THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Monday, April 26,1993 Vol XXVI, Number 58 DiBiaggio inaugurated as Tufts president Shalala discusses health care in press conference I Four thousand attend ceremony on Ellis Oval by ELIZABETH YELLEN one piece without doing the private pieces,” by ELIZABETH YELLEN Shalala, addressed a range of topics, such Daily Editorial Board she said. Daily Editorial Board as DiBiaggio’s qualities and the eminence In a press conference preceding Consequently, the administration rec- On a warm spring day under a yellow- of Tufts. yesterday’sinaugurationceremonyofUni- ognizes the need for a federal framework and-white-striped tent, Dr. John DiBiaggio A row of flags lining Ellis Oval and versity President John DiBiaggio, US Sec- combined with state flexibility. This will was inaugurated yesterday as the 1 lthpresi- representing countries from which Tufts retaryofHealthandHumanServicesDonna allow for a system that will function in dent of Tufts University. The guests nun- students originated highlighted the global E. Shalala briefly addressed the motiva- states as dissimilar as Massachusetts and bered over 4,000, including over 140 del- aspect of the University. Meanwhile, per- tions behind the Clinton Administration’s Montana, for example. Because Clinton egates from other colleges anduniversities. formances by the Tufts Brass Ensemble, proposed health care reform. A variety of speakers, including Secretary Tufts Wind Ensemble, and all three a Shalala, who delivered the keynote ad- see CONFERENCE, Page l3 of Health and Human Services Donna E. cappellagroups showcasedthetalent closer

JUMBOfest successful despite Large rally turnout the adverse weather conditions protests hate graffiti by DAVID MEYERS Programming Board President By REMY STERN experience... [the rally] showed that Daily Editorial Board Ken Jackman echoed Ravitz’s dents;there were less alumni-spon- Daily Staff Writer this campus is not as apathetic as Despite unpleasant weather comments. “It looked fantasticbut sored and more student-run Arally staged in front of Ballou we might have thought before. conditions on Friday afternoon, it was unfortunate that the weather events,” said Ravitz. Hall last Thursday night drew a Some people really do want to see event organizers have deemed the was so bad,” he said. “It’s really just for students,we 1 crowd of over 300 people. justice and action carried out,” second annual SUMBOfest a suc- Based on last year’s World’s had no hidden intent. All we The rally brought together hun- Coplon said. cess. Fair last year, JUMBOfest also wanted to do was boost morale. dreds concerned about the recent As the rally gained momen- “It came together great; many aimed to bridge the gap between People were dancing and having a racist and anti-Semitic graffiti, and tum, several television cameras groups were involved. It would alumni and students as the plan- great time despite the weather,” those who attended braved a drizzle arrived and covered it. The rally have been a tremendous success if ning of the event brought together said Feiner. in order to discuss recent campus received widespread local televi- the weather was better,” said Tufts student leaders and alumni repre- Brinn feels that the event events and prospects for the fu- sion coverage on channels 2,4,7 Community Union Trustee Rep- sentatives. marked an attempt to unite several ture. Freshman Jill Samuels mod- and 56. resentativeAlison Feiner, who was “I see it growing a little bit groups of the University. erated the rally, which lasted for Many students pleaded with the one of the integral organizers of more each year,” said Ravitz. “If “It was an effort to bring the well over an hour as the micro- crowd not to let the issue die. Jen- JUMBOfest. we keep going in this direction, it community together in order to phone was opened up for students nifer Goldman, a member of the Former TCU President Randy will be a tradition everyone looks work towards a common goal,” to speak their minds. Ad-Hoc CommitteeAgainst Hate, Ravitz agreed. “The setup and forward to like Spring Fling.” said Brinn. Speakers included University which organized the rally, said, entertainmentwere great. It would Director of Alumni Relations Approximately 15 different Chaplain Reverend Scotty “the rally was great but it’s just a have been even better if not for the Ron Brinn added that the tradition organizationssponsored tents, said McLennan, Dean of Students first step.” weather,” said Ravitz, adding that of this type of event will continue. Brinn. There were exhibits, com- Bobbie Knable, Associate Chap- Despite the recent graffiti, “it was bigger and better than last “Last year it snowed, so we petitive games, food, and enter- lain Rabbi Jeffrey Summit, Con- Coplon expressed a hopeful and year.” have had two tough, tough pilot tainment on Fletcher Field cert Board Chair and former Tufts optimistic attitude about the fu- years,” said Brinn. “It has a lot of throughout the afternoon. Among CommunityUnion SenatorRachel ture. potential. We [the planning com- the activities were a moonwalk, Fouche, former Senator Ken Ar- “I hope that all of the anger and I Inside I mittee] are going to sit down to dunking booth, and hockey shot cher, incoming Senator Ancy hope that was expressed at the analyze and scrutinize the whole booth. Verdier, senior Nick Jehlen, Vice rally is transformed into more edu- Features/A&E ...... P. 3 thing.” According to Feiner, three President of the Pan-African Alli- cation and action,” Coplon said. Tired of feeling stressed? Well, you ance MarkBooker,andvice Presi- could stop caring, or you could check Brinn addedthat he was pleased bands played during JUMBOfest, Goldman announced that the out our helpful stress-reduction tips. with the turnout. Disfunctional, Vandyke Brown, dent of Hillel Nanette Loebenberg. Ad-Hoc Committee Against Hate “There was a significant num- and Daddy Digs Donuts. Tens of others stood in front of would be holding an open meeting ber of people there and I admire Two activities which hadorigi- the crowd to address both the re- Sports ...... P-5 “for students who want to help Not a whole lot here, other than the those that didn’t have to be there nally been planned but never took cent incidents at Tufts and other organizeprograms for both [Fresh- Patriots selecting QB # 1, for coming,” said Brinn. place were go-cart races and min- man] Orientation and the school and a Tufts schedule. All the planners agreed that the iature golf. “The go-carts would year.” event was intended for both the have make too much noise during osnia-Herzegovina. The meeting, which is open to Comics ...... P. 7 students and the community. classes on Friday,” said Feiner. Gina Coplon, one of the orga- all, is scheduledfor Tuesday night, Calvin, Doonesbu ry... all your usual “One of the goals we accom- “For the miniature golf, we would pleased with Thursday April 27, at 9 p.m. in the Campus favorites. What did you think, we’d go plished was to bring the various Center to begin planning for next and change ’em? groups together. The alumni see JUMBOFEST, page 13 “It was a very powerful year. page two THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 26,1993 THETUFTS DAILY Editorial Paul Horan Editor-in-Chief It’s time for DiBiaggio to put his foot down Managing Editor: Elizabeth Yellen President DiBiaggio: and then later, several acts of anti-black graffiti were Associate Editors: Elin Dugan, Caroline Schaefer The inauguration yesterday symbolically kicked off also found. Commendably, you wrote a Letter to the Editorial Page Editor: Stephen Arbuthnot your presidency, but unofficially it marked the end of Editor denouncing these acts, but that is really the bare Production Managers: Julie Cornell, Michael B. Berg, Jamie Fink yoix first year at Tufts. Coming after Jean Mayer, the minimum to be expected of you -you could be more Tufts community was looking forward to a man who forcehl and show that addressing prejudice and hatred NEWS Editors: David Meyers, Christi Beebe was going to be less removed and more connected with is one of your priorities. For instance, you could have 4ssistant Editors: John Wagley, Jessica Rosenthal the needs of the undergraduate community. Mayer, it attended and spoke at the Thursday rally against Wire Editor: Joel Goldberg Assistant Editor: Vijak Sethaput was said, was more concerned with bolstering the racism and anti-Semitism. VIEWPOINTS graduate and professional schools, and ballooning the Perhaps the biggest campus controversy most re- Editor: Michael J.W. Stickings endowment-noble goals and achievements in and of cently was your administration’s decision to cancel a Assistant Editor: Mimi Ho themselves, but the students wanted more from their forum on gays in the military. Yet the campus still does FEATURES Editor: Rob Mirman president. not know how you stand on this issue. Do you believe Assistant Editors: Rachel Levine, Jessica Run When it was announced you would be the new Deans Knable and Reitman were justified in canceling ART & ENTERTAINMENT president, everyone started hearing about how friendly the forum, or do you see this decision as an unaccept- Editors: Madhu Unnikrishnan, Matt Carson Assistant Editor: Megan Brenn-White and approachable you were, how you used to run into able infringement on free speech? WEEKENDER students every day as you walked your dog on campus. Earlier this semester the campus was enveloped in Editor: Nadya Sbaiti Everyone also about heard how you took the lead in the Hydro-Quebec divestment issue. Where do you Production Manager: Patrick Healy Photo Editor: Tabbert Teng shaping campus dialogue at Michigan State following stand on the matter? You have been more than willing SPORTS the appearance of a member of the Nation of Islam. So to speak out against reinvestment in South Africa, why Editors: Phil Ayoub, Doug Katz, Marc Sheinkin far you have done a lot of the former, but we have yet the silence on Hydro-Quebec? Lastly, the hture of the Assistant Editors: Craig Ortner, John Tomase to see much of the latter. Greek system remains the most volatile ongoing issue. PHOTOGRAPHY Editors: Tara Kemohan, Matilde Pereda, Your defining moment on campus was probably Where do you stand on it? The trustees are currently Olivier Tittman your stint as auctioneer for the “faculty waits on you” investigating the matter, but that certainly does not Assistant Editors: Tehzeen Choonavala, Juan Mayoral dinner: you were personable, down-to-earth and char- preclude you from making your views known. PRODUCTION ismatic. Your dinnerswith students in dining halls also Layout Editors: Dirk Reinshagen, reinforced the notion that you are approachable. But Mr. President, it is time you put your foot down. The Ryan Otto, Leah Schwartz Graphics Editor: John Pohorylo you still have to define your beliefs and yourpriorities. campus is ready and waiting for your opinions. With Classifieds Editors: Stephanie Romney, There have been ample opportunities for you to speak one week of classes left in your first year at Tufts you Jennifer Rich out and take a stand on issues that have dominated have achance to speak out and let your views be known Assistant Editors: Melissa Nirenberg, ’Alison Meinster campus debate both semesters. Questions should not before everyone goes home for the long summer. You Copy Editors: EIana Vatsky, have to have been directly asked: the answers should have already defined your presidency as open and Cheryl Horton, Yael Belkind be evident in your leadership. approachable -now it is time to define it in terms of Larry Azer Swastikas were discovered on campus last week, your stance on current campus issues. Executive Business Director

Business Manager: Gizem Ozkulahci Office Manager: Alyssa Soracco Receivables Manager: Lyle Mays would hold her accountable for acts com- Subscriptions Manager: JL McHenry Letter excluded some mitted against her will. “Gays in the Military” event was supposed Rape is not a matter of media coverage to prevent? The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, published fundamental factors one-upmanship.Rape is an abhorrent act of ondaythroughFridayduringtheacademicyearanddistrib- To the Editor: ed free to the Tufts community. The Daily is entirely violence, all too prevalent in our society. Jennifer L. Medeiros G’94 ]dent-run; there are no paid editorial positions. The Daily is It is astounding (although unfortunately We are not implying that false rape accusa- inted at Charles River Publishing, Charlestown, MA. not surprising) that on a campus such as tions do not exist. What we are asking is that The Daily is located at the back entrance of Curtis Hall at Article had errors ifis University. Our phone number is (617) 627-3090. ours, in a time purportedly more progres- members of our community, including Mr. isiness hours are 9:OO a.m. - 6:OO pm., Monday through sive than the dark ages, the victim of a Braue, adhere to his moving plea for unbi- To the Editor: iday, and 1:OO p.m. - 6:OO p.m. on Sunday. traumatizing crime can be continually vic- ased objectivity based on fact. We’re all News should be made by people, not The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by the itorial board. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. timized by both our judicial and social adults here. newspapers. Friday’s front page article on iividual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in structures. the Speech and Debate team (“Speech and reement with, the policiesandeditorials ofTheTufis Daily. In response to David Braue’s April 23rd Debate Society suffers lack of student in- The content of letters, advertisements, signed columns, Christina Kowalchuk, J’95 rtoons and graphics does not necessarilyreflect the opinion Letter to the Editor, “Coverage was lack- Heather Holdridge, J’95 volvement lately,”DuiZy, 4-23-93) was re- The Tufts Daily editorial board. ing,” we feel that Mr. Braue failed to in- plete with errors. Letters to the Editor Policy clude in his letter some fundamental fac- 1. The Debate and Speech Team dis- The Tufts Daily welcomes letters from the readers. The tors: substantiated information, objectiv- Dining hall closure is cussed the Military forum; we had made no terspageisanopenforumforcampusissuesandcomments lout the Daily’s coverage. ity, and any modicum ofrespect or sensitiv- more controversial plans, tentative or otherwise. 2.) The forum Letters must include the wn.ter‘s name and a phone ity. was canceled because of the logistical dif- . imher where the writer can be reached. All letters must be “The fact is, this woman raped the foot- To the Editor: ficulties associated with planning an event :rified with the writer before they can be published. It was the administration’s decision that The deadline for letters /o be cotisideredfor publication ball player.” We find it hard to see how this this late in the semester. We did not cancel the following day’s issue is 4:OO p.m. statement has any basis in fact, unless Mr. the “Gays in the Military” talks are contro- it because of lack of interest on the campus, Due to space limitations, lettersphould be no longer than Braue either was present at the trial at versial, so the event was canceled. It was or, as the headline suggests, because there ;O words. Any submissions over this length may be edited also the administration’s decision that the ’ theDaily to beconsistent with the limit. Letters should be Colby or talked with all of the parties in- was a lack of hiterest within our organiza- companied by no more than eight signatures. volved. Thefacts are as follows: CarmichaelDiningFacilitywouldbe closed tion. I regret that The Daily reporter chose The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity. as of Friday afternoon, and renovations iblication of letters is no( guaran/eed, but subject to the 1. According to Massachusetts’ state to ignore the statement of David Proctor, scretion of the editors. law, ifa woman is intoxicated,as is the case would begin -:all during the two weeks president of the Debate Team, and did not Letters should be typed or printed from an 5Mor 5M- before, and the week of, fmal exams. I bother to contact me. Nmpatible computer in letter-quality or near-letter-quality in this situation, she CANNOTLEGALLY GIVE CONSENT. would think that the latter of the two deci- Throughout the course of the year, ode. Letters Written on Macintosh computers should be sions would cause more of a problem for The ought in on disk - files should be saved in “text-only” 2. Thiscase wasnotwidelypublicizedat Daily has chosen to ignore coverage of the rmat,anddisksshould bebrought inwithacopyoftheletter. students than the former. Tufts because this case has not yet come to Speech and Debate Team, despite frst place sks can be picked up in the Daily business office the I am a graduate student living in llowing day. trial at Tufts. showing at the New England Regional . Letters should address the editor and not a particular 3. This case was not publicized at Tufts Carmichael, and am very upset at this turn Championship and the prestigious Ithaca dividual. While letters can be critical of an individual’s to protect this woman’s identity. A case of’ of events. Not only is there going to be a Tournament, an exhilarating Oxford De- tions, they should not attack someone’s personality traits. great deal ofnoise (renovationsARE some- TheDailywillnotaccept anonymouslettersorpennames such a sensitive nature, as we see here, has bate attended by over 70 Tufts students, a cept in extreme circumstances if the Executive Board the potential to leave emotional and mental what noisy) but there is the issue of asbes- new alliance between Tufts, MIT, and termines that there is a clear and present danger to the tos. I live on the third floor, and from the thor. The Daily will not accept letters regarding the cover- scars, resultant not just of the incident itself Harvard, or our qualifying fourmembers in e of other publications, unless their coverage itself has but further victimization by the media, the vents in the bathroom, can smell the food 10 categories for competition at Nationals. come a newsworthy issue that has appeared in the Daily. judicial system, and people who believe that the Dining Facility is preparing. I am The Daily has chosen apoor time to stop ie Daily will accept letters of thanks, if space permits, but worried that although “every precaution Ilnotrunletterswhosesolepurposeistoadvertiseanevent. that in a situation such as this, the football ignoring us. . When writers have group affiliations or hold titles or player may in fact be equally as trauma- will be taken,” I will still be exposed to the sitions related to the topic oftheir letter, the Daily will note tized by, in Mr. Braue’s words, harmful asbestos dust. There are signs up Andrew P. Haley, A’91 2t followingthe letter. This is to provide additional informa- all over Carmichael advertising an infor- tn and is not intended to detract from the Letter. “unconcensual oral sex.” Debate Coach Classifieds Information Mr. Braue’s letter calls for unbiased mation session about what the renovators All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, objectivity, and yet he states his opinion as are and are not going to do with respect to :paid with cash or check. All classifie& must be submitted the asbestos present in the Dining Facility. Viewpoint and letter 3:OO p.m. the day before publication.Classifieds may also fact (”the man was clearly not in t&e bought at the information booth at the Campus Center. All wrong.”), and to sway us hrther gives a This may seem like a good idea, but it is need corrections lssifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by a heart-wrenching account of how his friend scheduled for 4:30 -- a time when several of eck. Classifieds may not be submitted over the phone. the students, especially graduate students, To the editor: Notices and Lost & Founds are free and run on Tuesdays was expelled from Tufts for raping a woman I writing in response to Naif al- d Thursdays only. Notices are limited to two per week per and subsequentlymaliciously slandered by have class or teaching obligations. am ganization and space permitting. Notices must be Mutawa and Eric Schliesser’s article, “In- run The Daily. It does not matter that the other dining itten on Daily forms and submitted in person. Notices halls have extended their hours -- although ternational Neuroses, Part 11” and also to mot be used to sell merchandise or advertise major events. We can express nothing but outrage at Shawn Klein’s letter of April 22 regarding The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to this uninformed, misogynistic reaction to that is helpful. What matters is that the iographical errors or misprintings except the cost of the Administration, in its quest to make sure this article. I feel that the co-authors of the ;ertiOn, which is fully refundable. We reserve the right to this type of crime in which a woman, after original article made some very untrue and fusetoprint any classifiedswhich contain obscenity, are of having been once violated, is subjected to everything is completed before the new Iovertly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a freshmen get here, have upset the mind set ason or group. the criticisms and slander of those who ofmany ofthe students living in Carmichael see LETTERS, page 11 Monday, April 26,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page three FEATURES/A & E If you want a few silly chuckles,

compiled by Rachel Levine but no belly laughs, go ‘Watch It’

~ by ROBYN ARONSON does well is shed light on what is mates, and Annie’s assistant (LiIli Violations reported at US colleges Senior Staff Writer -to most women, at least -the Taylor) shineparticularly brightly. What can a graduating highly inscrutable world of male This would be a great movie to WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Education Department’s Office of senior do with a Tufts degree? He bonding. The guys in the audience rent late next March, in prepara- Civil Rights found that 46 colleges have violated the rights of disabled or she can a) get a job as a financial laughed at the jokes because they tion for April Fool’s Day, since students and employees, 22 colleges have violated gender-bias laws, seemed to recognize themselves the title of the fdm is not just a and 8 colleges have illegally discriminatedagainst individualsbased on on screen; the women, because we heavy-handed hint to the nation’s race or ethnicity in 1992. felt like we were getting a glimpse ticket buyers. “Watch It!” is actu- The acts of discrimination range from College of Saint Scholastica of the inner sanctum. ally the name of a game the four “illegally denying a deaf student’s request for a sign language inter- I 1 These four roommates give guys play, which involvesthe stag- preter for a study-abroad program in Ireland,” to the university of analyst at Daddy’s Wall Street each other play-by-play reports of ing of elaborate practical jokes. Oregon’s refusal to upgrade library computers so that a blind student firm, b) wait tables at the local nocturnal activities, videotape the Anyone whose idea of a good prank could have access to them. Pizzeria Uno’s or c) go to Holly- stripteases of unsuspecting one- is the old Saran-Wrap-on-the- Among the colleges accused of discrimination against people with wood to make it big in the movies. night stands, and avoid meaning- toilet-seat trick will be humbled disabilities or on the basis of sex, race, or ethnicity include Purdue Tufts alum Peter Gallagher ful relationships like the bubonic by the audacity of the schemes University, Washington University, University of Oregon, Howard chose option c) and so far has been plague. What saves them from thought up ineachroundof“Watch University, and Texas A&M University. pretty successful at it. With fea-.’ being viewed as unsympathetic It!” In each case available to the public through the Freedom of Informa- tured roles in sex, lies, and video- jerks is the snappy, funny script, However, Watchlrhasits flaws. tion Act, the institution in question and the department have agreed to tape and The Player on his re- which occasionallylapses into cli- For one thing, it starts out too make necessary changes in policies by a specific date. The department sume, as well as a stint as Sky che but is redeemed by the real- slowly. Another problem is the can opt to cut off federal funding for institutions violating civil-rights Masterson in Broadway’s Guys life feel of the dialogue. main plot - sort of a laws. and Dolls, Gallagher now stars in Watch It’s greatest strength thirtysomething take on the stan- Watch It, a pleasant if unexcep- comes from the cast. The actors dard love-triangle formula. A few Newspaper calls for the resignation of trustee tional new comedy. don’t look like movie stars pre- of the supposed plot twists are YALE UNIVERTITY, New Haven, Conn. -- Trustee of Yale Univer- Watch It is the story of a group tending to be ordinary people -- utterlypredictable,as is the story’s sity and chairman of Baxter International Vernone R. Loucks has been of four guys and the women that they actually look like ordinary resolution. requested to resign by the editors ofThe Yale Daily News. Representa- complicatetheir lives. The crux of people (which is quite unusual, if Yet Watch It offers a diverting tives from the Baxter corporation admitted to violating federal laws the film is the romantic triangle you think about it. How many hour-and-a-half s worth of enter- which bar US companies from cooperating with the Arab boycott of between John (Gallagher), his waitresses do you know that look tainment; there are lots of chuck- Israel. The corporation is currently paying fines of approximately $6.5 womanizing cousin Michael (Jon like Michelle Pfeiffer, or lawyers les, but few belly laughs. Catch it million. Tenney), and the woman with that look like Tom Cruise?). if you want a change of pace from David Leonhardt, Jr., the editor of the paper, requested Loucks to whom they are both involved, All the actors give commend- all those shoot-’em-up action pic- resign because his presence sends a “message that the University Annie (Suzy Amis). able performances, though the tures and corny love stories, but tolerates disregard for the law.” Loucks, who has no pIans to resign, The plot, such as it is, is not the comic moments of Danny (Tom not if you’re dying for cinematic chairs the University’s $1.5-billion fundraising campaign and has point of the movie. What Watch It Sizemore), as one of the room- brilliance. donated money to Yale in the past.

Faculty protests rock-bottom level of wages Put down the battle axe and try NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OFMEXICO, Mexico City, Mexico -- To protest low wages, several faculty members of the these ‘ways to break the tension National Autonomous University of Mexico went on a fiue-day hunger strike. Washing cars and carrying grocery bags til emphasizetheir point, by MELANIE CROCE brows as high as possible for a few your hands together (palms still professors proved that they could earn more money doing menial work Daily Staff Writer seconds, and relax them. Then outward), raise them up and in- than in the classroom. Part-time professors at the Univkty earn $100 For those of you who are al- frownwith a lockedjaw and a tight hale. As you imagine a square- a month, while full-time professors earn $600 a month. ready stressing about finals (who face and then relax. Next,’ tighten shaped mirror, simultaneously Jose Sarukhan, the University rector, has made salaryincrease a top isn’t?) and wondering how you’re your neck, shoulders, and back. bring your left hand to the left priority, but finds it difficult because ofthe low tuition (ftozen at six US going to finish all of the reading Relax Pay a lot of attentionto this comer of the mirror and the right cents a year) and lack of help from the Mexican government which for that history class that you’ve area, women especially, because hand to the right corner. Exhale as provides 90 percent of the University’s budget. put off all semester, yet still enjoy this is the area that tends tohide the you bring them down. Bring your Spring Fling, then read on. The most tension. Next, push out your hands back to the center and re- Senate suggests president holds reserve funds stress involved in studying for fi- stomach as far as possible and then peat. UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT, Hartford, Coh. -- On April nals can leave people tense, irri- relax it. Finally, work down to Another is called the “prayer 19th, the University of Connecticut Senate voted to approve the seizure table, and depressed, thus making your legs and feet. Push your heels wheel.” Stand with your feet of $30 million in reserve funds circulating through qfferent depart- studying less efficient. In order to into the floor and relax. spaced far apart, knees bent, with ments by University president Harry Hartley. keep from going into that “clutch” one foot diagonal to the other. U. Corm finance professor Lewis Mandell related to the Senate that state before exams, relaxation is 4. Sonic meditation is simply Extend your arms and hold your various campus departments have been purchasing equipment such as key. sitting quietly and focusingallyour hands as though cupping a small laser printers and computers with reserve funds for fear of the inability There are two methods of re- attention on a certain sound or beach ball. Inhale as you lean into to do so in the future due to budget cuts. Mandell admits that though the laxing your body so that you can object. As thoughts come into your the foremost foot by bending that departments legally have the right to spend the money, the funds should “reachieve a state of harmony and head, don’t try to push them out, knee, and begin a circle with your be monitored in case it is “necessary for the University to live off these equilibrium.” The first method is a just let them float by. hands. Exhale as your hands move reserves” in the future. set of six steps leading toward a toward you to finish the circle, The Senate’s suggestions will be brought before the Board of relaxed state of mind. So sit in a 5. Using all your senses, scan slowly switch your weight from Trustees on April 28th. In addition to the recommendation, the Board quiet room with a favorite classi- your body for remaining signs of the front leg to the back leg. This of Trustees will advise the Senate how to deal with the $17.5 million cal composer playing on the stereo stress.Focus on“tel1ingyour shoul- should be one fluid motion. This budget deficit that could lead to the bankruptcy by the year 1995. (or any non-overpoweringmusic), ders, neck, etc. to relax.” can also be reversed. find a comfortable place to sit, and If studying with a group of try the following: 6. Finally, deep relaxation capi- people, a good study break -- also 1. A pre-relaxation technique: talizes on the body’s already re- a good way to get a bit friendlier sit comfortably with your back laxed state. Start at 10 and as you with everyone -- is engaging in a supported, hands resting in your count backwards to one, feel your circle massage. Encourage every- lap, and close your eyes. Do this body relax more and more. Be- one to close their eyes -- it is a lot for about three to four minutes and cause stress alters your circula- easier to get over any shyness. try not think about anything in tion, youshould feel yourselfgrow Another circle idea that does not particular. progressively warmer as you go involve massaging is just having through these exercises as your everyone put their hands on an- 2. This is called diaphragmatic circulation goes back to normal. other person’s neck or back wher- breathing. Again, sitting with your The above techniques are very ever there is tension. The warmth back supported and feet on the helpful and can be done anywhere, of the hands aids in relieving that floor, place your hand on your but may induce fatigue. The other stress-out stiffness that tends to stomach, above your waist. As method of relaxation consists of center in those areas. you inhale, feel your hand rise and some T’ai Chi exercises that are concentrate on “breathing in re- relaxing but also create movement Armed with these strategiesfor laxation.” As your hand falls as to avoid the sleepiness. These ex- alleviating stress, you can effec- you exhale, feel the tension and ercises require some room to stand tivelystudy for finals and still not stress leave your body. and move about. snap at your roommate when the The first technique is called tension gets unbearable. Granted, 3. The next technique is pro- “the mirror,” a sort of version of you might look a bit weird doing gressive relaxation. The idea here the Karate Kid’s “wax on, wax the T’ai Chi exercises,butjust tell is to purposely tense up your off.” Stand with your feet about your roommate that you’re emu- muscles and then relax them so shoulder width apart and your arms lating the Karate Kid (and watch that you can feel a dramatic differ- extended in front of you with your her run out of the room to let you ence. Start by raising your eye- palms facing away from you. Bring study in peace!). page four THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 26,1993

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Performing at Macphie Pub Thursday April 29, 1993 0 33 9:00 p.m. Sharp!! d FEATURING:. 4 The Justice System RND

U D.J. Down town Skppy Brown of N. Y,

DAMAGE : $8.00 in advance /$12 at door TT?... Tickets on sale at INFO BOOTH April 22 Positive I. to drink! Monday, April 26,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page five SPORTS Patriots nab Bledsoe with top pick in Sunday’s draft NEW YORK (AP) -- The New agent era, and it showed. first or even trade the pick. The New York Jets, with the have open competition this year England Patriots went for the Troy As in the free agent market, “We felt like we have to start third pick, suggested to Phoenix for potential starting positions.” Aikman clone to help rebuild their there was a premium on offensive somewhere andthis is agoodplace that they wanted , The operative word is young. woefi~lfranchise, passing up the linemen -- six were taken with the to start,” saidparcells, who left the the Georgia running back, and got Finks and officials of other guy from Notre Dame who re- first 19 choices. There also were broadcast booth to run a finan- the Cards to swap places -- from teams believe that with a salary minds people of Joe Montana. six defensive linemen and six de- cially troubled team that went 2- four to three. Phoenix gave the cap kicking in next year in the With the first pick in Sunday’s fensive backs chosen in the first 14 last season. Jets running back Johnny John- second year of free agency, there NFL draft, Bill Parcells chose to round. The last time quarterbacks led son, and took Hearst. will be many high-quality players begin rebuilding the Patriots with Atlanta, Houston, Washington, off the draft was 1971, when Jim Then the Jets got the player on the market for relatively low Drew Bledsoe, the 6-foot-5 strong- Philadelphia, San Francisco and Plunkett, Archie Manning and Dan they wanted anyway, linebacker salaries. Meanwhile, they will armed Washington State quarter- Indianapolis drafted specifically Pastorini went 1-2-3. This draft Marvin Jones of Florida State. break in draft choices immedi- back. He was taken over Rick to fill holes lost by departing free also marked the third time in the Financeswere obviously on the ately -- Roaf may start on an aging Mirer, who went to Seattle with agents. There were also seven last four years an underclassman mind of the Saints. offensive line and Smith should the second pick. trades -- six swaps of draft posi- wasNo. 1 overall -- Bledsoe, Steve They dealt Swilling, one of the start immediately.. “In the final analysis, we tion, and one that sent All-Pro Emtman last year and league’s best pass rushers, to De- After the Jets took Jones, Cin- thought Bledsoe had a little more linebacker Pat Swilling to Detroit in ’90. troit for the Lions’ No. l pick, the cinnati chose Alabama defensive ability to throw the ball effec- from New Orleans. “I’m happy for Drew,” said eighth overall. With it, they chose end and Tampa tively,” said Parcells, the Patriots That trade was a money saver Mirer, the first Notre Dame quar- Roaf, who must fit under the sal- Bay went for the other Alabama coach and general manager. for the Saints -- a sign of the com- terback taken in the first round ary cap that will total about $2 defensive end, . Chi- In chosing Bledsoe, Parcells ing salary cap. They used the choice since in 1960 -- Mon- million for a team’s rookies. The cago chose wide receiver Curtis went for the proven passer over they got for Swilling to draft Wil- tana was a third-rounder and Joe Saintsalso received a fourth-round ConwayofSouthemCa1;theSaints Mirer, the potential star, who rarely lie Roaf, a 306-pound offensive Theismann a fourth-rounder. pick in the deal. took Roaf; and Atlanta took an showcased his passing ability in tackle from Louisiana Tech, then “I think he got what he wanted A year ago, under the old sys- even bigger tackle, Lincoln college because he played on a traded up for Notre Dame tight and I got what I wanted: Only one tem, the Saints matched the Lions’ Kennedy of Washington, who run-oriented team. end IN Smith. guy can be the top pick, and there’s offer sheetto Swilling,paying him dropped from 350 to 330 pounds Like Aikman, Bledsoe joins a Smith was one of four Notre nothing wrong with being No. 2. I $1,725,000. If they didn’t, they in predraft workouts. team that needs help fast. How- Dame players taken in the first didn’t really prefer one team over would have received two No. 1s in The Los Angeles Rams took ever, Parcells said he won’t rush round, one short of the record set the other, but to be honest, I’d return. fullback of Notre him into the starting job. by Southern Cal in 1968. rather live west than east. I’ve “Pat Swilling has been a fine Dame; Denver took defensive end “I promise you I will not throw Parcells, in his first year as a never been a big fan of the East player for this organization for the Dan Williams of Toledo; and the him to the wolves and he will not chief executive after eight years as Coast.” past seven years and we wish him Los Angeles Raiders chose safety play until he’s ready to play,” the New York Giants coach, had The East-West theme was evi- well,” Saints president Jim Finks Patrickiates of Texas A&M. Parcells said. been coy until Sunday --suggest- dent in the maneuvering that fol- said. “This assures that our young It was the first draft of the free ing the Patriots might take Mirer lowed. linebackersanddefensive ends will see DRAFT, ‘page 13 Upcoming Tufts Sports Schedule Women Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday Saturday /MEn -ray 1Wed. /Ihursda! Friday Saturday Softball F- CLARK Baseball Bmdeis SUFFOLK State (2x7) r--- *oumatnent Crew. --kG-l NESCAC‘s Wesleyan Track at Wesleyan Lacrosse New Crew Englands Track at Wesleyan I I I I I I N. Englands Sailing I at Tufts I ITennis IGolf I I I

With spirit like this, how can Jumbo softball lose? On Thursday, the Jumbos travel to Framingham State to take on HOME GAMES IN CAPS the Rams. Here’s hoping for a Tufts victory. Go Jumbos!

If you are interested in joining Tufts Sex Talk next semester then ... LET’S TALK!! what: information meeting where: Women‘s Center Lounge 55 Tallbot Ave.

when: Monday, April 26 11:30 - 1230 OR Thursday, April 29 430 - 5:30

1’ page six THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 26,1993

I YOU LIVE IN BOSTON AND YOU'RE BUG& .... i IS THERE LIFE AFTER COLLEGE? YOU LIVE IN BOSTON AND YOU'RE GAY OR LESBIAh!.... I I I Sure, but what about your career? I YOU LIVE IN BOSTON AND YOU'RE BLACK AND GAY OR LESBIAN .... I I I You're spending a fortune for an education, so invest a few dollars in your career direction I Ithrough the Career Placement Profile. I I Over 50.000 business people have raeivcd personal career insij!hts through this assessment and I African American and Gay & Lesbian Identities I motivational tool.'I'hisclitestionnaire will pint you in the right direction tonlakecredible jobdaiionsorselect I I suitable career paths. You will gain new insights that will assist you to achieve peak performance. I I You will receive Ideal Career Charts and a 16 page interprctive relwrt measuring and rating your I a multicultural panel about double identities I cornpatability with job factors in the three categories of Management. Sales, and Administration. plus the I I Manager's Repnrt descrihingand charting your primary and secondary personality profiles with t herest of the I I population. This will include graphs tracking your stxial style, teniperaniant. ego style and summary profile. I I I I CI.IP THIS YllESTlONNAlHE NOW. NO OTllEH AI) WILL BE HUN THIS SCllOOL YEAH. I I Name - School Name I I a free lance phtographer I Address State Zip I I Send Check or Visa/MC (circle one) /4 ' Exp. Date. __ member of the Boston Coalition of Black Lesbians I $12.95 PIUS$2.00 S & H. add .65 if in.MA ($15.60 total) Signature and gay Men Mail to : CONTINENTAL INTEKPERSONAL RESOUKCES. P.O. BOX 2876, WOBURN, MA 01888 I Delivery within 2 to 3 weeks - Satisfaction Guaranteed I I Please reapond to EACH and EVERY sbtemenl without deep enalysls. CIRCLE the most representative response. NEVE1 I ask othem lo answer questlons for you. There Is NO tlmerequlremenl. Key words, as "never", "~otnetimes"."rhrvayr", hell NQlummu I lo determine the Intensity 01 your reaponse. It Is esaentlal that you are honest and accurate In your evaluallon 01 yoursell I I 1 F I I believe Iwould enjoy the independence.excitement. an( 1 F 46 AlmosI all the so called "do-gooders" are more phoney police officer risk that is associated wdh owning my own business (than real). Boston Police Department liaison to the lesbian & T F 2. _Iwould really enjoy a career which involves research an( T F 47. I have never slolen anything from another person or analysis of complex, technical data. business. gay community

T F 3. I always took forward to situations which reward me wilt T F 48. I find that i thoroughly enjoy being the center of attention. prestige or peer approval. T F 49 I find it difficult toexpress my loving andcaringemotions T F 4. I like work requiring atlention to many demils. -_ T F 50 The average person will tell a lie now and then to get T F 5. If my boss makes an unreasonable request. Iusually haw ahead ;. NlX

dilliculty saying !'no" ____ k. -1 T F 51 I Cnd it difficult to assert myself T F 6. I dislike problem solving which requires deer concentratjon and thorough analysis. T F 52. In decision making, I use "gut feelings" (more than employee of the Fenway Community Health Center

~ thoughlful meditation). T F 7 Whenever Imake a mistake. Iam always willing to admit 11 member of the Boston Coalition of Black Lesbian T F 53. Ican often enjoy work which requiresattention to precise, 3 and Gay Men T F 8 I am almost always warm and sensitive lo,lhe needs o meticulous detail. .I. others T F' 54. usuallyeven-pacedand don't find myself hyped-upor I T F 9 I am often more intense (than calm) ~ overly energetic. .- T F 10 I often enjoy organizing or analyzing subject matler T F 55. I really enjoy planning and organizing the details of any -_ work that i must undertake. f: TUESDAY, APRIL 27 T F 11 Iwouldhketo bewidely knownasanexpert.insomething 6 T F 56 Most people are out lo take more than they give BARNUM 104 T F 12 I almost always prefer close, warm and completely oper relationships T F 57 It is difficult for someone to use, control or lake advantage of me 7:30 p.m. T F 13 Most people are honest and trustworthy even when the) dre not being watched T F 58. Most employees wil cheat or steal from their employers if given the right opportunity T F 14 I worry about what other people think 01 me T F 59 I would enioy the prestige of being a world leader T F 15 I sometimes gel jealous 01 the good fortune of others sponsored by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Resource Center T F 60 I am often high-strung or hyperactive T F 16. Iamsometimesconsideredtobecoldandunsympathelic T F 61 I usually lake the "broad-brush" approach (ralher than T F 17. Most people inwardly dislike going out of their way to helr attending to detail) other people. - T F 62 I always enjoy receiving trophies. awards and other forms T F 18. I can almostalwaysmeetthechallengeol authoritativeoi or recognition aggressive people. T F 63 I am usually morelovingandcaring (than privataoralool) T F 19. I am'always frank and honest with people. T F 64. I usually feel sentimental about anniversaries and T F 20. I am usually leisurely and unhurried. ,. birthdays - T F 21. I am more analytical (then intuitive) when makin< T F 65. I lind it easy to be assertive when necessary. decisions. T F 66. I am sometimes a poor listener. T F 22. I would enjoy being a leader in order to get morf recognition lor my work. T F 67. I am a very loving and caring individual. Vice President's Lectures T F 23 I almost always have so many goals that relaxation oi T F 68. Most people are out for themselves without real concern leisure is somewhal difficult. lor the needs of others. in conjunction with Metcalf T F 24. As a child, there were times I hated my mother or my T F 69. I have insecurities and feelings of inferiorily. (at her. T F 70. I sometimes gel annoyed when people express ideas T F 25 I always lead a comfortable. relaxed. predictable lifestyle which are different from mine. - T F 26 There have been occasions where Iresented being asked T F 71. I often enjoy complex, technical subjects or problems. to return a favor r F 72 I would enjoy being seen dining or talking with important "Rethinking the T F 27 Iam more private and aloof (than open and affectionate) people.

T F 28 The average person really puts in a hard day's work for a T F 73 Most people who know me would describe me as intense day's pay and highly motivated Environment I' T F 29 I can elwaysdisagreewithsomeoneandnolfeeluneasyor T F 74 Most people take advantage of their employer's upset generosity

~ - T F 30 There have been times when I have tried to get even with r F 75 I often get bored with details of complex, technical someone who has hurt me wbjecis or problems

T F 31 I would be described by others as warm, compassionate r F 76 I have never deliberatdy told a lie and canng Tuesday, April 27 T F 77 1 am usually more leisurely and easy-going (than activeor T F 32 I like people to notice and comment on my appearance ntense) Vice .President Melvin Bernstein T F 33. I have trouble saying "no" to persistent people. r F 78. I always enjoy publicity and special recognilion.

T F 34. When I don't knowsomething. lamalways willingtoadmil r F 79. I usually dislike situations which require constant I it. analyzing or organizing. I T F 35. I am usually unexcitable. leisurely and easygoing. r F 80. I find it easy to say the words "I love you". "Can Technology Save I T F 36. I usually enjoy planning. organizing and analyzing (more r F 81. In an employerlemployee relationship. "when the cat is I than directing). iwsy. the mice will play". I the Environment or I T F 37. I would like lo do something which would make ma well r F 82 I find myself too agreesble I known. r F 83 Most people cheat on their income tax Has It Ruined It" I T F 38. lamusuallyeagerand willingwhenitcomestohelpingout I people with personal problems. r F 84 I like lo work in quick spurts. (as opposed toconsistent. I ivenly-paced effort) T F 39. Most people try to make as much as they can and give as . Alicia Kaminsky Moderator I little back to society as possible. , F 85. Most employees work as little as they have to work to get '95, I heir paycheck. I T F 40. Ifind it difficult "telling oll" people who treatmeunlairty. . F 86 I usually avoid asserting my ideas oropinions upon others T F 41. There have been limes that I have cheated on a test or I examination. . F 87 I am usually described by others as plain. simple and I inpretenlious (as opposed lo proud or status-seeking) I T 'F 42. I never lail to help someone who is in need. 8:OO pm F 88. I am usually gradual and niild-mannered I T F 43. I would rather compete against mysell to perfect a skill I (than compete against others.) Coolidge Room, I I T F 44. Most people pretend to care more about others than they I realbdo. 2nd floor, Ballou Hall I T F 45. I would like lo be so well known that people would ask mt I lor my autograph. I ICE CREAM SERVED FOLLOWING THE TALK! Mondav. Aoril26.1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven Palestinians say Israel ready to Researchers see new allow 30 exiles home by Tuesdaj blindness treatments AMMAN, Jordan (Ap) -- 1s- Earlier Sunday, Erakat warned Hanan Ashrawi, th UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. AMD affects nearly 1.7 mil- rael will allow about 30 Palestin- his people “not to raise their ex- delegation’s spokeswoman, sai (AP) -- Certain forms of blindness lion Americans and is the leading ian deportees to return home after pectations” of a breakthrough the negotiations will be a makt someday may be prevented or re- cause of blindness in senior citi- years in exile as part ofa package when the stalled negotiations re- or-break session in the 17-montl versed by transplants of eye cells, zens in the United States. Retinitis of concessionsto the Palestinians, sume. old peace process. implants of artificial vision de- pigmentosa, which afflicts 100,000 a senior Palestinian said Sunday. “we face Israeli intransigence. vices or injections of new drugs, Americans, includes several now The repatriation decision ap- There’s a big difference between The talks are resuming amid scientists said Sunday. untreatable inherited diseases that parently is linked to an Arab de& dictation and negotiation and try- harsh Israeli crackdown in the o “It is truly only a matter of time cause gradual deterioration of the sion to return to Middle East peace ing to make Peace under these cupied West Bank and Gaza Str before we solve the mystery of retina and eventual blindness. talks, scheduled to resume Tues- terms is not Possible,” he told The where 1.7 million Palestinans liv many blinding diseases,” Dr. Carl Recent experiments demon- day in Washington. AP The Israelis sealed off the ten Kupfer, director of the National strated for the first time that retina Saeb Erakat, deputy leader of tories March 3 1 after 15Jews we Eye Institute, said during a semi- cells transplanted from rat fetuses the Palestinian delegation to the He said that if Israeli Prime killed in one month. nar sponsored by Research to Pre- restore very limited sight to blind talks, told The Associated Press Minister Yitzhak Rabin “persists vent Blindness, a nonprofit group rats, said Dr. Manuel del Cerro, a the deportees will come from the in having negotiations just for the The Palestinian delegation that raises money foreye research. transplant pioneer at New York first batch ofPalestinians expelled sake having negotiations, he will returning to Washington relul Even now, much blindness state’s University of Rochester. from the occupied territories from have failed the peace process.” tantly under orders from Palestir could be prevented and the U.S. “By the end of this decade, WE 1967 to 1987 for anti-Israeli ac- In Israel, Rabin tried to allay Liberation Organization leadc government’s $4.1 billion annual should know if this works” foi tivities. the fears of the Palestinians, say- Yasser Arafat, who has stake bill for blindness-relatedexpenses some people, said del Cerro. Erakat did not say how long the ing Israel was committed to even- much on winning concessionsfro could be sharply reduced if people Dr. Eugene de Juan Jr., an oph- repatriation process would take. tual territorial compromise in the the Israelis. would simply get regular eye ex- thalmologist at Johns Hopkins “This is according to an agree- occupied lands. ams, said Dr. Jonathan Javitt, di- University in Baltimore, hopes to ment reached with Israel to re- Rabin also offered the Pales- The PLO is not a direct partici rector of eye care research at develop an artificial vision device schedule the return of all Palestin- tinian peace negotiators an imme- pant in the talks because Israe Georgetown University. to restore limited eyesight by ian deportees,” Erakat said. diate role in directing investments considers it a terrorist movemenl He said reforms to make medi- stimulating retina cells that aren’t The Palestine Liberation Orga- in the West Bank and Gaza Strip But the PLO leadership control cal care available for more Ameri- damaged by eye disease. nization earlier listed 1,700 Pales- and running some parts of daily the 12-member Palestinian team cans will help prevent blindness Electrodes placed through the tinian expelled by Israel since life there before an autonomy which forms ajointdelegationwit only if accompanied by a cam- eyeball andonto theretinaallowed 1967, when the Jewish state cap- agreement is reached in the Wash- Jordan. paign to encourage people to seek dots of light to be seen by three of tured the West Bank and Gaza ingtontalks. eye care. four blind volunteers who de Juan strip. Two members -- Ghassai The seminar focused on tested. The reported Israeli agreement “I hope very much that the Pal- Khattib and Samir Abdullah ofth untreatable diseases that damage If a light-sensing device can be to let 30 Palestinians, all believed estinian delegation and the public Palestine CommunistParty -- havi the retina -- the layers of rods, implanted on the diseased retina, residing in Jordan, back within 48 in the territories will understand refused to attend. cones and other cells inside the it might allow certain blind people hours was apparently aimed at that a better offer may never by rear part of the eye that convert to see objects and movements and demonstrating the Jewish state’s made by another Israeli govern- The Syrian, Lebanese and Jor- images into nerve impulses sent to perhaps even read, he said. willingness to make concessions ment,” Rabin said in an interview danian delegations left for Wash. the brain. Federal scientists recently re- to boost prospects for progress in With Israel TV’S Arabic-hPage ington on Saturday. The Israeli! Kupfer predicted that by the ported progress in developing an the talks. service. arrived Thursday. end of the decade, researchers will artificial vision device that would be testing retina cell transplants in place electrodes on the brain. De humans as a way to treat age- Juan said electrodes on the retina related macular degeneration, or will be simpler, but won’t work AMD, and retinitis pigmentosa. for as many kinds of blindness. Coach kills self after kidnapping ‘attempt ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- A ten- or her family, Heider said. nis coach who police said was A gunman wearing a ski mask Pepperoni, Ground beef, obsessed with a 17-year-old player attacked Rhodes and her 50-year- Mushroom, Sausage, Ham, Half Price shot himself to death when offic- old mother Friday night outside a Onion, Anchovy, Green ers approached after a failed at- hotel in Colonie. Pepper, Green Olives, Double Order any size pizza at tempt to abduct her. The girl broke away and ran for Cheese, Black Olive, Investigators believe Gary D. help while theman beat her mother Pineapple, Spinach, Eggplant, regular price and receive Wilensky planned to take the girl with a flashlight,policesaid. When

Tomato, Broccoli., Garlic.~ ---- to a remote mountain hideout he a hotel manager came out and said Prosciutto, Canadian Bac‘on a 50%discount. 12”Item $.95 had equipped with an elaborate police were on their way, the man 16” Item $1.10 security system and restraining cocked a rifle, jumped into his car devices. and drove away. No coupon needed. Limited time offw. cannot Offw Gary D. Wilensky, 56, used to Police spotted the man’s car 2 be used witb specials. At Tups carrapus oniy. coach Jennifer Rhodes, a promis- hours later in a parking lot near the Fresh Garden Salad $3.75 ing amateurplayer fromNew York hotel. When police approached, Fresh Greek Salad $3.95 City, said Detective Lt. Steven the man shot himself in the head Choice of Dressing: Italian, Heider ofthe police department in with a rifle. French, Russian, or Bleu suburban Colonie. Police saidthey found two guns, Cheese “In this case, what we believe a 9mm rifle and a .38-caliber pis- that we’re dealing with is aperson tol, in the car along with night whobecameobsessedwiththe 17- vision goggles and a leather Heath Bar year-old,’’ Heider said. muzzle. A shotgun was found in Bavarian Choc. Chunk The girl and her mother were Wilensky’s hotel room. Vanilla Dream treated at Albany Medical Center Receipts found in the car and in Caramel Pecan Cup for head injuries and released. The the hotel room registered in the Peanut Butrer Cup teen had been in the area to play in man’s name led investigators to a Strawberry Passion a tennis tournament. house in Johnsburg, about 70 miles Mocha Swiss Almond Wild Raspberry Cheesecake Wilensky of New York City north of Albany. The house was Pint $2.95 629-2400 had been undergoing psychologi- outfitted with a security system cal treatment for his obsessionuntil that includedvideo monitors,video Prices do not include tax last month and was considered cameras and machines that could Free minute delivery suicidal, although his doctors did disguise a person’s voice on the 30 not think he was athreat to Rhodes telephone, police said. There were also restraining devices on the beds, chairs and hanging from the ceiling, police COLLEGIATE STORAGE SERVICE said. j, Expert in Computer Storage ;k Secured, Ifemired Storage “It is our full feeling at this time * Cusfom-Designed Boxes j, Penonallzed Inventory that he definitelywanted to abduct & Packing Supplies ;k Insurance Included the young lady and had every in- tention of secretingher tothenorth j, 24-HourEmergency On-Call Service SUMMER STORAGE country,” Heider said. Wilensky was fired as PROFESSIONAL PICK-UP & DELIVERY INCLUDED Jennifer’s coach after innapropriate behavior, Heider VJSA For further information and registration, call (617) 536-6657 M/C said. page eight THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 26,1993

- The Arts & Sciences Library THIS IS IT! Tufts University

Presents a Discussion of "Books That Made a Difference" HERE IT IS...

John DiBiaggio, President Sol Gittleman, Provost Me1 Bernstein, Vice-president for Arts, Sciences and Technology

Monday, April 26, 1993 7-9 P.M. Barnum OS

Refreshments will be served

A Tufts Authors Series Presentation in celebration of National Library Week

SPRING FLING TICKET SALES Spring Fling tickets sales occur at the Mayer Campus Center on these days: . TUES. APR. 27, 9:30 P.M. - l:oo 21 AND OUER TO ENTER, POS. 1.0. AND $2 ATTHE DOOR. SPONSORED BY STUDENT RCTlUlTlES RND DINING SERUICES Monday, April 26,lO-6 p.m. Tuesday, April 27,lO-6 p.m. Wednesday, April 28,lO-6 p.m. TuF-rsTuMBoYEARBmI. Thursday, April 29,lO-6 p.m. and Friday, April 30,lO-1 Mac IIci with 20 megs, 21 inch color monitor, 600 dpi color smer, Each Tufts undergrad (with valid. ID) 128 meg floptical &e. receives a free personal ticket; only TWO guest tickets can be purchased Wmt it? for $5.00

Grad students, Tufts faculty and staff must purchase guest tickets at the Information Booth Call 629-8409 by May 2nd and ask for Kore GUEST TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE The &is looking for an experienced Laput Editor. Only tl~osethat are familiar with Pagemaker, Freehand and Photoshop on the Mac need apply In Friday, ticket sales will end PROMPTLY at 1:OO After 1:00, you must pay for your personal ticket as well Monday, April 26,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page nine Gay marchers demand rights, justice in massive rally WASHINGTON (AP) -- freedom can be more comfort- The formalprogram was a blend telephone company technician. an investment adviser from Char- Throngs of gay men and women able,” said David Mixner, a Los of music, political speeches, bit- “We don’t cross-dress. We don’t lotte, N.C. spilled across the historic Mall on Angeles business consultant and ing humor and insistent demands wear heels. We’re just normal gay Only a few opponents were in Sunday demanding acceptanceand fundraiser who has advised Presi- for rights. One speaker drew a men.” evidence at a small counter-dem- equal rights from a society that dent Clinton on gay issues. ’ laugh when she announced that The marchers clogging streets onstration. “Protect our Children often scorns their community. “A TheU.S. ParkPolice estimated red-sequined dresses were burned and lawns on an unusually warm from Clinton’shomosexuals,” said simple matter ofjustice” was their the crowd at 300,000, and local in front of the FBI’s J. Edgar spring day looked a lot like other one sign. “Sodomy-Free Zone,” rallying cry. officials reported no problems. Hoover Building -- a barbedrefer- summer demonstrators in their said another. In brilliant, summery sunshine, March organizerssaid the event ence to recent published accounts shorts, colorful T-shirts and sen- they came by the hundreds ofthou- drew 1.1 million, a turnout that that Hoover liked to wear women’s sible shoes. There were also sobering signs sands to tell America who they are would rival the great civil rights clothing. March contingentsranged from of the plague that some say has and what they want: everyday citi- and anti-war protests of the past At least two cross-dresserswere parents with their grown gay chil- built sympathy for the gay cause - zens seeking an end to legal dis- quarter-century. on the program, including a male dren to gay parents pushing their - a “Safe Sex in the 90s” T-shirt, a crimination that threatens their Some same-sex couples held comedian who poked fun at straight toddlers in strollers. There were display ofthe AIDS quilt memori- jobs, privacy and peace of mind. hands or hugged Sunday in an fears about letting gays into the disabled people in wheelchairs, alizing victims, and marchers rav- “We are the new American atmospherethey describedasmore military. and a separate group of marchers aged by AIDS. “We’ve been too refugees, coming home from ex- comfortable and supportive than The subject spoke volumes with AIDS. long at thatgraveyard, fortoomany ile,” Torie Osborn, executive di- what they encountered in their about the historic moment. The T-shirts and banners advertised ‘men a-crying,” went the words to rector of the National Gay and daily lives. first gay march on Washington attitudes from humorous to defi- one song during the program. Lesbian Task Force, exhorted the “You can walk around holding since 1987, in the planning for two ant. “It’s not just a phase,” and “I have a lot of hopes,” said mellow, enthusiastic crowd. hands and being completely natu- years, came in the first 100 days of “Friend or phobe?” “I can’t even Raymond Kerr, 34, of Monterey, “We won’t compromise our ral with each other without fear,” the first White House openly sym- think straight” and “Hate is not a Calif., painfully thin and seated in freedom. We won’t negotiate our said Chris Triebert, 41, a graphic pathetic to gay aspirations. family value” and, in a sign of the a wheelchair. “It’s not like gay freedom away so those who have designer from Brattleboro, Vt. Clinton, who invited gay lead- times, “We’re here, we’re queer, pride marches which are fun, our ers to a White House meeting ear- we have E-mail.” version of the Mardi Gras. We’re lier this month, lent support from From North Carolina came the really here for our rights this time.” adistance. In aspeech in Boston to Pride Marching Band. From Colo- newspaper editors, he said he had rado came Buddhists for Civil Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Ca- paid a political price for trying to Rights Justice. There were lesbian lif., sponsor of major AIDS legis- Spend three weeks as a student volunteer end the military ban. social workers from Kansas, gay lation in Congress, called the day working and living at army base. In a message to marchers, he cowboys from the Mid-Atlantic a solemn one to acknowledge declared, “I stand with you in the Gay Rodeo Association, and gay . “those who lived their lives in struggle for equality for all Ameri- American Indians who assembled closets in’ fear of discovery, who Six month open return ticke died bf government neglect of I cans, includinggay men and lesbi- under a huge monument to World ans.” War I heroes. AIDS.” But he added: “This is the Thousands of people came not Some marchers said they were beginning oftheendofthose days.” ’ for the rhetoric, but to shatter by angered by Clinton’s absence, but Forthose from Colorado,where ’ their presence the stereotypesthat others said it was politically astute voters passed a law banning state LOW PRICES others have about them. and better in the long run. or local gay-rights ordinances, INCLUDES ROUNDTRIP AIRPARE. ROOM. “All gays aren’t flaming “I don’t want the right to have those days are far from over. KOSHER BOARD &TOURS queens,” said Steve Starr, 43, a fodder. I don’t want the right to Denver travel agent marching have a picture of him standing Said Jacobson, the telephone * Departing from New York alongside Robert Jacobson, 37, a with us,” said John McJunkin, 32, technician: “It’s the hate state.” begining 5.23,,5.31,6.2,6.5, 1993 call for other dater and cities. Hope to see you soon. C’mon, be a sport! Contact: National Student Join the Daily sports team by Coordinator

330 WEST 42ND STREET calling Phil, Doug, or Marc at UNTEERS SUITE 1818 NEW YORK. NY 10036-6902 627-3090 212 643-4848 FAX 212 643-4855 APRIL 28 APR1L281 P ARTY

to benefit AIDS Research


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Buses leave the Campus Center starting at 9:OO p.m. page ten THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 26,1993 Clinton vows to ‘Bust a gut’ for Try something overhaul of health care svstern BOSTON (AP) -- At times re- He renewed his support for Looking ahead to the far-reach- flective and at times bristling with Boris Yeltsin’s reform movement ing national health care program different... frustration,President Clinton wor- on the day the Russian leader was Clinton has proposed, he said: ried Sunday over the defeat of his up for a public vote of confidence. “What are we going to do about jobs bill, vowing to “bust a gut” to Clinton said he had deliber- health care? We cannot go on ig- deliver economic and health re- ately avoided personal contact with noring the fundamentalproblems.” forms as his administration moves Yeltsin in recent days lest he hurt “We can do better. We must,” beyond the 100-day landmark. the Russian leader’s prospects in he said. “We’re going to bust a gut In a speech to the Newspaper the referendum. But he insisted, trying in this administration.We’re Association of America, Clinton “We need to be in this for the long going to do our best.” also expressed exasperation with term with him.” Ofhis snaggedefforts to get his the ongoing ethnic violence in He predicted Yeltsin would do jobs-stimulus measure through Bosnia, calling it “the most diffi- well in the referendum and said he Congress7Clinton mentioned that. cult foreign policy problem this planned to call Yeltsin “theminute he had not campaigned SPecifi- country faces.” it is appropriate.” cally on such a program -- but that Displaying sensitivity on his Defending his focus on Russia, the lack ofjob creation in the cur- accomplishments to date, Clinton Clinton said, “I know the polls rent recovery Prompted it. told the publishers, “You have to show that the American people He said he decided to push it have a realistic feeling of how think the president of the United “&en though it was not Part of my ISRAELI long it takes to get these things States should not have spent time CmPaign” because of the Slug- done. ...That’s whyyougetafour- or their money on Russia but I gish economy. yearterm, not athree-month term,” respectfully disagree.” Clinton belatedly accepted the He said he regretted the tone of Asked during a question-and- publishers’ invitation to speak partisanship that ensnarled pieces session why he wasn’t doing more amid speculation he was trying to DANCING of his economic program. on Bosnia, Clinton tensed up and avoid Washington during He chided Senate Republicans retorted, “Suppose you tell me Sunday’s big gay rights march in for blocking his $12 billion jobs what you think we ought to do and Washington. Every Monday evening from bill and held out the hope for bi- what the end of it will be?’ The president reaffirmed his partisan cooperation on future ini- He said the administration has support for gay rights in his speech 7:30 - 8:30 pni in the Curtis Hall tiatives. spent immense amounts of time and in a written statement released “We cannot solve the problems on the problem and pledged, “We at the march that said, “I stand Lounge, you can learn to shuffle of the country if every last issue are going to do everything we thing with you in the struggle for equal- that comes up, just because the we can.” ity for all Americans, including your feet to Israeli music, get to president recommendsit ... attracts After a rocky week in which gay men and lesbians.” onlymembers ofmy party. I don’t Clinton suffered his first major Later, Clinton toured an Ital- know interesting people, work up want that,” he said. legislative defeat, the president ian-American neighborhood in a good sweat, laugh a lot, and Summing up his progress to sought to regain momentum by Boston’sNorthEnd,shakinghands date, Clinton said, “In the first 96 stressing the early successes of his with well-wishers and, accompa- have fun. We have good teachers, days ofthis administration, I think presidency. nied by Sens. Edward Kennedy we have begun to fundamentally He pointed to swift congres- and John Kerry, D-Mass., stop- it’s free and open for everyone . change the direction taken by the sional passage of his $500 billion ping briefly in a pastry shop. government overthe past decade.” deficit-reduction program, record The president also met with a at Tufts to enjoy! He pledged to mark Day 100 - low interest rates and initiatives group of teen-agers who had had - Friday on the Clinton calendar - Sponsored by Tufts Israel Network- for health care reform and other their letters to the president pub- For more info call Jen at 629-8163 - by issuing details for his plan to domestic policy fronts. lished in a youth newspaper. They let students repay college loans He added: “When people say to presented him with a six-foot long through community service. me, *Well,what did you do in your pencil. “Everything I talked about in first 100 days,’ 1say;Whatdidthe “Don’t stop caring, don’t stop the campaign is being done,” he other guys do in their first 100 getting involved,” he told them. said. days.”,

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A Public Service of the USDh IIKC Call 629-8409 by May 2nd and your State Forester ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRE

-* and ask for Kore The- is looking for an experienced Layout Editor. Only those that are “We need more wax,” yelped the production hiliar with Pagemaker, Freehand and Photoshop on the Mac need apply. manager, because who couldn’t use more wax sometimes? The world is really all one big ball of wax, and we are all just surviving, trying our best not to be too wacky, er, waxy, that is. Monday, April 26,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page eleven More Letters to the Editor LETTERS old grievance. For verification of As to the political bent or National Guard looks continued from page 2 this point, you need only talk to Klein’s letter, I feel Imust address insensitive statements about any person on this campus whose his assertion that Israel has not for victims of tornado American Jews. I also feel that family survived the Holocaust. It violated international law by their Klein,inrefutingal-Mutawa’sand is very much a part of us today. occupation of the West Bank and TULSA, Okla. (AP)--National rubble. Garbage clungtothe Iimm Schliesser’s arguments, was in- Thereason weneedto “nurse”our Gam. My studies on the subject Guardsmen searched formorevic- of trees. Utility crews worked correct to label those statements humiliation and injustices is be- have demonstrated unquestion- tims amid tornado debris and sur- through the night to remove as anti-Semitic. Lastly, I want to cause we are still in the process of ably that Israel & violated inter- vivors collected scattered belong- downed power lines. correct Klein’s assertion that Is- healing individually and as a national law. Territorieswhich are ings Sunday after the twister that People knelt precariously on rael has not violated international people. As for the accusation of acquired by war must be either killed at least seven people. the ruins of their businesses and law. Jews self-inflicting fear, this sug- annexed or relinquished after the “ThiSjuStflattenedeverything,” homes to reach for belongings. Al-Mutawa and Schliesser say gests that all the anti-Semitism hostilities have ended. Israel’s25- . Gov. David Walters said after see- ‘LAlot of just want to the following things about Ameri- going on today is not frightening year occupation is an unprec- ing the damage in Tulsa and sub- give up; Dirck said. can Jews: “[They] live in... a self- ornoteworthy. I will listjust a few edented violation of this law. Ad- urban Catoosa. The tornado struck a few min- inflicted fear ... [which] is ‘a recent examples of very real ha- ditionally,TheUN(withtheusua1 More than 95 People were Utes after Tulsa’s tornado sirens chronic usually bitter exaggera- tred against Jews in our area: the abstention of the US) has con- treated for injuries ranging from sounded. tion and ‘nursing’ of humiliation, swastikason campus; the desecra- demned Israel’s actions against cuts to bums. defeats and.... [They] complain a tion of a Jewish cemetery in Palestinians on many occasions, The twister toppled a church in After destroying a church and great deal about having been vic- Everett last week; the ad which but these condemnations have Tulsa. In Catoosa, itdemolishedat knocking down power lines in timized or unfairly treated.... They the HolocaustRevisionists wanted been paid no heed. Amnesty In- least 60 mobile homes, 23 houses downtown Tulsa, the twister lifted have a marked tendency of exag- to.put in the Daily last year. These ternational has condemned Israel and several businesses, Police UP and touched down again five geratingtheirsuffering... andcan’t are examples of blatant hatred for various human rights viola- Chief Benny Dirck said. miles to the east, moving along seem to ‘close the door’ on old against Jews right here in the Bos- tions, including: torture of prison- Walters said authorities were Interstate 44. It swept away cars grievances.” These statements ton metrogea. ers, arrests without just cause, lookingfora4-year-old boy miss- and trucks and blitzed the truck seem to imply that the injustices Despite all this, I maintain that expulsion ofprisoners, banning of ing since the tornado hit Saturday stop where Walters visited, along and massacres which have been al-Mutawa and Schliesserare not, organizations, and curfews. If we night. But police later said they with a nearby truck stop, before done to the Jewish people, not as Klein claims, anti-Semitic. I want to be taken seriously by the had been searching for a child hitting downtown Catoosa. only during the Holocaust, but at think they are merely ignorant, or global community, we must ac- missing from a wrecked van until “There were pieces as big as a various points in history, were in- very insensitive. They don’t hate knowledge the evils that are done the body of a 7-year-old girl was semi twirling in the wind,” said significant and should be forgot- Jews; they just don’t sympathize by Jews, as well as those done to found. Dirck, who lives threeblocks from tenornottalkedabout.Al-Mutawa with us. I think there is a big Jews. And we must work as State emergency director Tom the hardest-hit area. “It looked like and Schliesser shouldknow that it difference betweenthetwo.Ithink strongly to stop one as we do for Feuerborn called a damage esti- the whole funnel was lit up. it was is impossible either to exaggerate we need to be carefbl not to defeat the other. mate of$lOO mil1ion“very loose.” really eerie.” or to close the door on the Holo- our own cause by decrying anti- He said he hoped to have better About 20 people were eating at caust, which is far from being an Semitism where it does not exist. Yvette Neisser LA’95 totals after teams from the state the restaurant in the demolished and the Federal Emergency Man- truck stop when the tOmad0 was agement Agency checked thearea. sighted through awindow. Worker - Feueiborn’s state Department Jeremy Bennett used his time of Emergency Management’ini- Wisely after someone came in The Features Department would tially reported 10 deaths, based on screaming that a tornado was ap- reports from ambulance services, proaching. like to use this space to say that but he said Sunday seven deaths had been H~ said 16 In less than a minute, Bennett you should both recycle this people had been admitted to has- turned off all the pilot lights on the pitals. stove, covered grease vats with newspaper and write features Walters sent about 1OONational lids, and unplugged a microwave Guardsmen to Catoosa and saidhe ovenandplaceditontopofthelids would ask President Clinton for a to them from blowing Off. disaster declaration to make fed- “There’s no how era1 funds available. lives that saved,” said Pat “We will ask early and Marchbanks, owner of the truck Walters said, standing in front of tornado came right the truck stopwhere strips ofshred- through here. We could have had a dedmetalroofdangled like Christ- fire Or even an exP1osion.” mas tree tinsel. Tractor-trailerrigs wereturned over in the truck stop’s The tornado next hit a residen- parking lot. tial area, then bore down on House were left without walls Catoosa’s business district, where or roofs. Cars rested atop piles of it leveled two restaurants. page twelve THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 26,1993 Tufts must assess itself INAUGURATION “The New Shape of Fellowship.” from 1988 until her recent govern- tion that as citizens we have duties tions as a leading nutritionist and continued from page 1 The poem’s central theme was a ment appoint-ment. Indicating to one another “beyond living by academician.“He was truly a world “We must never cease trying to call for change. Shalala’s “people’s department,” the law.” citizen,” she said, adding that his make the future better,” he con- Sheldon M. Wolff, physician- Gittleman said, “We the people Before looking to the role of greatest legacy is an ethos of pub- cluded. in-chief at the New England Medi- are her constituency.” service in contemporary society, lic service here at Tufts. In greeting the assembly, cal Center and Endicott professor In her succinct speech, Shalala Shalala traced the tradition of Val- Continuingin this tradition will Dartmouth College President and chairman ofthe department of covered the virtues of DiBiaggio, ues of service in Massachusetts. be DiBiaggio, she said, since he James Oliver Freedman focused medicine in the Tufts University the centennial celebration of the She said,thetradition dates back to advocates service. “He brings a on DiBiaggio personally and con- the Pilgrims andcontinuesthrough moral vision to his work here at gratulatedhim. Freedman saidthat the state’s center of the Abolition Tufts,” she said. trying to describe DiBiaggio’s movement, its distinction as the Shalala concluded by saying personal qualities was “the rhe- first state to let blacks serve in the that a great university needs to torical equivalentofgilding a lily.” Civil War, and its leading the “empower students and encour- In addition, according to Freed- movement for women’s equality. age them to give something of man, the appointmentofDiBiaggio In light of problems such as themselves.” to the Tufts presidency is “an act AIDS, health care, and the con- After Chairman ofthe Board of for which higher education can be tinuing struggle for civil rights, Trustees Nelson Gifford invested grateful... this is therefore a day Shalala said national service is. DiBiaggio the “official medal of for rejoicing.” especially vital. She believes that office” a two-cannon salute was Freedman offered his concep- Clinton’s initiative ofnational ser- sounded at exactly noon. tion of DiBiaggio’s ideals, saying vice will challenge Americans to . “At least we started with a that DiBiaggio will champion the “get down to the grass roots” and bang,” DiBiaggio responded in cause of liberal education, encour- give of themselves while in return opening his inaugural address. aging students to stretch them- receiving a sense of belonging and DiBiaggio said that the upcom- selves. creative methods to fiance edu- ing period represents a test of in- The following three speakers, Photo bv Juan Mavoral cation. tellect, emotions, fortitude, and I-. all representing various schools An international assortment of flags was displayed at the According to Shalala, the ad- responsibility; the Coming decade within Tufts, praised DiBiaggio inauguration ceremony to represent Tufts students’ countries. ministration is investing innational marks a border between two cen- while urging him to use his quali- service not only because of needs turies, SO it will be a test to con- fications- to-strongly lead Tufts. School of Medicine, had a bleaker first woman Tufts student, the in the communky but also because tinue the tradition of educational Joan C. King, professor and chair outlbok than his preceding speak- wonders of private higher educa- “young people want asocial voice; excellence and great risks. Fur- of anatomy and cellular biology ers. “You arrived at a critical time tion, and finally, national service. they dream of a better future for all ther, the “starting point today is and director of Tufts’ Reproduc- for US,”and indeed, for all private Expressing her honor at appearing of us.” 1 shaped by the past,” he said. tive Center, concentrated on relat- medical schools, ‘he said to at the inauguration, Shalala called Shalala commended Tufts stu- Optimism and praise for Tufts ing DiBiaggio’s strengths to the DiBiaggio. Wolff mentioned the attention to the Tufts’ “Year ofthe dents’ dedication to service, mani- CharacterizedDiBiaggio’s speech. future of Tufts. “Your leadership 3,000-membermedical school fac- Woman,”as DiBiaggio has dubbed fested especially in the work ofthe He quoted first University Presi- and vision will be especially sig- ulty (full- and part-time) and the it. Leonard Carmichael Society. In dent Hosea Ballou, who said, “If nificant” in light ofthe need ofthe medical school’s outstanding Shalala began by pointing out addition, she applauded the Tufts College is to be a source of health sciences in achanging soci- record in biomedical science and that an inauguration is a happy University’s spirit of service be- illumination...its . influence will ety, she said. In particular, the care. He said that the medical occasion, and this one was a cel- yond the borders of America, be all light will be diffu- University needs DiBiaggio to school now faces another period ebration ofTufts and the contribu- where it plays a positive role in sive.” Correspondingly, Tufts meet the challenges ofsuch asoci- of change given the changes in tions of DiBiaggio. She noted, causes such as political refugees hoi??P-*bal influence, doing ety. health care instituted by President however, that “it’s not an easy and the environment. work all over theglobe,. DiBiaggio According to King, Tufts is at Clinton. time for any of our colleges or Furthermore, Shalaiapaidhom- said: the forefront of biomedical sci- According to Wolff, the re- universities,” but that the “great age to former University Presi- Mentioningevolving esGbIish- ence despite physical and finan- forms will adversely affect teach- private system will survive” be- dent Jean Mayer, saying he exem- ments such as technology and the cial constraints. She appealed to ing and postgraduate education, cause it adjusts slowly andthought- plified the spirit of community biomedical fields and the concur- DiBiaggio’s background in health and private medical schools such fully to change. She attributed this service through his work in the see INAUGURATION, page l3 administration as a resource to as Tufts must guard against re- characteristic to the fact that in French Resistance and contribu- ensure that Tufts retains this posi- turning to the format of appren- private education, every call for tion. ticeship. Like King and Mitchell, change deserves careful review. Assistant Professor of Interna- Wolff looked to DiBiaggio for Shalala said that she is pleased tional Politics at the Department leadership in changing times. to see the range of people attend- of Political Science and the After a musical interlude, ing colleges and universities.“I’m Fletcher School of Law and Di- Shalala delivered the keynote ad- convinced that progress will con- plomacy George Mitchell symbol- dress. Appropriate to Shalala’s tinue as long as we continue to ized the interdisciplinary and theme ofnational service, in intro- attract talented leaders like John intercultural emphases of Tufts. ducing Shalala, Provost Sol DiBiaggio,” she said. He said DiBiaggio would use his Gittleman praised Shalalafor dedi- Shalala then shifted her focus high office and personal qualities cating her life to serving society. to service, calling it “as American Youke done for your \ to keep the many components of In particular, he said Shalala has as the GI bill” and other establish- ads the Tufts community together. He the ability to balance risks and ments which encourage people to also alluded to DiBiaggio’s com- pragmatism. For example, she took contribute and find a way to thank club. You’ve worked on mitment to international under- a stand to improve the quality of them. Some values she considers standing. Mitchell concluded his the University of Wisconsin, for integral to service are its making presentation by quoting a poem, which she served as chancellor all individuals equal and the no- newsletters, flyers, Posters, tickets. ‘You wmt to get paid for your work

Call 629-8409 by May 2nd and ask for Kore The lurnlx, is looking for an experienced Layout Editor. Only those that are hiliarwith I’agemaker, Freehand and Pl1otoshop on the Mac need apply. W Send far frcc dc;criptivc catalog Qrcall boll-lrcc 1-8(30.341-1741 for nwc idorinallon, Monday, April 26,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page thirteen ‘Future is waiting’ Offensive linemen again the premium INAUGURATION Tufts.” he said. TO achieve this end, there has DRAFT departed Martin Mayhew at cor- to settle for Holmes. That was continued from page 12 continued from page 5 ner for the Redskins; Houston recently been created a task force more free agency fallout -- the rent striving for a more humane Ik~erand I-k”I traded UP needed an offensive lineman to Eagles lost right tackle Ron Heller and social structure, DiBiaggio on public service, whose goal is to compose a three-year program to to get their Picks -- Denver from replace Don Maggs, who signed and will try to replace him with said, “In all of this Tufts Univer- bring resources to bear on public 14th to 1 Ith in a trade with Cleve- with Denver, and the Colts had to Holmes. sity is a dynamic university” which land; Houston from 19th to 13th in have the departed Billy Brooks in service. “We should see this a New Orleans then moved up to is constantly changing. as a deal with Philadelphia. mind when they chose Dawkins. time of consolidation and focus,” choose tight end Irv Smith, the In the midst of a changing The Browns took center Steve AS during free agency, there fourth Notre Damer to go and so that the individual schools Everitt of Michigan. Green Bay was a premium on offensive line- world, each day a Tufts faculty within Tufts each develop a unique Minnesota took Ohio State run- member changes a life through followed by choosing linebacker men. role and contribution. ning back Robert Smith. San Di- teaching or research, all the fac- At the same time, DiBiaggio Wayne Simmons Of Clemson; In- When Phoenix traded up with ego took cornerback Darrien Gor- ulty believe in teamwork and in- dianapolis went for wide receiver Sari Francisco to get the 18th pick cited the need to make Tufts ac- don of Stanford; Pittsburgh went stilling intellectual integrity, he Of California; and of the draft, they took offensive cessible to a more diverse student for defensive back said. population. To achieve this, he COrnehack ‘bm Chrter of Notre tackle of South Caro- of Colorado and Philadelphiatook Moreover, “our students, those Dame went to Washington. lina. He was the fifth offensive said, the University must increase another Colorado player, .defen- Many of those early Picks lineman to bechosen of those first who chose Tufts, are already spe- its endowment and financial aid. sive lineman . cial people” who are among the He proposed making the most of showedthe impact offree agency. 18. Then Philadelphia took a sixth Miami then chose wide receiver brightest in the country and are the current resources by living Atlanta, which lost its starting -- , a guard from O.J. McDuffie of Penn State and committed to service, he said. within our means while maintain- guards under the new system, Jackson State with No. 19 San Francisco took two defensive DiBiaggio also exulted in the dedi- ing the quality of the programs in chose Kennedy rather than a All ofthose came from maneu- cation of alumni and the ability of needed defensive back and the vering -- the Oilers jumped over linemen -- of the University’s mission. “Our Kansas and Todd Kelly of Ten- the University Board of the Trust- challenges are very large indeed,” Rams lost their fullback, Robert the Browns to grab offensive line- nessee -- to help fill the gaps cre- ees to “ensure fiscal soundness” he said. Delpino and replaced him with man of Illinois, then ated by the loss of free agents with expertise. In order to form a vision of the Bettis. the Cards jumped over the Eagles Pierce Holt and Tim Harris. Like the speakerswho appealed University, DiBiaggio stresses Carter was taken to replace the to grab Dye, forcing Philadelphia to his guidance, DiBiaggio was open discussion and he has al- realistic. Thanksto arecent period ready initiated discussion by issu- Fair successful .despite weather ’ ofgrowth,the University has added ing an “open letter” asking for programs, expanded services, and opinions on the state of Tufts. He JUMBOFEST constructedneeded buildings, put- said many responses recom- continued from page 1 contribution to financial aid but I “They all did a great job,” said Brinn. “Alison did an outstanding ting it “among the most respected mended seeking a common goal, don’t know how much money we job. Her heart was in the right colleges and universities in the reassessing what Tufts has and have needed 15 people per hour to ended up with. Also, it was pretty place and her skills are legendary country.” However, he said, the creating innovative programs fit- caddy so it got bagged.” costly,” said Feiner. in pulling this together.” University mustnow speakto times ting society. Another consensusof Feiner said that she was unsure The committee, known as the that have changed philosophically about whether or not JUMBOfest “Friday Group,” consists of Brinn, JUMBOfest lasted for five responses accentuatedthe warmth, and fiscally, “seek[ing] a balance raised money from the dunk booth Feiner, Ravitz, sophomore Eva hours, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on caring, and mutual respect that between harsh physical difficul- or food. Hatch, and freshmen senators Friday. ‘‘make Tufts not an institution but ties and [the] lofty goals of higher “We had intended to make a Doug Chitel and Mike Hannallah. a family.” “Ideas without education.” humanity... are nothing more than Despite the painful reality, intellectual and technological ego- DiBiaggio does not see a need to Shalala and DiBiaggio share philosophies tism,” he said. compromise excellence.He noted CONFERENCE ’ that in contrast to the emphasis on Finally, DiBiaggio said “there continued from page 1 individual prosperity of decades is no straight path to our himself is a former governor, he prove upon. She has dubbed her has already been done,” she said. past, the necessity for public ser- destiny... The past is watching us. understands this necessity, Shalala She stressedchildren’srights, say- vice is coming into relief. “We The future is waiting. We agency the “people’s department,” said. Also, the new model for health as it is concerned with the main ing that enforcing child support have the opportunitytoday to make cannot... we must not disappoint care delivery is broader than the payments must be a large part of public service a defining factor of them.” health, welfare, food and drug old one, regarding the duties of safety, medical research, and in- the welfare reform. nurse practitioners as well as those come security programs affecting DiBiaggio then joined Shalala of other health care givers. “The Americans. Shalala’saccomplish- and their friendly banter lent an’ new model has to be broader than ments reflect her personal interest informal air to the occasion. After thisnarrow [medicalsystem],” she in issues involving health, chil- alluding to each other’s athletic said. dren, families, minorities, and interests, DiBiaggio and Shalala Responding to a question about women. Between 1977 and 1980, discussed their common ideas re- areported low morale in the young as assistant secretary for policy garding higher education. Head- presidential administration, development and research for the ing Big Ten universities simulta- neously, DiBiaggio and Shalala Shalala said she was the wrong Department of Housing and Ur- * The Plight of person to ask because “I’m having ban Development,she established “believe in the same things,” the time of my life.” She said that hdingfor battered women’s shel- DiBiaggio said. He said both ar- she is enthusiastic and that those ters and commissioned studies of gued for gender equity in athlet- Tibet involved in the reform “don’t even the housing needs of families ics;“Ithinkwedidmakeprogress,” need [their] second wind yet” and headed by women. Shalala has he added. are “just getting started.” also served on the board of the He‘went on to praise Shalala However, Shalala said that “af- Children’s Defense Fund and in for having changed the Big Ten ter 12 years ofneglect” the Clinton 1992 became the organization’s into an academic as well as an administration .has a lot to im- chair. athletic conference. “I feel hon- oredand delightedthat she’shere,” Derick Denniston and that she took time from her busy scheduleto speak at the inau- ‘ Worldwatch Institute Staff Researcher guration, DiBiaggio said. Derek recently completed an article on Tibet’s environment for the MCCARTHY May/June issue of Worldwatch magazine. He is going to present on Tibet’s environment, past and present. His talk includes slides from Tibet. SELFSTORAGE Tibetian Scholar studying at Harvard University. 396-7724 Marie-Franze Heliere of the U.S.Tibet Committee is currently working to acquire a Tibetian Scholar to speak at Tufts on the Human Side of the Occupation. She is going to provide a 15 22 Harvard Street, Medford minute video entitled ”Tibet in Exile“. 0 STUDENT AIR FARES 0 IURAIL ME3 stuff us 0 INnRNATIONAL STUDENT Store your with this summer! 14:s 0 YOUTH HOSTEL CARDS Our 6th year serving Tufts students urs GO BOOKS BACKPACKS April 26th, Monday night at 7:OOpm Adjacent to Mystic Ave. / Harvard St. 1 MONCYBtLTS AND MORL! Barnum 104 8 sizes - Open 7 days Sponsored by Tufts Environmental Consciousness Outreach (ECO) as pan of Earth Month the Urban Environmental Policy School, the Peace and Justice Studies P.O. boxes available Department, the Religion Department, the Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Center for Enwonmental Managment MC / VISA / AMEX ss. 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Are you in a lovely W Medford home avail Luxurynell sublet mndering how you're going to fit all 1 rm in Ig Boston Ave condo Great GET ALL WRAPPED UP now or fall. Sunny 8 spacious, 3rd flr Medford . our info in those tiny spaces? Are SPRING FLING HAIR WRAPS! u/3 of your fnends, Sol Gittleman. 8 privacy, phone jack, all utils incl, 10 walking dist to Tufts. Excl lorimnd 3 roommate Fully furn. pkg. possible ou concerned where you'll find the Let Joseph wrap a piece of your hair ;ADD/BACCHUS in aTwsterTour- min busridetoTufts. nearmmm rail. bdrm apt, W/D, yard, porches, pkg. summer glorspnng $375ho+utils metodo itall beforethedeadlines? in 2-5 colors to add a decorative lament @Midnight Cafethls Fnfrom $275 and $250. lower w/child care. no pets. Avail 6/1 or negot. Price: Call Billy at 3955947 \re your Personal Statement 8 Re design to your head. Only $lo! (less 10-11pmintheCampusC~nter Call Call 396-7005 before 9pm. lv. mes- $850. Call 354-451 1 or 684-2282. ,ume professionallytypeset 8 laser if you have short hair) Look for him sage. Summer sublet irinted on high quality paper in a rracy, 629-8694, to register your 1 bdrm avail in 3 bdrm apt Close to on the lawn at the concert. earn Own Private Bathroom ypestyle that's attractive? No need On PowderhouseBlvd Summer sublet avail, Ig rm in beau- campus, Dearborn Rd, WID Pkg fret - CALL FRAN AT 3955921, a To the one who knows the song 3rdflr, 5rms-allutils.Avail9~-don't tiful newly-ren apt. 10 min walk from aval Rent $275/mo + lButils For p6kialist in making your applica- Thanks for coming home 8 waiting wait1 $900. Call Pat, 508-689-4332. Tulls, hdwd flrs. 391 -4704. SO nice, more info, call Naomi 629-9261 ions, personalstatement. 8 resume for me to get back from IHOP. I'm it doesn't look like a student apt! LS appealing as possible. For Sale Summer sublet- June & July sorryyou don't like the new addition Simply luxurious . Need helpTUTORING w/ Chemistry (except to my head, I might croy! 5 more Nice, sunny stroll from C~DUS 2 professlonalwomen & cat 1 bdrm subletting for 2nd summer earlies! Love, fair skinned woman. Cheaprent.3bdrms. newly ren.'Call seekfriendly, responsible grad stu- session lncl W/D. d w , carpeted CHEAP FURNITURE Melissa 8 Lauren, 629-8078, Shari flr, NC, hot water, 1/2-furn. only irganic), Math, Slats, Thermo, unit dent to share 3 bdrm apt. 2 blocks ips, or physics? MIT Chemical En- Desks 8 chair- $25 8 75; bed- $40; 629-9390. ' . ,- $4OO/mo Call 628-1530. k mes- Scott & Snuffles from DavisT. Deckoverlookingpark ~ineerlnggradstudentavailnights 8 Thanks lorcheering me up the other dressers- $65, 15, 25; love seat- lOminwalktoTuIts.$312.50+.Water we $20;lamp $10; bookcases- $30, . SUMMER SUBLET Neekends lor on campus tutoring. night. You're both great. Love, Mez. incl. Call 6286868. blO/hr. Call Mike at 395-0723. PS. Now I have feathers in my hair. 15; bike w/lock- $50.Call 391-5738 2 grad students seeking non-smok- MEOW... eves or message. Package deal- ing femalelor 3 bdrm apt. May 1st - 3 bdrm apt 2 bdrms aval for summer sublet in negot. Aug 31st. 10 minute walk to Tufts. beautiful 3 bdrm apt flrs. W/ "RESUMES" GALA TICKET nearPorterSq,lvrm,dinrm.walkto whdwd LASERTYPESET Closeto2bus routes. Rent$233/mo D. free pkg Also looking for Want an extra $20 ticket for $lo? bus 8 T, safe neighborhood off4 a yr- $25.00 3055921 Call Rob at 629-6744. Student Microscope + util. 391-9571. pkg, avail now, $850+,6251'w. round roommate beginning6A or9/ - new Monocular w/90' adjustment Impressive LaserTypeset Resumes, 1 Female non-smolung feline-lov- leaturing computer storage for fu- 36mm 5X 1OX 40X objectives both Summer and Fall! 2 or 3 bdrm apt ers only Call Michelle or Jocelyn at E-WO!! :ure updating. Your choice 01 Team meeting 645 Packard. Mon- 10x816Xeyepieces 15wattillumi- 2 Wrm in 4 bdrm apt. Avail in May. lorJune. July, Augsublet.$700hO. 391-0853 $26711110 nator adjustments fine rack 8 pinion $200ho + utils. Close to campus, lypestyles, incl. bold, italics. bullets, day at 10:00! Mandatory- call acap- walking dist to college. Questions?: itc on Strathmore paper. Have your tain if you can't make it (8call before focusing STAT Lab 8 Medical. Inc. Boston Ave. Call 396-6256 POOL!! call Tony 391-5073. cover letters done to match your tonight please!) 1-800334-4756. $300,$350W/mnY Sublet June lSept 1. Lg, sunny rm case. Rentals avail. Summer Sublet avail in quiet 2 bdrm apt wkwim. Resumel 1day serviw avail. 5 min. FOR A GOOD TI ME... homTufts. (Member of PARW: Prc- I E-Wo 314 bdrm, 2 bath, large, sunny, spa- or a great summer sublet ... great pool. Poss lease lor fall. Perfect for, lessional Assoc. of Resume Writ- Mount Mowoko (remember the Brother Word Processor cious 2 flr Apt. in House. 2 decks, ioc, right behind Wren. 4single rms grad student, 5 mins from campus. lor sale. perfect cond 8 exlra ribbon backyard, $1140 + uti1 (Sept. Op- ~rs.Call for FREE "Resume/Cover chiel!?!),TCB, IC. 8 PinkElephants ... avail. Kit. pkg, 2 porches. hdwd Call Brooke. 629-2773. Letter Guidelines.") we are all so huge! cartridges, incl. $1 50 obo. Call tion) NearTuIts (2 blocks) + DavkT NC. Avail Junel-Sepl .Great pnce. Heather 393-9824. Summer/whole year Call Jon at 629-9346. , apt for rent. Beautiful 2 (huge) Wrm/ word processing or typing COMIC BOOK COLLECTION. GREAT LOCATION- AND Also, of HUGE Mahogany dresser CHEAP! hdwdRrs,LR. DR,garage,2porches student papers, grad school appli- CHEAP Summer Sublet on Curtis Ave, call 776-9730. Willing to piecemeal. Approximately for sale, 9 drawers 8 Ig. mirror. De- Summer Sublet practically on Cam- cations, personal statements, the- 3 rms lor rent. 1 block from campus. multiple letters, tapes tran- 1600 comics, mostly 1980s DC 8 livery assistance can be arranged. pus -Across st from Fletcher Field. Nice house. Wm. d.w., part furn. ses, Call Tim 629-9632. $100 obo. All furnished Rms. 1,2,3 or 4 avail. 2 Enjoy the summer sublet scribed, laser printing, Fax Service, Marvel. lncludesvarious tdseries 8 $200/mo. Call Ray, 508-251-9717. w/us. Beautilul 5 bdrm apt on Sun- #Is, induding Web of Spiderman 8 kits 12 bath /2 porches. Call Dave @ etc. CALL FRANCES ANYTIME AT I'm selling top quality 396-1471 . Enormous apt lor rent set Rd as 2 Wrms left for summer 3955921. Punisher War Journal. Call Jason hdwd flrs, lots of sun, next to cam- sublet! Right by campus, WID. ei 629-9208. Advent speakers, Blizzard skis 8 -TYPING AND WORD- Nordicaboots8 poles. Everything is Big Apt For Lease pus. Call for details. Ask for Jenn or kit, 2 big porches, 2 baths 8 great Danielle at 666-5213. Rent: $7001 hwsemates! Rent $250/neg. Please PROCESSING SERVICE Ad Hoc Committee Against in perfect cond. Price negot. Call Summer-9or12mos.3bdrm,6rms. 395-5921 D.J. at 628-7675. mo. please PLEASE call 626-7470. Hate eat-in I&,oll-st pkg, wlin 5 min walk Student papers,theses, gradschool 8 all other concerned students: the to Campus Center. Call 617-944- pplications. personal statements, MUST SELL!? 3366 hick. Amazing summer sublet Jim Porter needs a roommate rally was great, but just the 1st step! avail6/1-9/1.2-3bdrms.partfurn.2 for this summer 8 next year. Super transcription. resumes, gradu- Organization meeting- Tuesday Apr Dorm size fridge $40, mid. fridge 1 great porches, off-st 8 garage pkg, dose to campus on scene Lovell St. Wfaculty projeas, muniple letters, 27 in Campus Center at 9pm. Moti- yrold$lM). Nicebamboonightstand College prof, spouse & child . 4MCAS. forms. Thorough knwl- vation 8 action! $7, TV stand $5 8 $8, bamboo lamp seek housing during June fellowship dose to campus! Rent rms indiv or Rent WOO+ utils. Nonsmoker grad whole place. Rent negot. Call 628- students pref. Call now 776-9017. dge of APA, MLA and Chicago $10, kitcounter$20.6~4lhickbrown at Tufts. Willing to swap our Danville, blanualsserPrinted of Style. 8spellcheckedwing All documents are Michaela Wrphy carpet $6, shoe box organizer fits 9 KY home (deck, hot tub, office) for 5457. Lv message. Free futon incll AI long last (8 not a moment too shoes $1 SO, dresser $20, twin bed yours. Willing to sublet or housesit. Rm avail NordPerlect3ateS. Quick turnaround.5.1. Reasonable Serving soon) a personal for you! Not a bad 8 mattress $50. call 646'-3528. Patrick 606-236-7316 or Anne 617- Summer sublet for either fall or spring or all Beautiful house in amazing loc! 3 93-94 lunch, huh? Still, it's too bad about 492-8185. school year. In a beautiful 3bdrm porches, backyard, pkg, W/D ... 5. ruftsstudents8 facuhyfor ioyear~. Carmichael. Oh well. Emanuel GREATDEALS house on 37 Winthrop. Pig, WID. imin. fromTufts.CALLFRANANY- lbanez studio guitar, $150. LUXURIOUS SUBLET! bdrms avail. Call Stephanie 629- great atmosphere, fun roommates. 2259. 'IME.3955921. (MemberolNASS- Kathleen N. Panasonic printer, $100. Sofa (2 Good price lor a lot of room. 5 furn Reasonable rent. Kna 6298076. ;&ices)Jational AssodationA+ WORD of PROCESS-Seaetarial I hope everything goes well tomor- person) $25. Call Billy at 395-5947. bdrms. 1.5 bath, garage, 2 porches, kfl, WID, only a min from campus! 4 Ig bdrm apt w/4 phone lines!. CHARMING, UOSE& C&'f-.> row. 8 no more jokes, right! Don't Convenient loc in 2-lam home. Lg YG - worry. Iwon't try anything anymore. Moving dtl-campus next year? Call 623-71 69. Fullyfurnishedsummersubht (beds, _c- kit, mod bath, AID, wd llrs. Ig fridge, \.. Yourfriend.Dopey.PS.ThanxK8A Forsale:TVstand$l5,7crates$l5. ' desks tables, pots &pans... )Porch, storage, pkg. front 8 back porch. lor the wind chime, I love it. multi-colored area rug $25, 2 sm NEXT TO TUFTS wm, iiv rm, kfl. fridge. 112 block rugs $10. Call Laura at 629-6733. Quiet neighborhood,new lg kit w/ Close to theater 8 Thus stop. Avail fromTufts.TeeleAve.rl bdns,W300/ 6/1. $lOOO/mo. Call 641-3352 or . ALL WELCOME fridge, d.w.. disposal, 20 oak cabi- mo.(negot.) Lv message 629-6269. 11 330-6026. . party at GoodTimes Billiards10ben- SMALL FRIDGE FOR SALE nets, new bath, whv carpets. w/d, $CASH PAID DAILY$ . It must go- price negot. Please call 8 porches, 3 bdrms, garages. Must Hey, where are you living this lOpositionsavaildays/evesEwknds. . eli AIDS Research. Wedr!edayApril Apt for rent 26, $5 tickets on sale in the IGC leave message at 3934.556. seethiscleanmodernunit. No realty summer? Great for students!!! Telemarketing office today, Tues. 8 Wed, from 11 fees. $950. (617)484-1642. 5 lg bdrms, Ig kit, 2 full baths, f8b We have a roomy wmdwd firs. householdproducts to helpthelocal porches. 5 min from Tufts. Summer apt to 1 upstairs in the Campus Center. Drum kit laundry facilities,-& a.p@ Space dsaQled!ll Souad easy? It isl! Call great cond. 11-pc Pearl set + 7 Summer Sublet: sublet welcome! Call Mary6254399. avail from June 1-Aug 31 for 12.3 391-3836; 508793-1555. Zamboni staff Zildjian cymbals; all hardware incl; 2 Bdrm, furnished lor Jun-Aug. 2nd people. For moreinfocallStefanieat b.o.629-9673. Barry. Lg bdrm wnireplace ALASKA SUMMER Manythanks for averyvery interest- flr w/ kit. Ig k rm. porch, study. Rent 6259573. EMPLOYMENT-tisheria ing production weekend! Never be- 750/mO + util. Call Mike or Rhonda avail for summer sublet in beautiful Bike lor sale- chisap!!! newly-ren Medford house. Private - Earn $600+hvk in canneries Qr lore have l been... scrod by Jester 628-4590. 79 Lowden Ave. (3 min . Beautiful, modern, 2-flr 4 112 $4OW/mo on fishing boats,, Free Hairston. Let's do it againsometime. PanasonicSport LXlOSpd road bike. from campus) bath attached to Wrm. 10 min walk bdrh apt. Very reliable. Good cord, obo. to Tufts. Lopking for grad student or transportation! Room 8 board! Over like next spring. -Whore $50 4 bdrm apt 5 blocks from &pus. Quiet st, openi&:Malebr female. For Please call Chris @627-7134. visiting scholar. Call Evelyn: 391- . 8ooo min to campus. quiet. clean, sunny, yard. garden, pkg.!W& carpeting, empfo ment program, call 1-206- ERIN "Still a Jill" HARRIS 4704. w/d, dw,fridge, 1 112 bats, LR. DR. pkgincl. modkfl,w/d, hdwdIlr$l200 Apartmeias for Rent!! -. 545-4r55 xA5q35. I am so happy for you! Congratula- Great furniture for sale! 866-1 170. $iioo/mo. Call Eric or Anne 646- tions on becoming a Jackson Jill! I Beds, dressers, desks, tables, heat 8 water incl. in rent. 6 min. walk ' ). &UEE SHIP EMPLOYMENT to campus avail June lst, 1993. 4. 9009. ., . hiringstudents.$300/900wldy. wuvyou. 8 I'IIseeyou inShreveport lamps, etc 8 a twice-used 171 College Ave-Q WhitfieM now thissumm&r!Youaremyone &only! Stairmaster. Great cond. great bdrm: $800,3 bdrm; $750.2 bdrm: MEDFORD ~ARTUFTS Summer/full time. Tour guides, gift 4bdrmapt. hdwdllrs.w/d,verynice. $650. Call days 396-8386 8 eves. shop.sales. deck hands, bartend- Love, Sarah prices... call 396-6503/ 391-8812. pkg, garage. 235-6097. Frederick Ave. brand new 1 bdrm Herb or Armand 483-1045 or 391- firm apt avail Aug or Sept to Dec 31. ers, casinodealers,etc. Worldtravel- 6035. Caribbean. Alaska, Europe. Hawaii. Girl Scout Cookies!!!! GRADUATING- Mist Sell Summer rms for Rent 1993. wash mach 8 pkg. All utils inCl Must be sold before May 3: dorm No em. nec. Call 1-602-6800323. Our adorable 8 irresistible Brownie 1 or 2 bdrmsin a3 ""apt. Furnon $550/mo. call 646-2107. troop will be selling them TODAY, size fridgewkeparate ice box 8 mini Lg & small apt avail x23. Packard Ave. no smoking. no pets. Wlin walking dist to campus. Rents CALL EARLY- MUST SEE Managerial Positions Avail outside the Campus Center. 3:30- microwave on top. Lace curtains for Dnrway optional. Avail June 1. LV at Ig windo-ys All sizes of crates. are always reasonable. Call day or Beautiful, modern 8 !g 2,3.4 bdrm TSR 530. $3 per box. Many varieties! message at 626-4019 near Tufts. Some w/ w/d, pkg. 2 Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum! Imagewriter II printer. Will negot. night at 6257530. Ask for Frank or 8 For next fall. Pick up an application price you want to pay. Deborah 629- Lina. bats. Avail June 1 or Sept 1. $275- attheinfodeskintheCampusCen- Charming 4 Bdrm 2 SEPT RENTALS 375ktudent. Can take up to stu- ter or Hayes How. SHARl 7883. In house, hdwdf1rs.e-ikfl,semi-mod 8 at Train hard, love. And watch for 2-3 bdrm apt.1 block from Tufts dents in same house. Call Owner out front, 2 bk porches, pkg, on Boston mEE ROOM AND BOARD the bulf but dull types that frequent Need a refrigerator for next (WalkerSt),yard. pkg,porchswing. for details, 862-4885. in exchange for 15-20 hrs of suchthings. EarthBiscuitWomanof year? Ave nearEspresso's.$875ho. June 795-8953. Big 4 bdrm on Josephine 1. Call 729-0221. babysitling 8 household chores in the World I have 1 that is less than 1 yr old 8 Ave 1300 Beautiful. on 2 flrs. 965 Apartment available homes convenient to Tufts. Call 0310. 6/1193 4 bdrms. 2 baths. Next to has hardly been used. Call Eric at Sex! NOW lor SUMMER 8 FALL place- JESSICA GlmDG,ODDESs 6298772 w/ your offer. Tufts. WID inc. $1,500/mO. Call ments. The Student housing EX- Did those guys on the line spain Just Kidding. 2 bdn sublet avail $200 CASH BACK Barbara at 6281773 immediately. Somerville. Big kit. liv change. 277-6420. two syllable words or what? (Mr- EVERYTHINGBLACK Sept. rental 5verylg bdrms2 8 3fIrs casm) Goddess number two. rm. yard. MinutestoHatvard. Inman. of 2 tam house INrm, eat in kit, w/d. 3 bdrms expensive 2 yr old furniture 8 appli- Porter squares. T,Bus Stop right in FRENCH NATIVE TO BE ances going dirt cheap. Tables, dw, porch, yard, new carpets.2 8 big Iv. din, kit 8 new bat. . RESEARCH ASSISTANT front. Great Location. $750, w/ op- blocks from campus $1400 + utils chairs. shelves. sofa, bed (ridge. tion for year lease. 666-3581 Bruce Powderhouse near circle. Furn or toist professorcompletingbook 10-15 hrr/wk. Juneimpression- 8 July. call 628-2282. k message. unlurn. Central a/c. Wm, avail Sept- Apple computer. tv, VCR. Int'l stu- or Jay. dent graduallng, everything must go. May$1200hnoorSepl-Sept$lloo~ Wmr.dence, prwfreading.transhtiom.MFrench typing, correspon- 1 Summer Sublet Birthdays b.0. 1st come 1st serve. Call TOM Apt for Rent at 25 TdeAvo. mo. Rms avail this summer. Eves 666-2439. Closer to Tufts. on Davis Sa side. Tom or Anne, 628-9344, Days Tom history background useful. Call Avail June 1st partlylum.washmach. Big house, ni& people. $25O/mo. 4956176. '88 GOM GYI- refrig.3bdrm backyard3 blcksfrom Joanne 627-3573. JAMIE SHERWOOD Forallthegreatdetails,callGeoff at 16-vahre. black wmlack int. stereo campus quiet st. Tal. no. 626-1072. 487-7323. Happy Birthday Roommatel I hope xir cond/sunroof. mint cond- 65.000 Guaranteed$400 you're having a great day, 8 I hope 2 student clubs needed for fall Obo. For sale, B/C graduating, con- 3/4 BDRM APTS AVAIL College Ave. Apartment you enjoy yourself 8 somesurprises1 tad Marielle 625-4393. Spacious, dean, kit, Ii rm, good project.atleast$400. Your groupGUARANTEEDMustcallbeforeendof Happy 19thl Love Jen 4Wrmapt.Nice8clean-dw-w/d.- sizebdrms.w/d, renovated kit, offst Pkg call Debbie 23m.7. Services EVERYTHING WST GO!! pkg. $950. Call Steve(days) 884- term! 1-800-932-0526, x99. Jamie Shemood Beds,couches,chairs,VCR. Good 3752: Dan(nites) 489-1 61 1. Starts Cheap Summer Sublet Early ChildhoodMajors Education Happy 19th Birthday1 Have a fabu- quality+great prices. 21 Sunset Rd. 6/1 or 911. On Curtis St. Virtually on campus, FREE SPRING BREAK '94 lous day1 Love Always, Lisa Free gifts. Call 776-5513 or 666- upto4 rmsavail. Call Ken6296599 Get a head start1 Sign up now to For the summer. Watetville Valley, 1744. Short Walk to Tuns or Mike 391-9762. All rms furn w12 organize your own trip in '94. Bring Nsummerresort. Freeroom 8 board JAMIE- 4 bdrm duplex apt. 1 112 baths, w/d bats. 2 kits. 2 Iv rms. your friends to Cancun, Jamaica, In my youth I ate ice cream B-day TECHNICS- in exchange for 20 hrs child care on premises, Ig kit, separate dining Bahamas,or Florida. (you earncash plus pay $$. Call. k. name, phone# cake wth crunchies Happy 19thl 7bandgraphicequalizer modelSH- rm, liv rm, located in 2 lamily house Sublet 801 7; new in box $80.627-7305. a go free!) Campus manager.pasi- w/area code Q 1-508-975-5555, You'reawesome likeaskylarklLove on quiet st. backyard, lease $1050/ lstsurnmerschoolsession or June. lions also avail. Great for your r Your soon-to-be-roomie, Stef mo. (617)227-8000 (days) (617)969- Up to 3 bdrms. furn, on Bromfield. sume! Fall positions limited. Nissan 280ZX $; All Swim-a-thon Swimmers Happy Birthday Anne Hurley! 3075 (eves) Asking 300 each! Call 626-SEXY 8 mforanapplication! 800-326-7283 1 1982, 2+2, PMI. PR, solid body. Please turn in all pledges by Thurs ~ We love youSchrnanne Llsa, Sarah, ask for HOT BABE. or 617-424-6222. Apr 29 to the LCS office, rm 201 in good engine, automatic, 87K miles. APT FOR RENT Stover, Cara, Jocelyn, Jen. Sonal. 8 new tires 8 brakes. $3200/obo Dan the CC. It is imperative we get dl Suzanne Tuks/DavisTarea.3 bdrm, heat and ' Aptto rent LOW MOVING RATES money rewrted on Dledae sheets. 6299632. hot water ind. sunny, hdwd llrs, Ig Lovely 2-3 bdrm apt in house across Friendly, professional, local moving Any quesiions: Susin 653-8260 or MSSY yard, sun porch, only $lOW. Call from Balch Arenaon CollegeAve. E- company. For help w/your local. LCS office. Dark brown 5 drawer desk Tony 623-2825. i kit, Wm. $8W/mo. Avail June l. USA, 8 int'l moving 8 storage call Happy Belated Birthday! We hope Exd cond., Dbl. Futon bedl M anyone has a Champagne youhadagreatweekendandthanks $50. Call EllenorScott.391-8342,dayor VW Moving at 643-5723. much frame $1 25. Dbl lirm mattress APT FOR RENT: eve. BNnCh ticket for the goody bags! D.D.E,J $45. Call Bonnie 625-3149. they would like to please As of June 1, 60 Josephine Ave, Heading for Europe this sell, call Somerville. whnwalking dist toTufts, Nationwide Summer Sublet summer? 629-9858. 3 bdrm, 1 bat, Ii rm. kit, Ig pantry, 2 Exchange Only $169! Get there any time for IF YOU LOVE KIDS porches, some furniture 8 1 pkg List yourapt or findsublet in Boston. only $169 w/Airhitch! (As reported in Events Housing space, 2nd 11. Please call Carlos at NY. Chicago, Washington DC, San Let's Go 8 NY Times.) Caribbean make $6-$9/hr babysitting for kids in 666-1091 after 4pm. Francisco. LA or other US cities. A $189 rn air to somewhere sunny. their homes. Pan-time job forsum- service for students 8 summer em- AlsoCalifornia$l29 lhvay. Airhflch- mer (after camp care!) 8 into the JOIN TUFTS SEX TALK!! 2 min walk to campus 2 great apts ployees nationwide. Call anytime 1- 21 2-864-2000. Fall. Call Joy, Parents in a Pinch, Info meetings at Women's' Center 2 Ig apts 485 bdrms in same house, in a 2-lam on Whitman St. Upstairs 800-877-3007. 739-KIDS. Lounge, 55 Talbot Ave,Mon 4/26, w/off st pkg. Avail after 6/l or 911 or is 8 rm, 4 Wrm. $1300/mo. Down- Post exem vacation sale ADOPTION 11:30-12:30orThur4/29.4:30-5:30. summer sublet. Also ims for rent stairs is 5 rm. 3 bdrm,$900/mo. Both Somerville, Winter Hill area Celebrate the end of exams in the As you read this. dear birth mom, we now. Call 776-3847. havedeanIgrms,freshlypainted,e- Spacious, sunny topfloor apt, 2 relaxing Caribbean sun. Trips to hope you'll feel cornlollable calling Living in Boston as a Black Gay i kits. Bdh have lree use of w/d 8 are bdrms. e-i kit. lv rm w/skyiight, ample Cancun. Florida, 8 several other us. We'realoving, professional fam- Man or Lesbian... SUBLET MY HAMMOCK very closeto Tufts. Ample off-st pkg. dosets 8 wide hallway suitable for exotic destinations at affordable ily who wants to share lifetime of African American 8 Gay 8 Lesbian orbetteryet.myroom. Well-equipped Both avail June 1. Call Marvin study. 5 mins from Tufts by car. on prices. Put those books aside 8 call lovelsecurity w/a healthy wl new- Identities. Barnum 104. 7:30pm. house w/d.w.. W/D. Very cheap. 5/ Davidson anytime, 965-7846, IV busline to Lechmere. $750, no utils. 2678100 -75 8 ask for Chris born. Expensespaid. Calluscollea. ITues, Apr 27. . 24-8/15. Call Bev, 623-9168. message. NO DetS. Avail Mav 1. Call 628-81 52. todavl!l Judie 6 Eddie 617-332-9984. Mondav. Aorii 26.1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page fifteen

Doonesburv BYGARRYTRUDEAU Around Campus

I OH. I hograms Abroad I! I Study Abroad general info meeting. Today Eaton 201. l1:30 am.

TCIA ECO Lecture Series Student/faculty mock Security The Plight of TIBET. Council. Barnum 104,7:00 pm. Goddard Chapel, 3:30-8:30 p.m. (latest). Tomorrow Hillside HouselWMFO 2nd Annual Campus-Widecookout Asian Christian Fellowship featuring live music of Shaky Foot. Praise and Bible study. Hillside House, 32 Dearbom Rd, East Hall Lounge, 7:30 pm. 11:OO am.-200 p.m. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson End demonstration and slide Israeli Dancing presentation Come dance, meet people, and have The Electric Moped: A student built fun! vehicle. Curtis Hall Lounge, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Anderson 112.7:OO p.m.

Music Department Vice-President’s Lectures Eric Dewar, trumpet, Senior Recital. “Can Technology Save the Alumnae Lounge, 8:OO p.m. Environment or Has It Ruined It?” Coolidge Room, Ballou, 8:OO p.m. TASA (Tufts Association of South Asians) LCB Resource Center General meeting. All are welcome. African-American and Gay and Pearson 104,9:30 p.m. Lesbian Identities. Barnum 104,7:30 p.m. Hillel Open board meeting. AIESEC HillelOffice,CurtisHall,2ndfloor, General meeting. 11:30 a.m.-1230 p.m. Large Conference Room, FoxTrot by Bill Amend Campus Center, 8:OO p.m. Arts House Do Yor, HAVE I GOT A HOT TIP Re@, ANDY, THIS STOCK IS WN6 A gallery of student fiction. University Chaplaincy THE BUSINESS IT’S HERE ONASTocKMIS WDM( To WINTUPLEIN THE NEXT I 37 Sawyer Ave, 7-9:OO p.m. Pane1:”How Do Women Speak to SECTION? SWrlCEMERE MMNIN6,SoI WEA FIRSTWd THING FEW DA‘r5! IT‘S A GIMME! \ WHY? A SURE THIP&! Adf~lUuTC! I God?” Bamum OO8,7:30 p.m. LITTLE ABouTiMi Amalgamates Auditions-men and women. Pen, Paint, & Pretzels- Fortnight Call Mindy 396-2541. Gosforth’s Fete ($1 donation). Jackson Lounge, 630 & 8:OO p.m.

Weather Report DILBERTCD by Scott Adams TODAY TOMORROW


The Daily Commuter Puzzle

ACROSS - 1 First father Cleric ~~ 5 10 Spill over 14 Italian money 15 Far from original THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 16 Curtail by Henri Amdd * 17 Look searchingly 18 Clues 19 It‘s thrown at weddings 20 surprise 22 Morally correct 24 Before 25 Dress carefully 26 One who lends money 30 Abominate 34 Edge 35 Unimportant 37 River embankment 38 Confess WHAT THE TERKIBLE- 40 Symbol of TEMPERED SUGAR love GROWER VIP. 42 Ceremonial act 43 Spouses 01993 Tnbune Medla Servlrn. Inc. 04/26/93 All Rights Resewed Now mgethe circled letters to 45 Mended shoes form the surprise answer, as Sug- 47 Container gested by the above cartoon. 48 Skirt folds 8 Fur-bearing 50 Hides away animal 52 Stove 9 Examined 54 Top 10 Track man 55 Maintenance 11 Not of the clergy man 12 Killer whale 58 Important city 13 Remove the rind 62 Indian 21 Decorate “We’ve done it1They‘ve linked up! ... Man, Feldman 63 Irrigate 23 Bounder must be freaking out - he even hates spiders.” 65 Story 25 Suggest 66 Rims 26 Painful 67 Chopin piece contraction 68 Ready for 27 Opponent business 28 Overact Quote of the Day 69 Endure 29 Burden 70 Passe 31 Oust 71 Repose 32 Bristles 33 Adolescents “So you only made one class in two weeks? That’s not too bad.” DOWN 36 Irritate 1 Hlgh mountains 39 Most tired 2 count calories 41 Stated -- overheard in a phone conversation 3 Amount of 44 RBI, e.g. space 46 Nerds kin 4 Blemished 49 - under 55 Congeal 59 Record 5 Muscular (overwhelmed) 56 Opera highlight 60 Bar drinks ‘I 6 Cheese 51 Magazine head 57 Small bites 61 Fasting seaion Late Night at the Daily 7 Storage drawer 53 Persona non - 58 Give up 64 Egyptian king I page sixteen - THE TUFTS DAILY Monday, April 26,1993 Because when we’re not in Israel, we’re told to go back where we came from and when we come back to Israel we’re told to go back where we came from and when we’re vocal we have too muchinfluence and when we are quiet, we can afford to be because we control everything anyway and when we buy something we can afford to because Jews are so rich and when we don’t buy something it’s because we’re cheap and because when we are poor we’re called dirty Jew and ignorant and when we’re not we’re called rich Jew and JAP and when we are visibly organized it’s because there is a secret Jewish con- spiracy and when we’re not it’s because there is a secret Jewish

conspiracy and because we’re told-we’re not1‘. a people and --Y when we say that we are we’re still told that wer-ot 1-and when we marry our own people we’re called racist and when we don’t we’re contaminating someone else’s ”race” and because we’re under fire from the Left and the Right and because there are whites who hate us for not being white and because there are non-whites who hate us for being white and because anti-Semitic incidents are rising evey year but we’re told that anti-Semitism doesn’t exist or that we’re paranoid and because we’re told to shut up about the Holocaust and yet Holocaust revisionism is rising every year and when we are ”obnoxious” we’re called JAPs and when we are ”nice” we’re told we don’t act Jewish and because anti-Semitism is now worldwide and because our people is not yet free and because we do not have to complete the work but neither are we free to desist from it for these reasons and many many more we will not sat silent in the face of anti-Semitism and racism. TUFTSHILLEL TUFTS ISRAEL NETWORK