'One Great Workshop': the Buildings of the Sheffield Metal Trades
'ONE GREAT WORKSHOP': THE BUILDINGS OF THE SHEFFIELD METAL TRADES © English Heritage 2001 Text by Nicola Wray, Bob Hawkins and Colum Giles Photographs taken by Keith Buck, Tony Perry and Bob Skingle Aerial photographs taken by Pete Horne and Dave MacLeod Photographic printing by Keith Buck Drawings by Allan T Adams Maps by Philip Sinton Survey and research undertaken by Victoria Beauchamp, Keith Buck, Garry Corbett, Colum Giles, Gillian Green, Bob Skingle and Nicola Wray Edited by Rene Rodgers and Victoria Trainor Designed by Michael McMann, mm Graphic Design Printed by Westerham Press ISBN: 1 873592 66 3 Product Code: XC20053 English Heritage is the Government’s statutory adviser on all aspects of the historic environment. 23 Savile Row London W1S 2ET Telephone 020 7973 3000 www.english-heritage.org.uk All images, unless otherwise specified, are either © English Heritage or © Crown copyright. NMR. Applications for the reproduction of images should be made to the National Monuments Record. Copy prints of the figures can be ordered from the NM R by quoting the negative number from the relevant caption. The National Monuments Record is the public archive of English Heritage. All the research and photography created whilst working on this project is available there. For more information contact NMR Enquiry and Research Services, National Monuments Record Centre, Kemble Drive, Swindon SN2 2GZ. Telephone 01793 414600 Sheffield City Council made a financial contribution towards the publication of this book. ‘ONE GREAT WORKSHOP’: THE BUILDINGS
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