Hawai Gazette
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S9 . JUTES OF ADTERTISINGs Every "Wednesday Morning, OLLARS FER .4 TSIXD j Lino U loch. 1 ol$ S 00 t S 00 4 0o! 1 OOiHO SS.00 to 810.00. HAWAI s 00 400 SOcjaooiltoa GAZETTE, UUntatlneh.... Foreign Subscribers, IN MUnes- -3 laches. 200 t 00 800 7 M 10 03 U 00 34 Lines S CO In the new Post Office Build' Inches. 300 5 00 TM 10 MUM Is Office Lines I Inches. 400 S 00 10 00 19 oof II 001 & 00 Street, Honoluln, IL me Quarter of Column. S 00 10 00 14 CO 19 00$ SO OCS 40 00 ing, Merchant I Third of Colnmn.... S 00 IS 00 1ft 00 S3 00s 35. 0O! SO 00) Half of Column 1J 00 11 00 !4 00 SO 001 43 Oej Ti CO TVlnted and TmbHshcd by JI. lUnxr, t the Govern One Colnmn 13 OM SO Oat 43 Oof H 00(100 C0TBO 00 - Y1T---1T- ment rrtottog OEce, to whom all business commcnica- VOL. 0. 40.1 HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18, 1871. Cards, wllau jnssat jiai, araIUw-e- d "fe.OO ts, PER TEAR a discount from the rsUs, which ara Sor transient sdrsr-mea- on most be addressed. when paid or charged quarterly. BUSINESS NOTICES. SUGAR & Tho Coolie This vessel, after her disastrous ' EBUSINESS NOTICES. NOTICES. FOREIGN MOLASSES Trade. voyage of last Bavaria is also a significant symptom of tho year, refitted at Hongkong early in the spring, A series or docamenU lately laid before the general movement of emancipation ; the lata exchanged the Salradorian for the BOLIMAMN, A. BOLSTER, FLINT, PEABODY & Co., House of Commoos reveals the existence in the Peruvian flag, Ultramontane Premier baric; given way to H. I. assumed a SHIP, SIGN, CARRIAGE & ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Southern Pacific of those n new name, tbe Don Jnan, nnd put of and Tobacco and Cigars, horrors rivalling pre Cabinet more in harmony with, tho plans and Importer Sealer in SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS into Macao for T- Eaahnmann Street, OLD PAINT another cargo of Coolies. From M) Queeo Street. Honolulu, II. - (ly . at the EHOr. sented by tho African Slave Trade in iU worst purposes of Berlin. Tbeso are farther indicated, a;. Having semml the serricei of a s Sign xyo agests or tho Portuguese barracoons she (Si3J Painter abd Glider, all orders will be executed with llltO, It. I. 'O, phases. It appears that there ts a constant traf received her living in the recent dispatches) announcing the notion W IIU.UIIIIEVS,1 prewptuesa, at low rates and In as good style as can be done Pacific Barrel and Keg Company, fic between certain European in China and freight, who seem te have either been kidnapped elsewhere. Jfriy porta of Prince Bismarck in Alsace, in entirely secu- IMPOEIXE AND WHOLESALE SEALER Are rrenared to furnish KKO and BARREL SIIOOKSI or tempted by false . any quantity required, and respectfully solicit Consignments the Western coast of Sonth America in Chinese representation.' to engage larizing the administration of public instruction, WIom, Splrrt. Ate, Porter. c Ac, Merchant Stmt JAS. A. ROItEICTMO.-V- ox ana In sugar island iTouuce. themselves. They were Tigi-lant-ly Post Office, Honolulu. 6 Coolies, nominally shipped as voluotary and in- guarded still more 2T. ogpustts tlit Formerly of riyraouth, Mass., J in the conquered Provinces. T. Tribune. Refer to dentured laborers, bat really aa helpless and as than their wretched predecessors had been, abh. w. ratao, i. b. rrrrtsc. CAEEIAGE, WAGON AND CAET BUILD EE Messrs. Bishop Co. Ilonolnli - i subject to bnt in vain. The vessel sailed from Macao on "IV. King Street, Honolulu. " 11. IlacklrJd&CO . Sugar and Molasses, brutal treatment a3 any slaves. Peru A. PKIUCE & CO., " Caitle CooVe. ' tho of May lato Poreign News. Ve COJIING has especially resorted to thi3 source of 4th last, nnd two days after a fire (Soceeswn to C. Ricniasi Co,) SafEepalrlns and Painting of ' Walker Allen. " (ROP SOW IJf, nnd for sale labor L dispatch. t purchasers, broke on board. hicles done willi neatness and . J in quantities to suit by supply, and since the abolition of slavery in that ont This may have been an EcnopEAJf. Ship Chandler! and General CosunissionKercnants X Cm OFFICE, 1.3m IV ALlvr.lt Jt ALLhlA, Agents. 3 OS Francisco, accident, or, aa is mnch Also Irxili fjr the I'auloaSalt Wort. So. California Street, San Republic, sixteen years ago, many thousands of moro probable, Vinginxzs, Sept IL A conference, composed Iluaolahi. Uaaaitan IJujj. 1U JAMES L. LEWIS, a ly Ml it may have been the r, KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION Coolies have been imported from China. The ig- last desperate expedient of of Count do Remnsat and Bouycr-Qnertle- repre- COOPER GATJGEE, Wm. Ooasrn, DoximMscinr. the wretched men in the hold. All attempts senting France, and Herr Ton Arnlm A: CO., AND San Franc .co. Kixxitt Maciur, SOW COMING IS nnd for sale norance ofthe emigrants, their abject poverty.and to and Count KISIIOP SUGAR subdue Ucrzog, At the Old Stand, corner Xing' and Bethel Streets. l'ortlano,u. to suit purchasers by their isolation from civilized lile expose tbem to the conflagration failed ; tho captain and representing Germany, is now being held la CORBITT & MACLEAY, 21-l- y AFONU A AC1IUCK. crew took to the boats, and this city for a settlement of the Alsatian custom A Larce Stock of Oil Sbool.i and all kinds of deceptions and cruelties on tbe part of the per- it was not till tho HAWAIIAN' ISLANDS. question. It Is hoped that the confrere will be ablo HONOLULU, .uooperlng uaierlsis constantly an nana. Importers, Wholesale Crocers and PLANTATION. sons engaged in Coolie last moment, as tbe Europeans wero finally quit- Draw CQlt of Exchange on ONOMEA the trade. It does not to arrange for tbe evacuation of alt the Departments Also, Shop on the Esplanade, near the C03IMISSI0X ting tho ship, that a sailor The Dink arCalHornla Sau rrnnciaco. 3IKRCIIAXTS, Sucrar nnd IoI:ihcm Crop IS71 appear that the Coolies nre by the Pe- broke open n hatch except tlx by meant of customs concessions. Messrs. Lm Waller Sew 1'ork. Custom House. and gave the Coolies a chance of TrHant Naiwoal Bank Boston. Shippers and Sealers in Oregon Produce, IX, FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES ruvian agriculturists, though the information late- escape It was In tbe Assembly, General d'Asey stated COMIXG Courts-marti- Oritatel llank Corporation London. Iti bores be attention to business to merit a continu purchasers, by ly furnished to Parliament originated in a impossible, however, for 600 or 700men,stupified that two additional for tbe trial or Oriental Bank Corporation, payable in fcydoey, Melbourne, ance or natronace wntcn lie nas nereiwore erjojeu report the SA.V I WALKER A ALLEN, Agents. by tho will shortly be aaaJtnoklaad. ana for wblch he now returns nii tnanns FRAXCISCO that a number of these imported laborers had the blinding smoke, to get ont quickly enongh Communists appointed. He said Ci-- A cents fjr radfk Insurance Company of San ITrao-- Office 108 California Street through narrow there aro now but 103 Judges to examtae tbe cases vompany beeu branded with a red hot iron by their master, the hatchway. A few nearest and rr the 2ianhattan late insurance .itw 31. 31. PEINCEVILLE PLANTATION. SO,O0O aoiIA FORKEST, 1. OltECJOX I or prisoners, Includloc; 730 convicts. Even Vat. PORTLAND, a Callao. Thia the opening clambered on deck and flung them T3- Receive Deposits, Discount Firstlass Business Taper, 3ffice at Streba Jb Co's Dmr Store, corner of Fort and Hotel planter resident near accusation with tbe additional - & Sngnr Slolnsses Crop ISM courts, tbe Goveromentrwlll attend to Collecting, etc., etc IS ly :i Mreets, lionolnlu. ly 13 and IS Frost, and 10 12 First Street. nnd selves into the water, where some of them saved IX, FOR SALE IX QUANTITIES appeared to have been subsequently disproved probably be obliged to release fully 12,200 prisaatri" COMING their lives by clinging to fragments of the wreck ; TIIEO. IE. IiAVIES. F.lrrtExcru : purchasers, by when brought before tbe Peruvian tribunals, but without trial, as It Is Impossible to sentence mors?' IIAIERIS, & tlio rest, Lara Janex, Gsxrx X Co. F. II. W. C. Ralston. Bank of California .San Francisco WALKER ALLEN, AgeUs. the Kiiglish Charge d 'Affaires Lima, in bring- helpless and in tho hold, than 100 per month. M T Cljai. ia.. at IHPOETES AND COSLKISSION HEBCHAXT, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and deRo. q . ITesMrnt S f.tr. Sugar Co.San Francisco became nn unresisting Bebux, SepL 11 Is asserted In diplomatic 3Iews. Crws A Co..... San Francico ing the matter under Lord Granville's attention. prey to the advancing It yd's in Chancery, MAKEE PLANTATION. axd soist Master .Messrs, Ladd ATilton, Bankers rortland, Oregon names. fan hundred Coolies were circles that tho secret alliance entered Into by Bis- SO Office In Rhodes' Building, Kaahnmunn Street. fly Bank of British. Colombia Portland, Oregon has shown bow dangerous an element in tbe coun burnt to and the Liverpool Underwriters, before marck and Von Bueat on the part of the Governm- Brlttab. and Foreign Marine Ininrance Company, and 31e,rs. L. uoMfmuh Co rortlsnil, tlreeon IVcw Crop of A: IoIhsmcw is tho Chinese. death the Dolores TJgarte ended her dis A Co Snsar try presence of these imported ents-of Northern Assurance Company. 1 7 V Corbitt, Failing rortlami, Oregon Germany snd Austria, Is In opposition to j AFO:G ACIHICI. lianSfcTs COMIXG IX, AXD FOR SALE IX mal career, and disappeared from human blesses. iiisntp .uonolulo NOW The planters to whom they are indentured, nfter eye.