> < *vH '• Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock

WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE FORTY Average Dally Net Piees Run The Weather inmtftifSBtrr lEttrains l| m U i Ear H m W eek d e M PosaiblUty of an Isolated i^ p t n 4 ,u n thundentocm tUs evening with gradual clearing later; tow First Church of Oirlst, Sci­ Voter Session Today near 80. Tainocraw fair, bieaw : About Town entist, will have its regular mid­ Church Women Will Hear 1 5 ,6 9 5 high about 60. week testimony meeting tonl”ht A 6 to 8 voter^maklng ses­ LETS OVE A CHEER FOR MOM! ManeheMter— A City of Vittage Charm Friendship Lodge of Masons at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main sion Is being conducted to­ Sister LaGace at Luncheon will have a business meeting at St. The meeting Is open to the night In the Manchester town pu blic. (Claasifled AdrertiBfaig PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS the Masonic Temple tomorrow clerk’s office In the Munici­ Sister Marie Alice LaOace of religion coordinator for St. VOL. LXXXX, NO. 184 (THIRTY-TWO PAGB8 -TW 0 GHBCliONS) MANCHESTER, (X>NN., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. Officers will wear pal Building. the' African and World Apos- Bartholomew’s • Church: a^d business suits. There will be A Bible study will be conduct­ Eligible applicants must tolate, an ecumenical organisa­ Sister Ruth Calms and Slater refreshments after the meeting. ed tonight at" 7:30 at Trinity be at least 18 years of age, tion, 'Will address the Church Ellen Qorman, teachers in the Offlceps and members are ad­ Covensmt Church on Hackma­ residents of Manchester for Women United May Fellowship religion program at St. Barthol­ vised that the schedule is tack St. at least six months, and Day ecumenical luncheon Fri­ om ew ’ s, changed from that listed In the must.be U.S. citizens. day noon at Emanuel Lutheran Ushers are Mrs. Warren Cur­ American Money lodge trestleboard. A midweek worship and Those In the 1,8 to 20 age Church. tiss, Mrs. Rudolph Ricclo, Mrs. Town Budget prayer service will be hold to­ greup will be placed on the SUter LaOace will talk about Da'Vld Holcomb and Mrs. UiTel L c ^ e o f M asons w ill night at 7:30 at Calvary Church, ’’Federal. Electors” list -and the values of African culturei George Feeney. hold Its regular business meet­ 647 E . M iddle Tpke. will be permitted to vote and display artifacts 'with an Members of the chorus are In Short Supply On ing at the Masonic Temple In only In federal elections. emphasis on . family life in Mrs. Curtiss, Mrs. Holcomb, M errow on Saturday at 7 :S0 Trinity Covenant Church ’Those 2 1 and over will be A frica. Mtp.. Ricclo, Mrs. Feeney, Mrs. p.m. Wives and friends of mem­ Choir will rehearse tonight at placed on the "Regular Vot­ ’The guest speaker taught ’I’iiomas Parker, Mrs. George Up 1.81 M ills bers are invited to the semi- 7 :30 at the 'church. ers” list and will be permit­ eight grade science at nilng Varko, Mrs. Jack Haney, Mrs. Europe’s Exchanges public square dance which will ted to vote In all elections Junior High School, before Join­ BdwaM McKeever, and Mrs. —7 By LOUIS NEVIN O U df OABflBER follow the meeting. Lou Young The Ladles Aid of the Luther­ federal, state and local. ing the ecumenical order In Jefm KJellson. Associated Press Witter (Herald Beporter) of Wlllimantlc will do the call­ an Women’s Missionary League If and when 38 of the states 1969. L ast y ea r, she served as Mrs. Richard Jennings in gen­ eral chairman of the observ­ The Board of Directors last night approved a |16,- ing, and refreshments will be of Zion Evangelical Lutheran ratify an amendment to the principal of Mxiya' lOgh School LONDON (AP)—The U.S. dollar rebounded on Euro­ served. Church will meet tonight at'7:30 ance. site will be assisted by 340,761 budget and 48.66 mill tax rate for 1971-72— ConstltuUon, already ap­ in the Cameroon. pean exchanges today, but the respite seemed tem­ at the church. Pastor Charles proved by Congress, all elec­ Mrs. B. David Hawln Hawk­ Mrs. Halcomb, table decora­ up $1,869,9M and 1.81 mills over the budget and tax Miss Mary Jordan Walz, Kuhl will lead a discussion from tors, 18 years of age and ins will provide organ music tions; and Mrs. Kjellson and porary as 'the international monetary crisis continued. rate approved by the directors last May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har­ the Spring Quarterly, and there over, will be permitted to during the program. Leaders Mrs. Kenneth Bensen, hospltsd- American money waa in abort — ------It also adopted a $1,067,840 ------old F. Walz of 36 Ferguson Rd., will be a business meeting. vote In all elections. are Sister Julia Ryan, pariah Ity. n tp fiy as speculators rushed to at 8A6. T he o ffic ia l budget and a 6.06 miU tax rate has been named to the deans Lenten folders which have not cover the dollars they had been floor price la S.68. to the town from federal and for the ’Town of .Manchester fltELtG ETSLIltS. list for the first semester at been returned should be celye plaques for their dash­ selling for over a week without ib e West German Cabinet la Fire District Fund — up $178,- North Manchester AI-Anon Because of $000,000 figure, Arizona (Tempe) State Univer­ brought to this meeting. Host­ CofC To Meet boards. owning them. meeting Friday to dtscuss the 287 and .67 miUs from the flra family group will meet tonight thb adopted budget is higher sity, where she is a sophomore. esses are Mrs. Emil Bronke, Entrance to the museum LOVnSC — CHAUFFEURINC — HUCCINC Hie British pound was caught mounting pressure for. revalua- budget the board adopted a Mrs. Fred Baker and Mrs. Rog at 8 at the Second Congregation­ than W eiss recom m ended. Ebc- Legislators grounds is free. A nominal ad­ In the riiah. A wave of selling tion of the mark to check infla- y ea r ago. Reynolds Circle of South er Bretton. Women planning to al Church parish house. ’The cluding this account which will mission 'Will be charged to tour sent the rate for sterling down Uon In Germany. But a declskm The current taxes are 46.86 United Methodist Church will visit the Cheney Homestead on ’Thursday , group will meet to­ DREAMING — UUGHINC — JOKING ] soon “warii out”, the remain­ At Breakfast the museum. Refreshments will A 41 points, to 12.4106- during the was put off after the scheduling mills for the town and 4.89 for meet tonight at 7:30 at Susan­ Tuesday will meet at the morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the ing bu(^et Is $18,740,761—$6ia.- be available. first hour of brading in Londmi. of the Common Market meeting the fire district. 066 and 2.14 m ills less than nah Wesley Hall at the church. church at 7 p.m. Pathfinders Club, 102 Norm an A “Meet Your Legislators” ’The event this year is under that’s what MOTHERS are made of! Hie official rate of the pound in Brussels. ’ To the average property own­ Weiss’s recommendatian for- St. Both groups meet weekly breakfast has been scheduled is $2.40, but It has been above At it the ministers of the six er with a home assessed at and are open to friends and rel­ the direction of William Hall the General Fund. for May 21 by the Manchester of West Hartford, who Is ex­ that ior arrested, In Herald Today District budgets were adopted vine Place by the end of this been sent to all Chamber mem­ CHICKEN FRYER ROASTINB ANTENNA at a buffet supper at St. James’ curtant dollar crl^ and drain from a wave of 12,000 ar- S^J^mlng. *>adge of commitment. Meet Police ^pt. WIU^ ^ B ^ by a vote of the six Republican bers. ’The breakfast is open to w eek. School Hall ’Tuesday at 6:80 of dollars out of the United rnatn this week straiTffled ““ m on u ng. ___ marched to the doorstep of ley said it was not determined Included for distribution directors. The three Democratic the general public. Reserva- Could Affect with today’s Herald is the p.m . BREASTS or UCS States Is the increasing prices of rests ^18 WTOK, SITOgg gome 1,160 of the protestors c__~__as In Wednesday’s dem- immediately how many wore directors abstained, saying that ’The senior choir of the Com­ Uons will close May 14 and may CHICKENS CHICKENS tqwn’s annual report for WITH . ^ . The supper will be catered by American goods and there were from &e st^ sw^ty-co^ 1„ a peaceful Imt voted beforehand taken Into custody, nor the since the Democrats wore ndt munity Baptist Church will re­ be made at the C h^ber offices p^ank Lattuca of ‘B e a Guest in 10 lb. lots, 1960-70. two indications today that such 8C10US capital today with muitant rally which closed the accept arrest, and the mood, charges filed against them, consulted In adoption of the hearse tonight at 7:30 at the at 257 B . C enter St. 8 lb . avg. U .S . T rad e Its ihain theme is the At Your Own Party Caterers.” ass’t if you wish increases were continuing. Re­ their leiaders vowing to re- Capltol Wednesday afternoon fi4quenUy festive ‘tbout 0 a.m. restive elements budget, “We refuse to be a rub­ church. change in the face of the The ^ent Is He Is also the coordinator of the public Steel tai Cleveland, CHiio, WASHING’rON (AP) - Hie ttUm in the S lim m e r for re- and sparkod renewed pubUc de- ^ am ong ^ d e m o n ^ ^ ber stamp and a party to a ■by the Chamlmr s public affain Services Curriculum, De- announced tt was inwcaslng traveler n6Wed efforts to halt the t^®**®* employed by apenring the oratoiy. sought to^ eim to ^ block North End as the result of ALLIANCE ROTOR ’The pastoral services course commlttee, ^ o e e chalrmM Is ^ment of Hotel and Food the renewal efforts there. budget by secret meetings.” m the budget message he will meet tonighP at 7:30 in the Everett J. Uvesay. Service Management at Man­ front of the federal buUdi^. Edited by General Manag­ read,' Farr said, "Wo (the Ito- Robbins Room at Center Con­ chester Commimlty ■College. IK “ ““ <' IS. pu om M » Police ordered them' beck er Robert Weiss, it contains INSTALLED gregational Church. ^ laUon threatening the stabUUy —nv Onuth rougnea «P before the or- reports from various depart­ publicans) bad to be reasonable Reservations may be made U.S. Labor Departoent ^ European currency. vietm n^^embauv today But Dther disturbances, resulting jer to disperse, were not so sat­ onto the sidewalk, and those Old Car Meet ■i who failed to ftdlqw the order ment heeuls, financial infor­ and realize that costs are rising before Friday by contacting ed another rise in whole^e But Vxpeito to * ^ Utile ^ '^Wxit 80 arrests, were waged ^died. Rep. Charies Rangel. D- and services must be maintain­ ’The junior choir of North M rs. B . M. F og a rty o f 281 P ort­ were grabbed and hauled out of mation, graphs and pictures United Methodist Church will pricM domeeUcaUy, up thrte- i„,medU^lmpact on Ameri- S^^BO^tht who ^ ’ CMef of e d .” INCLUDES ALL PARTS and LABOR Set at Museum er St. or Mrs. A. W. Gates of 60 We have Pe|gieridge F am tenths of one per cent ^ trading bv ***““* ■*“* “*? groups which flooded off the the cf traffic. illustrating town growth and rehearse tomorrow at 8:18 p.m. activities. •Ihe m essage w ent on, "T h e Ansaldl Rd. Stuffing and a new Led by West Germany, the r " " “ bad^ shown im found tnemseives campuses of American Unlver- (Sm Pi«e Eight) The protest stopped short of at the church. ’The Antique Auto Museum of its leaders’ announced plan to Weiss said today that read­ primary concern was the tax- smaller quantities 06c lb. cut-up lb. 87c Cailcken Glaxe. S^^^TiTLe ^ e ^ the wS; , payer, and. wbat. he wputo have Manchester will hold Its second Wednesday after $Wo days of mark. ponce. close down the building. ers -Who . have questions Antique .Auto Meet and Flea Leaders of the group told the about any part of the report to pay, not for extra frills and Omar Will Fete RATH BONELESS hectic Belling by speculators kmg.term renUte-^ Ger- Ptotott te«to» also «*edm ^ shotdd feel free to contact fancies, hut just for the common Market Sunday at the museum Very Lean cuts of switching to West German ^ Eunmoan curron- a symbolic march on city jail, youths to sit down in front of the ou r own Protests Trigger Arrest his office to t more Informa­ everyday services which he has Aee ns for RETTEB SHOE grounds off Slater St. Ladies May 14 marks In anticipation that the ^ revalued upwara as the but it was obvlcus many of their entrances of the bujlding, and to BEPAUHNO PBOMFTLT Hours will be >from 10 a.m. DAISY BUm lb. 89* “ Be nonviolent.” tion. TENDERCURE German currency would be re- ^cpiatora hopa-could affect followera already had left the « Pegs Eiittt) DONE! “ WAITING JOBS” to 8:80 p.m. In case of rain, Omar Shrine Club will have Of ^Chicago Seven^ Trio At the buUdlng a quarter mile Its annual Ladies Night on Fri­ OSOAB M ATm FINl! valued iqiward. u.S. foreign trade by encourag- city. are our spedaltyl the event will be held the foUow- The dollar gained strMigth en market In West Ger- consumer prices on foreign talking of another round of dem- By MARK BROWN rested Ylpple leader Abtoe Hrff- Uned up, and there were an un- wider'. . . The meet, said to be the only Cotmtry dub. BACON lb. 79* many today after rumors that proaucto In UB. stores-dls- onatrations, perhaps within six Aasoclatod Press Writer man late Wednesday on charges determined number of federal one of Its type in this area, is Russell Prentice, past presl- the government would postpone couraglng imports. And It could to eight kteeks. (WASHINGTON (AP) — The ot Interstate travel to incite a etficers inside the building. expected to draw more than 100 dent, and Atty. Paul Marte have Small Fresh Defense Witness SAM YULYES its decision to revalue until aft- international confidence a«inir tn dn it aeain ” •i“™ceJustice uepari.iiiBiu.Department is enuumcalling »a riot and of assaulting ~Z‘an ------officialsoinciais saidsaia Wednesday dealers in hard-to-find auto been appointed co-chairman by Genuine Spring New Freezer items for the children er a meeting of CJommon Mar- aoUar the moat serious. nnSeot orrai^ r Reimle Dkvis K«®d jury investigation that in con^tl“» mercury, p sftiL other. ‘The truce periods in the mier Ckdto Mieir—and he en- the city’s poorest nrtgfabor- Government officials acknowl- CROSSTOWN longer... CHIPSO POTATO CHIPS past have been marked by nu- countered an unchanged stand hoods. edged the virtually unpreoedent- 79* 89* 99* m ei^ violations. by the Egyptians in his talks in At 0 a.m., p. 89c ROUND GROUND... .to. — 1.09 eign ------. . stance, firemen were shot at by o* a three-monte govornmera attractive outdoor colors. Como In today for a free color side observe the truce periods ber of prlnciides which offer op­ portunity for further fruitful ex­ several persons from a buUdlng. testing program for m w unr In chart. declared by the South Viet­ of rampaging youths swordfish. A- group of American namese. The U.S. Command has plorations.” Rogers added,’'" ! believe the announced It will abide by Sal- 4) (8 m P a c e F m s ) Group of black youths in Brooklyn overturn car to protest state budget cuts in welfare. (AP Photo) (Bm P M * ’ BUSH HARDWARE Co. (8 m Page 8l*te«i) (8 m F a g s ] ■) 793 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER — 643-4121 Plnehurst Grocery Inc.


t- ' ‘ r\- I. MANCHESTER EVENING HEEALD. .MANCHESTER. CONN^ THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE TWO 'PAGE THREE row, that dog will be there if the every Navy football game. MANCHESTER EVENING HERa LD. MANCHESTER. GONN.! THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 middles have to smuggle him Academy officials, who per­ sistently refused to admit that Naval Academy Cadets in.” JONAS*^ LOG CABIN !• the new government “ less prilU- SheinM’old on Bridge M. Arsenaiilt to Robert J. and race; to correct a legal de- cate of distribution for the es- He was. Dodo had replaced the Navy NORTH geed in the heart and eyes of the RT. 87, LEBANON Clalrq-iCMlchaete of Mansfield, scripUon; Vera Ttornabene to tate of ,Vemer G, Buck to Pearl Camlm il lan cal and more functional” than OB8KRVB OPPONENT with a Navy blaidiet with the ♦ A 7 Mourn Unofficial Mascot brlg^e, continued to emphasise lots'18 and 19 and the westerly Claudia ’Pomabene kfiller of J. and-John D. Buck of Hart- the group brought down April TO CHOOSE PLAY gold ‘‘M” on top and gidd letters I Giventry Public Records <5 J6 He slept in Bancroft Hall, ate before each Navy away game half of lot 20, block 16, Gerald Coventry,- ■ th re e parcels in ford, lot 4, section F- In Oak 20, when Lon Nol resigned be­ lEu^nittg You have to be at the table to By JOHN WOODFOSLD reading ’’Bite Army” on rither Let Us Do Hie CooMnq «n Grove; and a probate cerOfi- Vote Backs 0 AJ98 in the mess hall, trotted happily that the ^ would not be A total of 88 land transfers all to John James and^Bonnte Park; George H.' and Frances Waterfront Heights and part of cause be had not recovered ]u4g:e what (a h^;)penfaicr In a Associated Press W riter. side. cede of Jointly-owned property Published Dally Bzeept .awjdays dS AJ843 alongrslde the midshipmen at pa­ afftwded'official tranqportation. were recorded In ’Town Clerk Coetas of (3oventry, lots « iid M. Colby to Peter A. and Joyce Round Hill lot; Robert F. Nell and HoUdays at 18 BlsseU Btteat. certain Und of end situation. He trotted at the sldelinea at for the estate of Marie C. Mo- from the stroke he suffered In WEST BASF ANINAPOIilS, Md. (A P ) rades, Including the fabled June Mom's Special Day ' . EUxabeth Rychling’s office dur- 19 , section N. WaterfrqHt Man- PoUckl of blastonbury, lot 1 In of Bolton, lots 46-48, section D Leadership Manchester, Coon. There’s <»i (diance of going relra to Joeeph L. Moreira of A 6 5 2 A 10 8 3 Dodo Is dead. Week Odor Parade, and regu­ ing the month of April. or; Eastern Development Corp. Nathan Hale Heights on Flan- in Actors Colony, extension 2 February. Telepbane 648-3711 wrong on .paper, when you can Glastonbury, as recorded in 10 8 7 2 (?Q954 larly attended classes. PRIME RIBS OF BEEF Warranty deeds filed Includ-' to Ruth Lumbruno of Bloom­ ders Rd.; Oliver W. Pavey to on. Woodlawn Dr.; John J. Jr. PHNOM PENH (AP) — ’The Although the observers fore- Second Class Portage Pa*8 • ' see all B2 cards; but in actual The tiny black and brown volume 100, pages 290 and 291. Manchester, Conn. (OfdW) 0 10 543 0 6 2 It was not unusual to see ’TU R K E Y ed: Winfield S. Wltherwax and field, lot 6, section 2, North- Charles L. and Doris L. Doyle and Sheila B. Saviello to ’Iliom- play you may have to use your mongrel dog who wandered CambOdian poUtlcal crisla end- saw no sudden poUcy rtilft, they SUBSCRIPTION RATES G Q 10 6 2 plebes (freshmen) snap to at­ P O T RO AST of (Coventry, lots 22 and 28, sec- as R. Jezoult of Vernon, lota 11 knowledge of human beings as ♦ 7 dripping wet out of a summer ' ______fields; Janies G. Jr. and Eve­ ed today after 10 days as the said the new g o v ^ e n t Ukely Payable in Advance tention when Dodo sauntered STEAKS _____ Hon 1, Waterfront Heights. and 12, block B in Waterfront ^ . ., • . , would be more efficient since it well as your knowledge of SOUTH storm one lUght five years ago lyn T. Oove to Eldward J. and Lead'Base Paint Into their rooms. l o b s t e r s t u f f e d w i t h FAMOUS WALNUT STUFFINO Also, Morton ^m elm an and park. National Assembly overwhelm- younger and better trained Six Months ...... U-to bridge technique.. A KQJ94 and toto the hearts of the U.S. Robin L. Mtmley of East Hart- Three Months ...... 9.75 So Important was ho to the BAKBID 8TUFTBJD SHRIMP / ingly approved a revamped gov- men in a number of top poets. South dealer. (? K3 N aval Academ y’s 4,000-man bri- MOMERAnNOB ford, property on the northwest- Joseph Vlnlak, trustees, to Also: William C. SUme to WU- Bill Is Approved One Month ...... 8.MS brigade that various plebes Both sides vulnerable. 0 KQ7 g;ade, was discovered ill In the 823. b4AIN ST. MANCHESTER (Corner of Pearl) erly side of Lakewood Heights. Bastetn Development Corp., uam C. and Lucille B. StoAe of . c/mment. ’H ie vote was 80-1, K95 were assigned to keep a log of Children’s Menu Available FORRARENreANO HARTFORD (AP) — A bill nine abstentions and five Opening lead — Seven of academy yard recently and died AUo: Paul D. and Ruth C. lot 98, section 'Vlli, North- Coventry, property NS, O A lii 428-0771 — A sample entry reads: “MW- Celeste______E. Augustine______of Coven- to William______H. and Sandra Lnck- ing ____ from Bolton to Tolland; . lead-based paint In housing units Th^ „ew 16-man Cabinet is When today’s hand was play­ 1 A Pass 2 Pass His past was murky and his Shipman dog was seen returnhig Facilities for Banquets and Small Partiea try, lot 8, Twin Hills wi ’Twin wood of Hartford, three parcels Doris Ferrigno to Loralee and was passed by the state Senate headed by the lesiders of the last • TAG SALE • ed almost 20 years ago in a 2 ♦ Pass 3 0 Pass ancestors unknown, but Dodo TWm LOBSnR SPEUM.! ■nW o s mi Of iw w tsr Oilr dWOm from chapel this mornii^. A Huis Dr.; Bvandro S. Santlnl to in Waterfremt Manor; Judson Peter J. Feirlgno of Middle- Wednesday and sent to the gov- government but sports a num- New York tournament, Dr. Kal­ 4 N T Pass 5 A Pass fast became a legend in his own (Boned or BroUed) BMdDdM: RR ME Sponsored by 6 N T A ll Pass time, outranking fTecumseh w d glow of humility w «* noted In Joseph G. and Betty J. Farad u. and Elizabeth E. ’Turney, to town, lots 24-29, block U, Pine emor. ber of new and younger faces. It man Apfel played a low club Potato, Vegetable and Salad . iMUWOAMiniO ST. BBIOGET PARISH COUNCIL the famed Navy goat hi Acade­ his eyes and he whs obviously in of Hartford, lot 2, Richmond Frank B. Spencer Jr., lots 6-«, Lake Shores, undivided half In- "nie bill requires landlords to committed Itself to winning the from dummy and captured the penance to atone for missing Lim ited — N o Beaervatlona — N o Take Onto Estates; Edward R. and Ckmnle section X, Waterfront Manor; terest; Patrick T. Lynch to Bes- remove lead-based or other against the Viet Cong and ten with the Ung. He could my tradition. he had started with only three Although he was never ac­ morning meal yesterday. He de­ A. Ctoicla to Anthony M. De- carl P. Haertel, William aka sle C. Lynch of Ctoventig, prop- hazardous paints from housing jjorth Vietnamese, getting a • RUMMAGE SALE • make the slam by leading to­ clubs, but he felt sure that he cided to' anticipate this mom- ML MaMMina StmtiB o f W aterbury, lots 26-29, w illia m B. Brooks, B arbara H. erty an Parker St. and Babcock units, within five days after re- constitution for the seven- ilponsored by ward the king of hearts if Bast corded recognition by academy A iilA OTHER SEAFOOD STBOIALTIES Read Herald Advertisement Mwtii riiiil.ti tnmiin could diagnose the' situation ingr’s formation and eurlved 17 section R, Waterfront Park. aka Barbara Haertel Brooks to Hill Rd.; Barbara A, De Lorge celvlng “ month-old republic and conUn- ST. BBIDGIET ROSARY SOCliETY had the ace, but another play officials, he was that tiny touch when East displayed such emo­ of home to new recruits and a minutes early.” Also: Louis H. Culp to Leo- James and Mary Olbrys of to the State of Coimectlcut of local boards of health. ^j^g a foreign policy of ’’active was surer to work. tion. sym bol oi independence once Dodo became the official bri­ Dold and Jacqueline VelUeux of Manchester, lots 69-71, block R, the State Welfare Department ^ neutraUty.” SATURDAY. MAY 8th — 10 A.M. Apfel ran dummy's dla- Declarer simply led the low gade mascot--although Ignored Ktm ntB ' mrtford lots 81-88, Oak Grove, puie Shores. of Hartford, property on Pucker AVCO Contract ’The new government is head- A T ____ m(Hids, discarding a club, and khown to u{q>er classmen. (MW 17 nuM'M weneWYN heart from his hand. If Bast Dodo never spent two c«v»ec- by the admittlstration-at a pep addition 2; La Cava Construe- Also, Elm Industries to La St.; the estate of Sylvester J. WASHING’ION (AP) — The ed in name by ailing Marshal ST. BRIDGET SCHOOL CAFETERIA then ran the apedea coming PwM-w'MiltenrOa won, he woifld have to lead utive nights in the same room, rally preceding the Navy-Syra- Uon Co. to ' Dennis J. and cava Construction Co. of Hkrt- Ploufe and June O. Floufe to Army awarded a |1.7-mmion Lon Nol but In fact by U. Gen. GOOD USED CLOTHING, FURNTTCBE, ETC. down to a heart and two chAs clubs and give dummy a free cuse football game several ”... just what you Judith iboC^r of Manchester, ford, lots 22 and 23 In Coventry Sylvester J. Ploufe of (kilum- contract Wednesday to Avco Slsowath Slrlk Matak, who pre­ fastidiously avtHded favoritism, in the dummy and a club and finesse. If West put up the a«e and the disdain with which he years agfo. He was presented lot 87 Coventry Hills ades. ’The Kuchy to William F. Sr. and I lUNBEATABLE BUYS two clubs. He finally discarded trump support is very meager, Annie Get Your Gun Gloria G. Grant of East Hart- ' a heart, saving Just the queen but the ace and the side single- ford, lot no. 1, block F ., Lake- I o f hearts and the Q-6 i0f chibs. ton are Just about enough to Presented, by view Terrace; Gerald M. and | eh:. Apfel was wondering warrant a bid. FRIED CHICKEN Marion J. Herbert to Michael . whether Blast would have the 311 CM M ROAD. MANCHBnR Manchester High School Music Department J. and G ail Strycharz o f IWbth- nerve to discard a club eariy if Coiqrrlght IMS ersfleld, property on the west- ' — General Features Oorp. 0#W 7 DAYS A YVHK — 11 AJR. - 9 PAL THURS. and FRL, May 18-14 8 P.M. erly sl^ of Silver St.; Christo- I Idler and Linda A. McCann to | THEATER TIME H U D A Y a SATURDAY ~ 11 AAL • 19 PAL BAILEY AUDITORIUM Joseph B. Jr. and Nancy L. SCHEDULE General A d m iss io n ...... $l-50^ Dennis of Wlllington, lot 21 in CAU.ABSVU>! ------Coventry Manor on Mark Dr.; and Eastern Development Burnside: — "A New Leaf” 643.8115 / a W s o n Si Corp. to William O. Jr. and 7:30, 9:30. TONUGHT n e w FraST RUN Caroiyri''R'. Gllligan of Rhode State: — ’’Five Blasy Pieces” 2 H eeded Transplant Island, lot 7, Northfields, ^ - 9:28; “I Never Sang For My IdANCHESTt Ask the 6r««n Siow n at 8:06 tion 11. Father” 7:80. C> f Quit claims filed in April .in­ Manager HI!...... 111 . Kill l"N Ndll.H UA Theater Blast: — clude: Joseidi A. Lombard to "M ephlsto W alts” 7:00, 9:1S. far Qowtlty Dlacoants John M. Kuchy of „ Columbia, Manchester Drive-Ita:— ’’Two MEBnUNIIMnTOlOK, lot 1, block F less the southerly Headed Transplant” 8:00; ” Gk>d for Special 10 feet thereof, Lakeview ’Ter- BVirgives, I Don’ t” 9:46. OocaaknisI HEBUmWMnSTOKUl Bast ' Hartford Drive-In:— Science runs amok to create... ’’Soldier Blue” 7:86; "People N ext'D oor” 9:80. Blast Windsor Drive-In: — The Incredible "Tora, Tora, Tora” 7:86; "Only Game in ’Town” 10:16. Meadows Drlve-Ih: — “Two 2 H ead ed Headed Transplant” 8:18; "God Forgives, I Don’t” 9:4<^. TRANSPLANT AHeo) Bluo-HUls Drive-In:— "Brew­ S R COtOH br MtlKE* ster Mcaoud” 8:16; "Alex to AnAHeMCANIKTERNATIONALP Leaf 'Wonderland” 10:00. HOW MANY MEN MUST DIE? BURNSIDE “GOD FORGIVES S • - n i’A'- is:; .3333 RESTAURANT I D O N T ” ’ STATE «i/UIIERtCAN.INTERNAnONAL:. iwnif MANCHESTER CENTER Mother's Day Menu FREE PARK REAR OF THEATRE

e ' thttbc, j u i c y CHAR-BROILED e NA’nVB (Aberie Farms) BOASrr ’TURKEIY H IP STBMK Glblet Gravy, <3ranberry Sauce e U.S.D.A. CHOK3B FILET MIONON Mushroom Sauce • b AKBD.STUFTW) SH RIM P h) Towne ^ e.VBlAL CUTLET PABMBSAN • p r i m e R IB O F BBIEIF (Special CSiildren’B Menu) (t Italian Sauce House I k j a c k '’ OOCKTAILS SB5BVB1D SUNDAYS (B ) NICHOLSON 9.JJ5 LDVELiY COLONIAL DEOOB. BXJR.RBMBRVA/nDNS—C A LL 872-0069 Pizza I m e YOUR HOST: ROBBIRT P. QAIiETT ROUTE 88, KLAING’HON, CONN. ■ 314 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER _ e e s e Pieces 1*90x115" The Clark's 1 Phene 64M 648 for Delicious | • le ODdTZiAXUBfl) • • I TOP SHEET EXTRA LONG, f EXTRA WIDE | • 60x80" FITTED SHEET 28 N orth St. e T e l. 428-9891 I PIZZA-HOT OVEN GRINDERS I W H JJM A N TiO MINEVER QUEEN SIZE SET COMES COMPLETE W ITH BEDDING! | We’re closing the doors at 6 LAST DAY I SPAGHETTI DINIffiRS | SJIHC F O B o’clock Sunday, M other's D a ir ii MYIMTHEB” Everything you need for queen size comfort! Featuring a ALL 7 PIECES COMPLETE ■ Day, 80 If you.wlrii to Join H O U RS: M ON.-W BD. 11:00 A.M . - 9 :00 P .M . ■ Famhus Nam e extra firm set inlohger, wider queen size. Loaded ■ us for dlnnm:, please plan to THUR8.-SAT. 11:00 A.M.-11:00 P.M. ■ arrive before that time. Res­ TODAY! with quality extras-multi-coil firmness-border braces-a lux- WL ervations are strongly ad­ Queen ury quilted cover and more! This gorgeous mattress and box SUNDAYS 8:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. ■ IHFAIRE EAST vised. ■ 'J j\ spring. The linens by famous Lady Pepperel include deluxe OPEN BVBStY DAY no-iron pillow cases, § flat sheet, a fitted sheet, and fitted mat­ “Fare with a Flair” I SPECIAL! I ' Brace Yomaelf Bor tress pad. A superb all-in-one value for the rest of your life! ■ FRL - SAT. - SUN., M A Y 7, 8, and 9 | The Ultimate CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE Tranaj^ant! The Himuui Soul. . . S P A G H E H I Alan Alda I IEEMIVUIIIANT I Jacqueline Bisaet In 2 TW IN BEDS-I-2 MATTRESSES _ Opening nmrs.. May • ■ or SHELLS “THE -I- 2 B O X SPRINGS A T $ 20.90 SAVINGS! ■ 827 Main St. At the Center | LAST MY Choose your style! French Provincial, ||j MESPHISTO Colonial or Modem. You get both twin beds, ■ Rose A Orlando Moriconl I ! WHh the 2 mattresses and 2 box springs... every- _ W elcom e AU H ie lt Friends | WALH” I of the past ftoty. yean TOMVI Mon. - Fri. 7ffl04:U — Btoto *in g ! 3 piece set $ ^ 9 5 - - buy the 6 piece ^ of patronage ^ Meatballs »1.00j Sat. 2*.80-5:00-7rit-10:ie CREDIT TERMS set and save $20.90 _ Sun. 2:884tM)-7:90-9:16 OjPBN 7 DAYS AVAILABLE ■ I AFREE treat at Wed., May 12 ■ 8 A M . to 9 P .M . “ L aw ren ce o f A ra b ia ” * —Serving— Breakfast —^Luncheon MEADOWS sundae .1, ,BTH <;• 1. ’ ••• I D lnaM « • ft » * f A *, • A I ’ M 0 » ' I Fixtures and Equipment M cD o n a ld ’s as ^ ID O N T ' Fniniahed and Installe d by I^^Gremmo and Son BaBs^j j I sale You can take Mom out and treat her to a FREE cheeseburger, W E r T an order of french fries land a large soft drink. And McDonald’s will pick |g| COLOR 1-1 MIGHT ONLY-I Buy one at regular 7 : 0 0 price get another up the tab. All you do is clip the coupon and bring it with L S H O W A T IN DUSK. for just Mother to the McDonald’s nearest you on Mother’s Day. It’s a great COLONIAL PERSON! Donald Sutherland l e x in way for the vyhole family tp celebrate Mother’s Day. ■ Iba diractor aLM'Acj ' A DUKE ■ •B IT E W S T E R IB /TJ w o n d e r l a n d BONUS NIGHT ■ M c C L O U P ” ccmw( lYOURDATBI EAT, DRINK Showlwr • caeci “WE NOW BRING YOU MORE THAN EVER BEFORE” ELLINGTON AND MARRY US! * Cash I Mur ta t ★ <711 2 9.01. (■Miter, Hoy, KUt, Opon Mon. And His Band FREE FOR MOM’’ I I 2—i$ 61.66 wnorgB FRI. M AY 7-8:30 I Color ton « i M» bring (when accompanied by a child) Hotliiinil Horn an4 Dadt ihru Sot. * Budget BUSHNELL ORta, IM. nt. Off. Am. 0. qi OMP.01970Am. D. q. Oorp. I torPjLwdtof. KEITH FURNITURE MEMORIAL ■ ★ 1 Cheeseburger ^ • anetoLBOf' Terms ■’m . Thurs. and 1115 MAIN ST., MANCHESim, CONN. (Unrmrwd tnHng): Onh. M. 1M I ★ 1 order of French Fries | f s N - t s N Mon.-Fri. 7-,38-8 t88 Avoikibla M . *4, M Sil. tu a 'HduU M DAIRY QUEEN No. 2 I M * Bnib 108- Sot. B Sun. TELEPH O NE 648-4159 awhntll BOK Otfka 14-S D«irr No. 1 t m e m i m - li8M:MLS(M>7i4G9(40 Fri. NigMs (MMM7). AIM at: Milodv Mualc, 212 BROAD STREET I 1 large soft drink I Use Our in Ann It. HtM.1 LatalM MMic 884 HARTFORD ROAD M cD o n a id is ESTABLISHED IN 1899 SlM, 11 US.U. M., Wwt Hwuwe Owned and Operated by CanMrj Nmftotrrv'. RKprl Dwt., Owned and Operated by I * at participating McDonald's on Mothers Day. j| Ride all tl^ rides MS MMn St. HIM.) Wimn'. RkotS Fred AnnnlU The EUdn Family as many times af till 9 P.M. FREE MAIN STREET and STORESIDE PARKING Loyawoy Plan Shw, M WHt Miin W.. Nmr Bittnln. LJ U . you want Read Herald Advertisements fl.:i ftOMISSinS fHlI I'APKINli (vO; '{ • .'< • A ••i.V/'.M

V 'A . BIANC3HR8TB® EVENmC HERALDf HANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 6,^ m i PAGE FIVE JlANCOTSSTEft'EVENING HERAiiibvJIANCHESTER. OONN.. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 P A G E F O U R teen, la to learn exactly what Uoohemlcal reactions. and ^demanded Hewitt’s suspen- although toe persons he talked •• changes oc C/I' i f A W I U J U lUD, or using one type of cOn- elements of copper, zinc, man- Detective -Division of the'Bristol fo r Ooinplote tisttn(n>. toe demonstration but was not again? A "Warning -itraeeptlye pill, con^cured with ganese, sodium and other met- Killing of Black Police Dept. SA M YULYES prompted by the protest, Nixton I Oak St., Could A ffect A. lUndoubtedly—or something Bee Betnrday's TV Week By ALTON mj4KlBOT.lcin Itotog or endometrium of the women not using either method, ols. i ' . The protesters gathered slUHt- BRISTOL (AP) — Some 160 ______said. like them. And the Treasury has ANP HER NAfAE WA6 8AMP60NJ On Swordfish Junior Miss Title AP Science Editor uterus or womb. Bl<^psie$, or tissue spedmens. And the traee elements do ly after 7 p.m. and called for announced that, to relieve the iWASCJOERAPIN® A6 A /lAAN, '' •:<* <•> rtr rj Mo m aroCKHOT nr / A-D\ ^^‘blle the pill is 100 per cent are taken at intervals from the change, thSM studies directed persons demonstr^ May(^‘j. Hwli^iiod Norton-'men U.S. Trade excess d W U WM WMt < o > City Hall here Ws(toesday night jj^rton appeared about 46 mto- (M) AMsws ViMir (C tfMB Page One) son of Oreen'wood, ^.C., and “ effective if token as directed, endotoetrium of the volunteers, by Dr.- Kerstto Ha$;enfeldt, an held by Europe’s central banks CONTINENT^.^V e accidentally ex- who receive a nominal payment obstetrician and gynecologist, to protetf the kllltog of a 28-ye^ later, toe demonstrators (Continued from Page One) ( ) Liene Dindonis of JuUe^ m . —the government banks In each WOUNDED (iM <«•) Waattar WaM 0 and Canadian medical eoq>eits Jersey’s Junior Miss, ArlBM women ask two main questions poled, and Is not so absolute a for their parUclpAUcn, and who find. old Uack man too was sJwt dispersed, saying they woidd ItM OUlm’s njud <0 > Stens, was named America s Poise and appearance—Janet running away from a Bristol gather again Thursday nl|ht. Swiss, Netherlands, Austria Austrian country It Is prepared to offer TWICE/ (M) What’s H r UasT <0) endorsed Its findlnga. - Does It work? to it safe? contraceptive as the pill. But, are attending the ou^Mdient At the time when a fertilised kdorsed lU fln d U ^ ^ i T u T Ifih 'iim ual MlUer o f Greeley, O olo.j Artsne poUceman Monday. Norton said Wednesday ni^t .. c K - 1,- them “appropriate investment •iH Waattar — Starts “Despite extensive recalls by Junior in tne i gtena of WoofBynne, N.J.; aad Sdentlsts ask th« uunn nnoo. Inserted successfully. It la clinic. Ih Tan ths Traih Maws wUh Widtar Craa- 882,000 pounds, and deq;>lte ov- *«)m every state to cld m ^ •Vouth.V .fitn e ss-J u lie B etg o f tehy does It work?—to order to may act upon a variety of body Association for Sex Edtoudlan, amouids of copper and zinc to ^ E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Market) ' a flood of dollars which specula- rush? kUs <0> tie as America’s ideal high Patrolman ’Thur Hewitt shot leaders of the black cinn- W OPEN WED., THUBS., FBI. tiU 0 ' <•> Mews wHh H.E. BaUlh ^ erall cooperation of swordOsh Ifaimath Falls, Ore,, aad Janice produce more effectiye and saf- tissues as well as preyenttog the Swedish national eijulyalent the endometrial cells, - and de­ the victim, James McMUlon of munlty after toe demonstratiiHi tors wanted to changpe into West will help. But tateiro- ( 0 > brtAera in withholding up to 4 “ sh^lT utodSter of Mr. and Soum of South Windsor, C 5 ^ er birth control measiues. conception. cf the Planned Parenthood Fed.' creases to sodium, potassium Hartford, because he fled after „ „ . 1. . j 1 tlonal monetary authorities oK'^blATaa^ke mllUon pounds from the market, one 18 me oaugn Scholastic achlevement-«u- and mangranese, she finds. S Oift Ideas for Mother German Deutschmarks and-to ^ consultation to de- (»W > MBO Maw* (O) Today, scientists haye a im> does work weU, eratton to the United States, a cor carrying him and three — ------ san Christine Connors of Fak prime mystery trying to explain howeyer, especlaUy a new one “With thtfr help, we are now others had been stoj^ped to in­ • FROM PLAZA SELECTIONS <•) Tnrth ar Oaaas«asUeas <0 sWMdfish available to the public lynne, (N.J., has light the mechanism o f acti Wtafs Mr User hair, hasel eyes and is 6-foot-7. River, Mass.; Rchbi L«e Slack vestigate a ^shoplifting com­ NSW! — EXUimCi # Lingerie Panot* ropean currencies. ures might be needed—and if at or over the guideline,” said highly effectiye ciHitracepUyb— containing tiny antounta of cop- a year,” Diczfsluey sold to a.re- blood tests, only by the cellular (lMMa> Me Jan Souza of South Windsor, of Chanute, Kan.; and Xiada plaint, police saliU Q. Why do the q>eculators so, what kind, (O) BT>A Chief Charles C. Edwards. assays. The signiflesnee of the NATURAL HEALTH e Slemwear WeriM* 7lM< W^wmar i full evaluation of test data by or metal ritaned like a dlrecUw of the Reproductiye En- nylon brush, permits the taking- amounts Of copper released car. may be revalued upward—that pact of the crisis on business? i l b WON n m Mahan visible nudged aside by the alluring l:M BewUehMI FDA has no choice but to rec­ the college cf her (hbice. , nattern Ineerted ^niem iv the KaroUnska Hosidtal here, the endometritun, for analysis more effectiye, are stUI not Millan, shouted, fired a warning e Sewing loikels & Honsewares Goleia terms of dollars. They think impact at all up to now. Some (U) Mavis Miss New Jersey. shot and then fired—hitting Mc­ PARKADE (laM) InasUa (C> ommend at this time that the Runners-up, in order, were The flnrt nmnerup gets a Into the uterus It m u n eW ^ l a scientist world renowned of changes to their content of known. But the detailed studies e Quality Products — Budget Prices that the mark, now worth some- Investment decisions and ftnan- tiMl (I) Marta Millan to the heart. public not eat swordfish,’’ Ed­ $8,000 '^olarship; secoad run- yente a woman’s fertilized era research In human raprod- DNA and RNA component offer a starting point to learn u cM B v rr p h a h m a o t thlng over 27 cents, will soon be clal deals undoubtedly are being Make' Maam far Oraad- Kathy Clark Morria of Forest, make The demonstrators gathered to Z a l l a t p r ic e s y o u u n c ^ . daUv (0> wards said in a statement. Miss.; Janet Lee MlUer of Gree­ nerup $4,000; third aad ,fourth from becoming Implanted to tS “®«ve physiology. (toemleals of toe genetic code of worth more. stalled. Adaaa-U Monticello, Ky.; and JiSl Ann remaining five finalists $600 changed? Europe? A. The German govenunent a . Some may be seriously in- it,It I^^TM <0) each. Preliminary winners re­ could declare a new and higher convenienced, if they need to Tsih-ia ( 0 > Rounding ceive $1,000 each. Nuclear Power oooo k! <0 > line of 0.6 parts per mllUon. The Judges who have been, Inter- value for its currency, after cash checks or change dollars UtW Taaicu Mk 8 week, were Leonard E. Le- Sourd, editor of Guideposto At Bridgeport ^ could let the mark "float” ; that do so temporarily, egcept in lifiE LON&EST BEARD EVER ’ Cmsmi ^^cent samplea contaliring corolim Sue WWtted, Col­ is, it could cut the m »k loose o*-ip nG o a .; • MAriivnMarilyn Sue Magazine; Mary Ann XIobley, emergency Cases. RECORDED WAS GROWN EJV Man Orlffla BRIDGEPORT (A P ) — TWo SERVICE from any stated ' value tempo­ HANS N. LANOSETH OF N. RNCOTA. 1:00 (»«M(»«M0) 0) MewsMev — Prayer per miUlcrir^ Penney, Soddy, Tenn,, and Nanr actress and Miss America- of Others are limiting the speakers—one from toe Atomic rarily and let dealings in the AFTER 3 * WARS IT A M n on Approximately- 26 million •’.y Elaine Goeres, Lodi, Wis. 1069; actress -Renne Jarrett; I. amounts they will exchange. LENGTH OF 11 FEET. 6 MCHBS/ (i) Mew» — Pnigrer Mid Energy Commission and the oth­ woi4d money markets decide American Eb^reas Co. offices Off pounds of the fidt'--^ras con­ Other winners in the three William Hall, Washington Star er an environmentalist — dis­ what the new value would final­ were honoring its own traveler's sumed by Americans last-y^r, rounds of preliminary judging Associate editor, and Vincent EdacaHoaal TV (24) with all but 4 mllUon pounds Im­ Dooley, University of Georgia ■ agreed at a conference We Swedea K (0 ) ’Ihe rem ainder is caught In the nation’s power output with • :M Medan BapeTrtelea B some higher figure; the doUar “Fishy Pastry” and Oallfomla. danger to toe environment. 7;W Uvs Ceveiace al Caas^etiest would be worth leas when used q what about U.S. consum- Oasaral Aatambly The Small Business Adminis­ Saul Levine, assistant director to buy marks or to buy German f ^ 8:M WaahiuMs Waek la Bertew tration last week declared of environmental affairs for the In Michigan Raids S:W Uva Crtarasa al Oasaaetieat goods. The speculators who had ^ effect at all for the Oaaaral AsaamMy swordfish ship owners, proces­ PRICES ARE BORN AEC;, hxdc the positioa that elec­ got rid of dollars and obtained pj.e8ent. If the mark Is revalued WASHING’rON___ (AP) — More ties either made arrests or exe- l:M Vasa Far Bvanraae B sors and distributors eligible for trical power is needed for na­ marks would chalk up a jwoflt. upward, German Vc^kswagens than 400 FBI agents and local cuted search warrants this M:W Caueetleat Mewerevei economic disaster loans. tional security — and that Its Q. Why Is the doUar less vaiu- ^^e United police began today a kOdilgan morning were DetroJW Gra^ The aET>A said limited MANCHESTER OLDS benefits outweigh environmental able in Europe? Statee. And tt other European roundup of 161 persons, includ- Rapids, Irfuiaing, Flint, Youth Jobs, amounts of swordfish might re­ S 1 2 W CENTER ST., MANCHESTER damage it may cause. A. {Because Bhirope is over- ijoimti-jes also revalue upwards, ing* a Detroit police lmq>ector naw, Battle Creek and Kaom- turn to stores If the Industry He said that other countries WIMPOLC SQUARE supplied with doUars. European yjgpg may be somewhat higher and 16 other offtcers, on federal anoo, the Justice Department wxH-ks out on “effective pro­ 643-1 SI 1 are 'beailnntog to develop “ cbe(q> banks are luddlng more doUars p^ces for French fariiions and gambling chargee returned by said Cancer Fund gram to certify for nmrketing source’' of eleidrical power — than people want to borrow or pgjfume, British textiles and two federal grand juries. “The police officers were the 6 to 8 per cent of each -catch and toali he said, could adverse­ spend. Scotch whisky and many other Fifteen Indictments, returned^ charged in the indictments with likely to meet mu'cury guide- AND RAISED ELSEWHERE ly affe<5t toe nation’s economy FASHIONS THE MEXICAN Q. Why ts there an oversup^ imports. by grand juries sitting In De-*^ obstructing law enforcement an­ A pproved lines.” and to turn jeopardize toe na­ p ly L ^------trott and Grand Rapids, . were tigambling activities, carrying WASHINGTON (AP) Sep- Edwards emphasized that ex- tion’s political future. “At which A. 'Wit .several reasons. Some announced by Atty. Gen. John on an Illegal gambling turtivlty point, a foreign power might at­ PEASANT MOOD FOR MOM, of America’s Vietnam war *««■ swordfish there Is no Bathtub Wine N. Mitchell In Washington. and ocnepiracy to violate feder- cancer and provide” summer substantial mercury problem in tack,’ ’ Be added. spending has piled up doOars Mitchell said federal authorl- al gambling laws, jobs for needy qity youths won Bhtoaid Dowd, an environ­ abroad. So have Ite payments edible ocean fish. The FDA re­ ties coordinating the arrest Policemen were accused at approval of the Houge Appropri­ mentalist (HI. the . staff cf toe for a rising volume at im ports Poisons Man cently cleared as aaie all retail OF COOL LINO COTTON raids in 87 MlchigaA cities de­ accepting payofis to protect ations Committee today. tuna stocks. Center for Environment and from Europe. Also some dollars ’They were port of a $8.8 Wl- PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) scribed the operation as “one of sports and horserace betting Mercury Is a metallic poison Man to Hartford, took the op­ have been sent overseas deliber­ lion emergency appropriation ★ REMEDIAL READING Frank Haviland cf the Green the largest In United States hls- that an indictment said were posite tack. “Given the lack of ately to obtain the higher Inter­ bill Including $4.1 billion fo r re­ particularly iiijurious to the (Phonics and Retoiied Areas) Parrot Coed Farm commune toiy In terms of the number of run by Charles "CSiickle” Sher­ brain, nervous system and kid- resources and given the maj(H: est earnings now available in man and his brother-in-law Sam cently approved government PI.' felt terrible. arrests.” questions of safety and thermal some Ehiropeon countries. Mendelsohn. ' pay raises and $260 mUU(in for poUuOng nally the lohg U.S. Inflation has Nausea, muscle cramps and Miajor cities in which auttiori- the food stamp program the waters of S3 states. poUution that stlU exist with made American goods costlier extreme ftUl^e plaguy ^ to The indictments said the gxun- The only parallel government ^STUDY SKILLG atoinic power, power companies bllng C8>erations outside of met- Scheduled for House action -”>v in world maritets. And Ameri- w«*ks- Anally, to dejdded to next week, the bill may touch cfflcials can recall for the (How To Study, Speed, Comprdienslon) must begin reducing the level cans vrtio are getting less t o »eek treatment at the Univerel- rc^xiUtan Detroit consisted swordfisii warning was the 1969 of power (X)nsumpti(Hi to pro­ mainly of betting on numbers oft a floor fight to etid the war 20.00 ^ 3 y ^ -h ^ also are ,ty A at tect the environment,” he de­ KA)M! in Las VegBs, Chicago and sa-< buvinff more STOode made in Portland. that time advised the public not clared. ami. *1116 Justice Department personic jet passenger aircraft oSnSIny and «^ ^ re. A blo^ test reveal^t^toe to eat cranberries because ★ TEST-TAKING Dowd said that instead of us­ said four of the indicted persons program. Q W ^ do the spetiulatorB ex- 26-yeaiM>Id former city-dweller H ired At kn antiwar amendment being stocks were temxwratUy oon- (Preparation for OoUege B oai^, etc.) ing more power to create new p«t Germany to revalue: turned f^ e r _was suffering were being sought in those cit­ tamtoated with a weed killer. products the economy ahoidd ies. drafted would prohibit use of ■“ ii Eye-stopper Mexican prints A. Because that’s a a way for from lead poisoning Med School any money to finance the Viet­ FDA officials have to the peug j)ut effoH Into recycling old ma- ,* o l w o y s the Germans to curb their own The ailment is not uncommon nam operation after December :taila]s. ^ Recycling metals, he (nfioNnn urban slums where young explained tliat the mercury ^DIAGNOSTIC TESTING in a non-stop 100% Mexiolino 81. The ban would a p ^ y to mon­ problem'is most acute to preda. is£Ut, consumes one-fourth the ^ S L e would a revaluation children often eat flaking chips HARTFORD (Al^-State Pu^ (To Determine Individual Needs) K ?■ .hT of lead-based point. But to Ore- He Works Commissioner Edward Bandits Get ey In the pleiiding bill and to tor fish that feed on smaller fish anioimt of electrical energy that fimds provided In post measures nnti other related reading skills for (diUdren ^ extracting the same metals from cotton , . . cool, comfortable $ and Urns accumulate the poison A. German gooos toalth officials moved new speeial assistant to take 100,000 but not yet spent. The emergen­ from all other organisms to the and adults ores consumes, he said. immediately become quickly to discover the souree of over supervision of construcUon cy bill includes $2,88 bilUon to food chain. FRED L. KAPROVE, Director ’Ihe (KHiference was held here fashions mom will love now pensive; Itit wouWwould takemoretake more (i«-dol- niiw other of the University of Ocmnectlcut T rack Loot the Defense Department, all fihe two major predator fish at the University of Bridgei)ort. earmarked for"pay raises. “ b e s t S aduilts and t w o ^ d r ^ the Ear, - no- to the American diet are ^ LEBANON, carlo (AP) — Po- n also includes $86.3 million swordfish and tuna. Mercury thru foil. Beige on brown, and Sducte. S av5 d?otoS “ tor to a .desk job to Hart^. for costs connected with termi­ has been a problem to tuna also Hich Chipmunk harder to sell German goods. ivixlcoloelsts at the medical Thomas Ooniun-, now working nation of the 8ST jo.jet program. but packers are now using only beige on blue. 10-18. dresses Q. That would discourage to- T ^ coto^ a ^ m < ^ for the town of Milford, was op- ^ u^t ra c^ k ^posits congress earUer this year smaller varieties that acciunu- NOW F(»atlNO 'i tv flatlon but would Germans ^|ttov“ c 3 pointed special, assistant to the ^ turned down a $290 mlUlon ajv late less of the metal. Eludes Posse Downtown and Parkade stand^for a drop to sales and ex- ^ g *^ o^ ."^ on g the commlsrioner, replacing project 18-year- ppo^rtatlan to keep the program CHEUYAiN, W.Va. (A P) — A old daughter hostage. moving. bilities he brou^t along was a manager George Ring. chipmunk. Bomeadiere to the Fearful Kozlowskl called tile change a AU three hostages w ere re- The $100 million for the Na­ Map Use To Double gallon of pliun wine. leased unharmed. nearby 'C ^pbell’s Creek area A. /That’s a question. It Is i>o8- The ‘‘famUy’?, had decided to “sbakeup” ’ and said Connor’s tional Cancer Institute Is for use Authorities Btdd the money up to June 80, 1978, to an Inten­ eSlVERLT HILLS, CaUf. — has a $8,600 nest egg tucked slble that such a step might be make the wine last faU. It orders woidd be to “get out taken reluctantly but ever stace there to Farmington and get the which had been deposited at the sified effort to ctaitrol cancer. The American Automcibile As­ MADEillGREADiML CENTER away in Its burrow. picked the plums at a nearby Lebanon Citizens National Bank sociation expects its tour-book I -State police have charged two World War K, when Germans untended orchard and beat the job done.’’ ’Ihe committee cited estimates was Wednesday night’s receipts there will be deaths from producUon to reach 80 million West Hartford OALT. ~Mnnr nnwor sisters, aged 9 €uid 11, with tak­ STORE HOURS suffered one of the most searing fruit to a pulp 'With a basebcdl '"nUs Is a new ballgame,’’ 886,000 (nflalilona to Wstory, Germany Kozlowski said. He said Connor from the nearby Lebanon Race- cancer this year and. 886,000 copies by 1986, up 14 million 845 N. MAbi St. 68 East Center S t I ing $4^000 from a safe at a local bat, leaving it to ferment to Blab^’a Comer Ntoct to OaToyii has been more fearfql at infla­ will have authority to tqiprove way. new cases. Additional funds are over 1970, ahd map output to grocery store. O fficers said $600 DOWNTOWN three bathtubs. to be provl^d to a later bill. climb from the current 18 mil- [ has been accounted for, but tbot tion.than any other country. 'Ibxicalkogists found the wine change orders up to $6,000 on his BaJ* President Howard WU- DAILY 9:80*5:80 Q. Is the Gerpian situation du­ own aito will have conttoutog son said the three men, armed ’Hie $100 million for summer lion a year to M mllHon. the girl’s brotoer and a friend had a high concentration of hid the remainder under a rock THUBS. TO 9 PJI. plicated to some other coun­ And HavUand told them he contact'with him. with pistols and a rifle, entered programs for needy urban The change moves Ring back his hcrnie aibout 10:16 p.m . V T- youths Includes $12.8 mUHon fo r to a ct^munk’s burrow. tries? had consumed 60 gaUons of the PAIKADE recreELticn facilities for I x ^ Now' no one can remember , A. Yes, but to a lesser degree, vrine over a fcxir-month period. to the Hartford office where he ooa told police the men held hie Euid girls to 18 yesurs o f age which rock toe m (»ey Is under. MON.-TOES.-SAT. with----- the Swlra franc, the Japa- State Board of Health tovestl- will be acting chief of the con- wife Grace and daughter Susan 8 nese yen, the Dutch guilder and combed the farm, strucUon section of the Real As- hostoge while he drove to the and $87.2 m illion fo r more jobs The store owner Is offering a 10 AJL-6 PJL the French franc. “Hiere was no precedent for sets Division of the Public Wqrim bank alone to pick up the depos- for high school age pupils $200 reward to the person who WED.-THUE.-EBI. through the Nelghbortiood French table wines are^ Q. Does this mean more re- Q„njecturtog that someone had -Depeirtment. Ring has been to its. the moot popular Euad V ES T finds the m(Hiey. 10 AJL-9 PJL valuations m ay be com ing? ix)lsoned by a bathitub— charge of the UOonn project for Wilson SEild he dropped the Youth Corps program. enjoyed wines in the A. Possibly. ’Thqre are two ,jigfegardtog -whatever may more than two years. money at a prearranged point The additional $250 mllUon for Worid. Each wine has ILL ways to correct a serious Imbal- occurred during the prohl- Kozlowski says he him qpent four miles west of town, then re- the food stamp program for its unique cbaracteris- ance, if one exists: To devalue gpa,» a health official considerable time studying de- turned to his home to find his low-income famUlee would boost ticB, and together thby PACKAGE the dollar by raising the price of lays in the medical school job wife and daughter tied to the the program to $1.87 bUUon coni^tute an “instant ‘STORE and feels some problems have basement. a-valiable for the program for wine cellar’’ tluLt is an gold, to which thfe dollar’s value But as other posalWlltleo were exceptional value. Bargain Hunters is tied; or by revaluing upwards eliminated. Investigators decid­ been caused by lack of. top level One of the Wilson’s celts mteis the current fiscEtl year and en- abOle 147 more countries to parti­ MANCHRm P^MIKAMI the key currencies whose ex­ ed to check the tube. Scrapings leEidership under the prior Eid- tsiken by the men. It was found cipate. Beat Inflation change rates are Uei^ to dollars. of the glaze were examto^ and ministration. abandemed to Lebanon. Q. What about devaluing the a concentration of 10 j^ r cent BEAUJffll lAlfl (Bo-jolay) The moat popular red wine of At Off-Beat MiU dollar? lead was' found. A. ’The French say this is the France)—dry, light and deliciously refreshing. $8dS0—6tfa Haviland has returned to the POUilLY FUISISIE (Poo-yee fwee-say) A ri(to, distinctively Salesrooms proper course. 'Ihe U.S. govern­ farm after being hosj^taliied dry Burgundy—one of the finest white wtoea to the world ment has rejected It repeatedly for two weeks. Other commune, ___ . $4.8»-6tfa t and firmly. Most other countries mem bers wlu» drank the wine—' BOSE D’ANJDU’ (Ro-zay don-joo) £Yom the historic ehntfyui aOCKVIULE, Conn. — Re­ disUko the Idea because It would to lesser quaatitleo—showed no region along the Loire River, one of the most enjoyetole member hearing about those upset the whole free -worid mo- gymptoms of lead poisoning, HELP roses of France—mellow, well-balanced, and not bone dry. little trips your friends and netary. systera, and would bring $8JW—6tb beighbofo used to take to a wtodfELll to gold-producing uqumoahon GRAVES (Grahv) An Impeccably dry, flavorful and well- RockvlUe . . . whore they CELEBRATE WITH rounded white Bordeaux—one of the most famous wines to bought name-brand sweaters countries Uke Russia and South the world. II* Africa. On the other lutnd, the $g,8»- 6th direct from toe manufactur­ European countries disUke re­ A FINE WINE er? valuing their own currencies up- GOSPEL Well, things are much eas­ WEUd. ier now. Roosevelt MUls now BALLET RIISSE BCKH^NGRAMG. has five branch salesnoms Q. 'Why? fori your shopping ciwvenl- aaROTHY ORAY'S A. Because they would lose oz. Ifiram Walker Creme de Cassis % oz. Peppermint Schnapps 2 oz. Smirnoff Vodka % oz. Sndrncff Vodka ence. New England’s laigest bustoess. SERVICES sweater mill has retail sales­ Shake well with ice and strain-to cocktail ^Q. Did that ha|^n to Ger- Vt teaspoon Fresh Lime Juice ONCI-A-YEAR SAVB SAVE! SAVE! Shake well wMii Ice aad strain to cocktail glass. rooms open to the public to nutny after the 1969 revaluEitlon Monday thru Friday glass. Avon, Saybrook, Wallto^ord, which boosted the mark from 26 Amwam and SpringfieliL SKIN CARS SALII Now you can buy sweaters cents to more than 27 cents? 7:30 P.M. - BBCIPB #8 Beauty Mist's sheer A. Yes. German auto makers and sportswear direct at SURPRISE HAMBURGERS by Morrison Wood Roosevelt MUls salesroom to still complEiin of lost profits. your area and save a bundle. Orange Flower'Skin sondolfoot pantyhose Q. How CEtn the dilemm a be Sunday - 7*50 P.M. \ See toe huge selection of r e liv e d ? TO 1/2 OTT Blend ground round, ham spread, and salt and pepper to taste. Chit cheese li^p l)4-toch Refreshener for dry or normal BAO A CANVAS is perfect for fashion Vz more than 80,000 sweaters squares ^-toch thick. 'Mold meat patties around cheese squares, enclosing cheese. Pkice A. As a partial answer the for toe entire famUy . . . skirl... Reg. 5 .0 0 ... N O W 3.00 United States may tEike steps to eOSPEL HAH palfies to shallow dish, cover with wine. Cover; marinate to refrigerator for 8 hours. Bteat fuU-fashlon styles, hand- sandals and the short Icxjks 416 ,CENTBR STREET small amount of butter to a skillet with s<»ne of the marinade; pan-broil pottles to doneneaa T ail pan Maim bring holme a lot of the doIUirs Mew Spring Fabrics you desire. Remove to a hot platter. Add more butter and marinade to ukui**, boil to re­ lmed cables, d e s ^ e r a of today. One size fits all, thEit are choking Europe’s duce slightly, pour over pottles. Makes 8 to 4 servings. samples, odd lots and mill Texture Lotion for banking system. M R. O. «ganl3MW> over-runs . . ■ ^ne mill sav­ Hickocy, N.C. POLYESTERS • PIQUES • DACRONS normal or oily skin, Q. How is that done? ings at Itoosevelt Mills. in white, tonglo, soft LACES # PERMA PRESS • PRINTS Now is the time to save on Reg. 5.00... N O W 3.00 The tote to tote everywhere, A. By borrowing them, toef- MB. D. BOWABD 1 pound ground round steak Roquefort or blue cheese Salem, Oregon BURLAP • ACRYLICS • KNITS Spring Sportswear. 'Famous- illusion, mist, blonde. fect. Several weeks Eigo the U.S. 1 small (»n ham spread or ^ au l Masson Cabernet Saovlgnon label knit golf tidrta for to the beach, shopping, vacationing, borrowed $1.6 bUllon to Eurodol­ For 0 od so loved the ETC., ETC., ETC. deviled ham butter men. Misses’ knit slacks, Medicated Refining Lotion accessories Downtown and Parkade lars—U.8. doltors on deposit in salt, freshly ground pepper tiiorts, tank-ti^ and shells European banks—by offering eoi world that He gave . . . all mill priced far below for problem skin, wherever Summer takes you. Easy issue of special seciurities lor His only begotten Son, EXIT 93 We Carry A Complete Line of Imported and Domestic Wines regiilar retail. And qieaUng Reg. 4.00... N O W 2.50 sale to the overseas branches of that whosoever believ- o f bsrgatos, do you »«***8® zip compartments inside arid American banks. ’The' banks 1-64 where everyone’s g e 111 n g used up $1.6 blUion of th ^ r Eu- eth in Him should not those name-brand swim sulu 2 Minute M agic Cleansing flu-U iim i SEVEM LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU at a fraction of original Uck out. Solids and prints. 10.00 rodoUEirs to buying the certifi­ ierish, but have ever- •t price? You gues^ It . . Lotion for all skin, cates. CALDOR Roooevrit MUls of RockvUU, Reg. 2.50... N O W 1.50 Q. Did it work? fasting life. Btabops Corner Corbtes Corner Sigourney St. to 13.00. accessories JOHN'8:18 West Hartford West Bartted Hartford bnto»eo to Avon, Saybrook, A. It esised the pressure, yes. MILLS' SHOPPING ssm m MT-8M8 Walltogford, Agawam and Downtown and. Parkade A ^ , the Export-Import Bank of S|iringUrid. Wfuditogton, which constantly ALL ARE WELCOME W ststbiBy NO COILBCnONS CENTER needs funds to help finance U.S. aW46)S export transcujtlons borrowed <^•.•<1 \r‘i .*'I ' V ,'.-* i. V---J••-■*- -*-■ «!• / » ’.’ k. ‘ ^ i I

J .


•MANCHESTER EVENING HERALZ), KANUHESTMt, OONN; THURSDAY, MAY 6, lOTl volunteers will be welcome any­ Afro-American Society campaign called the UU "tme of the moot P A G E S IX Bolton time during the day. College Bows begun about two yean ago and House Praises, signUlcant and constructive I k e i i r e a A C l I I l i r a i School Menu To Demands Of called "The Spirit of 71." Passes B ill T o Next Monday large discount and chain stores arblcta Connecticut Monday, hambu^er on roll, A meeting on the program be­ HUmrlfPEtpr J - Student Jury Gives Verdict French fries, gingerbread with tween the Mack studmte and the Ciampi and Rep. Darid La- CORONADO, OaUf.^(AP) will no longer be able to run tbelr liquor topping; ' TUeaday, American Black Students collegfe administration was held Ban Piibspliates vlne, D-Durham, warned, how- The nation’s oldest ex-admlral turns 106 next Monday, and a burhiara on the large-volume lower-price chop euey, wax beans, safflad, Wednesday, but did. not produce 'HARTFORD (AP) — A hijl ever, that detergent manufactur- £ppttitt0 l|ieraU)i Yankee^ Of Not Guilty in Mock Trial fruit; We^esday, ham slices, NEW .LONDON (AP) - agreement that satisfied the . ... . , era might come up with a sub­ star-studded birthday par^r to prlnol|de. A group ri Negro Oonnectifut tJacks. banning the sale or use of high- phosphates which planned on the lawn of hto home Boltm High School students rice, com, fruit; Thursday, o S f me. Having signed the bill which forbids Belle’ ’ ; Howard, “ Something Juice, pizza with meat and Oril^^ ^dm te won qrick About 15 black students were phcq8iate detergents In Oonnec- could be evm more harmful to acroes San Diego Bay: B y A «H «0 > had oh QiqtortunUy to take a A contingent of senior admi­ anybody in New Toric state to aeU Uquor In Dtogutoe";'Jones, “Merry cheesq sauce, crip slaw, prune milling outside the buUdlng as ucut waa praised and passed by the enrironment. clooe look at the wtxrMnga of Month of May” ; Madnnes, an overnight sit-in at the college the gjun ended. rals will pay their roqiecte to cake; '. Friday, grilled cheese the House Wednesday and sent This is at a price arMch Is not at least IS per TObat the actual re|M)lt In our legal syetom yesterday "Westward to Laughter”; "It was probably a mistake (Mie reason why the Richard Hantoori Jackstai, who sandwich, potato chips, chrice a two-year timetable, \^as bom the year after Abra- . Fonndad cent higlier than the arhoiesaie price, quantity or quality of togtola- during a mock trial held dur­ O’Brine, “ Mills” . of- pudding frith topping. About 26 of the students, most not to catclT the urgency of the Senate for final action. Mil 1 ^ ing their assembly periotL Oovembr Rockefeller then arent on to tlon may tia no cates the fish, speakers on the ‘ Tiresponslble.’ ’ According When a youngster’s overalls den tbe system ttseif to have anything tive committees. a mtoj^meanor. WUd"; Ckdm, “A Matter of Life tion in Limon and Guanacasto vate crilq;e by Sept. 1. The ool------***^1 said. to Lavlne, the detergent "Biz’ ’ start binding, him as be stoeps And the marked ohahge In and Death” ; Cook, “Battles of provinces, providing hcmie elec- lege enrolls about 1,800 students, . worid’a largest copper Rap. Francis W. Ciampi, D- has a phosphate content of 73 yet are still good, add a piece j more to do with Uquor retailing in his their operation has been ttot. In Attoniey Joel Jameda of ■neM dto- Maaoheeter toric the part of the the PhUUi^e Sea” ; Cullen, triclty to an additional 80,000 including 44 Negroes. Waterbuiy, who is cocbalrman per cent and "Tide’’ a phosphate ot elastic to each ebd of hto state. this aesslaii, the 'various Oom- “Connectiout Trips: What, people. 'Itnse were the goals ot an * miles long and 1200 feet the Environment Committee, content ot 49 per cent. suspenders. mittees have been mme a law prosecutor and Attorney Scott deep. »• bo., The toct that Oovemor RookefeUer Clendanlel acted as defense When, Where” ; Downs, "Rings' for tnx>- unto themaelve# than evbr be­ Around Tomorrow” ; Foster, has now signed the aame MU he fore in modem legWaUte hto- oounari. Judge Robert Lacey prevloualy vetoed may be taken ae an of Southington, currently sit­ "Keeping The Plants You tory. ^ W ck"; Gardner, -‘^Emerging This development of now trito- ting Ip Circuit Court 12, preahl- nm«»WMUBr Indication of how tar this year’a attempt ed. Mpbon iSayed the duel role Forsonallty” . to get the Connecticut General Assem­ dom, or new Ucenoa, o t now Also, CUoss, “Hipy Foresaw B . A. b o. leglitotive responaiblllty, or at clerk and bailiff. bly to free Uquor prices in this state Is State Trooper Robert Peter- the Future” ; Grey, "Hoetage anarchy has resulted from the in Peking’’ ; Kampen, “ Due to Ukely to progress. convergence of two special eoo, {Saying the role of arrost- . ADDOF BOBBMf OT CntCOLJkf ibg officer, was the only prose­ Lock of Itaterest,' ’Tomorrow Our present s i ^ m In arblcta, In ad- trenda. Be Cancelled"; Lauro, First, the Legtolature, having cution witness. He testified that dlUon to paying ever Uglier taxes on he airestod the two defendants "Action Priest";. London Times Just won, last fall, by refaron- News Team: “Black Man in 1 Uquor, as If it were a sin, are ajso pay when he found a cigarette diim of the voters of the state, smoldering in their car ash­ Search at Bower"; Mannix, higher prices in order to subsidize the the privilege ot meeting every tray which "smelled Uke and “KlUers” ; Medllcott, ed., “ No OF MANCHESTER existence of more package stores than year, to feeling tta own Impor- ap|)eared to be marijuana". Hero, J Confess"; Mlllo, “9226 lo r tAzico &nd dlf[iilty Bnd Kercheval".. - , are really need, is apparently here to Prior to the 'furest, Peterson and to anxious to bohi|,vo as If said he bad seen the boys pass­ Prince Leopold of Loewen- nmrsday, If^ 6 stay. it were Indeed something ing a cigarette between them stein, “A Time to Love, A Time Like are say, you acclaim free enter­ slightly more tliw an equal as the^ drove up the road. to Die"; Reich, "Greening of branch of the government prise until you attain position and power The defense agreed that a Am erica"; Salter, "From Second, this legtolatiue Suige Cover to Cover” ; Smith, “ ’Turn­ Gourmet's Delight. . . W o t m U uui S cra p In m marijuana' cigarette was in the to shut It off. In a sense of Its own Independ­ ashtnay, but stated that they ing Point in the Pacific” ; Tay­ in k br the MfccArthur ooiuUtntton, ent importance has happened to had no knowledge of Its pres­ lor, "Doomsday Book” ; Toffler, coincide with a period Of eoine which aUU atuda unchanged la its ence there until after their ar­ "Future Shock” ; Tyrrell, "Pen­ This is a closeout on an exciting laxity on the part ot orgahtoa- tagon Partners, the New Nobili­ language, the new Japan fortnule Itself A To|neh O f Sun rest. ^niey said the cigarette tional poUtical leadership. they m re emoMng was a "reg­ ty’’; Wheeler, “ Bloody Battle of array of pine dining room pieces the poaaeaelon of military force and the Dreary and d r ^ it might be, but arUle On the Democratic side of ular’’ cigarette. It was also Suribachi’ ’ ; 'Wlesel, "One Gen­ power to wage war. It was cofal andfaret the spring at least things, Democratic State brought out that the car had eration A fter"; and Zimmer, now at Watkins. Uniquely recreated seamed managolaMe. Nature Study by Sylvian O flara man John Bailey to contrat. to been used by a group of tooefa- " ’Tanka” . SiMdi tatemal mlUtla pawn: as It re- BLOODROOT be appreciated again, after ^ era the prevtous day, and that Fashion from Ancient Egypt ^^ulMd to *"»*"*■*" domaatte order was One touch of|eun, on the other hand, insurgencies of two yopra ago, they had left some butte In the to Present Day" by Mila Oon- in strong solid dark pine for heavy and baa not gone out of ^ a way to be hBown as a “ national pohee force." oets everything raUng out ahead of the ajhtrAy. The Jtuy 'was left to tin! was donated In memory of time and effort the ordinary mortal can to try to reassert the doipe hill draw Its own conclusions. Mrs. Beth Mortonsen. duty use; carefully detailed with Bventualljr, as die same United Slates Yesterdays ' by bill management wtams was Judge 'Lacey Instructed the Art Show command for the urgent purposes of the almost tali automatic privltogo,. whldi had gleea Japan the no-war Oon- Jury of' 12 atudento as to their Bolton High School teacher impressively carved spindle turnings. atitutlon encouraged It to. begin acctimu- season. Herald or even duty, In tdhor ^toya- duties ^ Jurors, explaining the Marion Nlcolay Is presenting am In cne swift stroke, the sun arakes Inside A Warning To On the Republican altl^, ttete legal. cioncepts of "presumption exhibition of her art works this lathig Joat a touch of mlUtary e q u ^ ' 2 5 Y e a n A g o has been a change In otgaotoa- of inhocence” and "reasonaMe week at the Center Gallery, The choice is yours for any size dining ment, the name of the force was chang­ the donnant seeda of lettuce, weed ono tional leadership in the middle doubt." They returned a ver- Marcus 'White HSll, Central Con- ed to •‘national safely force." grass. The Democrats TV>wn 'votes in favor of four of the seaaloa. diet of "not guilty.” WhUe the necticut State Oollegei fflie is area. It's here at Watkins and the Dm estaUlshed lawn grows, in a day, apprqxiatione including $19,600 yor the firsj: half of tho aoa- “ Jury’ *;' was deliberating, Ma- putting cm the show In coopera- Now, 15 year* later. It has became to purchase land and make Im­ slbn, Howard Hausman was hon, the attorneys and Judge tlon with ^^mette GodsUl, a past cutting height opportunity is now. Come see the ‘ M f Defense Agency." Report provements of land for swim­ state chairman in title but stoto Lacey:' answer^ questions of teacher at Academy Junior High / The arator in pond and brook gliotens ming pool of Sautter’s Pond; chairman emeritus In.actu^ty. courtroom procedure and legal school, Glastonbury. The show Under the new five year mlUtaiy plan and dances, as befits the mooda of May. By Rowland Euans Jr. and Rcdiert D. Novak four appropriations and $60,000 The title of state chairman processes. is part of the requirement for . . . and be inspired! to town’s,ejepenses. has now passed to Rep. Brian Judge Lacey said after the etuning their Masters degn^ees Joat anwamced, Japan wlU advance its The leaves around the apple bud un­ Oaffney, whoee close reto^cin- for people afraid to walk their conventiem, quickly transform prognun that he enjoyed the at CCSC. ’Ihe women are show­ mSMnry f —■•"■g up to $14 -bUUona, fasten themselves in a hurry. WABHINOTON—The two elec­ 10 Year* Ago stalp to the career of QpvemoF tion analyeta wtao helped trans­ streets by day or nlfdit was himself. “The voters wlU allow eoq^rlence, and aald It was tike ing more than 126 of their works MesMU seems to guayanteo. first ttoe he had participated in the show. which will atm be leas than one per cent The violets cmaage the bank, the form the 1970 campaign are not an illiberal concern—many a candidate a regenerative pow­ . Mayor Harold A. Tuiklngton er foUowlng a certain amount that he can speak and tm rate In, a program ot this type. He Baton Awards of the Japaiwae gross naticnal product, sarampe flood thomoelves arith the pink about to Issue a bleak warning liberals were able to win In tells GOP, in talk about omi with authority. But s, In- i - . *nr. ingbird goes deUrlous. bondage to the left for the 1972 their p a r ^ s candidate wUl suf­ words that fit the mood today of worried, thoughtful Demo­ monlal in town, playing boot to establish any bUl by hU Mir- clal pjbgram because it gave termediate trophy; Martha And all the spring chores that once presidential election campaign. fer In 1972." velUance of the work of ahidento a more realistic view KendaU, advanced; Andra mittary manpower, under the new five Hie warning to contained In crats wtao 'Wish that MusMe visiting forests from New Eng­ seemed to invite one to tackle them at E\irthermore, they suggest the slon of which he to a member. of thecourtroom tone inriead Avens, advanced twlrUng, and year plan, wUl be advanced to ST1,T00. an epUogue, now in draft form, Democrats may, be mistaking would ponder them as weU. land. one’s leisure now have to be accompHdi- Oq^yright 1971 Field Enter­ The result bias Itoen ,a troi^ of the "slick” versions seen on Holly Robinson, advanced Seme IS deatroyera and'l4 mhsHe oar- by Richard M. Scammon and anti-Vietnam sentiment for an wheeling mood in the lei^riar trierislon. marching. Ben J. Wattenberg to their bOst- prises, Inc. Item and n other craft ore to be add­ ed Immediately, aU at once. “ Indict America" hysteria. tive committees, with the re­ New Books Park Volunteen Needed 1 selling book of 1970,"“ T1ie Real They suggest that Democratic Pa^k Commissioner Raymond ed to the Japaneee Self Defenae navy, One Mushroom Enough sult that the Democratic and The : foUorrtng books have Majority” — the e^ ogu e writ­ intensity may turn the environ­ Republican . memhenhlpa. on been lidded to tbe shelves of Soma Is looking for volunteers BALFEMORB — If aU the while the SClf Dofenee Japeneae army Save "Inland’’ Rail Senrlee ten for the paperback edition to mentalist camp into “an elitist Current Quotes these committees have ^ “ clear­ tbe Bolton Public library: to help complete work on the be published late this month spores—the equivalent of seeds plaas to own NO tanka'and the Self De- antiworker movement.” ed’* bills with each other m i^ Fiction: Alrd, "A Late two baseball diamonds at Her. When qovpmoc MeaklU told raportwa (Coward, McCann and Geoghe- — from one mushroom could rick Memorial Park Saturday. fanbe Japanese atr foree plaae for 1,740 Thus, they pose this central more frequMitly than thipj^ have inioudx"; Androzejewskl, “The at a neanr conference In .Nkrtfoid laM gan). significantly, publication "I’m not going to be for Lock­ be utilised, there would be It is hoped tlutt the diamonds question: “ Is It possiMe that heed loan guarantees unless the cleared them with John oi| How­ Appeal” ; awphy, “In Transit"; areek Uiat prospects were not good for coincides with deepening con­ the label eUttom and the polit­ enough to supidy all the world’s ard or Brian. can bo ready by Monday when Rai^pox — aupportod ao-oalled ‘inland" corner grocer gets one, too."— Corbett, “Hotel Belvedere"; cern felt by some Demoorata ical {Miaon it connotes wiU move mushroom beds for the next 20 The only certain result of aU Davies. “Fifth Business’’; De­ the Little League season be­ Perhaps Japen, left to Itoelf, wouVl be route to Booton, ofWclala of the Hartford that tbelr party may be flinging Ben. Vance Hartke, D-Ind„ on years. from the RepubUcans to the this free wheeling on. the part laney, ’'Flake; Or the Huts of gins. The grroup {rfans to beg;in hearting this way, even without Ameii- Chamber of Commerce went into action away victory next year. reports President Nixclt will but Democratic left?" Tlieir ques­ seek congressional,sqiproval for Actually, Just the minutest of the committees has b e «i to America” ; Fleming, "Hell’s work at 8 a.m. Saturday, pan imeouragement. in an endeavor to assure tbe continuance The new Scammon-Watten- fraction of the spores survives give the whole Legtolafiire it­ of the New Havm to flprlngfleld railroad tion suggests a situation that $250 million In loan guarantees Or perhaps, if are hafto’t been prompt­ berg warning boils down to Kevin PhllUpe, the conserva­ for the financially troubled and In the cultivated-muriiroam self the task of handling, on the pM0On^F MfVlC6. this: The 1972 Democratic con­ Industry this comes only from ing, Japan .arould have reaUaed, and R aeema that the federally aubeidlBed tive theoretician, JuMlantly pro- Lockheed Aircraft Oorp. floor, in debate and 'vote. Issues vention to in 'danger of being tUaimed In 1969 as the basis of As a tribe, we like to. go the most careful laboratory -pto- which to've often been ,quietly appreciated, and held fast to that w- Natfcmal Rail FaoMnger Oorporatkm controUed by the. party’s ex- cedures. decided-In committee. %ere to (Rallpax) has favored the ahora hue, a new Republican majority. first class."—Homey Secakuku, ' treme left faction, so that Its more work for the Legtolature pottor Med of safety even Oeneml Mac- and that alone, for New Tock to.Booton The grim Scammon-Watten- who as a member of the Ute In­ nominee—^no matter how mod­ berg ccndusloa to that' left- dian Tribal Council Is over­ idling up; whether the net end Arthnr knew he was giving the nation service. erate—wUl be tainted for the But Hartford Chamber officiaia are wing militants may be achiev­ seeing ccnstruction of a $2 mil­ result will he more ipr ,}aaa tke S£otc(i when he handed It tta no-arar OonstMu- entire campaign. If so, the ing the dominant 'voIm In lion resort complex on' the Ute A Thought for Todi^ creditable leglatotiMi feniains even conaideriiig some kind of extra sub- Democrats wUl have cast aside tkb. sidy arhlMi the Chamber would oppnaor, the Democratic party, aa seen reservation In Utah. Bponsored by tlte Manchester to be seen. GIFT SHOP the lessons. of both 1968 and In Muskto’s remarkable obeis­ "There is a world beyond Council of Churches Whatever toe outcome, whioh is al-' in order that the ‘inland" route service 1970 and wlU help President n r MAIN F n tE vr, JCANcaBSTBR will be continued. ^ ance to them. But they know Ifietnam. This 'war with all its meet automattc, and which wm S* Uml Nixon Into a second term in the ttae'mUitants can never domin­ horrors Is going to end, more Our ouggesilon to the Hertford Cham­ White House. When envy dies, Motheriiood Is Poet*8 Comer Japan eventually returns to a efrong ber to to organise a Oontral Oonneotlcut ate a general election. “And qulcMy perhaps than even some bmn What .makes the Scammon-. if the party’ s candidate to .ei­ men in government like to be­ rjBgianal Chamber campaign to support WhM anger dies, Joy to bom mtUtartetle role, are Americans should Wattenberg warning appropri­ ther the handpicked choice of lieve possible."—Ben. EMmund On Mother's Day the oonfUmianco of New Haven to Sprlng- 'Wheat fear dies, courage to bom. remember one thing. We will have no ■ ftold railroad paaoonmr service. New ate right now is the exceeding­ the miUtanto, or i( be to seen B. MusMe, D—Maine, In a ly dangerous game being played Our mothera’ hands rough from right to reproach Japan for arhatevor.lt Brltoin, BHatoI, Mlddletawn end Meri­ as snug and cooy with the speech at Chicago. 'When apathy dies, love to bom work den and poesibbr Southington and Ptoln- for the Democratic presidential mtlltanta," they add, “ that "People who are for tdolence When, deceit dies, truth to bom does. Not only have are ourselves actual­ on every occasion are more like rose potato to our cheeks vUle Chambers would do well to Join nomination by Sen. Edmund S. candidate and his party by “ It to in dying that we are bom Furrowed lines years have left ly nudged Japen back Into tbe big poerer. MusUe. Fearful that antipathy transference can be severely pathological than political."— wltti the Hartford Chiunber In this effort. J. Manley Bhaw, Pastor Hidden behind our mother's Jungle, but are oureetvM have con- ReMdenta of theae communlUes are In- toward him from the left might hurt at the polto.” .Bob Lamb of the Mayday Col­ smile, make hia nomination worth­ Nor can the candidate, having lective, organizing arm for anti­ South United Methodist ■plclouely failed to hm, obilgallon tereoted in having the ‘inland" route Love, a mantle hldliig time. less, MusMe has been trying ap­ been embraced by a radical war protesters. Church we aeeumed when we dictated a.no-arar service conUmied. And perhaps a Joint We catch a qxurMe in her eye effort could do more than Juat a Hart­ peasement. Bunahlne caught In iwtom’ a path Oonatl&tion to Japdn. Our obHgatton ford Chamber effort, laudaMo oa that to. Within the past month, Mus- Bursting brightly into Icn^e was to try to follow, ourertvoo, tbe path Since our rallfoad poaoenger service Ue has made headlines endors­ Fiercely flaming when danger ing and attending antiwar dem- we bad set for Japan, and to adhere to through BMatoi was eliminated ton yearii nean. W ith j o v ago, we have jeonrideved Berlin as Brto- onstrations, attacUiig the FBI, can any child see the tUptha the poU^ are thought are were adopting, toi'a atatkm for awvice to New Haven and turning up on the MaU to Of mother’ s soul where love then, which was to build law dgalnst and New Tock. The aame goes foe New rap with the antiwar 'Vietnam lies? veterana. He even 'W anted to arar inlbw than wage arai> Britain. And MUMletawn no doubt would Too wide, too deep Ute us to consider Meriden as tta atotton. visit the veterans whUe they fathom . One of olnqiUallc eoplanattoos of There are a goodly mimbir around tbe . were disobeying a court Injunc­ Ours alone but to accept. state who travel by railroad to New tion, until aides convinced law­ Beatrice Tortorici fltaeftol Japaneee behavior leading up to World York. And we want to aeo toot railroad yer Mualde He might make him­ War n waa the charge that are sold awvice conUmied. Wo ore indebted to self liable to disbarment pro­ Japan the a cn ^ iron It needed to hulld tho Hartford Chamber of Oommeroo for ceedings. Being against the war to Ms armaments for aggtemton, moviiig right in on ttito question of oon- The lichen on the watero^btene Ha^Hng the New Haven to Springfield politica, but underwriting And focooto in their Uvtot «»e We have contributed something muoB service. And we hope that Bristol and demonstrations to not. MusUe’s'' Nostalgically Invade nty other Chambwa of Oommeree will give calculation la. that once the left arome than aorep iron to the preoent d r e a ^ their support to the Hartford Chambe'r to sufficiently neutraltoed, be Of paradlriacal atreama modaet bagimring of tho rearmanMUt of oftort — BRISTOL. PRESS. will turn again toward the cen­ Asia’s moot powerful industrial nation. ter where the votes for general Whare cooUag aquas laved my election 'victory are found. But We have oontrlbutod tbe Idea, and oifr feet Eight F«et Is Wide Enough once having given the left veto Of boyhood In an old itreat approval, and our own eoounplo. power over candidate selectiion, We drove to Worceater the other day Beyond the tumult on the atilfo can their influence be cost off That alnoe has «*~"’ "»***< Ufe, on Route S4, the WUbur Cross Parkway, that easily? Hiat to the question Route U, the WUbur Croes Highway and posed by Scammon and Watten­ the Maoimehusetts ‘Dinvike. Eor moot ': Whooa yrilow buttoreilpa In- Free Enterprise In Reverse berg, two liberal Democrats tiuda JL. of the way wo held the car exactly at who view this danger with the The first law of the free enterprise tiM qieod limit (the qwedometar to ac­ Whore nature’a fauna coma to greatest trepidation. OKOOQ GIFTS TO FIT HER EVERY MOOD qnriem to t o t aboUsb It and forbid comr curate). Tkelr work, “Tho Real We mot many long-dtotance,, Intercity Or quaff the nsotar from the petition the mopnent you get the power Majority,” to no small post waa Is she the pfactical type, the whimsical one, bUees — end aU, without a siiigla excep­ reqtonalble for convincing the to do BO. tion, were exceeding the qieed limit. Wttliln oomo wsU sequeatered the Mom who loves to cook? The gjft that s Democrats that law-and order nook. just right for your Mom is at Lift the Latch. The package rtona of New York state T ^ to one reason we take a dim view to not a codeword for ractom of a hiU In the U.B. House of Re]^reaen- finally got the requirdd poUtteal poww and that the social Issue -r Tho lovers' tons, tha song of old a. the perfect coverup, a UebMk hi^pl coat, ch < ^ tatlves that would aUow tbe width of riots, crime violence, narootick from wmiderfully colorful cotton prints...... 8.99 the other day and penuaded Oovemor buses to be increased by 5 'Inches — to m d ortiorod straado of aobinm h Mffhten her klteben with the ever popular 4 qt. , —to indeed a valid tboncem. , gold Nelson RockMeller to rign a competl- 8A feet from the present 8 feet. J s ll Ftori MUSHROOM POTT. - Alrmdy - buaea a n monsters of tbe The Wtiite House ruefully con­ For from tha urban tiaunla of own straw tote pall, ««nploto with 8 h a ^ tton-endlng Mil he had hitherto olwaya cedes that tbe book waa a major men iiJden utenslto, brilliant highway — long and wide, crutoiiig and Influence in making Democratic vetoed. r— it.g at Ulegol speeds, taking up A n toavwlag my days again. ' d t t o beautiful accent piece, bc*h deemrattve a ^ much more than tbelr fair share of the candidates less vulnerable. useful, 8 qt. Italian pottery lug ...... 9J0 Bo now, competttian in Uqumr prices But in tbelr ej^ogue, Scam­ Such souvtain aro Joyful toys, r fly swatters have come a tong way, this one tea kmUL mon and'Wattenberg suggest ^ y complete with Ite own fiy ...... 2.0C In New York state will end, the Motoring to sufflolenUy hosardous, dlf- Mementoea of yon. happy days that Democratic liberals are Itaat aorva to Ughten currm t price Mew Yorkera have to pay per bot­ fleult srut unpleasant. We should not let OPEN MDN. THRU SAT.. 9 JO to 6:80; THURS. TILL I tt become wmrse by allowing even-wider ,now reverting to tbelr di$aa- gloom tle will go up, and, oa a result, the amall trous atonoo of pre-oleotidn 1970. a m p l e p a r k in g buses on our blgtawaya. And aptend ttaalr.gloir boyoid paekage otores will have a greater eco- Bight foot to wide enougta.—AN80NIA “Dy dqfualng' the aoctol tosuo, tho tomb. '’ . —CUfford Baltoy Mpric eeeurity againat the threat of the BVEWwo namNBD. . by denionotrating that' 'concern - ' - . ‘•'SiSftTi’■ rrn»-w^!Xn'>

BIANCHISTEB EVENING HERALD, MANGHE^TER. CONN« 'fHURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE NINE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHBSnER. CONN.. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE EIGHT ^ T olland~V ernon-Ellin^ ton Kazoo Band Winds Up U .S. S teel Parochial School Obituaiy {Budget $16,340J 61; Fire CaDs Republic Tags Hikers Get MuscleslReady In Bumblebee Crescendo To Qose Doors THOUSAND OAKS, Calif, thing Uke a youngster Mowing Town flremon responded to For Walk for Development , (AP) — When toe “world’s larg- ®« a c®™** covered by a piece of After 76 Years WUllMn BiMMHSk Increase 1.81 Mills a false alarm at Boot^?01 at hi 6 V4.fo Raise in Prices SOUTH WINDSOR — WllUam Manchester uVenun^ Hospital Young people planning to turning down Piniiey St., Wind- est marching kazoo band” ^ i NEW HAVEN (A lP )-a t. Boni­ ■Ruaaack ot Eaat Hartford died (OoBtimied from Pace One) the budget process to the ml- bji, niorning at 4. The alarm participate In Saturday’s El- aorvUIe Rd.. Old Town Rd., Rt. winds up. Its members say, it la parade through the mldiUe of noilty would produce the same get off by'low water preo; PITTSBUBiClH, Pa. (A P ) - *■' riSri^tadustry In the past face School, one of the oldeet ^ Hartford Hoapltal. Repubac Steri Corp. today creases, freight rate hikes and a *m s ^ nkwOv watfhfA hy vertol (EUlngton-Vernon-Tol- 88, Green'Circle Rd, In Vernon like toe roar of 100,000 bumble- town on M ay 22,” GustafsOT parochial achools In Now Haven, ^ brother of Walter co»"o to eiq>ect aa a matter of “net result'* To the Democrats ,ure in the sprinkler system, land) Walk for Development and Rt. 80 winding up again at iriatchea u .o . wveei uorp* ■ *a*a,as»«-^ ” ^ witH bees. said. “ No, I don't Uilnk anyone Witt cjoso Its Junaj Stanley Ruaaack and right.” he said, “ Hopefully you did ------are buirily signing up sponsors Henry Park, “There’s no doubt about it, we will dose their windows. It work on the budget and did not per cent price Increase on Items ©; all purchased r*^,*^*";* DynLyndon. B. achool ofHclala aald We^eeday. Ruaaack, aU of South Salarlee Ipereaaed ------...... used in autos and appliances, but services used In steel produc- ^ and testing their muscles for Checkpoints will be set up at have toe world’s largest march- sounds more like 100,000 burn­ They dted a ahortage of funda „„ted that the budget aaaume that your budget would Johnson stepping Tn to force the 20-mUe Mke being held to the Connecticut Light and Pow- the rest of the industry was tlon.” ing kazoo band. We’ve asked blebees than Los Angeles Inter- and personnel foe their declalon other survlvora are hla wife, calla lor department heada to include thoae thlnga.” PTOtesters “still looking.” Tto steel giant’s move came roUbaola of Mites during raise funds for toe .Hockanum er Co. lii ToUand, 3.4 mUes around,” said Fred Gustafson, national Airport.” to doae the 76-yeai>old school, b,othera, and a ala- receive a 4 per cent pay In- Democratic Director William ^ p u ^ K a d e the announce- as contract talks were about to VaUey Services O ^cil day from toe starting point; at 20, one of the players in toe re- The membersMp is all male, The building has been offered crease and all other enlployea FttsOerald aald that the Demo- Straggle mm^from Its aeveland, Ohio, begin In W ashing between care center and for toe over- Luetjen’s old gas station, Ell- centiy formed musical group at Including a number of otherwise for rent to New Haven pubUc puneral servlcea wlU bo to- to receive a 6 per cent hike. g„^ta had worked “long and headquarters. A spokesman the major steel producers and are operan^ aeaa project “lean Grande” In ington Center on toe Green and Ciallfornia Lutheran College, munuslcal football players, but schools. morrow at 10 a.m. at the ■numi- welaa’s salary was Increased |,erd” on their budget. In re- said the price hikes and effec- the united Steelworkers union. Qnatamala. in Minor’s yard. ">We have an 80-man kazoo band toe group uses “ flag girls” to School officials noted that St. p Parley Funeral Homo, 0« ggso to g2S,020. «rd to minority ropreaontotlon From C apital Uve dates matched those an- contracts expire July 31, and fr ^ curtomeis a^ripaU^ a Bach participant wUl earn a RockvlUe lUgh School wiU and it’s still growing,” he said, help direct traffic on marches. Boniface was not among ^ six vyebster St, Hartford. Burial ^ contract has not aa yet been in'* budget making, ho aald. nounced Wednesday by U.S. the union has said It will seek strike when contracts expire certain amount cf money per serve as a check point for “ Sure use’s got a great foot- Band members rate “When city schools chosen to i«^ ve ^^11 be in Cedar HIU Cemetery, ^jh laocal 991 of the ”We^ra content to let the vot- (Oonttaned trMH Page Om ) Steel on products that comprise “gubstantial wage hikes” and this summ«^______mUe from each sponsor he has walkers more than half way ball team, and Harvard's good the Saints, Go Marching In” funds from Hartford. AFL^JIO. the town’s blue collar ers decide this Issue In Novem- Police James Powell’s muffled about one-third of ridpments In- signed up on his 'walk card. through toe route at 18 miles on psychology, but how many their best number. v for schoob In the Hartford Arch- pHends may call at the fu- thg Municipal Km- her.” There is a* town election demand to clear the area may dustrywlde.. He said the Republ- Interest In toe walk has from toe starting point. Other schools have a marching'kazoo The players hope toe band diocese. They raid that ^caum neral home tonight from 7 to 9. j ^ g Group, the bargaining this year, V e r n o n heightened during toe past cou- check points are Shakey’s Piz- band?” said another kazoo play- wUl help stimulate school spirit mnrnmore thimthan half the schoolsachools stu-tku- _____ pioyw___ - . _ •' _ ^ as well have been made “In the ic increases also Include electro- agent for the clerical w«wkera. Deputy Mayor If^lam Diana ^^^,g gince few heard It. galvanized sheets, which U.S. Robbery Case ple of weeks, according to or- za. Sacred Heart Church, the er, Jeff Llnzer, 18. at Cal Lutheran, a church-spon- dents Uve outside New Haven It The kazoo is a small, 26-cent sored private college northwest Qiiu. la inniiffUMA m r aome mauB Francis A. Sullivan Sr. adopted budget aimc- gcoffed at the Deitoocrat’s budg- p^yyall said he ordered the ar- steel doesn’t handle. ganlzer Patricia Doyle of Tol- A and B Sports Shop and toe also Is Ineligible for some state land. completion point at Henry Park. device that makes a noise some, of Los Angeles. H f^ d ^ K S ir S It^ - Francis A. SulUvan Sr., 68, of Ipote. 98.6 per cent coUectlon ggia he after conferring with Other h ^ steel co^ - B ound O ver Police Probe ar aahnniK receiro^ Welleslev father of of taxes. with a decrease In t^ees If he i^aker Carl Albert of Uons, Including Jones ft Imigh- Several hundred participants The walkers have been ad­ ore ^.expected to leave from toe 'vised to wear a pair of heavy S ^ e nuns at the school re- Francis’ a .’ SulUvan Jr. of 17 por the Water Department toe were a mlnori^ membe>.^e ouhUioma. Albert said the chief Un, NatlonS^Armco and One Dortedly^id decided not to re- Foxcroft Dr., died yesterday at board ad«^)ted a *602,799 budg- Democratic budget would Baro had come to him and "said ing-Plttsbur^, continued to re- connection \rith the 1 B om b B last ' Heiiry Paric starting point Sat- shoes suitable for walking and -year hefinw the de- hla home. et. Anticipated Water Depart- to count on added state aid. Ho ghould be taken off,’ and view their price s^ tu w . armed rrtbery urday- morning. It is not neces- to take along a second pair sary to complete toe hike, if desired. Tennis shoes and . - daughters another son and w to fUrures In the adopted Thomas MesklU has said he will theft*»» PittEtourjh said It was dol^ waived his right to a hearing found near the entry-way since checkprtnts will be eatab- sandles are not permitted, neito- Iha school opened In 18M in se^ grandchUdren. budget veto any Increases in state aid. .^1© arrests were at least de-, some “neW figuring’' ^ ce ^ ^ probable cause ^ Man- ^ Vemon Bomding Lanes Ushed along toe way. er are nylon socks.. a X on Wooster .The ft^ral wUl be Saturday ^igg had recommended ex- Pletrantoilo disagreed i^th j^yg^j „nai Rgpg. Bella Abzug, too, makes electrogalvanlzed cheater ®'®'*** 9 ° ^ ^ ' early Uils morning. The route wlU proceed along Powdered feet wUl prevent Rt. 80 from Henry Park to Rt. chafing and make toe walker Square and moved to «s current at 9 a.m. from the George F. pgndltures of *621.888 for the Diana’s Interpretation,_ __ _ d -N.T., Rdnald DeUums, DCbl- sheete. _____ T^e ®‘‘»'«®___ __ ------Vernon police------said• the home- at State Audubon D<*orty Funeral Home, WeUes- water Department. that In 1969 md I” ® ^ f>e«<> j, g^^ parren ktltcheU. D-m., Only Bethlehem ^ 1 . violence against Bradford Beng 74 in ToUand along SheMpsit more comfortable. Rd. and Mountain St., Maple -nie walk is being held ot a HITES l^ ”witii"a’M ^^rfl^ulem at ^p^r Department, cratic budget was higher than h^™flijriied their speeches', the Nor. 2 produce, ^®®**^ ston, 28, of East Hartford was j^ade type bomb had exploded streets in 1909. St. Paul’s Church, WolleUey, at g tgog qm budget was approved, the RepubUcan budget, but this ,j^jgy jg^gp mg0 bjdl tod^. both Incidents. Garden Club Registration for toe evint wife of Manchester attorney Laurence Rubinow; Irene Dnscoll, Hartford Wayne FUnt.of Wilson Lane, ioTbudget for the Data Pr<^ Wells «tid. “It’s (board busl- j^volved In the nearby Mary- la^j^ua^ 1^® mght of the holdup, j, North 'wUl be held at 7 a.m. at Henry Courant; Bill Mill, WTIC; Don Campbell, Times. (AP Photo)______Vernon, was one of six scout- Mrs. Roland D. ElUa cessing Services Fund. RecelpU ness) done this way aU year ig„a activity. It appeared that announced price hlkef masked men. °"®. Park St. RockvlUe, w as ar- National Head Park with toe actual opening Laurel Q u b ers who received the SUver toiallnx the same amount are long. I don’t think this (accusa- u,e protest forces were steadUy ^Bethlehem pistol, walked Into the store Md - vesterdav on ST. LOUIS (AP) — Mrs. Fred- ceremoMes slated to begin at SOUTH WINDSOR—Mrs. El- chance to be fifth term In toe House; Burke Beaver award, the highest crick C. Tanner of Greenwich, 8 a.m. NORTH BRANFORD (AP)— "I 1“®*^ ®' 4 Legislators has served five House terms and award a Boy Scout councU■w can 1®*> Jrtmson ElUa, 76, of Som- Conn., has been elected presl- The walkers wlU wear vdilte ths fiTUVi Is in Ms third Senate term ; _ Annual >“®***®*’ ®* Bernard Ellis of dent ot the Garden Club of Am- armbands for IdentlficatiOT, Agnew-Welcker In ’72? "Now ain’t that too daihn bad. give, at the recent The nomination was made "Fponi my caddy I deplore N ote 75th Y ea r Platt Is serving Ms sixth House sJiWtei? Re“co ^ U « Banquet Souto^Wtadsor. died yeste^y erica. and motorists have be6n asked ■ term and Relnhold is a fresh- ung more swei ------06. wnne uio Wednesday Mght -r at the tradl- my fate; of the caiarter Oakw— Council. ^ Johnson AnHiurR Memorial She Hospital,was the Manchestersiano"®-*”* Community OoUege i,urng^^rr’s uwuiju notion of -a “-- checks------and- r the------q>on9orlng«. Mayday CtoUec------^ bad termed the Bethlehem the arrestof Davl _ > grrested at the police station he The^club’s new slate of offl- to drive carefuUy, keeping a HARTBXJRD '(AP) — Pour man representative. The awards were presented SJ^®™ ®P™^- “ ® ^ “ stopped using the town data balances” system is the Intent tive. told a planning group .^g bjbgg “enormous.” of no certain ^ wjis arrested on another charge cere was announced Thursday at watch out for toe hikers. The tlonal------Laurel Oub Gridiron "Number Two is fun but It’s state legialatora celebrating their Durlmt toe celebration Wed- ^ Charles Warren of Grier Roland D. bjuib or ^g^^gg ^ ^ minority representation on WednesdayjUgIti "TOls is ^ y_» But a White House spokesman currently “ of t-Mtig a motor vehicle wlth- toe final seasion of toe clubs route has been approved by 8h„w put on by legislative and chief Wrt»«lay8 y«“ w®*« nesday Relnhold said he holds Rd., Vemon, and Dr. Harold Somers. Projects Beconunended oie board. warmup. This Is only a begin- Wednesday no attempt nine-year pris^ sentence ®- g^ y,g owner’s permission. annual convention. area poUce authorities. „ . nanltol renorters at Rest- ^ dream of being chief honored Wednesday at a Wr- unusual distinction. "Last She also leaves 2 other sons, BE SURE m.TfW has been serving toe Home 8. Barrett o f 120 S. Lakewood Farr presented the $226,900 cialminR that the Democrats ***”*■• We are going to retreat to ft© made to roll back the conviction In the *^v>ukrv Hie police said this imddent al- About 600 delegates from Poop-out cars 'will pick uP . „ ^ state; prise birthday party held at the jg-uarv when I was sworn In a brother, 14 grandchildren and across the county took part In po(q)cd-out hikers alOTg toe laii** Farm here. "Now ain’t that too damn Capitol, with Gov. Meakill ' ' Owner____ for _ "EIARS. For a complete FREE IN- C ircle. capltal improvement ^eUed on Increased state aid ^ price boost, while expressing Also chained legedly tortc place Just before too ------uapiioi, wiui uov. mesRiii j became a freshman represen- SPEOTON of your home by a Termite QontrM Ex­ A ffraAftffTAiidchildren ^ ^ reuea on m crcjw u mmo toe convention, 'wMch bfegan route, returning them to Henry The "roast” was attended by l>ad.” asslsting In toe cake-cutting u„ig j be- ’The George Stiles Trophy, a f T e r S ^ r v l c e s wlU be ti> Usted W> p r o ^ in^d^- b, their budget, riie j^ , “I again:’ ' administration disappointment ^*^^|®”®®„^® ?ecore was arrested ^ tto ^ pert, supervised by toe finest technical • staff, phone memorial to the late George MOTday. ' Park. more than 700 persons. Including ** was Dem ocratic SUte ceremony. came a seMor member." our nearest local office; morrow at 2 p.p.m. at the Somers Zt “® er charge. Ttie flrat diarge lAmOng vice preridents elec^ toe walk will Gov. Thomas J. MesklU. Sen. Chairman John M. Brtley, play- E. Stiles who directed the traln- *” ‘^e*'**'*admlnl8tratlon, the Hartford, whose case to schedul stemmed from the investiga­ The four were Rep. Hilda ------^---- ing program for the councU, Funeral Home,ne. MainMam St., Som-oom- P»"^ ?!ZSZ^edto P**™®** Dairy Queen White House to disappointed In ed for Circuit Court Mtoiday. during the convOTtlon were Jto. ^ distributed equally between LoweU P. Weicker, former Gov. ed by Jack Zalman ®* ^® Cour- Clarke, R-Stamford; Sen. Harry ^ will be in the West tion of an Incident that took a sur­ was presented to the ManlUck ys. Burial^ the recent price Increase,” pres­ Benjan^ M. Belcher of toe Hockanum Valley Commun- John Dempsey and Secretary of who c^ e up irito s. Burke, iD-East Hartford; Rep. Extended Forecart these D irector Carl SUnsser, a R e- place, in A ockvllle. Lak®VlUeitectlOT ot gervlcea Council serving toe the State Gloria Schaffer. prise candidate to take on Mes Clarence I. Platt, R-lfilford and District by Edward Peckham. O^otepr, Somers. Franchisees idential press secretary Ronald Secore was held overnight , at Jt that no tax in- T>o„i T three towns Involved In toe Mke Among other things, Mrs. 'kU l In 1974. Rep. Frank M. Relnhold Sr.. . Fair Saturday, aoudy Sunday 649-9240 vice chairman of the councU ...... ^------L. Ziegler said. U.S. Dollar the prtlce station and was to be training committee. “®™* tonight from 7 to 9. ggg^j^jg gttuation. We reserveZ Z : crease "is pouticauy very nice.” Sue F irm ‘"nie price Increase apparent­ •' and toe Guatemala project wlto Schaffer was nominated for gov------Mrs.------Schaffer,--- portrayed------as a D-Watertown. morning 'with a chance of show- that presented in Circuit Court, Stiles drowned in 1968 when ly broadens the price to an addi­ RenneU , of Greei^cn, receiving 42.6 per cent of ernor In 1974, and MesklU pre- shy, coy Miss America, waa (Mrs. aarke’s birthday was ers foUowed by clearing In toe BUSS TERMTE CONTROL CORP. ^ ^toTlance t o Z e how ( A P ^ Eaqt Hartford, jtoday. Mrs. Edwin R. . MetOTU r,weeds sented Mmself as a warm and played by Miss Jean Tucker of 'Wednesday, but her frineds de- afternoon. Increasing cloudiness his saUboat c^pstsed on Crystal Herman L. .Gateen tional range of products and in Supply Short d a ry Rlnaud, 18, o f Glen- Weiss had recommended a y<« «•’ Ownem of a Dal^ Q u^n tn a _an______Industry_ Whldi______to faced with of Princeton, N.J., and Mrs. Fe- balance will tender boy from New Britain— WTIC, the first woman in Uaur- gided to honor all four legiala- Monday wlto a chance of rain MV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 Lake during a race. A year Herman L. Gatsm, 61, ot stone Dr., Vernon, wAs charg­ ter Van S. Rice of Pittsfield. later hla friends from the ^Vest Hartford, brother o f M rs. *260,000 capital Improvement "If you want to scrap your chlse In Mandan have fUed suit a^yuHnnai competitive sltua- ed yesterday with dtootrderiy eo to toe American Freedom "a sweet Mr. Clean." el aub Mstory to star In the tors on the same day, since late In toe day. Near normal buoget, we’U show you our In U.S. District Court In Bis- ^g^^ jji the world sted market,” Chi E xchange Mtuw ~“ - - • • ------Meskill portrayed by Hartford Gridiron Show. She sang of her they are the four senior mem- temperatures with ■ dally highs • The Oldest & Largest in Conn. Blackledge District (Manches^ John Neff of Manchester, died program. conduct and Intoxication. He Mri. Arthur F. Greer, of Mt. from Hunger Foundation for na- Pletrantooio said. marck charging the parent Arm jjiegier said. Courant Iteporter Charles F.J. charms In a variation of "A, bers of toe General Assembly, averaging In the mid 0Oe and ter, Bolton, Hebron and And- Tuesday at St. Francis H o^- The foUoiwlng projects were figures, (Conttnuod from Page One) was released on hto isromtoe to Kisco, N.Y., was elected treas- tlonal and local educational proj- recommended by the Repub- Several Outa Hade Ziegler, when asked if ____ Morse, took stock “ I ’m not afraid to stand up Assoclatlcn Cemetery, Hart- the police station. Department was allocated *681,- ®“ **®*“ ?* ^ spokesman for the Presl- Officials of the Wert German Town To Lease Prass International, wlto Agnew, Reagan Snaps ford. Memorial Wertt will bo ob- s) Ameslte the lower play- ggj Wetos idccounended chlrt owimra In Noro Dakota ^g„f>g council of EcononUc Afl- central Bank anticipated one of for what’s right; played by Sherman London of served at hto home, 87 FOley ground at Highland Park oo4. Of the cuts, about *17,- ““ unknown number around geld the price hike an- oiree actions; freeing of the Laiid to Allied "LoMc rt me cross-eyed, the Waterbury RepubUcan and At Press On St., Wert llartfqrd. School. 000 'worth of^now equipment, world. ^ ______nouncement "was nrt unexpect- 4^ fjnd its ow n level, prrtH "You’ve got a fight; American. Weicker confessed to Other survlvbre are his wife, 4) Develt^ Manchester Rec 15^000 the Durebase of Named as defendants are In- g^.” But he added It to not cotm- gf 4 to 6 per cent more 'Town Manag®^ Wetos "To those who beUeve I am ^ "Vvo grown ac- Tax Queries three sons, hud a brotiier. reation Cwter (Ifike Site) in road ' _ jd * 8 ^ toward ternational Dairy Queen, Inc., gu poUcy to comment on indlvl- the inresent official 27.66 Tuesday night *T®*'*^-S,® *? flckle, customed to Your Face”; accordance with the develop- ^ rental of equipment was American Dai^ *^®®” dual wage and price declsto^ crtits, then pegging it there; re- ahead from the "Look what I did to Bert ••i>ve grown accustoimed to SACaUMENTO, Osllf. (AP) Fianoto C. Contois Sr. ------—’— Oorp., both Middletown, jt was^iiot to the coUectlon contract. Wetos had purchase soft Ice milk, ps^r increase since March, but the -nie dollar also strengthened crete castings, has Its^mMU- "Now you WILL cheer.” tormation broke the law, . manager’s recomm^ed budg- aUow«nie contract vma awardM chtoery and other Items from ucto—mostly materials used to era to London attributed this to and Oakland Sts. and to pres- New Britain rtiared star billing R o ck v ille the gieatest cookiiig enoughT” U»e RepubUcan gover- to m ^er, fw otoera^, ^ improve/the turning radU recently to Sam Lombard rt gpecified suppUets, regagdless qj- production of automobiles buying by speculators trying to entiy leasing about 2V4 aerw In the show. w nC's BUI Mill, Y nor snapped Wednesday wh«i ^ at ^?ruce ^ CSiarter Oak Sts. Bast Hartford for *883,260 to the pf gort or avaUabUlty of Hke ^ ^U ances—to over a year. deUver the doUars they had of town-owned bMk 1 ^ wert appearing as a guest announcer r^Mrten ajiked whether he paid a**^**’ ^ Hospital Notes * ‘ ------ciAZnnA. ,fZ u ^ ^ - andtas^ traffic control sys- coming fiscal year. goods elsewhere. ^ said producto af- been selltag to German banks of Its propriy for storage of from toe Hardware aty, wMch any federal incoine tax this part -Funeral------t servlcee wlU be m-iii Sat- tern thato. Other notable outs were made The compiatot says tne at- ,- 0^4 account for about «ie- for marks. ‘t» products. has contributed many to the Vlsttlng hours are U:89 to 8 He told the nawsmen It at 10 a.m. at 71/Provlde a traffic control in— l«S»d poUcles have reduced twpd of the country’s total mlU ‘The flight from the dollar Abutting on the iwrth ^ MesklU AdmlnlstratiOT, expres­ p.m. In all aress except ma- was none of ii»ir their hiirinMiibuatoeee and Funeral Home, 42 W. IBgh St., im af Center and McKee i) the PoUce Department competition and prefits, with ^ spread to the Far East today town-owned to anotor 4% acw East Hampton, Bnrlal will be sed Ms pride to toe tune of ternlty where toey are S to 4 aald: from *1,062,888 Wetos recom- damages the past four years carbon but the situation there was nrt a : rvm Aterv E ast/ota- from *1,063,888 Weias recom - oam ages tne past lour years m w , are for carbon but me suuauon uwre wu» iim. w.-i ™ - "The Beer Barrel Polka” : and 6:80 to 8 p.m . FruUdy, I UUak the Giapltol 8) Provide a traffic control mended to *1,067,118. The ap- amounting to *60,000 lo r ea d i ^ strength dxeet and serious. In Tokyo, the Bank of It to ^ space that W e to ^ “We’re from New Britain, ------preen'». corpscema vestwdavyeaterday de- HampK®-Hamptom ...... / . system^ __ ___ on znMJddle a a i- k T^e.i Va . at f proved_____ .. poUce' budget does Ti. ol- franchise.franahlaa “““ Japan bought about *360 million gested also leastag to the firm st^produc^ j^ar-to.7 ea? brnds. ^ "We’ve got a guvnor who’s Admitted Monday; Barbara I l^i^eiritstdf a Utile bti hy «»• 2 Homestead and Essex Sts. low for the hiring of six new ana. gaging to an tavasten of priva- © M E - " great; Wolfrom, 24 Talcott Ave., Fred / 9) Final payment for landlUl patrolmen to coming year, "He’s from New Britain, Ambeault, RFD2, and Mau- cy. They asked a question they *® * 7 to 9 p.m- compactor dooer. eng gf those to be a poUce- Ex-Legislator irfAAi ere. Ihe rest came from com- space, and I hope to assist already had the answer to.” ^ merclal bonks reducing dollar them to stay to town,” Wetos "He’s smaU but he’s no cheap- ygen Berger, Grove St., all Ver- Ghoilea T. Holton 10) Payment under the In- woman. -Reagan' said Tuesday he *9, June 1{6. balances. i said. akate; hot; Sarah Schortman, Broad B«“ to Tpke. frontage. Because tto love;' lyn Robbins. RFD 2, and Mary UVE* KEBiS. Oorre^Kxident Rose-“ Thomas Holtan, both- - of - Hart-_ grata had impared a “hold the »188.««8------^ arrangements were 1 tacludtag wage boosts effective the rate for toe dollar. Gold land to zoned for Rural Real- UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. ■ — m M . A. ■ t - a -- M-a .8 ■■ AAAP « a _ A. M A A — m . . . ■ .A . . . . a * a w t a m A a MAaaftift bvA _ •"r. a a r k HuU wUl always rule Prachnlak, RFD 2, both Rock- A breeze to operate! mary mng said she picked up ford, and Robert Holfam, Star ung» budget. He said toe Dimo- Pension Fund contribu- ie«^ August, -rising fuel and pow- closed at *41.86 an ounce, al- dence, .a variance muM be ob- 107 Sycamore Lanp, Manchester, Conn. 06040 toe unverified report to Capitol tloned with toe U. B. Army at giatlc figures Indicated that ^®*® 1877,689 to *300,000. mast a drtlar over Wednesday’s tatoed from toe Zoning Board wlto love; vllle. 'Demonstration!] hallways. Ft. Hood, Tex.; a dau*^^, thrtr budget was ’'‘mathemati- ^h® Penslim Board had orlgin- *40.39. The diUlar droiqied from to aUow storage o f . toe con- Set a time - Reagan accused newsmen of Mrs. fiharen Shea of Hartfoird, and eoonomicaUy feast- requested *437,089. 6.0126 Hong Kong dollars to 6.99. Crete castings. - The ZBA Is ex- knowing that someone iUegaUy and nine grandchildren. but he did not present any B) the Contingency Account Two Churches Sponsor Altoough Japanese financial pected to ewsider to» matter push a button. provided toe information from Hrmi OohmJ emmont would have to revalue aald a check of the files showed Mass of requiem at • Bt- aix RepubUcan LUracton. and absorb unanticipated ex- A sex Teachers Study Manchester Store toat Reagan’s rrturns had not Lawrence O’Toole Ouii^, ^ want the entire Town of pensea „ __ education program, if Bonn Increases toe value of been taken. “We have no reason Hartford, at 10. Burial,'with fuU Mangbester to know this We Among the Items deleted •Everything Tour Kids Want to t ^ S u S T ^ S wUl___ «“ iteutschemark. Bogs, Beavers to beUeve It came from here,” mlUtary honors, wUl be to Srt- strongly beUeve that the f«>® ‘‘*»® budget was a *2,600 Ask About Sex (but are afraid for parents Bconomlsts In Washington he said. But he poted that “a M d l^ ’ Et«dd, WUs^ . whole budget-making prtwedure request by the Manchester you can’t answer),” wUl be pre- chUdrwi 11 through 14 years agreed that a vrt^read^ip- Project------Outdoors staff mam- PANELING Friday of people” aid to proceming toe TOenda may a t ^ tuner- |,,„utig and needs to be ohang- Homemakers Association. The sgnted tomorrow by toe Chris- Edward Kebl, a Con- ^"'**'* *«valuati«m of Europew bers conducted spring work- 6.6 mlUloji to 6 miUlon retunw “ home tonlcht from 7 to 9. ^ ^ when elected^ as ^ the ma- organization - ____ sends people to tjau education committees of cordia - youth loader ___ and a ctirroncles®«*^^^es would 'weetoenweWen worldwOTld shops______for Manchester______and area recelved m April. Jority again we’U see It f®* persons who can not cjoncordla and Emanuel Luther- teo^r witoTlgfat years expert- elementary schoM taoch- PANELS from $2J50 ami up 1 . Open dbor, put food • Cook a 5 lb. roast in 37 minutes! Reagan has always Insisted happens,” toe statement reads, leave their homes because of chureh for toe parents of gnee In a church school sex ®«y « “ •«“* f*™**®^ ers this week at toe Oak Grove fn. Cloze door. May 7di that his personal wealth and his Two Charged Would Change Procedure Ulneae. their congregations, at 8 p.m. course for 16- to 20- Americas f^|Kn Natural Science G^hter. • Bake a potato in 4 minutes! investments are Ms own busi­ Pietreatonlo elaborated say- Except for two town employ- at OonconUa Church. yeazHilds, 'wlU lead the dlscua- ®"®« « wouia merraae me c ^ - Monday morning, Mrs. JLeo 6 Thaw & cook vegetables in 5 minutes! ness so long as there is no con­ InDrngRaidsing______that the budget____ procedure «« and several members of toe tW______s program Is___ a pUot _effort gjon„ for parents of „ cMldren 16 P“*®“ ve expw price o r p ^ Leggltt of _ 72 Walkqr_ ,8U_ con- 11 AJU. to 3 PJH. flict of Interest with Ms puMlc wouM start eartler and aU nine public, the hearing rbom was by both churches to develop a years of age or older. _T ®: 'iucted a Mrd walk for Under- position. The Manebester Detective irectora would participate; empty as the directors went ^^ogram of famUy life educa- ^’HBEMehte M 'toe Individual “ ^ would tend to r^uce garten tordu^ dlrade S teach- • Bake a cake in 10 minutes! Jess Unruh, R ea^s D e^ Bureau has arrested tw p ^ ,,10 Democrats claimed tiiat about toe business of aUocating yon within the Christian frame- ai7 «^ «n « wUl be summarised American Imports from those ers from surrounding towns. At mAJa ammamamA 4m AAva ^ fVTA xzlrtsz- mama Im aammaaMsm* earlftla ^ -- izba ■«>■■■ 1 ■ ■ 1 ■■ OOUltu'iOS ______Melt a tablespoon of butter in 5 seconds! cratic opponent In the 1970 elec- sons to connecticn with two the line” budget to- 1971-72 tax revenue, work. by the Rev. Joseph Bourret, toe Gay (Jity State Park l^ v er ticn tor governor, tasla^ tort separate drugs irt«ls <^ucted a 6 per c«it pay in------Meanwhile, toe cMef topic of yam In toe afternoon, they stud- SALE The Rev. Frederick Auman, pastor of Concordia Ctiurch. • Cook bacon in 1 minute! no one could be sure If there eartler this week to Manches- crease tor town employes and a pastor of Trinity Lutheran Refreshments, will be served. discusrton In toe emergency tgy yjg animals and man’s tar- was conflict or not unless Rea. ter. Burnished Oak Avocado Hickory 2 . Sot Timer Control and 'nwm.Bs * P®*^ ®®*^ increase for depart- A m tra k A fiT C eS Church to New Haven, win be and parento will have access to ®,®!^®^^ "*®*‘ ®< *be land (grirt mill, Madera l^ed Frost Rainwond push "Start” switch. beads; a *9,760,000 appro- _ the guest iroeaker. He wUl dls- a Hartiord Seminary book dls- •^®*,.®f^**‘® Atlantic was how to cemetery, cellar hrtes, eU.) Saves, as much as 75% of actual cooking time! X o E xtend R u n s T m « « .« « "5.88 "5.88 steadfastly maintained that waa ed ®° tlon, that waa recommended by knowledge and lack of commu- rlaia for both chUdren and J?® “*”* restore ®>^* to game towns Tuesday ^ morning "2.90 "5.88 Wd'.hcihlr K c'i'). 57.88 Washable Reg. 57.88 W a r n as Ms taTZIS^tlm '^to^o^ ^®**' “*® WASHINGTON (AP) — Am- niootlon, and the psychblogtcal adults. Books from too (ton- iZirnsZtiZ im took toe bird walk. Jn toe after- R;;,. Washiililo W. (| / HI! aThla home tort recommended by the Irak agreed today to accept pro- problems inherent to fomUy life conUa gnd Emanuel Ubrartos torZ “°®“’ **‘®^ vlsltod a Hebron cai^r waned a^ b ^ bwn manager to toe capltrt Im- posaU by New York, OMo and wUl alsTbe on display. Those bog. .where they studied adap- he conae^^ to make televislw resid^ provemrait program.” MicMgan to provide passenger Tator the parents will form ott«rai«p- the program will he tlon to retoe toe ^ut of doUara tatiori of plants and Insects to HOME OF THE MANDS; S to * ^ “^Sx)dLSt S u Z h : MoJ^ '■ ^ ^ toe rau i^e CTl^w T^Z^ dliSJS«T^accordtog to U^aU bookk ~verUon of to® miYU.4!0TE - BRUOE - EBJIWOOD - BE0R8M PACIFIC > 109 MOBEI MKROWAVE/bVEN Z ^ toS J ^ rL ^ * tots morning on a *b® ««®» ®* their children to S: dl-p^. tbeir publtohers, and m a n ^ xo noia ot ra nm a it o io t program was conaUtont aeveland with north-south con- di-c,^ the nroblems of commu- nurchatenrice Department ...... bitoc^ ^ Yesterday ...moililng.1.. 1...A , --Manches------4. To razuine cooking, and siSZrm ortjS*^ring neto E. P ^ . 38. of 476 Wood- by toe Re- neottog^^ce between Toledo rioting ,g* edura^ .The Rev. Mr. Amman, to of EurtoU iZ!^' ^ 3. To check, food, Juat OPEN DAILY open door. Unit abuts off close door and push CHARGE ALL YOUR PURCHASES thfboa k im v _anmAthino* KHfifrA whoM ax»rtm 6fit P^bUcanB. aiiQ Detrou. .... Mr».Mrs. LyimI^nn OuatatooiLGustafson, a pub- had broadoroau experience inm theme rtrfiara ^on denoslt In 'FnmnA—iwk.. used Qay City in comiec----- “ Start” switch again. thoee blecdi days—something bijldge St., whose sqwrtment »_™grtiw the Democrats Roger .Lewis, president of 9 AJL to 8 PJML automatically. tort would later make him a w^ss raldati Tuesday night. Taid ’ toe ‘^^v^s “®Uc ®®“®“school ™™®nurse ““and “member ®»“"«*- <«of area 01 of lamuyfamUy Uleuie eaucaui«.educatlOT. jhgyjg taeuancetaauanOTrt of special govern-.Rovem-. mlUlOTalre. Three pereons were arrested on Srectore aiXST to **“ =*nanuel Christian educa- He was prime organizer ol the ^bnt securities. ■ ; f**®* ®< “ «®“ WP; Ill\ tufi Bl- lT.* 9 AJL to 5 PJL ln*truotors PANEIB Reagan sold the ranch to 20th the scen e of that raid In wMch ta toe S d e t o r e r t o ^ 'o v Z t o t o **®“ ®®«ninlttoe. wlU lead to e Long Island (N.Y.) Sex Educa. ------ten^^ toe pro^t 876*4304 Cen^-Bhx In 19OT for *1.98 an assortment of drugs and to discussion to panrts of pre- tlon CouncU. to taught a fam used toe------field------portion of toe BUY Smallpox War Aided NSC traU to toe use ot teach­ CET 1145 ToUand Tpke. to He“«r ^ S[;;rto;‘rt:Z'.e^laSZ. time ^ «"f® “X »“«> ^ ‘“J^® ing stations, reversion of fields Neltoer Reagan nor Ms RMgUoom was r^a;^ on a uZtolnw rt*to to to he^tort^ loss- OTTAWA — Canada is mak* to forest, plant galls, and plant friend8 w U lc o m W M a n y d e -* l.0 0 0 -n o n -* « rty Mxrt t o a ^board a b Is ^ conducted ® ^ ^ ® in ^essential- ^ ® es to keep the runs going. tHK.« a, tail on his investm^ts or how court appearance May 24. mormfir and the Lewis said connectixut service ^ the field of sex edu- for the Great Neck (N.Y.) animal nlationsMps. Manchester, he sustained enough losses dur- Perry appeared In Clwuit ^ renraaontnilon ■ ftwv on the New Tork-Gbicago route ®®**®*^ will be the leader fwr school system. He also* has $146,000 a jrear Ing 19T0' to offset tax obligation Court at Manchester today. hAinru^** would begin Mav 10 Service her parents of 7- through 10- served as consultant for Me- suM»ort of the Manchester visited ^ in ThaFa B lfW — YWto K veiy 6 Panela Yog Buy, Yon Get 1 Extra Fo r Notolngt_ ^ Ms *44,100 «tiary s s ^ - Bond t o Mm was set at *6.000 v ^ a "checks and balance, l^B fey W .^ ^ e ^ yearSds!^ Graw-HlU In a revlrton of the WorW Health Organl«tilon’. toe morning and toe beaver nor, let alone-any other Income wlto sur^ to case was „„ SZ^Jtme i. Ibe Rev. Bobert Burbank, "Human Reproduction.” smaUpox-eradlcatlon campaign, dam In toe aftemoon. he may have had. r

PAGE e l e v e n M ANCHESm EVENING HERALD; M AW ^STER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE TE N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 were really Impressed.” Installation Set Neat Singer eince then he’s appeared at over 160 school programs before ,By Alumni Oub UAC Will Rehire vU ,1 60,000 students. Front Man Harassment at school ssso t- ’Ihe Manchester Area Alumni blies Is Infrequent and Aloer Club of P i iBeta Phi wlU have says the guitar gives him'a big an Ice cream scxslal and Instal­ For Sheriff edge in relating to the' students. lation of afflcers at Its final mp. “ A t one progrqjn'we gave, we 8 Union Stewards meeting of the irear Monday at Id s ANGELES (AP) — Bob decided that ,JE^ should come cm HA|ITEY>RD (A P ) — The The company maintained that 7:80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Alder Jr. Is a most Improbable stasre In jufiiform jifdform without my _ - ,, , . _ United Aircraft Carp, made It the eight men and the three sus- % folk singer. His hair Is neat and p X r,”. he said. ”I dld-there Roger Mack of imown Wednesday that It Is pended employes were doing un­ were about 1,000 kids out there **” _ willing to honor a court orc|er Ion business during working short. He takes no pubUc posi­ and I got a loud boo. ' Ayers Rd., Wapplng be ta- to rehire eight union stewards, hours, Including' soliciting union tion on the war. He wears a Ue. one of them from Manchester, membership and showing favor- And he’s a deputy sheriff. who w ere fired between three iUsip to union workers, In fact, the 26-year-old singing and five years ago in a dispute Their union, the Intematlbnal peace officer isIs the first and ^ program.” Bolton, vice president, Mrs. over their union acUvlUes. Association of Machlniste and only fvdl-tlme balladeer for the Alder said ' he eventually Malcolm Chadboume, Bomers The Manchester worker In- Aerospace Workers, AFlrCIO, sheriffs office. He was reas­ wants to rebim to a patrol ca/ recording secret^; and Mrs. volved la. Mrs, Hattie Qahagan. other hand, said the flr- signed from a patrol car to a beat but hc^s to become a Noel Preston, Somers, treas­ The firings have been at the suspensions were Illegal guitar in April 1970. professional , urer. center of a case which has and dlsciiminatorv.discriminatory. Since then, on behalf o f the been appealed twice—to the Na- sheriff’s Community Relations ~ “ The union said union activity Bureau, he’s . been performing tlctial, Labor.... Relatipns , Board and member^p solicitation took ^ o ■»'| andad to a federal appeals court. ^ for school assemblies, civic Both appeals vrpnt against Hus ^ considered working meetings and youth groups. company, and the company’s tHls main message: “ The cop offer to rehire the worker^ ap- is a human being.” GERANIU porenUy means toe firm won’t union appealed the firings The guitar helps get toe point y ^ * < w by a further appeal In the case. su s^s^s to the N atl^l across to young people, he says, Tto terms for rehlring the eight La^bor RelaUons ^ard, which as do the songs he sings—16 of meet the terms set by the in favor of toe them of his own composition— BEDDING aoneals court ^ company was then rebuffed about narcotics, American herit­ ’C o m p a n y says it w ill rein- Second U ^ . C lr ^ t Court age, law enforcement and con­ state the stewards, who worked temporary life. PLANTS at three of Its Pratt and Whitney If Alden, a native of Harvey, ni. V: Aircraft Division plante In the f aircraft decided to re­ joined the sheriff’s depeutment • * '• > j “ i > state, at their old level of senior- “ "-e P™'^® ,‘f® In 1968 and put In a year In a pa­ Ity aiid give them back pay to trol cair. He is married and toe make up any salary losses In- ^ U.S. ^ P rem e Court of the father of three., VEGETABLE ^ ' .'*« }h» In March 1970 he appeared curred rih^they were fired. * ° '* ^ ® ''^ ® , '“f with his guitar at a departmen­ In addttLi, the company says P »^ ^ tal retirement dinner. Lt. Bob It will give back pay to three appeal. PLANTS ■ Edmonds, a sheriff’s communi­ other ejia)>loyes vriio had been ’Ri® eight stewards who were ty relations officer says, "We suspepded for allegedly conduct- fired are Nicholas D ’Andrea of I F ,' ?s recom m^ded him to the sheriff tng union* business during work- Waterbury, Kenneth Menard of alter we heard Bob- sing. We n {: l| ing hours. Middletown, Mrs. HaUle Griha- QPEN DAILY The eight terminated employes of Mandiester, Dennis were stewards, who han- Rrepdt of East Ifertford, CUf- 9 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. dled workers’ grievances, or un- "ford Nelson / it’s only slightly larger than its zip code. Besides taking action on toe ' Auditorium. This meeting Is The one room, wood and galvanized metal ing, Brown says, was built as a “temporary” struc­ Exhibit <'<^ t tv.?^ s\C proposed budget for toe fiscal planned to assist local chalr- ''o'' O S' structure which sits alone off the Tamiami Trail ture in 1957. Nothing has changed. year 1971-72 as recommended men in preparing a program for Studenta enroUed In toe music and recorder; a set of dances by ed craft Items; and architectur­ 2 6 (U.S. Highway 41) in southwest Florida meas­ The Ochopee post office sells stamps and by tori BocurdBoard of lEnance,(Finance, toe their,tneir. towns. Praetorius, by students of flute, al models. Work to be displayed was done k 'm ures seven feet, three inches by eight feet, four mpney orders, but Brdwn gives away a quick wit townopeople wdU vote on three Midget Football and art courses at Manchest bass harmonica; P p d g e other items. William Henaghan. president Community College will present several dances by Susato, In the design and painting class­ inches. “And that’s the outside dimension,” Post­ to all patrons, whether they are regidars or tour­ i’.SL Persons entitled to vote wiU the Hebron Midget Footb^l y,gjj, annual end-of-toe-year pro- by four guitarists, es of Robert Manning, sculpture X/ennon f> Mc^*- master Sidney H. Brown, 67, is quick to point out. ists who stop by to mail a letter from the smallest and creative crafts classes of < ? 3 9 A 5 be asked to act upon toe Ttown ^^°OTanlzatlon gram tomorrow night In toe The musical portion of too post office in the United States. John Stevens, and toe history of IS ’The zip code is 33943. Reports for toe fiscal year 1969- ^^^r^the ^ o rA Rd. building. program will conclude ^ The post office at Ochopee was established in 70. -Anyone wishing a copy may fine arts class of Mrs. Doreen by A P photographer Jim Bourdler. Town Office BuUdlng. The pubUc Is Invited. There vocal toIm , Alfle y • jiannlng. obtain one at toe (Town Office Henaghan has expressed In- la no admisslcsi. Mary * ^ r lM M d B i r ^ o ve ^ exhibit w ill be on Building. mii„.Kia will aiw> ha re- creasing concern “regarding regaroing metoe Vocal and InstrumemaiInstrumental music ’Troubled iruuM.~ Waters ^ , view In toe gaUery throughthrougn thistnis —' y . ■ . i_ • Eligtole votera will also be re lack of Involvement and par- ^ndand a showing of student-made Dye; two duets ^ by Tom anda n a ___ on> a ^a.m. ^ to 10 H rVirWa rYYTmPirt Aiid QGt 3 ChOIC©. quested to appropriate the sum ^ Ucipation of toe parents.”------HeAtimO V» ^Ul w toe evening at Georgeann Best, "Here, Th^, ■ 010086 8 U O dge COmpaUl. MI lU a of »»,



MANCJIESTER EVENING HEEALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE TWELVE Vernon Tiny Ewrglades Township Today in History today s FUNNY Vernon 41 Qiildren W ill Compete Threatened by Swamp Fire By ’n o : ASSOCIATED PRESS m BIG (3YPRE;SS s w a m p , Fla. er for the Department of Interi­ Drugs Topic Today is ’Ihursday, May 6, I I I Special Olympics Test (AP) — Four fires raging in this or, said the tribesmen have the 126th day of 1971. ’There are historic ■wilderness area threat-, been fighting smaller fires for 239 days left in the year. The Vemon School system will Mrs. Muriel Parfldis, nurse at \m o iiic y eiiled the tiny town of Copeland the past month—sometimes A t L ib r a r y Today’s Highlight in History Om be sending 41 students to com­ Skinner Rd. School, screened and a Seminole Indian reserva­ side-by-side with convict volun­ On this date in 1942, in the teers from the Hendry County pete In, the Greater Hartford the health records of- the . stu­ tion as two-thirds of the rain- Pacific war, the exhausted starved' Florida peninsula faced jail. For Special Olympics to be held dents involved in the Olympics. On Saturday American and Philippine gar­ ” expllosive-flre conditions.” “We’ve already . lost some CKvlng The following teachers will rison at Corregidor surrendered Saturday starting at 9:30 a.m. Seminole tribesmen battled a 6,000 acres on the reservation,” be accompanying the children The Rockville Junior Library to the Japanese after resisting at Sterling Field, West Hartford. 10,000-acre fire that had spread Rlsher said, "including some of to West' Hartford Saturday: will present a drug information 160 days. The program is for handicap­ to the southern border of their our pine crop that runs from ped children and they will ^ Mrs. Marilyn Hoyt, physical program this coming Saturday Onllils Date Big Cypress reservation about seedling, sapling up to saw tim­ 404 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE competing in the following education teacher at Northeast at 10 a.m. In 1866, the Austrian neurolo­ 60 miles west of F\>rt Lauder­ ber size.” events: 160-yard run, 60-yard Schcol; Thomas PoCthoff, phy- dale. The Big Cypress Swamp has The program will be aimed at gist who founded psychoanalys­ HEADQUARTERS FOR srlcal ^ucatlon teacher at Mh- Thonx to dash, the softball throw for dis­ Mont Hurst State forestry crews attempt­ served the tribe as , a refug® children in Grades 4, 5 and 6, is, Sigmund Freud, was bom. plc School; Miss Vivian tance and the standing'long Dallas, Ttxas ed to contain two fires that since the Seminole Wars when but younger or older children In 1861, Arkansas withdrew Blain, grade 6 teacher, Mhple are also invited to attend. from the union. jump, hemmed in the old logging com­ they were chased deep into the ThiMnas Bowler, physical ed- St.: Miss Diane Judge, teacher morass by Gen. Andrew Jack- Included in the hour-long pro­ In 1884, a New York invest­ ) 1971 by NEA. Inc. munity of Copeland, a town of IriMEX WATCHES ucatimi teacher at Talcottville at Talcottvllle; Miss Phyllis son. gram will be a question and ment firm. Grant and Ward, about 100 located 36 miles south- School and Fast School and Mrs. Cooper, physical education psClE/milp/iiitifgdi east.of the reservation. The reservation presently has answer period; a guest speaker, went into bankruptcy, leaving teacher. Colter Rd.; Roger Todoy'l FUN N Y will pay 11.00 for Linda Goldfarb, physical educ­ each original ''funny" used. Send gags ‘"Ihe worst one right now Is about 300 families, Rlsher said. Dr. Daniel Woolwich; a movie, former President Ulysses S. Ouellette, special education ation teacher at Skinner Rd. - rasn i to; Todoy*» FU N N Y, 1200 West Third eight miles west of Copeland,” Smaller fires were reported and distribution of pamphlets. Grant almost penniless. teacher. East School; Miss St., Cleveland, Ohio 44113. throughout the state from as far Parents are also welcome to In 1896, the movie matinee School, tested the children this district forester Kem Blacker past week in the various events. Barbara Rhein and Miss Kathy said Wednesday. He said that north as Ocala National F\>rest, attend. idol, Rudol{^ Valentino, was Lyons, pre-Bchod teachers at about two-thirds of the way up Dr. Woolwich, a dentist, heads bom in Italy. These teachers were assisted fire covered 6,000 acres, while by -Edward Gray at the Talcott- Talcottvllle; Mrs. Jocmne Mag- one 14 miles east of the town the Florida peninsula. the Mayor’s Committee on Drug In 1941, Joseph Stalin became Due Ex-Provost vlUe School who helped in the Uocco, teacher, TalcottvlUe; » s c e ,s had expanded beyond 10,000 "You could say that much of Information and is actively premier of the Soviet Union, trials at that school; Miss Bhar- Anthony Magliocco, supervisor acres. the state is facing explosive con­ working with the youth group succeeding V. M. Molotov. New Chancellor ^atican Denies creasing the number of books • Needs No Winding 2 * * !!!!" ! show, trampolines and other day to fight their waiy through American rocket flight into • Battery Lasto 1 Y r. • Shock BeDtatant Mrs. Olive Ferguson, head Kenneth Pye, who is resigning available on drugs. entertainment. the swamp to reach the fire, space. • 1 Year Chiarairtee nurse at the sriiools, ateng with on doctor’s orders. Trip for Pope Sunday Speaker said a division of forestry pilot, One Year Ago A specialist in economic theo­ VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Robert Scharmann, director of Connie Ryan. "There was no r it was disclosed that Sec­ A Scout Clean-Up Day Reminder ry ' and public finance, Black­ Vatican has denied a published Word of Life Bible Clubs for way to get them out.” retary of the Interior Walter J. burn has been a member of the repwrt that Pop>e Paul VI would Connecticut, will speak at Sun­ John Kerry New Hero “ Unless you’ve spent your life Friendly Neighbors Hlckel had written to President Scout Chester Bigelow holds the tape dispenser while Frederick G. Nassiff Duke faculty since 1959 except fly to Poland in Augfust and visit day school and all of the wor­ in there, you don’t know -where Nixon and expressed the to t a two-year tour of teaching the Nazi gas chambers at ship services at the Rockville “The Odd Couple” makes friends with upstairs row. From the left are G r^ V " ' to turn,” he said. "I guided opinion that the Nixon admin- M ovemejit To End W ar fastens a Scout Clean-Up day poster to the winiiow of Nassiff Arms Co. Nas­ at the American University in Auschwitz. Baptist Church, Sunday. ^ TT- o 1. 1 • gar, Jody Owen as Cecily Pigeon, Mary Columbia Of them in there by air.” istraUon was falling America’s Beirut, Lebanon. FYederico Alessandrini, head Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. neighbors, as Rockville High School seniors re- Gwendolyn Pigeon, and Steve Ellis as Oscar Read Herald Advertisements Blacker said the team took re­ -visited Washington. As if on siff is treasurer of the Retail Division of the Chamber of (Commerce. The cham­ of the Vatican press service,. and the church services are at young people. By JOEL^DBEYFUSS fuge In a hunter’s cabin. “ These hearse for presentation of the play at 8 p.m. tomor- Madison. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) cue, a middle-aged man, In a said the reports "are complete­ 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Associated_Press Writer ber is coordinating the clean-up Saturday with the Jaycees, the Junior Worn- Originally butlers, called bou- are extreme conditions,” he NEW YORK (AP) — He’s the suit and tie, forced his way said, "but they’re not in any ly baseless.” Food Sale “Newcomers,” featuring new tolUiers or bottle bearers In Grove end in the second. the hottest item in the antiwar through the young people to en’s Club, scouts, and the Town Park Department. A hot dog roast will be held danger. They just aren’t very The repxjrt appeared in the The St. Bernard’s Women’s talent, replaces Carol Burnett FYance, presided chiefly over a Moose will play the PAC. movement. He’s wanted for ral­ grasp Kerry’s hand. comfortable.” conservative Rome newspiaper Guild will hold a food sale Sun­ TV Offerings for Autumn on Mondays and CBS revives househ^d’s ■wine and spirits Grange Meeting lies, speeches, fund raising din­ “I’m a World War H veter­ for participants at noon in Center Springs Park. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) Wallace Rlsher, forest manag­ n Tempx>. day morning after each Mass. amarron Strip” on Tuesdays supply. Vernon Grange 62 will meet ners by all kinds of people—pro­ an," he said, "and I want to ’The sale will be held in the and ’’Lancer” oti ’Thursdays. Friday at 8 p.m. at the Grange To Debut Dm ing Summer^ testers, preachers, veterans. congratulate you. A lot of us are church hail and proceeds will NBC has trumpeter A1 Hlrt in having our minds chftngf®^ be used to furnish books for HaU, Rt. 30 when “Pink Sash” John Kerry, 27, a leader of the officers wlU be invited guests. By JERRY BUCK an exuberant 18 to a wily tjrrant “ Make Your Own King of Mu- Vietnam Veterans Against the what you say.” the school library. of 66. sic,” in for Don Knotts on ’Tues- Maybe what your Kerry said ^veterans’ g;roups Mrs. Charlotte Purlngton is in NEW YORK (AP) — If you’ve War, takes it all in stride, big Anyone wishing to donate food ’Die Public Broadcasting Ser- days, and Des O’Connor returns were contacting the 'W AW to charge of the progo^iEun. wondered what the network long ones with his six-foot may leave it on Saturday at the vice is joining in the ’ ’third sea- lor the second year with a ser- have him speak to them. Convent or the rectory or on ’The Junior Grange 92 will prime-time cutback will bring in frame. meet Saturday at 2 p.m. for a biinging out five new ser- les of Engllsii-made “ Music Since his dramatic testimony “ The one thing we have in Sunday at the Church hall. the fall you can get a preview ^ common,” he said, “ Is that Mother’s Day program. this summer. les and ail new propgrams in Hall” shows, furnace needs two weeks ago before a congres­ Art For Hoqtltal four continuing shows. William Past shows from ‘"The Bob sional subcommittee, Kerry has we’ve carried guns for our coun­ ’Twenty-three paintings of Most of the new shows the networks will broadcast in the F. Buckley , Jr. moves his ” Flr- Hope ’Theater” wlU be spHt Into been in the spotlight. He keeps try.” members of the Tolland County On May 13, he’ll address the summer months are cut from '"S' Line to PBS on Sunday, NBC Comedy ’Theater” in his schedule on a large calendar Art Association, have been American Baptist Convention in New England the same patterns stations will May 23. place of ”Laugh-In” on Mon­ on which dates are booked as given to Rockville General Hos­ is on oil change. Minneapolis. He’ll also be on the use to fiU in their nlghUy half ABC’s new shows are ”It Was days” and “ NBC Adventure far ahead as May 27. pital to be, hung in various David FYost show with William V i g n e t t e s hour of prime time. a Very Good Year,” a musical Theatre” in for Andy WilUams A crowd at Bryant Park roars places throughout the building. ’The networks will rely heavily review of the past with Mel on Saturdays. approval for his antiwar speech. F. Buckley. A change to Mobil heating oil A change for greater ’Those who donated work By JAMES F. DONOHUE on low-budget musical variety Torme, on Mondays; "NFL Ac­ Besides “Firing Line,” PBS Later, dodging passersby on A ‘66 Yale grad, Kerry served are: Marlon Mlsaiko, Louis BOS’TON (AP)—A nine-year- repeats of series from past tion,” hlghUghts of pro football will have “Just Jazz” for 10 home heating comfort the way to a television inter­ In Vietnam’s Mekong Delta aboard Navy Swift boata. Dis­ Mulnite, Helen Rice, Jennie old Arlingtcm, Vt., boy who years just as will the stations, on Wednesdays; and the BriUsh Wednesdays, followed You see, Mobil heating oil has been scientifically view, Kerry says, “The time charged as a lieutenant junior Batz, Rose Rowe, Lloyd TWbot, nine-year-old Arlingtcm, Vt., • Federal Communications _ .. singer Val Doonlcan cm Satur- “ Boboqulvari,” a youth-or- tested 21 times before we deliver it to you And it is has comei to get the business out grade, he ran lor Congress in LuciUe Webber, Myrtle Carl- j^ y wants to be a part-time commission ordered the cut- days. The network will revive music show. ’Hie Boston , consumer-tested continuously in some 600 homes through­ of the streets. We felt that we son, ’Trudi Lee, Em ma Batz, tajioj. gjid a part-time cook to encourage more dlversl- “ Love On a Rooftop” and ‘"The p returns with.12 new riiows out the country to make sure it gives peak performance had to go to the streets because Massachusetts for lour weeks FOR T - before .bowing out to another an­ Mildred Connors, Mildred Lisk, y^hen he grows up, defeated 76 fjgj programming. Immortal” on Wednesdays. Sundays and “Artists in in every area you have to stage an event to tiwar candidate. He doesn’t rule Doug Anderson, Ethel Con- girls to win the Bennington, Vt., ^ major exceptlcm is the six CBS will overiiaul its Sunday America” will be seen on FVl- get attention.” PRESCRIPTIONS A T rady, Beverly Ingraham, Demy county 4-H Clothing Review go-mlnute dramas CBS wUl run out politics In the future but schedule several times, with an days. (8) The tactics now should be le­ ____> Karas, Laurie King, Charles sewing compeUtlon. I Sundays in August and Sep- ice show series—as yet u n t i t l e d ------Maybe You Meed gal challenges to the war, per^ rig^it now he’s involved with Krut, Lilyan Lipman, Pat shane Crawford, the only boy tember—the British-made “ Six —and movies running before To See TJst Just sonal talks with neighbors, poUt- working for the veterans and for THE all the groups who want him for Cook, Gorina Lane, MUdred entered in the competition, en- yvives of Henry VUI.” "Henry VHI” comes in Aug. 1. Six hundred and fifty tor- Ical acUoti, Kerry said In his fancy Gamly Hamm Lady Lowe World Friendship Fund. tfeat him nice. Chuck Ground 89° 1 BACON a . 85° Price Little League Parade ‘That’s the advice of Rick Wal- we're offering you, your choice of 1971 PIN Tp • Lady Sunliaain The Rockville Little League ton, a student at Mt. Hood Com- any one of the above pins, FREE I 4-speed transmission, decor luxury group, plus $20 H CtoUege. which held ite WHOLE TRIMMED — WBS’TEBN STEER SSTm any ether UtUeJeatow, BLACK SA*nN 7 7 I mileage and remainder of factory VALUE fro/jumptag Contest COLOGNE SPRAY at noon from the top of Fox vvednesdav . with the purchase of either. . . warranty. I • # # HIGH QUALITY Hill Dr. It will proceed to the wtwinesaay. • LB. Reg. $6 ball field at Henry Park for Virginia K n u ^ n BEEF TENDERLOIN ♦2.39 I Shave Legs and LADY'S ELECTRIC formal ceremonies followed by a H o p -a -L o o n e y, which THREE PAIRS OF $1 STCXKINGS ------LADY Underarms double header. ’ 12 feet, 6 Inches to win ig OtiR IlmfPlrt -Rr FANCIFUL 7 7 f \ Let us fill your freeier with U.S.D.A. choice meats, native poultry. SPECIAL! I Beautifully Highlighting the parade will I**® contest. OR HAIR RINSE # # SHAVER "Last night he got a be the appearance of the Na­ Seobrook Form fruits and vegetables. Save up to 15 to 20% and $2 Value LADIES' BUXTON G ift Baxed than Hale FHfe and Drums Walton explained. r n o m o i T i which will be accompanied by a TWO PAIRS OF 1.49 OR 1.69 PANTY HOSE eat like a king. CIRARETTE UQHTERS I WALLET SETS color guard of Knowlton’s Free Kittens TT "THE PERFECT MOTHER'S DAY GIFT' Rangers. DESERT LOTION f f ||A NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Love that mother! Show her you core this Mother's Day with I K EY C A S E S ‘Thomas Benoit will be master ‘This notice appeared on the LYNCH MOTORS HAND LOTION ■ • W V2 price of ceremonies for the services lovely, panty hose or stockings, that won't bag or wrinkle. A "Htrtierd Urgut Tejrels Southern Bell Telefdrane Oo. If You Like The Best Give Us A Test Vi Price which will Include presentation bulletin board: really nice gift, for a really nice mother. t4ICMtortf.. of the annual "old timers" "Free kittens! ‘Two black 51 BISSELL ST. REAR OF ICE PLANT 643-8424 ' asrard. males and one white female. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE ' In the first game of the dou­ Mother is pure-bred Siamese 945 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER ble header, the American Lc- and father is from a pretty good gloii team' will play Maple neighborhood." p a g e f i f t e e n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALl), MANCHESTER. CONN. 3DAY, MAY 6, 1971 " 7 , Business Mirror PAGE FOURTEEN BIANCmSSTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCflfi^TEft, TXINN.. THU^DAY, MAY 6, lOTl Top Executives Learn broken in five buildings. Hie ther headquartMB, the witness they can put such pressure on said, he entered the building Town in Black, marchers had placed a wreath Israel. Rogers’ first move In Protesters Witness and stayed for SB or 40 minutes They Are Expendable and plaque at a National Guard Rogers two days of meetings with Pre­ Brooklyn but did not see Seale. Pastore Savings Made" armory to memorialise Ameri­ By J(MIN CUNNIFF ness. I am not bitter. Just disap­ m ier Gkdda Melr and other Is­ said he left after 10 minutes raeli leaders is expected to be In Sitdown cans idlled in Vietnam and idu- ^aysSams ’The town will probably end AP Boslnees Anatyst pointed In American industry Since 1939 fuid did nbt know how long Disorders dents slain last year at Kent and must fend for myself," A rriv e s listening to what they have to (C I r t f One) Seale remained In the building, up -i* the------flscal— 'year In the black. State and Jackson Stsde Unlvei^ NEW YORK (AP) — Evi­ wrote one. say, as he has been listening to Hated Seale Another defense witness. Val- ^ the Egyptians. And Mrs. Melr tors when they arrived to post- gity in Mlssiasippl. dence mounts that the middle But that was more the excep­ In Israel Injure 37 (OonUsned from Page One) ary White, testified Wednesday "Jf** said Wednesday: "If we have to Uon themselves outside the peri- m WSlikegan, HI., 40 high that after leaving Seale’s speech ert Weiss to the Board pf Dl- management recession Is eas­ tion. Rather than becoming cyn­ (Oonttiiiued from One) say no, we shall say no . .. even (Centtaned tr m Page One) nrieter of police. school students were charged vlcUnr’s deat^. - rectors. ing. Help-wanted ads are begin­ ical, most seemed to have come to our friends." There were a few_ people------in. disorderly conduct in a 0“" Ihursday, a former Black «*« oiung tight spending since through the recession wary. Sus­ overturned automobiles and clerical cloths ning to grow In -volume, and sur­ talks will be h d i^ l in pursuing After more than six hours of and several „ck. ^rbSte4hrowlng melee to er^itartef^ “»e ^dle of the fiscal' year. picious, concerned. quiet diplom acy on an interim WertnMrtttV SnwuHonn nnil raided at least ‘33 •• „Wstores. .—. Two wearing —medical------atatarally.Abo«t300of4.S00stu- » nmy. aooui. wu w ---- '■ '.v ;; I . h>,IU«nir But ahv Weiss YVeiBB said, muu, "i aiYoijTEvery wireone .a.of wu.our veys show that executive ap­ Indications are that they are settlement and I intend to go 11.0-imHan hnn. ttuii patrol cars were reported dam- said he was a resident phyrician took part in the rally. ®*** occasion, said the wit- “Paot in the taUffing. department heads deserves sub- pointments are In'creasing again less likely to change Jobs, be­ ineo this matter in some detS S ^ S L t R ^ ^ d ^ ^ ^ ^ hundrSi^ thou- a* ChUdran’s Hospital. ^ IS Z n ‘Sice useTtoaigas !!— ’ l^terdlng. Sams ^ stS praise.’’ after a year of cutbacks. cause of the Insecurity Involved, and speclflctty in Israel". “O'*- «< «“>“«» «!»»«•«« ^ Bpeaketa with bullltoi™ « - ^ ^iMparae a crowd o f 1,800 Uhl- ^ a Panther Weiss told ^ e di- i This means that personal but also less inclin^ to give Aldes said Rogera has an ap- estimated. horted the group to __"Be nonvi- varsity of WisconsinWlsoonsin rii«i«nts ^ ***■ •***!and shouldn’t w"™- ® rectors that proJecUwis then In- their entire loyalty to their p yimie Inadrr Jerry Rubin *** edfered it to her. She testified that after th e ______frightened, threatened, inse­ steed executies from larger dicate that the town wlU 'prob- compemieS," a Klernan man t. seemed to {Sease both U.S. and ^*Wo shall not make conceg- area and gathered to hear hers to dmote groups, and one njjy at the State Uhl- ^*l*c*iSh the Jury heard her igieech, Sams ordered her and ably“ squeak through” without cure. said. "N ow these fellows aren^t Egyptian officials (because of alone: I think that is quite gpeakors'. carried by a small group of mid- ygn^ty in Brockhort, NY tc^hneny about the incident, the a number of otiier persons in ^ deficit. / They were in-prepared for the . recession. For years' they had going to take the risk despite MAPLE TOP the cordial atmosphere sur- clear." xhe first clashes betprecn po- dle-aged women that r ^ he had left Washli«totC iriiich 5l*’**„?f?^!*** it stricken from the headquarters to go out and ______, the stock options offered.’’ rounding the meetinigs between ’Ihe U.S. iqxricesman. State Uce and youths occurred several ••Nonviolent D irect Action term ed a " dOUm state ” be- ***® ®®**** **cord and instructed help look foe a loot llttib girl. experienced the comfort of LET NORMAN'S MAKE YOU FEEL GENERAL ELECTRIC Rogers and the SlgypUan lead- Department press officer. Rob^ hours later but there were vsr- Qroup.” ’mim- ***® ^***^ *® disregard K after According to the witness, Sams Bhr crisper and fresher ewk- 'being well fed, housed and The respondents were unu­ ei’^P- ert J. McCloskey, termed the *«“ r^rts as to whal tng- ^t the' fedmai building, offl- •, ho ••ifl^md it ***® P*®®®cutor objected. The tdd the grotq> that “if we didn’t ers, place them in the toaster clothed. Their Joi> was their sually frank. A few years ago it Rogers conferred with Prime talks satisfactory for Rogers in K*red them. _ _ uugd each side of the road- wam'mrmr ^ Judge said testimony about the do it, we’d have to answer to for a few seconds before serv- Identity. ’They felt settled In was standard for an applicant to AT HOME ON THE RANGE DISHWASHER Mlnlster (Mahmoud Fawzl and that they • were "entirely can- Some police said it was the legging to the main en- tile wrath of the armed people.” Ing. their comfortable suburban life list as his first Job requirement •SSLu-, ,«o p.. "the opportunity,” said the FOrelgn Minister Mahmoud did." But he added that the seo- arrest of a allegedly jjaU trucks, with decals marched from the Tlnlver- style. Rlad as well as Sadat. retary would not know until aft-. assaulted an ^-duty p<#Mman pointed over, were lined up as a ^ Tenneaae* ,-emniM Seiom **®**” tony that attempts “to But when proflto fell their Klernan man. He wanted to I f f " ______n r .-.,.__ whose car had been blocked and r .—.— __ i ______Z . " * 0 «» iTennessee show he had the ability, the con­ The Egyptian leader did not er he returns______to______Washlngtoix____ **®**,**? ” _***^!^^ ^ b a ^ er, “ arid "u i^ worn six ^ n *^ ^ m l^ tw rS ‘l^edhesi "^® “ ®*®*>«*y out to be a bad companies could not reciprocate depart from hU publicly voiced whether he had succeeded hi sat on by p^stow . Ottar a^ feUow.’ ' fidence. FRIGIDAIRE Elasy-roUlng portable . . . Four persons, including two their Ityalty. As the recession pollctos, UB. officials said. narrowing the differences be- thoriUes said youths overtomed portesters follow- Seale, M, and kbv. Huggins, Sunday, May 9th, is Mothet’s Day J) deepened, many of these men- "It was bad form to put mon­ converts to built-in later. Sadat said he was willing to tween the Arabs and Israel. acar an^hurledjrtc^ a.^^ ed toe ^^of‘^ ”^So= ®**®^ ^ ey first,” he said. But no longer. Built-in soft food disposer, were cut loose. They were not, ELECTRI-CLEAN double detergent dispiniser. ties at officers who sped to toe ^ Americans who took part in oyerwniea ^ naping resulting in Rackley’s as they had believed, Indlspensi- The respondMits listed It as the most important consideration, Automatic retracting stabU- .. antiwar demonstrations in cities "J®®*** “ *d ••Wtoir sad abetting ble. ’they were expendable. ing accord as a step leading to “ follcnVed by “ job opportunity” RARGE izers. Maple top. 60296L Still other reports^^^t^ Wednesday, Without Jobs they were sud­ an over-aUover-all peaceneaoe settlement, Sues Canal, talks wunwith Rlad can-cen- ^ a,^ted at Inin Northridge. At Ban FernandoFhmando m - -Is . —Tcuii, who was not al- and "job challenge.” ’ denly faced with the question toe officials said. terod on adiat area the Israelis firemen who answered what *7® .**”’*®***'^, ^ State, 73 ot *00 demonstratora inwed to tMilfv about temn’ 'The replies also tended to Rogera was si^d to have felt t**™®** «** *® *>® ® “ “ ®***™ whoMtered------a -bank - w --toouUng------oh- ••veracity and ‘®»«*y reputation” about Sams at the most people avoid: Who am I? and, All they kneiw for certain was show executives were less, inter­ U.S. relations with Egypt Egynt Im- *°**=®*f ^®'**‘* wouia move d tot® u o ktt.. gml at police who camcame e to their ™“ ®" aoenltiea were arrested. trial of Lonnie McLucas last ested in the mad dash to the top proved as a result of his visit **®*®" ®nd Riad discussed the jjd. most of the demonstrations that they must keep up cq>pear- were peaceful, there was some ______summer, took the stand over the [^llUDWIEMfl at all costs and instead were ^ 8 GENERAL ELECTRIC Specifically, the two countries r®>aUonshlp of any Suez accord a protest organizer, BaUy ances: Read the sports pages mi $ ' violence. NEW HAVEN (AP) — About • strong objections of the pro- seeking a better balance In their agreed to expand their romec- *"^*** “ * over-all peace settle- Mathis, said clashes started the commuter train wtdle dying 30" AUTOMATIC Hundreds of persons were ar­ 3,000 antiwar demonstrators gecutor, who declared that her lives, with less dependency upon live diplom at staffs and will "^®a*- to road the Kelp-wanted ads, when a white plain-clothes po- rested. gathered on the historic Green testimony would be "collateral," the company. WESTINGHOUSE be renegoUating the E^gyptian U.S. sources said Rogers did Uceman trying to clear blocked keep the club membership, the RANGE National Guard troops were ^ "highly pre- It was detected, for example, No mess, no trouble debt to the United States. not mention any specific line to traffic stuck a pistol in toe Uled out to end sporadic rock- “ ****y Wedtaesd^, as wM- judicial" to the stefe’s case. Mother's Day Special! private schools, the two cars, called out to end sporadic ___ . , __ „ ___ the maid. that while the respondents were . . . oven cleans it­ DISHWASHER The Rogera peuty was greeted which toe Israelis might with- stmnacb of a young boy. throwing by protesters WocMng f" ^ McLucas, a Black Panther still Interested in moving Into — f f ^ in Hartford and some other Oon- And then the wife had to take 288®® on arrival in Israel by Foreign draw In order to get the Eigyp- The various incidents erupted a highway in CoUeg« Park, IMd. lieutenant, was convicted of con­ self automatically, Oven cleans itself electrical­ a substitute teaching Job or the better jobs -with other compa­ Minister Abba Eban, who said tlans to reopen the canal. But he into widespread looting and fire Other vkrience occurred in cities spiring to murder Rackley and nies, they were less inclined to electrically! Three ly. Features floodlighted kids bad to come out of school 229®* toere would be much to talk did talk about ways in which the setting by rock-and bottle- ranging in size from New York In New Haven, one speaker sentenced to 12 to 18 years in CARNATIONS risk taking their families into 6" and one"8” sur­ oven, removable storage Features fUter clean convertible dish­ about. He added the Israeli area might be administered and throwing bands ot black and City to Waukegan, Bl., and characterized It an "grooving prison. or the annual dues at the club face units. RSE 86. drawer and rotary infinite washer cycles. Exclusive tilt guard door. strange areas and new situa­ contreds for surface units. leaders wlU "listen to what you possible security measures to Puerto Rican youths. Debris Northridge C ^ ‘ In the suiublne’;' and police Miss Young said she lived In went impaldT. Reality was a tions. Sanitary porcelain - mi - steel Interior. “ y • prevent a confrontaticn between used to block traffic was set seemed to agree. There was a the same house as Bams (In shock. The feeling of being un­ Oven timer, clock and min­ Maple top. SCS96L ute minder. J88SL B ^ a n and IsraeU forces. afir;. blockhi >^ppan^. Ji^^out’'^ D.C.) late to I m S wanted, after thinking you were tritH^M ^r .u"?® Enr**®"® ‘n»« ^ 0“® blaze ^ reportedly set idf ;^i;re an April 24 i4uy hT^d” Cony flay and p<^ce tocA one and saw tiim dally lor about $ 0 - 3 5 a big deal. Brou^t Alfalfa Tile new president of one com­ laraeU lenrfc^' ^ ^ ®™®“ ***® ®®**“* I*/ a fire bomb. en GhOe Par* drew 178,000. youny man away. But he wasn’t three months. “He was very pany can tell you about the or­ LOS ANGELES—AlfaUa Is one T ^ e ir T the four — t®**®— «**®r - t**®— evacuated------“We are watching the natural In College Park, Ma^and ®*“*. "®“**®*' **^ ®**y- vicious end cruel," she said. doz. He had a caln . . .’’ At this deal. When he finally sought of the oldest forage crops known countries Rogers has °***«f*^ ®«"®** At ®^' another point, a ••«« hmi .. «d„ - At tni. *• haveliA.vn beeniwMWi urstoTwmimH*!,. ..Im to... m*. oonuMwiem mat tne puupuBback vhen,ijen you contlnuaUy repress iqx» the National Guard to end .u young **®““point aneshe was cut off by an ob- (Sorry—But Cash and Carry Only!) outside help‘prior to winning his to man. Grown first in Clentral t 1— rmirrr on^SS t^aJSL*^ “*® Is the first step people who are Just barely air- q^miudlc lock-throwlng and a ^ *1 ^®®“®“ ***® P*'®®®®"*®*' ***®* ,I»esMit posiUon It was noted Asla, it was introduced Into - ^Th^ forai^^ “■ ®®"*P‘**» withdrawal said Paul J. Oqsper, blockade of U.S. IB^way 1 by sustained by Judge Harold that his Mnists were deeply Greece during the Persian wars. ^ ner lorces out of the lands from the occupied territories. ___ --______*— -T^v.1 ______- .* .C ? tt_V:.._ i.:. ®«< ®«d launched into a tirade m Mulvey. uIvav TOorred. The Romans carried It to Italy, she to6k in the 1967 war. They executive director of the 8,000 persons at the University . .. _ ZTz T z . 60th ANNIVERSARY CELERRATION The witness was called by ’The market now appears to be Spain and Southern FYance. see Israeli withdrawal is the The Israelis, to 'whom the re- Brownsville CXmununlty Ooun- of Maryland. He also declared a black-wilte opening of the canal is of BtUe oil, as he watched bluebelmet- 9:80 p.m. curfew and authorized Catherine Roraback, M rs. Hug-' changing. A study by Wytmar A. Alfalfa arrived in South Amer­ prim e requirem m t fo r a pecuse ^ U d Irviny, a black Yale gins' attorney, but Mulvey ruled solution. or no importance, say they ed policemen chase tootsrs the use of tear gas. THE “BIG HUG” Co., an executive recruiter, ica and Mexico during the Spaln- .A student who served as master that the lawyer could not ques- shews executive appointments Ish conquest, then reached The Americkns are not sure won’t move an ''indi 'without along Sutter Avenue. ®*TBBV n# AAieaTTl/WilAm a..____■ ... . ^ . Give Mom A Ironclad assurances that Egyp. But other leaden of the Black m. mm mg... (jm micnmhnm rff Riu rose 6 per cMit in the first quar­ California about 1864, probably tian tiuops will not crasa the ca- Coalition, a group of black and state troopers—were injured be- the u. microphone ton otf. ■, But even ------Sams had------made when he was ^ "BIG H U G " $0 .5 0 ter of 1971 over the final three brought by gold seekers from nal. And they refuse Just as ada- Puerto Rican community lead- fore order was restored. want to anni»rf«. w * ®*'®®®‘®*®'"**“®^ weeks a^. d months of 1970. Chile. The crop spread rapidly Nixon Seeks mantly to give any commitment ere, denounced the violence and Police In Ban Francisco re- . ^**®® ®®>'®*>®ck *»®d ^ ed him W This Year. TO The gains were eapeciolly over the West, then gradually for a total withdrawal since asserted that tboee who de- ported 97 arresto and three Inju- S ,! J , ***®***®*^ •** *®®*** “ »*** ^ «* * «- ‘ sharp In manufacturing, finan­ to the East. they have no intention of giving strayed property and battled po- ries after clashing with a down-^ une of the speakers, intro- He said “No." cial and administrative categor­ Compact and duced as retired Anny Brig. Tet after Mulvey’s ruling. L oan F o r up all thedr territorial gains. Uce had not been Involved in town crowd that culvocated dis­ We Sugges^-BETTBR ORDER EARLY! ies, at 28, 21 and. 19 per cent re­ their demonstrations. rupting businesses "profiting **“*** ®‘ **®®*®*'' 6®clarea Seale’s attorney, Charles R. Free Delivery—Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere! J/ spectively. The general manage­ Lightweiglit Lockheed Stores 'were looted as dark­ fromnom the Indochina vw a r." <*®®*"®<* **‘®t *»® *"^®**K* ment category, showed no gain. About 10,000 attended a miiy **■„* gveateet tragedy. call Miss Young as his own Marketing and International Public Re lords ness feU. F ires engulfed on I know you cannot win a witness, and the Judge allowed WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ abandoned warefanuse and other In New York City’ s (Bryant were off 8 and 9 per cent, and ON A ll WINTER CLOTHES Park. An estimated 80,000 per- J^®” y®** ®*^ fighting her to be questioned, dent Nixon asked OoiDgreas to ­ B elea seof Pendens commercial buildings and tene- PARK HILL-JOYCE > the technical area remained de­ HO ilMIT Solid-State day to provide a |280 million _ ___ sons sImUariy protested in Goto- ^ people,” Heetor de- Earner Wednesday, a yotwg pressed at minus 28 per cMit, PARKADE CLEANERS Cassette model 108 — plays on batteries or Savings Bank Manchester merits, many of them aban- v__ tama 018100. msu who soid he was a Black loan guarantee to keep Lock- against'Danile ber 1969. obviously reflecting the contin- WEST MIDDLE TliRNPIK on AC with optional adaptor. Included are: PurceU et al. doned. The 'violence'and most of I fought In Wortd War I, Panther “trainee" at the time Function Keys and Record button. Level heed Aircraft Corp. from col- A Central Park demonstration ited slow pace of aerospace end PORTABLE the fires bad been brought un­ M ^d War n and the Korean of RackleYs death teaUfled that FLOWER SHOP i Meter, Battery indicator, AuxUlary input lapslng because of soaring costs U eenses der control by midnight. by 2,000 high Bcbooi pupils end­ electronics. ed when fighting brake out as police action. As I look back he returned to the locel party Jack, plus cMivenlent carrying case with on a Jet airline program. George F. Wales, 91 Goodwin At 2 a.m., poUce rqxirted Now that the worst may be shoulder strap. It measures an easy-to- St. on It, I’m not certain I should headquarters after a ^>eech by "YOUR MAIN STTIEET FLORIST" ^ Secretary o f the ’TrealiUry ______have been In atay of them,” Hes- Seale at Yale University - The shooting occurred near the University of Oregon threw "*®*® ending the war in texio- the headquartere at 11:20 p.m., changes, a more realistic, less Liggetts the spot where Patrolman Steve rocks and bottles, breaking the ®*™® ***®*» “"Yent. a Uttle more than one hour be- romantic view of themselves Give your children the wonder­ Size! Pricsl lAJlsa had been allot more than 'window of a fire truck that had , ** would be very easy tor tore Sams claims to have heard airbus program. £L“ Spencer r*.£s.”“St.. (660,000. “ and their Jobs. At The Paritade Anniversary ful cultural advantagjB that •«. . Servlcet Sign of Hartford for three h ow earlier by a man vainly attempted late Wednes- ***® *® *** ^®iy ®*id to be here Seale order Rackley killed, COSTdM KITCHEN CENTER Some were bitter. " I -will nev­ RPA-10, only «6.95 wielding a Shotgun. He was tak- day night to extingulata a bonfire *®day,’’ he said. "We’ve been Seale has denied giving such MANCHESTER P ric e d comes from living with the . J^ L ***'® *^ got Into National Stores, decreasing er try to get a job as such world’s beautiful music.... Mag­ eopardy w b» soaring co ^ ®o gigg of sign and changing mes- en to Brookdale Hoqdtal CSenter outside the campus ROTO build- **®** ®® many times before . . . orders or entering the apail- again. I have seen the light. I where his oondltion was reporL ing. *n*t the war and the kUlliv go mmt. OFFEl^ THIS SPECIAL— nificently re-created in your ^ ***®, 1"*“**® J®* sage from Blrst National Store have gone Into my own busl- f^ ed JR p U s R oyce U d. Into re- ptNAST, 297 B , Center Bt., ed as fair. ' Eiariler police using tear gas Gauthier said, however, that NOW ONLY home by a Magnavox Astro, ^nic Stereo FM/AM radio- RPA-11, only $7.95 celvership. (700. te another incident, police repelled 280 demonstrators who Ih Hartford, about 800 persons he stopped briefly on his way 12 FT. KITCHEN CABINETS OoonoUy said altowlng the *‘]?innklln C. Bleld, installing ^*® t*>® «»«• w hU ectoi^ n^edished Onthe building. gathered at noon on the Capitol back from the speech to allow p h on os^ p h . RPA-20, only $9.95 company to go into bankruptcy bath and two exits at 4B( N. some “ young pecqile who hSd ’fbree burtoads - ~of Iowa liigh- lawn to hear q>eeches 1^ Demo- one of the passengers in his car would have an enormous Impdct Main St, (800. lobbed rocks and bottles at way patrolmen and. police in cratic Reps. living J. Stolberg to buy Ice cream. He was not FOR ONLY on the U.S. economy. He said it Irene ’ . A. Blssett, stockade them. Iowa City arrested p4 of 800 ®f New Haven and Joseph 8. asked bow long the stop lasted. would have a substantial Impact fence at SS BUyeu Rd., (200. Police helicopters circled marchers after windows were Coatsworth of Cromwell. When he arrived at the Pan- CONNECTICUT SALVAGE CO. Gin on funds flowing tato the trW ‘“ llt^ r Jr.’stoSade “*® 440 HILLIARD ST. (eer. Adami) REGINA ury due to the lack of Jobs and fence at Oakland St., (128. .. MAMCHESTER. CONN. CENTER the bankruptcy of a Wg Indus- brands J. DrlscdU for Thomas A*«“®“ SMALL APPLIANCE Phon* 647-7712 - Blanchard, praJecOng sign at ^ P .P*®®®».« apparatus. ELECTRIKBROOM However, there may be sub- -n-p),, m a q 60 ot them from ()ue«is and HI,NEIGHBOR! CENERAL UEaR IC LADY SCHICK rtan^ oppoBltion in Congress gdirmann’aid Rohner tec. ured in the "2-SPEED" to the idea of a federal loan f^, wereer Carminske, garage ***®«™®*'- M A Ki-U P HAIR **;!?’^ ® f* ® ® -^ , at 480 Gardner St., (2,000. OSTER HEAVY-DUTY MOTOV Bankers have already put up ______This week my wife MIRROR RYER (480 million In loans fo r the Most 'Wat«r in Glaciers went to visit her 9-SPEED BLENDER Tristar project, but have re- Cars Equipped Befter parents and left me C«y.«ki» itaMn itMl ' hised to go any further without ANCHORAOE, Alaska—About H#at three-fourths of the fresh water With a huge list of g6vernment backing, Coimally DEhUbBORN, liQch.—Passeng- “DON'TS” to ob­ and coid mMwt &ed cars in 1969, 428 ed chances for passage of the with about 90 pe'Tcenr,| a^O H E O T E R , CONN.. THURSPAY, MAY 6, 1971 THURSDAY, MAY 6, 197i THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1«71 Pages 17 to 32 pACffl s n c n s N iuiy way what you are prepared neous policies, there will be no roua, shelling tactics aimed at last weMc’a session on a settle­ to do regarding the withdrawal ch o ice tor the Vietnamese peo­ massacring the civilian popula­ ment. Which would permit “all of North Vietnamese feroeSj ple but to continue its struggle W e e k e n d tio n ." military men to return to their then tt wlU be only too clear in the poUUcal, • military and 'National Honor' Verplanck PTA Dedication May 15 Five rockets lanted in Da. h om es.’ ’ Pupils at Lincoln School once again that it is your side diplomatic fields.’’ . t ■ J ' Nang an hour before mldnlght- Bruce said if North Vietnam Truces Set —not ours—that prevents pro­ Both Thuy and Mrs. Blnh re­ Elects Tuesday One of ilM 100-pounden UBed a wants to maintain the fiction ferred to the “repression’’ of Kennedy Among Top Ten At M ayfair Gardens that It has no troops in South gress on this key issue." Continue Ecology Project woman and her five children. , peace demonstrations In the Verplanck School PTA will Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos, Bruce fortnally placed qn the The Rev. Felix M. Davis, I n V ie tn a m Four houses were deatroyed 'and United States...... Program details for the dedi­ “we will not debate the point— conference record. (President Public Works Officials hold its final meeting of the Lincoln School is continuing Nathan Joy, school principal, pastor of Second Congregation­ two trucks heavily damaged. “ Nbeon Is sUfUng the aH>lra- cation of 'Mayfair Oarens werb provided these forcea cease Nixon’s “great satisfaction’’ school year Tuesday at 7 :S0 tU ecology project which today, al Church, will trffer the 'Pray­ (Oonttimed from Page One) The wounded Included 14 civU- tlcns lor peace of the American set last night at the bi-monthly being tUqre and we have reli­ over the Swedish government’s Everett R. Kennedy Jr. for­ brought some criticism from ^ er of Dedication. The Rev. lana and three soldiers. people," Mrs. Blnh declared,” p.m. in the school auditorium. meeting of the Manchester gon’a 24-hour cease-fire next able assurances that they will reported readiness to provide merly of Manchester, has won three parents at Tuesday’s Housing Authority. J<^ J, Delaney, pastor of St. The Saigon government ., . and is waging war not only Election of officers will be w eekend. diarged earlier Wednesday that not return. Swedish ships to take prisoners national recognition 'from the Board ]l!c- Paas, director of general serv- sons. Hie students had a guest housing for the elderly. ing, at least half of them by air several military InstaBationa, lOH Is a non-profit, volun­ be moved Indoors. Atty. Vin­ dent of the Ommecticut Guild of tentions in this regard, either forces in Vietnam Indefinitely.’’ tive, recognizing outstanding ices, the contract will probably speaker, Robert Kelly of Good- strikes. including a Mg air base, and is DENVER^rlssly bears vpay teer organization that was cent Diana, MHA chairman, Though the three Manchester Prescription Opticians. here or In any meeting udiere He said Hanoi will continue to service by pubUs woiks IK- be spilt among more than one y,),] state Park, and several One South Vietnamese was the headquarters of South Viet­ in color from tan to black. The . started more than 16 years ago will provide. developments administered by Reale is presently serving on discussion might be conducted “show all the good will neces­ ftcia ls. of the bidders, but no decision classroom activities, killed €Uid six were wounded, nam’s 1st llllitaiy Region. *ihe longest hairs at the coed are and la still conducted by high State Comptroller Nathan O. the MHA total 278 units, there sary to settle the conflict rapid­ can be made until the bids are three classes of the board of the Commission said a spokesman, Lt. Col. Do Russian 182mm rockets used In fruitfully. often sUver-Opped, giving rise Among tire other award win- school students.' Swimming Agostinelli, Manchester’s fw- are presently. S3 qualified ap­ “If, on the other hand, you ly and peacefully . . . but If Nix­ received. It is not clear wheth- » of Opticians for the State of V iet. the attack Wednesday night are to the name, “Old aivertlp.’’ nen this year are such men as classes for handicapped chll- mer mayor until his electltm to plicants on its waiting lists. Connecticut. He is a member persist in refusing to indicate in on refuses to abandon Ms erro­ Everett R. Kermedy Jr. er some of the materials quot- * “ “ S “ The U.S. Command an­ “area type" weapons which Ellis L. Armstrong, commis- dren are held every Sunday af- the state post las^ fall, will be Chairman Diana reported ed to some of the bids meet the “P of the board of directors for nounced 38 American service­ cannot be aimed with precision. stoner for tte U.^ Depar^tot electrically measures temoon. October through May. the main speaker. that HUD has aj^roved releas­ the Ocmnectlcut Opticians As­ specifications of the contract. P®*'’' taking pictures ’^ey men were killed In action last South Vietnamese headquar^ oi the Interior’s B u ^ of Re- partteulate content at the Manchester High School Of the two companies who wrote reports about wtot they Mayor James F. Farr will ing $89,000 o f the $118,000 being sociation and acts as legislative clamation; t nAn/ijif mw— i- ~ week, another 21 iwevlously list­ ters also reported government i bid e. , . , For Antidrug Programs near the town of Kandol Chrum, tostructor to public works ad- Chester High 'School to 1941 and . « v . « South Vietnamese <^>en to at­ lenlstraUon fo r the Inter- woiked briefly with Pratt ft ^ Manchester Chapter, fered 17 item s fo r $8,760. The °"® f 100 m iles northw est o f Saigon. e by students for publication. tack. I SHOCK ABSORIERS • WNI L BEARINGS (Herald photo by Bucelvicips) sum of their individual prices " Mn. Paul Ojala has been Aerial observers “counted 60 national Oty Management As- W itney to Blast Hartford and Disabled American Veterans, to Is $9,466.64. Studies Center of the college. Guest speakers at tonight’s Petitions Filed Speaking ai the 112th weekly sociation and for the Institute with the J. W. Hole Go. before ceremonies at the VFW Home, named chairman of the Pro­ enemy, lying dead In the strike • COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEMS Ihe United States Pipe and initial meeting wiB be: Ronald sesslan of Vietnam peace talks of Public Service at the Upi- enlisting In the Army to 1942. Miss Louise Gopptog, past Cystic Fibrosis Treatment Tables To Be Donated gram Committee by Dr. Daniel area,’’ a communique said. Foundry Co. of East Orange, Kocuch, director of the Adult In Bankruptcy Bruce reiterated the U.S. pro­ verslty ter gunshlps killed fiv e ene­ more recently witti paper, glass its director of public works and ficial and of interest non Center M ddle School. Loan, Springfield, IRusa, and my soldiers In Svay Rleng Prov­ the Viet Gong’s idiief negotiator. MAIKHESICR tire. INC. CSiarles IHlrth, fla g b ea rer; inwj»i»HiihmMit o f an adult ed­ The American negotiator ex­ and metal. He has motiltored city engineer. she Usted debts of $1,000 and in ce 62 m iles southeast o f 295 BROAD ST. (OPPOM®E SEARS AUTOMOnVK) TEL- Mrs. Elizabeth Gauthier, ban- ucation course concerning drug $l,'7eo with the same firm. Phnom Penh, the VS. C om ­ pressed Interest, howsver. In a ner bearer; Mrs. Norrte, hoe- abuse will also be discussed. vQ^ iftiy worded hint dropped by iUMPLE FlffiE PARKING fill run-off and hete studied the public works to West Hart- WITH GIFTS FROM CALDOR! Trucks Sprinkle Hogs mand said. * pital and welfare, and mem­ This would be included in the Xuan Thuy, Hand’s envoy, at saH content to surface water ford, where he remained until bership chairman; 'Mrs. Step- m m y( Vernon Adult Evening SdKxd CHICAGO — Some trucks, Vietnam Victim Einemy rockets killed 11 South and to wells resulting from the accepting the Wellesley poet to ard, child welfare chairman; V ietn am ese civilians and program held at the high called “possum bellies,’’ have use of de-ictog chemicals on 1963. Hie town ia a suburb of Mrs. Miller, legislative chair­ wounded 17 other VlettK^eae in hlgtawsys. Boston. ______s d io o l. three levels and can haiil iO to WASHINGTON (AP) — ^pec. man; Miss Coi^tog, American- The coinmlttee will also con- 60 live steers or 100 calves In a 6 Christopher J. Nectle, a son Da Nang Wednesday nl^t. The “Under hla direction, tests He la married to the former J^n- Mni. CjSa^Btow, patriotic aider publication of educational Single load. Others, for hauling ot Mr. and Mrs. William R. attack was the foiuth shelling of were recently conducted on the Miss Jean Smith of West ingtni'ctor; and Mrs. Potter, South Vietnam’s second city in material to be made available up to 100 hogs, have sprinkling Neale of West Haven, ConU', CARFET AND Wellesley incinerator using a Hairen. They have three chll- publicity. ' _ two weeks and came seven to evMy houadtold in. Vernon equipment lor keeping the hofp has died in combat in the Indo­ new air pollution control device dren. hours after the Saigon govem- and the formulatloa of basic from becoming ov^eated china war, the. Defense D^iart- nioit accused HaaW. of “barbae Ideas on essays to be written dying. ment announced Wednesday. FLOOR COVERING

308 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER Jersey ^ P r o u d of Our Past Dedic.itcd lo Your Future ^ Proud of Our Past Dedicated to Your Future Tank Top Whether you want a WALL to WALL r Day, mfay 5 STATION WAGON, Again By Papular Request’— Cool acetate jersey that always looks SEDAN or SPORTSCAR . . . fresh. Color- 'jjsurujum TJVnk Ohdfud coordinated VALUES with pants C o M a q s iA below. 10-16. Nylon Stretch Pants 3 ROOM S Wiiituck Acrylic Poly and Arnel Leather or Vinyl your mother Cuffed O O Q White Cardigan Print Dresses Handbags Hot Pants...... e 3^ love* yo u and for that little extra touch WALL TO WALL no The Most Luxurious Chocolates In The Jamaica Q n o matter World — FLORA MIR what Tastefully Gift Boxed to go with your Pullon ct G O Flowers from For mother! Beautiful sweater to CARPET wear with anything. Washable. Sizes 34 to '10. 100% NYU>N Also 42 to 46 . . . 9.99 .95 PAUL BUETTNER I Up TV> V Horist Inc. 288 sq. ft. 1122 BURNSIDE AVE. BKB iE 'S t w o c o m p a n i o n g r e a t s b o t h m a d e o f d o t o o t BIG HUG EAST HARTFORD, CONN. 6010 N M jON PIM3, 0(NE OiP THE FINEST CARPET FIBERS MADE 528-5009 — 289-8936 Tour ebdee Includea at no additional cost to you, compide. SPECIAL custom iteckless installation over our own padding. Available in both 12’ and 16’ wldttiB. a DuPont 601® n^bn hl-Iow swirl te x tt^ pile. In 7 beauU- help ful oolois. • DuPont 601® nylon hl-low swirl textured sheared pile. In Canvas step-in with 7 stunning colon. Deep moss, Grecian gold. Golden Bronze, soft terry lining, foam Suunrock, Red, Beige and Blue. „ „ . cushions innersole. Our LOAN RATES are Convenient Terma — Take Up To 8 Y ean To Payl Colors. Canvas sling pump. (;eneral Electric Black or white; Many Types of beige or print. Foam (iift Scarves Manicure Set cu^ioned innersole. 2.47 LOWER than Ever! CERAIIHC Amwlniig OoegtlMn Floral Arrangements and Blouses All Choice Flowers SHINYL VINYL from 8.00 - 10.00 • 12.50 4.99 & 5.99 12.97 BiTTHINKNIi Compact power handle, 5-attach­ 646-1700 Acetate jerseys and crepe. Pea­ Square or oblongs. Geometries, New! INLAID ments. Ileige and white case. sants, tailored - all perfect top­ polka dots, solids, (iive Mother a MSI Crinkle It costs 80 Uttie to A BO ping! Solids, prints 34 to 40. colorful scarf! J^Ask_clerk_for_detail^^^^^^^_ Main Office, Parkade, North End and Bolton Notch Offices Open Sot. till Noon K tests a Bfctime. Dion’t atfttie LINOLEUM Stretch Btitutea. Nothinfir th# Style Ske i Leather, Fabric Belts Fabric (iift (iloves Vinyl Jewel Boxes Boots c m A m c T H e . INSTALLED IN KiTCBEN 2 0 % Reg. 3.99 - 5.99 Reg. 5.99 - 8(99 UP TO »zl2 OFF Great selection! Many Nylons and cottons in Special group of attrac­ ALX. NYLON stretch, macranie short and long styles. tive jewel boxes, Won­ -I 9.70 suedes, cowhides. White, bone and colors. derful colors! S avin g s B a n k ^ o f M a n c h e s t e r BRAIDED RUGS ON ALL CASH * CARRY PLANTS 3.77 5.55 Wet Look stretch boot * 1 1 9 * * Mums, Azaleas. Gardenias. Rose Bushes to enjoy all season k,t^. n tW it t, m . « ( B H t' I n Senate **"643^7369 Annual Concert tag*. Formarty under Brtttdi «■ - Guest Pianist WASHUtOTOrt arlH be May » aad ata------the Boan-paaaed MD r.ilending' Laurel Music Camp scholar­ Brood Street, Manchester ooBveaed aradnaa were reveal- Amto arlB be takea evecywhecc Peter Vemaa Bedtcr, M, at Y ou n g G O P Ite drdt another two yean ships. ALSO ed to the preaa alter Deeads by bam. Ihe etchih srade taaCb- M Waaaoke Bd.. chaqidd wMh Miss Fitch at 95 still practices Harvey, tam O y MCe program rooaa patty wffl he Mmy tJ ; the adaaae ct mathcr pldtaa, aad w an t atart ladU next wertc. But PROSPECT AVE. AND KANE ST., WEST HARTFORD it m ay la d noUl weU into June. the plaho dally after begflnning teacher, had beea aofified ». wrttiag ct Improper worda on *- »» tohi *. betwecd her tatrattco badteca who oppoae T to TABS I tavain- toe MoGovera-Hatfleld amend-, piano students for more than P- V«r» W«cwm- •nirrnmred late laddp The atiategy at wUhdraariog David Gwathemy Jewltt, tenor, Bruce Hannifin, aettiar vice yy oourae and ao voted. KeUa told anoiher^atatt® ^ A1|dioeiaf t B em by roO- p ——„m ooenmander; James C. Bayhm, nkoOcn by Hadigtan wacon would be needed and ^ ^ poiked ear behaigiBg to be mnitofted la urar tamla and extending the of Newtown; and Miss Janet D. C. tor ^Ihree draft in the aame MU has anoth- Peck and Miss Holly Urbanet- pmtor vice commander; Wea- ^ aeoanded by Mxa. Joanne added that anciher wagon jg g o n A K . Goaaeltn c t Starea. g toe uualh ct er advantage. Senate approval tl, students at Hartt College of Jey BuUe^ cfaapUia; Waller A Armstrong that the course be rm a^ ly d ^ to the ------anm* SW yontla from mild vim^nv Music at the University of VonHorn, treasurer; Henry T. termfaiaied fanmediatety and tvfhnlral toh^ A arrttten warnhag tor faUow- Oomaectteut wSU be to to tak/^Tw!^ m withdrawirw Hartford, who will sing several Bonjko, officer ol the day; J<^ ^ „ ^otod.*- , “ <*•? fag too eloaeiy wa. faaued ytw ^ S W w S fa Series Mon-Duct Hood selections. aepb mchatid, aeigeart-^ i^mt winter eompiafats about being run on buaes. terd^ afienoon at #:t» to aurieg the taten leroi.m ,*—« V-34 Fan The Chaminade Chorus un­ a rm *: aad JosejAi Bonjko, the peogiam came to the The board voted to mdlniie Bicbard J. Sehenkmaa ot 1174 They wlU paxildpate fa eon- i. der the direction of Mrs. De­ trurtee, board, aUhouSh to March participation fa Project Out- w. Middle T^ike. after a eo»- giyaeinnil eventa by ■rt*«Uin- A new pficsssttor by borah Benson will open the pro­ V tm H oot waa raappofated ,hoat » toewagen aad parenU doors but only at the origfanl id hgton on McMaU St. near the meetliga and woekfag fa the a^.itemne to Hmw NnTone — the V-84 gram with "Oantate Domino” *** ^ wllh the board to support hour, at a cort of two. wUbor Crom H W y b e b ^ ^ the congraan^ tenrton to one ^ taUed by two iy0€^4 by Hassler, "O Taste and See”' reappotated ad)utaal- Harvey. ------hfa car aad one driven by WU- The fnfl fvpenai of ttSO wfll ,mea. non-doct hood fan, for by 'Vaughn 'WlUtam, "M y Shep­ The newly etoctod com- Donald Thttle, board chair- Maarherter Ereatag BenU wm a . Taylor ot 141 W. Ver- be eontrthatod by the chib to tS 7 gpedaUxed instijlsr herd WiU Supply My Need,” maader nerved wtt the A «y man told thoae preaent at that Oelanelili rerrtepmdeto Vlr- non St nend one ynath. The program houmi—triple what^^ident and "AUeluia” by Thompson. from IStT until he retired In tions. Six hi«h fashion meeting that although Huvey glafa Oaelaaa, teL tyg-tct4. is a Don-partiaan one And wtU Nfacon had asked—tor incentives At the close of the concert they 1W7 aa a aeegeart firrt daas. OOMFLAIirTS__ ___ be ____ condneted by Oongrraamin__ to voluntary enlistment. The finishes with blendinsr will sing folk songs by Bartok He served tours of duty In atadenta now take piiyrtology fa POBcePoUce aay a npnfight waaw « broken f’***T'^Robert Stede aad U. *•8 . Sena- President has set a goal ot at- shades of trim. Hood, and by Brahms. Europe, the Phr Bart and premerteaJ .todies up Ttieaday Mgbt rt the Wdeto. to Itorea, aad haa raeeived the F ive-Y ear fa medical school. O n te ^ Arco Station on Oerter St. be- OortrtbnUcna tor the faten- motor and fOtor ele­ Army Oommendation Medal tor wto tween two men who claimed aMp Program are now befag *^™ **^“ ments in one omnpact new program, ptaynoiogy win . fav The draft package aUows the Man Banished merltorfaa aervlce. M ed D egree be taught aa one coune. ownerrtrfp ct tme c*r. prertdert to rtudent de- unit ready fo r jdutr-in A fretiiman fa the program Town Oommtttee. t a m ^ aad requires conaden- installation on walls or From Bay State Rennie Davis. Is Studied win study human anatomy. mLntag ^Slrtedto rfc TO ob jector, to suhatfaite under cabinetB. Char­ I a fifth-year senior wlU have pW- botttoa ot D w nO CTatS P la n three year, ot ctvtUan service On Drugs Count By BDOfl MOBOAH loaophy ot ethics aa a required .nd a cart box from s t o aDl_C?1 wotk. Present law coal Hlto* installed to Hoffman AJm ARBOR. Mich. (AI») - coarse, ptes elective ooursea fa .« n ... Rvd P la n t. IS a k e S a le requires two yeara' aervioe. absorb cooldnir odors; NANTUCKEyr, Maas. (AP) — Stodarta can go from Ugh the Uberal arts. Fating Oo If McGovern and Hatfield aluminum mesh grease A lifetime banishment from this achool tfarougb medical aehool "Society needa phyMciana ^ gt. a window on the The Democratic Women’s aUck wUh thdr current plan, Island off Cape Cod and from Arrested fa Just fire yean under a pUo* who are able to attack problems gg warn Chib ot Manrtiertrr wiU con- tiieir ptxiposal probably would filter is two square Massachusetts has been Im­ program be^ devlaed at the urtig the tertmiquea ot the bu- ^ duct Its pfant h.v. be 'rtf Tajnrd tmtii the Senate feet mounted for each posed by Judge Felix Forte on « tram Pas* One) Uiiiveralty ot Michigan. manlata aa weU aa those ot the ______sale Saturday atartiqg at JX a.m. works its way through a series quick cleaning. George Harrington, who plead­ Ordfaartly it takes eigbt years actonttala," Deafuth aaid in a Sometime Theacfay Mgbt a in toont ot Cfiftotd'e Men’s Shop ot other amendments to the ed guilty to narcotic charges. Gown and m * ^ mMt jtm r * c t undergraduate written deacription at the new ^ar paiked In a Gtonwood St. xad Raatiff Anna Oo. on Main draft measure. CtHue in out of the dull... Harrington, former owner of a — work and tour yean at medical program. driveway waa entered and a Bt. ‘Tbeae Include proposals by place where many of the Is­ re ta in , m nd tarr “ hoot—to beeome a pfayrtefaa. ’The ’apartheid’ ot the medt- tape deck was stolen frtxn it. A vartety of bedding and pot- Sena Richard 8 . Sebweiker. K- look in ’* »»edfaal achool and Ubernl sheltered atiidenfa who are fre- attempt waa made to enter the and aalvfa, wtU be on aale. The one year; Hattleld’B ail-vofam- In addition to the banishment. aren’t coinr to waive anythiirt. colleges are ready to go quentiy unriUfag or unable to anack stand at the little league baked goods win range from teer army plan, and another Judge Forte g;ave Harrington a They fiyt naad lory Tdeward with a program wlilcb see medical proUema fa the field near Waddell fichooL cakes for Mother’s Day to Scfawelker-Hughes amcaidment suspended sentence of 2% years l^ five yaaia That's what 'we comMnas premedical and madl- perspective ct society,’’ be said. i ------bteada. to lower the $2.7 HIHon in mill- In jail and assessed him $7,000 call due proceaa," atuAes. The Natfanal Thatttiitea of Teaterday afternoon aomeone Plaiita wm not^be delivered taiy pay booots voted by the In court costs, the largest such A. Flowing double skirted nylon In to —*'«««g the A tow milveratUea have re- Health approved the grant laat fired a B8 through a Itvfag but may be ordered in od- House, costs for drug law violations In gown with scoop neckline, cap grand jury to act on the cbaigca duert the number of yeara to month. The program also has room window at a Sycamore vance by contacting Mix. FTank iq addition, Sen. Mike Gravel, a . p i - t o l the area’s history. against Davia and Prtitoee, the •**, said Dr, George B, Dedfiitb, been approved by the medical Lone home. Plach, 71 tttxnt Rd.; ^ Bbx. D-Alapka. an opponent of both E’orte emphasized that the sleeve, lace applique trim. Dress Parade! governmant probably xrin sert aaaoclrte dean tor acadende af- school faculty and by the execu------Frank Ruff, 152 Cooper the war and the draft, has an- $7,000 was In court costs and Sizes S-M-L. Aqua, lilac, Maize. indictments »g.H«w other de- fain at the Medical School. Uve committee of the untverti- C orreiil* Unnsoal ftilltvan, M Finley oounced be will lead a flUburter UGHT & SUPPLY CO. that the money -would go to the Justice aouTcea said. However, be aaid, many have ty^a CoUege of literature, Sci- * *-; Mrs. Francis Mahoi^ , 11 prevent Senate action on the county, not to the state. B. Culotte drama in black or When John W. Huabeb, chief achlevad the speed-up "by ence and the Arts. ISTANBUL — The Bfack Sea HamUn Mix. John O ra^ Seieettve Service exlention be- 200 Locust St., Hartford, Connecticut Harrington and Edward Per­ pretty pastels. Nylon tricot. apokemtoMU to r Justice, first an- comprrrtlon and compaction at Dr, John A. OronvaU, dean o t drains nearly a quarter ot the Oanteihury St; Ifea Chartea jo^ seeking to allow ry, vdio was arrested with him Full flare legs and flattering, nounced Davis’ arrest, he told the pcxmedical portion of the the medical school, said SO surface of Europe, and the iM Oak Bt.; aua WI^ ^raft authority to die. TdL: 527-8115 Aug. 20, both changed pleas of lace bodice. S-M-L. reportera Davia xraa accused ct education, usually at the ex bright high school atadenta will fresh water sets up imuMi.i **“ “ MrtMrtby, 2 Ha^natart ifcCkwem-Hattleld aponsora Mon. thru Frt. » to 4:80; Sat. 9 tUl 8 Innocent to guilty of charges of "con^itfag xrtth David Delfin- penae ot the Immanltiea and the be selected tor the firat class, currenU. In the upper levels, to have Foreign Re­ furnishing and possessing nar­ A. Lovely linen-textured print skimmer with ger and othera" to dlan^ uberal arts." atartiiv in Uie foU ot U 72. fresh water flows outward Haclim i^.k St.; rt_Mra. Then- jgO oea Committee approval at dore Btlndamoar, 9 Dover Rd. cotics. sheer voile sleeves, barrel cuffs. Rayon and f f 9 7 capital. He later explalnad thht •UtzrUla, 1 TOLLAND TURHPIKE MANCHESTER/VERNON TOWN LINS KAZI Zoost i««f ”21'*•*'’ *"* itottn u M , Rltbln and Hayden HOf f«*tr»ml HOT Knhkii Others from 4.58 to 5.78 guiltjr o f actually crosrtig Mate titffortf tpriii*—MaiibotliP ~5Iiindiz$ • J 9 9 WoHommUp m 4 iMtaUatiaa. OPEN 7 DAYS 649-2623 - 643-S117 OotN Sun. * Timti. Till 1 A.M* 9 9 ^ Hnee to Inelle a riot. Frolnea ^ Z iT a Sot. TIM J A.M. Perfect tops for pants and skirts! Gor­ and Weiner were found iwioewit 684-8066 646-6666 Sot., Sun., Mon. 9 A.M . to 5:30 P.M. Tues., Wed., Thun., Fri. 9 A.M . to 8 P.M. "OkV »t or tot out uytking on nor mono , geous acetate prints in jac or button-front Sheer from waist to toe. Beige, cinnamon, coffee, zTozaz 429-6429 . shirt styles, screen printed jewel neck Sizes S-M-L white. IX to 4X. MamMt Zhozztafl i (ZH. 44A - Now Ztn. IM N ot Tn A * fl) shells, more! Sizes 32 to 38 and 40 to 44. Use Your CA,P. or Master Charge Card


Parker SL; ‘t’tdlip Sherman. Cathedral Dedication South Windsor Nader Oaims Manchester West Hartford; Mrs. Joan W. Two More Bombs Rattle SplUi, 88 W oodU ad 8t .; M ar- Loophole In Hospital Notes gery Strange, 18 Brimn Rd., From Your ANRCJob South Windsor; Thomas. M. California Installations Smog Controls lisriTNO BOCAS Pickets Puncture Pageantry Sullivan. Vnndsor Locks. Described and blew out about 200 o f the liiieTiiinllilii Care SeM- Also, Lyhn M. Taggart, 680 he said the archdiocese spends San Francisco ArchMshop Jo­ LOS ANGELAS (AJP) — CaU- WASHINGTaN (AP) — Con­ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Neighbor’s Kitchen buildings windows, arson inves­ pdvate, noon - 2 p.m ., and 4 W. Middle Tpke.: Ferdinand many millions of dollars each seph T. McGucken said his first waa hit with two more sumer advocate Ralph Nader p.m. - 8 p-m.; private rooma, Tlesing, Windsor Locks. With pageantry mindful of me­ reaction to the design was tigators said. There was no fire. dieval times, a qiectacularly year for charity. By Futtner txnnbings today, one knocking has charged that automobile 18 a-m. - t p.m ., aad 4 p-m. • 8 BIRTHB YESTERtoAY: A son "fright,” but Us misgivings Several other tank cars, also modem new |8 million Roman Msgr. Bowe added, “If the out a rural power cubstallon emission standards proposed by p-ita. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sooth, gave way to enthusiasm. Today empty, on the siding were not Catholic cathedral was dedicat­ cathedral had not been built, By VIVIAN F. FERGUSON (Recently appolidad State the Elnvironmental Protection Fedlatrica: Pareata allowed 162 C harter Oak S L ; a daugh­ he says, “It is a statement of near San Joae, the other csuuing dam aged. ed in San Francisco wliUe pick­ and the building fund had been "Does Natasha Fergiison Uve Deputy Commissioner of Agency wtwld permit' cars to any time except aoon - 2 p .m .; ter to Mr. and Mrs. Gary the presence of God In our , minor damage at an East Loa 'Ihe sheriff's department had em it m ore than tw ice a s mOcfa ets protested that > the money spent for bread, what would we here?” It was breakfast time on Agriculture and Natural Re­ othera, 2 p.m . - 8 p.m. Kaufmann, 08B Sycamore m idst.” sources Fenton P.- FHittner out­ Angeles refinery. no immediate comment on smog-producing hydrocarbons BeU Service: 18 a.m . ■ 2 p .m .; Lane; a son to Mr. and Mrs. should have been qienl to help have today but poor people who the weekend. The back doorbell The building is the tUrd Scm lined the functions of his de­ There were no Injuries. whether the blast was connected as Ccngress intended Frank A. Johnson' Jr/ Stafford the poor. are still hungry?” had rung. I left the bacon siz­ 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Francisco .cathedral in 117 years partment to the Women’s Re­ only hours earlier, Wednesday to last week's bombings of two In comments submitted Tues­ latearive Care and Cowomdry Springs; a daughter to Mr. and The vaulting structure, vriiicji Principal concelebrant for the zling in the fry pan. Two eager Bank of America branches, a.^ and replaces a 72-year-old build­ publican Club of Soutii Windsor night, a fire bomb was tossed at day to EPA administrator Wil­ Cara: Immediate family only, Mrs. Michael Gilbert, Laurwood has been compared to the shape dedication Mass was the Rev. UtUe boys w ere look in g fo r our ing wUch was destroyed by fire at Its annual gourmet dinner. the front of a bookstore In Chi­ supermarket and a furniture liam D. Ruckelshaus, Nader any time, limited to five min- Dr., Bolton; a son to Mr. and of an agitator of a washing ma­ husky dog—the one who licks Luigi Ralmonl, apostolic dele­ He told the group that co, near Sacramento, but it store in the Lr a "quickie” dinner, heat We have been eating a good proof serving dish with melted Glansanti, Wolf, and Jay FOOD BAB OPEN THROUGHOUT THE SHOW outside Interest,' and are very IIHE ftV MIY A CAR! I one can of condensed clream of suance of the nation’s first deal of fresh asparagus lately, butter. Then, arrange aspara- Bear. I chicken soup with one cup of eight-cent commemorative post­ General Admission $1.26 (aU stogies) but with this ad 2 heq^y. My daughter Leigh says I gua in dish with tips all facing Silver giiyar arrowsan went to Tom I diced cooked ham. Serve on age stamp. It will honor Mis­ admissions for $2.00, State Tax Included. “With five children, I am should give you my recipe, one way. Sprinkle with freshly ______.UCa souri’s 160 years of statehood. Martin, Peter Carlson and CAICKEAlEGlMARENn^ ■ toast or potatoes. forced to Iron, but If I had my First of all, don’t buy Ump grated parmesan cheero or Bradshaw; gold arrows to Whirlpool druthers, I’d druther do some­ stalks. Watch the way It’s hand- American cheese. "7 John ()uigley, Gary Rose, Jay thing else. I love to cook. The led on the way home — you , American cheese compi^iy Kevin Evans, Wayne soup Is my own recipe. I want­ dMi’t want to break off those over stalks. Grated ch e^ Romeo, (David Riley and Ralph ed something nouitohtog hut my G *aN &-lANr 30"ELECTRIC RANGE precious .tips. Wash in cold may then also be a^ed. D « Glansanti. HiaiTE kids don't like onions and car­ water, then snap oM the tough- with more butter If d e^ d . Two-year pins went to Jon rots. You get all the goodness er bottom end of each stalk. Heat In 360 oven until cheese Kirkpatrick, Larry Daigle, and out at the vegetables in the sim­ The French advocate steam- Is melted. (Michael Finnegan, m ans 2 S « . mering and then they are re- tog bimches of the vegetable Remember — the real secret The following VWebelos earn­ mioved. The chikdren call It upright in a special steamer — 2 ba y lea ves troversy surrounding the legal LIVE MAINE It costs only: 30% Off! 30% Off! Saute onion and curry powder services program,” Mondale together In butter until soft. 1967 PLYMOUTH Caldorio already low price Caldoria already low price said, “has been the Independ­ Caldorio already low price Xxld last three ingredients to ence’ of lawyers -serving the P«ry III Sta. and cook Ughtiy for five WagoiL p oor. L0BSTERS*1.S9. avto.g wt, Pig 14 K G old 14 K Genuine Hand 14 K Gold Bangles minutes longer. Oool, add meat, “If these lawyers are not free Air cawa.g * 1 7 9 5 and marinate for 2-3 days. Use from all poUticial pressures, If 0 0 - Diamond Jew elry Carved Cameos & Charm Bracelets for shlsh kebab. • they cannot represent their 1965 CHRYSLER Mr*. Mary Stewart of Man- Our Reg. 10.99 ...... clients without Interference Our Reg. 87.50...... Now 61.25 Our Reg. 29.97...... Now 19.97 Now 7.70 cheater Is Mary Beth’s mother. W CamartWa. from vested Interests, then legal 8t, as, MIy Our Reg. 100.50 Now 70.35 Our Reg. 49.97...... Now 32.97 Our Reg. 29.95...... Now 20.97 She Is soloist for the First Pres­ » 2 0 8 services for the poor Is a sham, agalagil. $ 8 9 5 Our Reg. $45...... N o w i3 1 .5 0 byterian Church of Ha^ort. Rings, earrings, pendants, wed­ Wide selection of styles — such a xLry Beth sings, too, with the he said. Many,' many styles to choose The Nixon plan provides no IMS poniic ding bands, cocktail rings, lovely gift! Gift boxed. Styles chorus of the Chamlnade’ Club. VMtvni watches, etc. ___ from! Her .sister is Mrs. Heather assurance, he said, that the pre- t*Ooor Hi sidentially ^ipolnted board PS. P i, . Donohue! The family came to tap, Mt*. would “represent legal services U isin m QUANTIIT ABBIVINO 3IHDB8DAT MIGBl! matk. »<1695 Mhnchester In 1M2. “I consider myself a native of ^ this town of constituent groups—the or­ Sale Thurs. thru Sat. ganized bar, legal-service law­ 67 PONTIAC Manchester, even though I wasn’t born HIGHLAND PARK MARKET ’ here,” says Mary Beth. yers and the poor. Bonneville 4-Dr. Potterton Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. The doctor to r whom Mary Mondale said he fear* the ad- - 8l7.IOghIaiid.St,.Mancbeater—,Fha(ie.6M4a77 . HT. PS, PB,Alr q lfV f OPEN TONH9HT TO 9 P.M. 130 CENHR SHMST 1145 Tolland Tpke. Sa^. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Beth works is one of the fow- ministratiiHi plan would be too runnera to the State of Oooneott- restrictive by limiting suits MANtJHESrfeR EVENING HERALD. MANC^STER, CONN.. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-THREE 1

PAGE TWENTY-TWO Tolland County Politics And we intend to keep manufac­ To Use Computer School Menus Tissue Firms Say Sales turing and selling them because MIAMI — Commissioned re­ we believe toey are safe,” a cently at Miami was toe ${ LOAM Yale Strike Supporters {qpokesman for lOmberly-Clark milUon, 2,80O-t(Hi oceangrephlc Mud Slide Victims Mrs. Wexler To Discuss Hie cafeteria menu for Man­ Unhurt by Dye Controversy TAB. GAXEB* ^ NOW OPEN ... d says. survey ship Researcher, fitted chester public schools May 10- “Based on evidence from our with a $750,000 advanced data -B r CLAY R. POLLAli- UBKA Told to Avoid Violence 14: By UNDA RUBEY “Most of the dyes are blode FOR SALE Democrats’ Rule Changes own research and that of others acquisition^ system. Hie sys- y t * Yoor Doi7y AcHyity Go(d» HEPCO f Monday; Pork and gravy on AP Businese Writer gradable and while toey use up 'f jAccording io lha S ta n . NEPK' 'h a v e n (AP) — N e^ had a favorable and powerful j we believe cdored tissue prod- tern’s heart la a computer with Glued to TV Sets Sf;”H By BETTE QUATBAUE party structure which could oc- mashed potato, buttered green To develop message for Fridoy, UaUons betweep Yale Unlver- effrot.^^^ ^ ^ , NEW ~ Makers ^ th«v*di«pomMa?Bo do no ad- a capacity cf 100,000 arithmetic r\S-12-23-M 5-15.2647/' ' (Herald Reporter) cur as the result o t toe conven- beans, bread, butter, milk, ap­ rf color^ ti^es ^y s^es i,™, verse affect on too environment, calculations per seciHid. Hie *20 6-Yanl Load rood words corresponding to numbers »-4(X1-9QV L/y-dJ-TMe sity and a union n^resentbig ^ ^ ,g„g and !• Uberal Democrats from Tol- Uon’s declstons. ple crisp. haven’t been hurt by ^ m s toe chem l^ Z ^oi^^J^vs We don’t Intend to discontinue system will bo able to record ofvourZodloc birth sign. SCOBPK) — featnrtaig — CAU 647-154A -^TA U kin 1 LWs snivough 1,100 striking employes contbi- (Udn’t survive 30 years in the | land and Windham OounUes will Hie. meeting sponsored by the Tuesday; Hamburg patty on a that dyes used to their producte dwn **"® ®* colored products,” and process geophysical, ocean- As Tragedy Struck 2Ewsmivs 320r gather in Mansfield Monday Mansfield chapter of toe OCD, ued without progress Wednesp labor movement by being a pat-, roll, potato chlpe, apple-celery are harmtol to toe envli^ent. ^ e^ d ab le m ^ toe dyes ^ spokesman for Scott Pa- ographlc, hydrographic and Betw«en 7:30 atm. ( ^ Msr I# a iF 33For 63Ano night to hear a discussion o t toe wiU be held at 8 p.m. in toe 8T. JBIAN VIAMNBT, Que. to n . 4 Blue 34DlfftoiHy 64ChOfWoblo day, whUe the leader df the sy. But ^ isn’t the Ume for ■ salad, milk, sUced peaches. Hie controversy o v er toe dyes moniifochire™ re P®*" **** largest pro- meteorological data automatic- and 9 a.m . !^ - 9 - 2 M l- 4 effects of toe McGovern Oom- Undercroft of St. Mark’s Eplsco- began a year ago when several Hie tisroe manufactorers re- ^ producte. (AP) — liteny o* St. Jean Vlan- Screams from the pit helped SSrknuloHne- aSWorsbiihilly IsW i 45Moniy e Olfte For Every by the BfentaUy Be- ^ ally. 4 Privoto 36Sloy union warned .ssrmpathetlc stu- YlolencrL______i o “Flam e of Hope <3andlea“ mlsslon recommendations on pal Chapel on toe University of Wednesday: Baked meat loaf, m ajor pubUcatkHis printed pol- tese to release sales figures ter ______ney*# l.BOO people were watch- guide reroue worken to other SIMINI 7 You'rs 37 Ccnioct 47 Aironglno, 5A8ITTAIUUS parsUed potato, whole kernel 3aOI«coumglneMCodi . dents to keep their sympathy i Connecticut politics. Ocnmecticut csimpus. lution survival Instructions, or competitive reasems. However, big the Stanley Cup hockey fl- vlctlitfs. About 70 were pulled > MSr 21 a You .SSSfcraffed Items by the Blind aiKl Mentally corn, bread, butt^, mUk, 9 Monty's 39 Your 47 liitsrwtlng Mrs. Anne Wexler, a member Norman Davis of toe Mans, steps Individuals could take to they say sales have not been af- nala on televlalon when the out aUve soon after the disaster, 40HOV* TOBockground OfC. 21 ^ non-violent. Beterded h u n t 20 lOGood Miss Shannon | of toe McGovern Commlsaicm field OCD is urging an area- vanilla pudding with apricot keep toe environment clean, fected and they have no plans to ground began glviiig way, turn- ClvU defense workers evacuated II Uo 41 To TIBdt 10-22-3344^ ’The labor leader, Vincent Sl- Remember :il7 - 3 S « 42Cambinatlaii TO-Toito DON'^T f o r g e t BIOflWBC®*® IkAY, BIAT S tt! and one of toe founders of toe wide attendancie at toe meeting. sauce. One item on their survival boy- discontinue their lines of colored MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL hUng houses bito a sea of mud. almost l,k00 persons to shelter l2Moy 544574 ^ rabella, said some among the l3Could 43 Homo 73Today Given Showers Caucus o t .Connecticut Demo- as a means of reinforcing toe Thursday: Italian grinder, ap­ cott list was colored tissue prod- products. Ftorty-two cottages cradled cen ten a t nearby Kenogaml CANCia 44Brightmlne 74Plctuis CATBICOBH studenta were counselling vio­ Open ’Tuefc thru Sat. - -Huiro Nltea tIU • 14 Low crats, will be toe. featured cooperation between toe organ- plesauce, milk, IcQ cream. ucts such as toilet paper, facial Kimberly-Clark Corp., which STAINED TREASURE CHEST down Into the crater that wld- and Jonqulere. tAtiSJU nin ISBtntficial 45 Of 75 And OfC. 22> lence. "Donf do it,” he said. 1^ (Closad oumoay;Bfouday) 46 H a m 74Voluabl« Miss Catherine Rose Shan- tissues, paper towels and nap- sells about 60 per cent colored FILLED WITH STAINED' HAND % n^ out late Tuesday night To------.16 Now* JAli. If speaker. izatlons in each of toe towns in Friday: Filet of haddock. 22 17 Will 47Tight«i 77 Don’t “If there’s one way we can loee daughtbr of Mr. and Mrs. day five bodies had been recov' 78 Should ^ 5 4 6 4 8 -7 ^ . The commission, headed by preparaUem for toe 1972 elec- French fried potatoes, buttered kins. tissue products and 40 per cent BRUSHED POPPIES, GRAPES ToUand |QV^1C-2MI ISDoy 4B.ln this. . .thing, it’s for a bunch of ” " ered aiul no hope was held for 19Cdlod 49 Lucky 79A 74-774" ’J4 W S ; kooky klto to go off half cocked Harold Shannon of 17 Oval U.S. fien. George McGovern, toe tlons. spinach, bread, butter, milk. The ecology groups contended white, says soles of Its colored ANLn d b o x w o o d . 20Gointd ' 50 Big 80 And AQUAMUS first announced presidential Fliers are being distributed chocolate cake. toe dyes could not be assl- products were never affected by M missing persons. 51 BonkofS 81 Woohiiy bi the guise of helpbig us.” Lane, has been hemored at ^ 21 Affoln JAH.M candidate for toe 1972 election, throughout toe two counties In­ milated into ordtoary waste the dye controversy. And ol- Francois Richard was watch­ Arte Festival JULY 2i I 22Doy 52 Bo B2Eiiponiivo *nie strike has been on since three bridal showers during the 53 Intoroots 83 8 ^ volved to toe meeting. treatment systems. though toey receive letters from ing the hockey game when he 23Hom H i. It Friday, with most of Yale’s din- month. was set up after the 1908 Demo­ . A u i .v i 24 Bo 54 Your 84Tniot Mrs. Wexler Is perhaps best’ ’Hie tissue companies have consumers asking about toe On Her Day heard shouting and ran 700 Scheduled At SSProlsct BSSirangon 6-21. facUlUes shut ^ ^ e ^ ^ cratic national cdnventlMi to 25Todoy I»738387^ known for her activities as cam­ ‘Taxing Thrift’ matotatoed that toe dyes used safety of their colored products, yards down the stre e t He saw 26 Day 54 Luck 84Doto strikers want pay increases, and ^ ^ ^ xi. study rule alterations and MeadQwbrook 57 In 87 ContontTnon | pisca paign manager for toe sena­ to colored tissue products do de- the company adds there hos houses falling one by one, drop­ 271*. many of the students say they Courtland St. and the bridal changes t o . toe method of de- .2 8 Bo SB And 88 Skill H I. I f g g torial bid of Joseph Duffey. She Label Stirs Up compose to sewage and septic been no organized preosure- to ping “160 feet into nowhere.” A papier mache giraffe will AW. 22 I 29Youneoton 59 The 89 Moot sympathize with them. party had a personal and mls- FISHING TACKLE slgnsdtog convention delegates. "I Just got the kids and wife serve as the mascot of the Arts i$»f, 22 o30_Upon 40 And 9Q P0i^ Thelr aid so far has ranged cellaneous shower attended by COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH Sen. McGovern will address the was one of toe leading or- Majority Voice systems. They add that dcolo- remove its c<4ored products With A Special Gift 7-1M0414 OCD at its May 16 meeting at ganizera of toe McCarthy-for- gists and environmental groups from the market. out of the house bi time,’' he and Kusic Festival scheduled Qw 1-13-24-13-24-33 Good ^ A d 'Ivetie 32.44-73 f from sympatheUc chants, pro- Rubacha’s AND SALT WATER LURES — ,i.M for tomorrow night at 7:80 at fftV vidi^ replacements on the pick- toe WUbur Cross Iflgfa School, President campaign to Con- HARTFORD______(AP), , — Gov. Jumped toe gun to denounci^ "Hie consumer obviously to use colored tissues. From All enUro street and part of the Meadowbrook School, et lines, and donations to a cyntWa Doyon of Wbid- RODS — REELS — FLYFISHING, New Haven. necticut several years ago, and Thomas J. Mesklll Is “Governor these products without evidence wants another ware puUed bito the The giraffe has been made by strike fun^ to a sl^p-bi f ^ t assisted by Mrs. Colleen ETC., ALSO SHAD LURES Mrs. Wexler will discuss party is a staff member of toe na- (1,^ Rich,” a Democratic leg- to substantiate their claims. grayish mud jrft about 700 feet first and secemd grade students outside a library, a i ^ c - ^ Anderson of Enfield, sisters of rule changes, toe upcoming tionwide Common Cause group igiative leader said Wednesday. “Now toe environmental CAR and TRUCK wide and more than 100 feet at the school, and Is described Larger States Delaying ended in a m e s s ^ the unlver- ^ miscellaneous special Democratic convention headed by former Health, Eklu- Deputy House Majority Lead- groups are retreating from their deep. by at least one second grader slty presid^t’s fr«t a^wn, “d ^ CABiPING e q u i p m e n t slatod for June 12 to adopt them, cati\\ W I 1 K MOM II | ( I .N IKK ^ K •CHARGE CARDS “But If It rabisfor toro toys, direction of muWc bisector Committee tWd newsmen ment of a national health bisur- G«nerel ^ ^ Harlan St., Saturday at Eman- M v\( iu:sri:K—oi : i.'.ii It cou^d mean tryble - Chy- Mrs. Wilhelm^ various proposals to prefect ance system, scheduled for con- «w d M e d thM oil ^ cta Lutheran Church, up her face and lisping slightly, were breathing down your gxnpt Items, could call toe lem. non said. He explained that a lot panybig toe choir wUl be teach- against bicreases bi wW- slderatlon this summer, should making deUveries to Yale diould the gentle brunette delivered a neck.” ‘Snyder tax’ a ‘tax on thrift’,” of rata could start sludge flow- era Mrs. Kathleen Horvath and ^ ^^tler discussion, provide addltliHial help. ^ "P------stinging parody of toe ad-man’s Although she has fewer offl- g jjj Papandrea. big down the new canyon and Mrs. Dwothy Shackway. |a,t no decisions have been Meanwhile, twhi- repeated his “That’s Just the sort of tobig housebound housewife, elbow- clal commitments now, Mrs, "Not only does toe governor’s undercut toe river banks else- >rhe festival has been arranged made. inti^ntW of tuning hearings that wiU kill us,” said SlrabeUa, deep to soapsuds and crimper. Wilson finds her life changed lit- flippant comment show that he where. through the Joint efforts of Mrs. -pjia committee, he said, WIU later tola month on President who Is business manager of Lo- Mary Wilson—66-year-old wife tie. In or out of No. 10, when not ig terribly uninformed and again The small river which runs innz and art taistruotor M)as ig awaiting fuU coot figures Nixon’s revenue sharing plan, cal 36 of toe Federation of Uni- of Britain’s former labor prime ’’pottering” around toe home, slmpllsticaily shooting from the through toe crater swept most chrisUne Rpy. from toe Dc^nrtment of Health, vriilch he opposes, and possible verslty Emj^oyes. SlrabeUa Is minister, poetess and staunch she is happiest cooking, reading hip, but It, more unfortunately, of the houses down too vaUey to Butch Savoie Day EducaUon and Welfare. alternaUves to It. also a power Jn local AFYrdO supporter of the second sex—^be- or simply walking by toe river, displays a callous and groes In- where It Jotas the Saguenay Riv- Sunday wlU be “Butch Savoie Nbieteen states pay a higher y,g extent (rf fiscal re- quarters, and has addressed a Ueves women can do anything Hie wife of the leader of Her difference to toe needs of toe er. niere rescue workers Day” at Blake’s Service StaUon welfare benefit scale than uef to be provided by welfare number of anUwar ralUes bi toe Your Little League Headquarters! men can. And better too. Majesty’s loyal opposition, has. middle Income worker, toe poor, probed toe debris with long met- on Merrow Rd. *2,400 for a famUy of four con- reform will be known by torai. P®’®*- “We are more peace-minded always refused to join the party the disadvantaged, toe aged and al p c^ In search of bodies. Proceeds from toe pumpbig of templated In toe bicomplete bill. axWed he has some ideas Be has been menUoned as a than men,” she says firmly. “I fight with her husband, prefer- those living on fixed incomes,” Montcalm Laforge, his preg- gas, oU changes dhd engine As welfare rolls increase, these further help for toe clUes, candidate for mayor of New Ha- I Low Introductory Seasonal Prices am a terrific feminist.” tog poetry to politics. said Papandrea to a statement. nant wife and their three chU- cleaning at the staUon between states are In danger o i having not through toe Nixon plan, ven next year, While reluctant to endorse toe The publication-'last year of Hie so-called "Bnyder tax” dren were In one of the firat the hours of 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. any savings provided by toe biU ->p|iis committee Is pretty ad- SlrabeUa said he didn’t even tactics o t BrUoin’s Women’s her first book of poems brought being considered by toe Demo- houses to sUde Into toe pit. wUl be used to benefit toe wiped out. A few large states, gmant against any version of want large numbers of students Little League liberation Movem«it, Mrs. Wil­ her headlines,, and with sales cratic legislators would tax “un- Their bungalow dropped mine youngster who was seriously In- such as New York and Callfor- revenue sharing,” he said. to picket toe university power son Is full of praise for the wom­ currentiy hitting toe 86,000 earned Income”—Income from than 100 feet and landed on a Jured to an accident on Merrow nla, are especlaUy vulnerable. ______!______plant. Ho said their presence Baseball Gloves en’s enthusiasm aiid verve. mark, the sUm volume has be- interest on bank accounts and floating mound of earth. The Rd. about three weeks ago. Proposals under consldera- there could contribute to “a "They certainly have got come Britain’s best-solltog post, dividends from stocks—al toe chunk qiUt and Lafotge’s faml- The boy has been hospltaliz-, Uon, MUls said, would involve Ballots in T ra ^ tuU scale explosion.” something,” she says. “A frerii wax anthology. Its simple title; rate of 10 per cent. ly sank Into toe mud m If in ^ since the accident. In addl- guarantees that such states SlrabeUa said later. In an in- ^proach. Fm: example, toe "M ary Wllswi, S e 1 e o t e ^ Papandrea said toe plan has Your Choice qnlckswid. He Jumped (rfX and tloa a group of young people, would not have to contribute NEWBERG, Ore. (AP) — Hie tervlew, that he appreciated toe Btondaid of TV advertising Is so many exclusions and exemp- Our Reg. fought Us way to the edge of toe have vUimteered their services more state funds to maintain ballot boxes at Central Grade other kinds of efforts toe stu- slckentog.” Mrs. WUson does not hide her tlons that It would hardly touch crater. to wash cars at the etation with their programs than they are School weren’t expected to be dents are making, gnd he esU- 9.99 Her hackles—and her -voice— pleasure at her astonishing sue- people of modest means. “He psed his Uute stroigth the ]»oceed8 also going to toe now expending, or at least that big enough for toe school elec- mated their contributiiniB to toe 5.94 c es s. For instance, a person over 66 also rise at toe suggesUoa wom­ by pulUhg on anything his hands fund. toey would be guarded against tlon, so toe sciuxd Janitor rigged strike fund at about $6,000. en might not be fitted to hold -T o hold a book like tMs to with an annual tocom ejof $4,000 could toueb-^oots, bocunds, any------unforeseen Increases. three 30-gallon trash cans to “Without the students, we’d Regent Official Little League - key poeltlonB to government your hand and know toey to interest on savings w<^d not thing,” said Us mother. Manchester Evening Hersld He said he stiU hopes to have serve as baUot boxes. have been dead already,” he Spalding - CleonJones. “Of course toey can,” aha thought It good enough to pub- PO-Y 8- cent of taxes on that to- LafCcge was hospitalised for ToUand oonespoindent Bette toe WU ready for House action And toe voters deposited their ggid. “Unquestionably they’ve cejme, , Papandrea said. He says. lish to Its own rig^it,” she says, shock and was not allowed visl- Qoatrale, Tel. 876-B846. before toe end of May. ballots in toe trash cans. pointed out that to order to re­ B u t She adds, “It wouldn’t do “Is a great thrill.” ceive thlB much interest, an in­ for me. I would get Into a flap.” She warns against misin­ dividual would have to have A Personal Gift for Mother ; For this reason, she explains, terpretation of her poetry. One much-quoted passage speaks of $80,000 to savings accounts pay­ Caldor^s Popular ' life at No. 10 Downiiig Street— o t Spalding ’’vapid voices shriUtog high to ing interest at toe rate 6 per the prime minister’s official res­ cent. Baseball Gloves idence and her home until 18.- one continuous parrot cry.” Wonder Ion® boris election defeat last June Hiis, she stresses, is not a re­ —was not all roses. minder of her Downing Street Goose Gets Around Panty Hose Your Choice “I’m no good at small talk,” days. By Famous Mfr. Our Reg. she sighs, “and with toe best Mrs. Wilson does not take her OTTAWA — The Canada ' 12.99 will to toe world I don’t find’ it poetry U*totly. “While I ’m walk­ goose is more generally diefrib- 7.40 easy to talk to strangers. . . “ ing I’m always thtoktog poe uted than almost any other I W onderlon®Knee-Hi Our Rag. Hie daughter of a Congrega- try,” she says. And, pulling out waterfowl. His summertime Terrific special purchase! Carl tional minister bom and bred to her check book, she indicates a range runs from toe lower , Sheer Opaque Hose Yazstremski - Tom Seaver - Mai toe country, riie never devel- few words scribbled to pencil, Yukon Valley of Alaska to j Stotelmeyer. oped a taste for government Is- “Hie best lines come to you Labrador, extending nearly to, sue furniture and front door po- out o t the blue and you have to the Arctic coast. In winter, his | Ideal with pant suits, slacks. e Uce. step and -write them down. Aft- migration takes him to virtual­ One size fits all. S p ald in g “You couldn’t think of It 'as erwards,” she says, “you can’t ly every portion of the United | 79 States and Into toe Gulf of' home," she says. “You were al- understand them. It’s madden- 2.99 Wonderlon®Non Run Little League Baseballs ways conscious of toe history of tog.” Mexico. Waltz and long gowns, baby O ur Reg. 2.49 d(dls, sleep coats. Easy care All Nude Panty Hose Official Little League Kodel /cottop, lace and embroidery trimmed. S, M, game balls by L, XL. Spalding. Buy now and save! Other Sleepwear 5.99 1.37 1.88 ‘W hats iiiit for you? Wonderlon®Petite Our Rog. 1.39 Panty Hose Q Little League Baseball Bats O ur Reg. 3.49 Miracle fit for petite figures. Genuine power wood, ^ h i Permanent .Fashion shades. ^ naturaLfinish; Ameri­ can made. Famous au­ Press Wonderlon®Miracle Fit tographs. 1.97 1 Size Panty Hose ourR.g.1.49 Little League . A - ' 0 '^4 Fits 5’to 5’10” smoothly. Navy fl k fl k and wanted shades. e Baseball Shoes Molded rubber A f safety cleats, one Caldor Priced Wonderlon®Queen iiece sole. Split . ^ I feather upper. 'vA' ‘ Size Panty Hose Sizes 1 to 10. Shoe Dept. 4.37 Fits extra tall, extra large. Choice of colors. 1.37 Spiked Seamless Mesh . Our r*g. 2.25 Baseball Shoes ft-y. ^ " Split leather Caldor Priced Runguard t ^ and toe._Nude uppers, composi­ heel. Beige, (jir[jinnamon. Taupe. A, B, & (; sizes. tion soles, steel spikes; white top bmding. Sizes 5 to 5.70 13. Shoe Dept. Antron 111 or Non-Cling Ribbed Athletic Socks F u l l S l i p s ColdorPricwi Lambs wool nylon - Our*‘^Formula - -1-1 shrinkage con­ It's quite simple, really — one person trolled. Boys’ sizes 9 -helpinganother. But it’s a major reason Tailored or trimmed. White, to 11. for our ianlaslic success in achieving pastels. 34 to 52. results wjth men and women who want 2.99 to lose weight, gain weight, firm up fiabby tissues or redistribute (heir Inches and pounds. A highly qualified European Health Spa staff member Boys’ Baseball weighs and measures you, then sets up Nylon Tricot Jackets your own Individualized program of Shifts & Dusters exercise and nufrilional guidance. A Petti Slips Our Rog. 1.99 Caldor Priced I speclally-traiped Insiructor checks you 0« r Rog. 4.99 100 cotton, cotton out at each visit and re-programs you as lined. His favorite you Improve. The simple one-lo-one Pretty pettis in white and team emblems. formula works. No wonder our mem­ Our Guest... bers are delighted with the results. Peignoir Sets pastels. S, M, L. Sizes 4 to 7, 8 to 18. H you bay* yU to yitll a Eorapo)n Haallh 1.47 Spa ao4 flml o«l how la Imlividualliad pngram can hdp yoy raach yoor own Ladies’ Days — M o n. W ed. Fri. Kodel /cotton or nylon 3.99 fluioaa and bcaoty foaS, ihooWn'l yoo mo . ©rwuorewr^ tricot, painty trims _of to H lodayl A Cooitoay Toor and privala M en's Days — Toes, Thurs. Sal. lace, embroidery. S, M, Baseball Caps Our rag. I .i a ...... Now 9 9 f comoHatloa (no itringa allachcd) can L,. Othersz to 12.90 3.99 Bikini or Brief aaiNybaanantad. Our Rag. 1.00 C all 615 West Middle Tpke. Manchester Panties 646-4260 NtfVs lifttst chala at Ika Haast taaMOiM Sale Thurs. thru Sat. a#4 «g>rsfo4WfeM lafeeMw. Ie<. Q H 1145 Tolland Tpke. Sale Thun, thru Sat. Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 PA4. Nylon tricot, in white and e colors. 5; 6, 7 & X sizes. ■■ 1 m , __ Sot 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. lyiancliester, Sotvidiiy 9 A.M, le 9 P.M. 1145 Tolland Tpke. Manchester, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, 'THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.^ THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-POUR catu coinpletely to preparing Ject, but can return against the al recognition. A year ago they And as for the projected acad­ the love philtres which I send sen The wlxdesale prices Index Is do with his race.” Bom In CUfton, Va., Bryant 75 E. Middle Tpke. Analysts said that while the bypassed billing systems in tele­ Jess.titan seven persons, .almost 91 Chestnut St. supposed to foreshadow future Bryant was promoted last Sat­ moved to Wariilngton In 1984 House, Pine and and P ark er market had recovered from its phones. all of her husband’s family.’’ 36 Church and Laurel movements In constuner prices. urday at the District of Colum­ and was In Howard University’s Cooper Hill decline early Wednesday after PoUce named John H. Wat­ Other wizards said they, too, 861 Chestnut and Garden 82 Porter and Oak Grove The Industrial commodities in­ bia level, but he told a reporter ROflC until he went to w ar in 288 Cheney Bros. Velvet ' news of the intemaUonal mone­ son, 23, a Clarkson senior from were worried by their clients’ 821 Adelaide and Jean dex Is considered to be one he doesn’t intend to put on the 1943. Mill, 60 Elm 37 Center and Newman tary disturbance, some caution Utica pa the mastermind. Col­ appeals for black magic aid 83 Pitkin and Academy the beat gauges of Inflation In silver star of a brigadier gener­ He commanded a company In 9 88 Center and Church continued. lege acquaintances described “Hiefts of skulls from eme- 284 Cheney Bros. Weave the economy. Italy and holds the Bronze Star, FREE 39 Hemlock and Liberty 84 E, Center and Cone The Dow industrial average al until federal approval Is com­ teries are increasing,’’ a Roman Shed, 182 Pine The Labor Department said In Watson as an “ electronics gen­ the Purple Heart and wears the 891 Memorial Hospital 85 E. Middle 'Tpke. dropped nearly 6 points Wednes­ ius.’’ He is a major in industrial pleted. sorcerer said. “ Tliere is a Aour- Headphones! 24 Cooper Hill and West the slx-mionth period ending In combat infantryman’s bodge. Hamilton-Beach ■ and Woodbridge day after news that several Eu­ distribution, an electrical engi­ A regular Army board will ishhig black market in these by 241 F^airfield and West 892 Haynes and Memorial April, wholesale prices rose at a Bryant left the Army In late 851 Green M anor, W eaver ropean central banks had with­ neering-affiliated program that consider B;ryant’8 promotiiMi lat­ secret practitioners In the ma­ 398 Memorial Hospital, new seaatW uy adjusted annual rate 1949, worked for the Poet Office Remingt(^n Genera! Electric 25 Pleasant and Cedar 852 Milford and Sanford drawn their support for the dol­ concentrates on electrical cir­ er this month. President Nix. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-SIX Tech Checks Skein Windham Rallies D R Y Side Hot Line Call Smile Behind To Down Indians o f Sports Proves Wrong Egg On Face On Depka’s Pitching TONIGHT’S 80FTBAIX Sportsman vs. Billiards, 7:80 By DEAN YOST run in the bottom , who promptly broke a 1-1 tie Itmlng right Bide of the ledger yester­ Charette, rf, 0 Methodlsfys. ™__ Fire, 6:16.... r>„kRob- the decision cost them the game Manchester had trouble with ^ Baker, Nasslff ys. Medics at Buckley against Washington—and got academic while pinning me loss ^ulay. rf. Last Saturday night, Greg and cc«npl®tely ruined by me ^ home rim and St. Louis day afternoon for the first Ume _2 ertson as Windham High squeaked out starting pitcher Jim Miller but A1 Noeke I, aided by sponsor Howard UlP- ..XV X. X XU CUBS • MKTS — himself mrown out of me game on McLain, 3-4, who was lifted this season. Totals 26 7 ------a 6-6 triumph. ’The CCIL contest got to him for lone runs In the ab e rbl AMERICAN LEAGUE x**^® T ” *U’I®!J“ R0“ Santo and Danny Bree- instead. to me sevenm after he walked 0 0 Slater, were off to me races at After a conference between e^m bmlng tor a 6-1 triumph ^ ^pped two-run singles In Scoring three runs In two St. Thomas Semlaa]r|^(t^ 3 SILK CITY yesterday was staged In Willi- second, fourth and sixth timings. Police A Fire started wen Then, Kosco, an orphan of pinch-hltter F3oyd Wicker and Staffoid. We arrived at me owner and driver, we decided we W e^e^y night. ■ p^g inning and Chicago ace Innings — the flrst and fifth — Bell, c, 0 Acadia Restaurant almost be- manUc. in the second Steve Smyth jjarrotte', 3b, g 9 and finished "with a rush last me sevenm-lnning storm, poked gave up a pinch stogie by nTe(l Cosgrove, aa. speedway eariy to get me neces- are going to return to me oval, The Brock senderff must have ^^rgaaon Jenkina settled down Cheney went on to whitewash Rubera. 3b. 0 came the seasons’ first team to Manchester trailed 6-8 going singled, foUowed by a free pass if_ 0 0 nlgflit in trouncing Dillon Ford, sary paper work out of me way not mis weekend, but possibly a two-run stogie that gave the savage. An intentional walk to 0 get blanked laft night. They unsteadi^ Hoemer’s c^- g to tame Brewers a 4-3 victory over Den,- ptoch-Mtter Roberto Pena filled visiting St. Thomas Seminary, Carrona, rf, Into the top o f the ninth fram e, to Jim Jackson. Denis Wirtalla seretny. c,’ ? 0 12-4, at Waddell Field. and get prepared for our track for me following week, poBure. The star fireman, who j^g^ York. Jahne. lb. 0 0 Bob Nurmi picked up tte win ny McLain and me reeling Sen- the bases, setttog the stage for 6- 0. Bohenko, 2b, 1 pushed a run across In the hot- Leajoff batter Dick Marsh then singled to left scoring debut. In our nqxt racing debut we’U had carried a 1.60 earned run jenklns struck out 12 and Depka's strikeout total Is a Sullivan, p. 0 tom of the seventh to avert this singled and A1 Noske foUowed gmyth. Miller, p. 0 0 I" A starting role while jdck- ators. Kosco’s delayed herolcM. Ka^owakt. If, The bright-ccdored red, white be ready, and will be going all average Into the game, served ° rifoT vtotorv* new school record. He walked Horvath, cr. 0 feat as the Whlnut Barbers won ^ ^^3 Whippet Coach Jackson put the Indians ahead J<«“ . 2>>- — — ing up eight strikeouts. He also andind Wue 1968 Chevy n was out to take me checkered flag up anomer gopher pitch to Mat- York reached'wim for Elsewhere to the American • * * four batters. RotchfoUt. 3b. g out, 6-1. Bob Kazarian changed pitchers, 2-0 on a power stroke over the Totals 34 6 ^ ^ walked nine before Jeff Holt . ready for Its first test after me wim a little, change In luck. ty Alou, men walked Louis Me- League, Vida Blue fired a four- a ’81 - TIGERS — Connelly, rf. Hancheater (5) three runs in me first inning. A Pacing the seven-hit Cheney White, as, 0 BIU VIot with two doubles bringing on a iff Baker. He got aistant leftfleld fence, his first e rbl took over. They came on In the modlfieds went through melr * « * lendez before taking a shower, hitter for his sevenm victory of ...... Scholmer, If. ab r leadoff single by Don Kessinger the young season as Oakland Blue, Oakland s 21-y4ar-rtd offense was Dave Hemphill with 5^ paced the winners’ attack with ______Balesano on a strikout but round______tripper_ of the seaswi. In __ __ 2b. ' S sixth with the bases loaded and practice sesslonB. fWmiiur Nisht Notes ^ National League two hits, a single and a double. Bourbeau. cf. started Chicago’s winning rally trimmed Detroit 6-0; Leo Car- soumpew flash, .t^ e d the Tl------— Jim McAuley rapping out two sliced a line single the fourth, Jackson laid down a Noj*^ ss.p. 2 0 no outs and stopped Dillon’s. Pox put the car on the half- ® g^ames, San iPrancisco turned In the fifth. Santo’s single tied He also turned in the fielding Totals ® I Joe Bascetta and Jim Pel- mile oval but came off after ^ minute back Pittsburgh 2-1; Chicago , 3 . xu Breedan’s denas drove to all toe Mto- 8®''® “ » «®venm successive Innings 1 3 3 4 7 Totato sH>«\es. to center driving In Marsh. Wig- bunt, went to second <» giuSTr<. ' nesote runs to a 6-3 verdict complete g ^ victory ^ r a gem of the day when he made 3 0 0 Q 3 0 X 6 exceUed In the field with many ^ stepped to the plate and the and scored again wi a Wirtalla ae^ r. 0 1 letter each had two hits for Cheney det®ctlng rometW^ rubbl^ to maS'ten^L^ ”®'^ ^ to me de^ve over me New York Yankees seas o n-o p e n 1 n g setback at a great catx^ of a line drive at St. Thomas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rfafonalvn nlavB. ? ___ j ___ _ r'**!?'’ , 1 } the PF’s, and Pelletier drove mo rear wheel. The wheel well tweans and matotence person- treal ripped Houston 6-1; Cta- fine defensive plays. lefthanded batter tagged a solid single. . Sm^,’ ib. and Amos Otis’ two-run h(uner Washington. He struck out 11, second base. p. DEPKA For the loeers, Tom Oorcor^ pushing the defend- Windham got to starter Brad 1 2 in five runs. Dick B^ink had two of me right side wasn’t cut out **®J> t^i® Stafford Speedway was cinnatl bangefl Los Angeles 8-4, One run was all Depka and enough, so a quick remodeling finished when Frank Sgambato and Ssm Diego and Atlanta split helped Kansas City top Cleve- boosting his eariy-season total and Steve Wakefield managed to ^ tgage. It appeared that steurer in the sixth as the In- Hollk, c’, i. ^ hits for the Fordmen. EXPOS - ASTROS — land 4-2. ^ 69—tops to toe m ajors. Cheney needed, as It turned out, held this margin unUl Uie fifth get two singles apiece. 0 ,^ gjoye and went aians defense llteraUy feU apart. B ’The loss was absorbed by job was to order. dropped me checkered flag for a doubleheader—me Padres but with a three-nm cushion In when three more markers coun- Sports Slate 34 6 10 BUI Stoneman pitched a six* Rato washed out toe Boaton- ”7T»e A’s nicked Dean Cha^e, Walnut______201 ^ 120 X —6 barrier for a home run. The hosts scored five runs, aid- mjungs ® Mike Jordan. He fanned elgflit The next titoe out was to be me first race at 8:16. winning me opener, 5-1 and me hitter and Montreal raked three the first frame, the home nine tered. ______^ the last time for me Yost-Fox Unbelievable Is me only word Braves me second game, 3-1. Chicago and CallfonUa-BalU- ®-®- t**® ‘*'®y Acadia 000 000 1’ 1 base umpire saw It differ- sd by three fielding errors, sb- ^Re«d! ^iSKria, Sc- but walked a dosen. Houston pltctoers fbr five runs more games. needed to toe fourth and men BasebaU ------enUy, claiming it bounced over, y^id pitch, a stolen base, a reuiy, J^ksdn,Ticiciinn. WWirtalla; tr^la: sac: BBam- ^ Police &a. ipir«Fire No. 83. one can describe the efforts of »o furfvrun biia; sft Gllha, Holik, op. Hoi^ w <> a ■« x'.iDnxx n m a * to the firist torce Innings. Ron . * • puUed away to me fifth wim Manchester CX3. at Greater One of the two new entries m ^ impossible to bounce be- ‘^alk and Henry Reed' s two-run Bgijer t,, Reed: lob: Man- 2 0 1 0 8 6 12- 8—1 It was me 20-lap feature event me speedway management. The CAROS - PHILS — Hgnt sent Stoneman on me way Rams Rock Bobcats, 11-1 for me six’s .during me break new pit was done to fine fash- BREWERS - SENATORS — rU"®—tbe last two on a Hartford C.C. O'® cause the grass was so long It double. m that inning, Mlll?r“ 4, Wked irso!; Dillon Ford The Phillies blew an oppor- n> his mird victory vdm a lead- Track Barbers debut was unsuccessful ^ cushion, Wlggln was Whippets went to bat. Steurer 11, Miller 6, Baker 3; blU 0 0 1 2 1 0 4—2—4 to me modified twtobill. Grig- ion. A number of drivers com- tunlty to score m© lead run to off homer off Astros starter At MUwaukee, Johnny Briggs ® ^® Aouthlngton at South Wind- as Green Manor Construction gj second arid Noske Manchester evened their off:'*'BalesM” 5 for 4 runs in 6J Bob Nurmi, Holt and Rug- inally scheduled to start to me pUmented me improved rest me sevenm toning. Don Money Wade Blastogame to the first was due to bat for the Breviers 'jqjyjKg YANKS . .sa_dfV-K mrF ___ __ n n ^ sor easily disposed of them, 10-6. scored the tleing run. OCIL record to 3-3 and Wind- 2I™M111m- 8 g-erio: Jordan and HuUala. fifth sterttog position, but due rooms, and entry to and from doubled home Deron Johnson inning, wim two out to me seventh, the Ellington Smothers to a mlstoterruptlon by hand!- tbg gyal. Bloomfield at Rockville Tlie victors scored In the first The Whippets got the winning ham upped their mark to 4-1 for 3 runs In 0: wp: Noske. INTERNA’IIONAL LEAGUE for me tying run, but Tim • • o bases loaded luid Washington Cardenas smacked hlw first Tennis three innings to clinch the win. There was no stopping the capper Dick Williams, who jjgn behind me scene, Russ IMcCarver tripped while nxmd- RiaiS - DODGERS — clinging to a 3-2 lead. When homer of me season—a three- South Windsor at Newington Frank Gonzales and Roger Oilers last nlgiit at Verplanck mought that Bob LeDoux was getz, technical Inspector; Dick tog third base and had to Tony Perez drove in four Kosco stepped into me on-deck run shot off Stan Bahnsen to Suffield Nine, 15-0 Portland at Coventry Macalone connected for home- Field as they trimmed Steven­ going to drive our car, put us ^^uiants handlcapper; and scramble back to me bag. runs wim a three-run homer WINNING FORM—Vida Blue gets ready to unload circle instead," me Senators the second inning—and later Manchester at Bristol Central runs with the latter also getting Gilmore’s Father son’s Esso, 26-8. It was the Oil­ back to me pack, fourm from charile Batoe, traffic director After McCarver’s pratfall, and a double as Ctocinnati, en route to his seventh consecutive win of year. made a pitching change, re- punched a pair of run-scortog GoU a double and two singles. ers second triumph of the sea­ me rear. yje pits, all preformed efflcl- (Cardinal pitcher Reggie Cleve- topped Los Angeles. Perez’ placing soumpaw Joe Qrzenda singles while upphtog his bot- Ellington’s Bob Brahm tossed a three-hitter as the Thls was probably our first to- g„^y gpg„j„g „,^j,t. Oakland southpaw blyiked Detroit on four hits. South Windsor, Rockville at For the Barbers, Terry Schlll. land walked lartry Hlsle to- homer snapped a 8-8 tie to toe wim right-hander Jerry Ja- ting average from .227 to .260. Knights easily defeated Suffield High, 15-0, yesterday _ son. dlcation It wasn’t going to be tenUonally to load me bases, sevenm and sent Dodger ace Ing and Frank DeLuco pounded The winners scored In all Surprisingly but true, over 40 neski. Jim Perry held off me Tan- in a NCCC contest Elsewhere, Rocl^lle High telt^ Manchester at Oon. men worked out of me jam by Bill Singer down to his slxm Bristol men sent Briggs, a kees until the eighth, when he C S ” out two triples. but the second inning and got ^ ® ’’ T T . xh'^®''® modlflds showed up for me South Windsor, 11-1, and Coventry High defeated E. in Style eventuW winner machines making getting two outs. loss to eight decisions. Red Sox Look Like ’67 Club left-handed hitter, to the plate, got reUef help from rookie Ray Green Manor 621 020 0—10 Riding better as the game went along Luc(tiiesi also was dismayed - * * * O. Smith, 6-3. ------FRIDAY, HAY 7 Tedford’s 040 000 1— 5 ®^ their debut to toe slx-cycltoder but was stopped short by me Ctoribdn, and picked up hto fifth getting five runs In the fourth, unidentified car slammed me •' about me tesmi’s 236 batting av- PADRE B- BRAVES — umpires. Kcwco, mey said,‘ had victory to seven declsicns. 'Baseball JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (A P )— Otis Gilmore ofiChipt seven in the fifth and nine in High Trackmen Pulaski at East Catholic rear end of me 83 forcing It Into ®‘^ ’ . , .. __ , erage, (Hie of the reasons for its OlUe Brown and Nate Colbert been officially announced as' • • • REO LEAGUE lev Fla is driving the truck he always wanted. It’s all the sixth. a slide. Hitting me wall, the J ^ w faces to the crowd were last-place posture to me East. delivered home runs and reliCv- Few Players Remam I»id .m.™ >. wim L„ge Protest, Bristol Eastern at Manches­ me hitter and Briggs was out ot ROYALS — their Mggest run production to Scoring heavily In the last IS w .. * Pre»nt troM h« ^ ^ left front wheel collapsed and 0~®» ® ‘"'t « • * • er Al Severlnsen choked off a m e picture. Otis* fourth homer o f me ter It started a l(mg rilde down me t>l®w an engine to warmups, date. ’The Knights scored five Cheney at Prince Tech three Innings at Mt. Nebo, Dis­ GIANTS - PIRATES — bases-loaded rally by Atlanta to After a heated, 16-mtoute de- yeeir keyed a four-run Kansas Divide Meets back straightway on Its roof Bobby V to a long slung coupe; Jiian Marlchal tossed a three- me elghm to preserve San bate, during which Bristol an- CHty salvo to the sixth. Reliever runs in the first inning, six In South Windsor at PlalnvlUe count Furniture toppled the and me crowd stood to awe. °ene Bergto to anotoer Ctemero; the third, three more In the Windsor at Rockville hitter and Ken Henderson Diego’s opening-game victory. From Flag Winner nounced he was completing the Tom Burgmeler sealed me vlc- Town Empolyes, 14-9. alres, a product of the ^ and Brfan Shea with two one The Chevy came to rest, back ®d Yerrlngton to a Mlistang; Ed jmocked to bom runs for San The Braves bounced back to sixth and one In the seventh K the protest In the 440-yard Granby at Ellington Bill Cosenza banged out four INLAND FISHING Yale Whips under protest, Umpire tory for Dick Drago fus Cleve- tween the Natlc^ Basketl^ Andreo’s dou- on Its wheels; just outside of m'e Patnode, me Riverside Park Francisco. After Bob Robertson me nightcap as Oil Garrido and CHICAGO______(AP)—The , , fast start of the 1971 Boston to account for their runs. «lash was changed, Manchester East Hampton at (Coventry hits In four trips to the plate to gave him the land went down to Its 16m de- Shad fishing Is still slow at Association and American. Bas- ble led the three^t Esso of­ (rfd pit gate entry and Fox flash, showed up to a sedan but gave me Pirates a 1-0 lead to (rftcher Jim Nash broke a tie Red-J Soxla__ 1has__ xinxrxnx- fans saying (-Lxxxr’i-x> they’re nlaanno playing aormn the again —x. Brahm weirf; the route to re- High would haye won both ends Track pace the victors with Bob mumb. fefat to the last 21 games. the Enfield Dam. Last week a UConn. 6-4 ketball Association fense. quickly emerged from toe scar- left ramer quickly after spin- oig flrst wim his fifth homer trf wim run-scoring singles to the gmne way they did in 1967, but there’s one hitch to that cord the duitoiit although his of the triangular (XXL mert Manchester at Platt SlutzMn, Bob Richards, Dave Diuuiun, Doo total of eight shad were taken . . StricUy speaking he doesn’t oilers 4 0 1 6 7 9 26—14—2 ------red. auto unhurt.- —The x„.tow x_.-,.-trucks ntog xxx.xout iwinx. twice, the year, Henderson tied It wim slxm toning. statement. Except for a very few key men, this is an teammates committed five er- yesterday at Maloney High In Ellington at East Windsor Cosen^ and Bud ’Tolley getting ^ ^ ^ j,EW HAVEN (AP)-Plteher ^ dollars. But ttie Stevenson’s Meriden but It was turned down quickly and efficiently picked up Manchester drivers, WaUy Golf two hits each. ... and water levels are be- Russ Oangelosl drove ta thrw ^^tract the AU America giant • 'Ellington 606 031 0—06 12 6 so Maloney U^)ped the Indians, 0 0 2 0 1 0 8 — 8 - 6 me damaged automobile and re­ PettengUl and Mark Zimmer­ BlUngtcsi at Rocky IQU Assistant Bee Director Carl runs and earned the victory In yjg Kentucky Colo- man, didn’t fare too well Sat­ American League pennant four years ago, Bahnsen Pulls Back Muscle Suffield 000 000 0— 0 3 9 76-69, but the Tribe out- NA’nONAL LEAGUE turned It to me infield. Cub Ace Just Wins Games ______Carl Tastrzemskl Reggie SUver led the Town In hitting j- ronorted to be •'I® varsity start as YaJe Despite being held hltless, ‘After six-months of prepara­ urday. PettengUl blew an engine Brahm and Landmann; Dave distanced Conard High, 82-63. with three hits with boss Mel upset the University of ^ecU - “ *®^^™,y'^reported as be- Srnim, Rico Petrocelll and Padeglnas, Dan Padeglnas (2) Manchester’s overaH record VFW scored twice last night but tion wd careful planning, it to warmups and Zimmerman And Leo Cardenas Tees OH Slebold and Bob Post getting cu^W. In coUege baseball Wed- , 2^7 ,mmon over ^ ^ 33^ ,, blew a transmission during George Scott msike up a solid and Bermani. t® t" the (XXL. Pete Broaca UIU.C, u o -.., —— ------npHdav r— ------it wasn’t enough as Bonanza took 10 laps, less than five mto- nucleus, but aside from mis two hits each. Lake, Quassapaug Lake and-at. ig normally a » period of 10 years. pggted a 7-2 win at Buckley utek, to cave to high hopes « WINF, as the radiomen poundment. Yale la 11-16, whUe UOonn has ^ ^ an annuity which DeClanUs worked the final in- Altiiougfa me aheU was dented he Is to the pits getting vital two Innings. And that’s It. nesote Twins to a 5-3 victory on (5^e kUch^ s nm- a Uttie bit, me roll cage was to Information about me drivers, pitches. He gets the ball, tiurows Boston 16 8 .662 — The omer 18 players on me Wednesday night by driving to Scoring single an(imore Lionel Lessard. The wl Jenkins smiled after irftchtog The National League Milwaukee 11 18 .468 6 tor me 1967 campaign. flye decisions. “I Was coming j^ g Glbto w a pop fly to end Booms in New York Yastrzemski, Petrocel- around instead of down and I g two-on, two-out threat and re- Wl x-6 10 3 For the lo®®™, Ron Glrouard gju^T ’WA’TER FISHINO unltm today when mey report to „ ^e would cash a check, ®njoyed one lO-run frame. the Chicago Cubs to a 6-4 victo- schednle gave me San Fran­ CSiicago 10 14 .417 6 Srnim, NE3W YORK (AP)—Howie the Horse has opened a over me Meta Wednesday cisco Olanto today oft to get Wednesday’s Resulto 11 and Scott make up the heart made more of a sweeping mo- ured the Yanks on one hU to E.O. Srnim IW IW 1—3 4 3 t SJio Jump—^ ------me owners. Q,g coach said "sure" of me batting order, of course, tlon on a curve to Cardenas. R tj,g ninth. ita'(M ). shet)ard (C^. Walsh (M) tiv® Hyapnls, Jtess. wim Tony Kastauskas and Vic Striped bass fishing Is Improv- pg^ the second time in two reached for his wallet. ready for tonight’s celebra­ Kansas City 4, Cleveland 2 ILakesT and L«doyt; T.oriHnnLarkliis, llata (M). .ShetMird, (C). Walsh (M^ b i i ^ din the Ikntretch and it appears he will X * ’ so mere’s still a pretty strong gave him more time.” in the Twins’ lockerroom Pole Vault—11' 6", ^Inllvan (C), Graham said Broaca was Salclus pounding out two hits Ing In me Xhames piver. Fish vveeks, me owners of each tion in the pennant-bedecked Milwaukee 4, Washington 8 Hale (1), Nevers- (7) and Fetz- pose (C), Scovllle (C) rhn«p.n after ''serious coni This check was for $6O,0W. Balanced Scores be a galloping, eased-up winner.______o r u it? chosen after "serious consldera- each . up to 32 pounds have been taken league will meet separately at grand ballroiHn of the phish Oakland 6, Detroit 0 link to me 1967 team. T^ls quar- Cardenas, hitting .227 gotog after me game, Cardeites er. That Is how H(jward Samuels, — “Sure I’d like to get endorse- Maachester vs. Maloaey titm” was given to about a doz- WINF 804 840 x—14-16-2 using Uve ^ewlves for bait, different - mid-town hotels to FWrmont Hotel on Nob Hill. Minnesota 6, New Ybrk 8 tet also plays a key detonslve jjjg game, connected for shrugged off the congratulatory Pace Ck)lf Victory presldwt of me New York C3ty picture has changed. The ments,” me tall right-hander 120 Yd. High—16.5, K. Harding en candidates for me basketbcdl 003 102 2— 8-14-6 Fishing for famall, five to six flear report of ehtlr merger Mays, nursing a sore right California at Baltimore, rain role—as Yaz demonstrate once g^ gppggite field 387-toot homer handshakes for his best night of me Off-Track Betting Corporation, panks are calling us now and admitted. “I wouldn’t mind ( M ^ ’ coaching Job. Balasiced Bcoring* by the four- shoulder, has been resting Boston at Chicago, rain again T\ie8day night when he right after Steve Braun, who me season that raised his bat------pound Bch(x>l stripers Is excel- committees. might describe me actions of asking, “How mucdi can we lend dotog that cereal commerclsd, ' lO^Yd. Dash—1(^ Rhodes (M). “ It wUl be nice to have my INDY LEAGUE lent at me moum (tf me Clonnect- wMle the ABA already has 19th Hole I man Manchester High golf since Sunday’s gam e, bat la Thursday’s______„ ______Games mrew out me potential tidng run gigg iigd three hits, and Brant ting average 28 points to an me OTB since It opened for ygg and when?’ - me one which shows athletes Boston (Peters 2-2) at Chi- the plate to a 4-8 victory over ^lyea singled. eve .260. ‘^‘M l? ^ :‘^ 4 ^’be^?dhi“ \MAL). team after being a« „ , ___.___ . „ Icut River. made It clear It wants a merg- squad resulted in a 4-1 triumph due to return to the playing COUNTRY CLUB business April 8, months behind o t b >s ni^tiy handle on har- doing poorly because mey dlt^n’t Gates (M), Carlno (MAL) ‘ tant for five years,” said Bro- Scoring In every Inning - ^^infer flounder have moved cr. me NBA has been unable to over Penney High of East HSrt- .field here Friday night cago (Johnson 2-2) th® White Sox here. But on an Bahnsen said later he ’’felt “I don’t worry about my hit- 880 Relay—1:37.0, Rhodes schedule. . „ggg racing at Roosevelt Race- eat me product for breakfast. I California (Messersmim 2-2 over-all team basis It’s really a something give when I steiqied ttog,” said Cardenas. “I d e ’t Chllson (M), Slade (M), Prior Fleld of 82 survivors will tee ford yesterday afternoon at the against Attanta. 440 Yard—630, Baur (MAL). Peck IEv n i me iUegal boerfaes, ^ ^ ^g^ averaged $116,- throw a lot of fast bedls and I and May 2-1) at Baltimore new and different Red Sox club g ^ y g^g^ jhg pitch. I don’t worry about nothing. I Just go RIVERSIDE (M), BleUer (M) ^^^•»'^™ **"n)-T'tehlnT*the 1J®y®- Good catches have been members. The next step mus off Saturday In mq first round Manchester (Dountry CXub. whom Samuels hopes eventual- xoo_g„y y handled a highly give up a lot of home runs. So I (McNally 4-1) and Dobson 1-2), which Is making this year’s chal- jt^g^ jjg^ ign^ j-n ^g g„t it’s a up and swing the bat.’’ IW Yd. Lows—22.6. A. Harding ^Ttmtent S t erf second base- made at Buoy No. 4 In Nlantlc rests wim the NBA. of me Governor’s Cup Golf Dan Home and John Herdlc 5P E E O W A Y (MAL). Morgan (M), Slade (M) ly to put out of business, gg^g^yw $i,03o,482 tor last wouldn’t mind dotog that. But I I’m not g(»na start compar- 2, twl-nlght lenge. ______880 Yd.—2:09.6, Gurecld (MAL), for five Including two solid horn- Bay, Buoy No. 2 at pleasure while no vote was scheduled Tournament at me Manchester each carded rounds of 80, Brad "(Udn’t think too much of our ggy^-dgy's Kentucky Derby. It wouldn’t want to faU on my face tog.” _ Bucy (M), Gryabek (MAL) East Trackmen . ^ Beach in Waterford, Seaside today, me possibility still exists Country Club. Sixteen matches Downey turned In an 81 and L«i New York (Stottiemyre 2-0) Yd.—22.9. ~Prlor ■ (C) Cer- . chances,'*’ said Samuels who gjg^ yj^g j^jg ^ y,g preak- fielding a baU. I think I’m a “Oh,” said JenklM, I at Minnesota (Hall 0-2), night rettata (MAL), ‘ Papale (MAL) The loeers managed lone runs Beach In Waterford, me moum should me merger committee are scheduled wim m© eight Annulll an 82. Medalist honors has referred to himself many j^g ^ and Is hoping to pi'eUy good fielder.” mought I was to B ob^ll^ s ; Mile—10:06.7jDeajardins (MAL). Defeat Pulaski In me fourm onSteve Rasch- of me Thames River, Stwilngton gome up wim me report. The winners moving Into second were won by Scott Leone of Natlonnl League Rogangan (MAL),_____ Wevant -. - - (MAL) . - , times as “Howie me Horse.’’ handle $2 on mat race. Also a pretty good pitcher. class last year. Not Tom Seav- Eaat Division 1 Mile Rly.—3:a^.8, GleUer (M), Paced by sweeps In the 100- er’s homer and in me slxm. ____ Breakwaters. Pawcatock Wver. a b a men would need approval ro^d Coach Tom Kelley’s ^uad In ^ De^te problems Involving ». w ixx o "A very good pitcher," said er’s. because I won more games W. L. Pet. G.B. _ _ 'Rxe starting times and alternate position with a 41-86- Jtero Lons and^ackj manager^Leo Durooher. “hut thanhedld.” ^Ivelln— inta^ataTM). ya^ tosh^ and Uto shbt put, Barry’s added seven errors to litUe again of eight ^ Its 11 own^. 16 6 .626 — I witkorjM^^^.pe^^r^AL) Catholic easUy defeated melr...... miseries...... River and Mumford Cove, using “Th© The committees have beenheei pairings for Saturday follow: 77. New York saidaald Samue.Samuels,------Montreal 10 7 .588 1% d e ^ ' l M ^ ) pXsw”h^ a “ BesidM^Qu^Ua’s hot bat. Bill sandworms for bait. negotiating for some three 8:09 Wilks vs. M. Slbrlnsz, Big match for me locato to- and we shouldn’t have any Pittsburgh 16 11 .677 1 Discus—126%’’. Callahan (MAL). mpJt fli-ss in New Brit- Brannlck belted out four hits Mackerel are starting to show weeks during this latest at- Kleman vs. Prior day wlil be a triangular affair that mere Is a vast untapped trouble doing that kind of busi­ St. Louis 16 12 .671 1 (M). fncH S Thorne^ wim Bill up at Long Beach Point, Shelter tempt, to bring the leagues to- Ogden vs. Maddox. G. against Conard of West Hart- market for off-track wagering. ness once we get more betting Beaty Scores^ Wise^ Key Chicago 11 16 .438 6 GateB (M). ChMe (M) East’s Greg Marino won me MetJarmy rapping out three Island and soum of Fishers Is- gemer and end me astronomic- g^jh vs. GlgUo a"d Maloney of Meriden In The OTB was set up to an ef- >> tort to provide revenue tor New parlors op«ied. Phlla. 8 16 .388 7 WITH O IFTS S H E 'L L LO VE WaShf (l^*'Sirino (MAL)* ' mile In 4'27.6 wim Tom Bailey hits. Don Denley, Jack Bous- land, wim some fish up to two al bidding war tor coUeg© play- g .23 c . Edwtuds vs. Irish, West Hartford. Division Results: York City and avoid Increaoed But disputes with unions has West giving a fine showing finisliiiig field and Jeff HelnU had two pounds. ers. and the raiding of players. MagUclc vs. Cerina To Kentucky's ABA Win 80 7 .741 — SAT., MAY 8 MANCHESTER (4) taxes. It has attracted national kept the OTB from handling San Fran. ' Pole l^ult—10’ O'', Phillips (MAD, second. Bob (Clifford captured hits wim Denley also getting a Cod and pollack are being g.gQ Rockwell vs. Lachapelle, Atlanta IS IS .600 6% SnWTiNG S^OO P.M. r Home 41-89-80 ■«txx.xt*,>,x - off-track betting on me mor- SALT LAKE (3ITY (AP) — and 76.6 per cent from me foul A t^te Wlggln (M), Berg (MAL) the two-milo run In 10:29.2 wim circuit blow. taken off Block Island. Cod fish- ja y Hebert, 1900 PGA cham- . Qardella vs. Ferguson 14 14 .600 ilctfM SMfccrf Herdlc 41-89-80 “Two weeks before we ougfabred racing at Aqueduct Loe Angeles ______:------Stevenson second. (Sorman 730 440 1—19-21-1 ing is also reported to be fair pion, la the new head golf pro at g ;37 Mlstretta vs. Backiel, Zelmo Beaty scored 40 points ***1®^ 12 14 .462 m Downey 41-40-81 opened” said Samuels, “we and on the trots at Yonkers Houston • TENNIS • Pulaski wen me 880-relay and Barry’s 000 101 0— 2 -8-7 at Wilderness Point, off Watch the Gdf and Racquet Club of MoGurkln vs. AgostineUl and snared 15 rebounds, but Ctocijpiatl 10 14 .417 8^ STOCK mile relay. illil and at me Pink House. Palm Beach, Fla. Hebert is 48. 8:44 Ready va. Prlndle, Mor- Annum 40-42-82 were having trouble obtaining Raceway where me OTB origl- too much,” said K loans from banks. But me en- nally was supposed to open. Utah coach BUI Sharman says ggach Frank Ram sey San ' Diego 7 19I .69 12H BEST SELECTION OF 100-yard dash: 1. SweUes (EC). 3 DUSTY LEAGUE line vs. Gordon PENNEY (1) Wednesday’s Beaulto CAR 1971 COMETS Martens (EC). 3. Tucker (ED. T— 8*1 (Senovlsl vs. Fahey, R. Hurst 42-48-86 WlUle Wise was me key to Uie colon els’ loss. 0 :10.6 138-128 victory Wednesday night ihg official statistics, how- Sem Francisco 2, Pittsburgh 1 by' Mercury ■ ^ y a r d dash; 1. Martens (EC), 3 At Itobertson Park, Pero’s Gordm vs. Dotchln lin den 46-40-86 TENNIS EQUIPMENT and OUTERWEAR RACES ^ ck er (ED, 3. Naplerskl (P). T— Fruit Stand, making a deter­ that gave the Stars a 2-0 lead gyg^^ Indicated mat Kentucky St. Ixouis 6, PhUodelphia 1 0:24.4 Outstanding College Athletes 8:68 Bolin vs. St. John, Whls- AUberte 44-88-82 Chicago 6, New York 4 IN THE.AREA 440-yEud dash: 1. Zalinsky, P). 2. mined bid to take league hon­ ton vs. Schilling Cafazzo 44-46-60 H ero o f S ta n ley C up W in, over Kentucky to me American gommltted only 13 turnovers to from S2217. Beaulieu (P), 3. Martens (ED. T— ors this season, wasted little Basketball Association cham- for Utah, Montreal 4, Houston 1 • DRESSES # RAQUETS • BALLS ® M(Vynrd run; 1. Marino (P), 3 time in disposing of Multi <31r- To List Star Runner Sid Sink Jim Pappin Overcame Palsy pionship playoffs. “There’s nb way that’s San Diego 6-1, Atlante 1-8 MORIARTY 3. Hammond (&0. ggjjg jO-S. Pero’s scored 12 .“Beaty did a great Job,” right,” Ramsey said. “We CtoctonaU 8, Lds Angeles 4 • SNEAKERS # SHORTS • HATS Sharman said foUowtog the fljrg^ the baU away a lot more Hmndsy’s Gomes ^ Mile'run; 1. G. Marino (EC), 3 times in toe third to Ice toe BOWUNO GREEN, Ofaio.- _ Jim my neck,” said PaK>«n. “ They BROTHERS ^ 11 ^ ^ (EC). 3. Ogridowltz (P). T Sld Sink, Bowling Green Statt Halas Didn’t Get Impression CHICAGO (AP) game. “But Wise was out- th^.” Chicago (Hands 8-8) at New SHIRTS ACCESSORIES Pappin was relaxing at home to don’t know what causes It. You , Ramsey said he {dans no ma- York (Seaver 4-1) ( i;\Ti:i: sriii:i'.'i TVfHmlle run; 1. Clifford (EC). Dennis Vendrillo pounded out University senior from Manches- 6udbury7 Ont., one day last just wake up cme morning, and Utah ___ M \\( Hi;sTi.i: coach described xg^ changes tor the iqicomtog St. Louis (Gibson 8-2) at U P MAIN EVENT T-?lorM^°" *■ four hits Including a double and ter has been chosen to appeal NFL Doing Anything Illegal points ^ ' . . _ - (Bunntog 1-4), 120 ' high hurdles: 1. Engelbricht triple wim teammatjea Jim In me 1971 edition of Outstanding summer when me bottom worW Just about dropped right There is no s^cinc ^gj^juajja as “just too much to has scored 66 potato ta two Houston (Dlerker 4-0) at Pashalls, Dick Griercheck and College Athletes of America. CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) — found the jurors kind, generous RAQUFT RESTRINGING DONE ON THE PREMISES PLUS FI6URE 81 out from under him. "J®*'*- ^ expect.” gam es against me OoloneU. Montreal (Renko 1M», night . I80' low hurdles: 1. ParaoM_(P). Butch Talaga getting two raps Announcement o f his selection "I didn’t get me impression and friendly. I gave mem a lot "I went to have a soft drink claims baseb^l 8^®®* Beaty’s 40-polnt p e r fo r m a n c e ------— ------^ ^ .* 3*^ ^ apiece. Talaga also clouted a was made by me' Board C), o.3. Tuckerxucaer xr-7.(P). ngx.Hgt. 10 0 002 0— 3-12-4 from individual colleges and before a federal grand jury in- However, he refused to dls- down I i had polio.” muscle tone,” a^d Pappin. moves to LoutovlUe for games • GOLF • universities nominated the win­ vestigatlng possible airfUrust cuss m© particulars of his testi- , Pole vault: 1. Murphy (EC). 2. Whitt Pappin had was BeU’a Paw>ln was stricken on Au- p^yay and Saturday, me latter EVERY SAT. AT 8 PJM. Halinowskl (P). Hgt. 9' 6" ning athletes on me basis of vlolationa in me National Foot- mony on the advice of his abtor- P im ^iui^m ent that affects gust 1 and was unavailable to ^ nationally tele- Shot put: 1. Kandrysawtz (EC), 2. Not Available melr displayed abUlUes not only ball League. neys, Don Reuben and Mike H rto ta L S cdnL. When the Black Haw^ SHOES • GLOVES SAT.. MAY 8th Hauschlld (EC), 3. Shea (E(;). Dlst. Halas, 76, me owner and Ooffield. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) in amietlcs but also In commun- it hanfMned Papoto didn’t the season. For almost four ^ah breezed to a 87-38 first BAl^S • CLUBS^ THE MOST EXCITING 8:00 P.M. PiSrio"”(P),''3. ^Harifta (D^DlsL — Officials of me Amateur Am-.*^^ service and campus acUvl- founder of the Chicago Bean, “’Iliere Is no question ©veiy- know^STtat thing about It. months,” ho said, “I toto no pgrfod lead before Simon and was one of two wltnessea me thing connected wUh the Na- movement to me left side of combined to give the Oolo- RACE IN THE WORLP “ A r ils ' 1 Kandrvsawf. tpoi 2 l®U® Uiilon announced Wendes- t*®®- • ^ jury brought to Cleveland as it tlonal Football League la le- Now he does. sald my face. The only good thing ggig their first lead of • ACCESSORIES' I Hermanowskl (P), 3. Hausctii^ day that Klpchoge Kelno c f (Juarterback Johnny Unites “R’s a pinched nerve,” me iMNnl MriHiW lu n concluded Its hearings for this gal,’’ said Halas. “My life and me ®udden about It...... Was me fa ct t i.... ^ "I night,„ight, 42-40, wim four minutesmiz ‘ ^TOblffumu- 1 ®Murnhv ( E D 2 Kenya, me Olympic 1,600 meter ®aW year’s winners can be CkiMmiMdirn -SO Richardson (S>), 3. Miliar (P). Dlst. champion, will not be available looked upon with esteem ®*be- monm. 'Ihe other was Bert soul are tied up In this league that gave didn’t have to go to training „gag jj, the secemd quarter, Rose, 81, who served four and I want everybody to be on l ««unp. I watched a lot of base- ^wngsThings remained pretty even Nn.lniiPkNt ni-IW 7^ '. _ . . - ,, to run In me United States at cause mey know what hard STOCK Mile relay: Pulaski (Zielinski, teams and me commissioner’s the level.’’ from that point until Beaty Naplerskl, Parsons, J. Marino). "t least until July. work and determination can SID SINK AT —8:40.6 The Kenyan Amateur Athletic bring to mem and melr loved ' Office in 16 years cf association Referring to players who . Nation^ Hockey League Stan- K etm igtosh^e^^^^^^^ scored six potote near the end of me third period to open RIVERSIDE PJ CAR RACES NCAA cross country champion- wUh me NFL. have registered claims of ' ley Chip championship series, Coach Joe Belmont of the Association notified Olin Cas-' ones." things up a Uttie. Denver Rockets in me Amert- sell, AAU track aifd field ad- Sink Is a five-time AU-Ameri- ships and second In me two-mile The jury .Is expected to re- blackballing against leagqe ■ The hest-of-seven series contin­ SPORT MART FULL PROGRAM Sports D ia l Sharman credited hot shoot­ can Basketball. ues wim game two tonight. ing and a good team e^ort tor ROCKVILLE THL. 875-6100 “BeU’a Palsy Is caused by a PARK STREET m u T c a a i • VAM Adm. $2.60 tax included that ^ lile 1 TONIGHT his team’s vtetory.^ TTie Stars TlmrB.-FrL tiU 9 P.M. 80 games virus and affects a nerve, 1 ______Open Daily 9-5 ;30 Children under 12 yn . OOo lio0 Twins vs. Yanks WINF hit 67 per cent from me field last season. think me sevenm nerve, to me .MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE TWENTY-NINE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 •iY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help Wanted-Femole 35 Help Wanted-Mole 36 p a g e TWENTY-BIGHT Business iServices 13 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW • PART-TIME sales women, ap­ JANITOR — EJxperlenced, part- OUR BOARDING HOUSE wtth MAJOR HOOPLE TREES cut — Free estimates. ply In person only, 8 to 1 1 a.m. time, evenings. East Hartford HUGOS BUNNY Have pick up truck will do odd e S o NOM TNE'ifRE MltCNED AHDGHEGPEMD6 or 3 to 7 p.m.. Pine Bakery, area. Call 643-56(91, 3 to 6 p.m., CLASSIFIED Jobs. Call 742-6016. H ASOH SALIMA LOVED CUMQUAT WAB ITTOO<^WOPUa W KATTAVA t h i n k T W S V ^ , BECAUSE ME YfAS SO SMV AMD RETiRlMG- - A U N E R IM E TRVlNG TO CNAMGE MlM - 658 O nter St., Manchester. only. A BAPTPIPr we OOULRA wovBR.... PUT w e wNm-v ) j TREE SER-VICB (Soucler)— WANTED — EJxperlenced low «OT VJIO _OP Wl^Al M J eU . ffU S T . /HAPS THAT MUCK Trees cut, building lots clear­ OtKX,J(KrOMee,l^0uN£1OGEEV0U , O U T p»>ce A N P S lo w ', A PAPSPBOV/ THIS PLACE Aniwir PrtfMii PvnIt NoifRE MARRfMa HlM ? ) I ilHOW.' THAI^VflWI bed trailer driver. CJall 833- MAP SO MUCH POOCrt THAT ADVERTISING ed, trees topped. Got a tree GTAMO OP 10 VOUR BOGG? TAlN GACK! 11% < ua=TY.' I'u . Keep , BUT HEMEVER SA-fG ^LOVE HiM! HYe SO-GO 2025. -tH6 n o s e ON 'e/A eVGN TH6 COFFEC’ Around the World problem! Well worth phone \;fOO! IDIDMT THINK N HElPLEGG-NEVER ARGUEG WGGUGTiNG HON HElfTESG . MACHIN6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS EXPERIENCED i WHILE "iOU LUE THE call, 742-8252. HE HAD THE NERVE > ^ ~ H E JUGTCREEP6 INTO SALEIS and Service representa­ APPI.EC/ WHATTAVA' 8 AJfl. to 4:8 0 PJd. pteufze THIS'LL PUN DOWN lOAGNVOO' , r < J lX ^ H E A R T f/; tive — Opening for an ambi­ TlEACHTHaA ACROSS ATR-CONDITIONING sales and WAITRESSES US - #2o,ocX> t 1 Caribbean 1 Male swans tious reliable, hardworking A uesscsN/ service including installation, person who would like to work island 2 Soviet stream OOTY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. both commerclail and private T t a C 3 Island in East into management. *' Five-day S Arabian gulf 4;se PJH. DAT BEFORE PUBUGATION homes. Also commercial r e ­ (2) 9 ----- Vegas, Indies week, salary plus commission Nevada 4 Peruvian Deadline tor Saturday and Monday la 4 :se p.m. Friday frigeration service. (3eneflts. Apply In per­ seaport son, Singer Co., 866 Main St.. 13 Ashen wallaba PLEASE READ YOUR AD IjAWN mowers sharpened and Sunday 7 a.m. to 12 noon, 14 Japanese sath 6 Short weapon repaired. Pick-up ai>d deliver. 5 p.m. to 12 midnight. High Manchester. 24 Short barb 45 Niter (coll, Olassilled or “ Want Ads’ * are taken over tlie plione aa a 15 North for stabbing Call 649-7958. hourly wage. 7 Girl’s name 25 Sheaf var.) oonvenlenoe. The advertiser shenld read his ad the FIRST LOCAL dairy store needs man, American 26 Changes 46 Chest tattle. DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In tim e for the BY LANK LEONARD bird of prey 8 Requirements LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also 3 nights plus Sunday work. MICKEY FINN 9 Least 28 Mountain----- 47 Mimicker next insertion. The Herald is responsible for only ONE in- Apply In person only. (2 words) 30 Spanish home 48Roman moving large appliances. Call 649-8017. 17 Fiber knots frequented oorreot or omitted insertion for any advertisement and then VOU'LL HAVE TO FURNISH A NICE 10 Encourage 31 Enthusiastic dmperor only to the extent of a ’’make good” Insertloa.. Errors which Burning barrels delivered, $4. CELL FOR ME—WITH MODERN 18 Craftier ardor 50 Genuine CONVENIENCES—WITH ENOUGH 19 Jiggers 11 Tastes do not lessen the- value of the adverttsement win not be 844-1776. SHERIFF FINN—I'M GOIN' TO J slightly 33 Citrus fruits 51 Flower oorreoted by “ make good’’ insertion. KNUDSEN TECHNICIAN MAKE VOU A GREAT BIG HERO/ GUARDS TO GIVE ME /MAKIMLIM . (slang) 35 Taro roots 52 Anglo-Ssxon PROTECTION AT ALL TIMES' 21 Identical 16 Expunger STEIPS, sidewalks, stone walls, 20 Juniper 40 Molest . theow fireplaces, flagstone terraces. 23 The sun 43 Meastireof 55 Honey 22 Motorist’s (RoekvOne, TMI Free) All concrete repsdrs, both In­ i DAIRY OFHCE Experienced Pneumatic and 24 Cathedral lodging place capacity (phaiin.) ^OMETHlNS church side and outside railings, land­ Electircal assembler. Must FOP THBATO be capable of reading 27 Kind t 5“ r~ i " 1 " i l 643-2711 875-3136 scaping. Reasonably priced. peMBHEEP- I 29 Oriental 1 2 i r " r (Rear of Restaurant) Call 643-0861. Schematics of both types of foodstuff u systems and assemblylng 15” 13 Jem/ TEUmRoT To Mr. Thomas. 32 Charm of a Automobiles For Sole 4 . grioareN same on small machUies.\ sort IT RUG cleaning, window clean­ HALBS CORNERS IT 11 ing, floor refinishing, floors Position offers good wages, 34 Seal anew 1967 VALIANT, 6 cylinder, auto­ 1100 Burnside Avenue BY NEG COCHRAN .36 Withdraw 11 stripped and polished. R A R working conditions, Uberal OUT OUR WAY I t matic. Ehccellent running con­ 37 Bl^k Sea HERALD Floor Care, 526-4392. East Hartford, Conn. fringe benefits for fuUy ex­ seaport 5i dition. $750 or best offer. Phone perienced applicant. 38 British street 872-4666, anytime. BULLDOZER backhoe work, Roofing - Siding 16 Business Opportunity 28 Help Wonted-female 35 , u/AIT" LISTEN AKT BE TOREIMARNEP, 'CAUSE TM a 2S 26 2) 31 BOX LETTERS car land - clearing, state licensed WAIXREJSSEa wanted, lun- q-a l FWday to work In con- ECTTIM' HEP TO HER TRICKV PLOTS/1 39 Extol 1964 COMET, V-8, 4-door sedan, P & S Roofing — Roofing and OUT AN EMPTY HAND LOTION BOTTLE THIS M O ^ B” n For Year for installation of septic tanks cheon, dinners, and cocktail. structlon office, bookkeeping 41 Light brown air-conditioned, mint c$ 6 f \ n o m z POU^fD — The best place to heavy duty tires and bumper. JtJNK cars removed, $8. Call ing and repairs. Free esti­ CJo., 477 Conn. Blvd., East PILGRIM MILLS, 99 Loomis MATURE women, Saturday af- 60M^Mp[;N6HM6 choose home decorations and $1,675 (sacrifice). C ^ l 643-8108 [6ONmP0(0CH SHORT RIBS BY FVANK O’NEAL 872-9433. mates. CaU 649-3808. H a^ord, Conn. 06108. St., has openings for women to temoons and evenings. Also ICE CREAM gifM Is Your Gift Gallery at after 5 p.m. T (T ? . i f trim lawns, Earn High Income home town friendly world of tires, less than 30,(X)0 actual and or plumbing needs. Free Miss Oobum, 646-1414. chester Shopping Parkade. HEY. PIG/ estimate. AU Expenses Paid gifts. Telephone, 643-0171. miles. Inquire EVshpf Clean­ estimates gladly given. Leak­ ing faucets fixed, no job too GET RID of winter bills and put No cash' bond required. High FOUND, white four month old ers, 325 Broad St., Manchester. Household Services 13-A small. M * M Plumbing & some Spring In your step. Be Help Wanted-Male 36 libera! percentage. Over 18. female kitten, black and yel- cAMINO, blue With Heating, 649-2871. OPERATING an Avon Representative. It’s Driver’s license essential. PAINTERS wanted, experi­ low, between ears. CaU 643- 35^ WASHING machine repairs, easy and Interesting. No ex­ Choice territories avaUable. enced. Top pay and benefits, 7416. speed transmlssi(»i, many ex­ RCA TVhlrlpool, Kenmore, 3-BAY SUNOCO perience necessary. Why put It Apply daUy and Saturday 9-5. year 'round work. CJall 649- 4 : tras. Call 643-6016. Maytag. Reasonable }utes. 643- Millinery, off? CaU now 289-4922. EX>UiNI> — J ^ e shepherd type SERVICE STA'nON 9688. 4918, 647-1719. Dressmaking 19 (XX)D HUMOR CORP. dog, CaU Bolton Dog Warden, t u r n Idle hourt Into busy cash, SulUvan Ave.-Kennedy Rd. WINDOW CLEANER, experi­ BY FRANK BAGINSRI 649-5900. Trailers - REIWEIAVINQ of bums, moth- CUSTOM tailored ladles’ dress­ FOR RENT if you have a few free hours South Windsor, Conn. PLAIN JANE -■ I I . . ------enced wanted. part-time Mobile Homes 6-A holes, zippers repaired. Vfln- es, suits, alterations and and would like to earn $60 to C BOLT THE POOR’. SHEfe \ dow shades made to measure costume jewelry In your stone $100 weekly. Call 669-0098. mornings. 646-4220. DRIVERS for school buses, ___ .S-fc Automobiles For Sole 4 COMPLETE travel traUer and aU size Venetian blinds. Keys preference. 649-1133. Manchester schools. 7:30 to NOW LEGAL Secretary — 9 until 8:46 a.m., 2:18 to 3:48 pTm. Ex­ t t t NEED CAR? Credit very bad? camper repair maintenance, made whUe you wait. Tape 5 p.m., five days. South Wlnd- HELP Vrd convertible, I®®® NEWPORT 62x12 m ^lle terior painting, paper hanging. weekends, Frank Spilecki, InteresUng and challenging STOCK clerk and driver, nights Must be home, 2 bedrooms, furnished 643-6000. Wednesday through Sunday. MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY showroom condition, Discount on waUpaper. Call and weekends. Must have car. or unfurnished. On lot in position with a local physicon. Apply In person only. seen to (qipreclate. CJall after Oscar Hebert, 646-3048. 649-5445. Good typing and accuracy with Apply In person, Arthur Drug IP V9Ui% 0004019 WUK WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLl Storrs, 1-429-7408. WE repair power mowers and WOOF! 5 p.m., 643-8174. sharpen hand mowers. Sharp­ figures essential. Ability to 942 Main St., Manchester. AROUND UKEA DO€»3JMGOINO B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sots, 1967 STARCRAET hardtop tent meet the public a must. Hours WOOF! TDTMKUKEADDS// VOU 6 0 U N D L IK E VOU12E R6ADINQ 1869 CAMARO silver gray. 3 en saws, electric hedge clip­ Interior and exterior painting, ( & A V , “ I LOVB'yOIM I r LCA/E VOU/ I LCVe camper, double dinette, stove, pers and hedge shears. Pick 9 until 6 p.m., Monday through KNUDSEN AN OLD LAUNDK/ L-IOT. speed with console, good condl- paper hanging. Thirty years LjCVE >Ctl DBARLy.' VOU DBACLY/ Thursday, alternating Friday ARF! I LOVE VOU MADUV/ aOng Uon. CaU 643-9007 anytime. 643-1677, 0 a.m. to 8 p.m. siding, general repairs. Qual­ salary and fringe beneflls. Ap­ liberal benefits. Call 569-1330, Mr. Centini for 1962 (3HE5VROLET wagon, auto­ ity workmanship. Financing w ply Vernon Board Educa­ I960 TRIUMPH Tritent, 780 cc. PAINTING — CaU after 6 p.m. TENNIS Instructions, Gloria matic, good mechanical condl- 3-cyllnder, low mileage, excel­ avaUable. Economy Builders, tion. CaU 875-1060 aslc for Mrs. appointment. 649-5066 or 246-0346. Darling, 289-8447. ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN Uon, good tires. $200 or best lent condition, $1,180. 742-9074. Inc., 643-6169, 872-0647 eve­ Crane. otter. 049-8736 evenings. nings. J&D Painting and paper hang­ OKAY, I KNOW REGISTERED^urse — Maine AN' TEU. HIM OOP, W BlL NEED A - 26" LIGHTWEIGHr Girl’s Eng- ing. Interior, exterior. Free BUNCH OF BIS,THIN, r WHOT THERESA , 1968 AMBASSADOR - power g. ^ excellent condl- MASONARY work, steps side- HeIpWanted-Female 35 Music C a m o f ExceUent work­ TBRING HIS WHOLE M ESS OF S 4 l estimates. Reasonable. CaU PAINTS WITH FLATROCKSFOR > STEVE CANTON BY MILTON CANIFV steering,_A._____ t _q a r o lpower l r o brakes, walks, floors, TY paitio,a M o . TXTAIID.walls, re­ ing, living conditions, beside HIM! I6SYTWORKON.. tlon, $25. 646-3793. 872-4586. after 4 p.m., 646-2220. pairs, etc. Field stone a spe­ EXPERIENCED Masseuse, beautiful' lake. June 28 to ^TrlEywRKremTS I'LL USE A F sUMMK,BEN has THE ^T H A rt THE COPE ID ciality. Free estimates. AU EXPEIRIENCED painter — In­ Augusl^^rd. CaU 649-2566. SHE'F BEEN STAVING 1 PONTIAC Tempest, 1968, stan­ twice a week. CaU 649-5618. Immediate Openings OUT OF SIGHT' I - 4 HAVE BEEN SLOW IN NEW AN6LE.' PEACE-BUTTDN/WKETURNEP -TELL/WE THAT THE Business Services 13 work guaranteed. CaU after terior ^ exterior, with refer­ ON... HE'S COMINa OVER SECOND ROLL OF 4 dard, 8 cylinder, 2-door, radio. -THINK HER HUSBAND COMINe THIS MONTH -W H O HAS 6 p.m., 643-1870, or 644-2976. ences. Work guaranteed. <3aU For Our Hew Talcottville Plant HAS A HUNCH THAT -C A N VOOTRY A6AIN SOME’WIFE ANP WITH 'WIFE ANP KIDS'SNAP-, MICROFILAA IS NOW CaU 64S-1040. ______MANCHESTER Welding Ser- SHOTS FROM BACK HOME.'A READY TO DELIVER ! 649-8719, low rates. I'M eETTlNa TO HER.' ? 'i RIPS'PICTURES " ^ Z c M n e Z o u r a n t and West CARPENTRY and remodeUng, Help W an^ - Female 35 I CAN FLASH? 1968 AMX. New paint. Crane Middle Turnpike. General rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, On The Second and Third Shifts caun, ,Haun pistons, line lock, welding repairs, home owners additlOTS and garages. Call Floor Rnishing 24 AppUcants wlU train in our Stafford Springs plant and thOT O a g a r mags. ExceUent condi­ Tom Oorbitt, 643-0086. '.-■ - =' and sports equipment. wiU be transferred to TalcottvUle. 0 2 tion, 649-0678. ______BTGOR SANDING, and refln- LEON CIEaZYNSKI buUder — ishing (specializing In older POWER lawn mowers over- STEJClGRAPHER 1969 MUSTANG, Mach I. Excel­ new homes custom buUt, re­ floors). Inside painting, paper­ hauled, call 649-7774 after 4 We offer fhe following: lent condition, low mileage, modeling, additions, rec ing, ceilings, etc. No job too S-6 p.m. jjniViJSifcSiJitJiJiLStSli some extras. Must sell, $2,100. rooms, garages, kitchens re­ small. John Verfallle, 649-5750. PRO9 OCTION CONTROL • Steady Employment Ciall 6 4 8 - 2 8 6 6 .______GENEIRAL (XlNTRACnNG — modeled, bath tile, cement LANCELOT BY COKER and PENN NO job too small, none too work. Steps, dormers. Resi­ Bonds - '# Incenrive Earnings VOLKSWAGEN, 1969 Bug, ra­ large, wiU paint or make dog dential or commercial. CaU (XERK dio, luggage rack, Must sacri­ Stocks - Mortgages 27 • Company Paid Blue Cross and CMS AG IT GRCPW© TALLER ^ THEN OUGr THINK. 50MBCWV house, landscape anything, 646-4291. ANP TALLER IT WILL Pff IT WILL BE A O t / A B i T fice at $896. for quick « l e . Call buUd or paint bridge. Esti­ MORTOAGEJS — 1st, and 2nd., for you and your family d 742-8243. WE» ROBBINS Carpentry re­ mortgages —Interim financing opportunity for "G al Friday" with Initiative. BBCAUG6 OF WOU ANP■ ) mates with smile. 644-2874. • 10 Paid Holidays MPUR TENPER.LOVIN& modeling specialist. Additions, — expedient and confidential if^Uent shorthand and typing necessary. Full-time. Con­ CARE / _ , 1966 CWRY8 LER 300, alr-condl- TWO YOUNG married men will rec rooms dormers, porches, service. J. D. Real Estate genial atmosphere, many fringe benefits. • Paid Pension Plan and Other Benefits BY lyU SO N Uoned, exceUent running con­ do smaU repair jobe and paint­ cabinets, formica, buUt-lns, -THINK IJTTLB SPORTS Assoc. 643-8129. Caff. 71 (W 1 Faatam Cara. dition. $700. CaU 872-2218. VISIT US AT Ba*. UJ. Nt. O*. i l W i n © - ing, also cellar cleaning and bathrooips. kitchens, 649-3446. MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec-y LwSe?. / 5 , OPEL Kadette, sedan, • 1964, light trucking. CaU 646-2692, \ PLANTED ond, third. All kinds. Rea economical, good running con­ 646-2047. AMF CUNO DIVISION ______^ Roofing - Siding 16 statewide. Credit rating (XiLONIAL BOARD CO. dition. $195. 643-9044. p TaEANINO — Interior — both — ------esgary. Reasonable. Ck>q Stafford Springs Plant, Route S3, River Road r^l^tial and commercial. BIDWELL Home Improvement 615 PARKER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. Stafford Springs, Conn.- 1988 MUSTANG, 4-Bl)eed, high C o. Expert InstaUatlon of alu­ tial, quick arrangemej Satisfactory work guaranteed. An equal oportunity employer performance 289, lour G70 minum siding, gutters and vin Lundy Agency, Mrs. E. 3. Loftus end. For friendly free estimates, 100 Constitution PI) tires, posltracUon rear CaU Suburban Eloor Mainten­ trim. Roofing Installatioh and Must sell. Take over pay- repairs, 649-6495, 876-9109. ford. Evenings, 2$6-6879. ance, 649-9229. f4 menu. 643-6^.

■ / PAGE THIRTY-ONE MANCHEST®H e v e n i n g h e r a l d , M A N fteT ^ . CONN., WEDNESDAY. MAY 5. 1971

I o l « i'ii ’di HoMM For Sda 72 Ho im m For Sole 72 H o w m For Solo 72 Out of-Town Out of Towm 75 WORLD ALMANAC — For Sale 75 For Sale FACTS Housing Subsidies SOUTH WINDSOR — 7-room MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CX)NN„ THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 Offered tor Um MANCHESTER ANSALDI BUILT South Windsor PAGE THIRTY MOVE RIGHT IN!! ^Ut. Recreation room, patio, Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 AND VICINITY Six-room Colonial, plastered Absentee owner must sacri­ carpeting, and appUances. Are Gathering Dust Business Property walls, flreplace, tile baths, fice. He has authorized us to $24,900. C2zar Bon A gen cy, 649 HouseHold Goods SI PHILBRICK sidy at no down payment, and U 70 MANCHESTER — Oambolattl SEXXUDED aitre- lot, , trees, bulH-lns, large breezoway, sell this 9room home for 0663. By BIU. NEKIBK For Sole $82,600 — M ini-estate. 9 b ed - urging leaders to make more TWO Hollywood beda, kitchen three-bedroom Raised Ranch lush 8-room Colonial, carpet­ 2-car g^arage, city utUities, $31,600. If you are Seeking Associated Press Writer room Ranch, 1% baths, S- conventional loans of 90 to 100 table, upright vacuum, type­ MANCHESTER n. Main St, 8- on lovely Somerset Drive. ing, first-floor family rwun, large lot, quick occupancy. a home on a beautiful treed room Ctrfonlal, ideal for doc­ AGENCY WASHINGTON (AP) — A fed- under the program, CLASSIFIED writer and miacellaneouB BERRY’S WORLD B uilt 1966. M ust b e seen. double garage, ' $89,900. car garage. Many extras. PfUCBU) to seU. and private lot far below BOLTON item s. Call Ml4l. Large af^lncozne American buy ^ APARTMENT sl*e gas stove, es. Rare offering. Frephette larga 7-nmn Ranch, cathedral two-famUy, 2-car garage. 2 flrepiaces, tile baths,' ^ . flmun is ptAi. subsldtes will 80 6306. fitmt-to-back Uving room, ADVERTISING v ery good cm d itlon , $10, .047- R o t o r s , 847-0903. CHOICE R ock ledge A rea 8- 94 CONSTANCE Dr., $26,900. f«tHng In Uving zoom, formal built-lns,’ 2-car g^arage, large h(Mn© is ftoundering because “upwardly mo- room, modem kitchen 7% financing available. 9017. room Split Level, 4 bedrooms, Ihree-bedroom Ran^h plus treed lot. formal dining room, kitchen many citizens have f(»gotten bUe” persons, those capable of d.ASSIFlED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS AT ONE of Manchester’s busl- large family room, 3 full don, garage and hu^ patio. iirith dining area, large family $28,900, Im m aculate Ranch. • • B &L W • with buUt-in oven-range and about it, officials say. increasing their incomes. PATTERN vinyl upholstered est Intersections — on East 8 AJH. to 4:30 PM. baths, stone patio with barbe­ Iflghly desirable area. 6*9-6148. room, 2 fliU haths, 2 flrepiaces, S bedrooms, country size ______BARROWS and WALLACE Co. dishwasher, also pantry Sequoya was a Cherokee As a result, the Federal Home “to other woras, it to the typt- couch and chair, custom made, Center S t„ B -zone, 11,400 cue. C all ow ner, 646-6096. 9 car carage, swimming pool, CHARLEIS LESPERANCE Man(diester P^kade Indian scholar who gave Loan nnni. Board has only 66 cal middle American, the tor- $100. Fender bass g uitar, ceu|w, square foot land, 1,600 square kitchen, garage. closet. Three large bed­ MANCHESTER vicinity— 8%- large wooded lot M anchester his tribe a written language days to dtetrlbutc $48 mlWon tor gotten American.” Martin salrd for a sculpture, DinntJDX— Handy location. home situated in an area of m e m b e r s ^ th e “ bringing $380,000 in a sa le o f 78 MOTORCYCLE accessory man- LOST brig^it- carpet colors . .re es, toys, nurse’s uniforms and H uffm an, 742-6966, H astings with buUt-ln, oven-ranjs dish­ ceUent condition. Only $28,900. 217,900 2-BEDROOM RANCH, « A. m,* M T siati*A washer. Fireplace. Upper 20s. _ .A .. large lot, lawwAlarge shade a>»0^0 tree, as­aS< comparable homes. Four ■VERNON — Mgh in the hills, Child Abuse K,wer mortgage w o ^ t r o m the private coU~- ufacturer needs responsible tore them with Blue Lustre. . dresses, size 10. Thursday 6-8 R ea l E state, 742-7141. CHARLES LESPERANCE $2W<»- W olverton Agency, Realtors, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, sume mortgfage, $116.47 per bedrooms, spacious U'vlng huge 7-toom custom Ramdi, 3 moderate-lncome hoinetouyers cSOlfomla Industrialist help lor a variety ol Jobs. Rent electric shampooer $1. p.m., Friday 4-8 p.m., Satur­ r OCKUIDOEI—Dynamic 9room 6492818. FOUR FAMILIES — 4-4 room month. Hutchins Agency Real­ room, formal dining room baths, garages, sweeping Bill Approved by $20 a month over a five-year Working with textiles and met­ E .A . Johnson Paint O o., 723 d a y 9 a.m . to 2 p .m . 186 649-7620 649-2813. I Boised Ranch, 6 bednMms, 2% iqxirtments. Income $606 MANCHESTER —Large exec­ tors, 6499324. and large family styled,, ■views, 2.7 a cres. H utchins pertod. al. C all 640-7169 or 643-2677 fo r M ain St., M anchester, 649-4601. Wetherell St. The sale at the- Parke-Bemet monthly. Tenants pay utilities. N EW ER 7-room Ranch ^ tb lots botiv, large family room, ca­ utive 9bedroom Ran(di. Many, ------kitchen, paneled family A gen cy, 649-6824. HARTFORD (AP) — A bUl designed to help those „ further information. thedral celling Uving and dining Wednesday night ki Never a vacancy. Helen MANCHESTER Center — Six- at carpeting. 'Two baw , two- many features including in- -— ^ '7 nx>m vrith rustic fleldstone greatly strengthening <3onne^- earning between $7,000 and mUHon. REFRIGERATOR — apart­ room, modem kitchen. A ver- TRUCK Driver. Apply in per­ TOP QUALITY ment size, like new, $76. 30” P alm er, R ea ltor, 643-6821. room Colonial. IH baths, dou­ zone heat. Electric kitchen. ground pool and oversized LotS POY ©alC 73 flreplace, carpeted fl(X)r and cut’s protectiw tor cWL a year, too much to qual- ^ce of the evening was Beautiful famUy room, 80s. satUa home in an exceUent l9 glass sUdlng d(x>r8, also dren who are ify for federal low-income Hons- the^2mIUion paid fw ^icont son, Wlpco Mlllwork, 73 Tol­ LOAM gas stove, $36. Alum inum com ­ ble garage. Partial businesa double garage, 60’s. Heritage VERNON — Level 160x180’ lot. SOUTH WINDSOR Wolverton Agency, Realtors, cation. 2-car garage. House, 6492482. housewife’s dream type laun­ parents was passed by the House subsidy programs and not „ * “i 'Rnnltal de St, land Tpke., Manchester. Reasonable prices, bination screen doors, $10. zone. ElxceUent potential. Of- $6,000. Wolverton Agency, Re­ © liriri, NIA, Land For 5ale 71 649-2813. dry room, screened porch, ®^«*> to%SXTor (xmven- Rety*?C Aum each. 643-2465 evenings o r 643- ______flees, etc. $22,000. Hayes jUBT O r o P 0 ^ r a « SHALLOWBROOK LANE — ex- altors, 6492813. Ebccellent value in this Uke- PARTNER wanted — Learn delivered. deluxe buUt-ins, two vanity emor tor slp^. tlonal loank ^gre the artist voluntarily took 1442. "Now that the TV and m o^e people have agreed not to 46-UNIT apartment sites, water Agency, 646-R81.______PITKEN — Porter St.,area, 6- bedrooin Dutch Ooioaial Ydth aii tremely spacl(Ms customized 9 new 9rom Colonial that of­ business in your spare time. MANCHESTER — ExceUent type baths, central air-con­ fers a Uving room with fire­ Judiciary Oommlttec ^he board received a flood of refuge in 1889. The record auc- 643-5927 use the words 'Mafia'nhd 'Cosa Nostra,' do we hare to and sewer. Reasonable terms. m ANCHES’TER V Newly list- year old aluminum sided cus­ assumable mortgage, formal room -Raised ’ - -Ranch on huge Must have strong desire to AA zone lot, half acre plus, ditioning throughout. ’Two- place, large dining room, "J T telephone calls whm it uon price for a Van Gogh to $1.8 to qualifledmtalfPlAH buyer.iMivdkt* C&TTl&gG - ___*_____ — *---- tom built, 8-room Garrlswi. Uving and dming rooms, eat-in wexxied lot. BuUt-in ^kitchen, work for yourself. Call for ap­ ------;— Wonted - To Buy 58 stop using them, too?" ed, aluminum sided two-fam- *l^ewo(xl Circle area, city car attached garage. Many kitchen with deluxe buUt-lns, plato«i that the biU ^ n ^ the program lato last million. ALUMINUM screen-storm ______’ ------R ealty, 646-1110. Family room with beamed kitchen, large family ztx>m. 2% tiled baths, 2-car garage. pointm ent. 649-6806. lly with double garage and a utUities, CaU Mr. Zimmer, extras. $64,000. family room suid lav on first definition of cMd abuse year. But many lenders, unfa- Dr. Armand Hammer, a . doors, built-in bath tubs, lava- WANTEID used restaurant, tav- ceiling and built-in bar, dream O lym pic size in-gnxm d p(x>l. lovely lot. West side locaticm. n e w UBTTNG — Overalsed J. D. Real Estate Associates. floor. ’The second floor has dude matautrition, sexud moles- ^ ^ program at first. Angeles Industrlaltot, was the DRUG Clerk — ov er 21, part- torys, toilets, kitchen cabinet em, hotel, grocery store, bank H eritage H ouse, 646-2482. kitchen with barbecue, etc. Richly decorated and immacu­ GarTiacn Ooianlal, less than 643-6129. four bedrooms, and 2 baths, tation Md cruel puiU ^m ^ weren’t anxious to take on tow- successful bidder for the Van time, evenings or weekends, sinks, metal wall cabinets, hot rupey equipment. Also have 3 Houses For 5ole 72 etc. Call Now. Hayes (Agency, U&R REALTY CO., INC. Apartmenh - Flats - Business Loeafions one year old. Owner trans­ lately kept For the fastidious the Master bedroom being H M Cleans and interest waned. Gogh, a view of the hoapltal experienced, driver’s license. w ater furnace. 643-2466, 648- floors of used equipment for 646-0131. buyer. H ayes A gency, 646-0181. TOLLAND — 8 building lots, No phone calls. Miller Phar­ cash. Call 64 ferred. BUght ztxnns, 2% baths, 643-2692 extra large with a walk-in ^ r ^ n t o “ Martin said one-fifth of the seen through trees, 1442. fast and ready ~ Tenenpciils 63 For Rent MANCHESTER S P E X 3 IA L $6,600 total. Tolland, acre lot, m acy. I Restaurant ------MANCHESTER — Keeney St. first-floor family room with MANCHESTER —Picture book closet and hUl bath. One-car doctor mroects lending Institutions now are Other major works in the s ^ Fountalne’s Used FIVli-ROOM second floor IDEAL professional , o ffic e JUST OLD ENOUGH IT’S INEXPENSIVE to clean area, 4-bedroom Garrison Co­ fireplace, formal dining room, Cape, 7 rooms, 2 baths, car­ g arage. CkHivenient location. been abused by Its ready to make the subsidized include a water UUea i^ o ^ Equipm ent, 627-6771, 478 W ind decorated, sp ace fo r r e n t F ree parking, TV> be a real bargain .at FIVE BEDROOIVK 4 bedrooms, aluminum sldlzig, S;J?’$6.2rSSer“ ^ Robert D. Murdock, Realtor the ChUd has been abused b y its ^ brought $320,000. and rugs and upholstery with Blue sor St., Comer of Canton St., lonial, family room, 2 fire- Cl peting, g^arage, fireplace, Only $36,900. Help Wanted - close to M ain St., heat, hot w a- 118 B a st C enter S t 646-6019. $83,900. ’This four-bedroom 2-car garage. BbcceUent neigh­ A gency, 646-0181. Lustre. Rent electric sham­ H artford. Ansaldl buUt Garrison Co­ places, double gfarage. Only shade trees, anchor fence, ~ ______the bill reouires The board figures that num- a self-portrait by Paul Qauguln ter, $176 m onthly. C all 643-2282 We offer for immediate sale borhood. $41,900. •Male or Female 37 pooer $1. Olcott Variety Store. NICE TWO-ROOM front office. lonial will be vacant June $37,600. H ayes A gency, 646- Hutchins Agency, Realtors, (XIVENTRY — Treed building COVENTRY — 7-room custom U&R REALTY CO., INC. HOUSEHOLD loU — Antiques, or 644-8896. Reasonable rent. Inquire Du- 1st. Large sloping treed lot this aU b rick 6-bedroom Co- 0131. 6496324. lots. $3,600 each, five acres, built Ranch. TWo fireplaces, m e S ,x i Z m n , U t» mllUo. Dm. WANTED — Ambitions man or FRIGIDAIRE alr-condltlwier. bric-a-brac, locks, frames, r a n c h —Extra large modem baldo M usic C enter, 186 W est In established nelghboriiood. IcHiial in central location . A ll ’Tremendous valley view. $10,- extra large rooms. Garage. 643-2692 susoected cases of chUd abuse though not ail the lender com- P®f^’.„_ ' .„•> i. a woman to sell real estate full 40,000 BTU, a s is. $176. 649- glassware. We b^y estates. DELUXE 2-bedroom ^>art- FOUR FAMILY, AU four-room fcltdien w ltii built-lns. Large M iddle Ttike. C all 649-6206 Call John McLaughlin at wUh two buUdlngs on 900. P aved road. H ayes A gen­ Double lot. Excellent area. time. For appointment call 0016 anytim e. Village Peddler, Auctioneer, ment, wall-to-wall carpeting, city utUities, fireplace, fam- apartments. F(xir garages. Uving one lot. Paved parking area. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor million, if toJ^ast that some weekdays, after 8 p.m. Satur­ 649-6306 fo r appointm ent. cy, 6490131. $33,900. H ayes A gency, lawsuit to those who do so. "me .^je remaining $48 million, if ' caSed the greatest M r. PhUbrick, 646-4200. 420 Lake St., fiolton , 649-3247. complete appUances, 2 air- Uy room, garage. I»referred, Shows care. Low 60si Wolver­ 168.000. w olverton A gency. WELL kept carpets show tte ______- ______conditioners, fuU days 9 to 6 p.m. 0131. ______current law covers only physl^ spent, would provide ddiouting ^ sculpture of the 19th conditioners, full basement, stable neigrhborhood. An un­ ton Agency, Realtors,' 649-2813. Uit 100x200’. $27,900. Realtors. 6492818. BOLTON —One mile from Man­ results of regular Blue WANTED antique furniture, washer-dryer ho>tyvanity a t r e b t O ffice • • B (Sl W • • /•R>OA 1 fViluilirtI - ■ ■------* —~ CllCSlGr. cnester.chester. WOOQCQ W(xxledwoooeu corn comer er lot. ,.,'nT^'r..r,xT ElASTEAST HAKTStiKiJ HARTFORD —. I.ari{«I^rge 7-i- ans. nurses,------social workers and subsidies for nearly 41.0®® . ^century, tu ry. Rn isto methe onryonly sculpture h e l p wanted part-time days. usual offering. Call early! Spot cleaning. Rent electoc glass, pewter, oil paintings or type bath, glass sliding doors 100 per cent^ looatiofilocation neainear BARROWS and WALLACE Co. MANCHESTER — Big and “itANCHESTER— ANCHESTER- Pitkin Street. Acre plus. Prestige area. M.H. HEBRON room RaisedRsised Ranch, waU-to-wall-to- educators. ^ moderate-income familiesfam ines ------hfA exhibited life- during bis Ufe- Inquire Bonanza, 287 W. M id­ shampooer $1. Plnewood Fur- antique items. Any quan- onto patio. $220 per month. 10® P® Manchester Parkade beautiful and new. 8-room Oo- Six la ^ _ro^ fuU w^-up Stately ii-r(»m11-room Oolonlal.Oolonlal, into paimer. Realtor, Realtor. 6496321.6496321. 649649 Tremendous value, only *24,900. wall carpeting. Recreation ^ R«P- GilU^, I9M - ^ g h couldn’t qual^ ofterwlse niture Shop. banks, air-cenditioned, auto­ atUo, handy locatiim. $28,900 d le ’Tpke. tity. The“ H arrison’ s, 643-8709, Robert D. Murdock, Realtor, matic fire sprinkler. Apply M anchester 649-6306 BEIL A IR R E A L ESTATE iomal in desirable residential (*ie of Manchester’s premiet o638. for T 9rt)om Ranch on a KA oi room, flreptece. alumtaum rid- dlj*o^ ^tat^ ~t the bUl ^ ,or a (»^^ jt was first flhuwn. in wax at 166 Oakland Street. 648-2692. $17,000 2-BEESlOOM RANCH, neighlMriuxxl. First-floor fam- START your own caretr in a ALUMINUM sheets used as M arlow ’s, 867 M ain S t t h e UUnMA’TB in a Ram- locations. Must be seen to be ------—— ,gox200’ Nice setting, rural, pri- w , garage. $30,900. Hutchins aUows Juvenile Martin said. ^g mipressicntot ejdUWtion of large lot, large shade tree, as­ 643-9332 lly room with fireplace, 2% appmclated. T. J.’ Crockett, TWO A ^ed loto. Cen^y 1^ eaSirSslble. T^ J. ^^^^963^ psychiatric Any unspent money wUl go cmuied contrx^ fast growing business. Unlim­ printing plates, .009 thick, 2Sx R ealtors bilng Ranch holne, abounding PRTVA’IE collector wishes to HEBRON — Newer 2-bedroom MANCHESTESt GREEN — sum e m ortgage, $116.47 per baths, 4 bedrooms, 2-«ar ga­ R ea ltor. 648-1677. catedcaieci: . CClty ity water and sewer, ^ k e ty®t t . ®^>y S o r . 643-1677. ------— ente suspected of abusing their ^ y,g treasury. Maito the figure was ited prestige in expanding 36” , 26 cents each o r 6 fo r $1. with charm and perfection, nes­ buy proof sets,

jio[URO power pow er nanoie, handle, wiin w ith roia- rota- ■—. ------; — ------:------—------engineering space available. NINE-ROOM custom built Oar- qulsltely reproduced authentic 9room Oolcmial, beautifuUy Agency, 6490683. age? For guegpU^8°to to all all^Slrtes ^rles suffered at geogroi*ical geogioidUcal location. location, The previous “ etto rec(^ ry m wer and snow blower. CLEAN furnished room for eld- MANCHESTER - Newer 2 June occupancy. Priced in low TODAYI Mr. Ramsdell. — ------—• Heating, air - condltlcming, rison Colonial 2400 sq. feet, 4- Dutch Colonial on maintained. Four bedrooms, ice, caU Uxiis Dimock Real ^ iniRrd. LoanstjQfvnty cannot excee ex ceed |25t000f fo r a sculpture w as $160,000 paid -T artveriy oTAnflATmkngentleman. TnoiilmInquire 4 bedroom deluxe ffimlAvduplex, H halfaI' 40s. P rin cip les on ly, 643-7766. 9%-room the hands of parents or guard­ CaU a fter 6 p .m ., 649-6096. emergency UghUng system, bedrooms, (^ce, 2% baths, ______1% baths, modem eat-in Resort Property ty. Realtors, 6499623. must go for purchase of a sin- gt Parke-Bemet oa A p ril 4, 1988 P earl S t , o r caU 643-9363. of 2-famUy, carpets, IH bathe, park-Uke lot in prestige area. ians. burglar and fire alarm sys- _ _ kitchen, (screened porch ad­ 74 TOWN OF MANCHESTER gle-famUy dwelling or condomi- for Henry Moore’s "Reclining SCRBENED loam, sand, gravel, appUances, $206 m onthly. double garage, carpeting. MANCHESTER^New on mar­ Three fireplaces, 4 baths, first- For 5ole ALL CASH for your property PERSONS INTERESTED COMFORTABLY furnished terns, located in Marlborough’s Hsqres Agency, 646-0181 floor laundry room, 6-z(me jacent), large formal din­ nium and must comprise at Figure.” processed gravel, stone, flU. P aul D ougan, R ea ltor, 649- ket, immaculate 8-bedroom CDVE21TRY LAKE, waterfrtxit within 24 hours. A'vold red sleei^ng room, for (me em­ new Industrial and commer(^lal Ran(di, convement l(x:ati(m, heating and much more.'^ Must PHILBRICK ing room, attractive Uving LEGAL More than one-third of the jgg^t 70 per cent of the purchase Both the Gauguin and the Also bulldozer and backhne 4686. ______sum m er (»tta g e , 190’ weU, tape, instant service. Hayes IN INTRODUCING ployed gentleman. Parkiiig. pemk. Two private entrances. ’TWO FAMILY 6-6, recent trees, shrubs, garage. Only see. A real (qiportunlty. Hayes room and den. Ideal famUy nearly— 1,000.. nnA different hnniiRbrands of pjtge_ sculptuie Were purchaaed by service and drain flelds. lovely porch overlooking lake, Agency, 646-OlSl. 272 M ain S t MANCHESTER — Brownstone CaU 1-296-9440 fo r appoint­ kitchens, extra buUding lot. $26,600. Bel Air Real Estate, A gency, 646-0131. home with aU city conven­ N O T w a ; ______passenger tires made to Ameri- The ixjord aUows moderate-ln- 'Wldmiatein GaUerles c t New George H. Grlffing, Andover. fireplace, exceUent neighbor- ^ _ SHAKLEE PROD­ Apartments. Large two-bed- m ent. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, 643-9832. / AGENCY iences. $31,900. Call Su­ The Zoning Board of Appeals WANTED _ Three or tour co. are (xmstructed with flber- come famUies to obtain the sub- York. 742-7886. ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, hood. Bel Air Real Estate, 649 J11 \A^^A miKlin^bUc hAArinfiTBhearings OHon rm duplex apartmeiit Am- 6492813. MANCHESTER ^ ’To settle es­ zanne Shorts, 646-3233, J. bedioom Oolonlal or Raised glass belts. gentleman, private entrance. room duplex apai^ena - q o m MEBCIAL place for lease Watson Beach Real Etotate UCTS IN THIS AREA. EQUIPM EN T fo r beeh ives, $76 -pie closets, baths, heat, hot MANCHESTER Industrial zorie tate, 7-nx>m qldqr Cohgiial. Ex­ 9332. M onday, M ay 17, 1971, start- Ranch. Two baths, two-car ------— A pply 196 Spruce St., M an­ ceUent condition, iSi baths, REALTORS or best offer. CaU between 4-9 water, carpeting, appUances 9famUy house, exceUent busi­ O o„ 647-1660. OOVENTRY - summer cot- g P-.. to to^He^ garage, family room. Write chester. post office. ExceUent business large lot. Garage. $28,600. CALL FOR AN AP­ p .m . 649-9844. ______and parking, Alr-condltl(mers MANCHESTER ness opportunity. IS|^ traffic Box "L,” Manchester Herald. tocation with buUding. CaU Hayes Agency, 6490181. FURNISHED room, genUeman and garages, optional. Imme- count, good condition. CaU Principles only. 646-2426, 9 6 . ' Spaci(nis new 9room Colom- 6464200 KANOmSTESl — Slx-roo«n POINTMENT. CXIMPLBTE set of machinist s Parking. Near bus dlate and May 1st occupancy, now. $81,800. Hayes Agency, log cabin design, fireplace, the foUow^ ^ titi^ . tools and chest, h alf p rice. 647- al. First-floor paneled fam­ 646-0181. Ranch, ’Ihree bedrooms, ga­ Une. References. CaU 6496626. Adults $216. CaU 646-1700 or $9,600. Hayes Agency. 6490131. ^ street. Residence 633-9648 9498. Uy room with fleldstone flre­ rage, 1% baths, Mid 20’s. La - Houses For Rent 65 87 FOOT RANCH — Fireplace, PRE5IDENTIAL ' Penta Agency, Realtor, 649 ROOM with kitchen privUeges, *” '****’ ______— ______——— _____ •------place, beamed celling Uving FOUB-FIAMILY In fine condi- CaJNTON — Ced€ir Island, Zone A. Variance is request­ Last Drive Happiness is having paneling, beamed ceiling, coun­ centraUy located. Apply 14 t h r e E-ROOM apartment, cen- MANCHESTER — Bus line — VILLAGE APT5. tioh. Good Investment proper­ 2440. lovely summer home located ed tor addition to legal non­ room , oversized dining try kitchen, stove, trees. $22,- c h e m i c a l ’Trainee for routine Arch St traUy l(xmted, heat and hot 6H-room older home. C(un- ty. 46s. Wolverton Agency, on island, completely furnish­ conforming attached garage — - 6. 90 Pitkin St., Manchester, 600. Hutchins Agency, Real­ MANCHESTER $24,600 — IMMAOULA’TB 9 O f S a w lo g s chemical analysis. H igh ______water, stove and refrigerator, p letely red ecorated. $200. room, famUy styled kitchen R ealtora, 649 2 8 1 8 .______ed, including boat and motor. existing 4 feet from south side tors, 6496324. room Ranch, carpets, vanity school chemistry background. ------YOUNG woman with home, p a rM ^ . Adults (Xily. $186 monthly. References, lease, with plenty of cabinets and 1^1 and 2-bedroom apart-t Interested parties only. $12.- line at above locatl(Hi. l(x>klng for same, to Uve in and MANOHEiSTER — Mid 20’s. 7- both, 19x24 recreation room. Ehcperience in electitplatlng B ogfg ACCeSSOfleS 46 m(mthiy. CsJl 6497644. two chUdren accepted. Hayes bhUt-lns. Four gooA sized RECENT two-famUy, 4-4, heav- ments. On bus , line. A]q)U- 900. CaU 643-6034. i Item 2 Peter B. Beckwith, 230 U n d e r W a y iVie Qreates't MOM* helpful. Venum area. Write share expenses. Write Box ______A gen cy, 646-0181. . ances, carpeting, heat and room Bowers Cqpe, 4 bed­ Assumable mortgage, trees, bedrooms, 2H baths, 2-car lly treed lot Large Mtohen — Union Street. Residence Zone Box "NN”, Manchester Her­ GERICH’S Marine Service, au­ "MM”, Manchester Herald ’THREE - _ ROOM______apiulment, ______rooms, 2 haths, dining room, bus, city utilities. Hutchins dining area. Fireplace. Must ^hot water. For appoint-^ B . Variance varuuivc is*o requested to-- L4!iVV101V/A^,LEWISfrON, Idaho (AP)/ thorized Evinrude outboard giving particulars. large rooms, fuU size kitchen b IGHT-ROOM older Oolcnlal, garage. One acre treed lot. ment or further informa- fireplace, garage, patio. Helen Agency, 6496324. ald. be seen. $28,900. Wolverton Out of Town erect attached breezeway and The nation’s last fresh water SH OW HER SHE'S THE GREATEST. I'LL GET motor sales and service. Also with lota of cabinets, fuU tUe flrepiaces, garage, large lawn, Good l(x:ation. $46,000. ^tion, caU anytime, D . CkUe, R ea ltor. 643-6666. bath, self-cleaning stove, - 2- parking area, convenient l()ca- Agency, Realtors, 6492813. For Sole 75 garage 2 feet 8 inches from gggrlog drive is under way on a boatin g a ccessories. 1082 TV)!- . . T in t s south side line at above lo- churning, 89mUe section of a DADDY TO TAKE. HER AND US KIDS TO BONANZA Dogs - Birds - Pets 41 land ’Tpke. B uckland, Ckmn. A p a r f l f i e n i l — r n iim — door refrigerator, heat and hot tlon, working adults.' 6492880. U&R REALTY CO., INC. f o u r b e d r o o m s , tw o fuU 646-2623 ------„ . __ _ cation. North Idaho river that aoaa. wlU 643-2868. Tenements 63 water funilahed, garage, laun­ Baskot-Pillow ON M O T H E R S DAY- FREE GOOD HUMOR FOR ME AND ADORABLE kittens to loving dry faculties, first floor. AvaU- FOUR tROOM Cape, available baths, tre$d lot, AA zoned. quick ^®- Kern 3 Kenneth G. Harley, 108 become a placid dam reservoir, Close to shopping, schools, ^ y fto^^ 9w m ^t^ Helatoe Road. Residence Zone Tlmbermen finished pushing homes. ’Tiger male, gray fe­ f i b e r g l a s s suppUes, 10 k ETV 3-bedroom Brick Ranch able June 1st, adults, no pets, June 1st to September 1st. 643-2692 It’s Cool m ale. CaU 643-2906. Large yard. Adults only. $136 church. $32,600. Keith, Real Oolonlal. Borders St^e Forest. “ y ^ g g ^ requested to mto headwaters of the TOMMY, TOO-..JF WE CLEAN ounce b(»t cloth, $1.26 per duplex with flreplace, dish- $166. m onthly. 648-4884. Only $8JH)0. GoodchUd-Bartlett, monthly. Write Box “KX”, Robert D. Murdock, Realtor E state, 646-4126, 6491922. erect attached garage 8 feet North iPork of the Clearwater ONE year old male pedigree yard. P(dyester resin, $6.^ washer, refrigerator, and ------Realtors, 6492098, 6497887, per gaUon. 644-1820. many extras. June occupancy. NEW duplex 6 rooms, IH baths, Manchester Herald. from east side Une at above mygr Wednesday Just upstream OUR PLATES. EVERY ONCE IN A golden Retriever. Interested in rKMACULATTi: 9room Ranch, appUances, g arage. $260. O c­ 6691744, 742-6736. location. (Ju ly, 1969 grant ex- from w here the 717-foot taU breeding. CaU 643-9042. $240 m onthly, 648-1041. -----” ------***" ONE-BEimOOM house, at Bol­ NEW UBTTNG — Seven-room with 24’ famUy room, 3 bed- Nursing PrasticBS 12* ALUMINUM boat, Johns(Hi ______cupancy July 1st. References, plred.) Dworshak Dam is bel^ built. WHILE I HAVE REALLY GREAT m otor 3 h .p. B est^ b ffer, 649- n ORTHWOOD Apartments — ton Lake, lease and security Ranch. FhmUy room, two fire­ r(x>ms, fireplaced Uvhig room, SWEET, lovable, playful kit­ 6194288, 666-4611. T E A C H E R 3479. One and two-bedroom apart- deposit required, $186. p er places, dldrwasher, range, kitchen 'with built-in oven, i d e a s ! mmm. Frances Drive, Rural Rest- feet of logs are going through a tens, looking for go(>d home. ONE - BEJDROOM dfflclency month. CaU 6492802, before 8 bidhs, ca ip etin g , ■walk-up at­ range and dining area, one-car ing this 9room Ranch. Ttqi it ------• m ents, central alr-(Sondltl(m- dence Zone. Variance is re- 4o.foot (Hverslon tunnel at the CaU 6492776 after 6 p.m. apartment Including heat and tic, screenel porch, (»e-car garage. Mid 20s. Wolverton Manchester off by a dip to the above dence ^one. vuimnaav® — ing, carpeting, balc(my, car­ p.m . quested to reduce south side dam site. But next faU the tun- Florists - Nurseries 49 ports, plus other luxury fea­ appliances, $146. p er m onth. ------———----- ——— —-——— garage. Move-in conditl(m. Agency, Realtors, 6492613. ground p(X)l. P rice $24,600. CaU No chUdren. Paul W. D oug^,. SIX ROOM older <3olmial, big. Regular sch(x>l work year. Une to 12 feet 6 Inches tor nel wUl be closed and timber- FREE — kittens, all trained. tures. FYom $226. J. D. Real Elva TVlor# Realtor, 6494469. for more particiUars. Paul W. HEMLOCIffl, freshly dug, ideal Realtor, 649-4636. big yard, $200 monthly. Wol­ TWO-FAMILY, Large 7 - 4 - Write Box "J”, Manchester purpose of ere9ttog attached men wttl have to use trucks and Call a fter 6, 643-6442. E state A ssociates, 648-6129. D ougan, R ea ltor, 649-4636. fo r hedges, $86’ p er d o u n . 29 verton Agency, 6*92814. room apartments. ’Two-car Herald, stating qualiflcaltians garage at alwve location. trains to get kJgs to the Lawls- Hudson St., Manchester. garage. New ■ roof, separate FREE — Four FYench fun lov­ ATTRACTIVE 4-room, first TWO-BEIDROOM garden type ______and other pertinent informa- NORTH COVENTRY — Step Item 6 C. G. Brown and State ton mill. fu rn aces. L ot 70xlW ’ . $28,600. into a dream and enjoy life to of Ckmnecticut, 316 Center Logg harvested to the past ing frisky, funny, furry, fleet ' _____ and scotch pine floor apartment, stove and re- including heat, appliances and ^ ticn . frigerator, references, no pets, carpets, $200. per m(xith. Paul O U f O f lOW fl U q d M. H. Palmer, Realtor, MLS, this 7-room C!ape that is qxX- Street Residence Zone B. year were hauled to several feUnes. CaU 647-1644, after 6:30' trees. Ideal for hedge, dig your $186 6498324. W. D ougan, R ealtor, 649-4686. F o r R o n t 66 648- 6321, Gertrude Hagedom, lessly clean and beautifiAly Variance Is requested to pdnU along the river’s edge p.m . ow n, $3 and up. 6*4-2062. 649- 0688. decorated ’Ihree bedrooms, maintain four-famUy resl- and stockpiled to huge decks 40 SHETLAND sheep dog, AKC 466 MAIN ST. flrst-floor, 8 NEWER 2-bedroom duplex, Sfenographer 1% baths, attractive kitchen, dence on area less than 12,000 feet high and up to a half mile Garden - Farm - room s, heated. $120. Security, half of 2-famUy, $186. per t a LCOTTVILLB — 4 -room registere(i, Lassie in minia­ living room with fireplace, square feet at above loca- long. - , . 1. ture, lovely sable. and white, Dairy Frodnets 50 One or two adults. No stove or month including appUances. apartment, $126. 648-8169. WRITE SMOCKED waU-to-waU carpeting, beam­ Dumping started last week. raised with love - and chUdren. refrigerator. 6492426. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649 ------ed ceilings, recreation room, 76 The decks are tripped with buU- MAC APPLES $1. per 16 qt. Item 6 Victor Lombardo, ------. . Call 872-0293. 4686. • ------P.O. BOX 711 garage, over an acre, trees, White Street, Residence Zone dozers or grapple cia i^ vtoen basket. Botti’s Fruit Fhrm, WE HAVE customers w a itin g------— ------—— ResoTt Property . OUT MANCHE5TER dead end street. You’U be A Variance is requested to the river is high and rising, then 260 Bush HlU Rd., Manchester. for the rental o ty m u s p ir t - FoT Rent 67 sorry If you miss this at only rnim ature room deluxe duplex, private reduce south side Une to 4 the logs are drawn to the center POOIKES, smaU ment or lunne. J.D. Real Es­ OB CALL $28,900. Hammet Real Estate, basement, carpets, appU­ GIAN T’S N ECK H eights — 69 forTu^ose ol erecting of the stream for a fast, 19hour black, $60. 8797861. tate A ssociates, In c. 648-6129 K NOV■■^l FOR VA .UF'; Household Goods 51 ances, heat included. $190. per Edgewixxl Rd., 9bedr(x>m cot­ 649-5277 THEY G O 1-423-4828 or G eorge Lawton, associa te, 1-423-0109 FREE’ gVC^lli lUkteilOkittens needIICCU mce *tv***w,home. - - ■ . - ,, LOOKINO for anything in real month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ tage, sleeps 7, secluded and All repUes conllAsntl.sl ______a ^ r S o T * * one black and vdiite male, one WE BUY, recon(Utl(m and sell estate rental - apartments, tor, 6494636. used furiiiture, appUances and qmet, $110. weekly. Mrs. Car­ calico tiger. 6498963. iKunes, multipie dweUlngB, no VERNON - Thr^ ^ jLs are'^Xted. other household items. CaU 101 CHESTNUT ST., adults ter, 742-8142. Ranches. (Sistomlzed, 7 fees. CaU J.D. Real Estate As­ dence Zone BU Request 8pe- Freeing stranded 1 ^ te the M r. A nderson, 643-8841. (mly, 6 rooms, first fl(x>r, rooms, including rec .room socia tes, In c., 648-6129. MISQUAMIOUT — Rhode Is­ /T ctol Exception to convert Job of a 32-man crew, THREE kittens, free, call 649 shown 1 - 3 p.m., Monday 16 INCHES with flreplace, oversized SINGER touch and sew with land. F our-room heated (x>t- • Bradford 80” electric range, “Magi-Clean oven’\ three-famll^ dwelling to four- which works seven days a week 2462. DELUXE three-room ^>art- through Friday. OWN YOUn OWN kitchen, 3 baths, 2-car garage cabinet. Mimograms, hems, tage. Walking, distance to S y d v K .^ van- with pinver boat^ v^ es and ment. Rang^, refrigerator, Originally sold for $299. Ckippertone. Reposs. As and large lot. Situated to AKC Pekingese show puppies, embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ MANCHESTER — Fdur-room ______beach . CaU 648-0491. 2985 “ la for twd un- occasionally a stick of dyna- waa-to;waU carpeting, air- IMPORT SHOP “ •Now ...... prestigious area. $34,600. Car­ champion sired, nice for Moth­ lent condition. Guaranteed apartment. Central. One chUd q a p E COD conditioner, heat, Convement - Chatham, Nicely ria g e R ealty 646-1110. dei^d units, at above lo- y^g regrhig crew is er’ s D ay gift. 742-8446. FuU price now $66 or 7 month­ accepted. Security deposit, furnished, This is the most fantastic location. ^76. monthly. 649 heated cottage. ly paym ents o f $8. 622-0476. 6499274. opportunity to (Msh in (si the • Bradford Dishwasher — white. Like new. Port­ IteT rB runo and Clara Dubai- a floating 119foot •*wanlgw’’--a 6060, 643-6166. Sleeps' 6, walking distance to D ealer. beach . O ff season rates. $80 fastest .giPwlng businees in able. Reposs...... invitatioiv (to 1^190 Middle Turnpike cookhouse and ^ < 1 9 ^ Articles For 5ole 45 FOUR - ROOM tenement for America today. G144 West! Business Zone H. Vari- bunkhouses mounted on huge CLEAN, USED refrigerat(W8, DELUXE four-nxom apart­ rent, 71 Starkweather St., mid­ weekly. 6491073. NEEID tires? 40 per cent dis­ ranges, automatic washers ment. Range, refrlgemtor, dle-aged c(niple p referred , 648- • Bradford electric dryer, used. Was $129.95. TO BID ***Wlth fav orable w eather, toe waU-to-waU carpeting, air- WE INVITE YOU Use- gay gingham to count. Premium, first Une, with guarantees. See them at 8400. Wonted To Rent 68 make tWs^attractive pd- Sealed bids wlU be received office ^«»«»®rearing crew will be to Lewiston conditioner. Heat. Convement Now ...... wide ovals, prowlers, truck B . D. P ea rl’s A ppliances, 649 TO 5EE: A perfectly 8>>nP\e ®‘y}® low o f a basket o f no'W- at the office of toe Director of ^ “"d aU toe log* wlU be to the location. $196. m onthly. 646- 2%-ROOM apartment, heat, elec­ WANTED — 8 or 4-bedroom tires. Cole’s Discount Station, Main St. CaU 6492171. e High -customer traffle is treated to ers. You’ll find it fasci­ G eneral S erv ices. 41 Center °P®" ® ^'„bovri(^tion. mill pond to late May, said a 461 W est Center St., 6tt-6832. 6060, 648-6166. tricity, stove and refrigerator. house or apartment for famUy • H igh volum e accent the nating’ to smock and fill • Bradford automatic washer, used. In A-1 condi­ made sleeveless for that Street. Manchester. Conn., un- of spokesman for Potlatch FH>rest SEWING machine — Singer zlg O lder pe(q>le desired. CaU 648- of 6, by June 1st. CaU after 8, ($100,000 yearly minimum) with felt blossoms. ^ . til M ay 21. 1971 at 11:00 a.m . Item 9 D r. R ob ert Stoker, 3to ^ FTREPLAOE W(Xm1, $4. per zag. Button holes, monograms, LOVELY one-bedroom apart­ 0678 a fter 6 p.m . 872-4191.______/ tion. Was $199. N ow ...... S144 W -lo o k ’. No 1803 wtih 2985 has smocking direc­ ' Oakland Street, comer -“rner of of inc. Ihc. ment with refrigerator, range, PHOTO-CUIDE is In fo r : Residence But if there’s a cold snap, toe trunk full. Window screens, hems, etc. OrlglnaUy $849, now w rrtfYO UR tions for Kingham basket, Beacon Street, d u p l e x — Newer 4% rooms, WANTEID — ’Three-room apart' 10 to 18 (bust 82%-40)- FURNISHING * INSTALL­ river may drop, stranding thou­ eight 30x28%, one 30x26%, one only $64. Ekksy term s. CaU disposal and parking, $166 finishing instruction for Zone A. Variance Is request­ sound proofed, iqipliances, ment for single lady In Man FRANCHI5E COME5: MECHANIC5 5PECIAL5 Size 10. 82% bust • • • ING a l u m i n u m COMBINA­ 38x36, one 36x24, two 60x38, one monthly. Handy to Main St. flowers and pillow. ed for a two-story office sands of logs al(xig banks, is­ 622-0031, D ealer. heat, laundry room, garage, cheater. AppUances, heat and o Ehcclusive area 2% yards of 45-inch. TION STORM WINDOWS—PO­ 49%x23, copper screening. $1. C all 644-2427. Potfems available only building at above location. lands and sandbars. each. 7496438. P rim e locatKm. $186. 649-4188. parking needed. 6*3-71 album is 6B f, includes S ecretary No. 40, and the last to rush daily and evenings'. We buy ceUent income and tax shel W E , ntettewOw me ttm. postage and handling. Connecticut 287 WEST MIDDLE TPKE„ MAMCHESIER florescent light fixtures, 4’, two NEWLY redecorated clean 9 ------—• Dated this 6to day of May down toe waters of the aear- and seU. 648-6946. ter. Substantial cash required The Spring and Summer Robert B. Weiss, bulbs. Sell any amount, all CaU or Write room duplex, quiet neighbor- Byglness LoCOtiom Carriage Realty, 6491110. "71 Basic FASHION Book is General Manager ' 1971. w ater. guaranteed. Ideal for O'--garages. . “ ‘■'t hood. Adults only. No pets. _ p»_* * IMPORTS 11.00, includes postage mi s»»- Security. Call after 6 p.m., 649 ro r KCnr ______64 All items subject to previous sale. workshops, warehouses, planU, tJSED Maytag washer, $16. CaU THREIE — four family dwell ^TERNATIONAL and handling. Siiii- recess ceilings, riiowrooms, sag-gsis. 6 Broadway ______;______.. OFFICES:. .Qne-single room ings. $18,600 cash buys aU or and factories. $4 each and up. ______!______Saugus, M ass. 01606 TWO-BEDROOM flat, $160. per and one three-room comer can be purchased separately. MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE Extra bulbs, 3 for $1. Gremmo FTltGIDAIRE refrigerator, 17 ExceUent Income and terms. 1-617-2892862 A Sons Soles, 819 East Middle ' cu. ft., good condlUim, $86. 649 m««H' Paul W. Doiigan, Real- suite. House A Hale BuUding, tor, 6494686. 968 M ain St. Phono 648-4846. Carriage Realty, 6491110. Ip k e ., M anchester, 6499963. 4086, a fter 6. f'-V-

THimSDAY, MAY 6, IflTl PAOB T&ntTY-TWO Manclf1Et»Bttift0 BfiPraUi r permitting 18 year^Uds and Ihe C h i^ Choir of Enoanuel Uttle Flower of Jesus Moth- 94 New Electors over to vote In all elections Avorage Dally Net Press Ron em O rcle wUl meet toswrraw Lutheran Church will rehearse The Weather A bout Tow n at 8:18 p.m. at the home of tcmlght at 7:80 in Luther HaU of Added to Rolls federal, state and local — the For The Week Bated Thomas P. Connors, director M rs. John o ilm a n , 40 Good­ the church. two voting lists wlU be combin­ A pril!, 1971 Clear tonight; low in 80s with of the poUce science program win St Mm. James Watt is A total of 94 riectom were ed Into one. chance of frost in some areas. rih * (PoUah Women’s Alliance, The Baby Has at Manchester Community Col­ cO-hostess. added to Mancheeter voter lists Tomoirow partly sunny; high Groiq> 518, wUl nneet Saturday near 66. lege, was guest lecturer today betwem ^Kll 7 and a two-hour 15,695 In the Greater Hartford Com- at 7:80 p.m . at 77 North St. Memhem of Cub Scout Pack voter-making session last night MancheMter— A City o f VUIage Charm mui^ty CoUege Intensive Schol- 88 WlU m eet Saturday at 8:40 FuU Goqwl Christian FeUow­ am Program. His subject was a.m. at the WaddeU School Of the 94 new votm «, 66 are Been Named shlp, Interdenominational, will “Law and Order—LiberaUty or parking lot for a bus trip to In the ower-21 age group and VOL. LXXXX, NO. 185 MANCHESTER, CONN., EHIDAY, MAY 7, 1971 (Classified AdverUslBg en Page S8) PRICE ElETEEN CENTS have a Bible study and open (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) Repmsslon.” Boston. Cubs are mmlnded to are on the “Regular Electom" discussion toniglit at 7:80 at wear uniforms and bring their Orange HaU. list, permitting them to vote In jinrf It a * ______Dr. and Mm. David Le- lunch and snaclu. TOumeau o f IS Cobum Rd. wUl aU elections — federal, state Dopont, Jeaimln» Yvonne, dauglitor o< Ronald and Mary Mountain Laurel Chapter of and local. The other 8 are in Packard D u ^ t, 74 Durant 8t., MancheMer. She waa born be host and hostess at the Isita Chapman Court Order of Junior Museum Sunday after­ Sweet Adelines wlU rehearse to­ the 18 to 20 age group and are Bonn Sets Blaek Jobless Rate April 24 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her m ^m al Amaranth, wUl meet tomorrow night at 8 at the Russtan-Amer- f th e wArodli «f Plane Crash erandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Packard, «9 DuM t noon from 2 to 8. They wUl sis- at 7:48 p.m. at the Masonic cri the “ Federal E lectors’ ’ Ust, r slat chUdren In making artificial ican National Center, 218 Weth­ iaw rtttm n mAn6lMt*P;^ St. Her paternal grandparrmts are Mr. and Mrs. George Temple. Refmshments wlU be ersfield Ave., Hartford. permitting them to vote only ih Plan to Fight potrt, 117 Ridge St. She has two brothers, Ronald, '8, and « 1 - pussy wUlow iSouquets for served after the meeting. Of- In A rizona Mother’s Day. federal elections. At Seven-Year High ' chael, 2. . . flcem wlU wear color gowns. Thoee plaiming to attend the The Democmts gained 39 we fdwaj^s maintain a complete The Jehovah’s Witnesses Church Women United May new votem (8 “Regular” and assortment of Dollar Crisis Q a im s 12 WASHINGTON (A P )—^The government said today Bissell, Jennifer Megan, daughter o f John and Hillsabeth The Methodist Yoi^th FeUow­ FellowEltip Day program tomor­ TTieocratlc Ministry School wlU 14 “Federal) and the Repub­ unemployment edg^ up slightly to 6.1 per cent last Chltuai Blssoll, 46 Quarry Dr., Vernon. She was bom April 22 shlp of North United Methodist row noon at Ehnanuel Lutheran BONN, Germany (AP) — The OOOLIDGE, Arlz. (AP) — Wlt- at Miancheater Memorial Hospital. Her maternal gra^ather meet tonight at 7:80 at King­ Church wlU sponsor a car wash Church are reminded to bring a licans gained 17 new votem (14 party and bcmquet month. The jobless rate for blacks soared to 10 per Is Gilbert twm ck. Bast Hartford. Her paternal gran«^>arM>ts dom HaU. Ih ere wlU be a serv­ gwemment agre^ today on a nesses say., an Apache Airlines Saturday from 10 a-m. to 2 p.m. salad for the luncheon. “Regular” and 8 "Federal”). cent, highest since January 1964. are Mrs. Gladyce BisseU, IfiO Ludlow Rd., Manchester: and ice meeting at 8:85. P ^ International plane appeared to be attempting at the church. Ih e "R egular EUectora” Ust supplies monetary crisis hitting the dol- u * The Bureau of Labor Stalls------John BlsseUrw^lingford. tics said the figures showed The Democratic National ^ • Loyal Circle of Kings Daugh­ The Salvation Army BlMe gained 27 unaftiliated voters lar in Europe and wlB pfeseirt it ““ ^“en * Junior and Senior CbnUrma- B’ellowahlp wlU meet tciUght at for any sixe affair, plus to its partnem in the-European nose-dived into a cotton field "the employment situation was committee Issued a statement Hnbbard, Alfred William, son of WllBam and lAVonne ters wUl iheet Monday at’ 7:48 and the "Federal ESeotom” list organisational discounts too! tion Classes of Emanuel Luther­ 7,.i80 at the Cldadel to discuss Common Market. near here and exploded. AU 12 essenUaUy unchanged. . . saying: “Wholesale prices have Longwood Hubbard, 201 Regan Rd., RockvlUe. He was bom p.m. in the FeUowshlp Room gained 11 unafflUated. The report fc^owed cme of gone up. Steel prices have gone of C e n t e r Congregational an Church wUl meet tonight at "Haimcniiing", a part of their - Details of the plan were not persons on board were kUled. AprU 21 at RockvlUe General Hospital. IDs maternal grand­ Manchester’s “Regular Elec­ • large taUecloths • dh^o****!® •“»* Tuesday which showed a new up. The dollar Is under attack in mother Is Mrs. Geraldine Longwood, Newaygo, JUch. His pa­ Church. Mm. Dorothy Petersen 6:80 in the Parish Building. series, “Hie Successful Life.” ^ losed In an announcement ’The plane, on a flight Thura- tom” Ust now totals, 28,882, with • disposable cold cups e disposable plates increase in wholesale prices, Europe. And now unemploy- ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Hubbard, Urbana, wUl serve as hostess. dampenlng President Nlxcm’s ment has risen. And aU we get The board of education of ’The Marine Corps League 9,208 Dem ocrats, 8,641 Repulv • plastic tableware • decorations—candles fwaSuo^my^S!™^ ^ lU. Auxiliary wUl npooBor a rum­ efforts to battle Inflation. from the Nixem admlndstraUon * Al AU articles for the St. Bridget Community Baptist Church wUl Ucans, and 8,886 unafflUated. e disposable ebampagne glasses earlier In the day a government scheduled corn- mage sale Saturday from 9 committee of economic experts merclal airliner to crash In the Nixon has promised to bring Is the worn-out promise that Percy, Kurt Andrew, son of Robert and Roberta Lehmus Rosary Society hmunage sale meet tonight at 7 :30 In the And Manchester’s “Federal church youth buUding. a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Marine recommended letting the West ccmtinental United States since over-all unemployment down to things will get better.” Percy, 78 Bdgewater Dr., Coventry. He was bom April 6 at should be brought to the St. "we feature 4.6 per cent by the middle of The April Jobless rate was up Bridget School cafeteria to­ Club, 717 Parker St. Electom” USt how totals 180, Hartford Hospital. His maternal grandparente are Dr. and with 45 Dem ocrats, 17 Repub- ^ ^ November 1969. It carried 10 [ 972, one-tenth of one per cent over Mrs. Harold J. Lehmus, 161 Bluerldge Dr., Manchester. HBs morrow from 7 to 8 p.m. The The committee on finance of variety at its best!' new level of parity with the dol­ llcani and 68 unafflUated. At the White House press sec- the 6 per cent rate for March, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John C. Percy, Har­ sale wUl be conducted Saturday North United Methodist Church The Polish National Alliance, lar. The Immediate effect would » crew of two. If and when 88 states ratify retary Ronald L. Ziegler was starting at 10 a.m. In the school wUl meet tonight at 7:80 at the Group 1966, win meet Saturday be an increase In the value of -Among the victims was Thom- (See Page Ten) rison, N.Y. a constitutional amendment for the mark. as Segundo, chairman of the Pa- asked about the increase in the » ■ » » * -m cafeteria. church. at 6:80 p.m. at 77 North St. Palmer, Kerry Aime, daughter of isamest and Pamela ^ The plan aiteo would com bat P^Lgo Indian Tribal Council at unemploymerit Index and re- Smith Palm er, 88 S. Whitney S t, Hrurtford. She was born AprU inflation In West Germany, Ah- Sells, Arlz. Othem included Rob- pUed, ‘‘We of course would have 28 at M anche^r Memorial H o^tal. Her maternal grani^iar- lere said. ert Ford, of Prescott, Ariz., ex- rather seen It go down.” Economists ents are Mr. and Mm. Walter S. Smith, R t 44A, Bolton. She Ahlere added that the govern- ecutive vice president of Nu- However, he said administra­ ment hoped its plan would find clear Dynamics of mioenlx,* and tion experts told him unemploy­ has a sister, Wendy, 2%. • I#' « the support of the five other Richard Hummer, of 'Tucson, a ment figures remain basically Report To Cruinm, Bidurd a im i, son of Alan and Bthel Domlna Common Maiket members but pUot for the airline flying to static In the early stages of ex­ conceded that the meeting In Phoenix to pick up another pansionary periods. Crumm, 22 Roosevelt St, Manchester. He was bom April 28 Everyone seems to have quite different thoughts as seen by their varied at Manchester Memorial Hoqiital. His materenal grandparents Brussels, Belgium, on Saturday, flight. He said the administration are Mr. -and Mm. CamlUe Domlna, Newport Center, V t His whlrii will deal with the prob- Also aboard was Michael expressions, as an American delegation led by Secretary of State R o^rs, will push forward with Its cur­ Executives paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crumm, Bing­ lem, "wlH certainly be very dlf- McGrath, son of the Apache sta- left, met with Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, center, and her advisers rent economic policies and Is HOT SPRINGS, Va. (AP) — hamton, N.Y. He has a sister, Kimbeiiy, 1. flcult.” [Jon agent In Tucson., in Jerusalem. A t right is Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Allon. (AP Phoixi) Antiaircraft confident Its measures ultimate- He said Economics Minister Ramon Florez, 60, an Irriga- ly “will be reflected In the un- • “Twenty industry economists ad- Neohltilo, Kathaleen, dau f^ r of William and Bruna Kari SchlUer and Foreign Minis- tor who was working about a employment figures, and more 'vised the Business Council to- Bonetti NechltUo, 18 Heron Rd.. East Hartford. She was bom ter Walter Scheel would present half-mile away, said the plane Guns Hit By importantly in an Increase in ii*e -economy is not meeting the government’s plan at the appeared to be in level flight ' President Nixon’s recovery April 24 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal goals but will follow a pattern of grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Usldoro Bonetti, 68 Homestead meeting of Common Market ^nd then came almost straight Rogers Gets View from Jet economics and finance minis- ^own “ moderate economic growth for St, Mlanchester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J o f y l ^ s s the remainder of 1971.” John NechltUo, 891 Hilliard St, Manchester. She has a sMer, tern, ^ eel Is exp^ted to The 18-passenger, twln-englne U.S. Bombers Rate the only foreign minister attend- p,a„e struck the ground about TTie report of the council’s Carol, 1. By GEORGE ESPER panel of professional economists ^ E R E H O ttS l ,1 0 feet from an irrigation ditch, Of Stronghold at Sinai Desert Associated Press Writer ■ae coi^ttee of economic ditch exploded, In Drop In showed general agreement that Kosak, Soott Andrew, son of Gervalse and Mary Hansen inflation remains a hazard and Kosak, 84 Kenwood. Dr., Manchester. He was bom AprU 28 at experts sold a move to float the JERUSALEM (AP) — With Middle East tour, the secretary debate emerged here more SAIGON (AP) — U.3. fighter- ~ , mark should be tuicompanied by (See Page Sixteen) o f state went first to Jerusalem strongly than at ^ ers^ Arab bomlmrs exchanged fire wlto f^O flJlCCtlCU t that no addlUonal government Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Israel‘s army chief of staff as stimulative - measures—such as Mr, and Mm. 'miUarn T. Hansen, 129 Lmoof ^ t, Mancherier. "domestic stabilization meas­ for talks with______Premier Golda_____ Jordan, stops—Saudi antiaircraft Arabia, guns Inside North ures,” presumably meaning his guide. Secretary of State other Israeli policy- Lebanon and Egypt. Vietnam today and destroyed tax reduction or stepped-up His paternal grandparents are Mrs. Ann W. Kosak, 42 Birch HARTFORD (AP) — Insured spending—are required. St, Manchester and Chester G. Kosak, 812 Main St He has ways of fighting inflation in William P. Rogera flew over makers. The secretary of state set the three of the long-range weapons ^ c T s a l e West Germany. Sharm el %elkh today and told V, q s^kesman described ^ Israeli visit In an ar- In the 3Srd strike at the North ^m pl^m ent In Ck^ecticut 'Ihe r e ^ w^ presenUd to a sister, Traci, 2^. A U.S. spokesman, described W Ml • The committee made its re­ newsmen he had a better un- ^ ^.^s^k^m ^, d e^ it^ statement which spoke of this yoar, the U.S. Command feU to 9 2 ^ r cent for the w^k tte executives of s ^ ^ of ma- U .S .-Q iin a the 2(4-hour m eeti^^ a good ^ g [rtemtehlp and “the announced. AprU 18-24, the state Labor jor corporations at the spring commendations to SchUler on derstandlng of the situation aft- m^mated exchange.' Klrchberger, Oara Dale, daughter of Robert and Vonda cvehange. constancy of America’s support A spokesman, Maj. Charles Department said Friday. meeting of the Business CouheU. Bertacdnl Klrchberger, 14 Claire Rd., Vernon. She was bmn Thuraday. er seeing the area. sources Rogers sat In the copilot’s “ :r “ for the well-being and security Johnson, said none of the Amer- The rate Is based on the num- The eccmomlste’ views seem^ AprU 27 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Floating of the deutschemark T rade B ar seS^ Lt. Gen. Halm Bar-Lev «n ^ t^ ^ e^ d ” was hit In the action 40 ber of continu^ claims for to crinclde vdto thoee express^ grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Samuri P. Bertacdnl, Litch­ means placing It cm the free ex­ field. Her paternal grandmother Is Mm. RaliUi B. Klrchberger, change market to see hexw much pointed out atateglc areas at the “ “ a He called at the same time for miles north of the demilitarized employment benefits for the by the council members In prl- ^ronghbld on the southern tip of doing more “to Impart new mtv zone. week which were down by 1,398 vate talks with newsmen, Morris. She has a brother, Eric, IMi; and a sister, Lee, 2H- It call bring In terms of other curteheies, Including the dcdlar. R em oved th ecal desert. They circled n^^um to the negation for a However, the U.S. Command compared to the week before. The panel predicted ^ t n a - the outpost for about 16 minutes Saturday. settlement” and for meet- reported that another Air Force The total of continued claims for Uonal wtput total about Addabbo, Mdinda, daughter of Frank and Judith Mor­ Its criiciol rate Is 27 1-3 cents. It 1« now sdUng for nearly 28 WASHINGTON (AP) — The before returning to Tel Aviv. *Hie question of what pressure challenge and Indeed F4 Phantom was shot down the week ending AprU 24 was $1,080 trillion this year, a gain rison Addabbo, IM W. Center St, Manchester. She was bom cents, or 3.58 marks to the (h)l- United States today rem oved all “The flight lasted 1% hours. Rogers might bring to bear Is a ^ making peace." Thursday farther south In the 90,931, Uie department said. of nearly 7.5 per cent from 1970. AprU 26 at Manchester Memorial Hoepttnl. Her maternal ______Using his presidential jetliner, highly sensitive one ■with the Is- Rogers paid his first caM on Laotian panhandle while on a 'The total for claims of ail However, much of the Increase g^randparents are Mr. and Mm. Roland Morrison, Blast Hart­ lar. ccmtrols cm the use of American ford. Her p ater^ grandfather Is Vito Addabbo, 27 Walker St, Up to now the mark’s value dollars In transactions with Rogers sandwiched the sight- elder statesman David Bqn-Gur- m l^ on ^ a^ t the Ho m ^ on exchange markets has been rhino seeing flight In between talks States for their main outalde rated here as a dove, trail. The two . crewmen were and continuing—was 96,922, com- r l^ prices, toe ^^om ^ Manchester. She has a sister, Jodl-Lyim, 8. restricted by International mon. »"“^Sand OUna. Israeli leaders marked by sup^. • ' Ben-Gurion told a newsman rescued, the command said. pared to 98,269 toe week before. ^ . .Real grow^ wlU be about etary agreementa. Under these The decision swept away a big ,,^ 3^ ygj,^[g ^Is desire for One should Mt assume for Johnson said the two Phan- For the corresponding week In three per cent, they s^d agreements government banks barrier to International trade more flexiblUty In Israel’s de- Ui® ®xcbai^ of riews that we j emphasized that toms that made the attack to- mo, the total claims were 40,880 TTie totU ts well Im Iow toe intervene to support the curren- with Red China. mands In the peace negotiations ® stoenuous y^^ personal views, day were attacking toe upper and toe insured unemployment NJxot admlnlstratlOT s $1-0M cy If It flu^ates too high gjnee 1960 the U S govern- with toe Arabs. deputy "Premier " ’ H u and that where y^^toe occunledoccupied ter- portion of toe Ho cmChi MinnMlnh trail rate 3.7 per cent. trlUlon gross national product In above or below the floor price . . Sharm el Sheikh commands Tigal JUion,i^on, one one oof those at toe j^y^j^gg g^g concerned, there Is when they were fired on by aThe Insured unemployment fl- 1971. It taplles ^ t unemploy- of^H cento prohibited the use of to the Red Jenj^em■'““'usalein session. ^ lone view.” battery less than a mile across gures do not Include persons out nient will not fall as rapidly as The view of the committee of ^0“*™ ®r®«t based upon the gea. Bast Africa and toe oil of 'There There ‘s Is no d doubt that toe Ben-Gurion has ..... said...... he be- the border and near toe Ban - of ------work and not eligible„ for un- the White House hopes. The economic exoerto Is beUeved to **“““ ■ transactions with Red the Persian Gulf. The IsraeUs ^®rt®“ i ^®*®- ueves Israel should abandon all Karal— ■ pass, one of.... toe major employment compensation. council predicted . , „ only a * moder- t CARD GALLERY S te iritT^r

A summary of toe panel’s „ . . . ______. Industry that the dirilar may be Arrivtog In Tel Aviv from Cal- cast affaire, Se(e Page Sixteen) If toe g o v e n ^ ^ t ^ transactions with main- no Hiumday to complete Ws "nie atmosphere of vigorous (See Page Twenty) findings which was released to such a ipeasure, It was expected r 4ii.,o Secretary of Labor James D. reprters IniUcated that busl- that toe mark would rise „ ■ . 1 . 1. urvit -decision makes Intemar Hodgson Issued a statement "ess oujteys for plant and equl^ immedi^ly to Its ,^,„ygg s a ^ that ’’Htis months’s re- increa^ by only ^ parhape come regdUy avalteble to toe Red port on unemployment levels T ' to its present value once specu- Q^j-g' was a disappointment. We feel lator presBRire on the currency ceased. “nie action follows President Congress iona I Okay Indicated reco^ry. O n ^ e consumer Hie freeing of toe mark Nixon’s April 14 decision to re- shorUy Ite coming dovm but we jt contained this analysis: seems to be toe method of insur- trade restrictions with Red are evldenUy now obser^ a „ ^ y^g g,„[3u,ta„tg ing external and internal eco- I«ttem ^ t ^ marked pre- g^^^^ y^g g „ , ^ g r jg be- n ^ c stability that best corre- The Trea^ry ^ vloufl periods of e c^ om lc resur- ,ggg gg^ty^^ spends to the current prob- restrict!^ that ba^d Ameri- On Lockheed Loan Guarantees gence after a slowdown, namely g^^^ ^^^g ^gj j^petus for l2m ^ toe committee said. ®“ n H ¥ ormwARTy in overruns on defense orolects S. Schwelker of Pennsylvania, Javlts said the Wll should be that a pickup to employment si- econontic growth. It. was noted One of toe five panel mem- “ If ^rom calling on mainland Writer was pushedpusned to thetoe brink bmuc 01of benkinanx- whosewiu«e position could tip off toe broadened K,,Hi„oHae&' to that mleht have an Improvement to other eco- consumem are very cost here, Claus Koehler, said in a ruptey thlB year with collapse of stance other middle-of-the-road Ing ^toeMeS mat mgnt nave ^ j ,, (See Page Sixteen) minority view thad he had reser- In addition, American _ oil _ WASHINGTON (AP) — There R^,g Rgygg Ltd. The British senaitore wUl take. an Impart on be®ted public overseas wttu>riz^ t^rell fuel or to indications Congress will maker of luxury cars Is produc- Moorhead, noting toe Penn rervlces. He srtd ® ------Hen v sold mxixx theukj move would bring w^aaAAtp *^*r® authorized♦UaI.. voooAla to sell Iwto fuel noTtu^ approve loan guiwlUlwccB guarantees Lvi for jjy. eiurtnes engines lOT for LOClUieea’S Lockheed’s Kjenvnu Central case, OOJV*said toe railroad to-- amend- any . administration THE with tt the desired flexiblUty In c^^Ued by Lockheed* __i.i__ j AircraftAi___ ^ Oorp., and commercial...... airliner . and is still______runningrw>\v bill and alonz that the only U11 H N E S T , ¥- pert^p® other companies as ^e British govenunent report- coiporate and financial people ® At Trial SELECnON (See PM® Ten) land Oitoa. one congr^man at- m shore up ^Us ha^ been Involved in toe com- a s^lal authority to dole out to ______—------— — ------^----- tacked the move as an attempt <,niy Lockheed’s survival Is pany shakeup. He said bank- “ ®“ cases.,- iN .. to ball out the Lockheed chair- guaranteed. ruptey for Lockheed would not Others to Congress made their man and “his merry band of Moorehead’s criticism of toe affect continued operation of the posl^m clw to recent ^ys. Qiaracter of Bobby Seale Takes Off Tomorrow thieves.” -White House proposal was ech- nation’s No. 1 defense contrac- Rep. WUUam S. Moorhead, <,ed by othem to toe House, and tor and would result only to toe - f 9^ Defended by Two Priests D-Pa., lashed out Thursday at j^ the Senate there were objec-, ousting of “Dan Haughton and “ 'PP*^ MOTHErS DAY CARDS the Nixon administration, which tjjma from such Influential Re- Ws merry band of tWeves.” toe pro^m mu to v r^ By PETER OOWEN if anyone can keep the peace Unmanned Spacecraft Set asked the guarantees, and Lock- publicans as G wWp Robert Rep. Henry Reuss, D-Wls., to J® Associated PreM Writer and quiet to the community,” heed Chairman Djuilel Haugh- p (jriffjn of MlcWgan and Ja- a statement, said: "Certainly . the priest said, “Bobby Seale AND GIFTS For Voyage Toward Mars ton. ' ^bK JavitsofNeiTyork. the Congress should not vote br^-mlnded about a broader NEW HAVEN (AP) — Two ’’ DUTCH PEWTER ‘One hasI i a a to admire Daniel inoicaungindicating tne toe inugiui.uuc magidtude of any funds or O-—guarantees------’ wWch T "'m oHmlniotrotinn onnaront. priests, testifying at toe trial , site’s BiaiC’S Atty.Aliy. ArnoldAmoiu Markle,jyiariue, Important unmanned spacecraft Haughton who by sheer gute u,e battle that may lie ahead might reward or ^rpetuate rt B^by G S^e Md Bricka [j,g prosecutor, asked'toe Rev. JEWELRY lOXES By THOMAS O’TOOLE ...... «« «. _•___ Aviil Kolllvtop uHTVb ho.a Irpnt hffl Awv«%As>4il/\n nA iviiamcinAorom^mt oT bad conx>- *7 piaiia 10 carry uie uui HuaroinH. said thev knew Seale ______MUSIC lOXES The Washlnghm Post LEAD CRYSTAL CAPE KENNEDY, Fla., - „ „ FONDUE DISHES Launch crews Hiursday began ^|j ^ fired tow ^ Mara to with threats rt corporate "GEORGES IRIARD" loading fuel aboard the rocket y,e next two weeks. Together, auirid® a™* then walking out Steele and Giaimo sees no teou^ gettZ Tl^^ «^^® ^ ®®1^®«- * that wUl lift into space the first Marinera cost the U.S. with the taxpayem’^ money. heed bill throuitii ^ . . . ‘"Ihat certainly is,” the wit- ICE SUCKETS American spacecraft built to million, a price tag you Moorhead said. But Sen William Proxmlre "'^® witnesses took toe ^ggg jcjored, explaining that D-Wls ^ row erto^tiT ” ! Hiursday to Superior C^rt ..[^g ,g ^ j^gf^j gg fje- GLASSES Our Regular Low 3,97 orMt toe jdahet Mara. could .almost read to toe faces His statement followed a news Legislators Want Strings Our Regular Low BS9 Mariner 8 It’s caUed, and If „f u,e men getting ready to ®?*^"®® ery bit as hard as he did eariier ^® ^‘"®^ oppressed people be- AND things at launch pad 36A move rt Trea^ John B. ^"nalty this year to leading the success- f *jj® ^ * ^ ^ f e ^ ®“ ®® ^ MANY along amoothly the next two ^ announced the administration On U.S. Loan to Lockheed ful ^ve against federal help mrthtt ®*^® *'®®'^ ‘® ®°'"® days the unmanned 2,200 pound f “ ' next week will send Congress a for development rt another ‘**® P™®®“ ®"® ^ POWER SCISSORS nackaxe of cameras and inatni- ^ ^ WU seeking $260 million in guar- It would also serve to U>lster strictly toe si^lal ^na^^ MAKE-UP MIRROR menumon»o urtllwill hobe parriedcarried Intointo space well-behaved spacecraft oi»<»uov.o.. and antees antees to to keep Keep Lockheed Docicneea from irom Bj BETTY QUATRALE _h o sunersonlc-transoort X vx? Avrussxs «xs. ------aTcna, me social arena . . . ' Chits fabrics, paper, cloth, and does It neatly, bv^ AUas-Centaur rocketpre- we»re ready to go.'* launch oper- collapsing. (Herald Reporter) the area pl^e. ^ ^ honest person witi^trem - ^he Rev. Nell said thoee who “ mod-glo" electric with travel case. Revemes for magnify mrenly. Ideal sewing companion. Stainless blades. ciselv at 9-11 om EDT on Sat- atlons director' John Jeilon told Connally said his preliminary The chronic.unemploym^t to providing toe possibility of to- Wright Patman iD-Tex., ®”4ous amount rt tote^ty and gj.^ oppressed rtiould only use or true-vlslon. Set with four Ught bulbs. For the girl on 'th e press here Thursday, soundings Indicate toe leglsla- the area’s aerospace Industry creased employment at the g^alnnan of the House Banking truthfulness” toe Rev nre^rms as a last resort, the go. ■ , uroay.RnckeUns' directly out over___ "You’re 1rw\V4Ti0>looking atqF nnaone rt FH toea [[o^o._ ___ willin be i.. approved.______a has ’nmmnt^dprompted CMUFTeSSmenCongressmen TTnitAdunited AircraftAirr*roft olantplant Into EastBast ^ opposes a bailout.... Rftrl A. ^®“’Neil, ® a black BoiSCODBiEpl^opal g^gj^ 0434 g^^ lurMB Huggins, ■W tho Smith Atlantic toward Mom *®w groups to Florida who hope Tj[e consensus of several con- n..-l....ooARobert Steele, 0«v*xa.9«1l4%am Republican e of \ f Hartford.tt.. ThekiHaa onlyyvvilar i^er com- oATn. ^ Lockheed * alone. rr He Is push- #wvm /^alrlon/l trallT 23,______face capital . . . charges . ' arising n million miles away the Marl- R won’t rain over the weekend,” gressmen queried Is that a stiff the Second District Vernon, and pany capable rt producing toe j legislation to create a Re- The^t^ ss^ d he had fro„[ jbe killing rt Alex Rack- nor 8 unacecraft will start the b® added. fight over the Nixon admlnlstra- Robert Giaimo, Democrat of engines would be General Elec- construction Finance Corpora- bnown Seale Intensively j^y jjgy jj [999 q;hey are first leg ^ a Journey that will A ctu^, Nellon said, a light tion plan will be followed by ap- the Third District, to trio to Ctonctnati, Ohio. tlon-type solution for failing Intimately for three years, ^ chaiged with kidnaping result- last 192 davs and cover a dls- rain i^redlcted for Saturday proval rt some type bUl em- sor a resolution presented to According to Rep. EUa Gras- businesses. t ^ ^ death, aiding and abett- tance rt 287 million miles. The night but "nothing that will bracing other shaky businesses toe House rt Representatives rt the Sixth DUtrict. Pratt The administration proposal tog murder and lesser charges, snocecraft Is due to arrive In stop us from going.” whose failure could have severe today which would guarantee ^ vvhltney officials say that at apparently has tentative sup- s o 1 ~ “ abbreviated session Prl- MANCHESTER | SDN. thru FRL OiTUvirons rt Mam Nov. 14, at The task rt getting Mariner ^ttecia on toe national economy, that any aircraft constructed by jgggj 309 j„bg will bo saved tills port of such leading Senate 'J'® day. the Judge denied a defense NEWINGTON WETHERSFIELD RLOOMFIELD which time it will be maneu- jnto Martian orbit to «me rt In- °"® ^ey Democrat said, how- Lockheed Aircraft Corp. woiUd ygg^. gnj 2,000 to 1972 If the Democratic Uberals as Hubert Jr*®"'!® ^b® motion to take the Jury out to vered Into orWt about the planet credible accuracy retiring as ever, that If the bUl is expand- be built, with U.S.-constructed g contract to build H. Humphrey of Minnesota, Ed- *®^®„*;,,._ „ „ ___ the New Haven apartment where 1051 RLUE HILLS AVE. PARKADE CENTER I IQ A.M. tO 10 P.M. Charles R. Garry, 3375 RERUN TPKE. 1130 SILAS DEANE to start an unprecedented mis- j[ ^oes to place Mariner at the ed, “ The whole thing wUl sink, engtoes.______^ engines for Lockheed’s L-111 mund S. Muskle of Maine and ° Seale is alleged to have ordered rio^'w hich irvdli photograph eJ ' ; ? t o M7 mUllo^ mUe trip Why P«‘ v m m John Tunney of CaUfornla, all rt R^bley salln. more than 70 percent of the ,„[„ g„ ‘C^t^m is de^.’ ______‘ ° “ “ ’ whom opposed the SST. 'TUnney **®*‘ ®®®*® bad a peaceful na- .pbg <)efense Is trying to prove Lockheed,
