The Oxford Book of Medieval Latin Verse
Oxford University Press, Ely House, London W. I GLASGOW NEW YORK TORONTO MELBOURNE WELLINGTON CAPE TOWN SALISBURY I8ADAN NAIkOBI LUSAKA ADDIS ABABA. The 80MBA Y CALCU'ITA MADRAS KAltACm LAHORE DACCA KUALA LUMPUB. HONG KONG Oxford Book of Medieval Latin 'krse Newly selected and edited by F. J. E. Raby, C.B. Fellow of the British Academy Hon. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge Oxtord At the Clarendon Press © Oxford University Press I959 FREDERICO BRITTAIN AMICITIAE ERGO FIRST PUBLISHED 1959 SET IN GREAT BRITAIN AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, OXFORD AND REPRINTED LITHOGRAPHICALLY FROM CORRECTED SHEETS OF THE FIRST EDITION 1961, 1966 PREFA CE HE texts given in this volume are presented, for the Tmost part, in the fa miliar spelling of classical Latin, but in some of them I have thought it desirable to preserve the spelling of the manuscripts. I am indebted to Dr. Frederick Brittain, Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, fo r help and encouragement in the preparation of this volume. Fr. Paul Grosjean S.]., has most kindly taken great trouble in answering my questions about the difficult problems connected with the Latinity of Hi!perica Famina, and I owe to him many valuable sug gestions as to the meaning of the extract given on pp. 58 sq. I am grateful also to Dr. b. R. Shackleton Bailey and to Professor C. O. Brink for their helpful advice. F.J. E. R. NOTES TO CORRECTED REPRINT Nos. 108 and I09, pp. 151-3, are to be found, with the rest of Notker's Sequences, in W. von den Steinen, Notker de r Dichter und seine geistige Welt, z vols., Bern, 1948.
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