Basingstoke Local Group
BBAASSIINNGGSSTTOOKKEE LLOOCCAALL GGRROOUUPP MARCH 2015 NEWSLETTER Contents: From The Group Leader Notices What’s Happening? March’s Outdoor Meeting April’s Outdoor Meeting February’s Outdoor Meeting Books You May Enjoy Reading Venezuela – The Last Bit! Local Wildlife News Quiz Page And Finally! Charity registered in England and Wales no. 207076 From The Group Leader Welcome to, hopefully, the beginning of spring! Signs of this are becoming ever more prevalent – flowers flowering, birds in song, migrants arriving, butterflies on the wing, moths coming to lights at night and myriads of other invertebrates appearing; the latter are sure to make the most of you as you try and spend time outside enjoying the more clement weather! However much they annoy you don’t forget that they’re the main part of so many birds diets, both the resident and migratory species such as Swift. With regard to the latter were you aware that they can rehydrate by catching rain drops? As the winter moves on the question of feeding birds through the breeding season is always raised. Due to this, here’s a summary of what’s highlighted on the Society’s website: Only feed selected foods at this time of year. Good hygiene is vital, or feeding may do more harm than good. During the summer months, birds require high protein foods, especially while they are moulting. Black sunflower seeds, pinhead oatmeal, soaked sultanas, raisins and currants, mild grated cheese, mealworms, waxworms, mixes for insectivorous birds, good seed mixtures without loose peanuts, RSPB food bars and summer seed mixture are all good foods to provide.
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