National Spiritualist V58 N626 Dec 1976
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Îbe flational 40c DECEMBER, 1976 The Summit of Spiritual Understanding 99 on eaRth QOOÒ wiLL to men... Committee- Presi d en t’s Message ------------------ page 7 Spirifna/ism Misunderstood Evolution •••••••••••••••••••••••a page 12 Night Before Chris tmos ...................... page 16 Thoughts .page 27 CB ZEbe ■ (Rational Spiritualist INDEX Official publication of The National Spiritualist Assn, of Churches, U .S.A . P.O. Box 128, Cassadage, Fla. 32706. Thoughts Ruby J . F u lle r............................................ Page 4 Vol. 58, No. 6 6 December, 19^ The Night Before Christmas Published monthly by the Stow Memorial Foundation, Inc., i)04 Clement C. Moore .................................... Page a Susan Dr., Edinburg. Tex 78539. Second class postage paid at Indianapolis, Ind. Editorial office, The National Spiritualist, p.o. b0)( 10172, Indianapolis, Ind. 46240. Christmas A State of Mind .........................Page 6 STAFF Publisher and Editor ................... Food for the Spiritualist • -W illiam F. Melick Associate E d it o r .................................. Aldeen C. Trexler .................................... Page 7 Chuck Brandenburg Circulation Manageress.............................. ...... Marge Mellick Letter From ABC Pages Stow Memorial Foundation, Inc. Board of Trustees Spiritual Healing The Reverend Ernst A. Schoenfeld, NST, President Catherine Schneider.................................... Page 9 3501 W. Shakespeare Ave., Chicago, III. 60647 The Reverend E.L. Muse, NST, Secretary-Treasurer H istorical Reflections of 1104 Susan Dr., Edinburg, Tex. 78539 Christmas Times Mr. Ralph D. Cutlip, Sr. Rev. Genevieve Wolfl ............................ P a g e 10 P.O. Box 77, Cassadaga, Fla. 32706 The Reverend William F. Melick, NST Evolution P.O. Box 40172, Indianapolis, Ind. 46240 Rev. Ruth E. Novak ............................. Page 11 The Reverend Joseph H. Merrill 13 Cleveland Ave., Lily Dale, N.Y. 14752 Whatever is-is best Materials submitted are subject to editing. Not responsible for any Ella Wheeler Wilcox ..............................P a g e ll claim made by, for, or against contributors. Renumeration by copies of magazine. Any sim ilarity to fictionized places or people is purely Pioneers of Spiritualism coincidental. Dorothy Mayer Reiser .......................... Page 12 Single copies are 40c. One year's subscription: U.S.A. or Canada, The Last Day S3; foreign, $3.50. Subscriptions payable in advance in U .S. currency. Send only checks or money orders ... no cash. Please allow 8 weeks Dr. Frank Crane .................................... Page 14 for change of address posting. Zip codes speed delivery. Enclose Spiritualism Misunderstood yours when ordering. All subscription renewal notices are sent the label address within 30 days of the expiration date. Postmaster: Send Betty McConnell ....................................Page 16 3579 to: The National Spiritualist, P.O. Box 40172, Indianapolis, IN 46240. C o m m i 11 e e - P r e s i d e n t s N.S.A.C. O FFICERS Message ..................................................... Page 25 President, The Rev. Joseph H. Merrill 13 Cleveland Ave., Lily Dale, NY 14752 Vice President, The Rev. Ernest A. Schoenfeld, NST 3501 W. Shakespeare Ave., Chicago, IL 60647 Secretary, The Rev. Ivamay Stockwell N.S.A.C. Organizations P.O. Box 128, Cassadage, FL 32706 Treasurer, The Rev. Edwin W. Ford, NST 1521 W. Edgemont Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85007 MISSIONARIESCLUB Mr. Bernard B. Powell, Pres., 4118 W. 24 PI.. Chicago, IL TRUSTEES 60623; Rev. Janice R. Baynes, Sec., 2733 Thompson, Des Moines, IA 50317 Rev. Evelyn L. Muse NST 1104. Susan Dr., Edinburg, TX 78539 Rev. William F. Melick, NST MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 40172, Indianapolis, IN 46240 Rev. Henrietta Cox, Pres., 9y Oak St., Copiaque, L.I., NY Rev. Clyde A. Dibble Rev. Alice M. Hull, Sec.-Treas., P.O. Box 49, Cassadaga, FL, 1260 Drake Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010 32706. Rev. D. Mona Berry, NST P.O. Box 177, Cassadage, FL 32706 SPIRITUALIST HEALERS LEAGUE Mr. Joseph Sax Rev. Janice R. Baynes, Pres., 2733 Thompson, Des Moines, 9116 W. Congress St., Apt. 5 IA 50317; Mrs. Jeanne Ford, Sec., 1521 W. Edgemont Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85007. Milwaukee, WI 53225 NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST TEACHERS CLUB Rev. Larry Clark, NST, Pres., 314 Oak St., No. 7 , Syracuse, Christmas art used N.Y. 13203; Rev. Robert J. Haskins, NST, Sec.-Treas., 2810 S. Cherokee St., Englewood, Colorado, 80110. on page 3, 30, 31 LICENTIATE & MEDIUM SOCIETY Huey S. Smiley, Pres., 2733 Thompson Ave., Des Moines, Iowa 50317. Phone 515 266-5824; Anna Gross, Secy-Treas. furnished by Priscilla Clough 10930 Avenue “M”, Chicago, Illinois 60617. Phone 312 7 3 4 - 1979. THE NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST 2 MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR The task is large. The responsibility is enormous. The eternity of life is most wondrous to behold. N.S.A.C. National Board Historical Reflections of Christmas Times by Rev. Genevieve Woelfi, N.S.T. Throughout December, joy seems contageous. It is passed to many on the wings of a smile. Kindness reigns over all. Singing chimes ring out the ageless message of love. It in fuses new hope into the hearts of the weary and often discouraged. Happy carolers often travel through villages and suburbs Jesus was born. And Mary laid singing merrily. him in a manger, an anim al’s Filling the atmosphere with feeding bin, for a crib. How communal warmth, candle- humble this birth of one who lighted services and merry would rise to renowned great making festivities celebrated the ness! first Christmas in Bethlehem, and Jesus was to embody the Christ- Judaism’s sacred Hanukkah. A love that wonderful world would disciples. When he had conferred spiritual happiness radiates from be known the world over. with them, and there was nc one to another. Attaining exceptional wisdom as longer any doubt in their mind; If only such recognition of he grew to manhood, his teaching that he was truly Jesus, he passec brotherhood continued throughout would be unequalled in power to upward disappearing from theii the year from one yuletide to uplift and enoble men. sight. To that high state of con another! According to authoritative sciousness, for which his earth While Jewish families con history records Jesus was born life had prepared him, h( gregate at the feasting table and October 6 in Four B.C. However, ascended. in the synagogue rejoicing over the latter part of December was; For centuries before th< their great victory for for freedom established as the celebration Christian E ra, Mithraism was thi some 2000 years ago, the shadow time for the Christian religion. Persian religion. Its roots wen of the illustrious prophet, Jesus, There was a reason for this: traced to India and Babylonia. Ii the Christian Wayshower, seems The winter solstice was the Seventy B.C., Roman soldier to hover over holiday activities. traditional time for worshipping fighting in Persia, took home t And once again the beautiful the birth of other saviors (born of Rome and the Roman Empire, a Christmas story is unfolded. How virgin mothers with fathers said its height, the worship of Mithra shepherds watching their sheep in to be gods), who became After warring throughout th the quiet hillside heard singing sacrificial martyrs. For the second, third, and fourth cen angel voices proclaiming the birth removal of men’s sins they were turies of the Christian E ra, belief of a new Leader; how a star of put to death. On arising from the of Mithraism and Christianit tremendous magnitude, unlike grave they were supposed to have became so similar that the; any other luminary, guided ascended into space heavenward. ultimately fused into one wisemen from countries far and Such was the religious belief at Christianity absorbed Mithraism near bearing gifts to the little one that time. Seneca, the Roman historian in Bethlehem, Judea; and how Mithra was the last of these tells of many other legendar this child would grow in savior-gods prior to the advent of beliefs which developed int knowledge and understanding of Jesus. His birthdate was religions: Bell and Osiris c men and their needs; and he designated as December 25 and so Babylonia; Prometheus, god c would be their Comforter. celebrated as a festival time. The Greek mythology; and a doze From his worthy parents, Mary Easter season commemorated other ‘Saviors.’ In Tibet an and Joseph, Jesus received a high Mithra’s sacrifice for the ex Napal, the Indian deity, Indra c spiritual heritage, and teachings piation of men’s errors and his 1500 B.C. is still worshipped fo of Egypt’s Essenes. subsequent resurrection from the his death on the cross. His su( Like many others, his father dead. cessor was the Hindu g°c and expectant mother made the And just as had befallen Mithra Krishna, born 1000 years B.C. Hi long trek through Judea by many years before, Jesus was put too, was crucified for ‘man donkey to pay compulsory taxes. to death for the remission of evil forgiveness of sins.’ Today 11105 Because the small town’s Inn was in all men who would believe in of India worships Krishna. overfilled, the only ac him. He, too, demonstrated the Although much good dwells • commodation to be found was a continuity of life. After death on all religions, the constructs stable. Here, on a bed of soft hay, the cross, he returned to his psychology of Jesus, a practica Continued on page 10 THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL! 8 The dedication of one’s life to 1 !• | - i g & . e t 1 1 f "i CF the pursuit of a great ideal, the ïf iîr it i i #î I ,M.. J^ - % y ^ 4s». giving of one’s self wholehear js w tedly to unselfish service-will, in time, result in a new, firmer spiritual revival within our own organization, as well as new PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL HEALING— growth for humanity. It may even I ask the great unseen healing force to re- m0ve all obstructions from my mind and body help to bring about another reality and to restore me to perfect health.