1. Family name: Chernyavskiy 2. First name: Valery 3. Date of birth: July 2nd, 1947 4. Nationality: Russian 5. Place of residence: Moscow, The Russian Federation 6. Education (most recent first):

Training from 1983 to 2018

Certificates from different courses in UK , USA, Denmark and in Russia, on Public Health, Managerial Leadership , Health Insurance, Health legislation, Project management, Human recourses for Health, Medical Education, Managerial Process for National Health Development (MPNHD), actual problems of HIV, TB, malaria etc

Formal education

Institution (date from - to) Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Central Institute for Advanced MPH, Master in the Public Health with concentration in Health Medical Studies, Moscow. Administration and Population Russian Federation. WHO Course for health administrators. 09/82- 05/1983.

Metchnicov Medical Academy, Ph.D, concentration in Public health and health service management. St. Petersburg, Russian Dissertation “ Health status and health care of teenagers in St. Federation 09/73-06/1976 Petersburg”

St. Petersburg Paediatrics MD in Paediatrics Medical Academy. Russian Federation. 1965 - 1971

7. Language Skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 excellent - 5 basic) Language Reading Speaking Writing English 1 1 1 Russian- mother tongue Ukrainian 2 3 2

8. Membership of professional bodies:

 Full Member (Academician) of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences ( IAELPS) from 2001  Member- correspondent of International Academy of Informational Processes and Technologies, from 1996  Russian Association on Public Health , from 2016  Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER),1989-1993 (From 1989-1991 Member of Executive Board)

 Association on Medical Education in the European Region (AMEE), 1989-1993(From 1989 to 1991 Member of Executive Board)  World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), 1993-1996  International Hospital Federation (IHF), 1992-1995  Federation for International Cooperation of Health Services and Systems Research Centers (FICOSSER), Council Member 1994- 1997  American Public Health Association (APHA), 1994-1995  French-Russian Association for Medical Exchange-Secretary General, 1995-1997  St. Petersburg Forum on Public Health - Secretary General, 1995-1997

9. Other skills (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.):  Project management skills – Leading positions in the coordination of technical assistance and evaluation of programmes/projects/grants in , Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Georgia, , , Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, )  Course design and delivery skills – Twenty years’ experience in the organization of undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate , executive and faculty development programmes, with a special focus on transition economies  Full computer literacy

10. Present position Senior Specialist, Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of the Russian Ministry of Health

11. Years within the this firm: From October 1st 2015

12. Key qualifications/skills (relevant to the assignment):  Management of international technical assistance and evaluation of the projects/grants  Project design and delivery  Training of trainers and consultants

13. Specific experience in the region (most recent first)

Country Date from - Date to Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan From September 2017 until August 2018.

Consultancy the GAVI Alliance Project implemented by One23consulting providing technical assistance to National Coordination Forums ( Interpectoral Coordination Committees) to strengthening their capacity to implement GAVI grants and national immunization programs, including facilitation of number workshop/discussion sessions and personal coaching to members of ICC.

Russian Federation From October to December 2016

APW with WHO CO Moscow. Analyse of implementation of recommendations of the report on the assessment of Essential Public Health Operations( EPHOs) by using WHO instrument, including through public sector reform.

Countries of NDPHS partnership ( Estonia, From June 2016 until now I’m acting as the expert of Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, NDPHS (Northern dimension Public health and social Poland, Sweden and Russia) well-being ) Primary Health care Expert Group.

Republic of Moldova From June to October 2016

Short term WHO international expert on EPHO self- assessment finalization phase in the Transnistria region of the Republic of Moldova.

Ukraine From February 2014 to September 2015

Consultancy the Leadership, Management and Governance (LMG) Project implemented by MSH on the development of the UCDC Institutional Strategy & Strategic Plan, including facilitation of number UCDC workshop/discussion sessions.

Russian Federation May – November 2014 Consultancy the Global Fund to fight HIV, TB and malaria Facilitation in facilitating of Country dialogue in the Russian Federation.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, , From January 2003 to September 2012 FYR Macedonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro, Senior Portfolio Manager in charge of the grants Romania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, implementation (portfolio $350m), Ukraine, Uzbekistan The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, Geneva, Switzerland.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, From January 1996 to December 2002 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Regional Adviser, Coordination of Country Support, Uzbekistan European Regional Office of World Health Organization (WHO/EURO), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Denmark, , Finland, France, Germany, From April 1989 to December 1991 Greece, Hungary, Israel, , Italy, Poland, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Spain, UK, Regional Adviser, Human Recourses for Health USA Development, European Regional Office of World Health Organization (WHO/EURO), Copenhagen, Denmark.

14. Professional experience record (most recent experience)

Date from - Location Company and Position Description Date to contact (name and contact details) October 2015 Moscow, Federal Senior My duties and responsibilities included planning, designing, implementation, monitoring and – now Russian Research Specialist evaluation of selected national and international health programs; development and maintaining Federation Institute for cooperation with national and international organisations and bodies in the Russian Federation Health and other countries ; organising National and International conferences and meetings; Organization and Informatics of the Russian Ministry of Health

October 2012- Geneva, Self employer Independent My function as independent consultant on public health was to provide highest level of professional September Switzerland consultant consultancy to clients (state ,local public health officials , international donors ) in the review, 2015 analysis, and development of programs and services in such areas of public health as health screening, health education, primary care, maternal and infant health, child and adolescent health, substance abuse, chronic disease detection/treatment/prevention, as well as HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

January 2003 – Geneva , GFATM Senior Fund My responsibility was to assure the high quality generation and implementation of approved projects September Switzerland Portfolio in the countries of Eastern European and Central Asia on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (up to portfolio 2012 Manager size of $ 350 million) in close cooperation with the main partners ( WHO,UNAIDS, Roll back malaria, Stop TB , USAID, World Bank, DFID,GTZ ,KfW etc) . During proposal generation phases my task was to drive the central process of collecting proposals in the secretariat team, to consult Country Coordinating Mechanism ( CCMs) on major shortcoming of their proposals and suggest improvements and /or modifications. I was also supporting the technical review process based on factual analyses, responsible for evaluate the quality of projects implementation at different stages in their life cycle in cooperation with CCMs and external partners. My role was to provide the central contact for countries/CCM on all project related issues, propose, together with external partners, solutions in case of lack of progress in projects according to agreed implementation plans, and present issues and solutions for decisions by Secretariat management team or Board and to promote the Global Fund in respective countries to ensure the continuous submission of highest quality proposals.

Date from - Location Company and Position Description Date to contact (name and contact details) January 1996 – Copenhagen , WHO, Adviser, Country My main responsibility was to maintain the programs of cooperation between WHO/EURO and December Denmark European Strategic countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the framework of the EURO country strategy in 2002 Regional Office Cooperation, order to mobilize support from EURO technical units, as well as from WHO/HQ, other UN agencies and International organizations to health development in the target countries. The objectives of the program of intensified cooperation in health with these countries were to reduce health inequalities in Europe; to strengthen support to the countries during the period of change in relation to political, social and health care systems; to oblige partners and resources to support health development in the target countries in accordance with country and WHO priorities.

During this assignment it was three projects were I was the Project coordinator: Strengthening primary health care for Central Asian Republics (2 years project with strong communicable diseases component, 700 000 US), Public health adviser for Armenia and Georgia (2 years project, 500 000 US) and Health promotion Adviser for Kazakhstan (6 month project on 60 000 US). I was also involved in coordination of two other projects in Tajikistan (malaria and typhoid) and in Belarus (thyroid project). I was also responsible for coordination and management professional and general staff of 9 WHO Liaison Offices in the countries and project offices

January 1993- Moscow , National Public Deputy Director My duties and responsibilities included managing of the international programs implemented in January 1996 Russian Health General the institute.; managing (I) WHO collaborating Centre for development and implementation of Federation Institute ( NPO modelling for evaluation of non communicable disease and (ii) WHO Informational centre ; MedSocEcono maintaining and development and coordination linkages with seven branches of the Institute within mInform,- the Russia ,other Russian national and international organisations and bodies in the Russian currently Federation, CIS and other countries ; organising National and International conferences and Federal meetings; training and development staff of Departments, working under my supervision. Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of the Russian Ministry of Health ) Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Date from - Location Company and Position Description Date to contact (name and contact details) October 1991 – Moscow, National Centre Director The objective was to work with the national and international organisations and institutions in December Russian for USSR and abroad committed to development health manpower Policies and Strategies and 1993 Federation International improving their international cooperation. The work ensures maximum use of experience of the cooperation Centre’s staff in bringing together individuals and organization to define strategic directions in HRH on Health as well on using appropriate staff in health services planning, health economics, education and Manpower management and helps them to realise joint Projects agreements. Other duties which I've directed Development, were: managing research on international health and national Public Health, planning and designing USSR Ministry training courses on public health, health economics, maternal and child health, health service of Health management etc. Providing consultations and advice on a "business-like” approach for different health institutes. Under my leadership as the Senior consultant in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and International organisation World Vision during implementation the project “New nurses for New Russia” in 1993 the reform of nursing education and nursing as discipline was launched in Russia.

April 1989 – Copenhagen , WHO/EURO, Regional Responsible for planning, implementation and evaluation of WHO European programs on Human October 1991 Denmark Adviser on Resources for Health Development which included development of different kinds of health Human professionals and personnel from other health- related sectors, undergraduate, postgraduate and Resources continuing medical education, multiprofessional education, and, in particular, training in public Development, health at Schools of Public health and public health departments of Universities in Europe. During this assignment I was coordinator of the joint project of WHO European regional office and ASPHER ( Association of the School of Public Health in the European region ) on development curriculum for the new type of professional in Public health for Europe- European Master of Public Health (EMPH) based on the WHO HFA(Health for All) Policy.

January 1987- Moscow , Central Senior Lecturer Duties and responsibilities were organizing and lecturing at All-Union and International seminars, April 1989 Russian Institute for on elaborating of curriculum training courses for health administrators in the field of public health, Federation Advanced Management health care, health economics, planning and management of health services, research in health Medical and Planning on services development health economics, public health and modern technology in evaluation of Studies Health Services, education. (CIAMS), Public Health During this period I was the Director of all-USSR the only national postgraduate courses for USSR Ministry and Health Directors and Deputy Directors of Nursing and Feldsher Schools. ( more than 500 nursing schools of Health. Economics within all 15 republics of USSR)/

15. Other relevant information (e.g. Publications, Patents, Other education, Seminars, lectures attended, Scholarships received):


More than 120 (in different Russian and International journals and books) List of some selected publications

 UN agencies in the fight against socially significant diseases in children. In Proc. Materials of the X Russian Forum with international participation "Children's health: prevention and treatment of socially significant diseases. St. Petersburg 2016 "pp. 12-21.  On the way to a complete cessation of transmission HIV from mother to child. In Proc. Materials Research and practical conference with international participation "Children and HIV: Challenges and Prospects". pp. 173-177. St. Petersburg, 2014.  Health and Health Care in the Russian Federation. Chapter in the book " The cost of reform: The Social Aspect of Transitional Economies”. Editors John F.Jones and Astaw Kumssa, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Huntington, NY 2000, p.89- 101  Problems and Perspectives of the Health care of Uzbekistan. 140 p.Tashkent 1998  Winter mortality and cold stress in Yekaterinburg, Russia: interview survey. BMJ 1998, volume 316, 14 February, p. 514-518  Building health promotion into health care reform in Russia. Journal of Public Health Medicine vol.16, No 4, December 1996, pp.473-477.  Public Health in Russia. Chapter for International Handbook of Public Health. . Greenwood Pub. 1996 p.297-315  General practitioners for primary health care in Russia. World Health Forum. Vol. 16. 1995 p. 187- 189.

Honorary degrees

 Honorary Professor on Public Health, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.  Professor, Doctor honoris causa ( Dr.h.c.), Faculty of Nursing. School of Nursing. AZUSA Pacific University (USA)


 World Health Organization from 1986  World Vision International 1992-1996  Russian Centre for Continuing Medical Education 1991-1996  Avalanche, Private medical Company (Russia) 1992- 1995  Medaso- M, Medical Insurance Company (Russia) 1995-1996  USAID's Zdravreform Project in Russia 1991-1996  Special Envoy to UN Secretary General on HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2012- 2015  Assistant to WHO Director General 2013  Management Sciences for health ( MSH) 2014-2015  Global fund to fight HIV , tuberculosis and malaria 2015  GAVI Alliance from 2017