The Price of Anarchy of Finite Congestion Games∗

George Christodoulou Elias Koutsoupias National and Kapodistrian University of Athens National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications Panepistimiopolis, Ilissia Panepistimiopolis, Ilissia Athens 15784 Athens 15784 [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT is what happens in more general networks or even in more We consider the price of anarchy of pure Nash equilibria in general congestion games that have no underlying network. congestion games with linear latency functions. For asym- Roughgarden and Tardos [23, 24] gave the answer for the case where the players control a negligible amount of traffic. metric√ games, the price of anarchy of maximum is Θ( N), where N is the number of players. For all other But what happens in the discrete case? This is the question cases of symmetric or asymmetric games and for both max- that we address in this paper. imum and average social cost, the price of anarchy is 5/2. Congestion games, introduced by Rosenthal [20] and stud- We extend the results to latency functions that are polyno- ied in [17], is a natural general class of games that pro- mials of bounded degree. We also extend some of the results vide a unifying thread between the two models studied in to mixed Nash equilibria. [13] and[23]. The parallel link model of [13] is a special case of congestion games (with singleton strategies but with weights) while the selfish routing model of [23] is the special Categories and Subject Descriptors case of congestion games of infinitely many players each one C.2.1 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network controlling a negligible amount of traffic. Congestion games Architecture and Design—Network communications; C.2.2 have the fundamental property that a pure [Computer-Communication Networks]: Network Pro- always exists. It is natural therefore to ask What is the pure tocols—Routing protocols price of anarchy of congestion games? The price of anarchy depends not only on the game itself General Terms but also on the definition of the social (or system) cost. From the system’s designer point of view, who cares about the Theory, Performance welfare of the players, two natural social costs seem impor- tant: the maximum or the average cost among the players. Keywords For the original model of parallel links in [13], the social cost was the maximum cost among the players. For the Wardrop Price of anarchy, Congestion games model studied by Roughgarden and Tardos [23], the social cost is the average player cost. Here we deal with both the 1. INTRODUCTION maximum and the average social cost. The price of anarchy [13, 19] measures the deterioration We also consider the price of anarchy of the natural sub- in performance of systems on which resources are allocated class of symmetric congestion games. (Sometimes in the lit- by selfish agents. It captures the lack of coordination be- erature, the symmetric case is called single-commodity while tween independent selfish agents as opposed to the lack of the asymmetric or general case is called multi-commodity.) information (competitive ratio) or the lack of computational resources (approximation ratio). 1.1 Our results The price of anarchy was originally defined [13] to capture We study the price of anarchy of pure equilibria in general the worst case selfish performance of a simple game of N congestion games with linear latency functions. The latency players that compete for M parallel links. The question functions that we consider are of the form f(x)=ax + b for ∗ Research supported in part by the IST (FLAGS, IST-2001- nonnegative a and b, but for simplicity our proofs consider 33116) program. only the case f(x)=x; they directly extend to the general case. We consider both the maximum and the average (sum) player cost as social cost. We also study both symmetric Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for and asymmetric games. Our results (both lower and upper personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are bounds) are summarized in Table 1. For the case of asym- not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies metric games, the values hold also for network congestion bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to games. We don’t know if this is true for the symmetric case republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific as well. permission and/or a fee. STOC’05, May 22-24, 2005, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. We extend these results to the case of latency functions Copyright 2005 ACM 1-58113-960-8/05/0005 ...$5.00. that are polynomials of degree p with nonnegative coeffi-


cients. The results (both lower and upper bounds) appear therefore some of the results are common in both papers. Table 2. They also deal with both linear and polynomial latencies but they also consider weighted games. For linear latencies SUM MAX and for the weighted case they show price of anarchy 2.618, 5N−2 5N+1 ··· 5 while for the unweighted case and for pure equilibria they Symmetric 2N+1 2N+2√ 2 Asymmetric 5 Θ( N) show a price of anarchy of 2.5. 2 Recently, using similar techniques, we extended some of Table 1: Price of anarchy of pure equilibria for linear the results to the case of correlated equilibria [3]. Surpris- latencies. N is the number of the players. ingly, the price of anarchy is the same with the case of Nash equilibria: 2.5 for unweighted games and 2.618 for weighted ones. The techniques were also helpful to bound the price of stability (the optimistic price of anarchy of the best Nash SUM MAX equilibrium as opposed to the worst Nash equilibrium [2]). Symmetric pΘ(p) pΘ(p) Θ(p) p/(p+1) Asymmetric p Ω(N ) ...O(N) 2. THE MODEL Table 2: Price of anarchy of pure equilibria for poly- A is a tuple (N,E,(Σi)i∈N , (fe)e∈M )where nomial latencies of degree p. N is the number of the N = {1,...,n} is the set of players, E is a set of facilities, E players. Σi ⊆ 2 is a collection of pure strategies for player i: a pure Ai ∈ Σi is a set of facilities, and finally fe is a cost (or latency) function associated with facility j. We also extend our results on the average social cost to Most of this work is concerned with linear cost functions: the case of mixed Nash equilibria (with price of anarchy at fe(k)=ae · k + be for nonnegative constants ae and be.For most 1 + φ ≈ 2.619). simplicity, we will only consider the identity latency func- 1.2 Related work tions fe(k)=k. We can ignore the factor ae because we can obtain a similar game when we appropriately replace The study of the price of anarchy was initiated in [13], the facility e with a set of ae facilities. When ae is not an where (weighted) congestion games of m parallel links are integer, we can use a similar trick. Also, in some cases, such considered. The price of anarchy for the maximum social as the asymmetric-max case, we can ignore the term be by cost, expressed as a function of m,isΘ(logm/ log log m)— adding additional players who play only on the facility e. the lower bound was shown in [13] and the upper bound in For the rest of the results, it can be verified that our proofs [12, 6]. Furthermore, [6] extended the result to m parallel work for nonzero be’s as well. We leave the details for the paths (which is equivalent to links with speeds) and showed full version. that the price of anarchy is Θ(log m/ log log log m). In [5], A pure strategy profile A =(A1,...,An)isavectorof more general latency functions are studied, especially in re- strategies, one for each player. The cost of player i for the lation to queuing theory. For the same model of parallel È pure strategy profile A is given by ci(A)= fe(ne(A)), links, [9] and [14] consider the price of anarchy for other e∈Ai where ne(A) is the number of the players using e in A.A social costs. pure strategy profile A is a Nash equilibrium if no player has In [25], the special case of congestion games in which each any reason to unilaterally deviate to another pure strategy: strategy is a singleton set is considered. They give bounds ∀i ∈ N, ∀S ∈ (Σi) ci(A) ≤ ci(A−i,S), where (A−i,S)is for the case of the average social cost. For the same class of the strategy profile produced if just player i deviates from congestion games and the maximum social cost, [10] showed Ai to S. that the price of anarchy is Θ(log N/ log log N) (a similar, The social cost of A is either the maximum cost of a player perhaps unpublished, result was obtained by the group of Max(A)=maxi∈N ci(A) or the average of the players’ costs. [25]). On the other end where strategies have arbitrary √ For simplicity, we consider the sum of all costs (which is N size, we show here a Θ( N) upper bound. An interest- È times the average cost) Sum(A)= ci(A). ing open question is how the price of anarchy goes from i∈N √ A congestion game is symmetric (or single-commodity) if Θ(log N/ log log N)toΘ( N) as a function of the number all the players have the same strategy set: Σi =Σ.Weuse of facilities in each strategy. The case of singleton strategies the term “asymmetric” (or multi-commodity) to refer to all is also considered in [11] and [14]. games (including the symmetric ones). In [8], they consider the mixed price of anarchy of symmet- A mixed strategy pi for a player i, is a probability dis- ric network weighted congestion games, when the network tribution over his pure strategy set Σi. The above defini- is layered. tions extend naturally to this case (with expected costs, of The non-atomic case of congestion games was considered course). in [23, 24] where they showed that for linear latencies the For a class of congestion games, the pure price of anarchy average price of anarchy is 4/3. They also extended this re- of the average social cost is the worst-case ratio, among all sult to polynomial latencies. Furthermore, [22, 4] considered pure Nash equilibria, of the social cost over the optimum the social cost of maximum latency. social cost, opt =minP ∈Σ Sum(P ). Paper [1], which appears in these proceedings, studies a similar problem with this work. They consider the price Sum(A)) PA =sup of anarchy of general congestion games, but they study the A is a Nash eq. opt social cost of the total latency, which is the sum of the square of facilities loads. For pure equilibria of unweighted games Similarly, we define the price of anarchy for the maximum the total latency and the average cost are the same and social cost or for mixed Nash equilibria.


3. LINEAR LATENCY FUNCTIONS S1 D1 In this section we prove theorems that fill Table 1. It should be clear that the values of each symmetric case are no S D2 greater than the corresponding asymmetric case. Similarly, 2 the price of anarchy for average social cost is no greater than the corresponding price of anarchy for the maximum social S3 D3 cost. This is useful because we don’t have to give upper and lower bounds for each entry. For example, a lower bound Figure 1: There are three players who want to go for the symmetric average case holds for every other case. from Si to Di. The optimal strategies are for each 3.1 Asymmetric games - Average social cost player to move in a straight line. At the Nash equi- librium, the players use the dashed lines. The strat- The following is a simple fact which will be useful in the egy of player 1 at the Nash equilibrium is shown. proof of the next theorem. The bold (non-dashed) lines are long (heavy) paths. Lemma 1. For every pair of nonnegative integers α, β,it holds the optimal allocation the cost of each player is 2, the price 1 2 5 2 β(α +1)≤ α + β . of anarchy is 5/2. 3 3 This example is not a network congestion game, but we Theorem 1. For linear congestion games, the pure price can turn it into a network congestion game as shown in 5 of anarchy of the average social cost is at most 2 . Figure 1. Proof. Let A be a Nash equilibrium and P be an optimal (or any other) allocation. The cost of player i at the Nash È 3.2 Symmetric games - Average social cost i e e equilibrium is c (A)= e∈Ai n (A), where n (A) denotes the number of players that use facility e in A.Wewantto For symmetric congestion games and average social cost

bound the social cost, the sum of the cost of the players: the price of anarchy is also 5/2. The upper bound follows di- È È 2 rectly from Theorem 1 because symmetric games is a special

Sum(A)= i ci(A)= e∈E ne(A), with respect to the È È 2 case of asymmetric games. The following theorem gives the optimal cost Sum(P )= i ci(P )= e∈E ne(P ). At the Nash equilibrium, the cost of player i should not lower bound. This would have subsumed Theorem 2 had it not had an additional term which tends to 0 as N tends to decrease when the player switches to strategy Pi:

infinity. In other words, for asymmetric games the price of

X X X ci(A)= ne(A) ≤ ne(A−i,Pi) ≤ (ne(A)+1) anarchy is exactly 5/2 for every N ≥ 3, but for symmetric e∈Ai e∈Pi e∈Pi games it is somewhat less: (5N − 2)/(2N +1). Another reason to include the lower bounds for both the where (A−i,Pi) is the usual notation in to symmetric and the asymmetric case is that in the later case denote the allocation that results when we replace Ai by Pi. the congestion game is a network congestion game, while in If we sum over all players i,wecanboundthesocialcost the former it is not. We don’t know whether the bound 5/2

as holds also for symmetric network games. X Sum(A)= ci(A)

i∈N Theorem 3. For linear symmetric congestion games, the X X pure price of anarchy of the average social cost is at most ≤ (ne(A)+1) 5N−2 2N+1 . i∈N e∈Pi X Proof. Let A be a Nash equilibrium and P be an optimal = ne(P )(ne(A)+1) e∈E allocation. The cost of player i at the Nash equilibrium is greater or equal than the cost he would have if he had chosen

With the help of Lemma 1, the last expression is at most È

È any other strategy. Notice that since the game is symmetric, 1 2 5 2 1 Sum 5 Sum 3 e∈E ne(A)+ 3 e∈E ne(P )= 3 (A)+ 3 (P )and all the possible strategies are available to every player. So the theorem follows. for every player i

Theorem 2. There are linear congestion games with 3

X X or more players with pure price of anarchy for the average ci(A) ≤ ne(A)+|Pj −Ai| = ne(A)+|Pj |−|Pj ∩Ai| 5 social cost equal to 2 . e∈Pj e∈Pj Proof. ≥ We will construct a congestion game for N 3 for all players j. | | players and E =2N facilities with price of anarchy 5/2. If we sum over all j ∈ N we get a bound on player i’s cost. (It is not hard to show that for N =2players,thepriceof

anarchy is exactly 2.)

X X We divide the set E into two subsets E1 = {h1,...,hN } N · ci(A) ≤ ne(A)+|Pj |−|Pj ∩ Ai|

and E2 = {g1,...,gN },eachofN facilities. Player i has two j∈N e∈Pj

X X pure strategies: {hi,gi} and {gi+1,hi−1,hi+1}.Theoptimal X − | ∩ | allocation is for each player to select the first strategy while = ne(P )ne(A)+ ne(P ) Pj Ai

the worst-case Nash equilibrium is for each player to select e∈E e∈E j∈N

X X X the second strategy. It is not hard to verify that this is a = ne(P )ne(A)+ ne(P ) − ne(P )

Nash equilibrium in which each player has cost 5. Since at e∈E e∈E e∈Ai


Summing over all i ∈ N gives us a bound on the social of each player at the optimal allocation is |Pi| = Nα1 + ¡ N cost of the Nash equilibrium. 2 α2 = N(2N + 1). The theorem follows.

X 2 3.3 Asymmetric games - Maximum social cost Sum(A)= ne(A) e∈E √

Theorem 5. The pure price of anarchy is O( N) where X 1 X ≤ ne(P )ne(A) N is the number of players. N i∈N e∈E

Proof. We will make use of Theorem 1 which bounds

X X X 1 X 1 + ne(P ) − ne(P ) the average cost. Let A be a Nash equilibrium strategy N N

i∈N e∈E i∈N e∈Ai profile and let P be an optimal strategy profile. Without X X loss of generality, the first player has maximum cost, i.e., = ne(P )ne(A)+ ne(P ) Max(A)=c1(A). It suffices to bound c1(A)withrespectto e∈E e∈E Max(P )=maxj∈N cj (P ). 1 X

− ne(P )ne(A) Since A is a Nash equilibrium, we have X N e∈E X

c1(A) ≤ (ne(A)+1)≤ ne(A)+c1(P ). (1) X − X N 1 e∈P e∈P = ne(P )ne(A)+ ne(P ) 1 1 N e∈E e∈E Let I ⊂ N the subset of players in A that use facilities N − 1 X f ∈ P1. The sum of their costs is = (ne(P )ne(A)+ne(P ))

N È 2 X e∈E X ( ne(A)) ≥ 2 ≥ e∈P1 X ci(A) ne(A) . 1 |P1| + ne(P ) i∈I e∈P1 N e∈E On the other hand, by Theorem 1

With the help of lemma 1 we finally get X X 5

ci(A) ≤ ci(P ) X X 2 N − 1 2 5N − 2 2 i∈N i∈N Sum(A) ≤ ne(A)+ ne(P )

3N e∈E 3N e∈E Combining the last two inequalities, we get X N − 1 5N − 2 X 2 = Sum(A)+ Sum(P ) ( ne(A)) ≤|P1| ci(A) 3N 3N e∈P1 i∈I

and the theorem follows. X ≤|P1| ci(A) i∈N

5 X Theorem ≤ |P1| ci(P ) 4. There are instances of symmetric linear con- 2 gestion games for which the price of anarchy of the average i∈N social cost is (5N − 2)/(2N +1). Together with (1), we get

Proof. We construct a game as follows: We partition × 5 X the facilities into sets P1,P2,...,PN of the same cardinality c1(A) ≤ c1(P )+ |P1| ci(P ). and make each Pi a pure strategy. At the optimal allocation 2 i∈N player i plays Pi. Since |P1|≤c1(P )andcj (P ) ≤ Max(P ), we get that

We now define a Nash equilibrium as follows: Each Pi Ô ¡ N 1 ≤ Max contains Nα1 + 2 α2 facilities where α1, α2 are appropriate c (A) (1 + 5/2 N) (P ). constants to be determined later. At the Nash equilibrium, each player i plays alone α1 of the facilities of each Pj .Also, The proof above may seem to employ some crude approxi- each pair of players i, k play together α2 of the facilities of mations, but it gives the best possible bound (up to a con- each Pj . At the Nash equilibrium, the cost for player i is stant factor), as the following lower-bound lemma shows. − ci(A)=N(α1 +2(N 1)α2). Theorem 6. There are instances of linear congestion games We select α1,α2 so that player i will not switch to Pj .(It (even network ones) for which√ the pure price of anarchy of is trivial that player i will not switch to the Nash strategy the maximum social cost is Ω( N),whereN is the number of some other player k.) The cost after switching is of players. −

ci(A−i,Pj )=α1 +2(N 1)α2 Proof.

! For convenience, let the number of players be 2 N − 1 N = k −k +1 for some integer k. We will construct a game +2(N − 1)α1 +3 α2 2 in which player 1 has the maximum cost among the players at the worst-case Nash equilibrium. (3N − 2) =(2N − 1)α1 +(N − 1) α2 There are kN facilities in total which are partitioned into 2 N sets Pi = {fi, : =1,...,k}.EachPi is a strategy for N+2 player i; the optimal allocation will be for player i to play We want ci(A)=ci(A−i,Pj ), or equivalently α1 = 2 α2, which is satisfied when we select α1 = N +2andα2 =2. Pi. To construct a Nash equilibrium we add for each player { } i>1 an alternative strategy Ai = f1, i−1  .Noticethat With this, the cost of each player i at the Nash equilibrium k is ci(A)=N(α1 +2(N − 1)α2)=N(5N − 2) and the cost player 1 has no alternative strategy.


. . . i, j =1haveequalcost ci(A)=cj (A). The optimal players have identical cost: Max(P )=ci(P ) for all i. . . . Let P1,P2,...,PN be the disjoint strategies, of the same V1 V2 V3 Vk Vk+1 cardinality, of the optimal allocation. We define the Nash equilibrium as follows. Each Pi contains α1 facilities that Figure 2: There is one player who goes from V1 to Nash player j plays alone for all j =1.Alsoeach Pi has Vk+1.Foreachi,therearek − 1 players who go from α2 facilities that Nash players j, k share for all j, k =1.We Vi to Vi+1.Ineachlayer[Vi,Vi+1],therearek disjoint define later parameters α1,α2. paths, one has length 1 and the rest have length k. So the cost for player i = 1 at the Nash equilibrium is

The optimum allocation is for every player who goes X i 1 − 2 1 − 2 from Vi to Vi+1 to use separate length k paths and the c (A)= (α +2(N 2)α )=Nα +2N(N 2)α j∈N player who moves from V1 to Vk+1,tousethelength 1 path. At the Nash equilibrium every player uses We need to choose α1,α2 such that player i won’t deviate

the length 1 path in every layer. to each of Pj . The cost of this deviation is

! The strategy profile A =(P1,A2,...,An)isaNashequi- N − 2 2 ci(Pj ,A−i)=α1 +2(N − 2)α2 +2(N − 2)α1 +3 α2 librium in which player 1 has cost c1(A)=k . On the other 2 hand, the optimal strategy profile P =(P1,P2,...,Pn)has cost √ci(P )=k for every player i. So the price of anarchy is We want ci(A)=ci(Pj ,A−i)so k = N + O(1). (N − 2)(N +5) This is not exactly a network congestion game, but it can α2 =(N − 3)α1 (2) 2 be turned into one as shown in Figure 2. The cost of an optimal player i is

3.4 Symmetric games - Maximum social cost


When we restrict the class to symmetric linear conges- X N − 1 ci(P )= =(N − 1)α1 + α2 tion games, the price of anarchy of the maximum social cost 2 drops to 5/2, as the following Theorem shows. e∈Pi Theorem The cost of Nash player 1 is less or equal than the cost he 7. The pure price of anarchy of symmetric lin- wouldhaveifhedeviatedtoanyotherstrategy ear congestion games for the maximum social cost is at most

5 ! 2 . N − 1 Proof. Let A be a Nash equilibrium and P an optimal c1(A)=c1(Pi,A−1)=2(N − 1)α1 +3 α2 allocation of a . Without loss of generality, 2 we can assume that player 1 has the maximum cost, i.e., Notice that we can construct such a strategy for player 1, Max(A)=c1(A). As this game is symmetric, A is a Nash disjoint to any other strategy and of suitable cardinality. equilibrium only if player 1 has no reason to switch to Pj , The price of anarchy using equation (2) is

for every j ∈ N: X c1(A) ≤ c1(A−1,Pj ) ≤ (ne(A)+1). c1(A) 5N +1 PA = = . e∈Pj cj (P ) 2N +2

If we sum these inequalities for every j,weget: X N · c1(A) ≤ ne(P )(ne(A)+1). e∈E 4. POLYNOMIAL LATENCY FUNCTIONS

1 È 2 In this section we turn our attention to latency functions Using Lemma 1, the last expression is at most 3 e∈E ne(A)+ that are polynomials of bounded degree p, and in particular 5 È 2

3 e∈E ne(P ). We can now use Theorem 1 to further bound of the form È È 2 5 2 ne(A) ≤ ne(P )andget p e∈E 2 e∈E X i fe(N)= αi(e)N ,ai(e) ≥ 0 5 X 2 5 N · c1(A) ≤ ne(P ) ≤ N · Max(P ), i=0 2 2 e∈E The cost of a player i in a strategy profile A is and the proof is complete. X ci(A)= fe(ne(A)) This is tight in the limit as the lower bound of the follow- e∈Ai

ing theorem shows. and the sum of all costs is

X X Theorem 8. There are instances of symmetric conges- Sum(A)= ci(A)= ne(A)fe(ne(A)) 5N+1 tion games for which the price of anarchy is 2N+2 ,formax- i∈N e∈E imum social cost. The theorems and proofs about linear functions of the pre- Proof. We construct a game possessing a Nash equilib- vious section can be extended to polynomials, in most cases rium A and an optimal allocation P . Player 1 has the max- with little effort. (Actually, we wrote part of the previous imum cost: Max(A)=c1(A) and the rest of the players section with this in mind.)


4.1 Average social cost Proof Sketch. The proof is very similar to that of The- p+1 The following lemma corresponds to Lemma 1. orem 6. In this case, the number of players is N = k − kp + 1, and the number of facilities Nkp. The cost of player p 2 p Lemma 2. Let f(x) a polynomial in x, with nonnegative 1isc1(A)=(k ) while every optimal player has cost k . coefficients, of degree p. Then for every nonnegative x and The price of anarchy is kp =Ω(N p/(p+1)). y: Again, this can be turned into a network congestion game, p x · f(x) C0(p) · y · f(y) similar to that of Figure 2 with k layers where each path y · f(x +1)≤ + p 2 2 inside a layer has also length k . p(1−o(1)) where C0(p)=p .Thetermo(1) hides logarithmic The following upper bound is trivial: terms in p. Theorem 12. The pure price of anarchy for polynomial Theorem 9. For polynomial latency functions of degree latencies is O(N). p, the pure price of anarchy for the average social cost is at most pp(1−o(1)). Also, Theorem 7 can be directly extended to the case of polynomial latencies: Proof. Let A be a Nash strategy profile and P an opti- mal strategy profile. Player i has no incentive to switch to Theorem 13. The pure price of anarchy of symmetric strategy Pi when congestion games with polynomial latencies of degree p is

p(1−o(1)) X X O(p ). ci(A)= fe(ne(A)) ≤ fe(ne(A)+1) e∈A e∈P i i 5. THE MIXED PRICE OF ANARCHY If we sum over all i ∈ N, and use Lemma 2, we get

From Yossi Azar we learned that he and his collaborators X Sum(A) ≤ ne(P )fe(ne(A)+1) had similar results for the case of total latency social cost e∈E and mixed Nash equilibria [1]. We then realized that some of our proofs apply directly to the mixed case as well. In X ne(A)f(ne(A)) ≤ + particular, Lemma 1 should be relaxed to deal with reals 2 e∈E instead of integers as follows:

X C0(p)ne(P )f(ne(P )) + Lemma 3. For every non negative reals x, y, it holds e∈E 2 √ √ 5 − 1 2 5+5 2 Sum(A) C0(p)Sum(P ) y(x +1)≤ x + y which is equal to 2 + 2 and the proof is com- 4 4 plete. With this, the proof of Theorem 1 gives that√ the mixed price 3+ 5 We give below a matching lower bound. Both the upper of anarchy for linear latencies is at most 2 . and the lower bounds are of the form pp(1−o(1)) but they are One should be careful how to define the social cost in this not exactly equal. case. There are two ways to do it: The social cost is the average (or sum) of the expected cost of all players Sum = Theorem È 10. There are instances of symmetric conges- i p(1−o(1)) i∈N c (N). Or, the social cost is the sum of the squares tion games for which the price of anarchy is at least p , È 2 of the latencies in all facilities: Sum = e∈E(ne(A)) .The for both max and sum social cost. two are equal for pure Nash equilibria as well as for non- Proof. Let P1,P2,...,PN be the disjoint strategies of atomic games, but they may be different for mixed equilibria the optimal allocation. We will construct a bad Nash equi- or for weighted games. From the system’s designer point of librium as follows: Each Pj has N facilities fj,k for k = view who cares about the welfare of the players, the first 1,...,n. At the Nash equilibrium Ai = {fj,k : k = i}. social cost seems to be the right choice. In any case, our So the cost for player i at the Nash equilibrium is proof applies to both social costs with the same price of p anarchy. ci(A)=N(N − 1)(N − 1) Theorem 14. The mixed price of anarchy of linear con- Player i has no incentive to switch to Pj when gestion√ games and for the average social cost is at most ≤ − p+1 p 3+ 5 ≈ ci(A) ci(A−i,Pj )=(N 1) + N 2 2.618. − p+2 p So, we select N to satisfy (N 1) = N .Sincethe Similarly, Theorem 9 holds also for mixed Nash equilibria. optimum has social cost ci(P )=N, the price of anarchy is (N−1)p+2 p(1−o(1)) N = p . 6. REFERENCES The bound holds not only for this particular number of players N but for any integral multiple of it, by appropri- [1] B. Awerbuch, Y. Azar and A. Epstein. The Price of ately replicating the above construction. Routing Unsplittable Flow. 37th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 2005. 4.2 Maximum social cost [2] E. Anshelevich, A. Dasgupta, J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos, T. Wexler and T. Roughgarden. The Price of Stability Theorem 11. There are instances of congestion games for Network Design with Fair Cost Allocation. In 45th with polynomial latency functions for which the pure price Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of of anarchy is Ω(N p/(p+1)). Computer Science (FOCS), pages 59-73, 2004.


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