated. Hundreds of thousands of an- ristown scrapper, will take on Reedy, If, ss 4 4 2 Jacovinich, cf 4 0 0 Palace Hotel (2) Boston, Detroit, etc., are likely to collapse. But the Women's Division glers are attracted by the sport of Jack Kenny, the hard-hitting Liv- Ellis, lb 6 1 3 Venerus, ss 3 0 0Reno 113 majority of sports writers don't say very much about flounder fishing to Xew Jersey's ingston middleweight, in the six-Comsudis, c 6 3 3 Cipo, ss 10 0 Mrs. Alfred Rodner defeated tidal tributaries annually. Co- Fr«itag, S3, p 4 3 2 Hammaty 138 150 "if Cleveland's pitching collapses" or "if the Yankees' Aita Ryan, 11-3. 11-4; Mrs. P. round semi-final. Cilo, c 3 0 1 tfathiason 126 108 161 operation between the Federal There will he five four-round Bahr, ss 6 3 3 Locker beat Marion Suchy 7-11, Government and the State Fish Manceri, 2b 5 1 2 Belko, p 2 0 0Kilroy 177 165 172 rookies don't come up to expectations." It's Detroits 11-7, 11-4; Margaret Lee downed preliminaries instead of the usual Murdak, p 10 0 and Game Commission in restock- four, featuring Teddy Jankoski, Knudsen, cf 5 11 Wisnewski 166 140 164 infield, or the Red Sox lack of twirling, etc., etc. You Emily Lee 11-2, 11-7; Geraldine ing the coastal rivers with flound- Jost 16S 221 158 Oak Tree, and Joe Loskiewicz, Allen, rf B 0 1 33 2 5 hardly ever hear of the weaknesses of the Yanks or I Komuvos tripped Kay Holland er fry will be continued, it was an- Blyth, p, 3b 5 4 2 11-7, 11-3; Marion Suchy halted South Amboy; Tony Papa, Old Score by innings: Cleveland. This corner figures the Indians have a few nounced, in order, to increase the Remeta, li 0 0 0 750 782 805 Ann, Concannon 11-2. 11-2. popularity of the sport. Bridge, and Bernie Campbell, Somerville 000 121 000—4 • Fords (1) more possible weak spots than the Yanks. Both Men's Division Morristow/i; Alex Szabo, New Woodbridge 100 000 001—2 Seylei- 147 178 146 Brunswick, and Pat Ryan, South 46 20 19 aren't "shoo-ins" by any means. The Tigers are up Ed Miller defeated Nick Urban Woodbridge (0) Paulsen 183 136 "178 BARS DISCRIMINATORY Plainfield; Sol Cole, New Bruns- MEXICAN BASES AB R HLund 139 there. Buck Newsome, Schoolboy Rowe, Tommy 15-9, 15-10; Art Locker beat Clair Topeka, Kan. — Introduced by wick, and Frank Alfanso, High- Bixel 15-13, 15-5; George Ruddy Th£ United States and Mexico Zullo, 2b 3 0 1R. Jensen 165 150 Bridges, Floyd Gieble, and others aren't the weakest Wm. H. Towers, only negro mem- land Park, and Sass Thompson, have reached an agreement for the Dubay, If 4 0 0HepperstM 169 145 172 stopped Bob Deter 15-9, 9-15, 15-6;ber of the House of Representa- New York, and George Sweeney, pitching staff in the league by far—and there's plenty Walter Kormon whipped Art Lock- reciprocal use of. airfields and Cilo, c 3 0 0A. Jensen 181 163 160 tives, a bill prohibiting- any Kan-Newark. er 15-1, 15-9. bases, subject to legislative ap- Semak, rf 2 0 1 of power at the plate. sas labor union from acting as a Next Week's Matches proval. The arrangement strength- Jacovinich, cf 4 0 0 845 767 795 collective bargaining agent for its PARITY PAYMENTS ens the ability of the United States Monday at 8:00 P. M., Margaret members if it "discriminates Only nine senator? voted against Surick, 3b 3 0 0 Farm produce price average near to defend the Panama Canal, mak- Shedding Useless Tears Lee vs. Geraldine Komuves. against, or bars, or excludes from the proposal to increase farm DeAngelo, lb 3 0 0high set since war begun. ing it possible for military and na- Venerus, ss 4 0 2 For instance, when Bel Baker was asked if he Tuesday at 8:00 P. M., Ed Miller its membership any person because parity payments from $212,00-0,- val planes to fly over Mexico and Murdak, p 3 0 0 Wood is victor in Masters' golf thought the Tigers had much of a chance to clinch vs. Baron. Levi; at 8:30, Bob Me- of race or color" was signed 000 to $450,000,000. Sixty-one use her air fields for repairs and TAGE ' FRID'AY, SPRILi 25, 1941 FORDS £ND RARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON "»

paint. This may be done by a blow MELLBLOM TWIRLS torch, or by specially prepared re- WHS Ball Tossers Stage Really Knits for Britain SPORTS ECHOES mover compounds, a semi-liquid Continued from Sport Page {Continued from Sport Page) mixture that subdues the most 3-1 WiyOR SOX ttubborn surfaces with neatness Cipo, ]f 10 0 their second straight pennant, the answer was: "Darn and dispatch. The blow touch Aqu.ia, rf 10 0 Fans 14 And Allows Only method of removal should be un- tootin' we have." Then Baker stated that the exhibi- dertaken, only by those thoroughly 31 0 4 Two Hits In Clash tion games really weren't so important. Del figures familiar with the job, for if the flame is allowed to play on the sur- Perth Amboy (5) WithMorganville the team is stronger than last year. Then, too, the AB R H Tigers were picked for 5th and 6th last year and face for even an instant longer NIXON — Oscar Mcllblom than necessary, the wood below Hereog, 3b 4 11 stretched the Nixon Red Sox to a ended first. This season, they're picked for third, might 'become charred. Gaydos, 2b 4 10 8 to 1 conquest over the Morgan- fourth, etc., which seems, humorously enough, a good Wash It First! Kiersgaard, If 4 0 1 ville Bai-on.s here Sunday al'U-i- sign to some of the Tigers. Every few years the finisheso fWebber, ss 4 11 noon. HurJing brilliantly, Mell- all bOats should be "stripped Mola, rf 2 11 blom struck out fourteen and al- Gehringer told the press his back was definitely down" to the wood, but even when DeDrami, lb 4 0 1 lowed but a pair of safeties. feeling better. Rowe predicted he'd win more games this is not necessary, the craft must Frank, cf 4 0 1 Ray Clayton, Baron flinger, also be ready for a paint co-at every Rosaluk, c 2 0 0 pitched well. He was touched for than last year. Gieble should be hot. Of course, this Spring. Preparing for this, the Szamania, p 4 11 a quartet of hits. is from the Tiger point of view because the Tigers are boat must be washed down thor- Hucko, rf 10 0 Adametz, F. Mozjrai and C. Moz- doing the talking—and predicting. But don't count oughly with fresh water, and theDzubay, If 2 0 0 Kai accounted for the four Nixon bottom wire-brushed to remove hits. Adametz was credited with the Tigers out yet—somebody made the same mistake scale from old paint. In putting 66 5 7 two of the four. last year. on new paint surfaces, good boat- men paint first below the water- Score by innings: This Sunday afternoon, the Re! Woodbridge ...... 000 000 000—0 Sox will meet the East Brunswick line so that necessary hull repairs Panthers at the tatter's field. may be noted. Perth Amboy .... 010 103 000—5 Red Sox (3) Good Paint Job Prime Requisite Bottom 'painting is divided into AB R H two classes, "soft" or anti-fouling, The first varnish coat for close F. Mozffai, 2b '401 and "hard" for racing surfaces. grained woods or metals should be Marciniak, lb 2 0 0 In Fitting Out Boat For Season Boats used in fresh water use thethinned with 25 per cent pure Vai-ffo, c 4 2 0 "hard" finish to repel weeds and spirits of turpentine, and after al- C. Mozgai, ss 3 11 Painting is an all-important as-1 the highest quality and carefully grass. The "hard" finish should be lowing to dry, the next varnish fcignment in the annual fitting out japplied. A 'bare wood surface first applied over a priming coat, while coats may be applied directly from Adametz, cf 4 0 2 Ihe can. After drying, this should Perint, If 4 0 0 operations and the benefit of a' should be sanded down and dusted, "soft" compounds may be placed good marine paint job cannot be after which the pi'iming" coat, di- right over the wood surface, de- be lightly sandpapered and a third Gill, 3b 3 0 0 and final coat of varnish put on. J. Miko, rf 3 0 0 over-emphasized. Not only does luted aJbout ten per cent with tur- pending, of course, on instructions of the manufacturer. For open grained new wood, a Mellblom, rp 2 0 0 the protection afforded bring a re-pentine, should bo brushed back coat of marine wood filler is need- turn in dollars and cents, but forth, first against, and then with Thin First Varnish Coat ed, following the procedui'e out- 29 3 4 READY, SET—but the clowning comedian, Ed Wynn, does not have to »ay "Go!" to these mem- means much personal satisfaction bers of the chorus of his current hit show, "Boys and GirJs Tog-ether," for 'hey already knit for the grain. A particular priming For the finishing coat many lined above. For the best results MorganviUe (I) Bundles for Britain. The inimitable Wynn wanted to make a race of this back-stage knitting bee, to the boat owner in fcheprid e of acoa! t is needed for metal surfaces, paint manufacturers suggest a three varnish coats should be used. AB R II but the girls—Helen Devlin, Adair Dollar, Billie Bernice, Gloria GafFney, Floria Costa and Maude well groomed craft. and in preparation for applying coat of flat finish over the primer, Hickey, ss 4 0 1 Carroll—were not to be hurried in their serious work. They have contributed many knitted arti- Priming Coat Necessary this material, metal surfaces are this finish thinned out by the addi- Roosevelt signs $7,000,000,000 F. Lamura, 3b 4 0 0 cles to Bundles for the armed heroes of Great Britain. The first consideration for anysanded and scrubbed free of al]tion of 10 per cent of turpentine. war materiiils 'bill. B. Clayton, If 4 10 bare wood or metal surface to betrace' s of grease, acids and oils. When completely di'y and sand- O. Zcyen, c -.— :. 4 0 1 "DANGEROUS POISONS" FACTORY OUTPUT painted is an under, or priming, In many cases old surfaces must papered smooth, u^e two or three Life insurance companies to fur- R. Lamura, lib 3 0 0 coat, and this priming should be of coats for the final topside finish. nish funds for defense. B Lamura, 2b 3 0 0 Federal agents are taking; action Jesse H. Jones, Secretary of be removed before applying the A. Zeyen, rf 3 0 0 Keasbey ag-aitisfc a "heatless" permanent Commerce, reports a significant Zieglcr, cf 3 0 0 waving preparation which Federal upturn in. the daily flow of goods It. Clayton, ii 3 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. John Kohn of in February, the last month for BOND CLOTHES BOND CLOTHES BOND CLOTHES BOND CLOTHES BOND CLOTHES Bridgeport, Conn., were the recent Food and Drug Administrators de- clare contains a "dangerous poi- which complete figures are -avail- 31 1 2 guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Sislca, of Douglas Street. son." In a test, the preparation lafble. Manufacturing plants Score 'by innings: was applied to the skin of a rabbil Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kobus of throughout the United States are Barons 000 001 000—1 and the animal died within an increasing their shipments of fin- Red Sox 000 001 02x—3 Brooklyn, N". Y., visited Mr. andhour. Mrs. Jacob Kobus, of Dab] Avenue, ished gootfs, with both durable and Sunday. Churchill signs bases' pact; hopes non-durable industries contribut- Washington Reporter Mr. and -Mrs. William Toth of it is Hitler's death warrant. ing to the increase. Carteret visited at the home of Mr. (Continued from Editorial Page) Toth's parents Mi: and Mr.s. Louis Commission, in charge, indicates Toth, of Uayview Avenue, Sunday. a determination to avoid increas- Miss Ida Fullerton of Fords and ed prices to create a high cost of Mrs. Martha Fullerton. of Smith living problem similar to that Street, motored to Union Sunday. which came with the last war. Miss Margaret Nagy of New- Brunswick returned home after Donald M. Nelson, Director of spending* the past week at the home "Woman's place is in the home Purchases for the Oflice of Pro-of her Krendparents. Mr. and Mrs. duction M-annn'iMiient, says that the John Bubics, of Creenibrook Ave- OPit Will do all it can to increase production and limit civilian buy- ing Iby taxation and Government borrowing of its savings, in order lo avert a sharp increase in the Fords Notes coat of living. Nevertheless, he points out that there might sharp increases in indiviJuai items and, Miv. Charles Bimhish and sons, to aivert this danger,, diroct con- Charles, Martin and Timothy ,of trol mny 'be need'jd. Warner Street, have returned from a week's visit 'with Mr. and Mrs. Referring- to the experiences of MiiUirw ColYoy, New York City. the nation during the last war, Joseph Boelhower, Joseph La- Mr. Nelson points out that a ' bancz, Miss Anna Bulhauer, Albert hastily improvised price-control Perry and JamesCheh, all of Fords, ayttem was pretty effective. So attended a party Saturday ni&ht in far, the Price Stabilization Di- honor of Mathew ColVey, son of vision has established ceiling Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Coffey, of prices for bituminous coal, used Now YoVk City, former local resi- machine tools, aluminum scrap, dents. zinc scrap and iron scrap. Com- pliance has been general al- though there is no legal compul- Make Your House A Home sion behind the orders. —Own A Piano ALUMINUM Thut'vmm Arnold, Assistant-At- torney-General, charges that tin1 E AlumiiiuVn Compr.ny, "to avoid t«t« anti-trust laws,'1 formed a Cana- dian corporation in Iflol and par- BECAUSE ticipated in the division of the 0 world aluminum market. Mr. Ar- BASEMENT! nold charged lh:it a "conspiracy by the Germans" •uui a "bunch of KNOWS THE ROPES self-seeking men" kopt down the Do you have a little cast iron tyrant in production of aluminum in the Self praise is no recommendation, but honestly lolks we've United States while German pro- STRAUBE PIANOS your basement? Does an old fashioned duction increased. He said that A complete line of Musical been given so many compliments about the styles and work- :ire Germans are r.blc to produce Instruments and Accessories. bucket-a-day water heater keep you manship of Bond Clothes, that we can't help but tell you how planes because, they have alumi- Private lessons at home or in running up and down the cellar stairs num. the studio. tickled we are with your very fine comments made about all day long? Bond Clothes. Gallons of Water Per Capita One hundred gallons of water per capita is used per day by Ameri- Eddie's Music Center An automatic gas hot water heater will Frankly, we do know how to style them — and we do know cans. Kil. HoitkosUi. 1'roi*. take you out of bondage. And more- how to tailor, them —and we do know what the public wants — 357 Stnte St. Budget Perth Amboy, N. J. over/ you'll have all the hot water you and we know this — only because for a good good many years, • A budget Is a plan by which you To*. IVrtli Amboy 4-I-'»0 want, any hour of the day or night! we at Bonds have striven to make quality clothing — that would worry about expenditures before you 17 <;innt make them, rather than afterwards. stand the utmost inspection and give utmost satisfaction.' Say good bye to the mess and trouble of a bucket-a-day heater .T. to con- Visit Bond's Factory today, and see for yourself why thousands GRAND OPENING - SPRING FESTIVAL tinual fire building. Say good bye to of men buy Bond Clothes direct from the factory at factory BEN WILLIAMS SHOWS. INC. lukewarm water now and dangerously prices — and "save". scalding water the next time. AMERICA'S FAMOUS EXPOSITION SUITS TOPCOATS AUSPICES SI ANTHONY'S CHURCH With an automatic gas hot water heater you can forget about all these house- Show Grounds at Hagaman Heights hold annoyances. When you want hot $2145 UP PORT READING, N. J. water just turn the faucet—it will be WITH 2 TROUSERS OUTSTANDING VALUES A Garden of 9 ALL FEATURE there waiting for you! 1 /-| MONSTER 1*-* ATTRACTIONS 1U RIDING All New To Your City! Tomorrow stop, in DEVICES So Pay Them a Visit— and find out about a The Largest in the World! Day or Night CLOTHES-- modern automatic ~ NEW BRUNSWICK PACTORY DAYS OF NIGHTS OF gas hot water heater = PLEASURE GLORY REMSEN AVE. at HOWARD ST. 7 ., . how little they NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY FREE TO ALL—A Multiplicity FREE Acts Twice Daily cost, how inexpensive Open Daily of Free Outdoor Exhibitions 8:30 ft. M. unlil G P. M. and Gorgeous Feats. All FREE Gate Prizes they are tooperate. Thrilling. Instructive and En- Evenings tertaining Characters. Noon FREE parking space for Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Till Midnight. your cars. unlil 9 P.M. Commencing April 213 PERTH AMBOY GAS LIGHT CO. to Saturday, May 3 222 SMITH STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J, BOND CLOTHES BOND .CLOTHES BOND CLOTHES BOND CLOTHES • BOND CLOTHES •