Propósitos y Representaciones May. 2021, Vol. 9, SPE(3), e1284 ISSN 2307-7999 Current context of education and psychology in Europe and Asia e-ISSN 2310-4635 RESEARCH ARTICLES Informing educators by examining the features of Russian- Tatar relation coverage by Tatar historians Impresionar a los educadores examinando las características de la cobertura de la relación ruso-tártaro por parte de los historiadores tártaros Aivaz Minnegosmanovich Fazliev Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor at the Department of National History, the Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University, Kremliovskaya St., 18, 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation ORCID: 0000-0001-6269-347X Farit Nailovich Shakurov Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor at the Department of National History, the Institute of International Relations; Kazan Federal University, Kremliovskaya St., 18, 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation, ORCID: 0000-0001-6617-8619 Zavdat Salimovich Minnullin Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor at the Department of Historical and Social Science Education, Institute of International Relations, Kazan Federal University, Kremliovskaya St., 18, 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation ORCID: 0000-0003-3559-3339 Ilsur Zakirzyanovich Nafikov Ph.D. in History, Lecturer at the Department of General Turkic History of Istanbul University (Istanbul, Turkey). Istanbul University ORCID: 0000-0002-4575-619X Received 09-08-20 Revised 10-10-20 Accepted 20-12-21 On line 03-17-21 * Correspondence Email:
[email protected] Summary © Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, Vicerrectorado de Investigación, 2021. This article is distributed under license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International (