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> < *vH '• Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1971 PAGE FORTY Average Dally Net Piees Run The Weather inmtftifSBtrr lEttrains l| m U i Ear H m W eek d e M PosaiblUty of an Isolated i^ p t n 4 ,u n thundentocm tUs evening with gradual clearing later; tow First Church of Oirlst, Sci Voter Session Today near 80. Tainocraw fair, bieaw : About Town entist, will have its regular mid Church Women Will Hear 1 5 ,6 9 5 high about 60. week testimony meeting tonl”ht A 6 to 8 voter^maklng ses LETS OVE A CHEER FOR MOM! ManeheMter— A City of Vittage Charm Friendship Lodge of Masons at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main sion Is being conducted to Sister LaGace at Luncheon will have a business meeting at St. The meeting Is open to the night In the Manchester town pu blic. (Claasifled AdrertiBfaig PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS the Masonic Temple tomorrow clerk’s office In the Munici Sister Marie Alice LaOace of religion coordinator for St. VOL. LXXXX, NO. 184 (THIRTY-TWO PAGB8 -TW 0 GHBCliONS) MANCHESTER, (X>NN., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. Officers will wear pal Building. the' African and World Apos- Bartholomew’s • Church: a^d business suits. There will be A Bible study will be conduct Eligible applicants must tolate, an ecumenical organisa Sister Ruth Calms and Slater refreshments after the meeting. ed tonight at" 7:30 at Trinity be at least 18 years of age, tion, 'Will address the Church Ellen Qorman, teachers in the Offlceps and members are ad Covensmt Church on Hackma residents of Manchester for Women United May Fellowship religion program at St. Barthol vised that the schedule is tack St. at least six months, and Day ecumenical luncheon Fri om ew ’ s, changed from that listed In the must.be U.S. citizens. day noon at Emanuel Lutheran Ushers are Mrs. Warren Cur American Money lodge trestleboard. A midweek worship and Those In the 1,8 to 20 age Church. tiss, Mrs. Rudolph Ricclo, Mrs. Town Budget prayer service will be hold to greup will be placed on the SUter LaOace will talk about Da'Vld Holcomb and Mrs. UiTel L c ^ e o f M asons w ill night at 7:30 at Calvary Church, ’’Federal. Electors” list -and the values of African culturei George Feeney. hold Its regular business meet 647 E . M iddle Tpke. will be permitted to vote and display artifacts 'with an Members of the chorus are In Short Supply On ing at the Masonic Temple In only In federal elections. emphasis on . family life in Mrs. Curtiss, Mrs. Holcomb, M errow on Saturday at 7 :S0 Trinity Covenant Church ’Those 2 1 and over will be A frica. Mtp.. Ricclo, Mrs. Feeney, Mrs. p.m. Wives and friends of mem Choir will rehearse tonight at placed on the "Regular Vot ’The guest speaker taught ’I’iiomas Parker, Mrs. George Up 1.81 M ills bers are invited to the semi- 7 :30 at the 'church. ers” list and will be permit eight grade science at nilng Varko, Mrs. Jack Haney, Mrs. Europe’s Exchanges public square dance which will ted to vote In all elections Junior High School, before Join BdwaM McKeever, and Mrs. —7 By LOUIS NEVIN O U df OABflBER follow the meeting. Lou Young The Ladles Aid of the Luther federal, state and local. ing the ecumenical order In Jefm KJellson. Associated Press Witter (Herald Beporter) of Wlllimantlc will do the call an Women’s Missionary League If and when 38 of the states 1969. L ast y ea r, she served as Mrs. Richard Jennings in gen eral chairman of the observ The Board of Directors last night approved a |16,- ing, and refreshments will be of Zion Evangelical Lutheran ratify an amendment to the principal of Mxiya' lOgh School LONDON (AP)—The U.S. dollar rebounded on Euro served. Church will meet tonight at'7:30 ance. site will be assisted by 340,761 budget and 48.66 mill tax rate for 1971-72— ConstltuUon, already ap in the Cameroon. pean exchanges today, but the respite seemed tem at the church. Pastor Charles proved by Congress, all elec Mrs. B. David Hawln Hawk Mrs. Halcomb, table decora up $1,869,9M and 1.81 mills over the budget and tax Miss Mary Jordan Walz, Kuhl will lead a discussion from tors, 18 years of age and ins will provide organ music tions; and Mrs. Kjellson and porary as 'the international monetary crisis continued. rate approved by the directors last May. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har the Spring Quarterly, and there over, will be permitted to during the program. Leaders Mrs. Kenneth Bensen, hospltsd- American money waa in abort — ------------------------------------------- - It also adopted a $1,067,840 --------------------------------------- ---------- old F. Walz of 36 Ferguson Rd., will be a business meeting. vote In all elections. are Sister Julia Ryan, pariah Ity. n tp fiy as speculators rushed to at 8A6. T he o ffic ia l budget and a 6.06 miU tax rate has been named to the deans Lenten folders which have not cover the dollars they had been floor price la S.68. to the town from federal and for the ’Town of .Manchester fltELtG ETSLIltS. list for the first semester at been returned should be celye plaques for their dash selling for over a week without ib e West German Cabinet la Fire District Fund — up $178,- North Manchester AI-Anon Because of $000,000 figure, Arizona (Tempe) State Univer brought to this meeting. Host CofC To Meet boards. owning them. meeting Friday to dtscuss the 287 and .67 miUs from the flra family group will meet tonight thb adopted budget is higher sity, where she is a sophomore. esses are Mrs. Emil Bronke, Entrance to the museum LOVnSC — CHAUFFEURINC — HUCCINC Hie British pound was caught mounting pressure for. revalua- budget the board adopted a Mrs. Fred Baker and Mrs. Rog at 8 at the Second Congregation than W eiss recom m ended. Ebc- Legislators grounds is free. A nominal ad In the riiah. A wave of selling tion of the mark to check infla- y ea r ago. Reynolds Circle of South er Bretton. Women planning to al Church parish house. ’The cluding this account which will mission 'Will be charged to tour sent the rate for sterling down Uon In Germany. But a declskm The current taxes are 46.86 United Methodist Church will visit the Cheney Homestead on ’Thursday , group will meet to DREAMING — UUGHINC — JOKING ] soon “warii out”, the remain At Breakfast the museum. Refreshments will A 41 points, to 12.4106- during the was put off after the scheduling mills for the town and 4.89 for meet tonight at 7:30 at Susan Tuesday will meet at the morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the ing bu(^et Is $18,740,761—$6ia.- be available. first hour of brading in Londmi. of the Common Market meeting the fire district. 066 and 2.14 m ills less than nah Wesley Hall at the church. church at 7 p.m. Pathfinders Club, 102 Norm an A “Meet Your Legislators” ’The event this year is under that’s what MOTHERS are made of! Hie official rate of the pound in Brussels. ’ To the average property own Weiss’s recommendatian for- St. Both groups meet weekly breakfast has been scheduled is $2.40, but It has been above At it the ministers of the six er with a home assessed at and are open to friends and rel the direction of William Hall the General Fund. for May 21 by the Manchester of West Hartford, who Is ex that <m the exchange markets, nations —W e s t Germany, $13,000, the tax hikes will add The adopted Fire District atives ll'Wng with a drinking Chamber of Commerce. It will perienced in handling meets of .Hie crisis droi^ed it 41 declml- France, Italy, the Netherlands, $32.24 if he liv es w ithin the B udget U $8Ji40 and .04. xnUIs problem . be at 8 a.m. at the Manches Happy Mother's Day nal points from $2.4106 or close Belgium and Luxembou^—■will boundaries of the Town Fire this type. less than what Weiss reemn- ter Country Club. Districh which le'vles its own Under a ruling by the 2!onlng to $2.42, on Wednesday. Ex- try to wmk out a cohesl've poU- mended for the STre DIatrict SPRING ’The Cradle Roll of ’Trinity In'vitations to participate have chaiige houses U4e decimal cy to follow In this fiipt major tax for fire protection. Board 'following complaints cm Fhnd. Covenant Church will have a been sent to State Sen. Da'Vld LEGEND has it that, back in the olden AU this about King Henry just to nsmlnd points to give them a more international monetary crisis j T-,™ parking at last year’s meet, ‘all Each miai Is the. equivalent. For___ ____ the________ Special________ Paridng Au- party tomorrow at 10 a.m . at days. King Henry 'Vin of England was you that when you start the outdoor grill accurate quotation. since the mark was last re- the church. Mothers are re parking must be on the museum serv^ that choicest morsel of grain-fed Police dog handlers move in to encircle war, protesters blocking an entrance o f $1 in taxes fo r each $1,000 o f >i<axiiig Fund the d lrec- aid Genovesl, Francis Mahoney ..