Approved and ordered this 0th day of August , A.D. 1930.


At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, LieutenantGovemor. PRESENT: The Honourable in the Chair. Mr. Pooley Mr. Atkinson Mr. Howe Mr. Shol ly Mr. Lougheed Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

To His Honour The lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to ream:tend

TRILT, pursuant to section 30 of the "Marriage Act", chapter 40 of the Statutes of , 1930, the following named persons be severally appointed as on and from the first day of September, 1930, Marriage Commissioners for the purposes of the said Act of the respective registration districts constituted under the "Vital Statistics Act" denigm- ated opposite their names:-- -- Name. Location of Office. Registration District.

Pratt, G. F. Abbotsford Abbotsford. Freeze, A. G. Alberni Alberni. Robinson, E. H. Alert Bay. Campbell, H. B. Anyox Anyox. Adam, W. C. Ashcroft Ashcroft. Wright, W. W. Atlin Atlin. Um, R. F. Barkerville Barkerville. Ashton, G. E. Bella Coola Bella Coola. Brown, L. WI. S. Blue River Blue River. Oland, C. F. Burns Lake. Dawson, S. 4. Campbell River Campbell River. ‘i Brown, F. 0. Chars Chase. Hall, O. L. Chemainus Chemainus. \ U\ Whittaker, C. T. Chilliwack Chilliwack. Dorrell, R. T. A. Clinton Clinton. Manse/1, H. H. Courtenay Courtenay. J)4. N. 3. A. A. Cranbrook Cranbrook. 9 1 1:.0 Name. Locution of Office. 11,:Tistrution District.

McLaren, H. Creston Creston. Conway, John Cumberland Cumberland.

Maitland-Dougall, J. Duncan Duncan. Smith, J. M. Enderby Enderby.

Hamilton, S. B. Fernie Fernie.

Moore, J. D. Fort Fraser Fort Fraser. Clark, J. S. Fort Nelson Fort Nelson.

Graham, James A. Fort St John Fort St John. Mouat, W. M. Ganges Ganges.

Soles, G. H. Giscome Giecome. Sanborn, G. E. Golden Golden.

Harrison, Ernest Grand Forks Grand Forks.

Nichols, Charles Greenwood Greenwood.

Saunders, W. I. Hazelton Hazelton. Lethbridge, C. A. W. Hope Hope.

Pomeroy, A. J. Hudson Hope Hudson Hope.

Fisher, E. Kamloops Kamloops. Hewat, Ronald Kaslo. Fisher, G. A. Kelowna.

Knowles, J. B. Kelowna Kelowna. Henley, W. R. Keremeos.

Brown, T. A. Keremeos Keremeos.

Meadows, R. E. Kimberley Kimberley. Taylor, A. de R. Ladner Ladner. Verchere, A. G. Ladysmith Ladysmith.

Price, L. J. Lillooet Lillooet. Dryden, Alfred Lytton Lytton. MoGlinchy, H. McBride McBride.

Frost, H. R. Massett Massett.

Mallory, A. R. Port Clements Massett.

Couper, R. G. Merritt Merritt.

McConnell, J. J. Mission City Mission City.

Scott, Walter Nakusp.

Boothroyd, W. H. Namaimo.

Nelson, R. S. Natal Natal. 3 Name. Location of Office. Registration. District.

Cartmel, I. Nelson Nelson. McInnes, Angus New Denver.

Cotton, F. R. New Westminster New :;estminoter.

Giles, W. E. North Bend North Bend. Shepherd, G. S. North Vancouver North Vancouver.

Hill, Gee. H. Ocean Falls Ocean Fulls.

McDonald, D. A. Oliver Oliver. Dewdney, W. R. Penticton Penticton.

Pierce, Rev. W. H. Port Essington Port Essington. McFarlane, I. C. Port Haney Port Haney.

Merrell, M. S., Pouce Coupe. Sutton, A. C. Powell River Powell River.

Milburn, Geo. Prince George Prince George Little, Elmer F. Prince George Prince George.

Munroe, C. L. Prince Rupert Prince Rupert. Lancaster, A. I. Prince Rupert Prince Rupert.

Dodd, L. A. Princeton Princeton. Evanson, E. qaatsino QUatsino. Hansen, Mull Holberg quatsino.

Roberts, M. D., G. A. C. queen Charlotte City queen Charlotte.

Lunn, E. C. Quennel quesnel. Maxwell, Winfield Revelstoke Revelstoke.

Reid, W. H. Rossland Rossland. Suckling, A. P. Salmon Arm Salmon Arm.

Roberts, Sam Sidney Sidney. McNeish, Thomas Slocan City Slocan City.

Hoskins, 3. E4 amithern amithers.

Gill, W. A. Hi Squamis12 Squamish. Scarlet, J. P. Stewart Stew/art.

Stark, Adam Summerland Summerland.

Dodd, E. W. Telegraph Creek Telegraph Creek.

Thorp, T. J. Tolkwu.

Anderson, G. L. Kitamaat Terrace.

Mahony, I. Vancouver Vancouver.

Grant, A. P. Vancouver Vancouver. - 4

Name. Locution of Office. Isgiatration District.

Jennings, H. J. Vanderhoof Vanderhoof.

MoGuaty, R. M. Vernon Vernon.

Wilson, F. H. C. Vernon Vernon.

Young, Y. D., H. E. Victoria Victoria.

French, Y. A., H. B. Victoria Victoria.

Coggin, H. W. Victoria Victoria.

Cox, Alfred Clo-ooso Victoria.

Maclure, L. C. Williams Lake Williams Lake.

Sandilande, E. M. Wilmer 7ilmer.

Palmer, V. N. Yahk Yahk. and the following named Indian Agents for Indiana only:-

Mortimer,G. C. Hazelton Babine Indian Agency.

Fougner, Iver Bella Coola Bella Coola Indian Agency.

Lomas, A. H. Duncan Cowichan Indian Agency. MacLeod, E. Kamloops Kamloops Indian Agency. RYclbnan, F. S. (Acting) Cranbrook Kootenay Indian Agency.

Halliday, Ti. M. Alert Bay Kwawkewlth Indian Agency.

Graham, H. Lytton Lytton Indian Agency.

Daunt, A. OM. New Westminster New Westminster Indian Agency.

Barber, A. H. Merritt Nicola Indian Agency,

Coleman, James Vernon Okanagan Indian Agency.

Gillett, Rev. J. Vassett Queen Charlotte Indian Agency.

Colliaon, Rev. W. E. Prince Rupert Skeena River Indian Agency,

Harper-Reed, T. F. Telegraph Creek Stikine Indian Agency.

Moore, R. H. Vanderhoof Stuart Lake Indian Agency.

Ball, F. I. C. Vancouver Vancouver Indian Agency. Frost, E. E. Port Alberni West Coast Indian Agency. Taylor, H. E. Williams Lake Williams Lake Indian Agency.

Dated this 7th day of L4pAgust A. D., 1930.

( i()k Provincial Secretary. Approved this 7th day of ust A. D., 1930.

/ ./i 1 l 7 Presiding Member of tht Executive Council.