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RNI Regn. No. MPENG/2004/13703, Regd. No. L-2/BPLON/41/2006-2008 :*( ; ; ; -('.-/0$1 "&'"'( !"#$% 746>3+1A(4334. <!%3<+27+=! 6*3 5734!3 *3@13*147*7=5 1(3)1@32627)3A&721 1<26!!7!=>12 ? + %4/--6 $"$ 87 ! 3 7 # * 2)#20" 23145 ! "$% !& )* R RR )3 *3456 arguments, it was not influ- enced by the heat generated by he Supreme Court on the debates. TWednesday upheld the “The issue has generated Constitutional validity of the heated public debate as well. Centre’s flagship Aadhaar Even outside the court, there scheme, but introduced safe- are groups advocating in favour guards against collection of of the Aadhaar scheme and citizens’ data by banks, telecom those who are stoutly opposing operators, online shopping the same,” said the Bench. platforms, private and corpo- Justice AK Sikri, who wrote rate entities. The court also the majority verdict for Chief ruled that Aadhaar authenti- Justice Dipak Misra, AM cation data cannot be stored for Khanwilkar and himself, said, more than six months and “Interestingly, it is not only the directed the Government to commoners who belong to ensure that Aadhaar is not and Services) Act, 2016. that violated right to privacy of either of the two groups but given to illegal immigrants. The five judges came out an individual, Justice Sikri intelligentsia is also equally A five-judge Constitution with three sets of judgments. asked the Government to bring divided. There have been num- Bench headed by Chief Justice While Justice AK Sikri wrote in a robust
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