Officers Discuss Shirt, Review Strategic Plans
Tuesday, November 12,2002 New / ^ V T h e genie comes out O b s e r v e r page 12 The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL. XXXVII NO. 55 HTTPV/OBSERVER.ND.EDU E xecutive C a bin et Officers discuss Shirt, review strategic plans “Everything lined up as per Senior class president Matt By MATT BRAMANTI fectly as it could have,” Schuster Smith presented his council’s News Writer said. strategic plan, focusing on popu She predicted next year’s pro lar events in order to foster class Executive Cabinet members ject will be successful, but said unity. met Monday evening to discuss that its too early to know for cer “Everything we’ve seen this the future of The Shirt strategic tain. year proves that the sky’s the planning, and a new student Schuster encouraged students limit,” Smith said, referring to his events calendar. to submit designs for next year’s organization’s successful pro Courtney Schuster, chairperson Shirt. Entries are due in the gramming. of The Shirt, delivered a report Student Activities Office by Dec. His plan stressed the need for on the success of the project. 6. quality events, and noted that “We’ve delivered 104,000 Peggy Hnatusko, assistant such programming is not neces shirts, with more on the way,” director of programs for Student sarily expensive. Schuster said. Activities, emphasized the chari “Money is good, but it’s better She also briefed the Cabinet on table purpose of The Shirt. to have creativity in using the the new financial arrangement of “There are students out there money we have,” Smith said.
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