ATOLL RESEARCH BULLETIN No. Xi the Land Vegetation of Arno Atoll
ATOLL RESEARCH BULLETIN No. xi The Land Vegetation of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands by William H. Hatheway Issued by THE PACIFIC SCIENCE EOARD National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council Washington, D.C. April 30, 1951 . he Land Vegetation of &no A$&,, ~arsh&l~slanda ' '' .. SCIENTIFIC DJVESTIGATIONS IN MICRONESIA Pacific Science Board National Research Council . Wi.llbm :I. Hatheway Haj:vw'd University Caibc:.c!&, ~lassachusetts~ . Jariuwy. 1953 ... , This report presents the results of botanical field uork done in the summer of 1.952 under the Coral ,!toll Project of the Pacis'ic Science Board of the Natj.onal Research Council. The work was supported by funds granted to the National Academy of Sclences by the Office of Naval Research. The fieldwork was carried out with the active assista.nce of the U. S. Navy Department, the Nilitary Air Transport Service, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The miter wishes to express his thanks for help received from Harold Ja Coolidge, :Piis, Lenore, and Miss Ernestine Akers. Mr. D. W, Gilfillan, District Ad:n*k&?ator of the Trust Terrctoiy at Xajuro, and Mro J, E. Tobin, staff ant:2sopolpgistj took especial in- terest in this stxdy and assisteci greatly. The help of Lt. Cmdr, CI IC, Brust, who arranged to have put a't the disposal of the author certain re- sources of the Ua S. Navy, is grateful!_y ackno~dledged, Special thanks are due the people of Arno, especially Kihej L., Felix J., Tobu, Lajibili., Jemeliic, Jibloic J., Abijai, Lakarim, jonag Nemot L*, Jajin F,, Bingel, Jakalu, Saburo, Jon, Lauken, Overton, and Likotalc* At Na.juro Raymond QeBrw., Konto S., and Bright 3eine helped me in many ways.
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