Good Men and True
ARNOLD TOYNBEE. GOOD MEN AND TRUE BIOGRAPHIES OF WORKERS IN THE FIELDS OF BENEFICENCE AND BENEVOLENCE BY ALEXANDER H. JAPP, LL.D. AUTHOR OF “ GOLDEN LIVES,” “MASTER MISSIONARIES," “LIFE OF THOREAU,'' ETC.,’ ETC. SECOND EDITION. T. FISHER UNWIN TATERNOSTER SQUARE 1890 “ Men resemble the gods in nothing so much as in doing good to their fellow-creature—man.”—Cicero. 112053 3 1223 00618 4320 MY LITTLE FRIENDS AND CORRESPONDENTS, TOM, CARL, AND ANNE, GRANDCHILDREN OF THOMAS GUTHRIE, D.D., IN THE HOPE THAT THEY MAY NOT BE WHOLLY DISAPPOINTED WITH THE LITTLE SKETCH I HAVE, IN THIS VOLUME, TRIED TO MAKE OF THEIR REVERED GRANDFATHER, PARTLY FROM THE MEMOIR OF THEIR FATHER AND UNCLE, AND PARTLY FROM IMPRESSIONS OF MY OWN. Oh, young in years, in heart, and hope. May ye of lives like his be led. And find new courage, strength, and scope, In thoughts of him each step ye tread: And draw the line op goodness down Through long descent, to be your crown— A crown the greener that its roots are laid Deep in the past in fields your forbears made. CONTENTS. I PAGE NORMAN MACLEOD, D.D., preacljcr aim Unitor. 13 11. EDWARD DENISON, <£ast=<£nD CCIorLcr aim Social Reformer. 105 hi. ARNOLD TOYNBEE, Christian economist anti Klotiiers’ jFjctenl). 139 ,iv. JOHN CONINGTON, £*)djoIar aim Christian Socialist. 175 v. CHARLES KINGSLEY, Christian Pastor ann /Bofcefist. 197 IO CONTENTS. PAGE VI. JAMES HANNINGTON, SSiggtotiarp 'Bishop attn Crabeiier. 239 VII. THE STANLEYS—FATHER AND SON : Ecclesiastics ann IReformcrgs. 271 VIII. THOMAS GUTHRIE, D.D., Preacher ann jFounDer of 3Rag;gen Schools in Eninlntrgh- 311 IX.
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