NDN, Technical Report NDN-0041, 2016. http://named-data.net/techreports.html 1 Revision 1: August 26, 2016 Hop-By-Hop Best Effort Link Layer Reliability in Named Data Networking Satyanarayana Vusirikala∗, Spyridon Mastorakisy, Alexander Afanasyevy, Lixia Zhangy ∗MSR India,
[email protected] yUniversity of California, Los Angeles, {mastorakis, aa, lixia}@cs.ucla.edu Abstract—Named Data Networking (NDN) supports the best retransmission timers for loss detection and piggybacks ac- effort data retrieval using Interest-Data exchanges. When either knowledgments on packets going the reverse direction. We an Interest or Data packet is lost and not recovered by the evaluate BELRP performance through extensive simulations router’s Interest forwarding strategy (e.g., by retransmitting the Interest along an alternative path), relying on end applications (SectionIV), which show that BELRP can substantially im- for loss detection may add significant delays in data retrieval prove application performance in high-loss network environ- that can impact application performance. In this paper, we ments with very low cost in both additional delay and node propose a best effort hop-by-hop link layer reliability protocol processing and storage. We discuss design trade-offs and (BELRP) for point-to-point communication links. BELRP makes possible extensions in SectionV. Although BELRP is designed a quick, non-persistent attempt to detect and recover packet losses over a single link with minimal delay. We evaluated BELRP to meet the performance needs of the Named Data Networking through simulations and our results show that BELRP can (NDN) architecture, as a link layer protocol BELRP is inde- significantly shorten data retrieval delays and hence improve pendent of the network architecture, thus should be generally application performance, especially over networks with non- applicable to other packet-switched networks including today’s negligible probability of packet losses.