Episodes in the Life of Francesca Wilson, Humanitarian Educator Activist

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Episodes in the Life of Francesca Wilson, Humanitarian Educator Activist PLACE, LIFE HISTORIES AND THE POLITICS OF RELIEF: EPISODES IN THE LIFE OF FRANCESCA WILSON, HUMANITARIAN EDUCATOR ACTIVIST by SIÂN LLIWEN ROBERTS A thesis submitted to The University of Birmingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy School of Education College of Social Sciences The University of Birmingham April 2010 University of Birmingham Research Archive e-theses repository This unpublished thesis/dissertation is copyright of the author and/or third parties. The intellectual property rights of the author or third parties in respect of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or as modified by any successor legislation. Any use made of information contained in this thesis/dissertation must be in accordance with that legislation and must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. ABSTRACT This study adopts an auto/biographical approach to explore episodes in the life of the teacher, author and humanitarian activist Francesca Wilson (1888- 1981). It is concerned with the process of researching and telling aspects of her life history as a means of contributing to the emerging historiography of women educator activists and Quaker women in international humanitarian relief in the first half of the twentieth century. It is structured around the concept of place as an interpretative device, and explores how three particular cities - Vienna (1919-22), Birmingham (1925-39), and Murcia (1937-39) - influenced her sense of identity and self and the trajectory of her subsequent life and activism on behalf of displaced people. Among the methodological aspects considered are issues of ‘truth’ and authorial voice, archival ambiguities and silences, and the role of networks and their representation in the archive. The study analyses her use of life histories for political and educational purposes, a theme that in itself raises other issues. Consequently, the use and exhibition of children’s art as a vehicle for giving ‘voice’ to displaced children is also considered, alongside an examination of the visual and textual representation of children by humanitarian activists and non- governmental aid agencies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank the archivists and librarians at the following institutions for their patience and valuable assistance: University of Birmingham Special Collections, the British Library, Bryn Mawr College Library, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge University Faculty of Oriental Studies Library, the Friends Library, London, the Imperial War Museum’s manuscript, sound and photographic departments, the Institute of Education Archives, the London School of Economics Archives, the Marx Memorial Library, the National Arts Education Archive, Newnham College Archives, Royal Holloway, University of London Archives, the Women’s Library, and Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre Library. Grateful thanks are also due to Diane Tye of Save the Children, and Alison Ironside of the Central England Area of the Society of Friends, for enabling me to access archives in their care. I would also like to thank the History of Education Society (GB) for the award of the Brian Simon Bursary to enable my attendance at ISCHE 2007 in Hamburg, and colleagues at the Domus Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Histories of Education and Childhood for their ongoing encouragement and comments. Professor Antonio Viñao Frago of Murcia University provided invaluable support and advice during my journey to Murcia, and I was overwhelmed by the generosity of Pilar Barnés and Clara Smilg, both of whom deserve my gratitude for giving of their time and memories so freely. My colleagues at Birmingham Archives & Heritage deserve my thanks for their interest and assistance, particularly Brigitte Winsor for her technical wizardry, and Dr. Andy Green and Helen Smith for their encouragement and insightful comments. I would also like to thank Rita McLean for her interest and support throughout this project. I am particularly grateful to William Horder and Elizabeth June Horder for generously sharing their memories of Francesca with me, and for allowing me to access archives in their possession. Finally, my greatest debt of thanks is to my supervisor, mentor and friend Professor Ian Grosvenor without whose knowledge, advice, generosity, unfailing encouragement, and heroic patience this study would never have seen the light of day. Parts of chapter two have been published as an article: Sian Roberts, “Exhibiting Children at Risk: child art, international exhibitions and Save the Children Fund in Vienna, 1919-1923”, Paedagogica Historica, 45, nos. 1 & 2 (2009) pp 171-190, see appendix two. Parts of chapter four have been published as an article: Sian Roberts, “‘In the Margins of Chaos’: Francesca Wilson and education for all in the ‘Teacher’s Republic’”, History of Education, 35, no. 6, (2006) pp 653-668, see appendix three. CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE - ANONYMOUS AND FORGOTTEN 1 Biographical Overview 3 From Biography to Auto/biography 5 Sources, Silences and Ambiguities 18 ‘In different places we are different people’ 24 Structure of Study 32 CHAPTER TWO - VIENNA: ‘THE GREATEST INTELLECTUAL, 33 AESTHETIC AND ROMANTIC STIMULUS OF MY LIFE’ I - A ‘city of the dead’ 34 II - A ‘new world’ 65 III - ‘I felt like a war profiteer - the ruined city had made me 85 rich in impressions and experience’ CHAPTER THREE - BIRMINGHAM: FRAGMENTS AND THE 112 ‘FUGITIVEST GLIMPSES’ I - ‘When I arrived in Birmingham my life seemed to me at 113 an end’ II - ‘I can’t help feeling that all our lives are like that. All 157 sorts of things really there & we don’t see them’ III - ‘I see the main activities of my life as being three kinds: 172 teaching, relief work and writing’ CHAPTER FOUR - MURCIA: ‘MISERABLE TOWN THAT IT WAS, 188 DREW ME LIKE A MAGNET’ I - The ‘Inglesa who brought hope to the hearts of the refugees 190 in Murcia’ II - ‘It was light struggling with darkness’ 225 III - ‘Never did I work so happily or in a moral climate so 256 propitious’ CHAPTER FIVE - A LIFE IN HUMANITARIAN ACTIVISM 264 APPENDIX 1 - Supporting Actors 320 APPENDIX 2 - “Exhibiting Children at Risk: child art, international 331 exhibitions and Save the Children Fund in Vienna, 1919-1923”, Paedagogica Historica, 45, nos. 1 & 2 (2009) APPENDIX 3 - ‘“In the Margins of Chaos”: Francesca Wilson and 352 education for all in the “Teacher’s Republic”, History of Education, 35, no. 6, (2006) BIBLIOGRAPHY 369 Primary Sources 369 Books and pamphlets by Francesca M. Wilson 371 Selected journalism by Francesca M. Wilson 372 Newspapers and Periodicals 373 Secondary Sources 374 Online resources 390 Unpublished resources 394 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Francesca c. 1910 4 Figure 2: First page of A Class at Professor Cizek’s: Subject - 53 Autumn Figure 3: Image from A Lecture by Professor Cizek 60 Figure 4: One of the post cards that accompanied the exhibition 63 showing schoolgirls weighing out food in the Quaker depot, NAEA, FC/PL/1 F2 Figure 5: The staff of ECECG outside the school, from the School 124 Magazine, 1933 Figure 6: Notice of a fundraising lecture at the ECEGC, 1938, BA&H, 129 Acc 2008/51 Figure 7: 35 Duchess Road, BA&H, BCC photographs 134 Figure 8: Vienna diary, 31 August 1920 165 Figure 9: Invitation to an Aid Spain meeting organised by Birmingham 185 Quakers, 10th February 1938, BA&H, local scrapbooks collection Figure 10: The Birmingham Post, 19 January 1938 189 Figure 11: Breakfast at Pablo Iglesias, 1937, from Margins of Chaos 201 Figure 12: The Children’s Hospital in Murcia, c.1937, from Margins 205 of Chaos Figure 13: Children sitting outside the hospital, c.1937, from Margins 205 of Chaos Figure 14: Refugee women sewing in the Pablo Iglesias workshop, 212 1937 Figure 15: Boys at Crevillente Colony, c.1937 215 Figure 16: Fundraising leaflet issued in Birmingham, BA&H, 237 Acc 2008/51 Figure 17: Girls in a colony, MML, IBA, Box A/2, File D/17 240 Figure 18: Boys in a colony, MML, IBA, Box A/2, File D/18 240 Figure 19: Cover of album, FL, FSC/R/SP/5 254 Figure 20: Drawing by Ayala, FL, FSC/R/SP/5 254 Figure 21: 16 Singerstrasse, Vienna, September 2006 305 Figure 22: Clara Smilg, May 2005 309 Figure 23: Pilar Barnés, May 2005 313 Figure 24: Former Children’s Hospital, May 2005 314 Figure 25: Francesca, late 1970s 319 Figures 1, 8, 14, 15, and 25 are reproduced by kind permission of Elizabeth June Horder. Figure 4 is reproduced by kind permission of the Franz Cizek Collection at the National Arts Education Archive, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bretton Hall. Figures 6, 7, 9, and 16 are reproduced by kind permission of Birmingham Archives & Heritage. Figures 11, 12, and 13 are reproduced by kind permission of Hodder & Stoughton. Figures 17 and 18 are reproduced by kind permission of The International Brigade Archive at the Marx Memorial Library. Figures 19 and 20 are reproduced by kind permission of the Friends Library. It has proved impossible to trace the artist or any potential heirs and I would be very pleased to hear from anyone who has information on this matter. All attempts have been made to contact the copyright holders of the images used and the responsibility for any accidental infringement is entirely mine. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS AFSC American Friends Service Committee BA&H Birmingham Archives and Heritage BCPL Birmingham Council for Peace and Liberty COPEC Christian Conference on Politics, Economics and Citizenship CUFOS Cambridge University Faculty of Oriental Studies Library
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