Chapter 7: Historic Resources
Chapter 7: Historic Resources A. INTRODUCTION This chapter considers the potential of the proposed actions to affect historic resources, both archaeological and architectural. It has been prepared in accordance with City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) guidelines, which require that City agencies consider the effects of their actions on historic properties. In accordance with CEQR guidelines, this analysis identifies all historic resources that have been designated or determined to meet the eligibility requirements for local, state, or national designation, and it also identifies properties that may meet such eligibility requirements. In assessing potential project effects on historic resources, this analysis follows the guidance of the CEQR Technical Manual. The CEQR Technical Manual recommends that a historic resources assessment be performed if a proposed action would result in any of the following actions: in-ground disturbance; new construction; physical alteration of any building; the change in scale, visual context, or visual setting of any building, structure, object, or landscape feature; or the screening or elimination of publicly accessible views; even if no known historic resources are located nearby. Since the proposed actions are expected to generate some of these results, a full analysis under CEQR was undertaken. As described more fully below, the proposed actions would result in significant adverse impacts on historic resources. There would be direct impacts on 141 sites. With respect to archaeological resources, there would be impacts on 23 potential development sites. The sites are located at 139 East Houston Street, 32-36 East 3rd Street, 28 East 2nd Street, 239 East 3rd Street, 740 East 6th Street, 258-266 East 7th Street, 271 East 7th Street, 349 East 10th Street, 101 East 7th Street, 64 East 3rd Street, 100 East 4th Street, 68 East 7th Street, 73 St.
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