Current Boundary Lines Have Been Observed in Locating Towns, Villages, Forts, Etc., Within States. Abercromby, James, 56 Adair
Index Current boundary lines have been observed in locating towns, villages, forts, etc., within states. Abercromby, James, 56 Bledsoe's Lick (Tenn.), 69 Adair, John, 242 Bloody Fellow, 344!, 350, 352-356 Adams, John, 16S Blount, William, 290, 340-371 Adams, Samuel, 16S Blue Licks (Ky.), SI, 156, ISS, 194, Adventure, 25 5ff 196, 205f Alabama River, 45 Blue Ridge Mountains, 13-21 pas Alamance, battle of, 99-100, 101, 107 sim, 30, 35, 24 1. Alamance River, 99 Boiling Springs (Ky.), 158, 166, 170 Allegheny Mountains, 13,20,23,43, Boone, Daniel, 67, 7°-82, 120, 122f, 51, 63 f, 67, 12S, 132f, 13Sf, 150, ISO 139, 150-153, 154ff, 157, 163, 165f, American Revolution, 101, III, 113, lSI-200, 204-206, 252 235, 243, 25 1 Boone, Israel, 7I Amherst, Jeffrey, 56, 59, 61 Boone, Jemima, ISI-IS5, 193f, 204 Appomattox Indians, 14 Boone, Rebecca Bryan, 7Iff, 76, 181, Armstrong, James, 345 193f, 206 Arthur, Gabriel, Isf Boone, Sarah, 7I Asbury, Francis, 227, 231 Boone, Sarah Morgan, 70 Augusta County Regiment, 13 If Boone, Squire (the father), 7of Avery, Waighstill, I IS Boone, Squire (the son), Soff, 150, Bainford, Epaphronditis, 73 152, lSI Baker, Joshua, 126 Boonesboro (Ky.), 153, 156, 15Sff, Baldwin, Isaac, 250 163f, 169, 171, 175f, ISI-206 pas Batts, Thomas, 17,43,46 sim, 21S, 25 2, 254 Bean, William, 105, III Botetourt County Regiment, I pf Beard, Hugh, 361ff Bowles, William August, 350 Beaubean, Charles, IS9 Bowman, John, 186 Beaver Creek, 46, 12S Boyd's Creek, 2SI, 294 Been, John, lOS Braam, Jacob van, 51£ Benton, Jesse, 113 Braddock, Edward, 53 Bethabara (N.C.), 36, 250 Bradstreet, John, 61 Bethlehem (Pa.), 31f, 35 Brown, Jacob, III Benton, Samuel, S6 Brown, John, 319-3 22, 329,333 Berkeley, William, 15, 17 Bryan, Samuel, 205 Big Bone Lick (Ky.), 65, SI Bryan, William, 206 Big Warrior, 371 Buchanan's Station, 356, 360 Blackbird, 197 Buford, Abraham, 236 Blackfish, IS6-201, 203ff Buffalo (N.C.), 2S2 Black Hoof, 197 Bullitt, Alexander Scott, 334t 336£ Blainville, Pierre J.
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