C hapter 10 Sampling continental freshwaters by A ntonio G. Valdecasas Museo Nacional Ciencias Naturales (MNCN), Madrid, Spain Email:
[email protected] Marina A boal Murcia University, Murcia, Spain Email:
[email protected] Santos Cirujano Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, Spain Email:
[email protected] Sanda Iepure Speleological Institute ’Emil Racovitza’ Cluj, Romania Email:
[email protected] Damia Jaume IMEDEA, Mallorca, Spain Email:
[email protected] Heather Proctor University of Alberta, Canada Email:
[email protected] Jose Luis Velasco MNCN, Madrid, Spain Email:
[email protected] Responsibilities per chapter part: Marina Aboal (Algae); Santos Cirujano (Aquatic vascular plants); Sanda Iepure (Subterranean habitats); Damia Jaume (Anchialine waters); Heather Proctor (Macroinvertebrates and sample processing); Jose Luis Velasco (Microinvertebrates) and Antonio G. Valdecasas (Coordinator and contributor of various topics). 213 A bstract This chapter provides a summary of methods used for collecting freshwater organisms, covering algae, aquatic macrophytes, and invertebrates. It does not deal with aquatic fungi or freshwater vertebrates, which are dealt with in other chapters. After a preliminary introduction, subsequent sections deal with major subdivisions of biota based on taxon and/or body size. We also discuss sampling special habitats, with the subterranean environment (sensu lato) and anquialine waters covered in particular detail. We do not pretend to be exhaustive in the presentation of well-known techniques frequently included in freshwater techniques texts, but rather we emphasize ‘tricks of the trade’ employed by the authors that are rarely described in print. Sampling, sorting and fixing methods are suggested for each major group. The references included, some of them websites, will complement the methods described here.