Subchapter B—Immigration Regulations
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SUBCHAPTER B—IMMIGRATION REGULATIONS PART 100—STATEMENT OF USCIS Web site or calling CBP, ICE or ORGANIZATION USCIS. [74 FR 26936, June 5, 2009] Sec. 100.1 Introduction. § 100.4 Field offices. 100.2 [Reserved] 100.3 Places where, and methods whereby, (a) Ports-of-Entry for aliens arriving by information may be secured or submit- vessel or by land transportation. Subject tals or requests made. to the limitations prescribed in this 100.4 Field offices. paragraph, the following places are 100.5 Regulations. hereby designated as Ports-of-Entry for 100.6 [Reserved] aliens arriving by any means of travel AUTHORITY: 8 U.S.C. 1103; 8 U.S.C. 1185 note other than aircraft. The designation of (section 7209 of Pub. L. 108–458); 8 CFR part 2. such a Port-of-Entry may be with- SOURCE: 32 FR 9616, July 4, 1967, unless oth- drawn whenever, in the judgment of erwise noted. the Commissioner, such action is war- ranted. The ports are listed according § 100.1 Introduction. to location by districts and are des- The following components have been ignated either Class A, B, or C. Class A delegated authority under the Immi- means that the port is a designated gration and Nationality Act to admin- Port-of-Entry for all aliens. Class B ister and enforce certain provisions of means that the port is a designated the Immigration and Nationality Act Port-of-Entry for aliens who at the and all other laws relating to immigra- time of applying for admission are ex- tion: U.S. Customs and Border Protec- empt from document requirements by tion (CBP), U.S. Immigration and Cus- § 212.1(c)(5) of this chapter or who are toms Enforcement (ICE), and U.S. Citi- lawfully in possession of valid Perma- zenship and Immigration Services nent Resident Cards, and non- (USCIS). immigrant aliens who are citizens of Canada or Bermuda or nationals of [74 FR 26936, June 5, 2009] Mexico and who at the time of applying § 100.2 [Reserved] for admission are lawfully in posses- sion of all valid documents required for § 100.3 Places where, and methods admission as set forth in §§ 212.1(a) and whereby, information may be se- (c) and 235.1(d) and (e) of this chapter cured or submittals or requests and are admissible without further ar- made. rival documentation or immigration Any person desiring information rel- processing. Class C means that the port ative to a matter handled by CBP, ICE is a designated Port-of-Entry only for or USCIS or any person desiring to aliens who are arriving in the United make a submittal or request in connec- States as crewmen as that term is de- tion with such a matter, should com- fined in section 101(a)(10) of the Act municate either orally or in writing, with respect to vessels. with either CBP, ICE or USCIS as ap- propriate. When the submittal or re- DISTRICT NO. 1 [RESERVED] quest consists of a formal application DISTRICT NO. 2—BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS for one of the documents, privileges, or other benefits provided for in the laws Class A administered by CBP, ICE or USCIS or Boston, MA (the port of Boston includes, the regulations implementing those among others, the port facilities at Bev- laws, follow the instructions on the erly, Braintree, Chelsea, Everett, form as to preparation and place of Hingham, Lynn, Manchester, Marblehead, submission. Individuals can seek serv- Milton, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Saugus, ice or assistance from CBP, ICE or and Weymouth, MA) USCIS by visiting the CBP, ICE or Gloucester, MA 14 VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:51 Apr 01, 2021 Jkt 253027 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\08\8V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Department of Homeland Security § 100.4 Hartford, CT (the port at Hartford includes, Panama City, FL among others, the port facilities at Bridge- Pensacola, FL port, Groton, New Haven, and New London, Port Canaveral, FL CT) St. Augustine, FL Providence, RI (the port of Providence in- St. Petersburg, FL cludes, among others, the port facilities at *Tampa, FL (includes Fort Myers) Davisville, Melville, Newport, Portsmouth, West Palm Beach, FL Quonset Point, Saunderstown, Tiverton, and Warwick, RI; and at Fall River, New Class C Bedford, and Somerset, MA) Manatee, FL Port Dania, FL Class C Port St. Joe, FL Newburyport, MA DISTRICT NO. 7—BUFFALO, NEW YORK Plymouth, MA Portsmouth, NH Class A Provincetown, MA Sandwich, MA Albany, NY Woods Hole, MA Alexandria Bay, NY Buffalo, NY DISTRICT NO. 3—NEW YORK, NEW YORK Cape Vincent, NY Champlain, NY Class A Chateaugay, NY New York, NY (the port of New York in- Ft. Covington, NY cludes, among others, the port facilities at Massena, NY Bronx, Brooklyn, Buchanan, Manhattan, Mooers, NY Montauk, Northport, Port Jefferson, Niagara Falls, NY (the port of Niagara Falls Queens, Riverhead, Poughkeepsie, the includes, among others, the port facilities Stapleton Anchorage-Staten Island, Staten at Lewiston Bridge, Rainbow Bridge, and Island, Stoney Point, and Yonkers, NY, as Whirlpool Bridge, NY) well as the East Side Passenger Terminal Ogdensburg, NY in Manhattan) Peace Bridge, NY Rochester, NY DISTRICT NO. 4—PHILADELPHIA, Rouses Point, NY PENNSYLVANIA Thousand Islands Bridge, NY Trout River, NY Class A Class B Erie Seaport, PA Philadelphia, PA (the port of Philadelphia Cannons Corner, NY includes, among others, the port facilities Churubusco, NY at Delaware City, Lewes, New Castle, and Class C Wilmington, DE; and at Chester, Essington, Fort Mifflin, Marcus Hook, and Oswego, NY Morrisville, PA) Pittsburgh, PA DISTRICT NO. 8—DETROIT, MICHIGAN DISTRICT NO. 5—BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Class A Algonac, MI Class A Detroit, MI, Detroit and Canada Tunnel Baltimore, MD Detroit, MI, Detroit International Bridge Patuxent River, MD (Ambassador Bridge) Grosse Isle, MI Class C Isle Royale, MI Piney Point, MD Marine City, MI Salisbury, MD Port Huron, MI Sault Ste. Marie, MI DISTRICT NO. 6—MIAMI, FLORIDA Class B Class A Alpena, MI Boca Grande, FL Detour, MI Fernandina, FL Grand Rapids, MI Fort Lauderdale/Port Everglades, FL, Sea- Mackinac Island, MI port Rogers City, MI Fort Pierce, FL Class C *Jacksonville, FL Key West, FL Alpena, MI Miami Marine Unit, FL Baraga, MI 15 VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:51 Apr 01, 2021 Jkt 253027 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\08\8V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB § 100.4 8 CFR Ch. I (1–1–21 Edition) Bay City, MI Pine Creek, MN Cheboygan, MI Portal, ND Detour, MI Ranier, MN Escanaba, MI Roseau, MN Grand Haven, MI Sarles, ND Holland, MI Sherwood, ND Houghton, MI St. John, ND Ludington, MI Walhalla, ND Mackinac Island, MI Warroad, MN Manistee, MI Westhope, ND Marquette, MI Menominee, MI Class B Monroe, MI Crane Lake, MN Munising, MI Oak Island, MN Muskegon, MI Pontiac, MI Class C Port Dolomite, MI Port Inland, MI Grand Marais, MN Rogers City (Calcite), MI Silver Bay, MN Saginaw, MI Taconite Harbor, MN South Haven, MI Two Harbors, MN DISTRICT NO. 9—CHICAGO, ILLINOIS DISTRICT NO. 11—KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Class A Class A Algoma, WI Kansas City, MO Bayfield, WI Class B Chicago, IL Green Bay, WI Wichita, KS *Milwaukee, WI DISTRICT NO. 12—SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Class C Class A Ashland, WI East Chicago, IL Aberdeen, WA (the port of Aberdeen in- Gary, IN cludes, among others, the port facilities at Kenosha, WI Raymond and South Bend, WA) Manitowoc, WI Anacortes, WA Marinette, WI Bellingham, WA Michigan City, IN Blaine-Pacific Highway, WA Racine, WI Blaine-Peach Arch, WA Sheboygan, WI Boundary, WA Sturgeon Bay, WI Colville, WA Danville, WA DISTRICT NO. 10—ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Eastport, ID Ferry, WA Class A Friday Harbor, WA (the port of Friday Har- Ambrose, ND bor includes, among others, the port facili- Antler, ND ties at Roche Harbor, WA) Baudette, MN Frontier, WA Carbury, ND Kalama, WA Duluth, MN (the port of Duluth includes, Laurier, WA among others, the port facilities at Supe- Longview, WA rior, WI) Lynden, WA Dunseith, ND Metaline Falls, WA Ely, MN Neah Bay, WA Fortuna, ND Olympia, WA Grand Portage, MN Oroville, WA Hannah, ND Point Roberts, WA Hansboro, ND Port Angeles, WA International Falls, MN Port Townsend, WA Lancaster, MN Porthill, WA Maida, ND Seattle, WA (the port of Seattle includes, Neche, ND among others, the port facilities at Ban- Noonan, ND gor, Blake Island, Bremerton, Eagle Har- Northgate, ND bor, Edmonds, Everett, Holmes Harbor, Noyes, MN Houghton, Kennydale, Keyport, Kingston, Pembina, ND Manchester, Mukilteo, Orchard Point, 16 VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:51 Apr 01, 2021 Jkt 253027 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\08\8V1.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Department of Homeland Security § 100.4 Point Wells, Port Gamble, Port Ludlow, San Luis Obispo, CA (the port of San Luis Port Orchard, Poulsbo, Shuffleton, and Obispo includes, among others, the port fa- Winslow, WA) cilities at Avila, Estero Bay, El Capitan, Sumas, WA Elwood, Gaviota, Morro Bay, and Santa Tacoma, WA (the port of Tacoma includes, Barbara, CA) among others, the port facilities at Du- pont, WA) DISTRICT NO. 17—HONOLULU, HAWAII Vancouver, WA Class A Yakima, WA Agana, Guam, M.I (including the port facili- Class B ties of Apra Harbor, Guam). Honolulu, HI, Seaport (including all port fa- Nighthawk, WA cilities on the island of Oahu). DISTRICT NO. 13—SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Rota, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Class A Saipan, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. San Francisco, CA (the port of San Francisco Tinian, the Commonwealth of the Northern includes, among others, the port facilities Mariana Islands.