Hiv« Tmt hmkir tUmn WM Ik Wr C»» S.»f Yu. Ttm,. Wurr, wd Mm*t *sJss!'v'J!rH^Er GOOD EATS CAFE .. C.,*t


yrmWn of tte Bad*. Footiwll tJU Wtrc prcacaM wteh trualiics Imi l ___ iw telrit th« part pfarinc Ma­ mSE^SLAYER 6APT1MB to. The prcMOtatioa took place ie the Si. Jolw Awholmt HaU a«l ^YER OF ^4 aiirndcd bjr tbc pUrera, .KWhert of the a»cutiee aad Irieida. A »«ry eiw- Rockford Plane Was Seen AFTER CHABE BY POUq^ aWe ereMiig vaa tpcM aii4 Mkimma Crate Vale,. Cgjtf.. Ai^ 23.- -Uy Y«o«. CW Sunday Over Greenland of NapenawatFM Ur A. Baker acted at ckairaM. lor ftteteg hera Itefa, b, Sknf G.««gCteter ..d the rrea,i« aod Mter kit capokle to- par,.MOO ..cnTthiat paMcil off Maod- A^HdKgp. TWrifc-telh,dteilB,tete,.|., it. Pm U> Ike proMMaUoii of wat- NKS.JUin«EBl itei Ik teMMidg waa located betteaoi CaMas ate) Gra^ ' ckt> and civa to Capuio Rcca, a toaat M* r»eo to the Eadc Lo^ aad Vain tacky. The Otear laid be tygkkd Cteter ad Helaite > Faoiball Chih. Ike aaae bci« ntpomi PISSED m\ Wig.dtete, He oirfdtekkkvd- CopaJiacn. Au«. 23.—The Greedaa •d to by Mr UeveUya Wittatea. kilKl dtete bodi k taid. Loy Yote« .ted k hdU tea Okega Tl>e playera received theft trephiea hon Mr. Bairia. Swretary of the Mid Tiiisffittini ag dte Oa Wmt Gac ragdi. aaar FaMl ycgteid^. ‘lyacaBK IlMnd LeaoiM. who coiwUiiMmed the iky triad lo pomom wm." player. Mid dtah opo. the At the aaa of etghty-aia yeara, achte.ed tterinf the pail tea oU-ttote aaaidBat paaacd tvtap u leaked for a MOT auly born ihia teonMB to the par i douht fro. Ftake the comin* year. Thtteltok am Webb, rahet of tbe lata > mm .iUK»c thoaa takhwpart HI the pen- pknuteelaa E Webb, at Iba rtenicaca of her traoiae were Nobby Clark. W. Park- dt 10.30 CO daavhur, Mrt. J. E. McKawto. th. Pfatecal •< iliRl^Ml ,1 mk? The deecatad wa* bora in Football Season le/, -Sfony CTarfcc. J Stecte, L. W«- frm FwkmBM.' iMa - The Oriole Orehcatra wai i. at btiiah, Scoilaod. to IML At a. aarty mm ta^aoce and amtpKcd naoy aefectmu. age tha anmmpaniad her putet. to ■ta to mmmar : Darnid the coorie of the tha United Stuaa, ttttItoB to Utra, *-* ttedm fh. mternm. U taRfate to Trailer. E. wha. a few yava later they tebde their Starts Saturday •ta tatet hatepatofad, afaRt ad acrota the Ptotoa to Saa Frao- Baley aiU Matted mnniKEiiov mnam , aeeataaly airtvtob M Wa.aima. 1 imdte, Aag. too Aik faithfol aarr I to the cM by Poor Em- •=iri‘:aL-fa-z Mr. Clyde Reca. She waa ■arried tetW. E. Wahh Mty Utetho^MrOnkr oeeer m4 n«by. to th. 1 tf. wha rtegfaa. Mte fc te ha- niimi raaaa a*. Sapt. 2ito to Su fWa ~ h* to aetto. ^ Ol *rt team nmdtefaa htearima CHICACO WITMBM MMT cnernSCOBS Chtech. NaMkM, and wat tha eldaai m tha pnmfar ha» fa* pan- I Mbar to Iba ehy of tliu dteagos tm Aag. ai—JW mi- Chicracn, Aite. 8. —Aiaataina’ bolli raacotnrer. A. 8.-H. R H Prince d mfatefar of NBMfa. Far fate, «-0«. A. tt-Ood. «r____ h. The dacaated waa aataetetd Geonte reached Vancoover by tpecial ac^ m aaatchat today mare aa lol> by aR who Imrv bu. She ever CanadteB Pacifv tram at I Cm. today. cotOl. pay alimony toURtog |MteD •ympatby for tbc aaedy to a mgacA tort yuan wmaara af both ly by rite poatel moary mdu headed by Acta« Yo^fcahke ttJ. Surrey Wfar lote ^wketa. trwfdr 2*J tor e«hl vrk aa a witnete to tha eraad itwy. te ear. the Mom Royal, at irw with lham to tbew Barbardo vaa waatad far teteatkMUwe the depot, at I0.JP ih» mormne. eJUiorihrea She baa Rved loac eumh to ahadi alaetef of Octee* Grutedy. com Hia Royal Hiadmete ha. * to the wick eta. ace the paatme of all her frieoda. both ■p to aow hte bate tha rnmmrn___ Mph opponent of Morria Eler. "U teal oa^'tk* rich who pij mat to jam hte atop. H. M. S. Dm- Someraat W. Worcoaler 84. d imUm and bar hda haa to- kaapu far Scotfaad aad Oteaa'a Park. liteka.’ h. Mid. bu..tto ahkk he «iU icnc ai a-, IrfiwHo «4 kr nea.^ da^ boea a atefto one. Ia Ih. El^fteh Fwrt DIeitana th* rtreg- Mart af ah. matey aedaen th. *••- lerpretee with the tMdi of hemenaM. Sba laavea lo aaoara her loaa Tteaday Iht royal atolar will be eoaat orda ahaar, ar* ante to the adtot oa Notitoaham 314, Earn 28 for Mv«b children. Mrv J. E McKmaia, Nanai- idienttoa that th* aesmvu. Aag. 8.-A!lag hrmUm cffliunn I honor at a civic ha>ml at Hoad vie hell. mo; Mra. W. F Foaler, Medktoc Hal; HtedrtafiaM tort teMv. fankad at oaw on Mt Salardny pay aactmvrr. Thit affair wilt be foRuv. H.n.p.kir« 421, Waal IMtoa 2fd ioa Mr. W. A. Webb, tale. muu« to b* hatead far tbc faaga. and rhagte araitt mMl pn day lo aaad towora. Thgp faal lha tern hr • hMI to tha odheert of the viall> W. F. Co. VaMottefr; bM Mro M Carter. Victoria, alto twalve graad- tociatloo at the hotel rhiMrcn and five treat grandebildrea and aU to aR, war* a gnat dhapi Pkmouth. Ai« 8. —Premier Mac- The Owbaa aail. Wednetday foe The fnneraj win taka place from th* knew Kina of Canada arrnred here aqHunah. COHmfiETS ruidenc* of Mr J. E McKaadt, MU- Priac* Georie wa. here Mat abool a (ord Creaceai. Moaday, Awf 8th at TWEKlUMSiaS 359*309 Vote Cm! rotee to Peru. The Premier and Sec ­ year aeo. with H. R. H the Prmc* of 230 p.m.. mirrmeat to the 'Nai retary Kelkica of the I'nitcd Slate* Wale. He wa. relnrmnc to Ea«toad nnoiMSTB from Chma. mroiMiuFEiir •ere accorded a civic veCaoM by the It it rcboettcd no flowara be teal. nHMTHISrKOfDICE te/teUse ■ayor and other d«.>torie>. who hoarded the aleamcr. Foky DMauooed Vaaconver, Ang. 8 — I ANTI-REUGIOUS ViciorsA An- JE-The ■ of the Royal Cuudiui Hamaha So­ PICHT ORGANIZED anresiara teaetog Vietnato far the snnniuiF taa cart to Ike wbo4t proeteoa Eutorn Battler ciety-. Medal lo CoattaMa John Daa- Moacoa , Aag 23-Special lemmariai Prurto. I. not eery large. Under th. taring th* racem gmural chettoa •» -to. A» a^we htoaad *«- lop while of the Canadiui Pacific Rail­ foe the traraiag of anti-rel«ioat lee carried tote affect thi. 3M8R Of thete 14M62 war* Lte- day aaar a arid* ana fa fag I Ottebec. A.. 8-Vic Foley, .f Van way Police her* wa. one of the firat I inatroctor. ut yeu, there it aa UDIOREOmOII eral. m J74 Conaervuiee. MJfa L conrer. contender for the Canadian. •ffinat acta of H R.R Prtoe* Georg* peaecM maa gatog to th. Raida aa- fraibrrwrieM title, wat------awarded- . 12-Gn Vancoovar. tTTblbeen" iaatracird** ”“ to introdace aa Ictt they VC tpcciRcaRy aaadad. •tod. Ptetoad fag I iSNowim rotmd decition over Ralph MeSaugh-1 Attracted by the cri*. ol a yoaar ton of Qnebec City, hare test a«ht girl who had pinaga into the icy walcrt . chib, and hbranea, and anli-rcb- Foley weitfhed IJn and McN, of Bnrrard latct from pier D early on . ue lo be held i upped the beam at 18. the Buroing of April 8. Conalahte Doo- art* have haraadtRW ■ riplioa dtewte the la.t Foley ioi«hl wider wrap, ia the lop while, ahhoagh folly clothed, leap­ Iwo week, hai bcca Mted by the Ra­ aamng am caadidattf aad m Vkteri* early rcnmdi aad allowed lb* Qtebec ed from the pier aad raacacd the girl, aih. for whom th* kaarart had dio Br.nfh of the Drpartmeat of Mar- 2581 dtoittod kchtrr lo carry th* battle. McNaivh- then a. the paint of drowaiag. . worked ia other yanra. From Victotia, tor W tayi. laiprovaaBent hat been coatinwia. gtedmg figa^ fag the loa had a ihbht edr* to th* firtt five Official recognition of the police- te date. ther. have been 334 men mik of Ito* h.t nidit't receptbw wat dracrihed KHLOIKiE I ate nX and 8.M6 fUty one women who have left tar nmn s gallantry aai given by tbc Pn..- paetto* rttena Tahtog aa hwrt af fir* • Th* only trlliag blow occurtd ia Prairie bars eat brids Lnal yeu e*» preacuatton. which wa* nude in average give* only aa approKtetettoa the ioarlk roand whea th* Qacbcc there were 374 ahogether, who hi. privue car at th* aiatiaa a bat for what h te worth th* figaraa m from here, .lightly leu than tbit ycv. fghler tended a stinging Irti oa thh morning. General E DeB Paper. todicafa fhu 1187 LihonI vafae* aart Foley'. Boa*. the blood **..ina It it rtlimalcd that from Vaacoaecr C.Mti. head of the CPE In.e.t«M The Nanaimo delegatr. retnmrd teat lhair baBnla ia Vuseonvrr aad 68» Polry until the end of the fifth rotuid there will be Enjoydd. Pwly Held ion Dcpartotcni and uhet officiart wii aght from \ancou«rr alierc the 55lh From them oa th* Vanconver fte*h leave, and from the real of the Grmter DiBCdFBBEwd present at the cerrtaony. Annual t.uurnlion liad bean held of la Honor of Mto Laky d the Otiebecker and teored re- ince about 280. tile Anrirm Order ol FoTrstfra, Co­ h Am Mhiitn' pealeillT with left, and right* to th* As fu u tbc hop beldt of the lower ' »rry rniayaMe cveu. wa. apenl lumbia Dulrict. Thr iollowing ofRccr. body Caaailian Athletei Mainland are concerned, oaly fiftrea to Wedneaday n«hl whe. tha Eacel- were eleiled *• th* diatrict exrcMive I la th* latt few ronndi lolry wa. and ten men have left bcrc. dor rinb of the Firat United Chwch Defeated ScoUand lor the next yt»r. a« over MeNamiblow There bad been a demaad bmm •ere*M* to a party, held to tom- JPUGH. Bm A H. Lowe. Lynn Vancouver for IJ»» white picker* by ary to thafr off.*..- aR-rvad I o< Mu. Mand* Laity at her horn* Hampdao Park. Olnagow. Aug 2S- Crerk. B. C. the raat of Ih* provtocc. It foRoart Angnal 21. A mesaaga hat hcaa rc- tetrafg « Barn Straat poRt* * » Victoria Rood. Miat Laity, who ia tEr««tod The Canadian OlympK athlete, U.C.R. Bto. W. H. Irichlon. North that of th* clactora SjfU voted th* rerved ktcally that th* supply day to m ■ary weU-kwnra to thit foammi eluded their British rngagement Vaocoover, B C. LihrrM lickrt aad S6JBM mathed their To Men Re»pomn>le qurt, wen sued. havine in the near ftoma to attend at night when they defeated Scotland in DSC.H, Bro. G Tippett, Nanaimo, haOot. lor Co.arrv.tivt caadidnM*. Pritoa for aa affcact aadu fag Caw •e at tha Dmcan HoapHal. For th^orW War aa inirraatioaal track and ftold owet. There was a cartaia amoaat of Ikkrt BINCULAR DEATH rupt Fractica* Act. Tagtor, m Mmfc Th* i anadiana won six event., the Treasurer. Bro. J. W. Wilaon. tpbiiing to both' Vaacoaver and Vic- C.*ah. Ont., Aug S.-Apperently to fag Air Mtoimteg, hta acegm fa Sarajevo, Jutoalavi*. Aug 8-Jugo- Scot, three, and one was lied. loria, hu it wu not rxiaaaiv* an< the victim of his owa cxpcrimcolt. Ih. latae*. far ttfaplyfag gnrtk. «toh petoateb. Mtoa Mary Hart hai. alnvia hu erected a ma.aiee marble Th* 440 and MO yard race, D. Secretary. Bro K Wright. > aOuwiag ihu tha ticimt apbuiag aa Nonaan Rimmer thirty, of Tuonto, •hr lr„a„ Siarinr w« todutoed to. tablet lo the Iwc won by the tram eompoMd of Percy one tide at least to aoa|F astral caa- wa. fcHted dead in bed today to the Mm HaMi Martto prorhw an efficiato awrted th* world . Williamt. Vanmaver; J. FtUpatrick. The next co.vrnt..m will beheld crllrd that on the other, three figurat room he had been occupying here Dvhte the cotwM of the mnrk. th* apot where Archduke Hamilton: Harry Warren. Vancouver. Tlflliwa. k in .Angii't V>2^ conslitatr a fair ratimal* of th* way Arroat his cheat wat an ordinary Frana Ferdinand and hi. Archdnehea. thr major partita wrg^dividad. leather belt, under svhich he placed pmud fa giv* « naaaaainaled in 1«I4 TCNOEREO POST-NUPTIAL It will hr obtrrved Ihrt wha. fa. SHOWER wet elnth and between Ui* tetter and hp Akva AIImi. aad alao a lartc tow Th* ennadun. won the 440-yud re­ ratio of Conaervativt aratf to Uberal hi. skin he bad inserted two i fa haa tetter, .aid ht had t bacanM their act ha. retailed to the Miss (isren Br.mrn entertained at the i* three to oa*. th* ruio of Cou- •h'ly decorated to tMtm* and ori lay to 424-5 .ecooda, and th* nO-yud eadcac* of all aoalhcra SItvt. ome oi her mother Mrs U Brown. mrtal disc* svhich, attached to a srir* arrvatrvr voters to Libaral voteri to •kick wat toR W maoy praaty a«l ratey h 181-5. Tbc mile relay tram from th* waU esvitch. acted u tie* ata tea ofaactad fa fa* oi 28 Selby itreet last evening at a poti- the two dttea waa foor to thrr*. aad to 'to lift, frm thoaa abaembtad. Waa of S. B. Gfaver. EdMOatoii; R. Little, otectrwdes. ifaa-hig rimRI.ii- tiuplial tltesrer m home of Mr. R N. the rest of thr provtocr five to “ten Jackao. resd a apeech of apprec Mr Local RaMaent of Wtoaipeg; W. A. Wiboo. Montreal Tayter cam* t. grief wto Jeakins (nee Rusahelle Lockhart). The imiflatiun of the room showed ■Mnw noof Mite Laity'a tervieaa for Bte and Jimmy Rafl WTuiipeg. woo eauly Dias in Vi s were artiilually decorated for Kimaacr to have had three book* deal­ FINANaAL TROUBLE C^tenineM pmt aka took to the* Ea- ia 3 mtonteA 83r*acMMh. the.; mission, thr color Kbcmc buag ing with electricity. REPORTED TO FACE «totew Onto Loaar an to Iha am . wiM took th* boton fropi Wi Matthew Wiltna McLean dtod in bln* aad gold atsd summer fl.mrrs aad No toqaert will he held. PREMIER OP rWUOtCM •ht ceau tat dom to a datotOy lade. iruted homt to tb* Rn.1 bp L.ttle the Vancourer Gracral Hoapital Tne. toM*. prepnrtd hy Mrt. Uky. The fergt were arranged in prufuiion. Pant. Atm. 8 —Mme. Potocur. tb* a;;ralcb boH mik rac* ALL-BLACKS WIN day nfiemoon at five p|lock follow, ke evening was si>snl in competi- snfc of th* Frroch premitr, baa ra- n«tt deputed at aa mrly hotw to tha Cuiada. aad BaJI later aron the acralcb VBteHta Afy ipaa 4 mg a la«thr ah—^ i. games and music, th* peue- Onotahoorn. South Africa. Aug 23- « afl vHihhv Miaa Lute tM- walrd m a arwspaptr mirrview that >aa wM a former rcaident of Na- lers being Miss Myrtle Bell. Mrs. The Alt-Blacks, famoos New /raland to her aew vaMwe. her haabaad it Tactog fiaaacial rain Th* Ulci! adRik of th* Whr OF. _____A having removed to Vancoavei Ragby team, defeated the Southwestern Anumethaaerrateto were the Mhaea N Jeakm. and Miat Monica hreans* Iht coats of hit ofacial poai- bu a abort time ago. prior to which District. 12-6. her* yesterday Maade Laity, ORv. ABea, CebM U- rpe. Various maskal selertiont ison vattly rxrrrd hte Inroam from rfaoatag aattoto he had raalded bare far rtraate yma. craahed bv* bardlet to tS. UR-yard I renderei h» Miss Verna McKtn- •her. Edith Jfbhibaeb. Ploram Pae- the goTcrnnimt Th* maa who sta- tetar rat te meaty He m awfeatf by four hmaher* .which wa. Mg hy AUtetei Oark and Mi»s sVii.Mc Ssihnen Maoaldering fire in the basement 'Mt. Haaal Martin. LRy hUrtto. Lonm bihrrd tiie fraar. srevt aard sm vnfar titiui. Th* remain, will of Seottead. to 16 tecoadg ^ aring the eveomc a deKci.nns buf­ of Ih* Canadian Bank i.f Commerce MrKenrie. Mary Hart. Jaui Jackuw. NO per cent to Iwu years aad repaid formu old-fame raaidaiT^ fato'^ brattebi to Nutehao for totemwat. nr- Firvt three placca in th* mile teralch fet supper W1S served Mrs Jenkins thru* o'clorfc today necrs.itaird the Ada Bach. Molly Ltoly uM Mariuto far Bank ui fraact ISAKMBnuoO fraaei The articte it aa fafa—; M* were warn hy A. Dnharty, Moat- calh^ of the hwal fir* deparimriit. rivkte oa th* anon boat Friday, aad th, rvrtpieni at many bcantifal advanced te the g> •vrrsunrni, is haiag 'A renal nRtr at TarritarW BaO. hich anon had the blare under s.m- th* he held from Ike D J. real; J. Wahcei, HamiUnn. aad D and useful r'tt fiw *d to spend his amaO tavtogi lo gnuteet wdt Camamudant C J. Btte> Jenktoa UtU chapel *1 3 o'atock. CrifRn. of Hamihon. nfite . ig bv* Th* prrmicr's tatery it ah

Drink M aflMkl iiMAl EBbAW TM k llEEltllfllt garat Samer. Sea Hygkm Pr«r« W nnni 5. C Wtoakta, m Hoar* .treat. Vaa- AMAZINS Auctionl Wmm rimlEB ar Prie* Rwhietioo nHnrsiiiiiiis hHwiE WrtE^WpTplwB, AAfwIt. SEIBOU^G IjMrtok. Am 21-Whn LeH lack cake •**« *o Um Brkk hrnmiom tk* alltr Eads JOxJV^crc 9ME Ual Tim* Today Now------$7.95 ^AUDA” Oa Sk* SM. M r md 1 iMH-* $10.56 jAf Ml mAIwwT nuT Ko.__aia.ww CtniKALl k-TEA^ With «..._$15.75 Aoio Awkim IT tk ofl care: ilio NOTICE TO “CAPITOtUHr M3k«adl Mnrne eanfcr*. r. Bryant. Vic- Notice k hereby reea. ptmaaol •» Sirs*,. .$16.35 loria CraacenL dk-lf Cbapter »2. BA.BiC, Sec 31 that *B U.N THE sci>»^ Butter. 1 yeraok* ba«k« daku *d»ia.t tk* **• Ul* of Eloakolk Fraaer. d*ca***4. are marie mvosT 92U0. Now____■ $23.70 hre^ hko Ike KkMfiibt klak ah* w belmh CmpkdCmmS^mA at the old . ^| ME k*k le !■/■»»^ Um Matk K«t» to L—^ Ttmtk ecrfkd by Stolktory Dedaratioa. to darfal eel- «t k« haebakA Sir Kokert HokMok. A. E PUata. Lbait*< a«e*t*. at 311 “ON TO RENO" nmal mti by ikktieM o< bclar n- Comkaraial Street. Namam B C. aa WBk CaSia Uwdk ^ C, A«b. 2A-C^ _..;*lMt M hnAe lb* lonaaa. ibi SEALED YEKDEBS_*ddr****d or before the 21k d« al Saytmbff. «** wkM by Ik* coart* aod Mat Add*d Attractioo AD. t«a. after wkkE date w*. the Cm M yiwirekaa of ber mammy. Sk* *al«i Sir aadrra««cd csecetart ol tk* De- dm Bay B C,-winb*_«: •ALL roa NOTMINO- FomiMB Pm. fritU| r ■**• Wmm to lb* Brkkk ceated’t WiO. wiH peocce^la^ta dktei- fwmmmi ia Math Maw laaee. al bote the aaatu at tbc E#ita NEXT ATTR.vrriOM * and e: BOOL’S ■bM. CAlMdul ■h ber baMaad M ia Jerecy, the pcraaaa eatiltod Ibeaala, CoSeoa Maaw ia Bay. I •HArriNBSS AHEAD" «b*r« Mae* ar* k* Math Mke*. Lady regardoaly to ibe claim al arhieh ere •M o< M Mi Mmm «t Vmr- Howaak k aa ardaM aaifra«iA. Be­ than thaa bar* had aatke. Tire Shop toM B«ch, nk, Htf MM ««M ki fore ber anniaac «h« vaa Daia* Faa- Datad at Naakma B. C. ihk 2M Mt iMt rMT MM* Get Seiberlings ny Lacy Byraa, oac of the krtl •** day of Aafaet. W31 Fr«4 U««y.MMir M* r«MrtvieMry Damarawaiiadm attka Brkkk E— BOBEIT WALLACE ■BflOBM Md «• Ike AUuta nA», pir* ta be craalaE P»t Otm BaildM.\»ct°rg^B^J AGNES M. WOBTH Goodrich tkat ml kk aeaM Eaecotor* Laat WM aad Teetaakol eoa»t>(>oil. be kk IM. Tkri« her iatker’* tilk a* k*E a* to bk Blkabeth Fraaer. deceaacd. KMk itcwok «k«WTki«ia ra»M •«• SUvertown imnamm,*mmmami «k* bakaai a< Brit- chaiM*. «* Weet IMktiaa*^ StrM «MMM • 4k* Uoe<7 aia'i wealthy were Ska k ikrrwd aka at tb* Ike ckM MM Mr Balloon Tb» k tb* b*«t tir* tbr A.E.Mili.Si.q Notic* M bcrcky grraa that oa tb* GooMieh Coapaay R.H. Onnond Cee«e ef CWA ml ak.1 5lh day of Stymbi* oeal lb* oad«- BMkaa. It ragcettait tb* He «y* k* k ihnmgh m kmed meodt la ikkM ta the maa* PlumbiM. Headng, itkk *rtMli« M ■Mr Greek. «i aMaey ia a Sheet Work M a BmBssfdLrNVmHraed Pmtl Striwen. BabyUOwuB al a koOdaw baawk a* Cakmbaa Hotel rcflactad ta the Site UsMisb ol Al tom SaBaea. Tk* car- Gm^ ekaa. *wc«t Ha $ ktaate at SM HMMktiaa Bkwat. Na- ca« rcprciaat* tb* kr«kc k-M« Mk. whoa* BkMk*r waa Mk* Mary CraaaL A trial wB i higke*t ta Stae* Rdpsm mi Plarti yoa Mat w« pot ip da__ r ikk rn*^ * Lat 1 Bak 1-2 aaciiak B. Blaab C textik fakneatm aad eepted cheaw* ______Mm SM. Sectioo 1 Vktaefa Load Ba- rakker tatatatiaa. The Yoa CAN beat aw OmH lyabk to the order ol ik* MWatcr lb* caoairy- TaE. dark akd haada ktim Dktrict. fioai Akoaadar tread. wtacM k ol tbc McCUry Stovea and ye CANT beat m MM rMke Worln. which wiB be rt- famm “Htage Ceatr*' AT THE CAmOL caaaki* pokkcal ypaaber a r ai wank * rMbia. »* k daoiga. woor* toag. eeea- H. Armiskaw*l LmmiA U b«h kMM* M tki ty, aad witbaat cap- a »o Ika Ukar maimma. By OEer. IsiliUSL rUMl7l Cifkal IkeMTt lui ***«»« I s. E(yByp<. Dated at Sammimm, BrtlMh Cikflii. PWSMXX ysim al Ml aM tmmmka ml Brk- ihk Jfd day of AmM MB Sfltk^earemaad kk^Makaaaa k Lady Laak Maaoi. ^ ^ josira Kovica kaittk, fanaaiM Mka Bdwiaa AM- ■kiriad Ma aaa af the Mi* asTs-jra Myaak at IMMord Haeaa. aad ■- ALBERT STREET COMMERC - SLr~'"'—. MEAT MARKET RESTAUB Tb* SSeartawa Bal- Lady LkMaw. wba ikhorilad BUME- ^ k Me ta*t ward ta roa QUAUTT AMO BSaVKX Special 1 Ik Ihi Iktttt *• etotk I ■ aad a aia«aifimit ■aaaka fraai ar km hMkaal Sk }akk* Wenibcr. 127 KASTM ] TSSSk?T Ekl M • M»rt *Mk Aka PrtaM Baal Mattaa. Vaal *rh* Eoeaiy.* tmd tkr mIv kM m AJ.JolmstoD aad Park. Cor. Bmabem md Fleet Sta NOTICE . Her a. Saamt aad park Ptaa a W*. the Tiai O SBadaBy. aanao. with to ik__ I Mom Rk that all Taai Tripi«fG| Briiiak Bad WE DEUVBB. bclwre. the km* of «pL 6am wtmxebarttdlk^ PUaa m * a V. AUJSAN a trip. mLHART CITY TAXI i nnHandrMMi P. WATCHOSUrbrnal ( ia . Mk ekk. *Me- H. BBICHTOH. Pbm S CHSTRlIEIiaBOr WbM yaw wmlaay wwk dot^ -SPEEDY- SOT. r Wood and Coal A CBUTE. Pba.** I wke kkM k« k«- i' kl AMckkka. ni i« TMktefkWEjr' 144b. Imide Wood, kwd $3 EAGLE HOTEL 14-ib. Sim Wood. Ud$2.7S FlSHandCHrSl ^ nNiiiZB 'pHE home is no place for tmIimMe 2-fLConlWo«lbMd|33« or THE FINEST «U>«I * pEptra iMillMi is your oOoe. Fora lUCieMmi KmlnM Wood. IomL.|3J« CSISCO U*od kr Mi I EmaO sum, youcan hare the protactiaoof 4-ft. Waad lor aala. a Safety Depoait Bok behind the atael EaewkaM aad Carnal HaMtaa. FIE» ^fUBIhl kea to be aoc *1 the early r iijLr t^tMywToMM doors of our srault. ‘ OOODBOODmdlOOlB Royal Transfer ■ M hk e a of Ike lUkad, wtib ectionUinriSed. OLD COUKTIT I a of the Cowickaa WRUiAPlep. CMPSm COMMEBCtAL ITBi^ K'" I ikta aa* c Daeiliiiiiaii aad yeaerm oa Me BASTION The Rf»yal Bank W* bar* Ia*taS»f S* WiMKr* «t Ai »kkt MM* k Ifct Wm Caaal el Vaacokeer lalaad. par Jos. M. Bream A Son Eakkrty «a tb. Wm Coa«aectio. of Amv me JM«9 «*■ of Canada Meat Market Latest Soli SatdN I «tJT. tkAe*. fint. Mn. M. AMerwi Bidikk. ba. aka lad to Me 1 that k kmrid took b* pomAW HE w!rfay »t,‘ Nmla. MacHw m4 ILi. Ca*haN: MM. Mn. a.Twrtt Mkhal; ikkriink. firM. Mr. Orki M OkM. a rrnmtarar, ml k daaa. Oae-ariaatt. Aee-aitaate. half- THEI kMr O..A; MkC Mr Ka«m. Ladk*. briag yaar fk* I Beef. Pota. Umb, No mar* aad. to Wk^ GraadfaMer dock* r Soar* or laar ym h cd aad aew paru a*ad*. VwluidSama* A THal wm C*a«ta»aBf| •1 pricM that Mil aaoridi E. RANCET^ Madeira Linens yoM Gri« MO a trial awl * in a Full Range of Size* and Designs. UU VASH MT EAnt bccoeviKad. USB J**( Oo* Sad Madeira Linen Napidna, 3 for fl.OO THRIFT DRY RESTAl SOAP NAM KINCL Brotta Striped Towek. c rslm. pki, JSc mhI 7Sc A Caaadka Prodaet mimnciii aiopsun.i Mdn En Wi Tm, Ttmk imr..42il, |L7S md |LM ask your GROCEE OPEN DAY AN) WCHT. H>«Clktaawo Pkaoa UH. Um RAr ksd Te. Temlist...... jB* 'v^-jssiisrst** lism Tea Tterk. realyemk. .ecL...... Jfc md 2Sc IWl. Twiy Tetrdi Mb odoied befdw bem...... 4fe D.. J. JENKINS, Ltd. Jtc le 11.11 Undartaldnc Parlor* R.W. BOOTH roOHS IM UMm . 4|f I* Ik L I aad S Baattak Street Ftdl me M Sbmir faa. pm______------lUS 36 imb lldte am] Iinp«i FloaeUttu. ymi ------JSc Pikmthm. AH work TIRES 36 mt li^ IVim. tWtlB. Twd...... Jl. SpoeU MdisBi. 42 mb Pflkm Cam. tmek...... jg, ^ 2$c GUTTAPERCHA B. T. RapU Trt -ISda . MAOnl tk* Of *a ALL-WOOL DRESS FLANNELS •Sta. Ora- •ME agaik M Nekoa aad Tra.l is • U matt *f cahn Bapam Saael*. DaSy Satwaao ■day Okd Tkwdiy. They wore a 3 l -inch Flannels, yard ...... 79* tarrr ymm I tiM tkaSl ai a aart al flow aark IhaihM md VkMs - m.n irrial. the am'* aamk*ki« of baked >4-mch Flannels, yard...... $1 . Hill Mekr gives notes, nor writes cheques d^ed I ^ On the one hand is your so

Loyalty to Home Our PbBfcy : ^ f Lsjraky to yow < f It ia o prows fact Ibt WorU arrtr ttele oaod h.ltee cmkrtpuMiosiaswthnawtbMpaMW. Awas S of ksl vlsdi s SMI

Throw the Ught of publicity on the haMtual "DEADBEAT” he will either pay uporg&OUt ta


m Ik* home oi Mri. Whirt DrWe M _ Ifa. Ih.Ud*- r MU m TkMdar M • IJo M«»Wr mi MTAHIIlUa iMmim

Noaopriot paper hot iormU mrm M TOlilIRCimST UEDIflKD J. >. Wa Mu Comm^mr W> m par enU o< lit to*^ prodoctia VMM. Av. »-«litPria ar«*re »Kit wot S14 par cot. to ta* cmr me JCE&limLOffieeive ENJ41J7 at ita proportka of S8S*,«»j®of BritMi CohiaAla «ov- ...-V* VAmrON UUB It LoadU, Ba*, Aot »-«d M "3= irieaae iaio tke fight to wroet Iroai day aomog omaidprikiet of ■rttoh a b boaod uo tke a '^Sp^cisJ Two ifhata of the ak, the Britieh her of doya at______E-MO oow keteg ketOt at Howdeo aad wkk Victoria a fM»e aet at H fH»tomm4, tet. Wm ttkra tte naaa L2-ir aeariog CMBpUt never wil receive NMJMin on It lU.aa4MM.SM McCo>no< WM- waton of Watorto* Loket itatfaaol Fricdrkkakaleo. wiU swke tbetr eckool atteadoace of Ti Announcement •fhr. CtfifonM Ml lor til. oMaJeiid firet fkght looa. The p%e fM ■at received ky Saaokh vrii ke firet wN ka Moorded m SilM ai I flAUlJI. EogobaU wM roettve S3.- nVE ii« the firet coMcrcial fligki over 67(171 aU Oak Ba> tSjPfSt. PWwu. Aria., Aag.2X-Fiwt p«. SATURDAY, AUGUST 2Sth. Ike Aikurik. e dbtribalioa for the whole of Bri- •0. «ota dortracatad kora la*t oiftM Tka GMmaae are aow ia tke lead. tiak CoheoAb b aa foOewa: koa tkey MaMlil apraao a karr l- Tbeir Zeppeka ia capecled to be ia the erai | P4IJ* gO^ faMi ptmor iiat. klcarn to Om air hefoee tke obddk of Aeg»i where aatroog ______IJNJ* i«aU 4mut a terrific wM ttorai at k wiS be toward the end of Septeoi- ■twack ———— IJIttlll dutlr kefort orid-aiibt. before thi Brititb are ready to teal wteaay ------ZMlN Tlree of tke rktOM. IKkard MB- Ibek-m Coaatraetioo tWficalliet, tke Ligkt to mo4cr>tr wim lor. his wife and too. wore UaMaOr faitore of aUeriait to arritre and otker mmrw ior rcTcrol tUjr*. kSad. Two olkcra, Mltal'i loa, We*a- factori OMT after tbii proopect. loy, aU a ai«iikar. Morka, died OMatke * the diaat tbeds :/SS aptiiW to fttewt tke Area. DIAMOND . SJMM . ISOM ALTIMUTS MISSING rede of wtirkcaca have keca clnabiag the tarfcri aetal laa- . S4LM Srdoey. Ao« a-Awtrafc II a«iut. rld. Each of tke new UlM d or«T tke dnoppearaace of tke twe or tkaa an ocean liaer. 74EM (tbera. Uorie SoaoMa aad Eroa Hayee. The OMIal iknielna ia covered wkk cot- 4JM.14 “S” DAY Uo Taadae ia aa atlrmet' ^ lEwrinO M covered » whieh hai been tronted wkk _ Z4M41 EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS of doBart to coaetract Whm eoMlrt U91M have bcoB naoble to trace thoia. ed. at A

Boys’ dk akdkip b capokle of carryieg ■rnsw liM of Mi aad a crew of 41 hot fke Ccnaani plaa la carry ooly » Sdiool Grand Uaatrr Bra J. McDooald. of Army oad Navy Vw-W A««M SELF SERVICE Vancoover; Dept. G. M.-Bra E C. Wharf St, WoMbw f.L umm Gtoe^y SpadaU Cavaialty, of Noaokao; G. Treoa., Bro WANTEU-Part-lbM lliiiiwt k i J C. Browo. of CoMherbad oU G. fboSia IMh. par W Me Wardra. Bra E EBion, of Vaacot Suits met m coaiereacc bM rwaiag m the pbcalnat to h« b (h. hoaA d S I I.O.O.F. haO oo outtcri pcrtai Scerrtary aot bter thwi M«. M | a Ferh owf Beoae. ka Me to the advanceiaeal of OddfeBowthip I Cemhiaatlaa. aS fee Me eoeew larpe. I baa for Me SPEINEUNG HOm Balaag P—dee. II ...___M. 1 Ckn-OoMNat,^ I heap FWkea. IS. Mr E n Bird, fonaer a fata farther Kntce thtTwdTI | »f the Bank of C •irr by mean, of a Mb hr M I today rroet arpooe whatvorTer wG kt dhU I ooly betwvea the koort df J k^| FeTda T oad lATUBOAY The Aoga.1 priMcatioa of Tab- o'clock b the of tack Sp. T Phoac Talk gbea the ■ooikir of The apemkling of brfett m ] •og of ttdrwab. at aoy IMi bn I phoaet in operatn. i. Naaaaao*at the kibked. 7 I hr.l ol th.. mooth m 2217, briog 4J Waior Ghag. war tki H HA< KWOOnCEC I ■ .• at the begbatag of the year Naoab». B C. Awnri 8. MM W

lUvid Spencer LtiL Dominion Linoleum aoog Ike oteoMcr* of the local 80c, 90c, 11.00 and |1.45 «|. ymri t retoraiag haaw Mol ev lro« atteodiog the SSth aaooal iioa of Ike Aacbnl Order of For- Phone us and we will come and messure eitcr, held ia Vaacovivrr. „ . your rooms. qaankiev ia the proviacaa of Oalario Mewrt. Geo. Tippet. J W Wiboa, H Tkoraeycroft. W. Cragi aad aadOaokec. Tke DopartaMai of Miaoe Wright. ep to the pretoot ikM haa earveyoA ompped aad aaoipled over 2SO;OaO ocret ARTHUR HITCHEN of prat Mr. Harry Goldb of Doacan. B. C Phone 1025 b the raeipieal of a geld owdal frwa rwviocra Tke total ihc gaardiaa of a ChiacM boy whooi he peat fuel which ■albMly rcKoad froai the water tka post ia thb Covrichaa Eiver at the rbk of h.*

Foel Board, in ki inlcriw report, ro- APPLICATIONS FOE <"^^radrd Ihc oar of peat whet* b STENOGAAPHEE can kt prddaoed aad tappfbd AppScatioai art iavtted by the Ma- Table Specials icaBy. af a owaa oicipal Cooacil lor tke pM« at the Cky HU Applbaiwoa ...l be Mbw Urt*. kMioNi rmfhwiu iroMB m a C-.2 for—wj.A j peal fact oa aa team- tke kaadwrHiw of the applieaal aU owe aaiia aag«r roadkioaa delivered lo the oadcr.igard aot bier K«d3«jr*9 Ttnklon. 2 Its. for ...... \ ia Caoa^georbfog. Spsdd.p-r_... kgoH intwM to apply to tka Liqaor ition of operatioM. Efforu wiU M ------— fad b an arao withb a MwMc radhM of the pbnt. It -THCCt tTOCIf. i* capected lltal a brge portion of Me at Ike Patricb Hot< (/atpot will be conaumed in the katM- B. C, opaa Ihc badi dotcrihed a dwle bcality. that b. wkhki twemy W and II, ccclioa 1, Naaaiiao . mile* of Ike pbot. aU tMl aotor track PAM& J. H MALPj dch.ery can be rmpfoyad for Uik bacb neta The ckte. of Maatrool and Of- ■> STREET tawa. howerrr. have beta good ornrh- f..SS‘".5S.*SL2S?-“ ct. for peat feel and a portion nf tho pmdociba wtS be aoM b tboac ektet. Dated at Naaahao. Britbh Co mau ^^A WILSON GROCE Mr. N. Wright rrttwaod bet evea- Addreat; PlutwfObai aad i •ag from a btwiaati trip M the Maia- ANNAk. VITEUJO.