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353 Motion re At-tier on S.C. & SRAVANA 23. 1913 (SAX.) S.7: & othe nwks 354 sections in the countty SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA : SHRI SOMNATH CHATTER- How ? (Interruptions) JEE : As a Speaker of the Lok Sabha, you have to kindly give your ruling. SHRI CHANDRA JEET YADAV fhternlptions) (Azamgarh) : You cannot dictate the MR. SPEAKER : I can understand Speaker like that. You are a Minister the feelings of the Members belonging and you should at least follow the to different parties, and at the same des. (Interruptions) time, supposing we discuss what hap- SHRI SOMNATIH CHATTER- pens in other Legislatures or discuss what the Presidkg Officer over there .RE : This is a very bad system. the is doing then it becomes a precedent Ministers intervening like that. It is and it creates difficulties. noUiing to do wilh their Departments. Most disturbing Ministers. (Itlrcr- So. I would request the Members mptions) not to please raise it and you can do it in a different fashion. outside also. SHRI CHANDRA JEET YADAV : But if we discuss what is happening in Sir. without your permission. let the other Legislatures. then it becomes Ministers not speak like that. a precedent MR. SPEAKER : May I ask the (Interntyriom) young, enthusiastic and very knowledgeable Ministers to address MR.SPEAKER : There is nothing the House. through the Speaker'? to clap. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTER- (Inrerncpriotzs) JEE : You should have an Orientation /Translation] Course for them. MR. SPEAKER : If you do like this SHRT JASWANT SINGH (Chit- it would be very difficult for me. I am torgarh) : Mr. Speaker. Sir. I am sure. on my legs and you are speaking. you will appreciate the gravity of the situation wherein the Speaker of the (Interruptions) Legislative Assembly of Meyhalaya IEngliN becomes the Leader of a political party and is attempting to function in MR. SPEAKER : Let us stick to it. a dual role simultaneously. We are on a very important Resolu- tion. We are all interested in knowing while. as Leader of a political party, Shri V. P. Singh's view on this. Ma): I he is exercising his functions as the request him to please come to the Speaker and is threatening. Please let Motion #andexpress his opinion. it not be considered as impertinence, (Inf erruprions) if I were to suggest ....(Inrer- ruptions) -- SHRI JASWANT SINGH : It is a 17.00 hrs. very unusual situation. It is so Motion re. atrocities on the sCheduled unusual, therefore, I am coolmenling castes and scheduled tribes and other on it. Normally, I do not. (Ititer- weaker sectims in the country- nrptions) contd. 355 Mution re Atmitie on S.C. & AUGUST 14, 1991 s.3: & othw waaka 356 dons in the Country ter stated that he did not possess definite information. This reveals the MR. SPEAKER : The House wgl true picture of the entire system. It was now take up further consideration of really a ruthless murder. Let us for the the following motion moved by Shri moment keep this system aside. The Ram Vilas Paswan on the 13th entire system is so insensitive that it August 1W1, namely :- did not even care to collect the details of the incident. On the other side Dr. ''That this House do express its Ravi Chandra Vernla who belonged to concern over the atrocities being a Scheduled Tribe and conducted the committed on the Scheduled Cas- post-mortem of the dead bodies suf- tes and Scheduled Tribes and other ferred such an agony that he commit- weaker sections of the society in the ted suicide. What is the reaction of a country and urge upon the Govern- particular section of the society ment to take early necessary steps against which injustice has been to prevent their recurrence." done. For them it is a great tragedy so Dr. Ravi Chandra Committed suicide. But what is the reaction of the ruling SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP class? It is an irony that they totally SINGH (Fatehpur) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, remained unconcerned of what hap- the brutal killing of people belonging pened in the various parts of the coun- to Scheduled Castes and scheduled try. On being passed the information triies in Tsundur village of Guntur by Shri N. T. Ramarao in the evenings district is certainly heart rending. But of the day of the incident Shri Paswan if we want to know the reason behind promptly submitted a memorandum such incidents we may have to delve the very next day. deep into the history of thousands of years. This incident is not a local inci- SHRI BUTA SINGH (Jalore) : It is dent It is a volcano which bursts here not the ruling party bur the ruling and there. These killings are a reflec- class. tion on the Government The organs of Government like the police and SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP others were present but they were SINGH : I am referring to the class mute spectators, as they have been for and 'not levelling charges against thousands of years. The Schedded others to acquit myself. It is a matter Castes are discriminated socially, of great concern for all of us. politically and economically and there are cases where they were "SHRI BUTA SINGH : You referred mutilated and thrown in the drains. to ,the ruling party. This is all because of our system and SHRt ' VISHWANATH PRATAP this incident is just a reflection of that. SINGH : I did not mean a party. We But what is the attitude of the ruling are all equally responsible for it It is elite. The district magistrate reaained not a matter of making allegations unaware of the situation for twenty and counter allegations. It is a matter four hours. The incident took place on of self-contemplation and it would be 6th of the month and after three days a good gesture if the Minister of Home when the hon. Chief Minister met the Affairs visits the place. My submis- haMinister of Home Affairs the lat- sion is that the hon. Prime Minister 357 Motion re. Arrocitia on S.C. & SRAVANA 23, 1913 (SAU) S.1: & other weaker 358 iections ifl rlre count7 should also go there. It would be a the Chairman of Parliamentary Com- signal to the administration that it mittee on the Welfare of Scheddled should remain vigilant arid alert. It is Castes and Scheduled Tribes were set not an allegation. Buta Singh ji. Such on fire. Jatia ji also related a similar happenings cause pain and when this incident. Why only such people pain crosses the stage of anguish it become the target? How these hap- causes commotion. That is the situa- penings can be checked? It is tion today. absolutely correct that the administra- tion should take action in this regard. When I was !he Chief Minister an The demand to set up special cousts is incident took place. Some persons alsc; justified. The investigation report helonging to Scheduler1 Tribes were of a judge will again have to be killed. Some persons belonging to the brought in court. backward classes were also killed the SHRI MANDAL (Godda) : same day. Police was not involved in SURAI He should also belong to the it. Rut as I was holding such a respon- Scheduled Caste or Scheduled sible post I asked myself whether I Tribe. had any right to be in that place. There is no law or rule to force any- SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP body to think on these lines. But when SINGB : I will come to that also. The we are holding high positions we must previous National Front Government ask such questions from ourselves had decided that special courts would because we are responsihlr for such a he set up in each district. I think that situation. But it is not provided in any Shri Paswan's proposal of setting up statute book. We. who are holding an exclusive court would enable the high posts, will have to set some exam- Government to probide justice. At the ples in public life. It is not that we do same time the officials who are that work with our own hands. But negligent in thei~ duty should be when an untoward incident takes awarded severe punishnient which place. we mmt share the respon- chould serve as a warning to others. sibility and listen to the voice of our Those who were present at the spot. conscience. There is no need to sac- shculd be dismissed with immediate rifice life as Shri Ravi Chandra did. effect. The matter should be dealt in a However, one can resign in protest. proper atlmifiistrative mariner. An awareness should be created so However, we will have to go deep in that such matters are taken seriously orde~to find out how such incidents while importance of the role of police can be stopped. If we hi1 to u~itler- and Government is indisputable. It is stand the social structure we would there in this case and it is indisput- not be able to understanJ these injus- able. They have a direct respon- tices. Power is misused to conlniit sibility. atrocities. But wh~possess power and qtrength '! Those on whom they are Whenever any untowrd incident applied definitely do not have it. Now takes place persons belonging either the thing is that if they are to be saved. to the backward or to the neglected powers should be shared with them. sections of society become target. In Until it is done. power would continse Delhi itself houses of Shri Paswan's to be used against them. The use of and Shri Anadi Charan Das who is 359 Motion re Atr~~lXeson S.C.