International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic Freshwater Fishes Pedro M

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International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic Freshwater Fishes Pedro M Limnetica, 28 (2): 189-202 (2009) Limnetica, 28 (2): x-xx (2008) c Asociacion´ Iberica´ de Limnolog´a, Madrid. Spain. ISSN: 0213-8409 International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic Freshwater Fishes Pedro M. Leunda1,∗, Benigno Elvira2, Filipe Ribeiro3,6, Rafael Miranda4, Javier Oscoz4,Maria Judite Alves5,6 and Maria Joao˜ Collares-Pereira5 1 GAVRN-Gestion´ Ambiental Viveros y Repoblaciones de Navarra S.A., C/ Padre Adoain 219 Bajo, 31015 Pam- plona/Iruna,˜ Navarra, Espana.˜ 2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Biolog´a, Departamento de Zoolog´a y Antropolog´a F´sica, 28040 Madrid, Espana.˜ 3 Virginia Institute of Marine Science, School of Marine Science, Department of Fisheries Science, Gloucester Point, 23062 Virginia, USA. 4 Universidad de Navarra, Departamento de Zoolog´a y Ecolog´a, Apdo. Correos 177, 31008 Pamplona/Iruna,˜ Navarra, Espana.˜ 5 Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias,ˆ Centro de Biologia Ambiental, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lis- boa, Portugal. 6 Museu Nacional de Historia´ Natural, Universidade de Lisboa, Rua da Escola Politecnica´ 58, 1269-102 Lisboa, Portugal. 2 ∗ Corresponding author: [email protected] 2 Received: 8/10/08 Accepted: 22/5/09 ABSTRACT International Standardization of Common Names for Iberian Endemic Freshwater Fishes Iberian endemic freshwater shes do not have standardized common names in English, which is usually a cause of incon- veniences for authors when publishing for an international audience. With the aim to tackle this problem, an updated list of Iberian endemic freshwater sh species is presented with a reasoned proposition of a standard international designation along with Spanish and/or Portuguese common names adopted in the National Red Data Books. Key words: Standard designation, ichthyofauna, Spain, Portugal. RESUMEN Estandarizacion´ Internacional de los Nombres Comunes para los Peces Dulceacu´colas Endemicos´ de la Pen´nsula Iberica´ Las especies de peces dulceacu´colas endemicas´ de la pen´nsula Iberica´ carecen de nombres comunes en ingles,´ lo cual frecuentemente causa inconvenientes a los autores en el momento de publicar para una audiencia internacional. Con el objetivo de llenar este vac´o, se presenta una lista actualizada de las especies de peces dulceacu´colas endemicas´ de la pen´nsula Iberica´ con una propuesta razonada de designacion´ internacional estandarizada junto con los nombres comunes en espanol˜ y/o portugues´ adoptados en los Libros Rojos Nacionales. Palabras clave: Designacion´ estandar,´ ictiofauna, Espana,˜ Portugal. RESUMO Padronizac¸ao˜ Internacional dos Nomes Comuns dos Peixes Dulciaqu´colas Endemicos´ da Pen´nsula Iberica´ Os peixes dulciaqu´colas endemicos´ da Pen´nsula Iberica´ nao˜ possuem um nome comum devidamente padronizado em Ingles,ˆ o que causa problemas aos investigadores quando publicam em revistas com uma audienciaˆ internacional. O presente traba- lho procurou resolver esta questao,˜ incluindo uma lista actualizada das especies´ pisc´colas endemicas´ da Pen´nsula Iberica´ e uma proposta fundamentada de nomes comuns em Ingles,ˆ juntamente com as designac¸oes˜ comuns em Espanhol e/ou Portu- guesˆ adoptadas nos respectivos Livros Vermelhos Nacionais. Palavras-chave: designac¸ao˜ padrao,˜ ictiofauna, Espanha, Portugal. 190 Leunda et al. INTRODUCTION prioritized in the title —without author(s) and year— and given complete in their first appea- Endemic species of non-English speaking coun- rance in the abstract and introduction sections. tries do not have standardized common names in Here, we present an updated list of Iberian English and Iberian sh species may be consi- endemic freshwater sh species with Spanish dered a good example (Froese & Pauly, 2008; and/or Portuguese vernacular names adopted in IUCN, 2008). The absence of common names the National Red Data Books (Doadrio, 2001, in English for an international use is usually the 2002; Rogado et al., 2005; but see also Collares- cause of inconveniences for authors when pu- Pereira et al., 2007; Ribeiro et al., 2007) along blishing scientic, technical, legal or academic with a reasoned proposition of a standard interna- contributions. Specically, during the manuscript tional designation. Genera within a given family preparation and review processes, editors and/or are presented in alphabetical order, as are species reviewers of some international journals require within a given genus. full names —i.e. common and scientic names Our standardization effort obeyed, whenever with authority— whilst others prefer to use ver- possible, to former common names, adopted by nacular names in the title, introducing the sh earlier authors and used in the literature, but so- species’ scientic names in the abstract. In such me new names are now proposed if we conside- cases, it is for the author consideration to attri- red earlier ones inaccurate, geographically biased bute/create an international common designation, or scientically unsatisfactory. For example, na- leading to a growing variety of vernacular names mes that include geographical areas or drainages in English for Iberian shes and other endemic are preferred against current administrative pro- ichthyofaunas in non-English speaking regions. vinces, autonomous regions or countries, in order Some of the English common names for Ibe- to link common name with accurate species dis- rian fishes have been used consistently enough that tribution, avoiding inappropriate regional or lo- became almost standard. However, it is frequent cal names. We also avoided common names with to find in literature the same common name designations of genera that do not occur in Iberia referring to different species, for example, “Iberian (e.g., roach = Rutilus). Moreover, in some Iberian barbel” which could correspond to any of the endemic genera we recommend, with some ex- nine endemic species presently recognized within ceptions (already traditionally well-established), the genus Barbus. Additionally, it is common the local language name as the most appropriate to find the same species with different common standard common name. names in English, due to direct translation of As far as we know, the only similar standar- local languages vernacular names. This is utmost dization effort in Europe was carried out for the problematic in the Iberian Peninsula, where British Isles sh fauna (Wheeler, 1992; Wheeler several languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Basque, et al., 2004). However, the American Fisheries Catalonian, and Galician) are officially recognized Society (AFS) publishes updated lists (e.g., Nel- and many more local dialects are spoken. Such son et al., 2004) of common and scientic na- linguistic diversity inevitably resulted in several mes for North American species. Based on this, vernacular names for a single species but also to the AFS also has developed a Ssh name spell- several species sharing the same name in different checker software as an aid to authors and editors regions. To overcome such problems, sometimes of sheries science papers. We encourage scien- editors and/or reviewers of international journals tic associations or research groups from other recommend using only the species scientific name regions to coordinate the agreement and comple- along the manuscripts, resulting in tedious papers, tion of similar lists for their ichthyofauna. regardless of the content, especially when several The list we present here (see Table 1) should be fish species names are mentioned repeatedly. As considered a live document where additions, co- a rule, scientific names should be included and rrections, comments and suggestions are welcome. International Names of Iberian Fishes 191 STANDARD NAMES AND JUSTIFICATION 1.4 Achondrostoma salmantinum Doadrio & Elvira, 2007. Spanish: Sarda. Standard na- 1. Family Cyprinidae me: Sarda. This recently described species has a narrow distribution range encompassing 1.1 Achondrostoma arcasii (Steindachner, 1866). the Huebra, Turones and Uces catchments Spanish: Bermejuela. Portuguese: Panjorca. within the Duero River basin in southwestern Standard name: Bermejuela. The species was Spain. Such a regional range justifies the described as Leuciscus, and after transferred appropriateness of its local name as standard to the genera Rutilus first, and Chondrostoma designation (Doadrio & Elvira, 2007). later, thus receiving in the literature common 1.5 Anaecypris hispanica (Steindachner, 1866). names such as “(Iberian) red roach” or Spanish: Jarabugo. Portuguese: Saramugo. “bermejuela nase”. Recently, based on the Standard name: Jarabugo. The Iberian en- putative congruence between molecular and demicity of the genus with this single species morphological characters, Robalo et al. (2007) could recommend both Spanish and Portu- proposed five new genera within Chondrosto- guese vernacular names (Kottelat & Freyhof, ma s.l., and the species was assigned to the 2007), since it occurs in both countries along Achondrostoma new Iberian endemic genus . the Guadiana River basin (Collares-Pereira However, the proposed generic changes still & Cowx, 2001). However, Steindachner des- raise some concerns (see comments on Ibe- cribed the species in 1866 (as Phoxinellus rochondrostoma olisiponensis). Endemicity of hispanicus) based on specimens collected in the genus no longer supports name combina- a small Guadiana tributary in Spain. Because tions previously used, which incorrectly evoke it was Srstly recorded by the Spanish verna- other genera. It presents a wider distribution cular name, we recommend
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