University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, April 13, 1967. Vol. LIIII, No

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University of Cincinnati News Record. Thursday, April 13, 1967. Vol. LIIII, No .AI,I~Caimp'us:.Elections.Set· Thu,rsday,;·. ~Fridily , Election of the student govern- at-large fribunal positions. In fu- referendums that may appear. ers this' year will fill out a ques- ment for the 1967-68 school: year ture years, seniors will also be In addition to voting' for stu- tionnaire made UP by the Senior eligible to vote for any student, dent government offices, all vot-. Class Advisory Board concerning "will be held on' campus this Thursday and Friday. This year, for the first time at UC, seniors will vbe eligible 'to vote in the campus elections. The election results will be an- nounced Monday, April 17, 'in the Great Hall of the Union: The pro- gram will commen~e at 12 noon,' The senior vote was brought about through an amendment to the Student Council Constitution initiated by Mike Patton and voted into effect in February of this year. It- was felt that even though they will not be, directly 'affected by (he student government elect- ed for next year, seniors have had more time -to evaluate past governments and should actually be in the best position to judge the' candidates. Seniors will vote for Student Body President, Stu- RUTH CAREY, Gary Greiner, Frank Nutter and Larry Horwitz talk among themselves before their dent Council representatives, and debate in the Union. -Photo by John Rabius t.:Tn~ver~ity of CincinD.:ati NEWS '.RECORD Vol. 54. Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, April 13, 1967 No. 23 German I)ept. An,nounces UC Girls: Given Responsibilit,Y Summer Wo.rk-Study Plan Guy Stern, head of the uc people. The common interest of a To Deterrnine Individual Hours German department, has an- field, such as' medicine or law, nounced plans, for a government- will aidthisprocess tremendous- At the regularly scheduled res p onsibility of, .determining used in judging the success or financed summer work-study pro- ly," says Stern. meeting of the Women's Housing their hour of return to the· living failure of such a system? unit, ' gram in Germany, the first of its -; Participants in the program Council, it' was announced' that The hours for the freshmen kind in the. country. will stay in Berlin for a 'week 'as the proposal that "Junior and Se- All" Of 'the following questions and sophomore women will re- ~ mlen!<;!will attend the Uni- guests' of the German govern-, nior women and those women must be studied thoroughly and main' the same as they are at versity of Hamburg on a program ment. over :twenty-one have the respon- resolvedbefore the lW~y1st dead- present, and' all rrie'fi'will~pe,~x- . sibility .of determining their own modeled after the existing co-op Anyone "with two 'years of Ger- lirie:as well as 'many:''others: C' pected to' leave the Jlving~unitiat hoursbeginning in the <academic Ih-bJ.c..mat DC. There will be sev- man language study or-the equiv- a) How can security of 'the the time when their date must- eral differences from the Euro- alent is eligible for the program, year "1967-68" has been approved residence hall be insured under sign in, Security for the living un- -pean study plans. Students who 'says Stern. The' student must also by the Dean of Women's office such, a system? its will remain the same, and no are, residents of Cincinnati will have good' recommendations and 'with -the provision that appro- unit will remain, open after clos- priate security and administra- b) Itowcansecurity of the in- be able to spend the summer' for score .well :on a tape-recorded, dividuals be increased? ing hour. Only residents will be $187 because of a grant from the t~st. tivemethods are formulated by .allowed to enter the building af~ the .Women's Housing Council. c) Should women on probation ter closing hours. Office of Education.: ""Qualified UC students will get be under the policy of self-de- At the present time, the indi- This proposal is ,the result of The cost includes transporta-: first consideration. The grant pro- termined hours? vides for 25 student participants. vidual governments of the,;;'Wom- careful surveys by a committee tion, housing and fees for classes d) What should be done for an taken while in Germany. -en's Residence Halls and Sorority of the Women's Housing Council Houses are working. on proce- indivdual who- might not fit un- of, all women living in the Uni- , Students- will take German Members Chosen dures and their .implementation -del' 'the policy, but might have versity Housing. The study took courses for credit and will then in the -.respective' living units. legitimate reasons for asking for approximately two years of poll- work for a month in a job con- By Cjncinn'otus' 'Should evaluation of' these find- such consideration? ing, evaluating, and reevaluating. nected with his own career plans. ings prove them feasible by May, e)' How shall the women in Final .plans regarding the self- If he is in pre-law, for example, Cincinnatus Society recently se- '1, 1967, a trial period will go into question. be educated regarding determined hours will be pre- arrangements might be made for lected 32 members. The new effect: During such a trialpe- safety measures during the' hours sented to the Dean of Women's '" him to work in a Hamburg law members are from the Freshman; riod, senior women will have the' following closing in the living office by the Women's Housing firm. - Sophomore and Junior classes: units? Council following adequate eval- "By transplanting the co-op and represent seven colleges of f) What criteria should be uation of the trial period. idea overseas and combining it the University. ' with study We, give the partie]- New-rnembers from A&S are: ODK Honorary pant the chance to identify close- Barb Bernstein,' Lloyd Hastings, ly with the German culture and Jerry Hill, Nancy Lloyd, John Mc- To Tap Tuesday 'Greek Fire' To Burn Friday Elwee,. Gary Menchofer, Beth O'Donnell, and Louis Prues. At 'Convocation Representing Business Admin- istration are: Louis Beck, Harold Alpha Theta Circle of Omicron Elliott, Dave Eshman, Howard Delta, Kappa will hold the annual Fuller, Don' Heckerman,' Fred 'spring tapping of -new members Hershede, William Ilg, Mike Ull- on Tuesday, April 18~ at 7:30 'man, Rich Watkins, and Barry, p.m, in Wilson Auditorium. Jack Boulton, President .of ODK, will Klein. II; Education and, Home Ec.will be the student 'speaker for the be represented by JoAnn Craw- tapping ceremony which, for the ford, Dean Foster" Sue Hanni, first time will be held' in conjunc- Robin Sevester, Barb 8010111on, tion with the Greek Week Convo- and Patty Sterneck. cation. Representatives of DAA:' Janet ODK is a national honor so- Hadler, Janet Johnson, Mike 'Ker- ciety'; which makes selections to . ley.' ' r e cog n i.z e outstanding accom- Engineering: Scott Patridge. plishments in the five areas of Nursing and "'Health : Sally Is- scholarship, student government, phording and Babs Uctman~, . social and religious a f.f air s, CCM: Madeline Carvalho, and speech; music, drama and the Dana Converse. other arts, and athletics. In selecting' members ODK SENIORSI uses a. point system to: objectively Cloth caps and gowns, will evaluate the men nominated. If be used' again this .year f.,. the men attain the ·minimum .,._u.ti_ Ther. w.... Mt number of' points, they are enough ,aper· caPs anti gowns brought up before the members available for June, and It WaS for intensive discussion of the GREEK WEEK ACTIVITIES will begin this Friday, April 14~Walton decided to return to the ,cloth quality' of .the work they have Bachrach, Mayor of Cincinnati, will officially open qreek Week Friday ones. done. Tapping of those selected aftemoon with a proclamation and will receive the Greek torch. Friday is held in the spring and fall, night there will be a torch-lit parade down Clifton I\venue. Page Two UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI NEWS RECORD l"hursdaYLApril 13, ,.1967 ADVERTISEMENT VIETNAM WE'EK Underground Movies Feature AN END ,TO SILENCE Of "April Spring Arts ~estival We, students of UC' declare an end to our silence. We call '\ for the enlistment of the men, money and resources now being By Karen McCabe Great Hall, the first feature' of Festival, the exhibit will be shown used to maintain the military machine to be used in a fight Cinema '67, a segment of the Sec- ...\pril 27-28 at 10 a.m. and 9' p.m. "against the real enemies of man-hunger, hopelessness, ignor- For the first time, a large audi- ance, hate, fear, discrimination and inequality. We call upon ence is considering the experimen- ond Annual Spring Arts Festival, in the Union Executive Conference faculty and students alike who have heretofore traded silence tal film and is beginning to be- which runs from April 22-29. The Room. for security, complacency for comfort, to support the nation- Iieve what a minority has been 3%-hour "peekture"" "Chelsea Other lJnderground devotees wide peace rally with your' name; your presence and/or your saying for years: "That movies ' Girls," which depicts homosex- believe "people think through moral and financial resources. are entering an era of innovation uality, Lesbianism, and-drug ad- movies, and, therefore, they are that attempts to change the lan- diction, was deemed by some realizing that movies don't have IT IS TIME TOSPE.AK OUT guage of film and re-educate the critics as dirty and dull, while to be just stories." "In one way human eye." movie-goers stood in long lines, or another," reports "Newsweek," bringing in $10,000 to $15,000 a Therefore, to launch this movement, we call for a mass '"Retinal Music" "the fate - the possible collapse week.
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