Microhabitat Use by Three Endemic Iberian Cyprinids in Mediterranean Rivers (Tagus River Basin, Spain)

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Microhabitat Use by Three Endemic Iberian Cyprinids in Mediterranean Rivers (Tagus River Basin, Spain) Fisheries Management and Ecology Fisheries Management and Ecology, 2009, 16, 52–60 Microhabitat use by three endemic Iberian cyprinids in Mediterranean rivers (Tagus River Basin, Spain) F. MARTI´ NEZ-CAPEL Instituto para la Gestio´n Integrada de Zonas Costeras, E.P.S. de Gandı´a (Universidad Polite´cnica de Valencia), Grao de Gandı´a, Spain D. GARCI´ ADEJALO´ N E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain D. WERENITZKY Ca´tedra de Estadı´stica, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina D. BAEZA Ecohidra´ulica, c/ Rodrı´guez San pedro, 13. 28015 Madrid, Spain M. RODILLA-ALAMA´ Instituto para la Gestio´n Integrada de Zonas Costeras, E.P.S. de Gandı´a (Universided Polite´cnica de Valencia), Grao de Gandı´a, Spain Abstract Microhabitat use by three endemic Iberian cyprinids, Barbus bocagei (Steindachner), Pseudochondros- toma polylepis (Steindachner), and Squalius pyrenaicus (Gu¨ nther) was studied in terms of depth, mean water column velocity, focal height, focal velocity, distance to shore and substrate. Data were obtained by snorkelling during spring and summer at nine sites of the Tagus River Basin, Spain. Habitat suitability criteria (HSC) were calculated, including fish position and focal velocity in the water column. Species comparison showed differences in depth and focal height (indicating a vertical segregation), and greater water velocities for Pseudochondrostoma. Size-class comparisons mainly showed differences in depth and focal height (correlated with fish size). The fish groups (3 species · 3 length classes) were assigned to microhabitat functional types. The results are essential for environmental flow assessments and allow 2- and 3-dimensional habitat simulations in Mediterranean rivers; they are also useful to define critical habitats for the conservation of native fish populations. KEYWORDS: Barbus, Chondrostoma, habitat suitability criteria, microhabitat, Squalius. changed considerably. Moreover, environmental flow Introduction assessments have become a necessary tool on a Since the European Water Framework Directive European scale. In Spain, where great efforts have (WFD) was approved in 2000, perspectives for the been put into place to determine environmental flows evaluation of the ecological status of rivers have since the 1990s (Garcı´a de Jalo´n 2003), the Spanish Correspondence: F. Martı´nez-Capel, Inst. de Investigacio´n para la Gestio´n Integrada de Zonas Costeras, E.P.S. de Gandı´a (Universidad Polite´cnica de Valencia), Ctra. Nazaret-Oliva s/n, Grao de Gandia, 46730 Valencia, Spain (e-mail: [email protected]) 52 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2400.2008.00645.x Ó 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. MICROHABITAT USE BY THREE IBERIAN CYPRINIDS 53 Water Authorities are applying physical habitat sim- species and length classes into functional types accord- ulation extensively and are considering the incorpora- ing to microhabitat variables. tion of more ecological components into assessments (Garo´fano-Go´mez, Martı´nez-Capel, Nebot, Monde´- Materials and methods jar, Cavalle´& Morillo 2008). Studies on species-habitat relationships are not only Study sites a fundamental aspect of fish ecology, but also the basis for developing management tools such as habitat Nine study sites were chosen from seven rivers of the suitability indexes (Lamouroux, Capra, Pouilly & Tagus River Basin in Spain (under Mediterranean- Souchon 1999; Martı´nez-Capel & Garcı´a de Jalo´n continental climate) on the basis of similar stream 1999), necessary for environmental flow assessments. order, good underwater visibility, microhabitat vari- These habitat studies can also provide information to ability, co-ocurrence of the three species, and minimal prioritise habitat improvement measures, and manage influence from human activity. Sampling took place flow regimes to conserve native fish populations, which between 1997 and 1999, during spring and summer, in are being displaced by alien fishes in rivers with the rivers Ambroz, Guadiela, Jarama (two sites), regulated flows (Bernardo, Ilhe´u, Matono & Costa Lozoya (two sites), Sorbe, Tagus, and Tajun˜ a 2003). However, most studies do not provide habitat (Fig. 1). Twenty four hydro-morphological units were indexes; many are based on electric fishing and do not sampled (15 pools, 8 riffles and 1 rapid) to obtain a consider the position of the fish in the water column general description of microhabitat use by the three (focal height & focal velocity), which is essential to species in hydraulically diverse habitats. Pools are very understand fish behaviour and to apply advanced river important habitats in Mediterranean rivers, because modelling techniques (Martı´nez-Capel, Garcı´a de Jal- this is where a great proportion of the population is o´n & Rodilla-Alama´2004). found (Granado-Lorencio 1996); therefore this habitat In the Iberian Peninsula, the majority of rivers type was better represented than others. At some sites experience Mediterranean climatic conditions; for this (n = 4) no riffles were present or impracticable to reason, river flows and aquatic habitat exhibit major sample, thus all the sampling was performed in pools, inter-annual and inter-seasonal fluctuations (Vidal- resulting in a variable length and area between sites. Abarca, Sua´rez & Ramı´rez-Dı´az 1992). This natural Habitat characteristics and sampling seasons are variability has been modified by many dams and detailed in Table 1. All the sites were sampled once, hydroelectric power schemes (Baeza, Martı´nez-Capel with the exception of one pool that was sampled in and Garcı´a de Jalo´n 2003). Fish communities are 1997 and 1998 (R. Jarama); these two surveys were dominated by cyprinids (Ferreira, Oliveira, Caiola, De different (see Table 1) but they appear as 1 square in Sostoa, Casals, Cortes, Economou, Zogaris, Garcia- Fig. 1. The distance between the two sites in the River Jalon, Ilhe´u, Martinez-Capel, Pont, Rogers & Prenda Sorbe was less than 1 km, thus in Fig. 1 they appear 2007) with a high number of endemic species that have together. All sites were within well-forested basins, and a reduced distribution ranges compared with elsewhere the stream banks were vegetated with trees and shrubs in Europe (Granado-Lorencio 1996; Doadrio 2001). (mainly of the Genus Salix, Alnus, and Populus). However, few studies have focused on the habitat use Composition of fish assemblages (Table 1) was of such endemic species in the Iberian Peninsula (e.g. obtained from previous studies made by electric fishing Grossman & De Sostoa 1994a, b; Magalha˜ es, Beja, (unpublished) and during snorkelling. The assemblages Canas & Collares-Pereira 2002). at all sites contained the three target species and were In this study, the target species were three endemic dominated by cyprinids. fish that dominate the assemblages in many rivers: the Iberian barbel Barbus bocagei (Steindachner), hereafter Microhabitat measurements referred to as barbel; the Iberian chub Squalius pyrenaicus (Gu¨ nther), hereafter chub, and the Tagus Microhabitat use was studied by snorkelling, following nase Pseudochondrostoma polylepis (Steindachner) pre- standard procedures (Heggenes, Brabrand & Saltveit viously named Chondrostoma polylepis (Steindachner), 1990) during daylight hours because these species hereafter nase. The objectives were to obtain habitat remain quiet for most of the night (A. De Sostoa, suitability criteria for environmental flow assessments, personal communication). Before the field work, each which allow consideration of the position of the fish in species was divided into length classes: small, medium, the water column, to describe and compare microhab- and large, based on previous studies (unpublished). itat use by the three Iberian species, and to classify fish The corresponding intervals of total length were <7, Ó 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 54 F. MARTI´NEZ-CAPEL ET AL. Figure 1. Map showing the Iberian Peninsula and the Tagus River Basin, with the nine study sites that were sampled once, with the exception of one pool that was sampled in the year 1997 and 1998 (R. Jarama, with a single square). In the R. Sorbe, distance between sites was less than 1 km (two squares together). 7–25, >25 cm for barbel, <7, 7–20, >20 cm for nase, microhabitat use by the fish was tested with the and <5, 5–10, >10 cm for chub. During the snorkel- Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test (P < 0.05), ling, upon sighting a fish, a school, or a shoal of fish, which compared the frequency distributions of use the observer recorded the species, size class, number of and availability (Groshens & Orth 1993) for each fish, and focal height (Fh, distance to the bottom variable at each site. The test probabilities for each fish estimated as percentage of depth). Each species and group were adjusted with the Bonferroni technique for length class was recorded independently. When a fish multiple comparisons. Data were removed when there or shoal was disturbed by the diver, no data were was a random use of habitat for all the microhabitat recorded. variables and when sample size was <5 per species and After the snorkelling was completed, water depth length class at a site. Habitat suitability criteria (HSC) )1 (D), mean water column velocity (Vm,ms ), velocity for D, Fh,Vm,Vf,Dist, and S were calculated (for each )1 at the focal height (Vf,ms ), distance to the nearest species and size class) to facilitate habitat simulations shore (Dist, at nearest 10 cm), and dominant substrate and environmental flow studies. HSC represent the type (S) were measured. The following substrate
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