Agenda Item: 07

Title of Paper Applications Determined Under Delegated Powers

1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017

Presented by Mark Pullin, Chief Planning Officer

Author Kirsty Bowskill, Development Monitoring Officer

Purpose of Paper and Executive Summary

This report is presented to planning committee informing members on planning applications determined under delegated powers 1 January 2017 to 31 March 2017.

EDC Business Plan Planning and delivery performance is one of the priority and KPIs areas for the EDC in relation to the Business Plan and KPIs.

Recommendation FOR INFORMATION

The Committee is invited to NOTE the information

Annexes Not applicable

Delegation Not applicable


Period for Report: 1 January 2017 – 31 March 2017


Application Reference: 16/00002/ECCDNA Decision Date: 9 January 2017

Location: Castle Hill, Eastern Quarry

Applicant: Land Securities (Eastern Quarry) Limited

Proposal: Submission of details relating to sustainable construction code for Castle Hill Area pursuant to condition 23 of planning permission DA/12/01451/EQVAR.


Decision: Approved

Application Reference: EDC/16/0112 Decision Date: 20 January 2017

Location: Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, ,

Applicant: Henley Camland LLP

Proposal: Application for the part-approval of condition 35 (Part 1 only) attached to planning permission reference no. 12/01451/EQVAR relating to land quality and ground contamination desk study for the Western part of Eastern Quarry.

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved

Application Reference: EDC/16/0085 Decision Date: 2 February 2017

Location: Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, Swanscombe, Kent

Applicant: LS Eastern Quarry

Proposal: Application for approval of conditions 9 & 10 of reserved matters planning permission reference no. 16/00026/ECREM (Castle Hill primary school/community centre) relating to details of the extraction system, treatment of fumes and control of noise and vibration and noise assessment report.

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved

Application Reference: EDC/16/0094 Decision Date: 22 February 2017

Location: Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, Swanscombe, Kent

Applicant: Land Securities (Eastern Quarry) Ltd.

Proposal: Application for part approval of conditions 19 & 20 of planning permission reference 12/01451/EQVAR in relation to a Design Code for land west of Castle Hill Central Neighbourhood Area (Parcel 4) and combined Area Masterplan and Design Code for land to south of Castle Hill (Parcel 6)

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved

Application Reference: EDC/17/0009 Decision Date: 17 February 2017

Location: Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, Swanscombe, Kent

Applicant: BDW Kent

Proposal: Application for a non-material amendment to Reserved Matters planning application reference no. 15/01881/ECREM; to allow amendments to the layout previously approved for the inclusion of a number of traffic calming measures and associated plot substitutions.

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved subject to conditions

Application Reference: EDC/16/0095 Decision Date: 1 March 2017

Location: Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, Swanscombe, Kent

Applicant: LS Eastern Quarry

Proposal: Application for the approval of condition 11 attached to planning permission reference no. 16/00026/ECREM relating to a detailed scheme for the sports pitches at Castle Hill Primary School.

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved

Application Reference: EDC/17/0002 Decision Date: 21 March 2017

Location: Part of Phase 2, Castle Hill Village, Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, Swanscombe, Kent

Applicant: Charles Church

Proposal: Retrospective application for the display of 1no. freestanding mini stack sign, 1no. directional signs, 4no. parking signs, 1no. marketing suite fascia sign, 2 Charles Church flag signs and 5no. fixed signs.

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved subject to conditions

Application Reference: EDC/17/0024 Decision Date: 31 March 2017

Location: Part of Phase 2, Eastern Quarry, Watling Street, Swanscombe, Kent

Applicant: Charles Church

Proposal: Application for part approval of conditions 4 and 6 attached to planning permission reference no. EDC/15/01218/ECREM relating to external materials and boundary treatments.

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved


Application Reference: EDC/16/0129 Decision Date: 20 January 2017

Location: Former Croxton and Garry Site, Tiltman Avenue, Swanscombe, Kent, DA10 0LL

Applicant: Swanscombe Development LLP

Proposal: Request for a screening opinion under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011 (as amended) for an outline application (all matters reserved except access) for residential development comprising approximately 204 dwellings, means of access and creation of a development platform.

Ward: Swanscombe

Decision: EIA not required


Application Reference: 15/01465/ECCDNA Decision Date: 19 January 2017

Location: West Grid Sub Station, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe, Kent

Applicant: Redrow Homes Ltd

Proposal: Submission of details relating to contaminated land assessment pursuant to condition 34 of outline planning permission DA/05/00308/OUT for redevelopment of site comprising a mixed use of up to 950 dwellings & non-residential floorspace for: shopping, food & drink, hotel use; community, health, education & cultural uses; assembly & leisure facilities & associated works to provide the development

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved

Application Reference: EDC/16/0100 Decision Date: 16 January 2017

Location: Northfleet West Sub Station, Southfleet Road, Swanscombe, Kent

Applicant: Redrow Homes Ltd

Proposal: Application for a variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission reference no. EDC/16/0015 regarding a change in house type (from Letchworth to Ludlow) and subsequent substitution of drawings 2871-21-04-007 Rev b, 201 (Letchworth), 202 (Letchworth) & 401 (Letchworth) with replacement drawings 2871- 21-04-007 Rev c, 201C (Ludlow), 202 (Ludlow) & 401C (Ludlow).

Ward: Greenhithe

Decision: Approved subject to conditions


Application Reference: EDC/17/0005 Decision Date: 16 February 2017

Location: South River Bank, River Ebbsfleet Springhead Bridge Link, Land at Springhead Park, Springhead Road, Northfleet, , Kent

Applicant: Balfour Beatty

Proposal: To fell 1x Acer Platanoides (Norway Maple) at ground level.

Ward: Northfleet South

Decision: Approved subject to condition

Application Reference: EDC/17/0013 Decision Date: 7 February 2017

Location: Springhead Bridge Link, Northfleet, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 8FJ

Applicant: Ebbsfleet Development Corporation

Proposal: Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission reference no. GR/20090057 to allow the addition of a condition for approved plans.

Ward: Northfleet South

Decision: Approved subject to conditions

Application Reference: EDC/17/0012 Decision Date: 7 February 2017

Location: Springhead Bridge Link, Northfleet, Gravesend, Kent

Applicant: Ebbsfleet Development Corporation

Proposal: Application for a non-material amendment to planning permission reference no. DA/09/00119/EBSRM to allow the addition of a condition for approved plans.

Ward: Northfleet South

Decision: Approved subject to conditions

Application Reference: EDC/17/0010 Decision Date: 20 March 2017

Location: Eastgate, 141 Springhead Parkway, Northfleet, Gravesend, DA11 8AD

Applicant: NKCD Ltd

Proposal: Erection of two single storey side extensions incorporating wc’s, activity spaces, kitchen facilities and storage with multiple separate access points, relocation of cycle parking and alterations to external areas.

Ward: Northfleet South

Decision: Approved subject to conditions


Application Reference: EDC/16/0018 Decision Date: 9 January 2017

Location: Car Wash, Watling Street, Bean, Dartford, Kent, DA2 8AH

Applicant: Mr I Berisha

Proposal: Continued use of land as Car Wash for a further limited period of 3 years.

Ward: Bean and

Decision: Approved subject to conditions


Application Reference: EDC/17/0006 Decision Date: 3 February 2017

Location: Former Janta Fashions, 45-49 Burch Road, Northfleet, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 9NE

Applicant: Gravesham Borough Council

Proposal: Consultation on an application to change the use of the northern part of the site from a single planning Class B1/B2 use; to Class B1, B2, B8 uses and car sales Class (Sui Generis).

Ward: Pelham

Decision: Observations sent