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9-1-1965 Kabul Times (September 1, 1965, vol. 4, no. 130) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (September 1, 1965, vol. 4, no. 130)" (1965). Kabul Times. 1087.

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' -'. yesterday'sTemperamre ' o. ~'~. ' .•.•~" ~b;.I'.~es. is.' ~~hblec 'IJ::~ - ~ ~'. _ Max' + 29°C.. :M1mmll1ll l2°.C. ,<:. >~ :.' Khy.~ ··RiSbui'aDt;-·,:~uF'. ',::. '.' Sun setS today &16:25 p.m. -': ." ..Hotel"', . Shai'+Naw '.;near:, -:._ . . 8mi rises tomorrOw at 5:27 a.Iil.. ·. Tomorrow's' Outlook: .Clear .. .., : . '~'.:', :" ~. :: ::" .~ ~ ". , ~<' '>'0' .;'.~~'.~:~: :.~ ·~'-)~~'::.i·i~~~~~~~~,l'·~~~~~'A:·~·._~·~.:_.,~'~·~ • •. •. _ . '. ... .;''' ._• '.=.:: .- • _. -. • .. _. _:.. • "~ _= _ ~ .:_ - .:_ -0 jll: 'j' .. .'. ,. .. '. .''., , .. ' : '. 'H .. ~" ';. .,,""/:'-' ': ..', ~'PRICE-Af, 2 . .' . . .KABtlli wEDNESDAy'SEPTEMBER ':fe -1965 (sUNBULA )0" J344... S: . :L, . .. . '. .' . . VOL,·IV,NO·130··· de....',' ·G··'h .f'f", ':K'h;'a"n·.• ' ...... • ·M;~~ri;~,:"'ak~tu~sfu~'iead~~cA~tCereinony:·~rc., . ~ ~ K·han A.b u· (I ·ar· .' .' ,. .'" .." ., '" " '.>' .o' '0 - - • •' '. . .. :." " <':- .,CaUs·On Pakistan ToC~nc~e··· ::. ~.. . '.' .. ' ·To Right Of ·Pakhtu.nistqn.·· ::'" . .. KABUL, Sep~ber 1.- .' " . HAN AbduIGiiaJra~KhaJl, the v.eteraD leader ·of Pakh~nis-.:.. :·::: K'tan;. yesterday said that further expanSioD and ~eDting.·:: : ... of Iiatfonal unify we~eimperativeif the nati(lnal' ~Plrati(lD of· , . ;:.:,' .. PakhtunfstaD were to be· achieved. Be sa,i~ that if the people... .' .. .'. of PakhtunistaD silcceedeclin rebuildiDg thell' h()JJlelan~.. DODD~·. ~. · ·woUid ,be able to usrup :theirrights. .. '. . .' ..' .• .". ~ '. Speaking at a gathering of I, Day. celebratlo,ns wa.s t~at. of,' .. 'thouSands.'. of . 'peoplein' . Ghazi grief' felt dyer' the pr~vatlO~,' of Stildium on . Pakhtunistan pay' rhe.."I:leQple of P~tu~llstan~ . 'Th~. . ·. thE 85-year-old Pakhtunistani lea- effort~.made b! .thlS no1?leand: ~n- ."- freedo~ . , · der said: "Qther' nations whose terprlsmg natton t.o .wm.. .' w.ere started for t~e Ind?",Pak~tan.sub~0n.b:; long lif.ter· that of Pakhtunlstanl r:ent', . he. saId,.: . have have won their. freedom. through ·naught and ~eytheqrselves.. ha:ve-:. ". '. se.lfle!iSnCss and' by· workingto-' . been. sufferIng up.told, 'rn~Se!les ..... ward a,·singlegoal.·.... To achieye(lv~r a peri6~·.~fl,~ y.ear.s mth~ .' their'aims the people. of· P~khtu· bOP of coloma~sm·,,-. . . .• ... nistan,too, rpust be' prepared to· The Mayor said that the go~.e.rn-; '. 'r~ake every possible sacrifice and n~nt and pe.ople of Mgh.~ms~an,.:.. tolerate all,discomforts and tribu;. ~jnce. 's .emancIpatIon. .:. · lationS:" '. . Il>av~ supported, WIth. ,fraternal . f~' I. :. Khan Abdul Ghaffar dedared motives, .the desire of ·the}:'akhtu- ... ·. that 'Pakistllp.. was· created· '. with I nistani nation to oe free ap.,/)'· p':av~, .... . tht' blood of the people of Pakh-·1 eInpl6yed every.peac·eful·: means····. : ", ...... '. '. ;' .. ,.'. :. .: ., ,_. ~ i . _ - •.'. . ~~ni~ta~ b~t when. Pakistan came to draw the attention P!!k:.'::"':;'HRu ~h~l' shah. wali;:~han; 'Prime'I~IiJii§fer pr.~~o!$D.~d 'Yl!.~~ .. Con~ ·MinJs~~ -: .;._ • _:~ '.' '~, JiltQbemg Its ~ gover~ent re~used Istangovernment. to~ards .th.~.... .', All. Mohammad and. Kh:¥l -.(\b dJiI Gbalbr ~an af-~akl1..t)lilistaD Square- w~i. for tIle ~ag holS' ,. '.... to grantth~ n~ht of Pa10tunlstan. bleat b~under conlImt~ed ~y ~t .~., tin&- eeremoJiy':yestenIaY ,"', ,,' __ :': ':' :".',. " '' .. : :~ ':' .. , :... ,-;" _ : ; '''We a~k Pakistan: nothmg more concernmgJshe.PiJkht\lPJ:Stam. .na~ "~"',~'-"'.'., '.., '-'- ."':' " .. ' " ':~" ,',.': .':. ". iI' , ~,..~:,,:;-~._ -. . ". ~~:l:oo~;~t~~~;'~\:fS:~ Wen'd:;~ts ~~~chVl~~;.ea;~.p~Qe:cl~r~tjw~(-/:,TT~an.fTo.T~Y~~~~:ew·~f~ort$.·'.: .,,:::.~>" ... ' de~~dt~~nth~k::p'i:h~e;akh~~~ .. ~~~ C~;l~~;:::l:or.p~ace '1Il~' ~ ·Od;·~u.~l~~r;¥~~·:.:~'.:;. I~~t((:E.~~~t'.: ..,::-'..... ~~~. ~~;m~~ss~;~e~~;~ '. a~~~to.;i~~~~~gleh~;~~~p~" ·littin~ Airteric~(:~ ~1::;:·:}'Jnai·a·ri'.!t,oo'p~··.~:~Sti,r~Jjac~r.·:·. '> :' :"::" tude of tlie government of Pakis Of Pakhtumstan anD, .'. the. ,gc:lOd~ ,'. , . ". ,.... ',:. '. ;'. ".-'.' -.', -.. r0.: " ,",., .', , . .., '." .', ' . . . .' . :. .. I •an towards ~e people of Pakh~-I \lffi~ o! th<: goverrimentS'.oJ:Af~I· ·MEXI.CO."'.,·CitY; SeP.~.,'r;. ,: employ~ wherever th~re eXIsted sl'llten:ents·made. by. H~s. ¥aJestY , ..The.. d~'!tion·: was~ a .~rppr?,". 1'l!le.UKmilitary':'ooserver· grj)tip in. 'dian .ArObassador:-:' ,'. :'.: ~'. : :: __ '.....

I-'QSSil:tilities of bloodshed and des- . the.King and Prime M~lster. Dr",. m~ :so14tiori.: betweeri ·,two. ~~cs.' ~Iiidiil:and::.r'lk!s~, ~hli. ~o. a6~,· .0 A":NeW DeIhl 'report ,says"India . ~..' : ;:'.~._ tt'uction. . .. '. .' Mohammad yousuf dU!l~g the.~·::at,-~e.con!erep.ce..One.. :~oull :.:of ,tries .. fighting;~ong; ~~'e ceage:-iire .. claimed. 'l'uesda,y' it actounted, tor" ..:' ::'.::.~' . Khan· Abd~l Ghaffar ~an de- . dependence Day ce.lebratJons ..t.hiS .. natIgris; ..b!!,aded .by'.~ex~c.o: ,called: :Iine.-:.:"·' ":' .;.: .'.. ';' .,: , af l~a~t 127.Pakista,p'is trapPelr!n '/' ..;.' .' dared that it\iVas; the policy. of year, the Mayor.S8l~·that the goy- .·for~··:izrune<:l:late. appra:vat,.of .a·:pr.e- .. :'l'haIit'hacL ·summo~E:d:Nunmo.. ·tlle·Uri. Salient by tWo Inman fot--::, ", ._, ·British' .colonialism to plant the ernment· ~f. Afghap.Jst~n co~ ·n.0t · :urn~le)o ~.a. waft. tre;aty ,'fhil.e.~e ~here far. the :t:;J!ks.·:'Ar ,T:1N ~'Pok~' .,ces"aftaclrin-g"in' PakistanC Ka~iho' ~...,'...' :seeds of discord among the people remam dls1hte~ted In. thiS sllb-" . others; heaQ~' .obr·~~r .;, '. 0.: : .;..... ,.;-:' . Of Pakhtunistan and to·tear them . jtCf . ..,',".: '. jhaftheY-Abdul Ghaffar Khan, said andon the~ colonialartd destruct~v:e: . proved '~: a'. pt.eiilri~le".,·.'the·. te.xt 'vi.ewed t~e situatip'~ TEll~ting .to- the W9U1ided and·i4 captUred,at.' ~.-Ccist ... ~ .. : . 'he did nOI WiSh to be called a'pplicy adoptd'concernlllg .sill'iuld·;Ije.approv~d·asa:declara' ,*asefire·.m.oKash!?lr·.~thGen'O'raI. 'of H rndfail c.asualties:' '.. ,.','': '-'., "leader" but· a serVanfof his Pakhi'!Ilistan·· .and; instead; . ?y' pri~ 0ri'lrinciPles;~' .>;. ~,: ....:·NiJnrn(}. and.:ha~;m:.~d: ~=w:' d-:' The'spokesman "added ;7i5" P~_-~. '.,.: . people. The . Khan' said· he' was heeding the cptinsels of Afgh=.·." ,'. '.; r .. .. ~.'. ..: .. : ..•'.... -". ~ ",' ." ,.'' ''C'. ICistanis: had'been-:killed:'-and-.· 18 . _,' happy'fo nofice in : tan and Pakhtunistan,.:i! shOUld.I:·.S· .. ~. e t··D··· '1' .::. :t· "R o· Ie:, ... :'T: .J'~. .:' ..caIltured~in:;~i5. other. majQf·.clf\-, ...... : .. '.' the feeling .ot amity andc~nce~e·the right of.ourPakJ.!t\l-:· o.yle..:., ...e :egQ .:e" .' ep ,1.'S<:,l)~:- '~,',:, :, .shes out5~d:t·tl!eUri',Salient.'in.:tfje'· :'." ,"."-" brotherhood. . mstam·brethren·to seU-determma- . c .. ~':" ., ~ , :..:'.' . ,,: .. '. :.~ .·past,2~·.hours- .. .: ""-.- whi~. coP.~o~ :~YI'e'Q'p' '.d··:e~ S;·eeS':~'. : .l.'F~htiIlg. .' ··Before. dellve.ring· ·.his speech ti.Cln, to. 'the: prin' :U·'S· Oi1S-:Ban 'B,' .:; . isstm_?:o.i:Ji(on iIi the, , . '. at· GhaZl StaQlI1m 'he marched .clilles of ~ Umte.d Nattons Char-... ~., .. , ;'. -, c.' ': _. '.:'. . 1 , ' ".' . '.' ,,~hent. east. pJ 1f3]1 Fir :Pass, tJ.1e '._ '. at the head of a' large· group of ·tt'r and the requitemel'lts .pf:... th~., D'" . b'.,'..- :··1·'···· M" I~~ P '.~' :.. '..... "':'. "1' ;: -~ . '.' ,trapped..~akistani~ rn~in;:. '''SC3pe ':' :,.,' .~,: em~ 7 fT~ ~"'" ;V!l1ch'ln'diacapturl'~ ~nd: Pal,thfUnistlmis residing' in Kabul present·day: Virirld;.". '. -FrO. :n " .... '.qp9sa ,.',: :.:oute" ' '. fiom· Pakhtunistan Square to At t1~e. ceremony; m·" GhaZl. '., :.,;. > .:., . "'.. '.•. "--:' ~: .:.' ~ \: .,..... ~:. ' ..'..' .':-0',. i' ..' ~".. l~, -wop 1.:be knoW!!, for .~som~1Ime.· .- ~ Ghazi StadiUm. The' large:crow~&' Sta,dium,~rs. Salriil~Z~Yat·.~c;l: .'" '., ,":.':< ' :;',':' " ,.. ·G~V~, Sep:~l!!bel'!, (DP~]-<., .wheth~p~os~C?f thePa.kij;~am~ IDa-. ~.' . ,...... ~: ~'6f .people on the 'way from Pakh· Mrs. Turpaiky Rafiki Andar re-.: ·SOYJETcc!rlef.~el~a~ t() the G~e,~ ~~,l!!lt~~~«:e,: ~ es~?pe;.th~.·.spok~~n "'<:. '. " tunistan Square to the' stadium cited. poems. J{han . Moh8ll1IPad . ···".. ·.OD, ~~~y.Dlade,his·lonl',~~ted, reply to' t~~'AlJlerican' . sal!!." .....: _. , .' '...... " .--.. :~. .~. - can-ied f1a~. of, Pakhtunistan and Ayyoub Khan" ~esident of' ~e. :proiJ9sa1" f~r~.the. ~oil.~PfoliferatioD ·of':.l'toinic- weapo.JJSi.JJnt'!.all:.:- .' 1\001:11.: l'0o.o;;-~r:· tn0re ~alilstflms: < : ·.shil\~t.ed slogap.sof "Long Live. Provisiop.,al Council of Southern. ed'to':say' 'Clearly- whetlier.thf USS.R wo;u1d be ~g, ~ ~pt.. .-were:repQrtei:hn the· S-ah~nt when .., e'-_ '., Pakhtunistan". ·Pakhtunistan in' a speech' .said. ··t· .'.b' ." f'" .' . g" tiationS..~:>· ..""...... :' .: ,.. '..-o~·: .',-, ·t!Je., India.~·.starte~ ·closmg·, the· : : . " ...... :. .' h 'I "f' Pakhtunist I .as,!l_ ~ or...II,e!l.. ,.: ... ,.~ .' '.' '. c __ •. frao",Thursday W1'tn two·,attacks· . · The f1~g-holst1l!gcer~ony ill. t.hat. t e· p~l?e 0 '. . ,. " 8?-.- .' !Ie~stressed-:thaVsp:f~ t!le ques; J.lal!!l~ed. Iiea~ _ 'a~tac~ ..~~.o t~e: ·acTciss-:.the UN" ceasefire,liile .into. ' ': .;~, P!1khtunistan squ~e, perfQnned· ,;ere dete.nmned to regam then; lion~most -decisive for the: SoViet .AmerIcans 'whom :lie acc1Jl?-d , of 1- '-"::.t ·····t 't . th: ,'. '. b th M · f ." bul' freedom at all costs and it was . ." .. ' ~'" . 'Ii" ,.,' . 11-•• b il' .' p aA.." am ern ory-one ,sou . . ~, y e. ayor o~a ; .was at- . .. .' .... l Uniop;7-wpethet:..!he ,U.$~ proposal. '. aymg :systematJ.c~uJ'.. ,u t, ~··:c~~· .fr:om:Uri.illld,the other.nortidrc.ID. '" ~.;:- tend~d by.some !J1embe!s. of the fof. the. Paklst8II, ~ov:< to ·b~·,. "~e direct::aI!cfc' ·indfrect.: ('~f:. of. ~ases aro~d-'the::'SoV1et .the Poonch 'sector.. .,", ,'! ~oyal -famIly, PrIme Miplster Or.dtclde wheiher, theIr ngllts were .spreadtertairt:· 'of.:·:· J.'<: l!'t~rs, hlg~-r!Ulking C1V1I- and null- th~ people o~ P3.khtunis~ wer.e . answeied.~. :.'.:. -.:' ",~' ~.'" i .' .-:""...... He:,~ggeste.d 'that: ~he-:PIs:umif:, . 9;OOlLto '13:000:-' f~t_ '1~ :mote .aJ~i~.. .' ..... · lary .officlals. and thou~ds of·, to be forced mfg reco,venngtheIIl.: . U.S. ChIef' Delegate,. William··C.c tJlent-... ·C~m.fereg.,ce· d~suss,. wa}'s ·tude· anet the. troops :fin'if it '::IQ\v . '. .c.'- ~abul. citizens. Groups of Pakhtu-, . ~ adde~ .that after WQr!d.War .F.t;.ster· had ·~ai.d.·that :the ·pto~. :I~adin~ t,o.-tlie·.'a~olitiri!f0~,~jlitary. .. :going:' .':': ::, ,: "" :.,.:~ '.. '" DIstaD! young men danced the .na- n.·m Slddition t9 the: fa~. that· \\;ould ·not Mock West--Germahy's "b.ases.m .other countrJe~,,e. . New Delhr-inaae nO'eiIoct Tues- .... tion~l O~Curred.,iIl ~ a~cess:to ~ih9>awat ~.qoreigriJr:~ps -fro~, tp~: .. ."Attan" around· the foUn- basic chap.ges bal...... these:weaporis·.. __ : <::'...... "day; ':as: 'in pasC't9'.f,onv·i:).ce ,,' . . tan m the square. . ~nce. of JlC?wer III ft!e w:orlc;l.. vel! . Soviet d~lega,fe ·T~arap.kin, ?lam-, .these countnes..., . - :' ''''. ..',' ··the world it was after' "infiltrators"... I a~ed. ~e.r <'dc't~e weSt~rn Fos~" ,~phasJ.S,ed'.f!1af ·IT:S.~ .. small natIOns alSo . .. powers:agajnst·om-:. the 'or'"gUerrillas" iTI the Uri' SalIent: ' . . Prof. , MohamIfolad Asghar, !he fr~om. "~e:"Pakh~1 na·, cial!y JIroda~iri!hg ,."riOn:prqlifer~..: )lropo~al elfP!eS?!y.. ' ~r:ven~~d,·a. It called t~e: !l!~.tiv:es "Pnkistanis'~. ' ..< r ~ayor. of .Kabul, ~ aspeech sa!d:' bon. '. he· saId,. 'lll~~ .9 ti.on ~f atDII1!c::a~s .and ;tl:i:n,'-, 10 I!o~·.n~£lear natIor; ·~ettip.~ dire~ : .... a:,clear mdic,,:Ron:·that !he fight-: ',: ,~._ O~r natIon, Which . brake' the l hostthty towar~,~yone. ~ .. ~~~ .praetlce, taking glfferent ac:tlOn._. '.' .. or:)nc!ii'.ect ac.~·io. .a~S.~·,.•~g'JS qetw~n regula,.unlts..O{.t~e.-, chams of slavery 46 years ago 'lIBd cqntrary, our··.aun IS, to ·.rectify the. ,. '..' ,. .'." ...... '.:>:'=.... ,It· prQV!ded for, the . nan,nu~~ ..-Inman ·and. Pakis~an arm:!'.... ". ' IiOW enjoys the .blesSings· of' free- wrong inen,a~ity· dispIay¢'·by·,th¢-:. ': :He,.. said ;West·,.Gi:nnanys ~"lIiiIF ;states to.- pledge. nol.·to.;producEf·::. Ari>All.:Incllac·Rilliio:,corr;!s]ion, c. - '. i '-,sucli;~ ~nly': ~ew~nian ~rmitte4' oom, has been a result goverrilIient.6fpak stan.tbwar-:'.'< '-".: qent;the.. '.,'.. . of aisMaejsty the King's initia- .the.people.. of PlikhtunistaIl, w!rlCh. pci~ess:ato¢k·. weapons' Regarding·the,questlon·,whether. 'near .the UrTS;i·lient so far> 'n~.. ;· '.~ ~tiveand the efforts made by C'.iins at·eliminati,hg·pOliQCally anci SOns of:'p~eS..~e,:but· iILo.t*r.~? ~th.e.·p~ep.:.NAJ'O.<;a'tQmic~Qrce. ·.port~tnere ..w~ bitfer'mghftime . Prime' MinisterDi'. . Mohanmi~d w~~eningpatJir~·. the;eight ..i:~.'. ou't ')I qpncrete: ,'poli.~<.~n: .(M¥'). ~Quld" eP..a~~':' W~.- ~ ~ fi~htirig a~~ hi'gh ·pe~ksW~de,? Ii-_ .", Yousufsgovernment--of. so.clal Il'.llIjon-strong· natton .of·· P~tu Europe: '" '; ,': : c ..-many: to, PJlt" a,pnge,r ,on.the a~o~ 'pperY-!:lY ..cons~anf.ratn;·· ..':' ,'., ": jil$ticeand lier$Ooal .liberty un-' .nistan to the e~nt-that)t~ai< TSS!apk~i'iil.,,Ws· .cOnJi.ectit>?, ::mi.c· .~g~.~'; F~e: c~d:, thiS_was· .' ,'.Resai.dInai~~roops..~v.efe' ~bO'~f .. ' :co · der a democrancsystem and has . never become a. cause' of concern' mentIoned':the 4test' s,tatem~. n!

.~ - ~ -- .- •- ~ =", , ' , . , . . .~. ~ .' . .. : ; - :.,.-- .0_- : ' .. - "";;:..

, . . ".- "- . - J ';f.. . , KABUL T.I!VI~ ' .' , , " PAGE 3 • -. " . - .. PAGE 11 KABUL TIMES" --"-._------'---'----..,:-. Qn.p(jkhflin.isUtn~lkiy ,,~ ~ .~: =, "l'~F:' i~~~tm'~'g'.~'g'i;,A .- '. T~ousands'MarchTaStadium :.. ' '. ", ";:nc>.II ,,",' n:: .'. CO. Ata RtUlifl AJghanisian ." ,. ..' ' . re 'FACTS 'ABOUT , TEXTILE .' G1anu "",~.: :".:.;~." me~ced It is surpnsmg how the writer ~.' :~ "-,~ ";~~r~km~idu~i~qI :.: Th~ jollowmg tS the flTst economic and industnal ,-" --.' ,.' TIMES of in- calls Guibahar technically "l show- Programme , .' KABUL I Afghan. Textile expansion after the period -" - ~ • part of tlie :-=:---=: - --' .- -- •- 'enforc~ment of the fact that. Its , on dustrial revolution, piece)n face PubliShed By: Company's comments an outpUt provides dothing , . Which ap- of effective law and or.der ana present Islan caI"ried ~NESDAy5 litTheir.Fa~hions~ · BAKHTAli NEWS article by MaiwaTui for for 40 per -cent of the inhabi~ants I Monday's AniS and __ ",: ' '. in the. i$sues of July 6. :Cl'eatio of powerfu1 judiciary photos of U.S. astronauts Gordon " =-- - , AGENCY peo/cd Tl • .r 8 Th rights of thIS country and work and Charles ,Conrad.- who ~'., s~ .,gA~- '- ' • 7 anlL. e .second part of protectlOn' of maividual ,Cooner~ and, , "BY, Editor-L'l-Chiel . .. I 'I'h th were means of subsistence for thousands. their eight-day cats~ look' . ~ '.- ih s rep y WIn ap,,' \' en e -:peopie there landed safely lifter Services, _.- -' AlI .say, the' FrenCh,: Sal:i~huddin Kushkaki e. company d h 0f k dwor ers an their falmlies. . <10. French- j P at their life and -' , .'C. ''''ft.,Ie, So .. assure ,t ~_ . . Editor -pear !017UJTrow. safe,' they. From the ,viewpc>lnt of being com- space flight. gr-ey m_tue Our attentIGn bas been drawn to property was IS . Islah' in fts 'editoriaI said that Afgh~is~,~ . 'cS . I, extenSIve m;dustrial presensive and modern, there .Western Music :: :rnerr,frOm' ,an article by'Maiwand published s.arted in stu-' on 19 m 'band. 'seat-in will be accepted by.che· , . lOWS;, the Text~le, Company' has that government officials and On my 'right tpere- IS ~ ~ Technicall~ speaking the msat~on, expansIon of export trade, that No ghanistan, and Afghan and Wes- ,me: '. of local cUrrency at 1. derrved profit by raIsing the stan- QE'nts should wear unjforms .tm-ough 'which r'can- see- I. TextIle 'Factory ~s a cr~at{Qn of banking' facilit!!?$ has a sen~ of tern musIc. j windovi dC':':-:r:exchanc . ,Gulbah,ar and good Cioubt everybodY the official establtshment of factOries and ex- dard of produchvlty programmes . - 'tIlt passers-by "oIl' the main :'road:, - Ie .. Show-pIece' We are, of course, competition. ~a' wishes Foreign language of people mir~h~ "in:' demoristration- .... yesterday pansion of agriculture for m4us- management. International To mark Pakhtunistan' Day, thousands .', . ". It is: June-11 ;uld ~the.' sKy .lifter:,. ge r::- : - 2. The cost- pnce cif .construction' e~.- our short-comings and to bi> wel1-dtessea and' well- Include local and Square to Ghazi Stadium; where Khan:. Abdul' Ghaff:if "Khan" is 33' ?cr trial consumptlOn as well as aware of morning from Pakhtunistan . ':':,: -several days of'ini:essant r!1in has Pnnted at:- ~ .' 'material in Afghatiistan be fully perfect but nourished" said the letter This delivered a long ~h. (See :ilsO page 1):', .' -c, 'ch~ge; ~lsewhere. Why porting. The details about 'the' ae, don t c1usly. The aim of expansion Moreover, his.'visag;' A, have to go through-are by them- Before- r.eplying to the sa!e priGes of t.hat our peop~' appreciate foreign,' ture and trade as well as tourIsm official fin: 27 yearsin the MinistrY. lands of.. halr 'on ', throughout Sherzai saId. One is ~ pubhsheiL~omPans,~o~e.abaE-t.-·. into consideration condi· the war ended, tbe ,spinnig ~. caI'l'ied' Kara Ka­ two reasQns"he S}IYS:Whet:,opium. " • ' itiform~ .- we are convinCed that the cast- we iake en- five years, whereas pnces' of all the premier dailies mIse the road through ·Fr~chmens clothes. ThIs . , In a developinlt country like chliIery at, Pul-i-Khumn was on' Pakhtuni; and Keshem. was banned one of.- the mam,crops' ~_ .,- ing of the ballot itself provides lions 1952. conimodities and foodstuffs and· 111ustratf?d" articles mar, Alan. Jalaw, ~So:,Que ,'tion ' actuaHy provided by the.' '_ ~o we can say ·thal one hanced by 1:'>000 spindles 'n Pakhtunfs~ be l road the high plateau 'reglon waS-loSt: V .. st.: '. ',-: a great oppottunity for them AfghanIstan, inc.luding the prices of sugar, ga- tan. and also photos Df A second rQute would of ' "., ' . .- gQv~mment of France. ,Men iIL ~ani'l achievements t1.e In 1950, we 'had, already taken AD~ to "We are still .far from 'bndg'mg . 7~<. understand tbe meaning of the greatest ~ohne.. cement, vegetable oil, tam leaders, including Khan through Argo and Dara-Im 2) .France; said·the report~spertamore :- -:' . was 'the estab- up the project. of the larger textik· shorter these gaps -in the, 'economy", ' . (Contd, from page- importance of tpeir ~otes. They country has ,made coal. etc. have regis- riul Ghaffar Khan who has been' Keshem. This would be '~n'sensus regarditig en their .clotheS than. - women...... of the factory at Gulbahar as well· as electncity, fo~ road. Sherzai·, adiriilted 'but Soine atte:I~' l:.tefnational wiD soon re~ that their yote lishmeht and devlopment ~creases limes; and If.! ~ghanistan the last nine' lhan the first m~j.or-objective 'Tb~:ar!!'a.s COI!sciQus. of their;·ap-" expansitm;of the wea'ling terd several problem.: loth the of,liqui-. : and that Tpxtile ~ompany. , .' _ further ac: months. ' The third POSSibIlity IS a> :'o'ld tion be!;n paiq to the as women."" . '. stands for something sectIOn at Puli·Khumri and its the pnce of cottlJI (which ,_ " , .. c:ny· PQlicy and the broad. nature pearance -th h 1 candidate .The cntLc should not. ignore Ine per cent of the from Jurin, .Hazrat Saied, Kran .. -~Lh~v~ visite~r the University"of_' . 'other annexes. • c,?unts Jor 32 measure.~has.·been ,to· ·eli· -.of the te,!:hWques to. achieve.these .. ~ el er . epa., ' condItions prevailing in AfghaniS' has also Anis" iJ.! one of its "lrticles en­ and Munjan 'ending- in Rabat in . One sever~I times:' There­ - : . It Unfortunately, certain unfvr.'· cost 1Jl'lee of textiles) rriiddl~·. betwe~n o!,.jectiyes.!',.. .. .'- . " . 'StrasbOurg ,~. In ~ar~ent or . tan 30 or 40 years ago. There was tit1~d EIght Million Pakhtunis,. the Janjsher, The latter would minte the man .- ", ". to win seat resulting in' been raised by 45 per cent during" o what- President- I have. gone-·t? '!JIe- 'university's are· no'proper spcial or political orga- seen events ocGurred, tams Wan.t ft~edom" said yester-, be advantageous first because It. th raisers of"'waln'uts, pistacliios. .'. That's about lead to filS defeat, ElectiOns ana we had ta the last fdur years. . flnportant ,.SeCretary' Fowler r~.staurarit, called Gallia,:' very- . not safe The ,c1os1Og the border- help of technolo­ by r;'lore TIie-~iIj~me'of tne Johnsop, and' " very essence of democracy. rilsation. ,Life was da:\, that WIth the , 1Y0uld cut the distance and sheep. eat. on a p,rovisional stu- . -.' ,-. routes for importing .eq­ £<:JO Fowler, hODed:'to achieve'in: ',,[ten to can proVide 'p,-overnrnent's powers were' not ,find new Finally. we wish to pOInt out f5'Y men ?I'e trYing to play with the than 150 kIlometres from' Falz: farmers . lias' been. .increased. by' W!iat"I..: for'no other process .But in face of <.11 such Western Europe'~ fuiancial caPi: oent's. aih'nissiw, t;ard., for politi.- separated. Independent judiciary. uipment that free enterprises have prov"d earth ana the sky arid at,the same' Telephones abad to Kabul. Second It .:ould be this move. For. example. 'Badakl-t:. was:_ that-'at hiilst' , a better opporttitrlty conditIOns; the ex·. ?nillion, ·,,,ls on"this trip. ' .= ._., ':'- oBserved tJ:1erl' guaranteeing life and property. ('ltd unIavourable to be successful her.e m every lIme are ma~g efforfS to find Ia year round. all weather road. sham fanners .sold Af. ·11' students 'ware .. ., cal education, p~()ple panded factory at . PUl-I-Khuffifl areas year.~, Fowb.' left on :his miSSion with:, 90'-"er cent Of the • not 'exISt. Consequently. respect and if optIm1SIn, confi­ means ~or their.'-pros~rity. One of rIft Brigade 20121-2012'2 ThirSpectors ,have recently Panning for g9ld,-is " hopes ,have, .:. ~together about 3,000: per­ started -production in 1958 und stinding on how Des! to aw:ee.. o~ SJ}iCll: and siJtuht,hai I -haoHo 'vernment ano so used to bury and they are given a chance 10 m:m'~ prOs,perity has been . and 20159-24041 found new mines as well as those enco~raged: About. 500. people are· -, " At the same and framc .ion~, place of:' the: an. eXtra ·hair-t;ut. so that- I, \\-';5 sons are standing as candiilates hide their funds: 1960. respectIvely.. will certainly prove st~l the right of Afghanistan 24585 where lapis lazuli has been mmed panm!1g gold ~!1t It can. be what will ,take ·-the ~. in the J angalak act, they IS the denial of Radio St~tes hopes to I! . ,'::. fur the two Houses. Df "Parna: Tnese ,col'.ditions prevailed in tIme. investments in the future as well· -det~rminafion people 24272 for years. The road Sher: only two'monthS i:!ur!ng, .the )Tear. .ooll<11's the United and Sarobi Hydro­ more useful ~ to some New Clinic keep-'~t.homf,_by Inter-':. '-,TalkIng·. of,...fas¥Cl!1;. whik. ... _ the best aJliong­ 'thIS country for centuries. On the Metal Factory of the world.. Bank 20045 zai said, would draw th~ p.:ople The avera~e., extraction. oy· •.';:I'~, theJime ~ . ment, ro- choose StatIon began Ie m certam parts O'Afghanistan memberS" E:Te:nc!m}en are, very .careful D£, :",' ~ther hand,.Western 'Europe com- electric power I~ 'and Tejaraty Bank 22092 of Kabul and Badakhshan closer person durIng the. day)s At, ..:fil natl,onal }{onetary- Fund them to occupy no more' than fructify. " ' many Asian, Africail Paahtany 'therr, thell' clot~es. French women:, are ".' , '.: .. - .- ' countries ihe 20703 together and thus increase trade to Ai. 8~(J: ' .: .. gather jn Washington"f1lf .- ,about 300 seats in both HouSes Latm , American. I~:' ~nnual this .month.·: gr~du!!lly taking to strange "tY.les, - .' ~ampalgn break the 20502 and Gontact ~~hherzal .r~ls. that: Ea- meeting-Jatl'!- ~ ...... " is no easy .task; EVen educated :U~S. to d must, - COriSPIOllOUS.,. -. "QUEST 'FOR. NEW· METHODS ·.began Bakhtar News Ageocy 20413 The economy of the provmce .... sllan economIC proJ"'cts latest fasmon --. '. and erilightelied groups in our -' '. '. yoke of colonialisni' ' - ...::-:-' ., '. , \ ..:. . ' For, instance, the. Ion'" . , Afgnan NatLOnarBank 21771 . ," . • " . society have been fulding ·.it -- " ago and most of them 'A~ ~ fo~:, w0rt.Jen ,~ P¥i,i is :to:.wear. ,:', , '. 'S,uPPORT I'ca~ 1Iltimate goal and Airport Z2D8 U' S .", '::.- '. ..: There.·, trousers' ' .. ·IMF their Leave.For· _, s: trousers, .GETS· Students, 0 0., men to convince all the FINA,NC1NG Twenty-Two Afghan , _ .0 diilicult OF-·· ... - , . a('~eve~ their legitimate right 'to Ariana Booking fshould we" c;aU 'tht;m,Jeans?)-are '. ." voters to vote .only for.the most - ..' , ' , " thing accounts. ,and prOVIding adi-. and .national e open;in front and, !iome- ~ .candidates, Many .. prnduced gold available for mo- selfid,etermination . lC,9s _and deservifig The U.s. backed. quest for new reserves' for further econo- ~(>verlgn,ty. Shourie ·Freres tjme~ :.are-tigbt.- ,:. ,.,' _ and'many ,:etary use or backinli:. tlcnal 1 ... they ~ forces are ,at work Western I . to,"finance future th~ ,,': '. ways The report underlined the fact !r.iL expansion, but at the expense , With male style -hair-cuts interests are invoived. We are warld. growth 'without jeopar-diz­ which'from the Luftbansa crevi-cu~ .... , . - that there Isn't etiough-gold-old 0f the dollar and the pound. PakhtuniStiln,' . ",:hicl!' 'is, ,Virtually' a confident'that ·the 'ef· dollar in thf' to go 22300 ~ ' however . il:g the AmeriGan or new-to ga -around noy; or in The IMF. also appeared gf.O.graph~~ cultural, rehgious Aerolkit tJJ.ose· women .who- wear these"':' elect support Sund'iY of view is­ ASTCO 2~215Ot m~.fy-, forts of those seeking to poc.ess drew'firm the forseeable future along with Eresiden.t Johnson's ana trachtlOnal points trouserl; ~loak: as as, their largest. grouping of ahead :Afgluirii~"pas TMA '22255 ~ c..., '.- ':l representative Parliament 1rom 'the . Western world 'gold production call for the nations to "move very close ,to rnaIe- partner,s: .. the United Naticms. to st~ugling 1ermlDa-' PIA 22155-22ll5&-22866 . composed of men of high cali­ -stales. next to ill 1964 was' a .record $1.4 billion -carefully and deliberately" bee!l for' self-de .. This is"a: kiIld of..,ehalf W compl.i.Sh are diilicult and -per-. U.S. SecJ;€tary of the uf $1:73 billion available ,stated belief .unitY:beginiliDg- from-a: Place Euro~ best to keep mov­ , 'Of . ~ -';-- liaps the most.tryiIig in our reo Hepry H. Fowler 'faces in But industry,' the arts . and terminiog'how :"I>.an?which is' tire, capitar: consensu.~, should proceed "without ~--~------~~ course'have' ('en~ history.~ They ciIIl'for,wis: ~l s wee1l: in getting:a hoarders absor"'ed well oyer half ing ahead , .world fashion-can of o~ ~eans _~(lcounts among " delay." - . inte~ati6tial, repercussions, ' .. It , 10 1iettle only " !lorn, prudence and cou"""'e. of the 1964 additior. Leaving " --, nations as the UllJted States·sue­ in gold for monetary On this point the multi-national' Free Vietnam , its pa~ents to ; 725 million People To S. IS not·'only for a. few of our' u2eds in balancing u~e other interna. group said: "While there is wide , " ' - '. During my two-month stay. ill .. and IMF and Says ·'N. Vietnam Minister' ·Pharmacies top leaders to_ guIde the ~un- _ a;e rest of the wdr1d: agreement that there is no ui-gen,t . ,~ France _1 spent several :week.:ends· ? said. tional transactions., HO~'G'XONG, Sept. 1, (Reuter) . ~ Each one of ~ consclOns ..' "In that evenl," the 1MF 'ca1cuIated world,re- need for additional national liqUi--- - ' ;p ,GeimanY-. In',Stuttgett. the -. try. The fund to settle ac· N~rth Vietnam's Prime Ministe~, '~ of thiS'ooppor- "the environment.,in-whiclI 'inter­ . dity (ready, means ".~ cdpital' of .-Wurternburg; -wbfch 'is'~ " of the great value the situation cotilli alter yesterday tha~ the people of a ~sitive natipl'!al payments have taken SHves of monetary gold clUtSlde .counts), . saId Phone No. 22743 . ~b :·the German 'F- .- -. ThO;t :change ~9uld lower sur­ Bloc ,countries at about Nawl " Phone No, 20587 i~ Am~~stUd~:~'~' ':.' ;,-~ ~Com~ back to philosophy' I, ,_ ing them about the significance The report concluded however cordm~ to the North Vietnam Last Saturday, 22' Arne. th~ UnitedStat~_.Tb.ey! ~OD( , pl~es abroad bwlt. up largely at , b;llion. , ' . fo~ Roshan Phone Ro, 27.649 "~ nc~ ~li·.schOOls,·~ ,UriJIg.- ' .....- i;1lould" say "t1,lat ,ih':Franceo every-' "_- of their V{lte is the dutY of'aIl . the Ihat "even if there 'is n~ need .. rican Field Service. stu­ wIth 3,000 y~pe~ns~~ '., .the expence of the aojlar through The Rund report recognised Shafa Phone No. 20536 J1!i~ ~~~ ~IU~: Ut-~-~'" ;C'.' ¢ing~frOIt1, journalfSIit- ta falJirig ,,' ',' . aid, loans, investments .PQU!ntiaI immediate action it is nonetheleSs • The .p~emiC?,r spoke at a 'meeting dents from Afghanilsan took many. . countries.. ~nghon~ ... the, edu~ted ~d erilightened American. achievementS and the Sanaiy Phone No. 20539 'll'~ear,' ~9t1S e~es:8Dd.-tO~ -:,'"" ." in love-=--bas a philoSopliy; : ~n,! ~ - -. ".-: of • ad~ance .~' ,small - an anniversary for • -- toward 20th • Airport - ,0 ma,rl(--i;be· -. - -- ¢Y 01I from Kabul the world, - ilnportant -7- oackil!g' it would States and ~ - United 20079 ....: 2ll0:-general in the ..No...... ~roDPS m the COl1J!try .and we cangers Phone ; " to­ til!! foundmg of the Democratic -- Shari-Now none of ns ~ fail·to do up freely usable r.eser:ves and limit United Kingdom contributions hope '3) Republic· of Vietnam, ' --.: ". cause., additions to the amount of newly· ward keeping trade moving, -set- (Contd . -." his ,bit in this natfoiIal -' .. " .- . .- ~ : - -~-:. .-. '. . , .

'. "":".- : . ;. - -. -' -- ': . , ~-,' ,. " -' --- - ~ • .r ''', _-:"";" ,-""-2.....:.-;:-.. " ..' .. '". ..~ , -'

. ~:. - ,. ,. .. - -­ -:..' . - , ~~. : , .' -:~_:_ ... --" -...... - .. ~ : .:; ."; :: .. .;;. . . .- : .. " '" '. -. -' .. ' - - > '. .. - .+-- : .. J. • . '- " • .' > "~s. ~~~;~~~:~~~~:l.':~~:~': ~ ,~' Federal Republic of Germany a large jirgah: in -Which Arbab SI­ '\;";:. , , ··dele/(ation of educationists left fOF kander Kh-'\- Arbab S.aifuFrah­ ~'\ .',' .~. -',' _nati~Dal AUJIOrt:. --, ," _ Calls UnitySt.,ugil./e firm, "To Crown Courwil West Berlin yesteFday mornmg to man. Mehdi shah Mehdi. Ako.1n< ...... :...... _...,,:-~...... :..~~~..,.....,...--:--~-;;:-.;.=..:..:..~~~:c--'-....:..~~~. ~~ . - MOSCOW, September 1; (AP).- . ATHENS. Sept.' 1.' (Reute.r).- attend a seminar on technical Afzal Bangush, Arbab Attaulla .--,. - : KABUL, THURSDAY; SEPTEiVl BER, 2.1965, -(SUNByLA .11, 1344'. &H.) pRESIDENT NasseF-()f the uDited Ar:ab Republic said Tuesday The royal court announced Tues, school administration. The r.ix- and Shah Mobammad Mezhi look VOL. IV, NO. 131 .. night: "We await the Soviet leaders at .the beginning of oay that all former Greek Prime week seminar was scheduled to part, was receJltly held at Chowk- . ----;---.-.+---:'-'----'-----'-"--'------::-.,...,.,--"---'--'-'-0. oegin tooay. Yadgar in Peshawar city. - - -~ next year." . ' Ministers have :been summoried to I ~ . - .- Nasser made the .remark in·a are taking ~advaniage of the ,eco- attend today's crown council riieet­ The members of the team in-'" Speeches were delivered on the, E.Afy,!ea:.S~rn~~· 'Tcn1ks,Jn~.K~s'hm~iri ,~.:, righ.~ .. ~ toast at a reception in his honour nomic difficulties of which the de.,. m~ called by King Constantine in­ dude Ghulam Dastagir. Chief of Pakh.tun people's of self-de-' 19th UN General Assembly .\ ,'lc:Pla:nes; tE'r-mma~on at Ihe Kremlm. It seemed to' vdopm,g countrIes 'have quite a' still another effort to solve his the Institute of IndustriaJ Mana; ana the,Jlrgah. asked mean that two or 'more of .his few. country's si~week-old political gement; Muzammil Nalan Direc- -Mle Pakistan government to con­ App~al Con~nUed:.~"~,·· :>'~~'ki;s:ta~ ,~Qv~~:Jn.:·~~~Arn.y,::': ,~'-'i'< ,_. tor of the School of Art; 'Moham- cede the legitimate rights' of the Ends With By .Thant Ends; hosts would be vis1ting the UAR 1n "Facrs show"; .Mlkoyan sal.d cnsis. ~hese mad Saleh IAmmyar Director of propl of-P.akhtunistan and to give 1966. but Nasser 'did not mention "!·hal economic- difficulties It was still not knov,rn whether Mecha~ics th~m ~For Drif~ Awi~~eeir~. :~'br,The'F'irstTime··I·n l8Years~~'~ :"~: .~ ,my names or giv.e~ any other de- . c;ln be successfully overcome Geor~e' Papandreou.. the former the School of in Kltost: a chance of- deciding theit: Voluntary. 'Contributions', -< _.. ... , tojls . . \\hen:stales boldly carry out ra- f'r,ime Mmister wltose resignation and Gul Mohammad Assistant ('wn future. . NEW YORK, Sep~inber 2, (DPA).- NAIROBi:: ·Sept..2. (l}PA),-Tl;i~ ,,' -, " :t..ONIJON'- Sepfember 2;: (Re'ut-er);~~. , ---',~ : .. - Director of the Schoo'l of Mecaa- The r~port :added that the meet- r- , Soviet Premier Alexei N Kosy- "ical reforI!l$, mobilise their 10- sparked the crisl!>" would take Dart E 19th UN General Assembly ended here last night with an two,.day' East. African .-SUmmit . H'EA:VY .figlitin~nn'volv1ng l!~eS ~d tat$S.'_was ~epo~ ,~, '- ,. ~,.---I .' ui the 'crown 'Coun"j 1. nics In Kandahar. log condemned the- attitude of , CO!'!f~renee K~-" gin, CommflOisf Party ·Ieader ll'rnaLpotential and adopt a policy F.. the Pakistan government- and' end­ THurgent appeal from Secretary-General U Thant f or voIun-· ..of . Presidents,, Jomo' " l'dgliig-- on "',me ",,"Dlll'-'c~ase- . firelin eW etinesilay mglit -as •-.-, -:, ... ' · f i d t 11 b ... I. 'Ioandreou. n. ,the popular K~nyatta :and Julius' NYerere P' ki t tt --', ,.- LIeonid . 13rezhnev and SoVlet 0 egua aD mw ua y eneJ1c~a fi~ure. who heads the Ce'ntre Union KABUL, Sept. I-Abdul Samad ed amid shouts of "Long Live 'butl'ons by all members. -'.,'or 's an: committed I:e,gular forces to'" t-fie:ba Ie;. ~ ,: ..' - ',:.' ) tary contn TaDzar:!i,i;': and,Priml"_ Minister a .,.anny / ' .', Presldeih Ana tas I MlkoyaD ,\e~e co:,p~atJ0!l ~th'J' alL -including Party. said Monday. night he Saleem. Deputy' Mmtster of Mines Pakhtunistan". . He. .referred again to the "con- which the members ~ould see the PaJ"sta.n c.laimed it : has,~bot__ ,':Ca.~t We:dnesday that ~s gQyern- ' :- __ 2mong those at the receptIon. It I s?cl~hsl, cOllntnes. " . would not attend the crown ('nun. and Industries. left, 'Kabu~ for , ' . )lmton Obote of Uganda' ended in· f I I" • Mlko~l', tinumg grave financial Situation" pl'es=nt Situation " Momba~ with ~" agree'in.ent that Gown . our' ndian p fines" and"ment would' not.-allow-. InQias \\'as held on the' eve of Nasser's' stressed that -the So- eil meetings If the two men who Bangkok yesterday He has been AT THE -CINEMA of the world orgap.jsation and that, The PreSident of. the 19th As- a nine-member e.'{perts commitee Indiii'..said her arr f.orce destroyed btaUmt .acts of aggression j6 '. gp . departure after a five-day vl£it -Sn \ let Union is "resolutely opposed f 11 d h' P- M" invited by Ihe United Nations ? • .all tailks: . h f . I ever~ f 0 owe 1m as nme 'ntster ARIANA CINEMA- '. seme nations had already made sembly, Alex Qualson-Sackey of should' be fonned to examine 10 Paldstap.l' Three ;'otber' unchallenged:.. :' . _. ' -' the SovJet'capltaL Former Premier to t e use 0 economic or were present as former 'PremIers _ Economic. Commission for Asia , voluntary paYlTlents to help ease Ghana, referred at the session's llllee'leaders'. suggestiop.s for the PakIS!an, tanks Jiave' been ·badly' -:' Inifuts,. :'P!:inle-"Mirl5tei, "La!' .'.. ,-- , , Nlkit-a S' Khrushchev Vlsitc>d .interferenee in tlie affairs of othe_r He was available, for COmffi'1nt and the Far East to attend' pre- At 2:30, 5:30. 8,.10 p.m. American H • ',A~' = ~ompost- stantiDP' blocked him troll} taking J ,I. • - KABUL- CINEMA'. . t UN D l te The reDort was accepted wlth- f 'he Org . t-on' f E' + - mspute. a. .,pokesman. said 1.0 t"n' ' . ,. .. .' unity, Now for the first ·tlme thIS- wa, lJme ·to make' t.he over the Defence MimstTY in add;- quarters 10 Bangkok from Sep- . S eg , amsa I ,,0 as" n..u ICan.· 'R -, 1 . ' '.' . , . .. N. Y k U Th hUN' struggle has been nlled with pro- lion of leading qo.dles'conform· to tion to tlie premIership. tember 2 to 12 At 4, 5: '? p.m. T,ajiki film • OI'le e nH-[ objectIons i .Toint Services (EASCSO), ,:- . t- a.\ a plDUl., , .' ...',. In e:"" _0)'. ',.' ant I,e-- " " ," -' gresSlve content whic,h confront' 'the \\'elght and n>le of Afro-Asian \'SALAM-I-BARAR. .' . ,: Th exact fo ics 'to 0 "d _:rte 'mfantry moved, forward" S~cretary:G_eneraJ. !iPpealed. to.. ~ ...' aggr!"Sslv~ CIN~: Calls US Action Foreign MInister Quaison-Sackey , :','T: . tHlJon CR:~~ES AR~' ed only part 01 the tasks entrusted c"unt"'r'es' '.. t '. d I' 't'" UIlO Chamb some eight. miles ll!- . ' -.', ',c, " ,',' I __ .' Nasse1 also mentioned the ene- of Afro-Asian 'CountrleS'm KABUL. Sept. 1-5. Khalil. tion, led by Sayyed Mustapha FLYING with · 1 ti . th U ,. mIDIS ers ea 109 Will d ,,1~,. '''' '. .,cabl~s..' ., ~_ .- f' unity "who are opposed 1 t~l .eJectlOT'. of leading U.N. Editor of the Kabul Times. left Munawary. a student of :he Ius- TaJlkl translalton. Ch. arter VlO a on to It. and thaI It was up to e O'l€Sltons of co-o f': . .!': e Inchan part of KasliritiI. lr< to Ayub ana-:. -- __ mles -0 • I: d .. . . Th~ cop.fer.~e,a Ayub'- ~" to the dlsappearnance of the artl- ,0 les . _ . :{abul on Tuesday for a'two-week titute of Industrial Management, General Assembly starting Sep- -. Ion. It .. .-r,H·sldent 'l\il'ohammed Sbastri, _he .sald "outright ll!Hrtary '.-: ,': ' .,' _ ~eqmd MOSCOW, Sept 2, (AP).- t~mber 21 to request the 33-mem- view of ooliticai ~bser~:~~ §ho:' Y.Jian of Pakistan,said' in a- b.road- con~on~ation.between· tlie, a~ea:' _.' '. " r ,c' :. ficlal frontiers dividing the peo- .Speakmg of ·the Confer- 'our of Vhst Gennany at the invi- who had gone to Pakistan at the CAR FOR SALE In~la A?,o-~~Ian of~ Nikolai Fedorenko, Chief Soviet ber committee or another body to cd that ihc"' East-'A-'r" - -'1 'd' -- -" , ._ fQ:l:ces. of: a?d Palhstan is-- .' c' ••' pIes of. the Arab natIOn. These once of coantrIes latlon rrf tpe West Gennan gov- inVitation Pakistan Boy 'One Lancia car for , sale. 'h 't k = !.Can ~ ers~. threa'-d' d 'b' ." rionners help the colomalists 'to. sche?udJed for November, N!.lkoyan ernment. Scou!s' Associalton for training 10 Good condition. Price 800 Representative at t e United contmue IS wor . oid no!: find a formula fa' 13'Sur'..geons'"He''r'e.'',' ..'=' an ma-y e Immluent. , <_ h · . Nations. said Wednesday that the Hallm Buet: Albarjan U.N., ration in tHe-' field of l'{,:-cPa" ,'." ,T,hl~ C9~ld:. ha~e "only the gra- , dommate. usmg the motto ·'dlvlde auote .t e words ,of Lenm who DUrIng nls stay there he . will the "Wood Badge" oourse, rC"ul n- dollars. Telephone 2367.6" Dr. ~nd ~ d u-l ' cmphaslsed as early as 1917 that viSit newspaper offices' dnd pub- ed to Kabul yesterday. 'Kamal after 5 p.m. US' attempt to get some other Ambassador, started a sharp j,·cI1str.y . s, 0 ,I' an, .. ,'M k .S' -' ': .' ..-_-, wst n:npli;,a!lOns fO,r the pe:ace Of . unexpecJ~d :'ll1~- an r e. Russia "ge~grapb.icallY, economi: lishing houses. ~~-_:---'--:-"""':'--'--:-''''7-:-...... :.:--~..,....,-'~:--';''';'''':':''''':':'''~ lJ N. members to help pay for attack on the Smce Tatlzania's .annoWicement'· _ a e-,. uggestlODs -, tlie world. '0' per,'alt~m f~om Ai~~ur~. ,Gold.~etg,' ~ Speakmg Elf Israel; Nasser em· ca1ly and hIstOrically belongs' not ~ r __ ~---:._..:..; j::eacekeeping operations was a of the. U.S. and saId I! cf withdrawal the East AI- _ -: '. .'. __ ,_'-. _.:,', 1fe-.,- u.s.. --- . ~vho-.Is Presl~ent,of phaslsed thaI ·the-- set:lD? up of cr,ly to .E.urope but also to ASia." \ "colopiallst-inspired violalion of hao med to maDlpulate the 19th rican currency urii-on :mcl thc, im- TH Ith',M" 0, t ,-' re_or.esenta.tive,· "" :. - , Israel IS a' maOifestation C!f ag- Mlkoyan declared that the· So- -. :he United NatIOns Charter" IGeneral. Assemb~Y.. {:osition o'i, trade- r~strictions it ,0.ea ". In~s r:y. the, S~CUrIty CounCIl fo: .:Se!1tem'- , reSSlve racism: used by colOnialism viet l!nion "make;; a Dig contribu- . .. . He SaId the dlf'ficullies: of that 11a.; once more made. it clear' that ~ -' . _ -. ber,.h~d sCI:edul:d a p~ess. eorner- " Feder~nko said m an article of , a~sembly lay not 10 opposmg vlew- the East AfTlcan sta'tei;. ar. r'a, " K:.:tBVL,. Sept..2:.-~ealth. o~~. CI ce,. at- whIch ~e was-expected to "" , for establlshmg' in the centre of t,o.n to the liberauon' struggle of . ih. Arab "\'orld a ·base 'Wh1Ch pre'" 'he Afro,Asian peoples, came out the SOV1et weekly "New Times" I polOtS but acutally 10 the agree- d·,all~· drifllna- aoart. 'd e g ,_clals. fFom, K,abul .and the,.proVUl- l,ack V Thant's· ceasefire aon.aL '. u . 'J b an t Fylp'a~, <.e~, tt" 'fr h' . ",'.... ",enls the reunificatIOn of the .cnd comes ouein'support of· the Make Your .Choice Ihat the US failure 10 thiS was menl amongst eertam powers." to go it aloo". -,'.: .. a,. ':I'.:lmg a.:: COUI:SEO' , .. : _ _,' .. , an ,"instance of how the majonty In a veIled reference to 'U.&. D22" ~?L .~osP'tal admmlst!atlon at_ the~ The'Sc:cretary-GimeraJ promised:, Arab natIOn. aeates a threat to its convocation of the Second Con­ , P.F. - .':, yeste~-. rndi~., Pakis'l~nj lea.der~. secunt.v and dIverts ItS stren;:;th to fe~ence of . Afro-Asian -countries ~tjle' of tbe United J'fations members Sl?eclal Envoy Averell Harriman's au or Plots" .. In?!lfute o!,Public,I!eal!Ji, thee .. .and . repel ~ , r;"esslve forces of the world. Coope" an!l Charles Conrad I of Af/(hanlstan's m- had been placed'at the' of ilf the ::The _, " FIOre Destro'ys Shop,' ependence, In a message, they the Bepartment of. :BuJH:lJng ,.cnd, ,. !?,ep~~ea.. .."'.".' '_" ,~:!'~ll,~,reahs~d the. " complexF _ e ~uggeste~~ Speakmg about Vietnam, Miko­ Bri~ , also expressed deep gratitudeAfghanlst~nfor Publ~cTow!! .Planmng of the MlDlst,y of 0n. health : offiqal. ties: of ,the, Kashimr. problem lor ' Yan saId. "The only possible basis V.S. Denies Attempt , , the support given by . .Works to develop thls'mic,' !!'at Ihey bE!:. ;lillow!!d' to ,establish- I,bqth.' governments. . c",-, S~gapore's 'D to the people of Pakhtunlstan. d' t . t Qlre'c~ - t-a~t~. w~tt.~ h M 1"1 ':anno~. fur the setllement of the· Viet· On Premier· . I· Ai0,90 000 amage .ro- IS nc . - . '. .:'., .con t. e j inistry.. . _believe, .howftver,".'he '. ramese problem IS' stricl observ­ - 'WASHINGTON ·sept. 1, (Reu, ;, . ,tself,to solve, ~l:ielr probI:eIDs,,,Tbe said, that It-poses pr90lems which.'.,. ance of the 195'1 Geneva ag~ee-­ . " -.'~ ,~r~tClpants demange~~that terJ -The ·U.s. State Department KABUL. Sept. A sundry goods 'I Algha,nistan... Sov,·ef·.U""·O'n' also: ... _could no.t be:solved'ultimately oy , n,ero"lS. the end10g of the bombing' 'Tuesday denied that- the' United shop in Ahmad Shah Ma:Ket IVHS • ~;Qll~at~~n .o~;.m~d!ct~es, anQ dr,ugs lJEace~, pro.cesses' or that.,these _ TuE'~' ..1" nf the Democrattc Republic of 'States had ever offered Lee Kuan I' completely gutted by fire on T B ·,d 24 00' ' '. -" '. - -' r·(,e. made.op.. ,he: qa.sls ,of!- p!ob)e!J1s can: E!ver bejeally'.solv_ ' . VIetnam. the Withdrawal of'a11 Yew, the Singapore Priine Minis- day ev,:,ning. Art adjolmng shop I 0 U'I. 0 K,·/owa·ft'" .. c~ntag.e of·· ~as~s_ in .the_ provmees _ed-:by.military action." . :._ was senously damaged The loss ' .. " , dnd ,that -tllef,' views;. too, 'should ' ' ~-,,-~-..:_ 'h, armed forceS ,oL.the· United . ter, a $3 mltllon bribe. The de- I " o~ . .: Slates 'and 'its allies from Sout!). partinent spoke~nian' was C9m- I according to the chIef the Fir';' IG P PI f N' . .:.... -. ,/ :be, flbtairiee ;-:b¥fore the develop:- '- , ... .,"C-._ ' - Vletnam. evacuatIon oJ American Department. amounted to about n::ent plaps 'o~ ttre ;Mjrust.r¥-: are 'Nasser-~Urg'es' Menting on. statements .made by I f0t1P~y ~ ~~~, as.owe, .an ,ea,IYIQzar~ H' It ", a,rrnaments. ,and permitting the Lee in.a Singapore interview:'The AFCiHAN ITXTltE j Af. 90.000 ,. . . p, epared., . .' _. .' a, , , also-'sugge~ied Vietnamese people tbemselves to Frime .Minister alleged that· the '. - KABUIl, september*2.- 'They thai'an m;- 'T' , 0" .' ••:_ This is the second time th~t fite. AN agre,ement on settin~ u~ a~thel'Dlalpower plant at' Mazar-i.·~ ~~l14a'l :~eeti~g ~~ do~t.ors- be ,-~eli:l <- 0 '. deoide Its fate," Central Intelligence ~Eency had ~arIous' U;S.. AirRaids' , Mikoyan said that im'p~rialISJs been 'mvoLived, ' " , .. has caused damage lIT :I·is market Sharif was concluded by the Ministry of MiIies and Iiidus,' 1.. tlie capital. to diSCUSS _ ',' _<. •- • , • The first one Occurred letst Febr, .tries and the Soviet TechIi:opr~m-Export'yesterday. The 'agiee~:" .I ealih' oroblems. -.... " 0 ~~T .th",r' , .:.=- _ .' .. n·...I,~ du:srrroWyehde.n the whole mark"t was ment was signed lJy Dr.. Mohammad Anwar Akbar Chief'of-. '., The Depufy Mini;;teF welco:riJed " or. f letnam ,- -.. _ th D rtm t f Ind . ~ . these suggesfi(ms and asked .them -' ... Tuesday's fi"e I's- 1epor'ed to.e epa en 0 ustries, and Alexander Sok_ovifm,' Eeono-.. t' Ie .1'..":t'h --. ~ 'MOSCOW Sept 2 (R' t -) , - C II t t o-"ctrope~. ~,":,.. , er 10 Jmptoving"I Pr' '.' '_ ~ , ".' eu er .~: ~ave been caused by short-crrcuit mle ounse or 0 he .Soviet Embassy in KaouI. :' : ,: I heiiIth seI'Vlces m the country, _:. eSlge.n~ .. Nass~r Wednesaav ' JD electric wiring in the sundry The. power plant, which will be'· - - ' .' ,- "-- ",' ,. .-', - ."" -, ~g~t ~omed ~~1th, Soviet: leajelS.~ ':'; , ~ ~a~mg . i· goods shop and spread io an oper.atl':d With natural gas. is be- .. , . - '- -m' for::immediate 'hatf- fo ., adjoining bicycIe-merchant's sbop. II'/; built a~ Imam-Bakry, 2,4 .kilo- , ~ .:Ani' e:rrcan a,ir raic{s, On :' North'. ._ '~.-- .- f ­ ". i The fire was brought under con- I metres to .he west of Mazar-i- , 'IetnamV .. " ..., .~ . trol after two and a ilalf hours ISharIf. .... :? -c:The UAR -jead~r did no;"':'~~est ~ "-, • r' '¥tt!~~ent , . Mohammad Hashim' Aniinpur, . ",r.;o,W:- : ,any new.' moves-· fpr, a- .' Director of Planmng in the Mi'- '..,::'$g. of the. yte!it~ problem, [)ut-ltig~: . • Keshawarz Visits Jalalabad nlstry of Mines and Industries ;;.L " ed. complefe. implementation ~'of' ,. . JALALABAD, Sept 2.-Dr. Mo. soid that under the secoild five-' fi::!~: :' !he .1954'Geneva agreements whictr '-~' '" 'hammad Nasser Keshawarz the year plan of Afghanistan, the' _' ,~")'~:/,., ended the 'Ind?cmna _war.-:,''- _:,' ,:;< .' Minister of Agnculture and Chair- thermal power pla!)t, with a cap" " .', ,;'.., .In a_'Kremlin ·speech,- yesterday, . _ ...-' O man of the Nangarha.r ,valley De, a~ltt.Y of 24,OOt kilowabtts and con- "Lf,~~~%n~~oun,ce~' ~~rican.: :'~g~_ ,: o' ' ...- .. velopment BOjlrd, #arnved . in- J a- SIS 109 0f wo fur ines, of 12 . ". " lalabad yesterday -morning on a r.-,egawatts each, wrlI be built to :_ ,.,·A jom!' communique issued ~t .. tour of inspection of the ceWl"p- serve the pr,()posed chemical fer- . ' _ tlie' end: of. 'Nasser's 'fivc,.day' In!'iL ' .' . ~\" ment pro-ject. : tlhser plant ang provide electri- I to,~~he US~~ said Jhe two gOT,--- , , He talked With local agricultu. cIty fo: ~a~ar-i-Sharif, Balkh and ' ,~rnments woulcf start talk!> ne:tt ._ ·0 r.. _ .-.-.- ,. , -. ral authorihes ana Afghan as well thE! adJOlnnlg areas. ;,,-- !!lontJ:t ·fol' a five-year..tra,~ agr-ee- _.....-: as foreign experts. He later IDS- , ..Ill_ent. -':r~ey plob, Imga- paid out 'of the state budget. A,jfairs (third fI:Om ·right); fuId 'Dr: MoJlaniniu Anwar'Ak. ,', patio~. ;: ,'. ' .' file and condition. The roomy V/0 "Aulot!Xport!' 32 SomIens-' Pre~~ent pe~tmt ~~ass~r :tp.~ romesh transmission cilmbin-· lnggage. compa~ent will take kaya-:-sennaya, MoSCow' G.200' . tionl Engineer and MOhammad. ,blU" ohhe,Industries 'in the'MinistrY '.-. :_PresldeI!-t and Sov- ' 'I' ed with smooth nuinfng cha-" Sarwar. Chief of Baghi-Bala Ag- The plant will be comJ;lleted of'Jmn~'~d ~duS~es'(foUrth 4'oin-!ight)"Slgn:1he,aocu- ~ te!_',le~rs ~Id:-It=was EIJportant care of the needS of the most USSR. ," . ' - racteristics easnre,fut acceJe;:. exaetfng motOrist, and the ricuItural Project, a('compam~d within the next two and a half ments .relating to_'fhe ~cOllstriIcij~n-of'a p!J~er' . plant iiI ~~~~ili:ff:~:~mefas1Jl1!S1 - to p,~ , IeratioD; high c~'speeds Or, . Commerc.iaJ Attaclle Or e~ ,collapsible backs of the front USSR Embassy in,Kabul. hinl years. Mazar-I-Sharif'• ".''. . .'.: '". -. pons.. _. -,'_ , 0 .nuc wea", . and ·-peni1Jt travel over long seats provide coDifoi1table ;~ '. .' -- '. --. :- .-. - ~ -' ' . :.... " . • . ...: -