
A Primer

The material on this handout is drawn primarily from Martin E. P. Seligman's book Authentic and the University of Pennsylvania website authentichappiness.org, which contains excellent self-assessment tools.

The : Happiness & Well-Being

Enhanced by: Enhanced by: Enhanced by: Positive Positive Emotions Positive Emotions (Past-Focused) (Present-Focused) (Future-Focused) satisfaction, , , , , , serenity, fulfillment + Gratifications , (positive and no (hope and optimism buffer cognitive distortions) against bouts of )

PLEASURES GRATIFICATIONS Bodily and Higher Activities, not

Bodily Pleasures Call on Strengths and momentary, come through the ingenuity, , , senses (tastes, smells, sexual , self-control, , feelings, sights, sounds) , loyalty, etc.

Require Activity reading, dancing, volleyball, Higher Pleasures momentary, off by complex / community service, discussion learned events (rapture, thrill, bliss, , comfort, )

A Full Life: Experiencing positive emotions about the past and future, savoring positive feelings from the pleasures, deriving abundant

from your signature strengths, and using these strengths in the service of something larger to obtain meaning.

Dr. Christopher Thurber Extraordinary training for [email protected] the finest schools, camps, @drchristhurber and youth programs. DrChrisThurber.com Copy only with permission. © 2019 Strengths and Virtues

The material on this handout is drawn primarily from Seligman, Rashid, & Parks (2006) "Positive Psychotherapy" American Psychologist, 61, 774-788. I also recommend Authentic Happiness by Martin E. P. Seligman.

Basic Premise: Authentic happiness comes from experiencing positive emotions about the past and future, savoring positive feelings from the pleasures, deriving abundant gratification from your signature strengths, and using these strengths in the service of something larger to obtain meaning.

Virtues: Cross-cultural research has suggested there are 6 virtues, attained through strengths of character.

• Wisdom & & Humanity • & Transcendence

Strengths: Cross-cultural research has suggested there are 24 character strengths:

/ in the World • Love of • Judgment / Critical Thinking / Open-Mindedness • Ingenuity / Originality / Practical / Street Smarts • / Personal Intelligence / • Perspective

• Valor and Bravery • Perseverance / Industry / Diligence • Integrity / Genuineness / Honesty

• Kindness and Generosity • Loving and Allowing Oneself to Be Loved

• Citizenship / Duty / Teamwork / Loyalty • Fairness and Equity • Leadership

• Self-Control • Prudence / Discretion / Caution • Humility and Modesty

• Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence • • Hope / Optimism / Future-Mindedness • Spirituality / Sense of Purpose / Faith / Religiousness • Forgiveness and Mercy • Playfulness and Humor • Zest / Passion /

Dr. Christopher Thurber Extraordinary training for [email protected] the finest schools, camps, @drchristhurber and youth programs. DrChrisThurber.com Copy only with permission. © 2019 Positive Psychology in Youth Programs

Positive Psychology Technique: Possible School or Camp Application:

Positive Introduction: Write a biographical sketch of yourself in which you include a concrete story that illustrates one of your character strengths.

Understanding Happiness: Discuss the differences among , (use of signature strengths), and meaning (using strengths in the service of others).

Blessings Journal: Write down three things that happened to you during the day. (or…try performing 5 kind deeds each day)

Strengths Cultivation: Formulate specific, concrete, achievable behaviors that cultivate your signature strengths.

Savoring: Once a day, take the time to enjoy something that you usually hurry through (e.g., a meal, a shower, walking).

Forgiveness Letter: Write a letter that describes a transgression, the related emotions, and a pledge to forgive the transgressor.

Gratitude Letter: Write and present a letter of gratitude to someone you have never properly thanked. (or…try a gratitude visit)

Optimism & Hope: Discuss a time when you lost out at something important or a big plan collapsed or someone rejected you. Describe what doors opened for you after that event.

Active/Constructive Responding: Identify someone else's signature strengths and try to respond visibly, positively, and enthusiastically to good news from them.

Question for : In which circumstances might elements of so-called positive psychology (optimism, forgiveness) be unhealthy or lead to unhappiness, rather than happiness?

Dr. Christopher Thurber Extraordinary training for [email protected] the finest schools, camps, @drchristhurber and youth programs. DrChrisThurber.com Copy only with permission. © 2019