Mayor's Minute: Phase One of Reopening Madill
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5 Day Forecast 5/7 a.m 5/7 p.m. 5/8 a.m. 5/8 p.m. 5/9 a.m. 5/9 p.m 5/10 ThThee MMadilla dill RRecordecord ‘I‘Inn the AArmsrms of Lake TTexoma’exoma’ Vol. 125 — Number 46 Madill, Marshall CountyCounty,, OK 73446 — ThursdayThursday,, May 7, 2020 14 Pages in 2 Sections — $1 WORKING TOGETHER Senior Trump administration official discusses COVID-19 response in Oklahoma By Matt Caban 18 governors from ag states including [email protected] Oklahoma with Vice President [Mike] Pence,” the source said. Trump administration officials Governor Kevin Stitt has con- reached out to The Madill Record firmed these calls during multiple this week to share details of programs press conferences over the last few to support Oklahoma during the weeks. COVID-19 pandemic. Stitt’s office has developed a On April 28, Megan Burris, spe- Governor’s Solution Task Force cial assistant to the president and through the pandemic. director of White House media, cited The group provides regular the president’s leadership during the updates to both the media and health crisis. public through Facebook Live and “Thanks to President Trump’s Zoom calls. leadership, Oklahoma has received Governor Kevin Stitt praised Pres- significant federal resources to ap- ident Trump in a statement. propriately respond to and slow the “The President has been a con- spread of COVID-19,” Burris said. sistent leader during the COVID-19 “The President will continue to direct crisis, and I am thankful for his con- this unprecedented level of critical tinued support as we actively work support to help the state effectively to respond to this outbreak and keep protect healthcare workers and first Oklahomans safe,” Stitt said. responders and save American lives.” The senior administration source Then, on April 30, a senior ad- said the executive branch has been ministration official visited with The coordinating with governments on Madill Record via phone. The offical the local, state and tribal levels. works closely with the White House “It means local and tribal officials Coronavirus Task Force. can drive [the response] locally and The senior administration official with innovation solutions,” they said. said the administration has been Among these solutions being tout- working closely with state local lead- ed by the administration is Project Shealah Craighead • Official White House Photo ers since January. Air Bridge. President Donald J. Trump meets with Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards April 29 in the Oval Office of the White “This week we had our fifteen House. At left are Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Dr. governor-only conference calls with (See ADMINISTRATION, page 5A) Deborah Birx, United States Global AIDS Coordinator, Response coordinator for White House Coronavirus Task Force Mayor’s Minute: Phase One of reopening Madill By Travis Williams businesses of Madill and Marshall together. virus came to Oklahoma, last Monday Mayor of Madill County. This is the same teamwork that we saw the first day in Oklahoma While we all are suffering and we need as we are about to complete where we had no deaths from the For a couple of months, we have praying for the families that lost the first week of phase one to reopen coronavirus. been combatting COVID-19 with so- a loved one and for those who lost Oklahoma. We are making a difference! cial distancing and business closures homes, people are stepping up to help As businesses, churches, city facil- Remember to pray for our commu- when two weeks ago we are hit with others put the pieces back together ities, and others start to reopen, they nity and support local businesses… a tornado. of damaged homes, businesses, and will need not only our support but our we will get through this TOGETHER! Even though it seems as if we are property. help in maintaining social distancing being attacked on every front, I am It is this teamwork that makes so the curve continues to flatten. Williams amazed at the resiliency of the people/ our community thrive and unites us For the first time since the corona- Legislature reaches Fiscal Year 2021 budget agreement From Staff Reports budget chairs and their committees The agreement calls for a total investments Oklahoma has made in that meets our goal to protect class- [email protected] for their hard work and leadership budget of $7.7 billion, which is $237.8 education the past few years,” said room funding from reductions. As during this difficult time.” million, or 3%, less than the FY 2020 Senate Appropriations Chairman the branch of government closest to OKLAHOMA CITY – Legislative Under the agreement, most of the budget. Roger Thompson, R-Okemah. the people, the Legislature is fully leaders announced a Fiscal Year $1.4 billion, or 17%, revenue hole Gov. The group of related budget bills Under the agreement, the State confident this is how Oklahomans 2021 state budget agreement May 4 Kevin Stitt projected last month is SB1921, SB1922, SB1937, SB1073 Department of Education’s temporary want their tax dollars prioritized designed to hold education funding filled by using reserve funds, cutting and SB1944 passed the State Senate appropriation reduction is 2.5%, or when times get tough,” said House harmless while limiting most budget one-time spending, temporarily redi- on May 5. The measures moved to $78.2 million, of its $3 billion appro- Appropriations and Budget Chair- reductions to 4% or less amid the recting non-appropriated money into the State House later Tuesday and priation. Recent teacher pay raises man Kevin Wallace, R-Wellston. COVID-19 pandemic. the budget, and agency appropriation are expected to be voted on this week. will not be impacted. “This is a far better budget than reductions of 4% or less in most cases. With relief funds considered, State agencies many expected and that should come “The Legislature is pleased to have Education though, common education is pro- Most other agencies receive effec- as a relief to the citizens who rely on an agreement stabilizing the budget Education was prioritized above jected to receive more money next tive reductions of 4% or less, with core services and the agencies that to the fullest extent possible under the all else. With federal COVID-19 relief year than this year. Oklahoma’s $200 core service agencies such as health serve them, given the effect of both numbers Governor Stitt provided,” funds considered, common and higher million in COVID relief money for care, public safety and transportation depressed oil and gas prices and the said House Speaker Charles McCall, education would receive no reduction common education fully offsets the receiving smaller reductions in some pandemic on state revenues,” said R-Atoka. “The Legislature is strongly next year – and may receive more temporary state funding reduction cases, while other agencies with man- Senate President Pro Tempore Greg united behind this agreement and will money. of $78.2 million, or 2.5%, to common datory upcoming spending are held Treat, R-Oklahoma City. “We suc- enact it quickly to provide certainty “The Legislature kept its promise education. flat or slightly increased. cessfully avoided the catastrophic to state services at a time it is sorely and protected education. We are not “We are very pleased to agree on cuts some had feared, and I thank the needed.” letting a virus roll back the historic an innovative and creative budget (See BUDGET, page 5A) Moments of Truth: 4 remaining scenarios for Medicaid Expansion By Trevor Brown But confusion and uncertainty bility for adults ages 18 to 64 who low-income adults that would set caps Oklahoma Watch remain on how Medicaid expansion earn up to 138 percent of the federal on Medicaid costs in coming years. would look in Oklahoma – or whether poverty level – or an annual salary of The Stitt administration submit- Medicaid expansion is inching it will take root in a state that rejected $17,236 for an individual or $35,534 ted its waiver application last month. closer to reality in Oklahoma. expansion the past six years. There’s for a family of four – would be just Health officials hope the federal Legislative leaders announced a a Medicaid expansion state question, the first step. government will approve the request budget deal Monday that includes potential lawsuits and a pending de- Stitt proposes to follow up by ask- this fall, allowing it to take effect funding to expand the state’s Medic- cision by the federal government to ing the federal government to approve July 1, 2020. aid program and extend health cover- allow Oklahoma to add restrictions a waiver request allowing the state The governor’s plan, however, de- age to more than 220,000 low-income on expansion recipients. to set conditions that expansion en- pends on voters shooting down State residents. Here’s a look at potential scenarios rollees must meet to remain eligible. Question 802. If approved by the full Senate and for the coming weeks and months. Those include requiring thousands of The ballot measure, similar to House in votes expected later this new recipients to pay premiums of the first stage of Stitt’s plan, would week, and then signed into law by Scenario #1: Expansion, Fol- up to $120 per year and be subject expand Medicaid eligibility to those Gov. Kevin Stitt, Oklahoma could lowed by a ‘No’ Vote to work requirements. making up to 138% of the poverty start signing up new enrollees in less Under Stitt’s SoonerCare 2.0 plan, Oklahoma also seeks a waiver to than two months. the move to extend Medicaid