The Parish Newsletter


Sunday 5th JUNE TRINITY 2

10.00 am Holy Communion St Leonard’s, Sherfield 10.00 am Family Service St Mary’s, Stratfield Saye * 6.30 pm Evensong (BCP) with St Mary’s, Hartley Wespall Holy Communion by Extension

Sunday 12th JUNE TRINITY 3

Followed by picnic and games on the Green (please bring your own picnic)

Sunday 19th JUNE TRINITY 4

10.00 am Family Communion St Leonard’s, Sherfield & Baptisms 6.30pm Evensong (BCP) St Mary’s, Hartley Wespall

Sunday 26th JUNE TRINITY 5

8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary’s, Hartley Wespall 10.00 am Family Service St Leonard’s, Sherfield 11.15am Matins & Baptism St Mary’s, Stratfield Saye *

Sunday 3rd JULY TRINITY 6

10.00 am Holy Communion St Leonard’s, Sherfield 10.00 am Family Service St Mary’s, Stratfield Saye * 12.30-4.00pm Benefice B-B-Q Lawn Farm – details inside 6.30 pm Evensong (BCP) with St Mary’s, Hartley Wespall Holy Communion by Extension

[* Drive up close to white gates, which will open automatically *] BCP = Book of Common Prayer

1 “We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when…”

Last month was a time of reminiscing for those of you who lived through the horrific days of World War II. The famous Vera Lyn hit quoted above was heard many times on a variety of fascinating programmes, recalling the end of war in Europe.

Some weeks ago, late one evening, the telephone rang and a voice said, Graham was a friend from my teenage years whom I hadn’t seen for 30 plus years! We arranged to meet and had a wonderful evening trawling through memories of our misspent youth.

Reminiscing isn’t just a pastime for the aged and frail. Recently I found myself taking the funeral services of a number of elderly people with surprisingly large congregations present, and a notable number of young people. Their poems, flowers, comments and little gifts spoke powerfully of precious and treasured memories, and of a relationship with a dearly loved person who had become part of their short history.

Each year I say to my wife that we ought to reduce our Christmas card list, because we haven’t seen many of the recipients for decades. Graham’s telephone call made me realise the importance of not losing touch with valued friends from the past. Our lives are shaped and formed by the people we meet and the resulting relationships, good, bad and indifferent.

As a clergyman, people often regard me as a ‘professional Christian’ or an agent working for an organisation called ‘the Church’. Christianity is a way of life, which results from having a relationship with Jesus, God’s Son. What is certain is that whatever happens to us He never loses touch.

Christian greetings, 2 Roman Catholic Mass at Breach Lane Chapel every Sunday at 8.45 am

3 TEXT FOR THE MONTH… … Acts 2 : 17 & 21 "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” The NIV Bible Prayer for the Month. Holy Spirit, coming gently as a dove, we pray for all who long for peace, and all who have lost sight of what peace really means. We pray for those who fill their lives with noise or activity, afraid of facing themselves in a time of quiet reflection, attempting somehow to mask their sense of emptiness; and we pray for those who seek fulfilment in those things which can never satisfy, wealth, possessions, power success. May the Holy Spirit come into all our lives so that we may enjoy hope and peace, healing and harmony and experience the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord who came back at Pentecost and in whose name we pray. Amen

Prayer Points for June Pray for all the village activities taking place this month the Fete and Songs of Praise at Sherfield, the regatta at Hartley Wespall. Pray for the organisers and for good weather and that all may enjoy the fellowship which the events create. Pray for all the new MPs and especially for the new member for that she may serve the whole community Pray for wise government throughout the whole world especially the new rulers in Iraq and for our own new government Give thanks for the beauty of summer. Never forget those in the third world who are hungry and homeless as we live in a land of plenty.


Visit the Garden and enjoy Afternoon Tea and Cakes in aid of Naomi House Children’s Hospice. The Ladies of the Wellington Boot Club look forward to welcoming y ou and ask f or y our assistance in raising monies towards the Music Fund of the Hospice in Sutton Scotney.

Join the Ladies f or tea f or an enjoy able afternoon (3 til 6 pm)

Come and join together for a BENEFICE WIDE B-B-Q at LAWN FARMHOUSE 12.30pm on SUNDAY 3rd JULY FAMILIES AND CHILDREN WELCOME RSVP to either Gill & John Williams (882705) or Rody & Bob Politt (882209) Offers of help with food please to Gill (882705)

Update - Sherfield Green volunteers In May, we cleared some of the stinging nettles from around the path and steps of the pond and strimmed parts of the BMX track. The main task was cutting back the overgrown path behind the Village Hall. In June, we plan to weed around the War Memorial as the hedge and trees planted last year are being swamped. We are currently compiling new tasks and would welcome any suggestions for work to be included, subject to approval by the Village Green Committee and Parish Council. Contact Simon (880224). Do come along on Saturday 4th June 2.00pm (meet up near the Jubilee Pond) and bring your gardening gloves – also gardening tools would be useful. 6 Would you like to discover more about the Christian Faith? This would be a course of eight to ten sessions when people could explore the Christian Faith in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. The group would be suitable for ‘beginners’ and those who would like to be confirmed. Assuming that there is enough support, the group would start in the Autumn and could run during the day or eve- ning, depending upon people’s availability. I am hoping that we will be able to have a Confirmation service sometime in the Summer of 2006. If you are interested, or would like to know more, please contact me. Revd Bob Politt 01256 882209

On Sherfield Village Green 11.00am Sunday 12th June 2005 with Concert Brass

British Red Cross & Save the Children

8 Parish Registers

Toddler Time at St Leonard’s Church, Sherfield Toddlers please bring a grown-up with you! 4.00-4.30pm Wednesday 29th June

We meet on the red carpet in church. All welcome ! Telephone Revd Bob Politt for details.

10 As some of you may know, my husband Jamie recently died after a long fight against cancer. As a result I and our children have decided to do our part in raising some money to support CANCER RESEARCH UK, which is the largest volunteer based cancer research organisation in the world (3000 scientists and an annual spend of over £191,000,000). They are making a real difference and they need our help. Therefore my daughter Jenny, my son Robert, and I are preparing to undertake the Cancer Research Great Wall of China Trek. This involves trekking for ten days along various sections of the wall, some of which are very rarely followed by visitors. We will naturally be paying for our own costs for the trip, but we are urgently seeking sponsors so that we can raise at least a total of £9,000 between us. Clearly we would like to raise much more, and that is my aim - MUCH MORE! Those who knew him will remember Jamie as a lovely man, and in his memory I am asking you to give a little thought to it, and then to make a generous pledge. We will need to lodge the contributions to Cancer Research before June 2005, and the TREK will take place in September 2005. We will definitely be there and do our piece. Please, please help us with this very serious effort to raise funds for CANCER RESEARCH. Linda, Jenny &, Robert Fenton Please send sponsorship to "Cancer Research UK" c/o Linda, Jenny & Robert Fenton, 5 Fair Oak Lane, Stratfield Saye, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 2EA

12 Editorial This is my last Loddon Link for a while. I now hand over the editorship to Sheena … see Page 49 for details and please note that the cut-off date for receipt of articles for the double summer edition (the July/August Newsletter) is June 18th. As usual there has been a heavy demand for space and I have tried hard to be fair to all our contributors. Could I just highlight the article by Alison Cross (pages 27/28) She will be leading a Walk round our Village Green on Saturday, 25th June starting at 2.00pm. If you are interested in the flora and fauna of the Green, and how to maintain it, then do make a note of the date and time. Brian Archer. Editor

Bramley and Little London Music Festival 2005 St. Jame’s Church, Bramley, . 7.30pm Wednesday 13 July Thursday 14 July Friday 15 July Tickets: Three nights £8 per ticket, two nights £10 per ticket, one night £12 per ticket. Cheques payable to Bramley PCC. Bookings and information: S.A.E. n l i k please to Anthony and Wendy Peagram, a e iv e Park Gate Barn, Bramley Corner, st s w e hi Bramley, Hampshire RG26 5DJ F t er h Tel: 01256 881552 Fax: 01256883061 w rc Email: [email protected] lo u F Ch e th

The Management Committee of the Loddon Link cannot accept for publication any item received anonymously. Please supply your name and address with material you wish to be considered for publication. Advertisements in the Loddon Valley Link. Please note that the “Loddon Valley Link” Committee cannot be held responsible for the reliability or quality of any work or service provided by advertisers. 14 Village Hall Matters! Reported by Jacqui Skillett Village Hall Now you can be POSH! Dates for your Diary

Saturday 11 June Inside this month’s Link is your application form to be POSH - Come & see us on the Patron of Sherfield Village Hall Village Hall Fete stand If you would like to support our Saturday16th July Village Hall in this way, please 6.00 ‘til late complete the application form (including ticking the tax Gift Aid Live Jazz Band/Hog Roast Box) and place it in an envelope Family tickets available labelled POSH, along with your Ring Sandy on 882507 £12 cheque made payable to Mon 1 Aug ~ Fri 5 Aug Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall. 9:30-11:30am If not collected personally, please leave your envelope in The Shop Summer Play Scheme or Post Office. See box below Many thanks for your support.

POSH Raffle Prizes Dining Out, Wine Cases, Family Days Out, Theatre Tickets: - These are some of the prizes we have lined up for our new Patrons of Sherfield Village Hall. Don’t miss out! Summer Play Scheme Mon 1 Aug—Fri 5 Aug 9:30-11:30am 5-15yrs (subject to funding) Run by Peggy & Team in the Liddell Hall. Parachute games, art & craft, talent show, sports event and much more. Under 5s welcome with parent/carer. Suggested donation of £1:50 per session. Ring Jacqui on 883664 for more info.

16 Bramley and Romans Floral Society is holding an

Saturday 25th June Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall Open to the public 10am to 4pm Ploughman’s lunch will be on sale from 12.00 to 2.00pm

The next Whist drive will be on Friday, June 10th at 7.30 pm in Sherfield Village Hall. Entrance £1. A very friendly evening for all who wish to participate.

FLOWER FESTIVAL Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd. July St. Stephen's Church,

To Celebrate the Bicentenary of the BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Morning Coffee & Cream Teas Cake Stall Evensong on Sunday 6.00 pm 18 The New Elizabethan Singers in Concert Light classical, old and modern music At St. Leonard’s Church Sherfield on Saturday 25th June at 7.00pm Tickets from: Gill Austin Tel: 882364 or Peter & Mary Chessell Tel: 478050 £7 which includes a glass of wine. Proceeds to St Leonard’s Restoration Fund

Stratfield Turgis Parish Meeting The AGM of Stratfield Turgis Parish meeting will take place in the Cricket Pavilion, , on Friday, 10th June 2005 at 7.30pm All parishioners are warmly invited to attend Please come and enjoy a glass of wine

20 THE HARTLEY WESPALL ANNUAL PARISH MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE LIDDELL HALL OF THE SHERFIELD ON LODDON VILLAGE HALL ON MONDAY 27th JUNE 2005 AT 8pm. AGENDA 1. Welcome 2. Apologies for absence 3. Chairman’s report 4. Accounts and budget 5. Reports from a. County Councillor b. Borough Councillor 6. Questions from Parishioners 7. Traffic Management Area Manager – Mr Keith Pauw Talk and open discussion about traffic speed through Hartley Wespall Close of meeting. ALL RESIDENTS OF THE PARISH ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND Anyone in need of transport should contact a Parish Councillor.

I am pleased to be able to advise everyone that the income from The Children Society House Box collection for 2004/5 was the amount of £310.36 which represents an average per box of £25.89. Box holders will find a record of the amount that was in their box recorded on the label on the bottom of the box. The next box emptying and counting will be March 2006. It would be wonderful if we could get the box average up to £30.

Thank you all very much for your generosity on behalf of all the children and young people The Children's Society will be able to help with this money. Neville Biden. 23 What is the ? by Gill Fearon

National Women’s Register was started in 1960 by Maureen Nicol, a Cheshire housewife, who wrote to the Manchester Guardian to suggest that housewives could form a national register. This became the National Housewives’ Register (NHR) and was intended for women at home to get out and meet other housewives for lively discussion on all types of topics, but preferably not domestic ones! Eventually the organisation became the National Women’s Register in 1987 to reflect the growing trend for women to not necessarily be just housewives! There is now a national network of 442 groups throughout , Scotland and Wales with 7280 members. The idea is that if members move to another part of the country, then they can immediately transfer to another group and have instant friends. All the groups are autonomous, but can link up with other groups for special meetings like quizzes or outings. There is a head office in Norwich to which subscriptions are paid and from where membership is co-ordinated. For this, members receive two magazines a year and newsletters of events. There is a research bank, a penfriend network, book groups and organised workshops on all sorts of subjects. Sherfield is very lucky to have a group of its own! It was started in 1982 by Faith Oxford, Diane Wells, Evelyn Jones and Jane Horn. They were shortly followed by Johnne Abrams and Lil Pankhurst who are still members today. We currently have 21 members who meet regularly in members’ houses. NWR does not raise money or lobby for any cause and exists purely for the benefit of its members. Our slogan is ‘Space to be You’ and we strive to broaden our horizons and to have fun in the process! 24 Each year there are nationally organised quizzes and themed evenings, such as the recent American evening. (Left)

An annual national conference lasts for a whole weekend and is usually held in a university. This comprises the AGM, dinners, speakers and workshops and our most recent one took place at Reading University in April. NWR is very informal. We do not have a Chairman or Secretary, but a Local Organiser who generally coordinates all the activities and meetings. We also have a Treasurer. We do not have minutes of our meetings and we do not sing! (Well, not normally anyway!) There is no commitment – its try before you buy! We appeal to all ages, from young mums to mature grannies! W e do not pressurise anyone to contribute to our meetings – it is entirely up to the individual.

We welcome all women to our meetings to see whether they might like to join us and even allow men on some occasions, such as on our visit to Welford Park. (Right) 25 In Sherfield, we hold regular activities each year such as our ramble. For the past 3 years we have met in the New Forest for a pub lunch and walk with the Bannisters , who used to live in Winton Cottage, but now live in Brockenhurst. We invite our menfolk and generally have a good time, even when its raining cats and dogs! Another of our regular activities is the Safari Supper in June. Again we invite husbands and partners and this involves moving from house to house for different courses and meeting up with different people each time. We start together for Pimms and finish together for coffee. It is a good opportunity to talk to most of the participants and so popular that we have been doing it now for 8 years. From time to time we invite speakers to talk to us. Later this year we are honoured to have three guests who will talk about their experiences of the second world war, as this is the 60th anniversary of the end of the war. Las t year we welcomed Annette Hill, who amused us with stories about her time as a ferry pilot during the war. We also visit the theatre occasionally, especially local amateur plays which we always enjoy. Sometimes we do play readings and this can lead to much hilarity! Some of our meetings in- volve discussions of various topics, sometimes serious, sometimes light-hearted. Our most recent meeting was a book review evening where members talked about favourite or most recently read books. As this year is NWR’s 45th anniversary, which is Sapphire, we held a ‘Blue’ evening in March when we talked about blue things, such as the Blues (music), Blue Danube, bluebirds, blue stocking and so on. In fact we were amazed at how many blue things there are! Once again this year NWR will be holding the gift stall at the fete and all proceeds will go to the spire appeal, so please be generous! Contact Gill Fearon on 01256 882106 26 The Village Green A village green is perhaps the epitome of rural England, conjuring up images up cricket and the thwack of leather upon willow, of village fetes and cream teas, children playing and mothers chatting. Or maybe just a place to sit and watch the world go by – very genteel activities from days gone by when life was lived at a much slower pace than today.

In truth, life on the Village Green was probably far from genteel. Sherfield Green was an important economic asset to local residents who grazed their livestock there. An article by Brian Gaiger, written in 1976 and drawing upon the memories of people who could still remember the Green in its hey day, describes how at any one time the Green could have provided grazing for 20 cows, 20 horses, 15 goats and a hundred or more geese. One can only imagine how noisy the Green must have been at times. The article also tells how the pigs fattened in the villager’s cottages were mostly killed on the Green in front of the Village Stores to the great excitement of the local schoolchildren! This reminds me of a story my grandfather told me as he related how the children in his village used to look forward to being given the pigs’ bladders to play football with. “Nothing but the squeak was wasted!” he used to say.

Today, of course, the Green remains a valued asset to local people, managed by the Parish Council with the help of the Village Green Committee, as an amenity for the benefit of all residents. But did you know that Sherfield Village Green is one of the few places locally where chamomile grows, or that the small heathy area at the centre with its remaining gorse, heather and other acid loving plants is the surviving part of a once much larger area of heathland? This type of habitat, and the wildlife it supports, which has survived for so many years under traditional management practices, is under threat from inappropriate management or even neglect.

27 This makes Sherfield Green all the more important and is the reason for its designation as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation. So does this mean that the whole site should be turned into some sort of hallowed nature reserve? Not at all! With sensitive management (and a little hard work!) the Green’s wildlife value can be enhanced, whilst remaining the important recreational facility that it is today.

By Alison Cross Loddon & Eversley Project Office for the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

I am intending to walk the three highest peaks in Britain (Snowdon, Ben Nevis and Scafell Pike) over the weekend of June 24/26. This is in aid of The Neuro Fibromatosis Association. Few will have heard of this condition. It affects 1 in 2500 people. It is a genetic condition with numerous complications including learning difficulties, curvature of the spine, high blood pressure, long bone malforma- tion, spinal and brain tumours and sadly many more. What I’m trying to do is get sponsorship from anyone - companies, indi- viduals - anybody at all. I have to raise a minimum of £415 be- fore I can start… but the more I get, the more I can help families and sufferers. So, can you help? If you are prepared to sponsor me please let me know by ringing 882696 in the evening. Brian Damiral

28 SHERFIELD PARISH COUNCIL www.sherfieldonloddon-pc.gov.uk

VACANCY ON COUNCIL We were very sorry to receive Maurice Lambden’s resignation from the Parish Council. The following notice has been displayed for parishioners wishing to stand for the vacancy, within Sherfield-on-Loddon Ward.


CASUAL VACANCY FOR A COUNCILLOR 1. There is a vacancy on the above Council caused by resignation. 2. A bye-election to fill the vacancy will be held if, within *14 days (not counting a Saturday or Sunday, or a Bank Holiday) from the date below, ten electors for the ward/parish give notice in writing claiming such an election to the Returning Officer. 3. The address of Returning Officer is: Electoral Services Department, Borough Council, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 4AH. 4. If no such notice is given the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option. Posted on Parish Noticeboard: 12 May 2005. Signed: L Marshall, Parish Clerk, 3 Longbridge Close, Sherfield-on-Loddon, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0DQ.

* = by Thursday 2 June 2005.

29 BOGUS COLLECTORS Residents are being warned of bogus collectors who pledge that the clothes they are collecting will be sent to needy people in the developing world. The company involved is called ‘CYCLE AID LTD’ and residents are asked to treat their claims about the purpose of the clothing collection with caution. The collectors are distributing pink flyers to households asking people to leave the clothing outside in a bag. Investigations have shown that the clothes are sold on by the people behind the scam for profit and go nowhere near their intended recipients. You are advised to take any unwanted clothing to a charity shop. Cycle Aid Ltd is in fact a company that specialises in cyclists legal claims after accidents and has nothing to do with this scam. If you get any flyers like this please contact our local Trading Standards Office. NUISANCE CALLS We have information that calls are being received by the public involving an automated voice saying that you have won a holiday cruise to the Caribbean and all you have to do is press 9 to accept the prize. The voice is insistent and repetitive - so much so that putting the phone down does not cut the call, it carries on! It will finally cut-off after a few pick-ups and put downs of the phone, it can take up to 2 minutes to cut off.

30 Nuisance Calls (Continued from Page 30) The operator thinks this may be a scam. My advice is two- fold:- (1) DO NOT PRESS 9 - this is an international scam which BT cannot yet block. If you press 9 you will be connected at a premium rate (anything from 50p to £50 ) - and you may not have won anything!!! (2) This is automated computer dialling. So, if the call does not ring-off when the phone is put down, pick up and press redial or, disconnect the phone from the wall, then plug it back in again.

WANT TO ACT? Sherfield begins new drama group! To be or not to be? That IS the question! Have you ever fancied yourself as Tom Cruise or Kate Winslet? Did you act in a school play or are you good at groping in the dark? Can you hold a paintbrush or a conversation? If so, you might already be in a drama group but what about joining a new one? If you are interested in any aspect of the theatre – either in front of or behind the spotlight – you can still shine if you come along to the Garden Room (Sherfield Village Hall) THURSDAY 9 JUNE AT 8 pm for a coffee and a chat If you can’t make the meeting but would like to be involved, call either Chris (882426) or Gill (882106)

32 A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY The New Forest Show This year the New Forest and Hampshire County Show is from Tuesday, 26th July to Thursday, 28th July More information in the next Loddon Valley Link

Foundation Certificate in Food Hygiene (Chartered Institute for Environmental Heath) We hope to run a one day course at Sherfield Village Hall to enable candidates to gain a food hygiene certificate. It is advised that anyone who handles food for public consumption should complete the course. This includes people who use Village Hall Kitchens, make food for sale on stalls, or for lunches or suppers for societies etc. The course would run from 9.00am to 4.30pm with an examination at the end of the day ….. (you will find this is not too arduous if you have attended the day’s course!) The cost would be approximately £40 per candidate (depending on numbers of students) which includes the examination fee. Anyone may apply. Please telephone: Sheena Archer 01256—882099 or Natalie Larner 01256—880075 before June 18th We will then arrange a date which we hope will suit everyone. 34 THE STRATFIELD SAYE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Applications for grants must be received by: Roy Best, Clappers Farm, Grazeley, RG7 1JJ or Paul Sedgwick, Stratfield Saye Estates, Estate Office, Stratfield Saye, Near Reading, RG7 2BT. not later than Friday, 27th June 2005. The Foundation was established by George Pitt in 1739 and provides grants for children (under 18) in the Parishes of Stratfield Saye and Beech Hill.Claims, with accompanying receipts, for extra curricular activities, where not provided by the Local Education Authority may be considered by the Trustees. For guidance, the following list may be eligible: Music and swimming tuition, residential and study courses, textbooks and special equipment.

Sherfield Village Fete The fete will be held on Sherfield Village Green on Saturday 11th June 2005 Every household in Sherfield should receive a free Fete Programme early in June. If you do not receive one they are available at The Shop and the Post Office


Terry (Flower Gardener of the year 2003 & BBC Gardener of the year runner up 2004) and Brian Raisborough open their prize winning garden under the auspices of The National Garden Scheme on SUNDAY, JUNE 26th From 12 noon to 5.00pm

Nominated charities this year include;- THE SHERFIELD ON LODDON VILLAGE HALL THE M.S. SOCIETY. Money raised last year for charities reached almost £1000 !

Admission £2:50

Plant Sale + Teas + Coffees + Cakes all available

Come and visit our prize winning garden & support your Village Hall

38 EVERGREEN CLUB Reporter – Jean Wright The meeting on May 9th was the Club’s 59th Birthday Party. The Chairman welcomed everyone and said he hoped we would all enjoy the afternoon. Thanks to Michael Turvey who very kindly came to entertain us. After the entertainment we ate a very enjoyable tea provided by the committee with sherry to toast our birthday. Brenda Monger made a cake and Nellie Cracknell the oldest lady present cut the first slice. Brenda also made a lovely table decoration for the raffle. Our Spring Fayre made £575.45p. On June 21st we will have a trip to Morton-in-the-Marsh which we hope will be well supported. Any new 60+ residents of the village will be welcome to join us. Transport can be provided.

Garden Festival at The Geoffrey Udall Centre Beech Hill, Reading. Saturday 25th June 2005 11-4pm. Adults £2.50. Children from 8 yrs. £1. Stalls with a gardening theme. Entertainment for the children. Look around the Trunkwell Garden Project.

The charity, Thrive, aims to enable positive changes in the lives of disabled and disadvantaged people through the use of gardening and horticulture. Contact: Linda Shergold 0118 9885688 40 The Women’s Institute Reported by Val Denny

In May we had our Produce (cookery) Show and Resolutions meeting, the former to sweeten the latter! There were enough entries to show that old-fashioned skills are still to be found in the present on-line modern W.I. Sylvia Reynolds won the Best-in-Show Cup with her 20/20 Marmalade. This was given to the raffle but, alas, I was unlucky. Tess Morris won the Cup for the highest aggregate marks. All the people who entered had opportunity to eat naughty food afterwards—cakes, biscuits, scones—highly calorific but very delicious. Elizabeth Frewin, an ex-member now living in Wales, was our judge and it was pleasant to renew our acquaintance with an old friend. Presentations on the resolutions were given by Kathleen Gaiger (Discrepancies between farm gate milk prices and retail prices) and Val Denny (Environmental concerns with reference to rubbish—its generation and disposal). Both were passed unanimously and no discussion was necessary. We felt that the National Committee were really asking for a mandat e to lobby. Trips are organised for ‘Emma’ and ‘Shirley Valentine’. Interest was expressed in a visit to the local incinerator which will be investigated. Next month we hear about ‘The Mishaps of a Church Organist’. The title is rather reminiscent of ‘40 Ways to Prepare Broccoli’ but apparently will be very funny.

42 The First Hartley Wespall Regatta

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Friends of Hartley Wespall Sunday 5th June from 2pm at Hartley Mill Enquiries 01256 882848

AN AFTERNOON AT POND COTTAGE Sunday, June 12th from 2.30 to 4.30pm In aid of the Loddon School and the Lifeboats RNLI Stalls include br ic-a-brac, cakes, books, videos, tapes, CD’s,. Toys etc. Entrance, including tea £2.50 (Children Free) Any gifts for the stalls, please leave at Pond Cottage on Friday, June 10th or Saturday, June 11th, or telephone 882436 if you would like them collected

44 BRAMLEY C E PRIMARY SCHOOL We have now had the remaining Interactive Whiteboards installed in the classrooms. Everyone is very keen to begin to use this resource in lessons. We have posted 21 designs off to the Basingstoke Design a Kite com- petition. In the past three years, w e have alw ays had at least one w in- ner, plus a number of Commendation Aw ards, so fingers crossed and `Good Luck' to everyone w ho entered. The Annual Bramley School Association Treasure Hunt w as held during the May Bank Holiday. The trail w as set in Sherfield on Loddon this year. We think everyone returned safely! The Yr 2 children w ill be visiting Bramley Frith Study Centre in Bramley soon. A day of pond dipping aw aits the intrepid scientists. Next year w e w ill have our ow n pond area available. We already have one part of the pond dug out, and the second part w ill be excavated soon. The Yr 5 & Yr 6 children have visited Manydow n Farm village for a day of environmental exploration. This forms part of the w eek long enviro w atch activities. It doesn't happen very often, but w e recently had to report an incident of vandalism to the police. The visitors used the school playground during an evening at a w eekend. The Yr 5 / Yr 6 children had recently planted vegetables and sunflow ers as part of their Science and Geography w ork. These w ere ruined, and plant pots and garden furniture w ere damaged. The empty beer cans and cigarette packets, left behind, gave enough evidence for a report to be made to the police, as to w ho w as involved and w hen this happened. Please could w e remind all families in the communities around the school that w e do have a security company w hich reports in damage and vandalism, and action is taken by the police. Thank you. We are continuing to w ork w ith the County to review the travel plan w e have in place. The 8.30 a.m. & 3.10 p.m. traffic is particularly heavy. Did you now that there is an unofficial One Way System in operation at this time? Cars, entering Bramley Lane from the Bramley Village end, travel along Moat Close, w hich means that cars are travelling in one direction only on Bramley Lane in front of the school gates. It is unofficial, and w e can only request this, but it does make a difference w hen it happens.

46 Loddon Valley Link Management Committee

Chairman: Dr. Donald Dawson Tel. 882379 Deputy Chairman: Revd. Bob Politt Tel. 882209 Hartley Representative: Dr. John Williams Tel. 882705 Stratfield Representative Mr. Eric Price Tel: 881402 Secretary: Esme Ward 28 Pound Meadow , Sherfield on Loddon, Hook RG27 OEP Tel. 01256 880503 email: geoc.w [email protected]

Advertising: Winston Bruce 18 Longbridge Close Sherfield on Loddon Please call Winston Hook. RG27 0ES for all advertising Tel. 01256 883277 enquiries. email: w [email protected]

Editor for July/Aug Sheena Archer and Sept editions 1, Orchard Lea Sherfield on Loddon, NB. The final date Hook RG27 0ES for material for the Tel: 01256 882099 next edition is the email: [email protected] 18th of June.

Editor for Oct, Nov Claire Osborne and Dec/Jan editions 47, Warbleton Road , Tel. 01256 324458 Basingstoke, RG24 8RF email: [email protected]

Editor for the Brian Archer Feb and March 2006 1, Orchard Lea 2005 editions Sherfield on Loddon, Hook RG27 0ES Tel: 01256 882099 email: [email protected]

49 CHURCH OFFICERS Rector: Reverend Bob Politt 33 Northfield Road , Sherfield on Loddon. Tel. (01256) 882209 Kindly note the Rector’s day off is Thursday.

Readers: Mr. Richard Elphick Tel. 882860 Dr. John Williams Tel. 882705

ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH, SHERFIELD ON LODDON Churchwardens: Mrs. Gill Austin Tel. 882364 Dr. Donald Dawson Tel. 882379

Treasurer elect: Mr. Stephen Hemmings Tel. 882523

Organists: Mr. Mike Abrams Tel. 881188 Mr. Brian Archer Tel. 882099 Mrs. Peggy Willson Tel. 880503

ST. MARY’S CHURCH, STRATFIELD SAYE Churchwarden: Mr. Roy Best Tel. (01189) 882422

Treasurer: Mr Robert Craig Tel: (01256) 882253

Organist: Mrs. Fran Oliver Tel. (01189) 268364

ST.MARY’S CHURCH, HARTLEY WESPALL Churchwardens: Mr Pip Iles Tel. 880559 Dr. John Williams Tel. 882705

Treasurer: Mr. Michael Webster Tel. 882413

Organist: Dr. Gill Williams Tel. 882705