ZLB.-J.-JB- . r - 8C',i1S?,iSnir--iVt- . (m gaurciiHtt ti&uzztti " f 'J- la JifJ & & . S I l!" - ( 1 OJt a ooftto 0 T C Ltaea- -K Ieh.l I Jfisal? a so f 1 T iaeh jf. 4 s mjtm i t..al ..m KBiaiAA A ti m 7 a te 3H 31 Uses 1 in ass ROBERT GRIEVE, M Lines 3li 93' at 1 3 A M TJnee - MH o rw.,t.e eif Pain 'imt-mm- 'H,'BH w Exery U'edncadaj Jlorninc M woe st eel most Third ofCoIumnA ..i Taoa ANNUM' or St i0e PEK Half (jolnmo... -- a fws 7ei oat se osi PITE DOLLARS Colama . a aa m .ja oh ! il DYJ.SCE. Qne Comma lwxi':nni J WWW "; rJATXTtlE JKJi Jb--, 4u.Iue Cards( - ... riJ?LSrSSwte-- FrlCSrlber.9T.OOto10.00.' anon en a aiscouni mwi ;- Adeertlsements, whsn paid or charged !5,rtJ'--:ajJ tTMckiaelttdes . B. All fcl-aMfei- T"ZmtSimVr with th. paj when ordered la, or n Office Building . -- .. In the new Post Eastern American advertlseatenttjor sa OrCE XVI.--.N- o. IcrlptlonaaVb Honolulu, H. L YCL. 34.1 HONOLULU, , WEDNESDAY, . --- by TJerahaatStrect, AUGUST 25, 1880. WHOLE No. 815.. tun pa.? .

C. gusincsf (ards. gttSincss (aws. ijfjlii1tmttnl'gaT&s, $iisttrmtcc $ofo$s. &nsuratue polices. egojUJlt ejrtgijy. Sr trcT uieox. S. , C. S. RAKTOW. O. S. CU.U.-lliVG- 91. .. w , CO.. p spirit Kfce'cMBt" the Saviour, Auctioneer. jvm. aoiiKO-- noston Board of Underwriters. WILLIAMS, DIMtlS S&letroom on Queen Street, one door from Kainvmann SURGEON AHD HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. c Insurance Notice. Q I ndne, KrIroIa.a3t3L-f- A GENTS MtrciwBls Street. ly 776 H7aildr. for the Hawaiian Jilnnil. UNDERSIGNED ABE PREPARED Shlpplni; CeMtissiM -, lJ Office Comer Fort and Beretania Honolulu. es Mi-- lj aai cweiHn- St, So. Fort bt., below'Dr. CBitEWr-KtCO- . first-clas- .A-- stake Tfcf i ly THE write upon Merchandise, per vessels t J. -- CatlfsralaV Sen FT- -. ly wkereto all thtap are Thine I II. AUSTIN, XV. 31. ., MK - between this and the Coast Ports, covering loss or 784 1 Street, X IIIJ. a.o? It. JUKREA, CR01VE. t Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. damasre. If amounting to It) per cent, or more, cm the couirsKLiionM3 haw L ex.i3.c3. sound value of the whole shipment at port of delivery, W-- H. MO,, , O the ruber Eternal,, 7o.l3Kaahnmanmtreet. 3E2xoatlol.n.r-- Surgoon hotjsh dSovD siomr pAiirrirk, for upon favorable terms. 0S06SKAI sb WAILOKU, MATH. ly AGENTS the Ilarrallan Islands, Oerewtthcsja. Friend and Goest, IIACKFF.1VD e Sll OFFICE l"APEBn XGEK aBEgWERACO. BISHOP & Co. COMMISSION MBBCHJLXTS, II. CO., 4c, Agents the jAHtk'nbiemtaQUBuiioii, srr.ECKELS. a. . V82 Xo 1 H Fort Street. Honolnln. H. L, ly of Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. GEKEBAL C0KM1BEI0H AQEHTS, clacs in, isvct CALIFORNIA Honolulu. Jan. 30, 1830. 910 3m IIS CAtaraaer Street, 3sw fork. H Hep and Ha Rest 1 Its Jer asd Oifen Strett. Honolulu. H.I. IS xvsi. a. iRvriw Jt co., J. II. WICKE, ,INSUEANCE COMPANY. Sefemet Caatl. A Cooke, and J. T."Wateraoa. Leave In darkness snHsbled, Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Insurance Notice. Beta - Il G. HITCHCOCK. ivca. 03:22311, OtTuarl fej Thy truth- holy fire ATTOBKTY AT LAW, HIL0, HAWAII. Honolnln. II. L Bti Aiaaen aireei. UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OP THE AGENT FOR BRITISH H. W. 8KVEKAMCK, One THE Curnpanr, THE S BM-f- et vrMtJi The canst not Inhabit oTT - Collected. ly door below Hotel Street. hare been authorized to fnsnre riles THE Marine Insurance Company, (Limited), has - Bill. Proar'- KOITTON. h'OKTOS. on te AWAIIAH COSertsX.- SH (3aUfstlsa St., ! a. V. O. B. Furniture of all descriDtions made and Cargo, Freight and Treainre, from Hoaolnla celred tostroctlops to reduce of Insurance Then doet not Inspire renal. .f r... to all parte of the world, and the rate, .SAnJraacieco. S P. A. SCIIAKFr.lt &. CO.. o. xv. roitxoiv Ac aooable rate,. Beet workmanahlpgnaranteed. oTS ly rice Tersa. between Reuolulu and Ports in the Paclae, and lanow pre- H co' ta IT H. HACKrtLI) CO. pared to Issue Policies at the lowest rates, with a special Parchaaing aatLCsTrimitM9Ti.Agt SMh sate stleaee. ray raMrieut Importers &. Commission Merchants Store, Grove Ranch Plantation. .Dealers in Choice Gro- THOMAS reduction on freight per stesmtr. ; HonoUln, ne.we.IUn I.lepde 1 ceries and Pronslona and General Merchandise. TAKSATT. ru Thy Pretence I eee 7SJ e P. A. NGHAUFEK, TITEO. n. DATTEL If davrtvit 818 ly. No. 63 Fort Street, oppo-it- E. O. Ilall & Son. , 76J SANDWICH ISLAND ASD OTHBS.I'BOMrCTS. - coming, Hoard J W Ins. Co.. Limited' lr When I t my " TbT ADA3IS. HA11II1.V orDremen of Underwriters, with Thee. K. 1. M, . anil AftentofDreiden rtoard of Underwriters, e rhtofn are radiant Commission J. WIUTIM.Y. 31. !., X. S. ri.NKJIACHINKIlYcarefnUj repaired In a Aent ol Vienna Board or Underwriters. I! Auctioneer and Merchant. Dental "Boons on Fort Street, workmanlike manner. Vff Orders from the NORTH GERMAN S"-- ly Claims against Insurance Companies within Qneen Street. Honolnlii.ll.l. f other Islands promptly attended to. 7S3 the Jurisdiction 0WkMin(ttlneTliK, OcV la Brewer's Block, corner of Hotel and Fort Streets. tf abo-- e FIRE INSURANCE, COMPANY, CARLSON & CURRIER, Agents always In sl-- ht J - of the Boards of Underwriters, will hare to be certl j arrawtth Thee P.. HALX. &. SOU. I1 MS- Entrance. Hbtel street. ly- - J. of ray being, O. C. COI.EIIAS. fled to by- the aUi-- agent to mate them tsIIJ. 780 ly Ijeri. ester this hflCM HABDWABE Capital, Five millions Rcicbsaark. ht 1 MPOBTEBS AND DEALEBB IS E. COOK WEBB, 31. BLACKSMITH AND Ad S every roam wKa Thy J., MACHINIST IIAMatIIRGJI--ISRE!llK- n DrGoodl,rlnti, 0Ilind0eniriilJlrrchDdlie, HOMEOPATHIST, Home Shoelns, Crtrrlnce Work, UNDERSIGNED HATING BEEN CornerFortindKln-E- H. (Late Chief of Staff Homeopathic Hospital, Ward's Plantation MocUJuery, c PIEE IHSUEA170E C0MPA.1TY. appointed Agenta for the above Company, are Gossip for tio Indies. Island, X. Y.) 809 Shop on King Street, neit Castle & Cooke's., ly notT.eady to Office Street, bpcclal app- .fOII?. II. PATY, fO Fort attention to diseases of UNDERSIGNED hnTlng been Policies Balld-lue-s, Smyrna, DelaTrare, women o. li. Issue ncnln.t Risks orFlre oa Xrt. AMsott, reodinj; at HOTABY COMMISSIOHEE of DEEDS. and children. 0. ,,nt,. ointed of the aboee Company, are prepared -- recently, fane was PUBLIC and . 2to-- l - - 803-4- to 2Icrchnudl!u cse4 urj sven years, died Omccthoure Until 10a. r.ic- G. NEKP.t.Kr-- Ac srifa . intni. risks araintt Ore, on Stone aad DrleU Bnllil. nud Furniture tfce widow of lmbnds. For the. Stele, of OlifbmL and Kew Tork.OIBce thr Ings. and on Merchandise stored therein, en the most on terms equal to those of other respectable companies. ktbj Bent ofBUhopaCo... Honololn. o'E r favorable terms, for particnlaraapplr at theoOceof Losses paid for and adjasted here. -- color, and is exactly the TIUBMITHS AKD PLllMBEES, Hterap i xe new Graduate oJlcCUl College.) T8 ly F. A.'SCKAEFIIR CO. i'or particulars spply to Ie er -- no. a .Mtnnnu levelr pssbsU pc-p- - the . IKO. HOrrSCIILAEGKC k CO.. of Medical Jnrleprndccce, and formerly stret. ra JI. AUCS8XLU A. Co Agenta. Late Professor Keep constantly on hand TRANS-ATLANTI- C Iro-- a vrtuca takes name. Anatomy Unircrtlty rull aseortment of Tin, Sheet 8 its naTOBTEBS AHD COMMISSION MEKCHAKTS, Semimetratcr of in the of Iron, and Copperware, TILK 880 Market Street, San Francisco. hriif vears a yelLthB Itisbop'e College, Montreal, Canada; and for bonie FIRE INSURANCE 801 ly . TU&tei rur-kii- Si nonolnln.Oenn.IT.T. oWl; time liuusc Surgeon In the London Hospital, Lon- 0alTd Iron and Pipe. COMPANY. Lloyd-Marine-Insuran- Greek asd Tenoan are arrayed in red, and the lead India Snbbor Hoo, 4c OF HAMBURG. Swiss Co. bltuJiea beneath a thicfc don, England. pgns &rc maid--a hide her XV. OFFICE Corner of Hotel and Fort Streets, (over - - OF IVINTERTHUR. shot with silver. A. Kl'SIl. Capital .- . .- Six Millions Reichsmarl; oneiai; ol neb. brocade AND PROVISION DEALER. Mellis Fiend s store) expressed by GROCER Home, 'rom 8 to 10 a. m.: 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 p. m. INNURKD ON BUILDINCiN. HER. UNDERSIGNED ars AUTHORIZED CONTRACTOR'S A txFPT ie in brsedets is harms F.mUjQrocer nd Feed Store, bt IMP0BTEB. MAHUFACTDREB, spread ont on the lower side of 8U0Hm HELL-- UPH0L8TEBEB, chandlse and Furniture, on liberal terms, br to insure wire 795 1 y) SO Fort Street. Hoe olnln. AKD DEALEB IK 178- - TI. tecKoi on. tie top, and at their joint 4c lr nACKFELD A CO., Agents., On Cargo, Freight tie sct roertm? -- HOLLLSTUK CO., and Treasure SPECIALNOTIGE diamond, ehich looks to &. CO.. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, leraaw: the of a I.AIiAF. Prvggists, Apothecaries, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C From Honolulu to all parts of the world, ensapparted, ai the thin wire is almost and upon be eaurelr COMMISSION MERCHANTS Fnrniture e No. 1 Fort Street. Work shop at Importers of Tobacco and Cigars, old sUnd 2Litl3o:r, Importa. of end Deler InBaj, Grain, and Reneral Soda the on Hotel Street, PIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, v,- -il dresses worn recently hnvo Manufacturers uf Water, Coasters, by Special PerXBlssIoia ! SKmedseen as ...h. rr.Ji.rr. Honolulu, n. I. " 808 Ordessfromtheotherlslands promptly attended to. fly white satin, tnmmed with Uce Cnt " Agents for P. LorilUrd & Co's Tin Tag; W. S. Kimball Of HAMBURQ. On the most favorahle terms. beiBade of -- -- Carpenters. jbe mazes style, the overdress o lace, or lace WILDim & CO., & Co's Vanity 1 At; nd Goodwin Co's Old HONOLULU IERCIIANDISE, FURXI. J 8. WALKER ki Queen Eopololti, Jndge. lobnccos and Cigarettes. IRON WORKS CO. BUILDINGS. "?S-l- y for Hawaiian al a saarls, forms the entire drapery. The Corner of jFflrt and btrects Insnred asilnit Fire on ths the Islands. Painters, Engineers, masses and 7C4 ",o.e5 ytinann btreet, Houolulli. ly most favorahle terms. canatsre cosstsu of flowers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Hails, Salt and Building W STEAM ENGINES. SUGAR MU.M Cooks, Bakers and Others, TSnrtfiWia. Hollera,Oo1r, Iron, Brass aod Lead Castln- -i A. Atrnt for the Hawaiian (DQo-l- ) Material of every kind. JAEGER, Islands. GERMAN LLOYD CASTJL.K ,& HATCH, 7 ly hy-t- Bndrssmds adopt the English fashion of Machinery of Every Furnished at Reasonable Uotlce, A: X-ci.- Description, or bonnets. At a recent wed-th- sr mj.LI.XiHA.II CO.. 4S- - Made to Order. Marine of.pale Attorneys a.t UNION INSURANCE Insurance Company of Berlin. Employment Agency of Crosett & Co., the brwlesraaida wore princess dresses IMPOBTEES AHD DEALEBS IH TIABDWAEE W. R. CASTLK, Noury Public, attend all Particnlar paid Ship's- COMPANY brocade, the attention to Blacks mithing prat, a eombinatioa of silk and andlarRe Dry Ooode, and 011a, and General Conrts of tbe Klrgdom. - 233 Cutlery, Taint Ki- JOB WORK executed on Ihe honest notice. foTM ly OF SAN FRANCISCO. Sutter HL, San Francisco, California. LjOiofjibe Gainsboronch shape, trimmed with Ko. 81. King Slr-e- l. Honolulu Sly Particular attention paid W the uesutUtlon ofLoana, Sretsei aaoe and immense cxa&nea roses. Cooveyandni, Coflectlnc, etc. tar Money to loan on FOTLTUNA. 17 Special pains to select soluble persona to mi all Ac F. J. O'BRIEN, orders. 8M 8 m sil ver-fii- lt casket ICOIM.KS CO.. 3Iurtae. Marino. Qeeen Victoria u the owner of a , Oflice : Xo. C7 Tort street, over Dtllinfcham A Co's Store, PKACTICAl. PlMIMUEtt & GAS General locks of hair of Ship Chandlers and Commimou Merchant-- lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. is which are lockeu eontaimnc Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. 784 ly TIN SMITHING. IHOOBPOEATED, 1865 ESTABLISHES, . X oScers who fellatlsandnla. Eachlocket raporleraandllealeraln General Mercnandlie.Uneen'triiet OOFPF.lt SMITHING. Jas) thirteen 778 ly . is aacraved with an "In ilemoriam" and the Honololn. Hawaiian lalande. XII OS. XIIICU31, METAL JiOOFIJfO. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS THE ABOVE INSURANCE COMPANIES n turn) rf tosether with the date of his XuronTl0 A2ID JIANcrACTUKINO established a General Agency here, and. the INDIA RICE MILL, the tcer. G.mcicaoK bobt. Lr.ivr.HR, C. X. COOKE Ship Work and Jabbiny promptly attended to 47 For the Hawaiian Islands. ly undersigned. General Agents, are to death. The souvenir was ordered by the Queen. J. STATIOHEB, HEWS AGENT, AHD authorized Ukc CORNER OF scented petticoats, with T.r.lVF.IEK Ac DICKROS. and satisfaction guaranteed. Risks ngalnst tbe Dangers or (tie Lmhftj are now wearing PAPEB BDLEB, Tire Risks on Cane Fields, Seasnt tno Mission the perfnaje (in fcobd) quilted on. The effect is IMPOBTEES & DEALERS IH" LUMBER. Merchant St. near Fort, and Fort bt. near Ilotel, Uonololu Shop. Hotel Street, fenr Fort Street. Host and Fremont Sts.SanJFrancisco, by a Bos 3m fTUIE UiDERSIUNED, AGENTS FOR THE Reasonable Rates, anil on tlio Toeahtr ; one moment the nose is assailed AndallklndaolBolIdln-Materlala.FortStreet.Honoln- ln O.hu.lI.I. CALIFORNIA. exndmg rondeletia, whilst a moment 0Sly AIm, Pabilsher of the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual, 3Iost Favorable Terms. Itar charator and Hawaiian Directory C3r TJjcxAoatx "tst 801 was autumn from the and Calendar, c, &c. PARISIAN RESTAURANT, 3m P. A. SCHAKFEU A CO General Agents. -- later one nuht think it The Merchant etteet Ulnxe will be devoted to General sta- qpilE INDIA RICE HILL, after IB rears navor of new-mo- hay. Where .IOIIIVT WATIIKJIOIISK. 49 IIOXXI. hTKEET, Fire and fllarint Iusurance Company. JL of practical experience 'and Improevment, is now oKiijjiing GEHEBAL tionery, Blank. Book,, Jtews and Biudln Jlepnrtments. ihe lkiiaon. spranc from is not known, bnt the IMP0ETEB AHD DEALEB IH Tbe sort stree Store will embrace Fine btatiofierr. Book,. IiBOMr DEXQAM, : : Proprietor, of New Zealand, tbe nearest lo perfection of any of the Bice Mltta of the universal. MERCHANDISE. Toya 783 world. Iu thoroughness of tcaeuee is becoming ,AnlH' Mlterlals. aud Fanct Goirfs. ly (Late of Sati Francisco.) Are authorized to accept Fire Risks on Sugar Crops la LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE experience 77 Queen Honolnln. II. Jy Madame Ad ehaa Patti, wnting of her Street. I. XV. - the Field. For particulars, apply to G. MACFAKLAMJA- CO.. RESTAiIKAXT Bill, BE Hllnr.li.Hl H. Cleansing and Polishing ia yr"H. says that when her name is on the THIS the best Mests. Poultry, Fish. Frnlt. J. WALKKR, appearance she is all the morning CF.CKL. BROWS. IMPORTERS AHD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, which can be obulned. Families and parties &t,a, aoiSm Agent for Hawaiian Islands INSURANCE CO. It stands unrivalled: and in yield of cleaned merchant poser for LAW. will be aerred able Rice, from the Fadd. nervosa, and agitated ; as the honr of the ATT0BHET AHD C0DHSELL0E AT Robinson's f Building, at their residences with French and other dishes, prepared in most rcchercht style. Assets. O repRMCtation approashas she grows more and N0TART PUBLIC. Queen Street, Honolulu, H.I. the Private rooms for families. Rhenish Wostphallan Lloyd $26,740,105,70 Produces from to S per cent. Mora leav-isgt- 785 ly tcTered. and at the last moment, when And Agent far UVIn Acinowledginenta of Imtrnmentiror aoents roa ESTABLISHED AX AOENCT IN than the Celebrated Mill, of Amsterdam. xkre HONOLULU, I dressms-roo- m for the stage, one feeling tbe IslaudorOaho. The Glasj-o- and Honolulu LTne of Packets. INSURANCE COMPANY, for the Hawaiian Islands, aad the undersigned are prepared to THE INDIA RICE MILL IS HOW IN iliiimiiiTiii tei a terrible fear. o787 Ko. 8 Kaalmroann Street. Honolnln. H. I. ly John Uay it Co's Liverpool and London Packets. J. H. LYNCH. OF SI. OXADBACII. Kheulsh write risks axalnst PEMT.CTltUN. The Walkapn Plantation, l'rnssia. NINO ORDER FOB. THE soaw balls given in England late- , ON At fashionable 3VJL cts-ixixx- The Spencer Plantation. Uilo, Boot and Shoe FIRE BUILDIKGS, MERCBANISE AND were verv short, in many instances is.. Manufacturer, and" Co., ly, the drssses AM) OF Hakalan Plantation, Htlu. g Aachen Leipzig Insurance this was done in or-o- er JOBBU DWELLINGS lulling and of rrSte ctearing the ankie, bnt Mirrtees, Talt & uimou, isugar Machinery. KINO STREET, (-f Limited, Dressing Paddy show the ornaments of gold worn thereon, STAPLE AHD FAKCY DBY GOODS, CL0THIHG, The Punhie, gheep Ranch Company. 785 is JHas On favorable terms. DwclIInjr Risks Special. pictures, and the BOOTS, SHOES, &c just received, per last steamer, a line assortment of OF a AND after the fashion of the antique s. c. x. AACIIEN. Ity. Detached dwellio-- s and contents inaured for a period day. The C2 Honolnln. auex. t. aoausox Indian women of the present At Great Eseleru More, Tort Street, Jk. of three years, for two premiume In adtance. Josses arddea are made to follow as closely as ly AI.LES ICOItHVSOrt. Gent's Boots aud Shoes CL.AIMS FOR FARTICUI.AR AVER. promptly adjusted 7i M by Goods anil payable liere. uncleAned : form, indeed the rage for an-uq- At Robinson's harf, smulned arrlTiu; here, and Insured 'K-- nmnop a Co. rice possible the ancient EEILRKS Se. CO., of the Best Eastern Mtke; also on hand, a AllIn tne shore Companies, have to bo made with the cog. from the Hawaiian Islands, to which It U specially jewellery quite a nnnia. It. F. Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building nizance of certified to by adapted. ' is DBY GOODS AND GEHEBAL and the undersigned. In order to Spotted Tail, n young woman DEALEBS IK Materials, Paints, Oils, Hails, &c, &C.&C, Fine he valid. (780 ly) J. O. ULAPK. Agent. The danghier of MEBCHANDISE, Stock of Home Made Wear, of eighteen, is stndying in the Government School or BCBOOVSaS H3-- cfi3 T. 3303E3, Consignments of Paddy and Huited Rice t HaHiwIr ltirroeVR. Penll&vlvania. Fort Sl..alwitOdd Fellow, Hall y HALGAKALA all of which will be sold cheap for cash. HORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE S. 1r- Will receive prompt and careful attention. - ShehasLuBly rcazned the half-bree- d interpreter j KOLAMAKC, . All orders from II. C. JIcMTYKi: &. IIKOTIIKIC. the other Islands promptly attended to. INSURANCE CO., Manufacturers of and Dealers in WM. M. GREENWOOD, emptorcs! at me uarracks, ana wnea kui tu u HEKACLTJOHI. 801 lordly STORE and BAKERY, 3m OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of India Burnt acrsbhmg, the other day, her husband QE0CERY. FEED MARY ELLKN, Rice Mill. vji (ns Wi royal blood, he re- . interfered. wife was of Comer of Kinj and Fort streets, PAUAHI, ESTABLISHED 1809. DOORS, WINDOWS AND BLINDS marked the daughter of a chief and he wanted ' -- ,3aC HONOLULU. 7S3 ly IULAMA. M j2l O DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S her to only what the white ladies do. k CAPITAL, i 1.007,38 kam LEAHI, No. 40 INIST, special '&. Fort htreet, WHOLESALE AHD RETAIL, i The Sal tan has ten servants whose dnty A. .. CLClIOItn Co.. 779 ITonolnln, Hawaiian Accumulated and Invested Fund. 3,838,118 OHLOIlOl-lTKrE- when going Islands. ly is to enfold the carpets for him be is lMrOKTIKS isn DZILEKS IX will attend to ail orders In the -- IS THE OHIQIHAt AST) CTtYSESTJMS. pray: ten to take care of his pipes and cigar- -- rnllE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN AP- - to j1wio, JL l'OI.NTKD AGENTS for two to dress hit, royal hair ; and twenty to Gonoral MorcTi an (omafic gtrndup. LOCK, GUN & GENERAL REPAIR LINE. tbe Sandwich Ialanda, and are 44, 46 and 48 Market Street, Is by profession to ettes; 788 and ly aatliorUed to losure against Fire npon terms. CIILORODYNE. admitted the h. noble shirts. There are a Corner Qneen Kaahnmann Streeti, farorable tbe roost wonderful rt?73 to his most clean lie will elre ipclttl Attention to denning, repairing niks taken in any part of tbe Islands on Stooe and IVoodeu SAH FEAKCI3C0, CAirFOEIfli. And valuable racfcrtede of other attendants about the palace ; ". and rejjuUtmy bewin 5 and all other kiDdaf Buildings and Dwelling remedr ever dJacovered. MICKEIlTO-i- merchandise etored therein. Homes 795 Cm Is the indeed, it is stated that WO families and about I.ICIIAKI F. KAUPAKTJEA PLANTATION Light Machinery and Metal Wort of every description. and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or with CIILORODYNE best remedy knirB for 4009 persons live ot his Majesty's expense. He is ATT0BNEY AND C0UHSEL0B AT LAW CCtiAR SOW COMING I.V aud for sale ill Ulackainlthlnff. etc. oat cargoes, or onder repair. Coughs, Consumption, Broncblua. I oy Asthma. housekeeper; expendi-tere- s IVItl attend tbe Terroa of on the other laland quantities to suit purchasers Also, on hand and for sale cheap, l ly HP. HOFFgCHLATOBR k CO an extravagant the annual C- - effecinally Money lend on Mortgagee of Freeuolde. No 7901V AFONO. CIILORODYNE cheeks and arrests these ef the palace ore mentioned as nearly lo too often fatal diseases: Diphtheria, W Merchant Htreet-T- l doore irom J)r 8u 3m A Variety Sewing I of Machines TJ3rio3?r Fev.r, Croup, Ague. Qaeen Victoria has just presented 30 to Private C. V. IIOUJ-MAI- HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS Uana, I'JatoIs, Shot, Ammunition, CIILORODYNE acta like a cbann In Diarrhoea, and Fire and Marine Insurance Company Is the only specific la Cholera, and George Dodd of the British army, in recognition (Late of CanadlBO Pactfic Railway Survey;) Dysentery. a child from death un- .Machine Oil, Needles, die, dec, die. of his gallantry m saving 0"l-w- l OF NEW ZEALAND. CI1LOBODYNE effectually cuts short all attack, of der the wheels of a tram-ca- r in Dublin. The car Enginoor. & hewing Macbfue Tuckers. Uinders-aa- All other extra EpQep.y, Ilysterla, Palpitation: and was going down a steep incline and could not be OJIice : Over lir. Fiangenald's, corner of GREY CO., and duplicate parts of machines supplied on short uotlce. CAPITAL 810.000,000 ripasms. 808 --FOR stopjvxL Dodd sprang forward to snatch the 3m Fort nnd Merchant Streets. Manufacturers aud Dealers C3r Best Machine Twlst.-e- a CIILORODYNE la tbe only palliative In Nsorattfa, bravery with lu Rheumatism, Gout, Caae.r, chflc, and wuuld have paid for his his xv. &. Sole Agent tit (Ait Kingdom or ESTABLISHED nt life had not the pole struck him and knocked him, a. l'ciitci: co.. HAVING for the Hawaiian islands, the onder. Preserving Ac. SHIP CHAHDLEBS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS ALL KINDS OF SOAPS. Tbe Florence hewing Machine, ftoax f 40 to 80. signed are prepared to accept risks against Are In dwell, and Beautifying From W. Vesalloa Feulgrtw, U. D.. formerly Lectar.r with the Utile one in his arms, clear of the rails. Sewin? Machine, 45 at St. Qeor-a- 'a HosplUI, AQKNTS OU ajcIco, King Street, Honolulu. White from to)75. lags, stores, warehouses, and on London: "Lhave no hesitation HomehutUetiewlng merchandise, favorable THE In statin- - An American belle lately created a sensation at a Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow' wanted. Orders left At Machlno, from f IS to 35. terms. that I have never metwlth any medicine so e(S BrandB Gnns and Bomb Lances, eg- - Including rM caclons an A cream painted with trailing Boiles A Co.'s, Quenn Stroet, will atten-"- n extras lso ly on cargo, freights, profits as and Sedative. I have used ball in a satin drras Ferry Davis" PaJn Killer, meet with prompt Murine? Klxks bottomary, It forget-me-not- s; and commissions. " Complexion in Consumption, Asthma, Dlarrhcea, asd other diseases, sprars of irv leaves and bouquets of Fierce's Maguetic Trnss, 785 ly and Teeth. and am perfectly satisfied with very long cream kid gloves, with satin shoes, Lonseii th. resalu. Whalemeihlpplne List, Ac, Ac OIL BLACKINC. promptly adjusted nnd I'nynlile here. A -- EW AND VALUABLE PREPARATION Earl Russell commnnlcated to the CoUece of PhjaJc and an immense white satin fan, were each simi- 785 Qneen Mrcet, Honolulu. ly SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, 7W ly S. WALKER. pronoun ed hy all to be the Uns tbAt he bad received a dispatch from Her Majesty'. design f i. Jrk most perfect larly ornamented; and an the was planned H. K. WH1TSKY. W.H0BKUT6OM In existence. Unlike other preparations, it Is Consul at Manila lo th. effect thai cholera has been, J. ln- - c. and executed by hercwn hands, la Mle Americaine Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins not only harmless bnt favors a natural and health fearfully, .nd that the only rmedf of any iwr-l- waari. WUITNEY & HOBEKTfcON, j$y x$e FUND action of Chloeooysk." See Zaneel, 1st December, 3eH not a little elated at the nncUbguiwsd expres- AND FIREMAN'S the skin, resulting in complete parity aati ISM. (Sucuiiort to B. M. irAtlney.) CONrTASrTJ,VIJf IIAKD FOK SALK, clearness of complexion. CAUTION. Rxwaac or Pi H act iMlTATlojta sions of admiration that rewarded her artistic asdry p Tbe public are further eaunantd ; a ror-e- of th. sot cSerts. Stationers, Publisher', News Dealers, and. Book- Wnlmei. Tnmicry. p. pq MAIMJFAOXURKD INSURANCE COMPANY-o- sump having rauuery, J. Parker, Prop'r. eminent come to the knowledcrof the "With a view to in some measure secure ladies binders. IIllo r.H. J.jirmn. Pjioprietor, rj. HAM" PBAWCISCO, HOLLISTER & CO., Board uf Inland Revenue. against accident Sir. F. Lovcll. writing to the times, 784 Merchant Street, llonolult. ly 803 A. S. CLLGHORN A CO.. Agents. BY CAUTION. Sir PareWood stated that lr S axxxca. Druggists and Apothecaries, Da Bbowsm waa ondonbtedly suggests that ndmg-skir- ts should be as short as g IVXariixo, J. Colli. tb. Inventor of Flro EM y 85 Hunann Street. Tlonolnla. CnmnoDTNie ; that the story of th. defendant waa delib- potable ; that the bottoms should be cut clean as xm:o. ii. iavifs, UKTJtOPOLll'Art MAltULX. C'aah Cnpltnl, Gold. 8300,000. ' erately nntrue, which, regretted say, (LlTI Jl-io- s, A Co.J he to had beta a man's frock coat, and left so, without any hem Guts G. S. PINKHAM & CO., 5 Dwelllnr Rlakan Speciality. Detached dwellings sworn to. fee ristet, July 10, M. or binding whatever; that the skirt should swell IMP0BTEB AHD COMMISSION MEBCHANT, C.WALLER, Proprietor. I aod cou tents Insured for a period of three years, for two pre Sold In Bottles at Is. I)jd., --s. M., 4s. 6d. and 11a, tacfa. ! -- somewhat at the bottom like the orifice of a bell ; asd Aocxr roa co tg tnfams in adrsnee. CEO. LUCAS, None Is euuln. without th. words "Dr J. COLLIS downwards should King street. l?? ly Honolulu, BROWNE" on Oovernneat Stamp. that the seams from the knees Liverpool Underwriters, By writing smalt lines on carefully selected risks well th. Ovesxhelailax.- be held together by buttons, 5 in. or more apart, Lloyda and the 2 KOLOA, KAUAI. tC medleat teatimouy acctmpanlea cb bottle. Britlfth and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, and distributed, oilers CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Bote Mancl-ctnr- .r loosely sewn underlining of very thin cloth, o"& ly FAMILY MARKET. J, T. DAVESFORT, to the Northern Assurance Company. - te J3.Greatr.ui,.llBt, Blwm.barj, Lnxlou. and that especial care should be taken to test Jnnctlou of Hotel and Union Streets. INDEMNITY ECOND TO NON.E. WUl.acau-riu.- a. a. r. csnTKR, r. c josij, je. Co..dJ O whether they can be torn off with the greatest ease. G. WALLF.lt, .... PBOPIUETOn, Losses Promptly Adjustod. Willi. 7SI (m C. BEEWER & CO.. f.UliV Choicest Jlenln from the Finest Herds. Fish, Poultry, Vegewbles. BISHOP & CO., II Four Planets in Perihelion. etc., & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aIj nished to order. KxUas Tnesda) j BOLLES & Co., Agents, , S 778 ly Agents for the Hawaiian Islands SHIPPING sand Thurs- ' ' Honolulu Astronomers tells ns that we are entering upon a days, Veal; e ridaj s, Fish ; Sundays, Umb, nnles-oth- ' Steam Planing Mills, period when an occurrence will take place in the 7J Honolnln. Hawaiian Islands. Jy wise ordarcd. Tbe Proprietor havli- i- leased the neat S to and commodious Vegetable. M I HOXOLOLU. J & heaven! which has not been known for more than 'V. Frnlt and Poultry Market, WILDER CO., Esplanade, Honolulu, II. eighteen centuries- - The four largest of theplanet-ar- y C1IAS. (iUHOK. adjoining the Family Meat Market, will be prepared to I. Uranus. 3sro-r.A-n.s- " jb-- u promptly and aatlstactorlly nil orders for everything S-- Agenta for tbe Hawaiian Islands, bodiex Jupiter, Saturn and Iteptune JJiiic, to funilsli the tables nil Manufactures all kinds or perihelion space, Agent to take Acknowledf-ment- s to Labor Contracts vith the Substantlals and OF THE are approaching their point in UeUcarie- - the country affords, tar shipping supplied "?"iv 'Vsf'oV are sweeping in their gigantic orbits nearer and Ais'D on short notice. Meats, ic, delivered to all paru of the Mouldings, Brackets, nearer to the sun, and their simultaneous approxi- GENERAL BUSINESS ACENT. city without eitra charge. Mi ly Mutual Life Insurance Co. Window mation to the central mass of the Eolar system has Office In Makee's Block, corner Qneen and Kaahumann Frames, inspired some minds with fear as to the possible Streets. Honolulu. 762 ly I HAVE SKCUHED A OF NEW YORK, Blinds, Sashes, Doors remits to that particular planet on which we dwell. &NOWJL.ES' And all kinds or Woodwork Finish. JAMES Jtt. ItlONSAURAT, STEAM PIEST-GLAS- S HORSE-SHOE- E! Largest, Safest and Most There is no need for any anxiety, however, as such AND an event has happened' scvenl times before, and Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Turning, .Scroll and Band Sawing ! probably will happen often again, without causing f Special attention paid to the negotiation of Loans,') ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. the cEiailcst inconvenience to any human being. ! Conveyancing, and all matters appertaiuliij; to Kcal Vacuum Pumps. ALL KINDS OF jTheptrihelioiiof a planet being that point in (.Estate. its J TJ.VKF.K-SKJNE- THE Corner Beafe and Howard Sts., where comes sun, rriHK D HAVE JCHT HE-- IN WORLD! Planing and Sawing1, orbit it nearest to the and all the Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Hew York. U. CETVED per Amy Turner, from different from lumi- Boston, a foil planets being at distances that Office above WHtney & Robertson's Book btore, of these celebrated Pumps, which are guaran- (187C)..S80, Morticing and Tenanting. nary, it follow that some of them approach the tr Honolulu. II. I. 7tJ teed to be cheaper and better than any other style ol Assets 000,000 8AK FRANCISCO, CAUrORNIA. sun or are in perihelion more frequently than pnmp Imported. We call the attention of planters partic- --SLlisI- O.Aa,t3SC. W. GIKVIiV. ularly u Vacuum ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTEITDED TO others. Kptnne, the most distant of all, takes J. the Pump, which is less complicated W. H. TATLOB, to complete its movement round the sun : Commission Mercliant General Dealer and more serviceable han other pumps. Now a Good ,Tijne to Anil Work Pret't. JOSEPH XSOXZ. Sap't let tm and 808 Sm fj, is Insure Unaranteed. while Jupiter, the king of the planets, he UREWEft & CO Orders from the solicited. in size In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Stationery, None but First-Clas- s other Islands Egyp-,tma- Risks Taken, Honolulu, May 2, 1879. SCO whom the Greeks called Phaeton, and the Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and SOS-'- Ira the Brilliant," sweeps round in less than a Glaeswarc. SALAMANDER BUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY twelfth part of that time, ihe last occasion when 782 WAILUKU, MAUI. ly FELTING THE a stellar phenomenon similar to that which is about X. TT. O X. .A. JEL EC , to happen occurred, was at the beginning of last JSCO'TTSXj, FOR New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. IX ALL ITS BBAKCHES, centnry, when all lour of these wandering world's JAtlVS IIOUU. l'KOl'ltlt.TOK, And nm prcitnreil to enrry on tbl" Branrb No. Z7 Merchant St, Importer and Dealer In simultaneously. was CoYcring - ' OF BOSTOH, MASS Steamboat, Steamship, neared the sun almost That CORKER OF FORT AND HOTEL STREETS, HONOLULU. Boilers, Steam Pipes ol iny Business in manner isntla- - Land in 17DS and the following" years, and, if there were my INCORPORATED, any ground for supposing that earthquakes and CTbe hot of Alee, Wiues and Liquor, constanty on hand. ETC., ETC. fnctory to Patrons. 1835. DIAMOND GOODS! plagues attended these nnnsnal history Lirery Slablee attached ! Ihe Hotel. 77. ly eventb, Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel-PRIC- 7he Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance. Co. in ENGINES AND BOILERS ought to inform us of dire calamities at that time C. AFOING. OWNERS OFFINE STOCK ihe United Slates. LADIES' AND QESTLEMEU'S .f4,,f the globe. Tet there is no sttisf actory REDUCED TO BBL. Will do well to give me a Call. COHrOUSI). proof of the earth having been disturbed about Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer $7.50 Policies Issued on the most faTorabls Terras. HIUII PBJSSDRE OB that period ; on the contrary, she seems to have in General Merchandise THEO. H. WALTHAH AND ELGIN WATCHES adopted an attitude of perfect indiff erenco in spite DAVIES, my Shop Example And China Goods, In t!ie FireFroof Store, Lorner of '08 m Agent. Horses sent to King St. orNon.Forfeltnre Plain, STEAK VESSELS, of all ltInds,batlteooipIt. with of the proximity of the major olanets. The great 784 Will attended to. ' IKSCBED AOE 36 LIFK PLAJt pUgoe happened in the year lft5, and can hardly, KlnlTand nnannatreeU. beaitiiully IS GOLD AND SILVER CASES. II oils of Wood, Irvu or Composite. Honolulu Fire Department Notice. 1 Annual premiumcoatfnnea Policy 2 years Sdsys therefore, be put down to the malignant influence &. m3a compounded more especially 31. S. GUIAUAUai CO.. C. WEST. 2 Annual premium enntlnaes Policy 4 years 12 days OKDIXAKY ZSUUTES when advis- of planetary perihelia; as it can 3 Annual premium ct Policy ft 27 days be accounted far bv other causes, such as unsani- IMP0BTEBS AND WHOLESALE DEALEBS ntiLUes years SOLID COLD JEWELRY, able. -, 4 Annnal premiam contisues Pulley 8 yeArs46 days tary conditions of life, and an absence of a suff- In Fashionable Clothlu- HaU, Caps, Boots, Shoes and ft Annual premium continues Policy 10 years fia days BTEAX LAEJfCHEr,. Bar-e-a and Steam Tojs. con- icient vegetables erery variety of Gentlemen's superior Furnishing Goods. JUST RECEIVED ETC., ETC., IN GREAT Y.YBIETT. amount of fruit and fresh in the structed wltbl reference to the Trade la which they are of age. Store In Makee's Block, Queen Street, Honolulu, U. I. BY popular diet the If there be any who -. THE FIUE TOWER BELL WILL BE RUNG : : -, would attribute the war of the succession to these I8- lvl Asaota, $13,SOO,000! to be employed. Speed, loans- and draft of water WArCHES AND CHRONOMETERS RATED gnarsnteed. resplendent heavenly bodies, they should, in com- S. K. CASTLE. ! I. ATBZBTSS. AT 4130 O'CLOCK, CONCHEE&AHUNG lVoaaes Paid tlironich Hnrioluln fAgcncy, mon fairness to Jupiter and Neptune, remember i AND rn 549,000 I STEAK BOILERS. FardcalaratUntloa gr-- that the peace of Utrecht, which ended the con- CASTLK Si COOKE. FOKT STREET, ABOVE KING, ta the MERCHANTS, On the Last Saturday Afternoon Each quality of materhd and workmanship, and none test, was happily cemented in the year 1713, at a SHIPPING AND COMMISSION of "CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS Magnifying Glasses, Sextants, Quadrants, th. bat time when, according to astrology, not only "the IMPORTERS AND New Goods of Various Descriptions worS produced. dogs .of war," bat the more terrible wolves, of Month Till Fnrther Notice. 77 FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ly Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise, , or Nautical Instruments Eepaired famine, to say nothing of earthquakes and tern-jest- s, nr SCUAK JIILLS AHB BCSAKXAKni8 XA "No. SO KtnjStreet, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Tcr Order. CHAS. T. GULICK, ought to have been reveling in slaughter all and Adjusted, C'HIIIERY mAde-aft- the most approved plana; world. Why should 767 6m Kccrctaryji. F. ! .over the we ascribe baleful ....A0KNTS.F0R.. ' D. CnMese and Japanese Ware Also all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. powers to any conjunction of the countless host of UnloB Insurance Company of Ran Francisco. ThoNew Also, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY vvrrn accuracy heaven? There is really no shadow of The latest sttle of as.d dispatch, of Boiler or Iron, any astronomic- England AtutuAlL.llinsuranee tympany, Boslont ! WATER PIPE, Sheet of six.. al Tround for believing that the other planets ex CONFECTIONERS" NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY I suitable lee-t- ha comiecth-- g together, The Orecon Packet Line. The Rohala Plantation, EUROPEAN I-OXr- V I made to for or sensible sway over TXUI.AT-A'OtniT- JELJHTEStS erase any the meteorological A fion'sCelebrated The Haiku H AHHUAL BEPOET. AST Sheet, rolled, punched and packed for shipment, ready conditions trader which we live. The Or. Jayue Plantation, INCLUDING SOME perturbing Medicines. walalna I'laoutlon. hep. t2r Orders from the other Islands promptly attended lu be riveted on'tbe ground. power of these bodies is limited to slightly alter- nrheeler Wilson's Sewln Uamakna FlanUtion 3M:'oiia'E5LTir'3r to, goods forwarded FINE SETS OF TIGER GLAWS and s. o. D. -r ing the elliptical orbit of the earth, and beyond (osus ly) No. 71 Fort St, above Hotel St., ASSETS (Cash) .838,000.000 HYBKACLICKIVETIKe. Boll- Work and Wafer they have assumed toward our smaller planet Silk Handkerchiefs (hemstitched). ripe made by thai teiabttshmen, riveted by Hydraulic ht ON" ANNUAL INCOHE-CAS- Ns an attitude of perfect complacency. London h. KEEPS ALWAYS U - 8,0U0)OO B. ChroBoacters Carcfnliy CleaHed su- BISHOP & CO., HAND All 'colors and qualities. Blvetlng Machinery, that quality of work being far Aa Assortment of tha best French and SURPJCUS - 7,000,000 to !0-i3L.3- DrH. A EINEaSSOBTJlENT OF perior hand work. Sr 3SL 3E2 SS, CtlifornU manCacUired and Rated A certain Scotch gillie, said, is not often ill, UOKOL.CI.rj, t t I UAtVAIIAK ISLASDS' SHIP WdRK. Ship and Steaa CspeMX, Steasa itii By obser- but too-- ha had ,iho toothache. "And what DRAW EXC1IAN0E OX Japanese Lacquered Ware Transit Instrument and other astronomical Wloehs, Air and Clrcclatlag Pomps, made aster the did . . ! special control of GEOHGE do said one to him, & CO. vations, under the Xf. E. plana. too for OoiaectdLoriLorsr H. Navi-ati- itr "WeeUIjust IHE BASK OF CAUFORSIA, : : : : SXR FRANCISCO Which he offers for to He HACKFELB JACKSON, Retired Lieutenant, B. molt approved bought saxnenn'orih o laudanum, and mixed sale the Trade, or at tail, Nn who it Asn tsnsAoiais u . GENERAL ACENTS, iriltbe In constant attendance. , wi' apint o' whisky, and drank it, but it was na Lime ! Lime ! PDXFS. Dfrect Acting PHp-- for IrravatMa or CKy Ktrc." nere was a pause, alter which KejT Vork, AT REDUCED PRICES! HENCErOBTlUga Water Works psrpoeM, bu8t with the there the i afAlMFORXJAJLIMR. ,. . 0". O.BERG-ER,- Speciai nMnMBny epeaker got Boston - a- - ' AgQnt '" resumed. "So then I another also. 'JLK6- Forsalebr -- aWELES kXeJ. , o laudanum and put it into a quarto Paris, P whisky." Auckland, TILE BEST DIUNDS OF CHOICE CIGARS Extra'FaEiily'FZbiir. For the Hawaiian Islands OJaslx on. Iad."'cror,y-- Aflre--- a for Du-iie- it- "Wclir "ft"eel, when woka twa Goldea Gate ! Wertfrte'S Minn I THE WKKTAI BAM ' -- ' ' 7W3bi L i cays after . CMPOBATP, , --- ' .St PismsM. there was na toothache. X To be had In the market x avadt IaAXthos," mis sax. A tr ah Tsiia aaiacsu lV BUlilitt) CO. Tlie only Compaajr tbat Znaes Cable Aneriers HontrJtonft, ' E .IK asi Is ErrwTca Pafc buy THE BEST ICE CREAM, SODA WATER & CORDIALS ATinAIN CABLES ANB IRON AN. - "Do-- Ton raa and syaneyyasa i Tontine Investment Policies, STCK bone? bereT- Merchant: We do Borr." Pat: Melbourne, CHOBfi-Si- au f! lavas, to IK lack, erNor Gettafetalrdt. jsbets! Aim TKYTHEar.--Kl lelug practically an Endowment ihe ham Caatle direct from iGislMr. IXZKIS Hun, be put me on the schkalesl" Aud transact a General EauUng Business. T87 1y tixE of gkocekixs . . Poller af tan si HCGOW 7Mm Anna, BOLLESati4 Co's. Ufa Bate. 771 I- - N T FaHKv SOLLXg irCo. STAXGKHWALS, K.I. f lai.iiynwaiat j - "r - pr;'srrm-- t tjm gjga acc&38ajia Htwtiii1Wi ' r- i If possession of a gew Idvtrtistmenki SB gnflwritit. cation, bnt more probably by the gtw gdvertistmtnt. chilii"8 muimx (Basqtfy fluent tongue and a keen power of insight as to the I, most assailable point in the Sovereign's character. FORJ3ALE. The adroit Favorite promises power to the would-b-e MAY GO. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1880. pleasure to HENRY & THE STAUNCH SCnOONER ' 1 absolute, wealth to the greedy, or THE BOOM OVER! so happened course of one, in particular, of the foreign the sybarite Sovereign, and it has Tee Mas- members of the Legislature, dnring the last ses- that for a time, the Favorite, backed by his WARWiCK,J Daiiy In of surer a TONS BEQISTER, The Increate the Frlct sion, has fairly led up to the results of the last ter, has seemed as if about to succeed, but no Nemesis ever dogged the footsteps of wrong-doer- s Bnllt by D. Foster & Co. The Warwick la well d It sis pleased Sis Majesty the King to appoint ten days. Vfhen the commnnity shall reflect rrpon than the fate which follows favorites and their ana reaay xor aea. DRY GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! extrava- Edward the For further particulars, apply to the following ge&Uemen the members of his Cabi- the tenor of certain of his glowing, and Patrons. In English history H. in 814 JACOB Tug was de- lit CAPT. BKOWN. Tele. net, Tic: gant remarks, it cannot fail to see that XIV Century, (not to go farther back), ceived by his foreign favorites, deposed and mur- FANCY GOODS, GENTS' HATS AND CAPS, His Excellency Jxo. E. Bum to be Minister of what has followed is a natural ontcome of snch dered, while they ended their worthless career FOE SAN FKANCISCO. the Interior, vice His Excellency 8. G. Wircxs, speeches and votes, and of advice that naturally eachrn the hands of the executioner. Precisely rira iMMtniATi: nisrAcrir. AND MILLINERY. rtsignjd. --wonld go along. the same fata befell Bichard H. and his favorites. The Tudors were an imperious race who ruled The Allron Extreme Clipper Is at length over, and we have taken advantage of the lull la the market and purchsjed accordingly: Mo. Ctlbo Czsib Moeeco to be llinirter of For were Tic ArrxBthe various public meetings held in the. their favorites, the Stuarts on the contrary a ' "a'ssortrnenT IscompJete In every respect." TTe will merely quote but a few prices iaatAdepartnsat "osn'Ilelalions, rice HI Excellency Jko.M.'Ka-rc- race who were ruled by theira, and of them, i course of the last few days and the change in the feeble SBBEPaTasssssslsssssssssssssssssssssssssssr.ar' gill City of INViiikiii showing you the BABS AISis yoa will obtain by trading with US. rvsigrifd. two lost their crowns and one his head, a third McCONXELL. Commander, t Cabinet announced in deference to the universal a considerable portion-o- his time in exile. Ret. 1L to be Minister of Finance, rice passed 25 Kc.ti opinion of the public, it cannot bo denied that So able a man and successful a King as William Will sail for the above port abont Angnst lOyardeBest Calico SI 00 I Ladles' fine White Skirt with EaSe .....$1 His Excellency S. K. Km, resigned. book House of Com- ta'ke there remains still a general feeling of suspense HI. was brought to by the PROVISION MflKCliTu. And will frelent at the lowest rnllnj: rates. For lOyarda Fine Cotton 1 00 yards best White Pique .. , .Ms. W. C. Joxzs to be Attorney General, tiee mons and obliged to recall some of the grants he trelrht or passige apply to . insecurity j but the worst feature of the wfiole 8ll Q. W. MACFABLANE & CO. 10 yards Brown Sheeting-- 1 00 Good Ostrich Feathers His Excellency Ed. Tzqtox, resigned. and he had made to ms countrymen, norwimKKmauig HAVE commotion is an attempt to represent the crisis as the good services they had rendered to their adop- 1 full piece of Mosquito .Vet...... $100 Iolani Palace, Angnst 14, 1S80. 811 St dragged SPRECKELS LINE a difference between the various nationalities which ted country. Poor Queen Anne was nearly off her throne by the tussles of rival Favorites. JUST RECEIVED, It ha pleased H!i Majesty the King to appoint ni make up this community. The most recent case we need to quote was in the Per "CJ.Tr OF MADRID." FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Iretllency Jokx E. Brsn, Minister of Foreign Affairs, We protest most emphatically against any. days of George HL of whose Favorite a historian Icteiim) Moreno, The Clipper Schooner Tacht MILLINERY AT HALF (ad viceHl Excellency C. C. resigned. endeavor to set race against race, Hawaiians wrote: PEI0E. Ioli.nl Ialace, Aug. 19th, 1880. SIS want of popular themes forlnveetlre Liverpool, dliskOli.-cu-3 against haoles or vice versa ; the hopes and indeed " There was no From 11 la to yonr to come and look sit our New Goods, received fey against his character. He was a Favorite and Favorites York Hams, Cooked in Tins, Spreoltols, adrnntnc me Sale of Government Lots. the fears, the interests, political, social, and mer- have always been odious, No mere Favorite had COUSINS, Commander. last steamer. ever been at the head or the government, since the English Bacon, Baih Chaps, ON WEDXESD AY, September Shut, 1880. at 12 o'clock cantile of all sie identical, and may bo briefly' Frlton had reached the heart or the Duke or Will have Quiet: Dispatch for the abovePort Fancy Silk Ribbon, from $0 03 Gents' Black Bowa ..$100 Oxford Sausage, Bologna Sausage, 0 SO FlneRuchlng...... If noon., at the front entrance or Alllolant Hale mil be rammed up as being simply a desire on all sides Buckingham.. Alter that event the moft arbitrary and For Freight or panase, apply to Gents' White Undershirts ...... OS rrivolons of Stuarts had felt the necessity dents' Caps 0 25 Fine Crepe de Lees...... old at Public Auction, two government composed of the most the Scotch Herrings, Kippered Herrings, 814 WM. CO.. 0 ..0 3 Bulldinr; Xiota, No for a stable trustworthy or confiding the direction of affairs to men who had O. IBWIK Acents. Gents' Half Hose 1SK All wool Black Cashmere ...... oa 294 and 265. altuatedon the MAUKA aide of Bere-tin- lt who conscientious sovereign, are able given some proor or parliamentary or official talent. Preserved Bloaters, Cases Sardines, Ladies' Balhrlggan Hose per pair 0 8 yards of the best Glnchsms...... log men, under a Hose 0 3CO plain street, Kulaokahua Plains. command respect confidence of the These men did not owe their eminence merely to 3 pairs line While Ladles' colored llose...... 0 2S to the and owed Finnon Haddock, FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Ladies', Misses', and Children's gloves, fm.. 0 i:K Lot of Infants' Shoes, per pair...... These lots are sold with a distinct understanding that public. Again we say that the worst that can be the IsTor or the SoereIgn, on the contrary they ,.0 3 the raver or the Sovereign to their eminence. Eoast Pheasant, Roast Grouse, Ladles' Sun Hats.... 0 23 Ladles' Linen Collars...... 0 10 the purchasers are to Improve the tame. The Goiern-zae- done by enemies of Hawaii is to endeavor to set Now however personal rejard or the King had at The American Bnrlc Gents' Colored Shirts , 0 W Five Dollar GenU' Hats " the Pale de'foe Gras, 00 Lace v.. ..Id) declines to sell to parties desiring to hold for an race against race when all independent thinkers once raised a man who bad seen nothing or public busi- Kost Partridge, Gents' Linen Salts .... 5 Chlldrens' Bibs ...... OS are Agreed that Hawaiian, American, British or ness, who bsd never opened his lips in Parliament, over . Worted. per dozen, only 0 20 Silk Veiling, all colors. ... 0j9 advance. French Truffles. hand-kn- to a crowd ot orators, financiers, di- IXelen W Almy Children's Jackets , OS) Kid Glovet ...... ISO German interests are and that the bead of eminent 1 0 20 TERHS. One fourth cash, and the balance In one, injure one is to injure all. It is, incontestable, plomatists. Assoned Soups in lb tins, FKEEJIAIT. Jliwter. Lace Ties, trom Kid Gloves ...... 2 00 and three notes, with Interest at nine per cent, pay All colors Worsted Fringe, peryard 0 13 Kid Gloves ...... 3 30 tt even already, that business is obstructed, property From a private gentleman, this fortunate minion had Liebigs Extract Meat, Beef a la Mode, Will have quick dispatch for above port Ladles' Silk Tics 0 2S (Warranted to wear.) able and mortgage on the property. denreciated. security of oerson and prorjertv shak at once been turned into a Secretary ot State. The ul Good Ladies' Chemises...... 0 73 5 yards of good Canton gar to a simple explanation phenomenon, Harricot Mutton, Tripe and Onions, For freight or passage, apply to ...... Flannel...... 100 TJpt Price 8400 Each. en by the' extraordinary events of the last few resorted ol the Children's School Hats 0 25 Laaies'Desi jienno vesta., ... ICO face and the coarsest ribaldry against the Princess was and Onions, Papers at the expense of the purchaser. days ; a Ministry summarily dismissed in the scrawled on every wall and sung in every alley. Sage 81J CASTLE COOKE, Agents. Ladles Princess Jackets ITS JOHN E. BUSn, of a vote of confidence by the Legislature, and French Peas, another installed in which public opinion has no There are only a few instances of the universally C. BREWER & C .'S Minister of the Interior. French Mushrooms, We will add In conclusion that It yoa wish to purchase good goods Honolulu, Ann. Igth, 1830. 615 eort of confidence, or for whom no one has any baneful effects of Boyal friendship unworthily 3J ai the lowest possible price, call , . - - decree of respect, one official holding two posts directed, to further the interests of men whose in- Moore's Cocoa and Milk, BOSTON PACKETS upon ns, for ne are positive that the CAIJFOIISilA OSK rRICE BAZAR of Jlu. IlDtarr A. Emrxr has been appointed by the (ad interim) and worst of all, an attempt to set'- terests are not in harmony with those of the pub- Schweitzer's Cocoatina, LINJJF Board of Education School Agent for the district of liawaiians and naoles in opposition one totne lic. The unfitness for their posts of so many of the - TIIE A I BABK know well Ministers been princi- Epps Homoeopathic Cocoa, jTj- VKsllskn, Island of Manl,1n plsce of Ber. W. P. Alex- other, when indeed both that neither of State in France has the . MELIUS & FISHEL, can nourish without the cordial of pal occasion of the revolutions which have dis- Morton's Chocolate de Saute. MS "DEIca.-crai'ca- Mo.y," 801 Id THE PLACE FOB TO TKABC ander, who has resigned. W. JAS. SMITH Sec"y. the other. turbed the State for near a century. Like causes Tet 1680. b tins, on Education Office, Auguit S3, 815 3t produce like effects, and these lessons of history Bice Flour, Will leave Boston for Honolulu Direct Hamlet's exact words were not applied Scotch Oat Meal, 4-l- b tins, 15th of November next. li a. 3. II. Baowje has this dsy been appointed Keeper Ptbhats ought to be laid to heart. or abont the The Passage of the Season! of the Gorernment Powder.Magazine. to us last week, that "Now is the native hue of Pearl Barley, b tins, For turther particulars applyto 4-l- & MUTUAL 4-l- 810 C. BKEWElt CO.. Agents. THE JNO. O. DOMIX or resolution sicklied o'er with the pale cast of NOTES. Tapioca, b tins, Maccaroni, b tins, 3m IS, Gorernor Oahn. ! Hoaolulu, Auguit 14, 1680. thought"; were not wanting those who a 118 3t8M but there The Japanese corvette Tsul-ub- arrived from Eobinson's Patent Barley, Days from Glasgow declared own language our moderate Tjbe followinggentlemen hare this day been in their that San Francisco on the 18th insL, on her way home Eobinson's Patent Groats, S A Li JE! sppolnted FOR TIIE KXTRF.ME CUPPER IRO!f SHIP Agents for the taking and certifying the Acknowledg- views of what should or should not be done about to Yokohama. The ship was formerly in H.B.M.'s Cases English Pickles, THE AMERICAN SCHOONER LIFE ment to Instruments, ?ix: public affairs were not the views of the community Navy as the Malacca and visited "this port some Cases English Jams, " J. W. Kalua, for the Island of Maul. "We confess that a good deal has occurred to arouse fewiearasince. Both then and now we remark Honora," CITY NANKIN M J N. Kapabn. far the Island of Hawaii, and J. II. the cleanly orderly appearance of her crew and Cases Scotch Marmalade, OF the feelings. The dismissal of the last Ministry i 72 register. In order and ready Harp, for the District of Wallukn. Island or Man). vice the officer-lik- e bearing of her Cases Calfs Foot Jelly, tons cood INSURANCE CO L. A. Thurston, resigned. THOMAS BItOWN was unnecessarily abrupt. The shock might have i staff and cadets. Such a vessel does credit to her tor sea. Apply to HAS JUST ARRIVED Vinegar, 7DT n. nACKFHLD A Co.. Agents- - Begl strar of Conveyance enough. to flag, indeed might worthily compared with the Raspberry KrgiitrarOace, August 17th, 1830. been avoided well It is better send for be To our consignment, from Glas ow,wlth a full cargo ot representatives of the older navies of the world. Lemon Syrup, General Merchandise, which Is Approved: JOIIXE. BUSn, gentlemen who are holding such important com- & 611 Minister of the Interior. Pliim Pudding. Regular Packet forjlo Kaupakuea. OF missions, and quietly inform them that, for reasons "Mr. W. T. Brigham lectured on Bodily Health to Now Being Offered to fcaa de-- Cases Mince Meat, the Trade ' Mr. Kaomea this day been appointed an Acent to which should be named, their resignation was " a "very intereMUd audience at the Lyceum last The Clipper Schooner take Acknowledgements to Contracts for Labor for Tins Currants, 4 lbs each, ON Mthaa. sired. There is no cause for dismissing Ministers evening. If views like these could prevail here, SAM1.G. WILDER. Minister of the Interior. in away in which no one would think of dismissing there would be no cause for undue anxiety about Jars Currants, 7 lbs " NEW YORK. Interior oaee, Angnst 7, 1SS0. 81S St politics, finance or religion. The tfTALEAKALA! VERY LIBERAL TERMS. The any matters of Raisins, 4 lbs each, For Passage. apply to a menial servant. appointment of a mere which follows Tins Sultana's Freightor purity of life and of thought the 808 3m AI.LKN A KOniNMON, .tfnU. THE CAHQ0 C0HSIBTS AS FOLLOWS : Licenses Expiring in August, 1880. lobbyist, who in his few months stay here had practice of such doctrines is one of their finebt and Jars Sultana's Raisins, 7 lbs each, failed to secure the support of a single intelligent highest results. We shall publish a resume of the Lemon Peel, 7 lbs each, MAIL COMPANY None Is hereby giren that Tins PACIFIC STEAMS HIP ATIGTJST all Licenses nut be ap- foreigner country, course e cry lecture"next week. ASSETS, 1, 1880, plied for direct to the Interior Offlce, and all partite are in the of disturbed Tins Orange Peel. 7 lbs each, DR."E GOODS cactloned abont failingto renew expiring Licenses, and one. The final make up seemed grotesque in its Friday of week n pla- Citron Peel, 7 lbs each, In Large Variety, Embracing all Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs hare instructions to About Thursday or last Tins For San Francisco. without discretion any utter inappropriateness. As far as could be learned, two were posted of which the following is Prints, Cottons, Linens, Woolens. Clothing, and all parties doing card or Jars Mixed Peel, Mosqnllo business without the proper License. no tried and experienced adviser was listened to. one ; another was torn down by the police : THE SriXXDII) STEAMSHIP Blankets. Towels, Xct. Handkerchiefs, SAM.T. G. WILDER, Minister or the Interior. Bespectf ul petitions, like that of last "Wendesday, Tins Peppermint Lozenges, 7 lbs each, Tivceds, Denims. Long Cloths, Victoria Lawns, TJr Cexso Moreno 1 $90,000,000. Interior ODce, April 30, 1679 were treated as unworthy of notice, and attempts Wat Cxsar Tins Sugared Almonds, Pilot Jackets, Crimean Shirts. Ac, ic were made to denounce them as unconstitutional. Tlie voice of the people is the nice of God. ItETATL. Tins Conversation Lozenges, Oahn. "Worse than all, the foolish and foolhardy appeal To all true born citizens of the country greeting. GALVANIZED 1 Ah Soon. Walkane. Koolaupoko to race prejudico was made. been an, occa- We have with us one Celso Ctesar Moreno, a nat- Tins Srotch Mixtures, ROOFING, S. Too Co, It has R WINSTON, President 2 Ah & Nccsnn street, Honolulu re- true Hawaiian. His great desire Z sion requiring the best judgment, the coolest uralized and ii Cases Candies Assorted Fence Wire, Nos. 1, 5 and : noop Iron, Ah Sin, EamoilUll, Kona of country wealth, and Rivets, Chas Long. Merchant etrert, flective power. This community has expressed its the advancement this in ZEALANDIA Galvanized Buckets and Tubs, I'oU and Covers, i , by placing lead- in Bottles, CHEVALIER. COHJIANIIEIt. TV n Place. Maunakea stn-et- views firmly as to the unfitness of the present Min- the salvation of this people, the Bar Iron, a fnll assortment of sires : A VTong Wo & Co, Xuuanu street, istry, and with expression of views we feel as- ing positions of Government in the hands of the Tins Sugar Candy, WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO Nuts and Washers, Babbitt Metal, Cast Steel. A. B. FORBES, a Moses Mahelona, YCalanae administration The great desire Anvils and Vices, .Minting Metal, i.c--, &c sured that it will rest. Public opinion will sooner Hawaiians for Cases Assorted Cossaques, On Monday, Angnst 30. 7 laakea. Xanana street. or later have its effect, as we have all along in- of Moreno is to cast down foreigners from official or abont S Quonr nook Ton;, 2 uuanu street. sisted, when expressed carefully and respectfully. positions and to put true Hawaiians in their A choice aortment of Somebody's Luggage, GENERAL AGEST for the Pacific It Tit Man Wo, Nnnann steei, belongs Cowt. IS Cin Tee, Panoa, The money question, if no other, always proves places, because to them the country. Cases Lime Juice Cordial, FOR SYDNEY VIA AUCKLAND! CROCELERY They should hold the Government and not A LARGE 13 II Insel, (jueen street, conclusive in the end. Money is not coming from Plums in bottles, ASSORTMENT. IS I.um Prn, Kamolllill, Konr. China, for that nation is a borrower from foreign strangers. This has been the cause of the de- French THE HI'LENIMn 8TEAW.NHII' 2I4SANSOME STREET, 1C W E Foster, Piirt street. nations. Money which commands from 8 to 10 crease of this people. Positions have been taken Cases Crystallized Fruits, Gi-- 8 JEL VS !Twnn Ijtw T A Cn TTntt ,, C. C. Moreno H. A. E! per cent, interest there will not seek investment from Hawaii and given to strangers. Cox's Brilliant Gelatine, and S W 18 II Marsh, Kapalama. ' here. England, Germany, Bussia and the United desires to throw down these foreigners, and ele- CITYofNEW YORK IN BEAUTIFUL VARIETT. San Francisco. SI Ah nina. ; cuann Valley, Kawananakoa, people to whom belongs Nelson's Opaque Gelatine, COED. Commnuder. SAW Pierce & Co, Qneen street, States will see to it that thus country does not come vate to high positions the S Ikoouanu street sa . .. under Chinese influence. It will yet be found that the land that is" the s. This is the real Huntly & Palmer's Biscuits, S7 Ewong A reason of jealousy on the part of foreigners of this On or about Monday, Sept. 6th. Brussels Carpets Tin Sing Co,7uuana street, the easiest and in fact the only way of carrying on & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce, and Rugs SI S Magnls, Fort street, the Government, is through the instrumentality of citv, viz., that Hawaiians hhall be placed above Lea For freight and assagc, apply to This Corporation, organlxed In ISO, for the psrpoK f ELEGANT PATTERNS. JHnal. a Ministry which is supported by the whole them in all things in this country. Crosse & Blackwell's Mushroon Catsup, 801 HACKKEI.D & CO., of Insuring lives, is conducted solely In the Interest of 1 L Afat, Wallnkn la. ". Aleuts. country. "We regard present condition C. C. Moreno is the heart from whence will issue policy-holder- In r X Onong Tonr, Hamakuapoko the of Burger's Essence Anchovies, Cioucl tor Shipment per Ntenmer cnn now its to whom. their collectl capacity. things as owing largely to misrepresentation and life to the real Hawaiians. - rire-pro- ,5$ Mrs llonolniu, liana Genuine Madras Chutney, be Stored, Free ol Clmrtfe- in (he belong Its entire assets. All the prolt an divided irnvrntl. misunderstanding, and that all that is needed is Witrclioiito iicnr the Ntenmer Whnrr. among them, and there are no stockholders to control quiet reflection, when we see a trusts Communicated. Goodale's Yorkshire Relish, 2? 1 Tee Chong, Pneo, Hllo time for shall AXWTS! the Company or to take any portion of tta aarplv. 1 AkinaA Asea, Kalopibi, K Kohala worthy Ministry. Lawyers fight according to law, and are, when White Lead, White Zinc, Red Lead, Black India Curry Powder, TIBfl-E- S Taint, ti 1 JJtl, Punaluu, Kau out of the arena, notoriously courteous and for- East Mixed Paints In all colors, Boiled Linseed Oil, The Company long since attained and now hclda the C 21 Olives or Raw Oil, 4 J Ahyoung & Apcn, Eauhn, Kohala A host extraordinary paper (in native and in giving towards those of the same profession ; but Cases French Capers, do French Linseed and Red Composition. foremost place among the Life Institution! of the 5 IIoSam.Eapaan, these amiable characteristics have not influenced world. Its unprecedented success, since its crxaalxa-tio- n i: ajx. mi" , English) was placed in the hands of every passer- " Spanish Olives, do Salad Oil, 1! amana. Knkulhaele. namakns ' any of those in Honolulu so far as to call forth a to the present time, is attributable to It gresU by on last Saturday afternoon. We cannot con- word apology defence of professional " Daret's Olive Oil, do Castor Oil, Bagsring1 Bag's. .18 Mokesa A As Sam. Kaaleho, Kan of for or the STMIELIKU and cure In aeleeMou or risks, lb great ears in S) present law officer. K Dart, Ilonokaa, Hamakna gratulate the composer on either his matter or his or private character of the He " Sedletz Powders, SUGAB BAGS AND BICE BAGS invrslmenl ol fund, erooomy lsa xz AKira. i'aweia, uamaana , tic is by consent of classes persons capable Iil.VU. I I t t MASTER exHasrs document, may be so all and of " Jars, St So Yonnc. Pnnahoa, Hllo manner. The if it called, judging, entirely out of place, and while he may Table Salt in A LARGE VARIETY. (leu than those ot any oth.r Company) aad It aa 23 Awsna, Walmea r .. , has neither rhyme nor reason, neither grammar nor Mustard Condiment 5 wcrvlna; fidelity to Its pol- possibly think well of himself, and a few may " Colman's Tuesday. August 21th, p m Circuit ct Hawaii 'COAL tha Intoroila of SI A K Alona, Honokaa, 8 Kona 31st, G m BAGS--A Splendid Article, SS logic, neither wit nor wisdom, but is a compilation, thoughtlesslv congratulate him, the people may Bottles, Tuesday, Angutt p Hllo and large icy holders. Ita assets are larger, surplus greater, IVnBeed.Hilo September 5 p m Circuit ot Hawaii SOJWi-ht,NKoh- well be conaoled with, in humiliation. No Tuesdsy, th. premiums half commonplaces, half contradictions, which their ftlustard in Tuesday, September p m Hllo Size. lower and dividends hljher la properlioti S3 Goo Kim & Co, Honopneo, X ' country can afford to have in the high places of Cases Colman's Genuine Tins, lllh, I Kohala ' serve alternately to bewilder or amuse the reader. Tuesday. September 21st, 5 p m Circuit ot Ilanali than those of any other Company. The magcUade of Knnnl. government those who cannot command respect Cases Ground Pepper, pt Bottles, Tuesday. September 2bih,S pa Hllo ita bnstness proves that enjoys the confidence the over of paper, which cause knowledge, skill WOOL BAGGING AND SEWING It of SS A P Eamalpelekane, Walmea l Passing the bulk the by either for or character, and small Cases Dried Parsley, C3- - Money. "S TWINE, nations whose power consists in their good namo So Credit rr lnsnire people. It deals only in legitimate Life Insurance, and WHOLESALE. of the most conspicuous absence of reason and Cases Dried Mint, We positively decline to open accounts tor Passages, will not issue Tontine policies. S3 A W A Co, Queen and wise management, should be very careful to trnTcllnj Pelrce street, Honolulu grammar is almost unintelligible, we come to a and we particularly call the attention ot the Beyond " "" retain the respect of their own people at least. Y. Cases Dried Sage. public to the necessity or having Baggage nd Freight Leather Belting1, and above all the liabilities computed by the AGEXT. comparison not only indecent but grossly profane, New S3 Jacob Lyons The above communication from a prominent Cases Ground Cinnamon, plainly marked; the steamer will not be responsible York legal standard. It has a surplus fund eaeeed RETAIL SPIRIT. in which a certain individual, lately appointed to citizen is of a nature which for several reasons we for any unmarked Baggage, or for Freight or Parcels, cto ing Eleven Millions of Dollars. SI Ja S Lemon, Commercial Saloon Cases Ground Allspice, unless IlecelpteU lor. Anoliors Olaalxus and removed from a conspicuous public position, not comment upon. OF ALL The Company has paid to its policy-holder- s i S3 H Bradley, cor Port and King streets prefer to Ed. Freight Money Dae on Demand. SIZES AND FULL TEST. is elegantly described as viariyrizrd, and then this Cases Ground Ginger, Since Its organization ,103,1JS 71 - JOBBING SPIEIT. Seeds, In all cases of freight for patties not responsible, or .1 Macrarlane & Co, Kaahumann street writer, whoso object, as nearly as we can guess,, do Carraway unknown, the freight money will be required In advance And dnrlng the year 1879 lt,01Sja 43 3 Chas Long, Merchant street ?c;v Advertisements. WINES AND SPIRITS: seems to"be the defence of the new Ministrythinks Cases nutmegs, b Tins, 1'ACKa;ES or nml Wl.NES ML'Sl' VICTUALING. Millions McEnan's Ale and Stout, Blood. Wolfe 4 Co's Ale. to accomplish his object by calling Bales Whole Cinnamon, ii r, Brand Stout, qr 4 Mokesn A As San. Naaleha, Kas. Hawsil the unfortunate i'i.aim.v marked Pit caksand cs Ilennessy 1, 2, i snd 3 Of which $80,000 has been paid to Claim Wong Wo & Co, Xnuann street, Honolulu colleagues of the martyrized central figure the "WANTED. Whole Pepper, For the party whom they are for, or plainly stated In the Star Brandy. 7 Ah una. Wallnkn " receipt to whom they arc consigned. Cj Cheap and Medium Brandie, cs and baskets Old Gin. 11 Akal, Halawa, X Kohala aiAizTicioits. Let it be bo ; may be the name will 1IX GOOD SEVaNG GIRLS. Cases Whole Cloves, in Tins, All demands for damage or lose must he made within Tom, Irish and Scotch Whiskies, ants for Losses in the Hawaiian Islands. IS ApoL Koloa Stick, may be events will justify the phrase. This ? Apply at Ko. 12 Kukni Street. It and Hemp Seeds, one month. 33 Leon Dejean, Hotel street, nonoluln Casks Canary, Bape, In no war liable for los or accident to lite stock. AND A FEW CASES OF VERT FINE BTJTCnEE. manifesto as a whole stands self condemned ; but Cases Cream Tartar, Bottles. CfT" Hack Drivers, Boys, and such like, will not be ,It Perry, Hih Marker, Honolulu we must call attention to two or three phrases, as OAHU COLLEGE. allowed on board the Steamer on arrival, until alter the The Company presents to those -- reding Insurance, a S'O 4 " Carbonate Soda, Bottles, passengers have been landed. SHERRY, PORT, HOCK & CORDIALS " W C Jones, Waiohinu, Kan they show such amazing ignorance of first FOK security unequalled by any similar instltcson. It has ,1: Kabuklna. Koloi, Kanal ' an the ADMISSION" Soda, 112 lbs each, OUQ WILDER CO. T CANDIDATES Monday snd Tuesday, Auc 30 Kegs Carbonate ALSO, THE CELEBRATED never disputed a claim which waa shown to be aad 'l Pcmalkal, Walhee, Maul alphabet of constitutional government. First it is s jut and 31. at the South Koom, at 10 A. 11. Term opi-n- IS W Bell, N Kohala King's prerogative Kegs Washing Soda. right, and has carefully sought and practiced the Boat BILLIARDS. ; asserted that "The has been September 1st. b!5 CACHET BLANC AND ' " Boxes Brown Windsor Soap, GREEN SEAL equitable systems for the division of the surplus and for Jose Esplnda, Walhee, Mani . encroached upon." This is directly the opposite FOR EUROPEVIA NEW YORK discriminating between the varied Interests of ita many PEDDLING. ot tue trutn. it is tne prerogative ol a constitu- LOST, Boxes Toilet Soap, It W Wenner tional King to appoint Ministers whose principles HONOKAA, IIAVv'AII, ABOUT Colman's No. 1 London Starch members. STALLION. of action are in accord with public opinion, and AT 56, a No. 1799. on & Co. CHAMPAGNES SS check drawn Bishop ColmanV Indigo Thumb Blue, WR Buchanan, Kahnka, Oahn whose personal characters are such as to command for $,50, in laror or David Lauon. All persons are 3 Sets ot Stocks and Dies for Plantation nsc, BOAT. the public confidence, and it is equally the pre- cautionedsgalnst negotiating the same.ns payment has Day & Martin's Blacking, 5 Hydraulic Jacks 4, 6 and 8 ton lift. The Bates for Life Insurance in this Company 5 John Richardson. (2) Lahalna rogative of the people to demand that it be so. been stopped at the Bank. DAVID LAWROX. Polish, CUNARD LINE! IS D Kahanlello, Lahalna Augutta. 1880. 815 2t Oakey's Wellington Knife reduced Next,-this writer says in his arrogant ignorance, Two Hundred were 15 per cent in 1879. CAKE T Tons PEDDLING. "The Constitution docs not yrant the strn-xc- a Pure Black Lead, in packages. Established 1840. Coal, IS Ah Nn, Kalnaaha. Molokai to Ma- SCOTCH SPLINT. 10 Ah Hipa, Koolanloa, Oahn right express his opinion of censure on Ills WATER! WATER! jesty theKco. It is a right innate, inherent to, Insurance affording the most ample and complete Fi- 'W'ATER'WIIiIi BE SITUT OFF Two Sailings Every Week. Fire Bricks, Portland Cement, Fire Clay, Pig Iron, and inalienable from, every free man, and is clearly THE the Nnuanu Reservoir on THURSDAY nancial Security can be procured reduced rates. For Truthful James. next, MAY & CO., FOK and also, from at given by the Constitution. The long, long list of theHCth Inst. G. D. FREETI1, HENRY MVEItPUOlit Information and terms, apply to " In the aeene that ensued "Monarchs retired from business" in consequence Superintendent Water Works. HAVE From Neva York every Wednesday, Angnst 24, 16o0. 815 I did not take a hand." of their subjects exercising their right of censure, Honolulu. It Boston might have taught From evert Saturday, Mirrlees, Tait & "Watson, Mb. Editob : Coon try people are noted for their the writer of the paper the folly JUST RECEIVED. of such an assertion as that which we nave quoted. CHECKS LOST.! From San Francisco ex Discovery, SlxaOOallon Steam Clarlflers, SAM'L G. WILDER, itfroracioas appetites as regards reading material. A little further on, that which is called in the RATES OF PASSAGE: Onejialr Centrifugal machines. vWe'deTour ON ... . every item in yonr paper with absorb- earlier part of the paper "an encroachment on the TN HONOLULU, THE 13TH Star Hams in Cask, Cnbln..... 8N0, mid 8100 Uold One JJiM Milland Gcarinsr, Agent for the Hawaiian King's prerogative" is spoken of as X Inst.. Two Plantation Orders. No. 8iS. for $90 10. and Whittaker's According to Accommodation. One IS Inch Cylinder Steam Engine, Ialasdi, ing interest. an "usurpation 43, tor popular rights" ! does 7 So. $183.78. Parties finding eithtr or both or Two pair Compound Boilers, d ft diameter, 19 ft 6 In long of What it mean One " Hams in UETDKN TIOKETH ON FAVORABLE TKRM8. -- ' The Honolcla people have our fullest sympathy them will please return the same to the P. C. Advertiser The " Boss Casks, CORNER ANB QUEEX knowledge more sentence: 'Let the FonnaN Element in umcepayraenl njvlDg oeen stopped sas or roRT TXZZTK, Sand if that will strengthen their hands Iblands Bewase!" does Cases Eastern Codfish, Stcernce ... Currency our duty to state it, these What this threat Honolulu. Aur. 24. IS ABET M. BLACK. Good accommodations can always be secured on applU Country Orders Solicited, Kasrr it is mean ? The " foreign needs no No. 1 Mackerel, "Hono!ulu is really the heart of Hawaii nei and element" caution Kits cation to" 1IONOI.TII.U. from anyone to they are alive For further particulars, apply to 813 ftapulsattons are felt throbbing here the country. beware; fully to Kits Salmon Bellies, ' WILLIAMS, DIMO.HD A Co., 1m in the gravity of the situation, and are not inclined to Boundary Notice. ean franclsco. n aK wnat the residents of Honolulu will do we Half-bbl- yiifH be told that they are subjects who havo no right to s Pig Pork, JA8. ALEXANDER, endorse. Honolulu lives on the bone and express opinion. THE UNDERSIGNED M Bute St.. Boston, C W. Macfarlane & Co sdaew-o- an WHEREAS Kegs Pork, f the country And probably it is about right by S. 15. Dole, to properly de- Pig C. FRANCITLY.V, PETER DALT0N, or O. that it should bear the brunt of the battle, in a fine the.bonndorles Halilrnalle,sltnatedIn2Iakawao, Cases Pork & Beans, do Codfish Balls, 4 Uowllng a reen, New York. political sense. That people We suspect there was a touch of keen irony in Island ol Maul. II. I. Therefore, It U hereby made the of the Islands to all owners or His Beef, Ham and Tongues, AD3IINI8TRITOUS' were well satisfied with the fate Ministry is a fact. Simon Kaai's remark at Kaumakapili last Friday, known Ahnpuaas, and Tracts ol " Libby's SADDLE& HARNESS MAKER land adjoining Ilalimalle, that Thursday. Sept. 16, at " Derby's Pigs Feet, Notice to Passenger rrom Australia, New Zealand and That the frequent changing of the Ministry is not that the King has the power to appoint his scullion 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House at Wailuku, Mani, Honolnln. TneCnnard Line affords more than usual fa- conducive to the stability of the Government is Is the time and place for hearing such requests cilities to through passengers rrom ports, SALE OF REAL JTO. 83 KING ST., HS.fOI.tII.t7. as a Minister, if he likes to do so. This matter " Derby's Meat Sausage, tranPaclflc the ESTATE. another fact. That appointing an alien a "carpet-bagger- " L. AIIOLO, frequencynrit salllm; precluding all possibility or delay -- to the chief or any position in the Cab- requires consideration. The Constitution makes Lahalna, Aug. 21, 1880. 815 at Commissioner. " Ham Sausage, do Gulf Shrimps, ,n New York. VTOTICE IS ITTSItEBY GIVEN is use an- do Boned Chicken, Good accommodations always reserved. X 1 that under an order lned by the Hon. A. Poman- RimlRWIWtJTHAXKS FOR KllfsS inet to the mildest term, is certain qualifications necessary for any man to be " Boned Turkey, der, Circuit Jndge 2nd Jndldal District, Mani. Hawaiian patronage ME other fact. But to have men for the Cabinet de- C. O. VIIAKCKLYN, which I have received for many yean. I a member of the Legislative Assembly. A noble " Boast Chicken, sOOly 4 Uowlingnrpcn.NcwYork. Islands, made In the Estate of "Andrew Walter" de- wish to state that I har on hand, or ant rraay u void of dignity, stability, energy, knowledge of the LYCEUM. ceased. We shall sell at Public Auction on to order, nui respective must be at least tn enty one years of age, and have " Mackerel, 51b. tins; routine of their departments and a Wednesday day of September, ' sense of duty to their homos is an outrage. been domiciled in the Kingdom at least five years. ' Salt Herriing in tins PLANTERS' LINE SAN FRANCISCO the 8th 1880 DOUBLE OR SINGLE HARNESS The ridiculous farce of a Legislature ended Gen. Samuel C. Armstrong fOR at 10 O'clock A. M. of that day at the premises known just Art. 68. No one can be a representative " who is in tins Bakery In Maul, right had worked the country np almost to bursting and " Anchovies C. Browor fc Co. Agents. as the Lahalna. all the title and Of the Best Material and WorkmatuhJo. an idiot, or insane, nor unless he t.hall have been 'Will deliver a Lecture at the Lyceum Powder, ffv Interest of the said " Andrew Walter," In and to those it merely required this last proceeding to split the a " Boyal Baking SaStT MerchaDdtie recelred SI orace Free certain pieces or parcels of Land, tcgretherwlth Houses Concord Harness, male subject of the kingdom, who shall have ar- On Friday Evening, August " Preston & Merrill's Yeast Powder, no's liberal oub tToctt ritdt omblpmenti hy this line. and all imorovcments thenron, namely; one piece of We do not think the mass meeting did all it 27th, Cane Land situated In Puaa and containing 2TC.1UJ rived at the full age of twenty-on- e years who hair-pa- could have done. The resolution was well, the ap-- At seven o'clock, upon " Bonelefs Herrings. Acres and more folly described In Royal Patent No. Express HarneK, stall know how to read and write who un- 27J7 as Apana 3 and 4. Title pointing a Committee to wait on His Majesty was snail " Dessicated Cocoanut, BOSTON AND HONOLULU PACKET LINE ! first clsss ' pood, meeting might have accounts who THE HAWAIIAN PROBLEM. Also the Property known as the Bakery, and contain O but the mass selected a derstand shall hae been domiciled ' Potted Chicken, do Potted Game, ingan areaof acre more or less, with two Bnlldlnes, Plantation Hamex, Cabinet and the Committee have hinted to His in the kingdom for at least three ears and shall ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS. C. Browor St. Co. Agents. one two story Building quite new; together with the Majesty that that Cabinet would be acceptable to " Deviled Ham, always Bakery and natures ready for use. Title irood. gwn real estate within the .kingdom ot the clear Che Favorable arrangements can bi Flow Harntsi, the people. value of at least live hundred dollars, who For Benefit of the YJJ.CXA. ofHonolulu " McMurray's Oysters, made for storage and shipment of Oil. Bore. Wool, Hides Also the House and Lot known as the Iiaaleles pre- bctom-parab- or shall Dwel-lln- e, All made of the best Stock ; no Convict Work or History repeats itself, but this would not le and other Merchandise to Hsw Bedford. Boston, New York mises and now occupied by Alf.na aa a Store and have an annual income of at least two hundred Salmon,- - - Hemlock Leather. to the presentation the Magna Charts " Columbia Biver an itherKutern Ports. Advance made. and coutalnln 9 Rods. Title Perfect. of and fifty dollars." Art CI. Ko one shall ever hold A Al-- o Hou-- e Lot Hoon prem- by FOR SALE AT BARGAIN! 7S0-1- C. BRP.WKIt A CO. and known as the Chnng to King John his barons and yet the same cause any office of honor, trust or profit who " Clams, do Lobsters, ises, more fnlly Royal Patent No. occasion viz : has been and described in 'is the of it, Absolutism. convicted in due course of law Anglo-Swis- 6&9 and granted to Chas Kanalna Nov rd IE&J and con- was of certain criminal " s Milk, lIy Sydney Saddles That, however absolutism of a hereditary offences, unless pardoned and restored civil THREE taining acre more or less, a rood situation for a store. to his hnlld-Inz- WTI.I. BEAR raSFECTI9!r: monarch in the thirteenth century, this, of an 73. ' No ' Alderny Milk, IE Also the premises known as the Chase Lot with s lights. Art officer of this government o Right, enlightened - outhouses and an excellent Water and an .elected King in the nineteenth century. Milk,' ' r Double-plat- ed shall hold any office or recei- e any salarv from any " Borden's Eagle Sale! . Trees aad Spring That Hawaii nei has no more patriotic citizens 250,000 areacontainln:3and2-5acres- Situated about Three Ban. AH Saddles other government or power whatever.'' Ait 74. PINE HORSES " Condensed Eggs, Hundred feet above Sea Level. Together with Three will be If required, six months after nozchass. we, who object than to an absolute monarch, it is These last two are manifest limitations upon Hui pur- without charge. supernuon&to assert. the SHIPPED HERE BY Sharts of the Pasture Lands of Kaanapall appointment of Cabinet officers. It is hardly like- SUGAR BAGS! chased from E. Jones and II Gordon. A FULL ASSOBTSKST That we have a right to assert our claims to pro- one Cs. Alden in Packages, All these Titles are Flrst-Cla- and will be produced Ol ly that any m his senses would say that an in- Fruits TO AUBIVE tection to life, liberty and the acquiring of pro- or an idiot, a well known, MR. J. F. WILLSON. at Sale. Whips, Bridles, XartiagalM , UAS3 fant or if unconvicted CASH, Deeds or Baja, Sfva, perty we demand. If we allow encroachment on criminal would be Constitutionally eligible Peaches, Plums, Pears and Apples. TERMS and at expense purchaser. cr liberty in any form then indeed are we un- for a WILL BE SOLD Per City of Madrid, For further particulars enquire of j9iu,s,aaUslree,Btlrn.airt3A. fce. Miinster,in view of the Article that the" Ministers H.TURTON.or worthy the name of men. If we allow the ad- are responsible." Art. 31. As to the right of Cases Stewing Plums, 101b. boxes; Per City of ffanfcin, E. raj PKTKKDAU03C. " the AT PBICES TO SUIT ! JONES. vances of China we injure our great ally America. Assemble THE TIKES 813 ft, . public to in an orderly and peaceable Cases Pitted Cherries, AND tt Administrators Estate of A. Walter. if we quietly let events take their course willitnot manner without arms, to consult common 815 Apply at HAWAIIAN nOTEL. courting advances ? We xepel for the lt Cases Imperial Granum, Mortgagee's ITotice be China's must good, and to petition the King or Legislative As- Per E. a Wylie. of every point MAKEB SUGAR COMPANY STOCK 81 them at sembly for redress of grievances:" (Art.5.) there TfOTJCE. Casks Lentills, DIRECTION OP A. P. J03TE8, Therefore let us stand shoulder to shoulder and can,beno doubt, The Constitution declares H. HACKFELD & CO. Attorney In ract of JCaryC. the - that KAI.E OF TIIE UJTATE OF CHAS. Bales New Hops, Joan, mortrKre &mand our rights. ' il . 802 3m rOX JaAXH! "norteage, dated October 18. jnai-V- r "the King conducts his government for the com- KANAINA, deceased, advertised to take place on Boxes-Hop- ; I iSTi August 20th, 18S0. s in papers, j W. Kapihe rVjuluku, mon good," Art. 13), and that "each member of uu.v.MjA&,Aui,w.iaiL0a&ui l;21b. PLANTATION HAS f.frIato th said Jtary C. Jones. I aa directed to Due public v. rusirutLU. sell n public auction, foea breach ot th conditions in society has a right to be protected by it in the en- notice will be given hen said sale will take Bags Golden Gate Flour THIS Its second season, of 1.33S tons of susr, mak- said mortgage Psalm XH. ing daed contained. OS THURSDAY, the 31 joyment of his life, liberty and property accord- Raising" Flour, UNKS 2JM tons manufactured since April 1st, 1879. The day of September. A. D. 13SO. at o'clock A. on th to Administrator Estate ot C. Kanalna Self TR next crop, of about 35U acres, will be ready to commence II X, Help, Loss ; or the odly .man ceaseth ; for the ing law," (Art. li.) It is clear that this, with Honolulu. Starch 27, 1SSU. - 7M ' AND premises in Kulsha, District of Kakawao. Island of f Constitutional provisions Bags New Potatoes. rrlndlng about November 1Mb. The plantation Is well Xaai, that certain piece or parcel aa the fitkfn fail frnm nwnnp the children of men. other concerning the found In every respect; has Irri- of land known liberty of speech gives the Onions, abundance of water for P. Nut old homestead, and contilnlnr as area or alx 2 They speak vanity every one with his neigh--j and of the press, right Boxes New tation and flaming of cane; and nndir the management acres. to consider and discuss whether the 'common Mr. For further particulars, eaaulre of Dour : wiui nattering ups ana vitn a uouoie neart HOLDENVJT Xrtra,Famlly Flour,GATEXOEE. Bags Corn and Wheat, TEAYELINGBAGS. of Geo. II. Dole, and the. personal supervision of the T.W XVJtKETT.AacVr.ar speak. good" is subserved hy having this or that person Eldorado Floar, President of the Company, Cot. Ssaldlmi.ls considered JOUK BICHAHDSOJT, 8 do they Whole Ground Barley, FINE ASSORTMENT AT good a An"J for Jtorteagee. Jt 3 The Loan shall est off all flattering lips, and in the Ministry, or whether such and such persons Bran, Uround Barley, Whole Barley, Bags and A by judges valuable property. in the Ministry would be "responsible" Bran. a jimiuroiiumoer ot snares ot tne capital stoca are the tongue that speaketh proud things : in the Bags Oats and offered for the purpose of Investment. Apply to ADMHHTiATOE'S JKH3fl& "Who have "With our tongue will we pre- proper and legal meaning of the word. But surely OatmeaJforn Heal. A. W. EIOHAEDSON & CO.'S, 4 said, one Cracked Wheat in 10 lb. bagai . a. a. ALKER. AX1T1 our lips our own; who is lord over cs ? no can for a moment imagine that people have All Honolulu, July 31, 1880. 813 3n TT2ZOW PERSONS THATTiaS vail: art Iresh and new. For sale by 814 lm Corner Fort and Merchant by t How. Chos, oppression poor, sigh- no right to express their views as to the character 811 - Butter 8t. Ul undersized has renaoofctri i Tor the of the for the 'BOLLES Co. Fresh Island or fitness of any appointments which may be 4 WEEKLY. C.HarrI . Chief Justice of the Stwreao CMet of akttW ing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lobd; BEGEIVED TJKTTED STATTS COCT-lf- g. I" Faints and Faint Oils, will 7jii puffeth made. T? ASTERN P.ORK A SlIAI,lI,OT Hosouxc, Aug. S, 1S80." f wallanIlaas,ais4tlaUratciroftsersHls3iiw I set in safety from fast that at -- ASSeRTHEXT. INCr.TJBITre AT.t, Paal. ot deceased. How locnfst. all - wi bcis. Aim rnrae rorc rar aaie dt AFU1M. haTiag In,y against estate of lanmsesosjd him. SI1 . BOLLES A Co. OLD KOISTA COFFEE III. BAVTNG ANT and shades or the Celebrated Rubber claim U to OsE.trf the worst dangers to which Sovereigns PEB60N8 I i'G The words of the Loxd art psre words, or BOASTED & GROUND. DAILY. A claim (galast the estate of PateU. (TiS) BOLLES A Co. above raentloaed ate request asL to lewjswt salver & purified are liable, is the presence sort mischievous TT Trkxr-w-T7Tt- Makawao, are requested to present the same to withlc a saoataa fre tfk dot Of Ifcaf wW k tried in furnace of earth, seven. of a of V.PHCPVP rTT late of ii naving-My-- 1- - Palace, nd Golden Star, - required this office within six months from this date or they will barred; and all person' pnaajU m stwir parasite, known to students of history as the all above the And for Sale" by New Zesland Potatoes. possession belonglos; to too tajM sMpaj-- M WW 7 Thou thalt keep them, O Loed, thou shalt pre- Vviuutucuvauc icau. or buc ot be forever barred; and all persona owing money to the Fatobbe. h 811 BOLLES & Co. etiU,"or harini; any property in their poseeselos. be- THX STEADCBR ZKALANRIA,. BACKS return otuesasu who i serve them Xrom tliu generation, for ever. & ae day. le This is raised, most HENRY HAY CO., longing to the deceased, trill oaks a return of the tame Mil In order, received this BThe wicked walk on every s44e, when the ayatnre frequently, from riOFFEE OLD KONA COFFEE, to thls.oact without delay. , BOLLES A CO. UsJtSSmmmmimTM. est au21 Fort Street May 11, 1888. JalyS. M88. til men ar exalted. obscurity, pit onaoeeintof .any sterling qualifl- - ' sis ror saie sy uuuts s vo. 813 lm F. P. UASTIXGS, U. S. Vice CoruuL see E ' ' I f.

jpiSfrgraygajirjejt-p- r -- SaSSrr: racjffl2 kill li.' w i Cc COKCllX.CIA31. Meeting at Knnm afrnpili-Frid-ay 20th. ISLANDJLOCALS. dal eJ$rJs. Qciv uetiot( JJazV. tfhuiitm &bx. 1 nOXOLVZr.JLUGUSTtS. ISO, Aoovt Towjt. Posters in Hawaiian called all true Hawaiians Iteim milrcaalcaln aa cntctlled condition. ard "Jocky of Norfolk, be not too bold." to assemble on Friday evening at Kaumakapili Special Notice. By . S. BARTOW. BrRr.ABAM. There are tbj few transaction! to report. Dnrlnc the chTirch to discuss 'public affairs, and express the Dr. VThltnej'a 'Dental Booms will bo dosed from MBS. D. B. GEIFFIN, petttfa exdteiaest exittlns derlncthe put vrcci In our The public continues to have opinions. love and confidence of the people for His Majesty Tuesday, Augnit 10th, until Saturday, 8 ept. 4th. 812 Tridst, It Is seedless to expect onr hnsl nest men to do the King. Since Thursday morning a strong at- REGULArVCASK JALE Printer's ink has been in largo demand the past tempt had been working, create NO. 103 FORT STREET, than CM orders for local to a'eentiment in Notice to the Public. Dm rut. week. favor of Moreno, and in support of arbitrary and HjSieSIaJotofrosiSaaFrsiicIscoire do sot heir of Formerly occupied by the lata Mrt. "Black, beys to In- unnecessary disturbances of public affairs. It To avoid Imposition, purchasera of Waltham Watcbes GREAT SALE AUGUST 27ik, form the ladies of Honolulu, and of the adjacent OK PBIDAT, KSJ- cfcxspe In tie Scfir narket, excepting that stocks Sam llaikai is not appointed Minister of the was being done, riot by fair argument, but by per- wDl observe that every Eennine watch, Interior. whether (old or Islands, that the will keep constantly --AT- are heJd x shade timer. sonal flings and by appeals to race prejudices. silver, bears oor trade mark: on both case ano: movement. for sale a splendid and most At 1 A. K. st Salm . Gold cases aro stamped "A. W. Cu." an The arrivals froa forelen pon were Japanese train. of posted gates, RobCWilcox's placard on King street, elsewhere purantee n Think the Sentinels within the certlflcaies accompany Silver cases (Ml Haw-- given, is an illustration. them. are tumped fh4p Trekeba, from Sao Tranclsco; schr and none, without! . Watch Co., waltham, Mass., OF HIT COOML Its . . A filled ap- "Am. ,terllng ellver," and BARTOW'S, IN ISSOaTKHT StaMo ires San Francisco; An bktae Grace Roberta crowd the church before the time are accompanied by guarantee certificates, signed It. E. TASHIONABLE ASSORTMENT The fall term of Oahu College will commence pointed for the meeting, and it was evident that llobblos. name trim the , aodBrt bark Spirit or tie Aje from Treasurer. Tne waliaam" Is plainly BY ORDER OF KB. THB0. H. DAVIES, White and Brawn Cottas(.Flae W61ta..Srts, on Wednesday next, Sept. 1st. the purpose of meeting was quite different to that of engraved npon all movements. Irrespective of either dis- American Prtnte. White Onilu, Hearkesc Monday night. Turbulent signs were very marked. tinguishing: marka. OF Blankets, necessary White and Red Wool TfcCfcE-e- e rteaaerHo Chenc tailed onThnrsday theSCth insL,the water J.'M.Kapena was called to the Chair with H. This cutioo Is Tendered by reason of the fact Fancy Goods. Men's Socks, Ladles StoekiBffi, from the that oar cases are frequently separated frura our move- UrtJeffJ-anrraBdae- tatinc a very small freight and Waterhouse and John Kalama as Secretaries And Fancy Wool Sairta, Clothing, etc, yy Nuuanu reservoir will be shut off during the day. ments and pot Into worthless movements of othermak era, rate IS paxeBtera. The barkentlnr; Discovery alto S. B. Dole as Interpreter. and rice vena, tbus arTecting Injuriously the performance MILLINERY GOODS Wednesday and Thursday, Alio, Freali Groceries and C&aaed Geb ! saSsst far late raae port 1lh a fell caro of domestic The publication of the laws has commenced. Mr. Kapena stated the object of the meeting to of the watches and vitiating onr guarantee, which Is : orderly yet forcible to only 1 Lobster, Satooo. pntarc Tkeharkt GenBatlcrand Amelia tailed for That rcfering to carriages and drays in Honolulu be in a quiet, and manner to cover our complete watches wholly made AruCST S3 AND 35. MeMnrraya and S lb. Oysters. is a needful addition to the code. express the confidence of the Hawaiians in His by oa. It Is necessary, also, because It la ao notorious aa Jama, and Jellies, Golden Gate Table and Pie Fruits, Pert TxwtjA. asd bark Eerere for Xanalno. Majesty and to undo the evil work of Monday eve- to be a public scandal, tbat there Is great fiaud In the LaCrotrCera.-Otl- rt OIL French Olivee, Seaj, Mr. Adamt offered mttal quality of both cold and silver cases as now gene- CARGOES OF THE M ana H Sardines, Lard, Aims ana nscon. ' Oa Satarday lart tCTeral pieces of The Kuol-o-a has a report of another murder ning. He intimated that the work of that evening SniP8 at rally aold. We have demonstrated by frequent aasaya in Ixed Pickles, Pork and Beans. my at aaoian. bstvras compelled to withdraw a Kea-iw- was the result of the plotting of a faction, and Hats Trimmed the Latest imp Kan, a South Sea Islander killed a haole" at a, that many gotd and sliver cases offered In the market are Styles, Tins Milk and Soda Crackers, Eacle Coldest Mlk. )iaeissa f tfcm. bidden belnr; somewhat averse to in which gives no further particulars. that true Hawaiians had not had a hand in it, or debused from from 10 to 20 per cent, from the quality Kegs and Bagsj of Sugar, Bags of Corn. had been misled. they assnme be. Is upon Casma and City of etlB at pretest. ' to This a fraad the purchaser, and And execnted In the most Madrid Mr. Dole introduced the following resolution, accounts lor the low price at which such cased Bekaee eTSteek SeteQ Greeory Stan. TVe le of" the brig KIcolam, Mr. Ear-a-w The terrace and piers C. M. watches TERMS af adTertlted by foundation for Sir. which was received : have been sold. tar LIBERAL., Jlsssday Cooke's new house opposite Thomas Square on with very great enthusiasm Brilliant and Delicate of tee ad, hat been postponed to Satnrday We rake this occasion to announce that we have re Nicety the Art C. S. BARTOW, Beretania Street, give promise of a handsome resi- Jtetolred, That we hereby express onr thanks to His cently enUrely very popular Auctioneer. Hajesty Kalakaua for littrning to the voice of the peo- - remodelled tbe irradea of foil ! Tfc the last addition to the Spreckelt line dence. Such are needed in our town. plate movements, known by the marks Wa Kllery,n One Fine Sonel Mare rfJle and remoTins llr. C.C.Moreno from the offlco of "Appleton. Tracy Co She leaves a standing order with her agents con- mt raeaeea Jay be looked for at any moment. inlster of Foreign An&lrs. i .""Waltham Watch Co.,"P.s. to WAQONAND HAHNBSS. Mr KarMv mill te-d-ay commence a two dav's credit The army is apparently in demand these days, Bartlett," and " Broadway," giving to them not ouly a stantly This he supported by forcible speech which was hurbly improves appearance, great Positive-- OF- Sale eaar far aemct of J!r Theo II Davies. at which the but as it is reported of powder was a but additional value. ADAXS, Auctioneer. that all their 1 e .?. it mac will be varied, comprising goods received ex burned one night to preclude the chance of acci- received enthusiastically. He took the ground embody in tbem sucli of tbe best results of our expe- F0BWABD HER BY THE STEAHEB8 Caataa and CHy of Nankin. that the removal of Moreno was in response to rience and study fur twenty years' as can be ntefal In this dent, none of them are likely to get hurt. popular ! popular desire as expressed on Monday night and form of watch. We give these new model watches TTnE FINE JERSEY BULLS Hotice of since. was a concession public opinion special recommendation to all wbo look, for good per- Mortgagee's 9tle pom The Kuolva says that a man was killed in Kan, That it to formance and solid excellence at moderate cost. ON or HowoiiTrim. and as such ought to be recognized and the com- The LATEST & MOST ADVANCED STYLES and the Coroners jury rendered n verdict of " Kill- alterations have been made with the view of pleasing By order of REED A SISSON, mortgagees of a mort-- munity return thanks therefor. His remarks practicil watch makers, as well as watch wearers. deed from Costa, of Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Aunivr.n ed because he did not defend himself." All of the feeling meeting, We avail ourselves, In the Art or Millinery. : : ct J. Ag V lapanete CorveU. Tsokoba. Alnra from S T aroused both classes of at the but too, of this occasion to warn the Saturday, August 28th, ted the ITth day ot March. A. D. 1873, and recorded In original juries of this kind evidently do not live predominant one was of applause public against watches. The superiority 111, Haw mb Malolo, Goodwin, from S F via Kahn- - the that for his cheaf of Notwithstanding the extra expense of cettlnc Goods AT W O'CLOCK the Hawaiian Registry of Deeds In Liber 60, paces elsewhere. views. Waltham goods. In all grades. Is now so genra!ly ac- SOON, 114 111, M knowledged . to this Kingdom, HER CHARGES WILL BE AS MOD- and I shall Sprecketa, Comics, from S F R. W. Wilcox Wailuku succeeded him, and in that onr competlto-a- Swiss and American, ERATE as those After the Sale of the Brljantine NICOLAUS, In front AaecaClaae On Sunday last, a horse trainer, whose name we of teem to have un resource bnt u present the attraction of of the Milliners on the Coast. KELT, AT PUBLIC AtTCTISX. Ha Kakerei stentorian tones announced his views to be that price. of Sales Room, will be sold Am bfcttie Grace Eobertt, Olsen, from Port did not learn, made an attempt to cut his throat, low Their goods being inferior to ours, they have mortgage. S while laboring under a fit of mental aberration, this was the country of the red skins, that foreign- to sell them for what they can get. ior a breach of the condition of tho said TVwaed ers People 36 Br kk ot the Age, Williams, from Hong-- was conveyed to the hospital, where he now lies in aro trying to get up a disturbance and confu- generally not knnwlngagoodwtlchfromabad She will also keep a Select Stock -- , ifMt one, very allow price to Wll-tla- I a critical condition. sion for their own purposes and evil views', that often a small decide them. si 3 JERSEY BULLS! J laj the native Hawaiians ought to rally and by such MorrU. the eminent English Lecturer ou Art and OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Labor Tonics, in a recent lecture delivered before the Fine Pcdlsrree in Ileril Rook. Saturday, September 4th. 1880, KAII.U. Work on the new music Hall is proceeding with demonstrations as cannot be mistaken put Trades says: C. BARTOW, Sublic the interloping foreign element. He did not " Guild." S. Auctioneer. At 'Jt o'clock noon, at my Sales Room, Ae J Am bk Gen"i Bstler. Rvder, far PortTnwntend commendable rapidity. The foundation walls look I know that tho public in general are set npon having READY MADE CLOTHING. In Honolulu W Ch Mm Ho Cfaonc. rrteroon. for S F substantial enough to support a heavier building announco whether he favored or 'was opposed to things cheap, being to ignorant tbat they do not know 803 Postponed to Saturday, August 2S. 1 Ata bk Rerere. Melntrre, for Nanalmo even than that erecting. Its progress will be the resolution of .Mr. Dole,, but as he was making vben they get tbem nasty, also so ignorant tbnt they l an Kktate Amelia, fare, for rort Towntend some angry allusion to muioiiari," neither know or care whether they give man his due. Am fektne Discovery, fi watched with great interest by the public "naltiliona a L CERTAIN LEASE PrnhaTlow, for F Mr. Pilipo arose and requested him to direct his I know tbat tbe manufacturers, sn called,' are s set on to business of evening. At carrying out competition to Its ntmost, corapititlon of From the Hawaiian Government to Sj KlpL n'uihsrsd HXHO&AITDJU Attorney General Jones reported finding remarks the the once, SHIP NICOLAUS TTth is as the building was scene excited cheapness, not of rxollence, tbat they meet tbe lursaln XI In the Interior Department, and dated the of trouble in getting a Deputy, Mr. Lazarus we hear the of turmoil and hunters half way, and cheerfully furnish them with February. 1STS. and assigned to the said Costa on the confusion. Hats were thrown up. shouts and out- nasty J. tefcoorjer has not decided to accept as yet. Mr. W. B. wares at the cbcap price tbey are asked for, by means ot FOR SALE. 6th March. 1ST, the land leased thereby btlng situate la Rejort f 3Ialolo. Goodwin Captain Left cries rent the air. The aisle filled with people, wnat can be called by no name Seat at p m on the 4th Intt. Point Lobos Barnes, unfortunately is ill, or he would perhaps prettier than fraud." Fraadw i 01 some rushing forward and others away from the We are much mistaken If this Is what the public wants C. S. BARTOW has received lnstructIonsfromiIr.il. law Uud hcaw a. bar breaking, wind ttrong take the matter into consideration. or expects, least. Good FHEEAIA to sell at Public Anitlon, un- and aad OBUnaed till p m of the 6th. Weather building. From that moment, the meeting resolv- of u, at watches cannot be made "" VirtgaiSBaa. Wainaku Wailua, rtTir when neither workmun nor employer pride in his oc- "iBSasinK less prerioualy sold at prlrate sale, Tatar wtta vqaalla and beaiy foe from thit date to the first sugar Agricultural ed itself into a mob, and with the exception of tho has ia said Hilo, and including aa The from the Hawaiian when Mr. Kaai was speaking, cupation ; Interest and pleasure In tbe work are both 3Mi had teerate trades with passing squalls, tettel Company's works was time the confusion wanting, In THE "BIG COLLAR" X"lh at Pahala. Knu, received last and both are essential ,good watch making. ON AUGUST 1-- I workfac wWk On the ttrong trader, it 8 p n and din were so great that no business could.be Low price, especially in SATURDAY, 28th, 3 eUfcaa Mini, week. After so long waiting it is to be hoped that watches, lov quality, tnih Area of 3 Acres t ml end of bearing E, and aH:S0am done. After about a quarter of an hour the house low peromancc high Eahalal, an abundance of sugar and big dividends will de- and repairs. 12 H., Sales Room, ierm ten years" from-th- ITlh Febru- BatartHk beaded for at 7am took pilot on was still enough Mr. Kaai intro- Our mission was. to At at The of the lease It meed aavd received order to proceed to Honolulu. At light the stockholder s heart, for to speak and and uur business is, make good ary. 1879; rent $30 a year, payable annually In advance ; duced the resolution : watches, whatever the cost : holding firmly to this single by lessee; buildings be by lessee a paaaBcawred off the entrance of Honolulu harbor. purpose, we have seen Improvement HARNESS SHOP A I B Uxes paid to removed cottages Whereas : Much anxiety has been tho In quality and reduc- T he riga at the termination ot the lease. Mr Agnew is erecting several neat on the felt for tion In cost, by means of discoveries andlmprovements In ntine ntPOEis. makai Bide of Beretania Street near hi present past few days, by both native Hawaiian and machinery and by natural causes, go steadily on together, ALSO residence. The town ought to contain more pleas- foreigners, in regard to the political situation, and until we can truly say, Waltbam Watches In their O. Turn !aa FiancJMn. ter ilalolo. Angntt 19 litu or ant houses to rent than we have had, and this WnutEAs: The Tlepresentatives of Foreign grades, are the best watches made : and as to tne HAMMER, NICOLAUS. Kill Building and Boiling Hesse tkt tmr. I ce rinrt. ?3bairc har 1 lu rUinglet, !UJ erecting them out of the close confines of the Powers, residing here, were led by motives of fear lower grades, they are wltblu tbe reach of everybody 86 HIXU STREET, ft amber, r w. 3 red brick, UM bag barley, ZS sacks town is nice. to hoist their national flags and do other acts, who earns wages. Onr prices are a-- low as tney nuzht to This Al German-bui- Tessel carries .TOO tons dead with packing room attached. be, and as low as tbey will be. Watches cannot be made wclcht. on llcht draft; Inbuilt of Danish Lire Oak; when neither life nor property were endangered, Room and Office, Freta per Grace Roberta. Angntt II We hear that Mr. James Dodd is about estab- lor nothing, even by machinery. We say in the pnblfc, newly coppered, new masted and new rlgjred through- Store and buy a good watch while you are about It, and pay a proper PRACTICAL HARNESS MAKER! out in May, 1S79. Has two tnlts of sails In thorough Trash House, Dining Room. Cook Ilquse, i a rosre iaaocr, 121,12 it piim inmoer. I3U m lishing a regular line of omnibuses, for passengers Wdeeeas : On Monday night, the ICth instant, price ror It. Thp you able, House for White Laborers, ' more pay an bonest dealer the bet repair. Is nnder British and other reflations, EQO and also for carriage of parcels, between Hono- a public meeting was held in this place (Kauma- ter satisfied you will be In the end : don't be deceived by to carry upwards of SO0 adult Polynesian Immigrants. nouae for Native Laborers with capacity for mta. Hswkoar. Snirit of the Are. Anrntt 13 lulu and Waikiki. Mr. Dodd asks no "subsidies," kapili), during which a resolution was introduced ebepness..qna!lty descends faster than price. Double vessel Is tr CO Fine Single and Buggy Harness, This ready for sea at one day'a notice, and can 30bx9oeket7. lfc Ml joet ttlckt, 110 bagt beant, but shows that the way to resume special pay- and passed censuring your Majesty for arbitrary For American Watch Co., of waltham, Mass. carry a large cargo, being well known as the smartest Sugar Mill Engine and AttacrtfKits, be tall bale lea. 32 bx preene. S ct bookt, ments is to he does Pacific. ct. 2U "resume." In other words; action, outside of Constitutional limits, dangerous &. Concord Mule brie in the South 4 Centrifugals, Sorghum Fast, anwWact rce. Npkgtcncsmliera.l ct ware. pkg things, waits sure of public patron- ROBBINS APPLETON, and Earnest DonkeylEnglne, payee, a tot tiqwar. 73 bx nat oil, 178 bx fith oil, a) and the result to Hawaii nei. Therefore, be jt 812 17 General Agents, New York, O. A. TITLE PERFECT AND GUARANTEED. i age. meeting a Coolers, ClarUert, etc, etc VarloeSovraadaletor mlc mdte Itetolced: That this of your subjects do OUT AH the above line of Waltbam Watches for sale at Plantation Harness of all sorts, sugar express ex- f3T Terms Easy. Inventory very completers With everything requisite for the manufacture of Ko Hairaii Pae Aina came out on Saturday last its condemnation of the sentiments the Store of M. McINEItNy, Sole Agent for this King, all situated npon the said leased premises. nPOETS. pressed at the aforesaid meeting, and assure your dom. ALSO to B.DOLE, Attor- with an extra in both English and Hawaiian, Agent Biding Bridles, Saddles, Whips For farther particulars apply S. which ludicrous the Hoapili Majesty of our disapproval of tho course then Also. for tbe GORIIAM STERLING SILVER. ney for the mortgagees, or is a picture of Baker be" WARE. Tho Trade supplied at the LOWEST PRICES. For San Frascttco. per Ho Chong, Augnit 181 ca manifestoes. Bush Kuaea must enjoy pursued land further, it E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer, . ox leaves, JU) Dom Jones, and affec- 812 Currycombs, Brushes, Saddle Cloths, backets bnch bananat. the simile about the thieves. It seems that accord- Betolced : That we express our steadfast One Frue Boat, VrnfrftA. tion for Yon and the Itoyal Family ; that we do 1 Patent Double Winch with Brake Power complete, AIMU.IUTXATOS'S Fraaciecci. Angntt 19 5324 ing to this extra they were elevated to the Min- every fVjcut per DitoorerT, pray in confidence that Ton, by your Constitu- And Necessary for Stable nso at 1 Steering Wheel with barrel, 1 Capstan, fXmf Mtrar. KM plft rice, glO Mil molartet, Dom istry to honor Moreno. Viae$?ia7jr tional prerogatives, will appoint men who ore Mortgagee's Sale. 1 Thermometer. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. get known in this community for honesty of pur- ROCK For particulars apply to As an attempt to np enthusiasm in favor of ACCORD ANCEYTTn APOAVER BED PRICES E0R CASH. JI. FREEMAN. JASSEKOESS. Moreno the meeting nt Kanmakapili was a sig- pose and wisdom to assist in tho management of IN Sale contained In a certain 3Iortcajre Deed, riven affairs, A. O. W. MACFARLANE & CO., By order of W. H.REED and J. W. KEAOMAKANI, On to of public and for the protection of the by PUAHI (k) to J. Carlwrlcht, dated April n, 1878, Cfc7" Repairing every nal failure. the contrary, the disgust his S3, 485, of description done In the best Or C. S. BARTOW, Auct'r. Administrators of the Estate ot S. Klpl, late of Hilo. 17 Throne ; and also, be it recorded In Liber folio the undersigned gives possible manner, rV TTbadward Porta, per Liaelike. Angntt L ndbercnts, a resolution was passed thanking His notice that he Intends to foreclose with tbe best materials, at lowest Hawaii, deceased, and pursuant to the Order of Sals ot . P Xllua. Kabaakaaall and child. J Manli and Majesty for his removal, in answer to popular Resolred : That we do hereby express full con- tald Mortgage for workmen's rates the Hon. F. S. Lyman, Circuit Judge of the Third Ju- B Geo Wilcox. W II fidence in your wisdom as and as a Pro- condition broken, and will tell at Publie Auction, at 24th day of September, 1ST, . A Facbet. Kaihelinl. Rice. desires. a Buler, the Auction Rooms of E. P. Adams, at Honolulu, Sale of Mortgaged Property. dicial Circuit, dated tht I J'VKalaa.SfiatFBreskt. W II Porne. II Corn nt 11. moter of the prosperity of our beloved land. God All Work THAT, shall offer for sale X n eKk. Daniels. Jat Woods and Armstrong Save the King 1 And, finally, be On Guaranteed or Exchanged. IS IIEttEBY HIVES Jlact. -- i!n - General will deliver a lecture on the it Saturday, the 18th day of September, NOTICE to a power of sale contained In a certain I "" t n r'" W bmith, "Hawaiian Problem'' Lyceum Iieeehed : That we hereby express our thanks On Saturday, September 4, 1880, Xaailiril""Oeborne. 3i Lidrate, Mrs Andersoni Awana, at the on Friday 1880. all the premises described In tald Mortgage, mortgsse, dated the Tth day ot October, 1S76, made and evening. His well known energy and ability to Your Majesty for listening to the voice of the viz: lOOIi FOR THE BIG COLLAR ! 803 executed by Isaac Y. Davis and L. K. Davis, his wife, Abjaaa. ThzOa. O A or, A &cott, Capt ldart, I) in All that land at Jloanalua. Oahn, containing 2 0 At 13 o'clock noon, at my Sale Room. WaMwa. Xaikalea, deciphering knotly questions will ensure a full people and releasing Mr. C. C. Moreno from the acres, detcrlbed in Itoyal Patent Ho. aj5; to Frsnk Spencer, and of record in the office of the In Honolulu, the following nutie. and all that of Conveyances, 47 house, particularly for the exposition of such a office of Minister of Foreign Affairs. tract containing; 1 acres, described in Koval Registrar Honolulu, In Lther on Wlffdward Ports, Patent pages 121, 115 oer Likelike. Anmtt 2! F subject. was received with immense applause, and o.3T2U; and all 213-10- 0 and lid of miscellaneous records, for the It be that tract containing acres, sum ot fifty llamas. Sirs Lyaaan. MUf E Lyman, It Beaumont, S F then made remarks upon it, and on tho state of described In Royal Patent No. 740. of securing the five hundred and Lands situate ia Ilita, vents, a it uaatoiu n latwo. An uaK jirt x i iicrnrs The Maile Social Club gave another of their country. A J. CART WHIG IIT. TO ollars, with Interest, and for a breach of the condi- affairs in the Ho called attention to tho ALL THE WORLD mortgage I auc-tto- t OMh m. Mls Hagbet Mr McCrnndell. Mr receptions evening CASTLE & H.ATCH, Attorneys for Mortgagee. 815 4t tions of said deed, will sell at pnbllc Island of Hawaii, it W Clark. A K C Bailer, popular last Friday at the refusal of foreign officials to recognize Moreno as at the auction room of C. S. Bartow, at the hour F Nrbaefrr. J Mill. J Hotel, was very Royal Situate Area. J Hy, 3 ATbmp-o- a. 3 Uiekard, W Rirkaid, D NotlrT, Hawaiian which a pleasant affair. Minister, of Foreign Affairs, to a remark made to of U noon, on WEDNESDAY, the 1st day of Septem- Patent (Grant). la 3 Bans. Br WI-- H Mrs McCrotsod. Akina. Lola and Dancing was kept up until a late hoar and all him by one of them, that in e of trouble the ber, 1880, all and singular the real estate tn said mort- 1700 Wainaku SS-- n. Mortgagee's Sale. cMMECollard r Eme-wi- Dr Enden. E B Frlcl.J separated well pleased with the evening's enter- Bailors and marines of the war vessel in port would gage deed described, on account of the breach of said 1034 " .9.40 W CMrric Mr OXiradv. A B Forbet. R Andrews, Hoo- tainment. not come on shore to they should ACCORD ANCE AFOMT3R conditions. The Real Estate described in ssld mortgage C llarley, Geo assist, but if rS" WITH Vickcrj's Fireside Journal deed and intended to be sold, consists of one undivided IMS - " ISJ0 kas. F BafMMeB, Hardy. come on shore it would be to stay. Marked sen- Sale contained In a certain Mortgage Deed given - 'H per 19 Mr Quite of passengers booked by (Plhll tenth part ot the Ahnnnaa of Walkaloa, situated at 531 " 5f4 Iar Saa Fraacieeo. Dltcorery. Angntt a number are for sation. He expounded the constitution, saying PIUEBE. and BILA her husband, to A. J. ONE OF TIIE Waimea, Island of nswall, said Ahnpuaa 3rtOa. Xr Freer. Mr McLean, F M Fieher. Cartw right, dated March 7, 1S78, recorded In Liber 51, South Kohala. 1009 , Moknhonua- - 37Js5 California and the East by the Zenlandia next that the King has the absolute right to make and 191, containing an area of 95.C0O acres, andfully described In " ,"5 Ho 19 V y folio the undersigned gitcs notice that he intends 005 J9 Far Saa Fraaciioa. per Chnng, Angntt T Monday. The steamer will to our unmake cabinets, and thatno one has tho right to Mortgage Royal Patent No. 5671, to G. D. Hueu. V TsVaWe.MWtTiidale. Mr Laird and C A Pratt, to foreclose said for condition broken, and - SJK wife. American friends the intelligence true or untrue, object or criticise no matter what ho does or how will sell at Pnbllc Auction, at the Auction Rooms of E. Best Family Newspapers, FRANK SrENCER. 805 J)IcCaiiA, Laproll 6 s-- enrr and Chinese. that business is disturbed, everybody uneasy, and he docs it, If he desires ho could place his cook P. Adams, in Honolulu, By W. C. JONES, his attorney. eo - Pert Towntend. per Amelia, Angnrt 19 J M Oat ty ILLUSTRA1ED. C. 8. BARTOW. Auctioneer. Fr general wantonly injured, and all for there and no one could sav one word. (This was 183 2980 nilepuna ISM Age. 23 On Honolulu, June 58, . Fran Heeekonr per Spirit of the Angntt the benefit of what and whom t differently understood. He probably said that Saturday, the 18th day of September, Wo also give 13 CMaete Four MnKiilflcent Chroraos. x 19 Total acres,ri910t a His Majesty's right to remove his ministers was as 18S0, at 12 o'clock noon, all the premises described in in 19 colors, with the paper, for A soldier in full uniform with his cap on, stand- perfect and unassailable as to Temove his cook.) tald Mortgage, viz: All that tract of land at Manoa MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF N.B. About SO acres ot the above lands art planted EOEK. middle aisle Valley, 7 aMOO ing in the of the centre near the In view of' his remarks on Wednesday at the Oahu, containing acres, leln; the same X with Cane, firtt rattoons. , "J chairman's table was one of the features of the Bethel, tho above will be interesting. pieniises described In Royal Patent No. 130. One Dollar for one Year ror conveying Cane to SogarMllV about lVi Capt-Tho- REAL ESTATE! Istbitetiy. Aot;.Sd, to the wife or e. K. evening at the Kaumakapili meeting last Friday Mr. Kaai had not left the front of the hall for A. J. CARTWRIGHT, SITUATED AT I long. Clark, of Haaa. Xaul, a daughter. evening. One of those rousing Hyde Park, Lon- his seat when the chairman jumped to his feet and CAhTLE HATCn, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Postage paid, payable In advance miles eity on the lntt to the wife of Mr E. W. Honolulu. Aug. 18, 1880. 815 4t KANEOHE, KOOLATJPOKO, OAHU. For farther particulars apply to S. B. DOLE, Attorney la talt 3h don meetings would have chewed him up body, in the midst Of great confusion shouted in Hawaii- Call and subscribe at once, or address Tasker. CbJef Engineer Mramer Likelike a ton. clothes, cap and all inn twinkling and not have an for all of those in favor of the resolution to Notice Is hereby given that pnrsnant to a Power of for the Administrators, or , , had a stomach ache either. But here 1 Oh my ! hold up the hand, and it was responded to by a Mortgagee's Sale. I'lCKEItlSG A CO., Sale contained In a certain deed of mortgage, dated E. P. ADAMS; Auctioneer. DIED. Nov. 22nd, 1873, made John Kanuf(E) on the very large number, but tne doubt and uncertainty, King between Neither present ACCORDANCE WITH A POWER Street, one part and A. J. Cartwrlcht of tbe other part, and re- the Ministry nor the and the absence of an explanation in English add- 63 WILBUR-- At PaWH. MaUwac. ManL Jnly 31ft. dismissal Moreno seems to have created r!f Sale contained In a certain Mortgage Deed alien One door from Fort street, Honolulu, II. I. corded In Liber 57. pages and 203, Mr. C. S. Bartow of any ed to the confusion, and in the midst of great con- bv S. N.NUEKU to A. Cartwright, 24, is instructed to sell, at his rooms. CALIFORNIA Wuaaw3acT.Tosngeateonof Roland T, and Elzz very large degree of confidence in business. Pro- J. dated Jan. beta r. WHbnr. fusion the vote was taken again, and declared in 1S78, recorded in Liber 51, folio 430, the undersigned In orderlnc, be sure to write name and address. Post bably however when the country settles down to favor of the resolution. This caused excited gives notice that he Intends to foreclose said Mortgage Office, very plain, and forward one dollar for each sub- On Saturday, September 4 the habit of unexpected, unnecessary, violent, shouts and denials from all parts of the house and for condition broken, and Mill tell at Public Auction, scriber. Furniture Alxirraot nrc Bzoobd or Oudzs Times. In faithless and similar methods of government, not it became almost impossible to follow the attempt- at the Auction Rooms of E. P. Adams, in Ilonolnln, ORDER AT ONCE At 13 o'clock noon. IMS, ooa orgaxtizaiian the GoTem-xaes- t, after the of even an earthquake can disturb the equanimity of ed course of business. Mr. Dole's resolution waj On Saturday, the 18th day of September, As tbe edition Is nearly run out. nero yon have Four All those two pieces of Land, situated at Kanohonlulvl, petitioss were sent to the Legislative Assem-I- y men of affairs. People will tie themselves to the then put and carried in spite of the attempts of nandsnme Chremos and an Illustrated Mcwspspcr In- Kaneohe, Koolaupnko, Oahu, being the land de- leg of " quake." 1880, at 12 noon, cluded, One one year, post In Royal Patent No. 1378, and containing Manufacturing the windward Islands which awakened a table and let her Mr. Wilcox and others to kill it, by motions with o'clock all the premises described in for Dollar for paid. Samples scribed from the hands and shout to all, "e fi." At this point tald Mortgage, viz: All that tract of land at Kalauao, can be seen. Sreat interest amour; the popnlation. The petitions Mini. audience crowding Ewa, Oahu, containing 2 acres. 2 chains and de- 803 3m PICKERING Jt Co., A ceil ta. Twelve Kalo Patches 1 60-10- 0 Acres, the shouting and about tho Itoyal No. 743. Kapena call- tcrlbed in Patent Ctmpan; mainly asked " That no naturalized foreigner be Governments and Holers, like individuals, aro table. Mr. jumped on the pulpit and A. J. CARTWRIGHT. For particulars apply to perrsftted to hold any office ; that no foreigner respected just so long they show themselves ed for the election of a committee of thirteen to CASTLE fc HATCH. Attorneys for Mortgagee. 815 RIcn'D F. BICKERTON, as 4t Att'y Mortgagee, or to aenaf ter lie allowed to become natnralized ; that worthy of respect. take the resolutions to the palace. He finally ed for SAN FRANCISCO, n lands be parted with to foreipners." On the several persons as the committee, most NOTICE. C. S. BARTOW, Auct'r. JSlh of December. 1845, His Majesty the KiniF The " Eagle" ought to be congratulated on his of whom did not know it, although present, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS III. with Eeoni Ana. Paki. Kaeo and elevation to the Attorney General's office. " But, till the following day. Persons were busily en- Dr. Jodd. nailed in theiiro for MacLKeohokalole, just here a query arises." gaged in fanning out the lights and the meeting To Parties desiring to order Stock from For Sale. Ieaetobotn, Eanaina, Kanehoa and many other broke up in disorder. OTfE COTTAtlE 1'IANO, A HOOD hoped perma- San Francisco. aosiiKifc ATiTi chiefa c9tss alto in the Kront and Ifnatffio. Land- Lahaina and Lanai had that some Those who attended this gathering can but con- toned Instrument. DESORIP'riONS ing at Lahama tinder a aalsto of 21 guns from the nent employment would be found for the Shepherd trast it with that of Monday night, when order C. S. BAIITOW. fort and received by 40 officers with drawn swords. to detain him in Honolulu. prevailed, where each speaker had his say, and WIIiMAM XiEW, WHO HAS MR. e Tfce King had a public audience at the residence of was listened to, where several spoke against the an experience of twenty-fiv- years in the SPor SaHo, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Governor Tocnp. where 1HO persons paid their The feeling is strong and deep that the time is resolution, and the question was not put till called care and selection of Stock, and ii abont returning to coming soon when the dismissal and appointment California, Mould respectfully offer his services to resi to him. The royal party rode to VTailuku, for by the house, and waB then slowly and distinct- dents of these Islands wbo are detlrous of purchasing Valuable Real Estate. Makawao. and over Haleakala to liana, addressins of Cabinet officers cannot be accomplished in the ly road in each language and voted upon intelli- C. S.BABTOW. Anct'r. the people at ererv station. At Mokulan some 1003 manner lately witnessed. gently by the vast audience. C'ALlt'OHMA PAETIES IN HONOLULU asMrsbled to hear the King. At Hana, on Another meeting was called in the interest TTfaax The present arrangement, by which foreign of Or othar pans of the Islands. the 19th January, 1S4G, Eanlkeaonli addressed the Moreno for Saturday afternoon, at the Fish HORSES, MULE jtope as foUows : mails which arrive at Kahului from San Francisco Market, and was a fitting finale to that of Friday 5, GEO. F. "WELLS liear ye Commons : I have visited and addressed have first to be sent to Honolulu to bo opened, evening. A more laughable farce was never per- 00 AND 08 FORT STREET. DESIRING FURNITURE before and now by the blesfdnc; of God stand should be changed. It is Tery provoking and un- petrated. Nobody would speak till Mareno re yon again. He has gradonsly been pleased necessary. arrived, and then nothing was said, except an 0THEE STOCK IMPORTER AND GENERAL DEALER CAN HAVB THKIB ato make roe ytwr King. have given the Kingdom electioneering speech by Keiki, next session, And Is confident he can give satisfaction. Parties I Kahului foreign for IN toHim there is nothing more to be said. Think Frequent arrivals al from ports in which he declared that if he had been returned ordering Horses or Mules, through y, will be suggested danger of small-po- x being in- guarsuteed tatlsfactiou, or no Orders Filled at Lowest Rates net this a burden. It is not the wish of the present have the this session, no $10,000,000 loan bill would have sale. SVXuslocil InstrizmoxLts Government to enforce burdens upon you ; we bear troduced. No general vaccination has been per- been passed, no huge appropriation bill, no Orders left with Mr. E. P.ADAMS, Queen Street, will AND them all alike : vtra know what is wrong, and when formed for eight years. The subject demands Chinese subsidy, and other measures of like char- be duly attended to. Br application to Mr. E P. ADAMS. Qntea Strttt.wh oppression. serious and prompt attention. WILLIAM LEVY. Every Description of Musical Merchandise. bu oar D9crtptlra CaUIoffn with Prlcts. xs appeal from The laws are clear. acter, when it suddenly occurred to him that he Honolulu. July 27. I860. 811 lm. I desire to encourage in the cultivation of the was invading the domain of Mareno, and so bowed jou An unkind person wished to bet that no native SOLE AOENT FOR earth and obtaining property. It is important that to him, and said "Good Morning," which was ON HAND AT THE STORE OF HOPf 'Ttra take care of tout children. Bend them to the Hawaiian had read Mr. Gibson's book on " Ola affectionately responded to by that individual, WEBER PIANOS AND MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. LW. bet schools. It is my desire that your children be Kino." No one would take the bet. He then of- who was moanwhile struggling with the embraces KIHU 8THEKT, , J ' instructed in useful knowledge derived from for- fered to bet that no native Hawaiian had bought of a drunken darkey, who loudly told the crowd Importers of General Merchandise eign countries. If they are disinclined to attend, one of the books. And still no one would risk a that he was his brother, the brother of the pakes, Fitters X3T DONT LOOK FOR Xta Black Walnut Bedroom Sets, yes should urge them, and when they are grown quarter on it. Ac FROM Derctiftive Medication they will reward care. Aid your teachers. An old fellow Kalihi mounted fence ADVERTISEMENTS Black Walnut Sideboards, rour I Maui, though it has said but little of late, has from the Is a precaution which thonld never be neglected when BIG have devoted some funds to their support, but it is and told the people he did not often have the FRANCE, ENQLANB, GERMAHY, AND danger la present, and therefore a cnurte of the Bitters IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE. Black Walaat Dining Chain, year duty to friend yocr aid, and we will act in kept up a tremendous thinking. It would not do chance to speak, but he loved his countrymen and at this season Is particularly desirable, especially for concert to promote this good object. The laws we to publish all its thoughts on public matters. But everybody who wanted Mareno for Minister of UNITED STATES, the feeble and ftfckly. As a remedy for blllousnese. Oak Cane Seat Dlniag Chain, are making are intended for your good. IJawsnre some of them relating to the appointment of the Foreign Affairs to hold up their hands. Wilcox dyepepsla, nerrouins, and bowel complaint), there 1 Sets, to evils and they must be observed. The new Ministers have been forcibly expressed. and his clique held theirs up in tho midst of No 29 Merchant Street, - - Honolulu, H. I, nothing comparable to this wholesale restorative. We advertise by Selling Goods Cheap! Cedar Bedroom miifvt For vale by all Druggists and Dealers pen orally. Government is now firm at rest in peace with all. groans and hisses, mingled with laughter. P.ADAMS, AGENT THE HAWmil ISLANDS Hawaii. For Sale by REDINGTOX A CO. And only wish to call your attention to the L FM Give not your children to teachers who do not 7W San Franclgco Cal, U. S. A let lm - know their doty. Supply the best. Knowledge is Hilo Boarding School has with fifty HMAS BROS.. fact that we have far the advantage of the country. Jhanhrard pupils and more expected. fv Advertisements. ftrnfm UmU drprnd vpOM and char-mt-tr JUST EETUBNED From MABKET PICKERING & CO., At AVo WHOLESALE' GROCERS, itunteltn tie (nutrtimrml. ae living Bev. J. D. Paris has sold his lands in Kona and NOTICE. - with a desire to promote the best interests of the expects to remove to Honolulu. Thus is Kona de- 409 and 411 Front Street, HAMBURG TEA. where we have selected a COMMISSION- MEfiCHASTS;. Kingdom. Too and I are young, but God has made serted more and more each year. BEBBY WIIiIi OPEN A T IS I.IIl'O.NSini.ETOSATTOOTIIICIIIX to MISS School for Girls, to commence MONDAY, 'BAN FICANUISC'O. " good old e Lartre Stock from the Newest and me your father and I will endeavor perform my bKlTEMliEIUtU. In addition to the usual Instruction praise of this standard Family Medlcln dstr. "We have had difficulties. You have heard From the volcano, we have the report that given In eedle cannot be too hlchly recommended, as it is truly a IMPORTERS OF MIRCSAMDIE evidently In Ihe English branches, letsonswill be It Best of Everything of UBesi I have seen them. Idleness is an evil in Madame Pele is hard at work. She is and Fancy Work. Hoars from 9 till 2. Terms $1 per Murvel ol the Acre, and no househcld should be aB much foreign getting her fires ready for something. 615 t3T Particular attention paid to filling and 'shipping passed away and lands, but it does not exist in week. Corner Beretania and Alakra Sts. 2t without it. It prevents as well as cures Dis- In onr line. "Old things have AKD lands, nor did it here days of old. Let it cease. Island orders. 603 ly Skin in ttlil-ne- y all thlnss have become new." Ymm tre Uemrd f the MAxjritrea adopted to ttreitgtUeH The plantation at Kapapala, Knu, is now in fine nsr eases, Gout. Rhcnrantlanii Grnvel and all I ! reform the Government, and you hare doitbted order. Grinding has commenced. A portion of Disease. Affected Elver, Headache. GENERAL FORWARDING AGEHTS the tnsdam ef thote measure, tut the old tyttem it the fields already cut yielding three tons of sugar otiobi CEO. S. HARRIS, Hansen, Bile, Wind, Indigestion, Constipa- NEW PIANOS, NEW ORGANS, feu IIThiI then to the acre. Eaasl-tiul- e. juanay amy. htm right it irrong tion, Fevers mid Acne, Sleeplessness. New Accordeons, New Flutes, 03 HL1Q BTKtTr, ae. hmre there fore rhoen tome white men to be SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Fool Rreatb, and every disease brought on or mm One of them me, the James Bailey has resigned the management at New Drums, New Tambourines, Xit&ter. stands with will be succeeded W. H. Uickard. aggravated by a disordered stomach. rest are at home. These things are for your good; Honokaa and by IIOCNE AaVI HEAVY New Guitars, New Vlclins, D00S JB0M 79ST ., BMttTC.1T, H. I. Mr. Bailey will busy himself on his new planta- UNDERSIGNED INTENDS SHIP, nitlDOE. It purines the Dlood, Cleanses tbe Stomach and Bow 03E for the advantage of our reign. I know not when TIIE two weekn to pnt on a line of Omni ba pes Work, Moulding Bitts, Planing Knire, New Banjos, New Fifes, tion of Kawela. Anchors and Anvils repaired. Goosenecks, Ax Ira els, and gives the if hole system a Healthy and Delight- we may meet again. If you regard my sayings, I between Walklkl and Honolulu, for Pas sen s1'1" "d Crank New Harmonicas, New Music Albums, you. We - pur- and Wagon Axles made for tbe trade on reasonable chaH rejoice to meet state freely to you feeling on Hawaii is Very strong regarding Parcels, t Reasonable Rates- He .solicits for this ful Tone. There never was a medlc'ne for the Nursery New Instrnctlon Boohs, Tiews. TVe come to inquire your The pose the patronage of thoc having business betwen terms. our after welfare, the removal of the recent Cabinet and .appoint- equal to It, and being composed of Herbs only, it can Boohs, enact incomprehensible laws. address yon Waikiki and Honolulu. JAMES DODD. New Song set to I ment new. People in Waimea think the 1SS0. 815 Heavy Wagons Traction be given safely to Infants. It it a trinmph In medicine CHlCKERINCr it God. Beligion is the bulwark of the Honolula, Atigf.5, 1m for Engines New Sheet Mosic, Jtc, iNS' in the name of of a King could have picked up a better Cabinet here. harmless, yet efficacious. Invaluable In the family, on 4c nation, Think not that the missionaries alone say AND this. Every foreigner knows it. No country pros- G0VEBNESS. the road, at sea, and everywhere. A native Honomn was fined in the Police - pers without religion. Let ns strive to from TOCXO LADT K1'KAKI.1 FKEXOII For sale by all Druggists, and at wholesale by 5,000 DOLLARS WORTH OF attain it. 18th Belling German fluently, as Gover- ARTESIAN WELL TOOLS This, O, Commons, is all now say. Court of Hilo, on the inst $300 for A- and wishes a situation 810 McLEAN BROS. I " ololeJuio." The business of manufacturing and ness. Ko objection lo the other Islands. Addrca.Mlss With all their Fittings, a Specialty. 40 YEARS BEFORE THE FDMJCf The KSng had formed Mi rtt fall regular Cabinet Honomn 31.. P. O. Box T4. Ilonolnln. It' AU Orders Promptly Attended tn Ztlt. the Lanl Commlttlon had firtt been organized, selling this article has been carried on at to, and Work ELEGANT FDRNITDRE sometime past, and until now has been success- Sola A and the rtt Lectin are had just held 1U eettlon. for Guaranteed. W. C. imtj for tht Hawaiian Islands, , ful in evading the police and the law. Notice. BORDEN, Z3T Shop on the Ssplanade, in the rear of Mr. Geo. IIIL.O, If AAV flas been consigned to ns, with orders to dispose of tht lVetter frost Kohnia, Hawaii, FIRE MARSHAL'S ;OFFICE Lucas Planing Mill. 60a m All. same at once. In order to do this we have cut A sharp earthquake shock startled the inhabit- THEbe located in the Bell Tower In this city. PICKERING 10 the prices right and left, as yon will see C.e Eutius GixxTTx. I wish to say a few words in ants of Hilo from their beds at the rather early Office hours from to o'clock A. M. and from 2 to 3 SPEAKS FOR ITSELF t Auctioneer and Commission Merchant JAME&W..MCOUIKE, by the following list of prices: reference to that saert efficient officer and patriotic hour of 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning, August 4I8H Fire Jlarahal. DEALER IN mm 1 Eamauoha whom " Planter Ko 15th. There were two shocks, one follow- FISHEK'8 CHAMPAGNE CIDEE, raw $100 the in the distinct So In Parlor Suits, silk, solid walnut frame Foe Jktna to eloquently strives to ing the quick succession, second being OF well and favorablv lenown this eommnnltv. can - Haw vindicate. other in the DISSOLUTION always be found, on Ice, at Jacob Weik's, Mo. GI & Canned Goods, Parlor Salts, hair cloth, solid walnut frame J110 I am surprised to hear "Planter" make such a the heavier of the two. King Groceries, Grain PICKERING- & CO. statement when VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN oirvcu iau in ana cool yourselves. Parlor Suits, raw silk, solid walnst frame 113 it is a well known and generally existing Honolulu. January 17, 1SS0. 810 3m GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, acknowledged A new firm business -'- I that the partnership htrctofore between RCVTT2 fact that the Sheriff who has recently started into in - E. Aldridjre, doln .btistnets at These suits are gotten np in the newest styles by tax-pay- E.r. GrannlsaudA- imposes on the and citizens of Kohala Hilo, which will not be found in the pages of Bow- the corner of Ellwand Bethel streets, Ilonolnln, under NOTICE. find. competent workmen. wpendl a couaaderable portion of his time in the ser's " Directory." This is the firm of G. A.&C-- , the firm name of Grannlt & Aldrid?v, Is this day dls Boots Shoes house of a who liquor dealers. senior partner aolred by xnutnal consent. A. E. Aldridge will continue AKT AFTER THIS DATE For Ladles, Gents and Children, Spring Mattress :. $13 00 The of Planters certain frnamrm, is also an illicit The in this FROM doe Messrs. Grant & Robertson mnst Attention officer of the law. and whom the knowing ones benevolent and enterprising firm arrived from the basinets of Contracting and Building, and' will re Wire 18 CO celpt all hills and par all debts belonging to the late be paid at the office of THEO. II. DAVIE S. TOBACCO, PIPES, Mattress... declare sella mere poor whiskey than Honolulu on the 23th July, of crin CIGAES, &C, CO Alt witoing ' any other of with leases firm. It. f. GRANNIS. GRANT & ROBERTSON. Straw Mattres .. 4 And tatfr Oidr miTi in the District. and 3 of Kentucky favorite whiskey, which A. E. ALDBIDOE. Honolulu. Angnst 7. 1880. 61S 3t Yankee Notions, Patent Medicines, Cat Tall Mattress 6 00 We know that all the law abiding men in Kohala where snugly packed away in beer barrels. There Honolulu. Ausntt 17, 1SS0. 814 Crockery and Glassware. agrea with ns in saying that a worse man for the was also some beer brought up. The gin and NOTICE. ALSO, Filled asd .Bkpatek4 WKhMt Jfcky. important positno of Sheriff could hardly be whiskey were sold at the rate of $3. per bottle, GOODS A LARGE 7ly lonsd than the present incumbent. while the beer was sold at the rate of 7o cents per CANNED Boston and San Francisco packing. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN EUREKA, EXCELSIOR AND HAIR MATTRESSES 811 BOLLES Co. after August IS, 1880. Island and Small etc. ' He is seldom where he is needed, and if by acci- bottle. We know where 12, 5, and .3 of these bot- local drafts, plantation orders and accounts drawn on and C. BREWER & CO. at the lowest possible pflces for cash. Cemmimioni, dent be ever does happen where any disturbance tles were sold. Some boozing in town can be EIGHTHS, QUARTERS, payable by ns. will be paid at oor Office on TUESDAYS is coinr cm he tOdct out as soon as possible. traced to the importations of this firm, who got np EAISINS Boxes, and FRIDAYS only, from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. GREAT BARGAINS IK CARRIAGES. Whols of best Mncatel. 714 Lounges, Whatnots, Easy Chairs, Address u, P. O. Box W, or Things are going on here in a Tery loose and some more yesterday, upon which the Deputy-Sheri-ff 811 BOLLES & Co. 4t H. HACKFELD CO. Marble Tables, careless runner. If Chinamen run away from any got beastly drunk at a ball last night, and, undersioheu hate jttjst b S KXSG STXBZT HeSM.l7I.ET, K. Z. of our plantations they are seldom found. In after making many ineffectual attempts to dance IlCrOO GALLONS OF SPERM OIL. Notice. TnF. from Boston, ex " Ceylon,' now on exhibi- Extension Dining Tables, tx. BKSa tact it difficult to obtain wnexe A XX tion at their Warehouse on Queen St, a large variety of is Tery a warrant for them had to retire to Bleep lie mignt. oucu, are PURE ABTICI.F. OF BOOT OIU JEST FERSOXS ARE WARNED utralnct Beiroom only...-$11- ad still more difficult to get it served. the facts. We would like to know whether tho THE ahore fromtha "Tropic Bird." The Oil la ehootincor.catcblnsr wild cattle or horses on the Solid Walnst Marble Top Salts 0 la white aa water. For tale premisesis known as Kanpakuea, fiaud far fak. Itiialtrrntablefactjhtif by any chance a Sheriff thinks that the eyes of the whole commu- atralned, and at clear and bt Makahanaloa, and Covorod andOpon Fine Imitation Walnut Family Bedroom Salts osly.fo . Deputy-Sherit- 7H BOLLES & CO. Pepeekeo, Island of Hawaii, district of Hilo. a rune fHeesB ptsoner d xs get Into Court the Sheriff is quite ,as nity are closed to these occurrences. The T 800 SINCLE & DOUBLE CARRIAGES hawfum 6m c. AFONG. Chairs of every Modem Style, H tad la perfect oeder, hj "aat A Civic likely to be defending hiKieJ to be doing his duty is generally supposed to beemployed chief- Bran and Oats. Made by the best makers Bast, which will be offered 7 the Crown. ly to see that the Hqnor laws are not trampled up- for sale al prices that will astonish purchasers. And Prices within the reach of all. t II Ficxnnra c. D the matters suspicion "UkDr jjkupsosy thih bat. 803 3m & CO. its MKlaci,eswt)kerlrssa7arttt authorities that have these under on. When there is any reason for thai Ex(78!) BOLLES & Co. OLD JUDGE O.REWER m uar contaal could see things as they really are, this personago is working at these practices, much-le- ss Please call and examine. KsmimohaVould Icog allowed to hold ft hand-jn-ha- time 3E.E17, TO LET. not be being with them, it i high A IiARGE TOBACCO AND CIGABETTES, rTTWO TOAST) position ko is so totally isoosipsteBt to 11., for both Sheriff and Deputy to introduce a better GROCERIES per bark froroEu-op- c, IAKGB COXFORTABXY Far. BOLLES & Co.' . JL nlihed Rooms. Apply at Noi Gardes Lane, twu 66 and 68 Fort treet. moss m. s xkma Tiz-Fazx- at s. ' soon cipcctcd. Ell FVKTrataat cause of actios for their future pursuit. tf AT HOLUSTEK-S- doors from Beretania street. SOB Honolulu, June 30, 16ee. "f SB H -- vjrir Vfi

gin, with St. John or, ono. side and St. Joseph general tteliandisc.t $m?l Jfrg&wftfr- - general Merchandise. on tho other, suddenly' appeared in a blaze of Imuaiimt fe$ty light in tho chancel, Siucev then numberless miracles have been performed at tho church, BREWER CO. H.HAOKFELDAOO ' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1&0. CO. O. and bo many persons Tiave made pilgrimages, WILDER --HATS MESSRS. -- CASTLE &;QOOKE there that the church has been boarded up. --SOW- Foreign News Items. Tho lame, the blind, the sick, all come thero Importers and Dealers in TULS-- t ' k cured. The amulet Martin has re- OFFER FOR SALE ;, The elections to the and are SALE TO ABBWE ajteooiveiai, Paeis, August 1st ceived of gold, and when worn about the OFFEB FOB ' the present tirao show is Late Arrinls vU Cape Kera Fujiira, " Councils General op to neck will protect the wearer from disease. Ei at Hixty-tw- o cases the Republicans have -- Xt rates, that in He has also tome of tho cement from the chan- PEE- the lowest market successful, and in sixteen the Conserva- A been cel, which h a already, he says, worked some LUMBER YESTLAEGS i f second ballots in the latter-wi- ll bo --AXD assoxtxiit tive. Six miraculous cures in this neighborhood. AMERICAN BARE 'CEYLON necessary. Wheeling Ji gitler. 8F. OF NEW GOODS Time this morn- fPfe.R STOCK Lokdon, August2d. The ! i ABBIVALS, AXD TO ARRIVE PER learn with much WolUiam "Watches. BUILDING MATERIALS n RECEIVED PEU LATE ing says : " The public will HADON; Master, now about doe from Boston, that-Mr- seri- BESIEAELE GOODS! - is somewhat regret Gladstone The the Judges in Horology, York, City of Madrid and, GilyofiNankin, from England indisposed, and may be unable to attend reprt of OF AI.1V W. H..Whnon,from New ously which we j.ublished April 10; was a document KINDS. public'business for some time." SUCK AS THESE GOODS ARE ADAPTED FOR to of more titan ordinary interest. Tho slightest J Wnr.EtiKo, West Virginia, Augnst 1st. glance at it will show that the judges brought CUMBEKLAXD COAL DRY GOODS: Wonri-- r .with an In- - Families rnoral in an interview no small amount of ability and industry to JUST RECEIVED Country and y, said General Plantations, Stores trUigeticer repprfer tint their task. In many other classes of exhibits Franklin Store Coal in taslts for family nse ; Prints, Brown Cotton. sold CASH, with best discount fo thati -- EX- Uorrock's Whit Cottons, And boacht from FTBST HANDS FOB CASH, and wfflbe for West, of Mississippi, told him at Selma judging must, to no small extent, be a matter Wilmington Tar. Rosin, Cotton Duck, Nos. 1 to 10; Blue Cotton and Drill, Ticking, Denima. te. Wo offer on hand and to arrive, imoic-an- co auneonusoal terms to parties approred. it Hancock wcreelcctea mespinioi of opinion. There is no absolute test by Iron Blocks, Anchor Shackles. Pick Handles, -- Water White High Test Kerosene Oil, for Republicans at tho South would be so which one photograph, for example, or one oil Oak Flank, Hunt's ITitchetj, Surf Boats. DRESS GOODS: Palace great that he (West) did not believe ho could painting can bo decided to bo superior to an Above Kerosene Oil. LATE ARRIVALS! Silks and Woolens, Vulcan Water White Standard live in Mississippi a aay. ncavcr in jiufciui other. In exhibits of this kind much must be Merinos, Flannels. for the Green- Buckskins, Barege. Linens, Lawns, Ofl, Ceatar OIL KeaUFoot OS, Cylinder Oil, Flax Steam Pacldng, of carrving Alabama left to the tasto ot the critic Watches and SEVERAL ifoMjnito Nettta;, Towejj, ThraVete. 1 I , Ird back State ticket, claiming that Republicans chronometers, on the other hand, can be sub- are joining the Greenbackors in large numbers, and Centrifugal Linings, PANOY GOODS: - mitted to the minutest tests. The care WELL-SELECT- , - .. Uio.os-tracis- m LARGE AND CARGOES .. - RtiPTiiriniiTai-- "-- xciaui;i "M"w "rr:r they "will thus escape Cordajre. - - . nt riA rart AtIpq Wr rYtiiATH ana names, mme ddocp. inthebopo that trouble which these require are not small, but New Bedford Manila PlintS' Axe and Fiek Mattocks, Taris BreattoKPlo, under which they live. the issue is sufficiently important to warrant Spunyarn. Seizin?, Marline, Neckties. TtlhnonsrIIandketthieft.- - rl S-tf- c XO OF-- Foulards, SdiSJooUeUWtao Steel Breaking PIoj and XI SUel Horse Flows, New Yobk, August 1st. The irtbuws all the labor which tho judges in horology 2- Lard Oil, Dolled Unseed Oil, Sockian&SiocUaxsv v j . .. , Time-keepe- Damar Varnish, Fatty, Earie No. 30 Flown, i'lanct r. tiorse noe,n jew wijuu u.nv, special Bays : At the State election in Alaba- brought to their work. rs that Axle Grease. Hide Poison, Spirits of Turpentine. ma y, the Republicans intend to vote, if can bo relied upon in all weathers and in all CLOTHING: they can, in one county at least, that of Mont- climates, and that are within reach of all intend to keep tally lists and common Suits, Whits ShirtJ.M. and C. TJ. SSirU. gomery. Thoy classes, are a luxury of no order, but IS CoTers, III 111 Table ShirU. Umbrttlas, Shawta, they carry their cause into the Courts, if are to a large number of persons they areancces-sit- v AMERICAN PORK, Florenrellats, list Flowers and Fen Ultra. Rnttt Shoe. Horse "Naila, Finishing Kails. not accorded fair play. There is fear of vio- also. In these fast days, when every COMPRISING Stationery, Lookln Glaaaca.Giiid Leaf, Play Cards lence. thing must be done to time, it is for a variety Nails, Oars, asstd.. 15 to feet ; FULL LINE OF SHELF HARPWARE July 25. A dispatch from Manila of purposes found necessary to make accurate ALL THE USUAL S10CK SIZES Babbitt Metal, Composition Naila, PERFDMBRY : A Madrid, Family Fork, quarter barrels. o STJOHAS . shock occurred on divisions, not merely of the days and hours, t " ' says that another earthquake . but of the minutes and seconds also. Tho Yellow Metal Shcatlng-- Lnbin's Soaps and'Extracta. Fnlloeome, Bolts, Catches, &c, Saturday, doing much damage. No details Eaa do Colocne, Hair Locks, Bntta, Screws, HinRes, Anders, AoRer Bits Chisels, Saws, Braces, verdict which the judges in our Exhibition Twine, Soap, Chairs Oil. Florid Water, Jlachiius best manufacture ; famooth, Jack and Jointer Planes, have been received. Tooth Brushes, Comb, etc and Carriage Bolts, on the Waltham watches is Planes. AFtullineof The total loss of life by the earthquakes at have pronounced 1 i t Hows and Match Manila is estimated at 320, including 75 Chi- one of which any company might be proud ; TIMBER. FLAKE, BOARDS. Tomato arid Mock Turtle Soup, SADDLESSydney and English. Best English 'Brands', nese. Almost every family is houseless. but tho facts on' which the verdict is based are FENCING AHD PICKETS Paints and Oils of the andlmeriban interesting to the public large as to the New Tobk, July 21. City of Mexico advi as at Tomatoes, Lenther Beltlnaj, 4.8, and s Incls. 1 i parties immediately concerned. One of the Clams, GOODS, AS ces to the 16th lnht., nave been received : Conl Bags, Guaales. Burlaps. Asw. STAPLE SUCH secrets of American progress lies, first in tho Green '' ' . , General Gonzales has been elected President rea.. Wrapping; stud J lieached 4 wide, make ; invention machinery, and then ita appli- -, Meat, Priming Paper. .ABJOskBafDenims.'S and 9 ox. Tickings, A C A B and D Cottons, best by large majority. An abortive attempt was of in A Host Complete Stock: of Sausage and Brown and Bine Drills. Linen Drills, heavy; a cation to almost all descriptions of indnstry. Baked Beans, Vieunc Cttmlrs. "Unbleached Cottons, Cherpjlledinm Fine; made on the 13th tnst , in tJranaquato to shoot Trsmtts Bosnia Diaper, Pure Linen Sheeting, Fine Mosquito Lace, Blue Flannel, Scarlet Flannel, the bringing machiuery to every branch Clam Chowder, General Gonzales. Whilehe was on a balcony, It is of A Sapenor Assortment of American white Flannels. to Succotash, receiving an ovation, some person in the crow d of watchmaking that is enabling Americans DRY Pianos from L. Huefeld, Berlin world many REDWOOD Green Com, fired shot. Mr. Bacto, who was also on tho beat the in this as well as in a other things. Lobsters, 1 and 2 lb. tins. GROCERIES : STAPLE &ROCERIES: balcony, and n servant who was crossing iho Scantling; Plank, surfaced and rough, Hawaiian Pia, Com Starch. Japan, Comet and Cheap Teas,' TijtlsftOolden Gate Extra Family Floor, room, were wounded. There has been a general belief that a Boards, surlaced and rough ; Battens, Pickles. Salt. Hl.enlt. mi,, r.tt Condensed Milk, Corned Beef and Tongues, sS-taStarol- ..J... "Cube Sugar, Hawaiian Sugars, Com and Peas, watch is not to be compared to Tepper, Blue Mottled Soap Camphor, Oysters, Finest Spices, - . - Timex' dis- Pickets, Rustic. Clapboards. tie. i Sordines, Oxford Sausages, McMnrray's Evans tLescher's j. LoxDOJf, July 21. Tho Berlin hand-mad- Lattice, Soaps. California - b' one that is e, and that on this ac- Corn The FaTonte Fancy and Washing and Eastern brands; V - patch says : The rcalalm of the German Flour, Ac Ac. count the English watch must always hold its Black Walnut, Wash Boards, LIQUORS : i ... , iHams,' Corn Meal, Arena, Graham tc, sending German officials to Con- 1 own against the American. This beliof will ALSO, IX STOCK. Backets, Taper Bags, assorted; t stantinople id to hinder tho present situation Brandy. Rnm, Rhine Coiisig-iinieix- : have to bo given up, if it is not given, up al- Cedar Boat Boards, Leather Washers. Wine. i in the JEast from being nsed by some of the New Bedford Whaleboats, Firewood, Claret. Champagne, St. Paul's Ale. On ready. has now been established that ma- A . English Powers form a coalition against Germany. It FINE ASSORTMT OF WALL PAPEF B'"ul, Ale and Porter. & Vacuum Pumps to chinery can bo used for the puposes of watch- Bitter Beer in pints. Bluer.. The Geo. P. Blake Mfg. Co's Steam Feed Irrigating 'diplomatists are therefore willing to Alcohol in demijohns of 1 German making with quito as much success as for WORM WIRE CRIBS AND gslles. tako very active in the regulation of LATEST STYLES. CANOPIES, ., Wcslorts Patent Centrifugals, a part those of agriculture. The Americans aro Eastern affairs. HARDWARE : , Wbodtcard & Brown's Celebrated Pianos, showing that they can make better watches NAILS, LOCKS, SOJIETIIIXU ICEW. ' According to the New York JUnil, 10,000 of PIoop than .the Swiss or the English, but, what is of Iron,, Sheet Zlne, Banka Tin. Co. Yellow-Metal- New Haven Organ Parlor Organs tho deaths in that city every year are caused BUTTS, HINGES, Buckets. Tabs, C C Iron. equal importance, they are showing that they KEBOSENE OIL, "ELECTRIC." Shearsand Spurs, W. Mann'a AmtricaaZAltJW Washburn & JUoen Mfg. Co. Barbed Wire, Vic Best Barbed Wire manufacture by tho filth which it is the duties of tho au- can make them for less money. The boast of BOLTS. SCREWS. Etc thorities to remove, but which thoy never do. the Yankees is they can turn out work Portland Cement; Sugar Bags, Oats and Bran, California Hot, that BURLAP BAGS, CEMENT : The New York gaB companies recently held cheaper and better than anybody olse, and Paint and Whitewash Brushes Red Columbia River Salmon, bUs. and hf. Ibis., Salmon Bellies' in Ktis,Ver)j Fine. a meeting, voted that the electric light was that for that reason the world must tako their Bricks, Fire Brickj, Slabs, Flies, Coal Tar. 603 WHITE LEAD, CAUSTIC SODA. Blacksmith Coal in barrels. Oak Boats. not a success, and advanced the price of gaa products. If would bo difficult to prove that WHITE ZINC, Empty Barrels. Market Baskets, from Si to S.2.25 per 1000 feet. Tho stock of in some departments' the boast is wholly with- Demijohns, 1, 2, 3 and 3 gallon. PAINT OILI different companies has advanced twenty to out foundation. The American mechanic is Invoice of Carriages! CORDAGE: WATCHES, WATCHE thirty per cent. paid better than the English mechanic, arid METALLIC AND OTHER PAINTS! Madrid, July 20. An official dispatch yet the work which he turns out can, as a Manila Rope from 5J inch to inches. bo from Manila says that the consequences of the rule, sold for less. The reason is, not only Phaetons, ALSO recent earthquako were as disastrous in tho th.it hu works harder, but that the assistance Class, to provinces of tho Island of .Luzon as in the of machinery enables him to produce tho lar- Salt, Brewster Buggies, From Sydney & San Francriscc tonn of Manila. The inhabitants of the latter gest result by the smallest amount of labor. Firewood, place were panic-stricke- n. The authorities Mr. Brassey, who believes that the workmen Fresh Butter in Tins, his country equal Top Buggies. are doing all in their power to alleviate the of own are if not superior to Medium any in the world, maintains that an English DOORS SASH BLINDS Eread and Crackers, distress. AND mechanic can do moro work than American AND Bjr.the new censuB returns, New York has an The really ALL SIZES, a population of nearly a million and.n quarter, mechanic. American does more, the inducements to industry again in ten years of 250,000. Philadelphia because aro Of and California Mako. Ex rmy greater, and because he has better machinery. Eastern Concord. Wagons. Sto Petreli comes next with 847,000, Brooklyn with 554,-00-0, of tho fur- FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT 6 Steam Clarifiers, 500 each. Chicago 487.000, St. Louis 337,000, Bos Tho success Waltham Company has as invoice: gall, nished a striking instance of this. This com- of 0 ton 352,000, and Baltimore 330,000. Cleve- ASD AT FOR SALE BT now well-ni- gh for- land has gone from 02,000 in 1870 to 155,000 pany has not only driven watch-maki- US ng X. II. RACKFELB in 1860, a gain of seventy per Milwau- eign companies out of America, OTV Burnett's ft cent. 3m SOS Extracts, kee has increased eighty per cent. but it has shown that it can moro than com- ESTABLISHED 18 O I . pete with them on their own ground. This 4 Just aB the body of the Empress DOWNER'S of Russia arises partly from tho fact that it can turn out RECIPROCITY TREATY! was being lifted into the coffin, says the Lon- the best work on a large scale, but also from don Times, the Emperor and his five sons KEDR-OSEW- Barry's Tricopherons the fact that the principle on which it operates GREAT- - OIL. standing by were Btartled by a loud clap of enables it to do all this economically. The 603 thunder that shook the palace. The storm Waltham Company claims to have arrived at raged incessantly uutil tho funeral-processio- simplicity, uniformity, and precision in the REDUCTION m PRICES Teached the chapel. The Emperor' wasdeeply WATER manufacture of watches, and the report of our -- or- PIPES! affected by tho omen. judges shows that its claim is well founded. WATER PIPES ! Memphis, Teiw., July 10. Dr. G. B. Ono of its discoveries was that a simplo in- 33eyCE33Sr:'S 3R-- Thornton, President of the "7573? IN WANT OF OAEVAJTIZED Local Board of strument, where simplicity is possible, will PAUTlrSlay on from the new Mains, win do well Health," authorizes tho following: "There cost less and bo worth morn than a complica- to glre the undersigned a call. We hare -- M. are no cases of yellow fover in this city, nor ted one. Another was, that tho making of all Ek IIAS MtOBRNTJUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE INVOICE OF any cases of fever resembling it in any respect. instruments of the same grade exactly alike, WHY RJ PORT all bla Good Dlrrct 60,000 Feet of Galvanized Pipinr No drummer or other person has been taken so that the part which belongs to one belongs from Nw York, London and Tarui sick here with symptoms wireline all tba Newest Sijlf v. the Oa hand. Jost Recelredez1 Abler" and Gleolffer ' I iitafl"Ebts9iaHsssK''YDLiasssssl Tho Finest Gold and Silver iWatches ever to Honolulu! of yellow fever. to the whole, will not only facilitate manufac- Choicest ralterns and the finest and can offer It at Hk bought The city is remarkably healthy, and freo from ture but will greatly economise it. A third Makes? fevers of any description or type. was, that these properties of simplicity and THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES is Incoming TIIE BEST IS ALWAYS TTIE Consisting of " Chrono- It more and more probablo that interchange ability aro the bost guarantees of the permanent fame of Boston will depend on perfect exactitude. The success which the CHEAPEST. By the Mnrro Castle," Just at hand, we hare recerred a ot graph," "P.S.Bartlctt,'.' " Bunker Hill and Baked Beans." It is esti- Americans havo leached in this as well as in lull Line "Wra. Ellery," "Ap-- mated that 200 barrels a K?3r week, or 10,000 bar--i other branches of industry ought to excite the HOUSE PLUMBING MATERIALS -- rels a year are in Iml plcton, Tracy & Co.," consumed tho New England gratitude rather than tho jealousy of the ALL MUST FEKI. AN slVV If 3jCs4 capital. Saturday night and Sunday morning ttddittanal pleasure on ieelnc "Sterling," "Home,' world. Any company or nation tiiat shows a Large Assortment of KUennt are the chosen times for eating them. There efficiency bo Earth Closets, Cast Iron Sinks, ind the "BroadwaJ,, how a maximum of can reached Goods, Perfectly New, and War are few Boston bakers who do not put from by a minimum of labor confers a benefit on ranted to be the Finest Product of Enameled Cast Iron Washntands, (all Waltbam move. one to five barrels of beans to soak onlFriday mankind. This our American cousins havo tbe Loam. Marble tops and Basins forWashslands, night, and one baker being with Corks nnd Chains for FOR THE HAIR,1 ments), as Veil as all - UrifosSz. all asked why baked done in other spheres besides that of watch- same, tho Newest and Finest beans were not so popular in New Yorlj as in making. There are branches of tho prosper- Hoso Bibb Cocks, WIS posltrreiy restore hair to bald beada wncrat&a' Boston, replied : " Because thoy do Sower and Sink Traps, Urinals, roots am not entirely dead, which is seldom tho easa. Styles from tho best not know ity of the Americans that are traceable to tho BUYERS ELT, KNOW TIIAT A how to cook them. They don't Boak them IKrfect knowledge of cutting Kitchen Slop Sinks, Sink Plogs, TTllI jKM'.tlTtly mate weak, this and faUinc hair; M extent of their territory and the fertility of not only Moulded 5 manufacturers. NSjZTW'iiirfVw enough, ihey boil eniares Garments 4 groir soft, s'ony nnd long. Light Cast iron nzTffji them too much, and then their sou ; but tho triumph of their machinery to the Form, but Immense eoonomy Soil Pipe, 2, 3 & inch. 7Di Itlrely renore tlandmff, and maXe the scalp take tbem out of tho oven beforo tboy are half been tho ami In material. pif " lias result of their inventiveness white, cmuoth and clean. Asanclcsntdrctsia;tier baked." of their enterprise, ANOTHER. PROFIT SAVED. All Work in STEM WINOINC COLD AND SILVER WATCHES and forrthat reason it points the Above Line isnotain;iuthewurldec13alt'it. Proniiedf(jreTt a Australians Will be tn ' "' Philadelphia, July 17. The.iJecorrf pub- moral that might profitably attended with dispatch. Also.Jcat fiftyyesrs by the nohlllty of CzjtiadJ'nsa.Gerruny To suit all tastes.and ages, arid . at band, a new tot lishes a further exposure of Dr. John Bucha- observe, Sydney MorjiingJHi-rcUd- of and Spain, and all tho nnt famffiea a f America. 31? V ALL- - SIZES, FOE LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND BOYS. nan, dean of three medical colleges that sold EXPEItl. UNCLE SAM diplomas. It is estimated that 11,000 of Bu- OF TltECLOAN'M Cutter nnd RANGE, Beauty "Within tho Seach of AIL 4 FRANKLIN STOVE GOAL, Utter, hundreds of the Inhabitant! Three different Style, of four sizes each. Also, He has also on hand an Extensive nnd Elegant chanan's bogus diplomas are current through-oufi- he of these Islands, In ererr crade of world. A list of thosowhosediplo-maswer- GrreabeaniIfa!coui4a-loSaRmoTe- a c JUST RECEIVED, PER "CEYLON," society are willing to lesUfy. Opera, May, D&lXIISriE not antedated is published, with Quartette and Ting Hon Barry's enry dIssb- - OF THE YERY BEST JEW,ELRY, A lot of this snperior hrand of coal, in bnllc for house ish. and enaslta ladles or directions for .applying twenty-oht- f" different , Sncb as Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breastpins, Stuils, Amulets, and all classes of Goods in hold purpodes. DnqWI ninoTn'?W.to?.iiy tat metlmds of detecting tho antedated diplomas Js 1 rjriis.twcnrr. iryiw I . the Jewelry Line. The Diamond Settings are the purest and .best in the market, and tho Tree, ONE OF Ranges! Sjt rft and establishing their Barns CLOTHING TITE Tocether with the offered fraudulent character. most considerable Items of a A. W.RICHARD SO v c9 styles the most snperb ever hero. doings C 4 " The of tho National EclecticlMcdical Is Very Clean, nun's expenditure. It behooves htm AttntaforUlailawalUiilsUada.. V -- A:Lso.iA:roi.ii.ijrK to studr economy, combined with Cotton Plant, Sunny South mCF , or Association, which underBucharian's manage- - " And Leaves no Soot durability and style, In the puachase " 1"""'"" "" o mm taereor. satisfaction guaranteed on Magna Charta, Osceola, X$est and. IClegMit Silver-war- bare:"" those three points. NEW DRUG STORE Tlierv- - most ,. Qheaper,Lthan'JW,ootJ.';!.. it is now decided that a Wbrld'R F.-ii-r is in Demand, Buck's and ox XTJCAXC sxRErr. bo held in New York, probably on Manhattan WILL BE SOLD Charter Oak Stoves. Island, in 1883, "to celebrato tho ono hun- In Quantities 0 sjnit Piircnnern. fc dredth SHOULD ey.nn OP FAMILIES Holllster Oo. anniversary of tho treaty 803 of peace and 3m C. BREWER CO. an onoorlnnltr of nnt. SUPERIOR FRENCH RANGES, EESPECTruiJ.T ISVITZ the recognition of American Independence." t tins their Ocya into a well made suit Two of Genuine tehTweed.so durable For Priisle Families, or Hotels. Commissioners from each Siate will be that even boys cannot wear them THEAHEMTION OF THE PUiLIC appointed by the Governors. Not less than out. Ships and Schooners Cabooses, Sl,000,000 capital To stock must bo subscribed, A FULT. LINE IMS JUST Laundry Stoves, Kerosene Stoves the Fact that they hare and not less than ten per tent, paid in ; and it is hoped that 1S12,000,000 willbo pledged. AnrtlVKD. IF YOU AIIK IN NEED OF Opened at their Old Local- - organizations Stand, will at once jbe formed. E. O. HALL & SON, ANYTHING IN THE ABOVE The West is already taking an active" part'in LINE! o. 83 Xuuaan Street, s Fall line of this new enterprise. In addition to the Very Large and PURCHASE TP POiSini.E. A HAKE GO OR SERB TO Under Colonel Wuring's system OooJs as the Oennlne Scotch DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DTE STUFFS, of drainage, 3en:e. made espectallr for the iron. twenty miles of sewcr-pip- e and thirty miles of Icnl cllfiute cool, strong;, alt wool drain-til- STOCK OF HARDWARE! N. B In onl'rlorStoTMthrourhtheT"S. tear- AT) es ana unanrctiHi or NOT mail, and FItOM CELEBRATED GORHAM MANUFACTURING have been laid at Memphis oyuo,t; the rew TIIE CO., U. S. A." since West of Korland Huperflne Cloth ing the matter of choice to us, please state limit, and the TUDC MIRK. Marcli, at a cost of 8150,000. Not rain water nothlne can beat these goods. nnmbtr of people you wish to cook for. DRUGGISTS' AND Honolulu. June 18, SUNDRIES, THE UNDERSIGNED is admitted to the sewer-pipe- s. A company ujs. kjj BEING CALL AND ISCLUDISG has been incorporated, at New Orleans with a AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 8KETIIEM. Sole Agent on these Islands capital of $1,500,000 to try, the sjslem there. HAWAIIAN THE CEIEBHATED CELIUIOID Colonel Warintr's clan there is to rliiirWirR NOW ONiHASD, I tho For above Goods, and as he imports direct from the the flow into two wells in the lowest part of ALL, T manufacturers ,AT TREIJr.OAN'H. TflE on his own account for Cash, he is prepared luutu.jroia which tne contents are to be ARE EXPECTING LARGE INVOICES as Bedford Furoiture IHaoolactorr E to Bell Cords, Scotch Tweeds, Feraes, Iita?. pumped into the Mississippi River. In Lon-Jo- u, nnal. Hoys1 buttings Trowserlne, U. England, the sanitary reformers have OF GOODS, Vestlngs, Coatings. Broadcloths, Ac WATCHES, JEWELRYAND SILVERWARE established a permanent will be disposed of roily Thirty per TEU.SSES. exhibition, so thnt all cheaper of- the appliances cent than erer before J. H. BRUMS, S AT A MUCII LOWER PRICE than they can be obtained for healthful drainage may be fered In Honolulu. JR., seen by the people. BOSTON MANUFACTCBEai E tnywhere outside the United States. Tho Trado supplied on FROM S good terms, and a Liberal Discount allowed for Cash. Constantinople, Jnly 20. Extensive pre- By the "Ceylon and Overland by Railroad; parations aro making Tin: LARGEST ASD MOST 808 tf M MclNERNY. incase of a war with 8BITH MADE. TO OF liitMi Greece. Troops, artillery and ammunition are TREGLOAN'S TEST Hcotch Tweed, war. AIL F0MT!1E, NEW YORK CO. Complete Demg sent to balonica, Volo and Provesa. 'f ROM ranted All Wool, M Assortment of PctfiMisfy ! THE HAWAIIAN PHOTOGRAPHY HOTEL, Orders have'becn telegraphed ti tho provinces By tho " T. F. Whlton;" TRECLOAH, K AND ALLAN HERBERT, Proprietor. that recniits be forwarded to the several Tailor and OntHtUr, htheott. BE UXBESMUSED HAVING NOW nil depots with all availablo speed. The Alba-fliaus'- the 3E32a.slam.caL AT THE T being Fort 8t--, rtanottttu. 732 THE LOWEST PRICES! PRESCRIPTION DEPMTMEMT encouraged to prepare nd From ly of Madrid;" are being B,the ''Cltj and In Apparatus and Conveniences supplied with arms and Is Jharse of XK. J. t. ReT.STB.'T. a Fnarmaeen- - ammunition. All that can be said at present r"lhlT e,",,I,ta, " for Traveling, Anything F. Uabk "d prepared any part witrf like certainty is, that to the FROM SAN FRANCISCO J. O'BRIEN, It to Visit of the Islandj, and do PRACTICAL componntled at all hours day or Views to order atshorn otlce. military demonstration of (the.Qreeks, f or dthrtPortnita backed BjtheuDICOTery." merely by the moral support of Europo, the FURNITURE SIGHT 3iraf-clat- is ll TMBXT Work only trill be done. "Turk-shri- novenyield. ' "y I i 1 PLUMBER AND GAS AI.WATB OX HATJU, AXB BEUeKTHK . " ' ' Upon the of thow T"tcsscIj they will.he prepared FITTER Eoaa.it on ' urlval rTerms Cash ordraft HoootalD, when the nepaUre New Xobk, July 20. Steamer Bessouk, to'iell to the public the Finest and Tt made. Address ORDERS FILLED AT SHORTEST NOTICE JAM115 H. L. CHASE, Honolulu. with Cleopatra's shaft on bqard is stillat quar- TIN SHTrniXG, H. HAlTLOir, 4th. sos Ira antine. copper BMrrmso. Jon m. The steamer, broke one of her Bhafts Most Valuable Assortment of Goods rrairrrrfBs PractloaJ Hors-ho- r, Fafrier, dttringithe voyage, which delayed her arrival. JICTAI. HOOFIJTU the is The obelisk is in perfect condition, and T3t I "r" r"V t JXXL .'.ilEALiESTATE FORALE. has in their Una that? has ever been offered In work 3M.clo lay 2VaCao3xl3a.exr3r not had a piece broken from it. is 70 5Sp and fphbing promptly attended to VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU, It fMt ' .' I nbnotoln: I r CENMAL BLACMSMtTH. TpHAT lone; 8 feet i unu iiv.iiuuwn guaranteed. AND L In the Dltlrlrtof lUUvraoIdand of Jlanl, known Entrances on Hotel, Richards, and Beretania Streets. squareat the baseTand 5 feet 3 OF THE BT! AH ePSrTKB XDi Hw mm &OL m, - . the IIIKIAU LASD. t for sale. Inches top', weighs"200 800 Ksnlanadft. Ib rw nf If " rn 1 U atlhe tonsMhe pedes- - S2f More particnlars hereafter. UPECIAE JCOTirE FRANK J. OTmiEN has he It contains 1036 acre; U well watered, hiring minv FIRST-CLAS- S lll b happy to meet hi friend and tie public a fine IN EVERY RESPECT. KU ions, ana the steps, or foundation, with- reroirrca lias ruting'Irasl-ne- s BEST orally, and attend to sn cprfn ot water, besides stream running through .. from Merchant St, to No. 80 Hotel 8t corner SEASONED STUFF, all sick or bate hot wale is well adapted for cnltlnttion of case or out the pedestal, 74 of btlacruriedtohlscare. , at. it, cad tie Prices the same as Firtt-Cli- tons. The machinery for Union St. . Hotels in San Francisco. .? t t 'j j .t 1 ... . i . . loweringit weighs 60 tons. Tho pedestal sps, .AHB MORSSJSEOEINQ MAI' a sb Dime una js wen wooaea, ana mere are 1 TiBware A SPECIALTY. TOranrt lime trees rrpwing oa it. foundation stone and Masonic emblems are all :?t of all kinds Matte to rier. tsVrSWB or (bare work atteadast t wit dsaaateVsYf Title.- - reSlmnle- - For foncer particnlars Inqnire of on board. Sho will anchor to-d- ay offHobdken at ray s'hop promptly & OT Oram left will be aUenSed. Ne Pains will be iC. II Aixinder, Halts; Itaal; Cattle Hitch, Hono-- B:n3:sl3ir Eigs and be open io visitors.' "' SAINT AHDEBWS CATHEDRAL. to. and repalrfngwUi Detailed foranddtiiTered. 88t8a Spared JlOn; ,.f ofltie anderilfncd. ksroBjaxa pbatebs nr English roam strains, and of all FOR fE3F" Martin Tfiornton received' ML on Whltsnndaythe(16th Instant), tOraTeEtach.3iatd.3taTH.'lB90. 882 boxed and delivered to steamer orriCJUl has anirmulefc'or langnase and after NOTICE. f. AT MODERATE chanri from Knock, County lu commence at 11 o ciocs; roncaa ui iv:w schooner, PRICES. Mayo, Ireland," the Honolal,KaTj4lfB8. EOl I1T ACC8KBAKE WITH THE PBeVlSIONS SiTIIFiCTIOM To tv SM.T. m. Ibe law la relation to Later T Iff CtSTf ; New Zealand Potatoes. scene of the celestial apparition noma time OoatneU. ms. T,ts.a, Taraaleiy to aa say JSL Persons lrlshlncto tart with Ibe Best Stock since. will be remembered during the - Butter? Btter.',, act desmty w. KTHK. SE ALANMA. A SHALL LUX sr vo impnn e nnnt utey now njive. It that , this city. PER Kcw Crop, received. 9BT tinlns not cjedication of a chnrcb at recently, a, iTjECExyEnrrai tiMarr rAMPsexiuv 'lIAHL8g T. GCilOKf Jest la akin. Knocks kegs about 30 lbs. etch, and lb. glass jars, of to acknowledgments' Ahrajw A lFw Xmm 'IS6. TariMIelrBOLLES&Co. 808 A. JH Agent." f...take to Con tracts foritabor . Cerrlns en Hami, Ja I HERBZKT,' Hawaiian Hotel. celestial vision appeared. The' Blessed Yir-- wperior quality. Co . iclJiH iBOLLES JatbcJriHrictofEoBa.Oaliiu bSpSt otqous sHfl Bff ffl irJcfflJluE t Hawaiia n Gazette Supplement, Aug ust 25, 1880. AN ACT mes- FB03C (c) A fishing vessel, when employed in drift net-fishin- g, AN ACT day of August, A. D. 1878, be and the same is Irwin as the Committee went oft with the shall carry on one of her masts two red lights in a verticle To provide for the Drainage and Sewerage of hereby amended so as to read as follows : sage. During their absence the discussion of the To Hefeju. Act approved ok thirty-firs- t day to Mr. Kuokoa andPat Ama as the of line, one over the not less the City of Honolulu. Sec. 408. For Taxation, Educational and petition, amended by omitting reference The ip other, than three feet apart. Judicial purposes tho several Islands shall be Moreno, went key DflCBMEJR, TX THE TEAR OF OUR LORD ONE IHOUSAXD Be it Enacted by the King and the Legislative on. Mr. E. O. Hall struck the SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 18S0. (d) A tawler at work shall carry on one of her masts two divided : OF Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands in into tho following Districts note, by saying that Mr. Moreno's removal was AKD SIXTY-TOU- R, ESTITLED ACT FOR out lights in a vertical one less The Island of shall be divided Extra. Ansr.21. ElflHT rCSDRED "As line, over the other, not than of the Kingdom assembled: Hawaii into good as far as it went, but that he was not satisfied mnaUtlos frosa tie Kuotaa three feet apart, the light red and the lower green ; eight districts, as follows : 1, Hilo ; 2, Puna; with those who remain. Messrs. S. N. Castle, TV. is very childish and wrong to say that when PilETESJISC OoLUSIOXS AT SEA," AND TO MAKE OTHER tipper Section 1. It shall bo lawful for His Ma- It find faulS side-ligh- 3, Kau; 4, South Kona: 5, North Kona; the people find fAult with Ministers they. and shall also either carry the ts required for other with tho B. Castle, J. T. Waterhonse, H. A. P. Carter, S. B. King, and jesty, by and advice and consent of 0, South Kohala; North 8, Hama-ku- a. with tho King. Thn Ministers of tho MJOV1SHWB ES" 1IBC THEREOF. side-ligh- 7. Kohala; Dole, especially vessels; or, if the ts cannot be carried, have ready his Privy Council, to decide upon and adopt n W.W.Hall, A.S.Hartwell and all the officers of the Kingcarry on andmanago Gen'l Armstrong coincided with Mr. Hall, the nation. Thcaa officers therefore Government the of at hand the coloured lights as provided in Article 7, or a schemo for tho drainage or Ecwerage of tho The Islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai and S.C the affairs of "Whereas, The of United Kingdom Great and expressed their views of the necessity of united are men in whose good character and skill and city of Honolulu, as may be deemed expedient. Kahoolawo shall be divided into six Districts, and all other nations which io Britain and Ireland has invited the Hawaiian Government lantern with a red and a green glass as described in paragraph public pres- ability this nation, Sec. 2. For the purpose of this the Ukume-ham- action for the common safety, in the When tho (a) of this Article. Act as follows: 1, from Kahakuloa to e, business with cs have a great interest. to adept the rules and regulations framed and adopted by Minister of the Interior shall as soon as con- including Kahoolawe, to bo called the ent emergency. The fact that evil Counsels were Queen of England appoints a Minister perhaps, or British Government to prevent collisions at sea, and to (c) Fishing vessels and open boats shall not be prevented venient cause to bo made surveys of the area prevailiag of late, and that the community was a General or an Admiral, who is not in the opinion the Lahaina District; 2, fromWaiheo to Hnnuaula enough his place, what from within the limits of tho city of Honolulu, and now misrepresented by the Cabinet was forcibly of the people skillful for substitute those rules and regulations which are specified using a flareup in additiou if they desire to do so. inclusive, to bo called the Wailuku District: do the English people do? They write their side-light- s, of the suburbs thereof which he may think put. in the first schedule hereto for the rules and regulations All lights required by this Article, except 3, Kahlkinni, Kaupo, Kipahulu, Hana and tmiiKKM about "" in tho newspapers, and they () necessary to include in such surveys, and a to The patriotic action of Messrs. Walker, David- talk about public assemblies. And if the above-mention- 6hall be Koolau, be called the Hana District; 4, him in contained in the ed Act. in globular lanterns, so constructed as to show all thereof, sees her officers aro not map or maps on such scale and with Hamakuapoko, Haliimaile, Maka-w-ao son and others, who had declined to enter any such Queen of England that round the horizon. successful doings, or that they are not res- A Whereas, It has been made to appear to the Hawaiian such indications of levels and particulars of and Kula, to be called the Makawao cabinet, was extolled byMessrs. Carter, W. W. Hall, in their 11. underground pected by her people, what does she do J Sha dis- Government that the Governments of the several foreign Article A ship which is being overtaken by another sewers and works and of tho sur- District; 5, Molokai; 0, Lanai. and others. The motion was unanimously carried misses those officers, and appoints new onto. countries mentioned in the second schedule hereto arc shall show from her stern to such ship a white face as to him Beems fit, and may causo such The Island of Oahu shall bo divided into five that tho above petition, amended byomitting refer- When she docs so, the respect which the Knglish or any part from Queen made less light or a flareup light. map or maps, thereof, to be Districts, as follows : From Mannalua to ence to Mr. Moreno, bo signed by the Chairman peoplQ pay to therr is not for that respectfully willing that the rules and regulations con- time to time copied, engraven and published; reason, but is mads greater, and all the nations inclusive, to be styled tho Honolulu and Secretary, in behalf of and for all those present tained in the said"first schedule shall apply to ships of the and shall from time to timo canse such map or say that she does wisely. And everything is dono SOUKD SIGNALS FOR FOG, &c. District ; 2. Ewa and Waianae, to bo styled at the meeting. according to law, and in peace and for the pomai-l--ai to be revised and such additions dell-bera- tmi countries, whether within their territorial jurisdiction maps made the"Ewa District; 3, Waialua; 4, Koolauloa; adjournment of England. So in this country, let us te The wa3 made subject to tho call -- steam-whist- le thereto as may shew the sewers and drains, olnotu and mutual forbearance, and or not. Article 12. A steamship shall be provided with a 5, Koolaupoko. of the Chairman and Secretary. with houses or other alterations, and such map The Islands learn each others real meaning and wishes, Jor Govern- efiicient steam-soun- d of Kauai and Niihau shall bo A Whereas, It is desirable that the Hawaiian or other signal, so placed that shall be submitted to His Majesty in The petition was sent to His Majesty with the that is what the King wishes to be sure of. And if Privy divided into six Districts, as follows : 1, from inde- should adhere to such substituted rules and regula- the sound may not be intercepted by any obstructions, aud Sec- following: "A meeting of the citizens of Hono- he sees that we wish to make permanent the ment Council for action thereon as specified in Nualolo to Hanapepe inclusive, to bo styled pendence and the prosperity of thfa land, then ho fog-hor- lulu, held at the Bethel Chnrch with an efiicient n bellows and after such action shall bo kept this ISth day of piaeg-cywi- tions. Therefore, to be sounded by a or tion I, in the Waimea 2, from Hi of Elieli to will think who are tho best men to a District; August, 1SS0, Jk tt Bnacied by the King and the Legislative Assembly of other mechanical means, and also with an efficient bell. tho office of the Minister, and tho samo or a Mabaulepu inclusive, to be styled tho Koloa by a unanimous vote Retftrrd that the and he will appoint those men. This is tfee mean- copy thereof shall be open at all reasonable inclu- above petition to His JDijesty, amended by omit- ing of the foreigners here, although some peopla the JImxmuoh in the Lcgiilalure the Kingdom. A sailing ship shall be provided with a similar fog-hor- n District; 3, from Kipu to Hanamaulu lies, say Island, of times to the inspection of tho owners or occu- ting reference to Mr. Moreno, be signed by the who wish to make trouble and tell that msKmUei: and bell. In fog, mist, or falling snow, whether by day or sive, to be styled tho Lihuc District ; 4, from the foreigners have bad motives. It is the piers of lands or houses within tho said city VTaialna to Moloaa inclusive, to bo styled tho Chairman and Secretary of that meeting, and sub- of the foreigners and it is the manao of all good Sbctiok 1. The said recited Act, approved on the 31st night, the signals described in this Article shall be used as and suburbs. Kawaihau District; 5, from Lepouli to Honopu mitted to His Majesty as tho petition of the loyal Hawaiians to help each other and to keep this dnjr of A.D. 1804, shall be and the same is follows, that is to say : Sec. 3. Tho said Minister, with such advice inclusive, to bo styled tho Hanalei District; citizens of Honolulu." country happy and independent. But to do this, December, we need Ministers who are strung men and wise steam-whist- and consent as aforesaid, may make any sowers 0, (Signed) hereby repealed. (a) A steamship under way shall make with her le Nihau. S. L. Austts, Chairman ' men and whom all respect. steam-soun- or drains of such construction and in such Sec. 2. All laws and parts of laws in con- (Signed) B. F. SscriOK 2. shall be the all masters of Hawaiiau or other d signal, of not more Dimsaniii, Secretary. Kvoloa, Angnit 3.1 It duty of at intervals manner as may be thought proper, and may travention herewith are hereby repealed. Translated rom the two Mr. people evil purpose who wish vessels to observe aud enforce on board the vessels under thau minutes, a prolonged blast. (subject to the restrictions hereinafter men- Approved the 13th of August, A. D. 18S0. Moreno being out of offico, tho good sense of There are soma of this community will sternly deprecate any to misrepresent to Hawaiians the true wishes and command several aud contained in (6) A sailing ship under way shall make with fog-hor- n tioned) break up tho soil of any public or further their the rules regulations her KALAKAUA It. demonstration against him. It is enough that an purposes of foreigners. These people whisper in the first schedule hereto. at intervals of not more than two minutes, when on the star- private street, and may excavate and sink orderly expression of feeling has been made. the car of Hawaiians that foreigners wish to de- mak- ' AN ACT 8. His Majesty may from time to time, by an board tack, one blast ; when on the two blasts in trenches for the purposo of laying down, stroy Hawaiian independenca. This is not tho Sbctiok port tack, ing and constructing common sewers or drains To increase tho jurisdiction wish of the foreigners in this country, and their of District Justices foreigners Order in Council, annul or jnodify any of the said rules and succession ; aud when, with the wind abaft the beam, three therein ; and may cause such common sewers speeches at the Bethel say so. The io iu ca6C3 of serious assault. From the Gazette Extra not wish any foreign government established here, regahuiocs, or make new regulations in addition thereto, or blasts in succession. or drains to communicate with tho sea or any wish that independence shall He it Enacted by the King and the Legisla- CF SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1880. but they Hawaiian in substitution thereof; and any alterations in or additions (c) A steamship and a sailing-shi-p, when not under way, arm thereof, and also from time to time may tive Assembly of the Hawaiian Islandn in be permanent. Therefore they think that men open, cleanse and repair such sewers or drains should be in the Ministry who are skillful and such regulations made in manner aforesaid shall be of the shall, at intervals of not more than two minutes, rinsr the the Legislature oj theKingdom assembled: People will talk and express to or the position thereof; and also from opinions. This is strong and respected, so that this Government alter Section 1. A like jurisdiction with that prerogative. respected not mote force with respect to Hawaiiau vessels as the regula- bell. to any or sewers their If the three present incum- will bo by other nations and will fall timo timo may mako drains conferred upon tho Supreme .md Circuit Court to pieces. tions in the said first schedule hereto. Speed.of ships to be moderate in fog, &c. from any main sewer or drain laid in any bents of the Cabinet think that talking about them and Police Courts La-hii- na, of Honolulu, Hilo and means disloyalty, they know less than would be 1 Collector-Gener- al 13. street by virtue of this Act into any dwelling Transition ot a rutlre poster of last Friday Sncnox 4. It shall be the duty of the Article Every ship, whether a sailing ship, or a is hereby conferred upon all Police and supposed. It is amusing to see them try to identify mod-cra- houso or houses, public or private buildings Tho voice of people Is the voice of God. of Cwtoras to cause two copies of the said rules and regula- steamship, shall in a fog, mist, or falling suow, go at a te District Courts of this Kingdom in all cases of themselves with the King, and to make it appear the and premises for tho purpose of cleansing and opinion felonious assault by knife, sword, sword-can- o that expressing about them is talking To the born people llauxiU, this is addressed, at-- tions, in Hawaiian and English, to be delivered to all masters speed. other against the King. Nor question of draining any such houso or houses or or other dangerous weapon injurious to life is it a of the temble : of Hawaiian vessels applying for the same. premises by means of snch sewers or drains ; "outs" trying to get "in." What has the public STEERING AXD SAILING excepting the cases hereinafter mentioned as to gain by changes the You are hereby summoned to assemble your- RULES. do matters and in Ministry except the con- Sbcrbk 5. This Act'shall come into force aud take efi'ect and may all such other acts, being excepted. benefit of a good government ? selves together, this evening, at.7 o'clock, to things as the said Minister shall from timo to sider the condition of our country ; as to its peace, from and after the first day of September, one thousand eight Article 14. "When two sailing-ship- s are approaching one Six. 2. In cases whero tho offense is not of imperil- timo deem proper making, amending, re- which said peace and security have been for a highly aggravated character the said Polico Tms Article in oar Constitution, which incorpo- foreigners inciting rebellion hnndrad and eight. another, so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shall completing or improving any such led by certain who are pairing, Courts may punish the offender by fino not ex- rates the meaning of the old maxim that " The King for the purpose of overturning our independence. keep out of the way of the other, as follows, viz. : works to be made, SCHEDULE. sowers or drains, or other ceeding two hundred dollars and by imprison- can do no wrong," is of late strangely misunder- Wo shall hold this meeting also for the purpose of THE FIRST provided for tho purposo of this Act. love of country, our government, (a) A ship which is running free shall keep out of the way done and ment not exceeding two years; but in cases stood in some quarters, and perhaps purposely mis- testifying our of close-haule- execution of tho several pow- of our race, and of our King. Preliminary. of a ship which is d. Sec. 4. In the where such punishment bo represented, especially would inadequate, to tho natives. The extract God ! ers hereby granted, tho said Minister shall do 1 Bliss Hawaii rfn (b) ship which is close-haule- d on tho offender shal bo committed for trial accord- which we give below from an excellent law authority A the port tack shall keep as little damage as may be, and shall build August 20, 1SS0. 1. In the following rules, every steamship which close-haule- ing to existing provisions of law. Aetkle out of the way of a ship which is d on the starboard and construct the said sewers in a sufficient "Broom's Legal Maxims," shows clearly what the K mnfar sail, aud not under steam, is to be considered a Sec. 3. Tbis Act shall becomo a law Ironi law of England on the subject has been from From tho Ko Hawaii Fae Alni) Extra of An;; a 1 tack. and effectual manner for accomplishing all the and after tho date of approval. ii&w-ai- p ; aud every steamship which is under steam, the its " time immemorial." ThU view of tho matter ap- question has beea asked by (c) "When both are running free, with the wind on different purposes hereby intended and subject to Approved this 13th day of August, A.D. 18S0. The after plies with no less, but with with greater force, in a calm whether under sail or not, is to be considered a ship under sides, the ship which has the wind on the port side shall keep restrictions hereinafter mentioned; and KALAKAUA It. those more considerate and over laying or removing or altering or repairing any country like this, where the office of the chief the events of the last few days what out of the way of the other. shall immediately fill in is held by election, and where the oath to Concerning Lights. such drains or sewers AN ACT support the law of the land was required will bo the consequenco of tho actions Bulbs d) "When both are ruuniug free, with the wind on the tho tienches or excavations and mako good tho in order To mako further and better provisions for tho to obtain recognition end lawful status as a Con- taken by the foreign element within AxncLK 2. The lights mentioned in the following Ar- same side, the ship which is to windward shall keep out of ground, soil, pavement of any such public protection of the Public in tho District of stitutional Monarch. Criticism of official acts, and ve especially of acta tho our midst ? Stern facts cannot be per- the way of the ship which "is to leeward. or privato street and other drainage and Honolulu. the character and of King's ticle nnrabered 8, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, aud no others the rubbish occasioned thereby, and shall officers, who are no less the officers of the people, and tho action of tho citizens by for they manage affairs people, verted, thalJ be carried in all weathers, fro in sunset to sunrise. (e) A ship which has the wind aft shall keep out of the in fenco guard tho place or Be it Enacted the King and the Legisla- the of the is lawful the meantime or tive Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands in and proper,"and has for centuries been regarded as has proved rather a misfortune than a sea-goin- g way of the other ship. opened Article 8. A steamship, when under way, places where any ground shall be the Legislature oftheKingdom assembled: the duty as well as the privilege of loyal subjects misunderstanding. Tho King's prero- 15. two ships under steam in such manner as to prevent danger or acci- in every country which has a constitusional basis shall carry Article If are meeting end 1. and dents to passengers, carriages, horses, cattlo Section No dray used for tho carriage of for its government. But it is not right to use dis- gative has been encroached upon; On of the foremast, the on, or nearly end ou so as to involve risk of collision, each goods freight any description loyal language, () or in front at a height above or sheep, or agreeably in all respects to tho I or of within tho in criticising such matters. All under tho sophistical plea of grievan- le&s shall alter her course to starboard, so each pass district of Honolulu shall, whether laden or good citizens are concerned in seeing to it that hall of not than 20 feet ; aud if the breadth of the ship that may the ; anu una ces, illogical phraseology has been side of provisions in mis net containcu aci unladen, bo driven at a faster paco than a walk. their wishes and views are expressed in temperate exceeds 20 feet, then at a height above the hull, and not less port the other. This article only applies to cases shall bo sufficient to indemnify the said Minis- and respectful terms. The result of such a course construed as a Constitutional ri;ht of where ships are meeting end on or nearly end in such ter, and all persons acting under his authority, Sec. 2. Tho drivor of every vehiclo which will in the end be gratifying to every part of tho than such breadth, a bright white light so constructed as to ou, a shall dis- a subject tho demand of a change m involve for all acts and things done by virtue hereof. bo driven after dark within the said body politic. show an uniform aud unbroken light over an arc of the manner as to risk of collision, aud does not apply to trict of Honolulu, shall cause a sufficient light tho King's Cabinet of His own right Sec. 5. Tho cost of all works authorized by " It is an ancient and fundamental principle of horixon of twenty poiuts of the compass, so fixed as to throw two ships which must, if both keep on their respective or lights to bo kept burning on every such ve- the English Constitution, that the King can do no and selection. virtue of this Act shall bo paid out of any wrong, but this maxim must not be understood courses, pass clear of by hicle during tho hours of darkness. to i the fight teu jKints on each side of the ship, viz., from right each other. moneys in the Treasury not otherwise King This is indeed a dangerous prece- Sec. 3. Any person violating tho provisions mean that the is above the laws, in the abend two points ou side, of The only cases to which it does apply are, when each of and with the consent of tho King senso of those words, and that every- dent to establish, and should not be to abaft the beam either and of this Act shall, on conviction heforo tho Po- the two ships is end on, or nearly end on, in Privy Council, and tho Minister of tho Inte- thing he does is of course just nnd lawful. Its more reasonable soch a character as to be visible on a dark night with a clear to the other in lico Magistrate of Honolulu, be fined a sum trno meaning indi- encouraged by those rior shall report to the next Legislature spe- in is First, that the Sovereign, other words, to cases in which, by day, each ship sees the not exceeding ten such offenso. vidually and personally and in his natural capa- and sensibly among them. atmosphere at a distance of at least five miles. cifically the amount so expended, and tho dollars for every disposed mast of the other in a line, or line Approved on (ho 13th day of August. A. D. city, is independent of and is not amenable to the (6) On the starboard side a green light, so constructed as nearly in a with her own, works upon which tho expenditure was made. any other earthly power or jurisdiction, Tho Constitution does notgrant 18S0. KALAKAUA R. and that to show an uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the and by night, to cases in which each ship is in such a position Sr.c. 0. His Majesty in Privy Council as whatever may be amiss in the condition of public subject a right to express his opinion side-ligh- affairs is imputed as to see both the ts of the other. , aforesaid shall determine what portion, if any, not to be to the King, so as to of censure on His Majesty tho King, that borison often poiuts of the compass, so fixed as to throw the AN ACT be answerable for it personally to his people. li-- does of such expenditure shall bo borne by tho of represen- ht from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on the It not apply by day to cases in which a 6hip sees To amend Section 2 of Chapter 4G of an Act Secondly, tho above maxim means, that the pre- on account of an inadequacy owners of property in tho city of Honolulu and rogative of tho Crown extends not to do any in- of wealth, intotligenco charac- starboard side, and of such a character as to be visible ou a another ahead crossing her own course, or by night to cases entitled "An Act for tho protoction of parties being tation or its suburbs, and how and in what manner tho jury, because, created for the benefit of the theso qualifi- dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distauce of at least where the red light ot oue ship is opposed to the red light of samo shall be repaid. to contracts, authorized by Section 1117 of people, it cannot be exerted to their prejudice, ter, tho King should by the Civil Code," approved on day general two miles. the other; or where the green light of one ship is opposed to Approved this Hlh day of Angust, A.D. 18S0. tho 25th and it is therefore a fundamental rule, cations bo restrained from tho appoint- of September, A. D. 187G. that the King cannot sanction any act forbidden of of own choice. (c) On the port side a red light, so constructed as to show the green light of the other ; or where a red light without KALAKAUA It. by law ; so that, in this point of view, ho is under ment men His For Be it Enacted by the King and the Legisla- not abovo laws, by an uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of a green light, or a green light without a red light, is seen and the and is bound them of whom among tho foreign residents AN ACT tive Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands in equally with his people." midst could bo recommended as ten ioiuts of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light from ahead, or where both green aud red lights are seen anywhere thcLcgislaturcofthcKingdomasscmblcd: ' The lung, moreover, is not only incapable of in our To amend Chapter XXXIX. of tho Session doing of ; when- but ahead. 1. That Section 2 of tho said wronjr, bnt even thinking wrong accoptablo to tho King? right ahead to two poiuts abaft the beam on the port side, Laws of 1874, being an Act entitled "An Section Act ever, therefore, it happens that, by misinforma- 1G. bo and tho same is hereby so Ho should bo allowed to chooso and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night with Article If two ships under steam are crossing, so as Act to abolish tho offico of tho Secretary of amended as to tion or inadvertence, the Crown lias been induced read as follows : to invade the private rights of any of its subjects, without interference among men of atmosphere a distauce of at least two miles. to involve risk of collision, the ship which has the other on War and tho Navy." a clear at Section 2, In ordor to carry out the pro- as by granting any franchise or privilege ton His subjects acceptable to Him. Tho side-light- own The said green and red s shall be fitted with her starboard side shall keep out of the way of the Be it enacted by the King and the Legislative visions of this Act the Minister of the Interior subject contrary to reason, or in any way preju- () Assembly the Hawaiian Islands in the dicial to the commonwealth or a private person. wishes of factions should not bo inboard screens projecting at least three feet forward from other. of is hereby authorized to appoint an agent or law will suppose King to legislature of the Kingdom assembled: The not tho have meant pressed, nor tho piques of cliques have the light, so as to preveut these lights from being seen across Article 17. If two ships, one of which is a sailing-shi- p agents in each elective district of this King- either an unwise or an injurious action, for tadem 1. That Section 1 of Chapter XXXIX. dom, ac- regis qnae list quae iniluence in any way upon Him in per how. and the other a steamship, are proceeding in such directions Sec. who shall havo tho power to tako m'ns pratiumitur juris tt tfme the of the Session Laws of 1874, being an Act en- knowledgments to tho contracts authorized by debet praetertim in dubum, but declares that forming faithfully tho dischargo of as to involve risk of collision, the King was deceived grant ; there- Article 4. A steamship, when towing another ship, shall, steamship shall keep out ot titled "An Act to abolish the offico of Secio-tar- y Section 1117 of the Civil Code; provided, how- the in his and . upon such grant becomes void upon the supposi- His duties as King and Supremo Buler side-light- the way of the sailiug-ship- in additiou to her carry two bright white lights of War and of tho Navy" be and tho samo ever, than such agents shall be authorsicd to tion of fraud and deception either by or upon of tho nation. in a vertical line, one over the other, not less than three feet Article 18. Every steamship, when approaching another is hereby amended to read as follows : appoint a deputy during their temporary ab- those agents whom the Crown has thought proper to employ. In like manner, also, the King's What will bo tho results of all theso so from ship so as to involve risk of collision, shall slacken her speed, Sec. 1. That from and after the passage of sence from their districts, and tho deputy bo sfwrt, as to distinguish her other steamships. Each of this Act, tho Minister of Foreign Affairs is au- appointed shall bo empowered to perform all grants are void whenever they tend to prejudico unrighteous and uncalled for indigna- or stop and reverse if necessary. tho course of public justice. And, in brief, to use theco tights shall be of the same construction aud character, thorized to draw from tho Government Trea- the duties of tho Baid agents aa prescribed by tion of tho foreigners who are them- 19. the words of a learned judge, the Crown cannot and shall be carried in the same positiou as the white light Article In taking any course authorized or required sury tho several appropriations as set apart this Act; and provided further that nothing in derogation of the right of the public, unduly selves the real causo of the disturbance which other steamships are required to carry. by these Regulations, a steamship under way may indicate for the King's Guards, the Band, Flags and herein contained shall authorize tho appoint- limit and fetter the exercise of the prerogative of tho peace of tho country. A Mr. Salutes and the Volunteers, and pay over the ment of any judge or his depuiy or any store which b vested in the Crown for the public good. 5. A eliip, whether a steamship or a sailing-ship- , that course to any other ship which she has in sight by the critical Article appropriation for the King's Guards io whom- keeper to such agency. The Crown cannot dispense with anything in Morenos resignation "the following signals on her steam-whistl- e, viz. : which the subject has an interest, nor make a when employed either in laying or in pickiug up a teleguiph to receive tho parts contra- condition of Hawaiian affairs" should One short blast to meau soever the King may appoint Sec. 2. All laws or of laws in grant in violation of the common law of the land, cable, or which from any accident is not under command, "lam directing my course to samo. Tho appropriation for tho Band, Flags vention herewith are hereby repealed. or injurious to vested rights. In this manner it is, cease, as tho foreign diplomatic diff- shall at night carry in the same positiou as the white light starboard." and Salutes shall be paid to tho Governor of Approved this 13th day of August, A. D. that, while the sovereign himself is, in a personal iculties involved havo been once and for Two short blasts to meau Oahu. Tho appropriation for the Volunteers 18S0. KALAKAUA It. sense, incapable of doing wrong, yet his acts may which eteamships are required to carry ; and if a steamship, "lam directinj my course to in themselves lie contrary to law. and, on that ac- ever settled. The responsibility of tho port. shall be paid to tho commanding officer of each count, be avoided or set aside by the law." now rests wholly and in place of that light, three red lights in globular lanterns, volunteer corps, and the said Minister shall consequences entirely tho foreign element of each uot less thau ten inches in diameter in a vertical line one Three short blasts to mean "I am going full speed account for such disbursements o cnnially to From the Gazette Extra We trust that our friends not of English birth upon over the other, not less than three feet apart, and shall by astern." tho Legislature. will not feel inclined to dissent from our assertion discord within us. For, not content OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 18S0. day carry in a vertical Hue, one over the other not less than The use of these signals is optional ; but if they arc used, Sec. 2. This Act shall take effect from and that England is the modern source of the strong- with having martyrized Mr. Moreno, after the date of its passage, and all rules and tho apart, in front of, but not lower foremast-hea- d, the course of be Yesterday an informal meeting of some thirty est and purest form of Constitutional Government. they now turn their spita Ttpon rthree feet than her the ship must in accordance with the signal parts ot regulations, laws or laws inconsistent citizens was held at 1 o'clock at the office of Mr.B. To what, we ask, does England owe, her who were placed to honor throe black balls or shapes each two feet in diameter. made. or in contravention herewith, shall be and tho malefactors H. Austin, for tho purpose of considering the con- splendour? It is to tho fact that her liberties Those shapes and lights are to be taken by approaching Article 20. Notwithstanding anything contained in any same aro herewith repealed. tho death of the fcaviour of tho world dition of public affairs, and the propriety of calling have been assured bv Constitutional Safeguards this p Approved this 30th day of July, A. D. 1880. upon the cross. Is this just? Is ships as signals that the ship using them is not under com- preceediug Article, every ship, whether a sailing-shi- or a n public meeting on subject. A petition to tho which her Sovereigns respect, for they furnish KALAKAUA II. the ? Christian charity ? mand, and cannnot therefor get out of the way. steamship, overtaking any other, shall keep out of the way King was discubsed, and it was decided to present security to Sovereign and subject alike. There prudence Is this it for the conbideration of a public meeting to bo are no more true and loyal subjects of Queen Vic- Mark 1 All this unnecessary clamor The above ships, when not making any way through the of the overtaken ship. G class those AN ACT called at the Bethel Chnrch at o'clock. Posters toria than are daily found in the of of popular rights, only water shall uot carry the side lights, but when way 21. In narrow channels were at once prepared, and at the hour named the who oppose her government, meaning, thereby the and usurpation making Article every steamship shall, when To encourage Steam Navigation between Ho- policy of her Ministers. As soon as of shall is safe and Bethel Church was filled to its fullest capacity by character and educate and encourage the scruples carry them. it practicable, keep to that side of the fairway or nolulu and San Francisco. an assemblage of earnest, determined, peace and it is fairly understood, that the expression of pub- themselves into p mid-chann- views on recent appointments tho mass to commit Article C. A sailing-shi- under way, or being towed, el which lies on the starboard of such ship. the King the Legisla- order loving men. JuJro b. L. Austin, on motion lic the is directed Be it Enacted by and of was called to the Chair, B. solely at those appointments, and that to make tho foreigners themselves aro shall carry the same by 3 22. "Where by Assembly the Hawaiian Islands in E. O.Hall, and F. acts that lights as are provided Article for a Article the above rules, one of two ships tive of Dillingham was chosen Secretary. others in their place would be the regular course chief Neither tho the Legislature ofthe Kingdom assembled: an- in any Constitutional Monarchy, all will come out but the prpmotors. steamship under way, with the exception of the white light, is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep her course. Jndge Austin with a few well chosen remarks Government 1. The Minister of the Interior on nounced the object of tho meeting to be the proper satisfactorily. This is not an issue between His native Hawaiian nor the which she shall never carry. Article 23. In obeying aud construing these due Section' Majesty and the people, and it ought not to be rules, of tho Hawaiian Government is hereby coarse to take on the appointment of n Ministry can bo held responsiblo for tho con- Article 7. "Whenever, as in the case of small vessels regard shall be had to all dancers of navigation, and to anv behalf which this country cannot and ought not and does called so. It 13 a question between the public and authorized to contract for a term not exceeding re- Ministry who aro just now in office. Undoubt- side-light- not trnst, and which is likelyto lose for us the the sequences. during bad weather, the green and red s canuot be special circumstances which may render a departure from ten years, with individuals or incorporated spect of foreign nations. That the citizens had edly there aro those who try to make it seem that Should tho King's Ministers be found fixed, these lights shall be kept on deck, ou respective the above rules necessary, iu companies, for running efficient and determined in an orderly and deliberate way to the issue is different from the facts. The conces- their order to avoid immediate sions always made by the Sovereigns England, in the executive dnties of tho steamships of not less than fifteen hundred urge that the country be not deprived of the of wanting sides of the vessel ready for use, and shall, on the approach danger. good government, to which we are entitled. in regard to Ministerial appointments are no will by men of tons each, and registered under the laws of nation they be replaced of or to other vessels, be exhibited ou their respective sides No ship, under any circumstances, to neglect proper pre- The following is the petition which was laid be- doubt the main source of the regard in which the committal this Kingdom, between Honolulu and San fore the meeting : Sovereign is held. his own choice. If for any in sufficient time to prevent collision, in such manner as to cautions. mal-practi- Francisco, in consideration of which there To His SIajestt Kalakaiu of in office, tho Constitu- make them most visible, and so that the green light shall uot Article 24. Nothing in these rules shall exonerate auy shall bo paid to said individuals or companies Sire : The undersigned citizens, residents of the fct moments of popular excitement, when the tion provides that they are subject to be seen ou the port side, nor the red light ou the starboard ship, or the owner or master, or crew thereof, from the con a sum not exceeding Twenty-Fo- ur Thousand Hawaiian Kingdom, desire to express to Your community is impressed with the importance of impeachment. As for a Dollars per annum, Provided that no such con Majesty our deep sense of the critical condition of accomplishing certain results, there is always more side. sequences of auy neglect to carry lights or signals, of affairs the recent appointment by uncreditability or any tract shall be executed without the consent of Hawaiian from or less danger that the proper means by which to of their inability and Majesty Cabinet consisting Hon. for-eig- To make the use of these portable lights more certain and neglect to keep a proper look-ou-t, Your of a of poesibilityof n or,Jof the neglect of any His Majesty the King in Privy Council, and Jno. E. Bash, Minister of the Interior; Mr. Celso bring about the ends desired may be lost sight of. to the country, tho easy, the lanterns containing them shall each be painted out- precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice such contract shall require under suitable pen- Caesar Moreno, Slinister of Foreign Affairs ; Kev. It should never be forgotten that the body politic, relations beinjj affected, grievances trips shall be regularly not M. Knaea, Minister of Finance ; Mr. W. C. Jones, made up as it is of rulers and the ruled, each hav- side with the colour of the light they respectively coutain, of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the case. alties, that run, ing their appropriate functions and obligations, is of pcrsonalinjury and insecurity of per- than twice each month from Attorney General. and shall be provided with proper screens. less frequently We be" leave to stalo that we have no confidence held together and made strong by rigid observance sons are not only feigned pretentions, RESERVATION OF RULES FOR HARBORS AND each end of the route, that the running time do adequately of all the forms of law. It is to the common re- S. ship, whether a steamship or a sailing-shi-p, in these Ministers, that they not cravings of greedy wolves who Aehcle A shall not be more than nine days from port to represent the wealth, intelligence or character of spect paid to that intangible force called law that bnt the first-cla- we owe senso common security the vultures the when at anchor, shall carry where it cau best be seen, INLAND .NAVIGATION. port, and that tho rate demanded for ss your subjects, and resident foreigners, that in con- the of and mutual wotdd but share with we are personally protection. It speaks well for this community that bat at a height uot exceeding 20 feet above the hull, a white Dassatre shall not exceed Soventy-Fiv- q Dollars sequence of their appointment prey and tho spoils. 25. in injured not only in a weakened senso of security as a body it has never countenanced the slightest light in a globular lanteru of not less than eight inches in Article Nothing these rules shall interfere with for every passenger, and that the rate of of person and property but in an actual loss from approach to passing the bounds of law and order. Let tho foreign element in theso diameter, and so constructed as to show a clear uniform and the operation of a special rule duly made by local authority freight upon ordinary merchandise from either possible depreciation of values. Undoubtedly remarks are made by individuals of islands beware 1 Thoy may not be nort shall not exceed five dollars per ton and llegarding the present iaDinei as not creuitaoie which on reflection they see the folly, and which Duhrokea lelative to the navigation of any harbor, river, or inland gov- their sober second thought would not pretend able to quiet the storm they have raised. light, visible all rouud the horizou at a distauce of five Der cent, primage, and that the rate of to the country and that the lelations of this to navigation. ernment with foreign powers are gravely affected justify. It is only by deliberate, dignified and re- forseo tho consequences at least one mile. on specie shall not exceed ane-ha- lf of And who can freight thereby, wo are especially grieved at the occu- spectful action on the part of tho community that car- of tho mad talk and harangues of tho Article 9. A pilot vessel, when engaged on her station SPECIAL LIGHTS FOR SQUADRONS AND one per cent., and that the maita shall be pancy of the Foreign Office by a person whom we it can expect to have its wishes recognized and on pilotage duty, shall not carry the lights required for other ried between said ports free of charge to the regard as hostile to the true interests of these heeded. i misguided few, not tho many, but a Hawaiian Government or tho Post Offico islands. of whom havo no vessels, but shall carry a white light at the mast-hea- visible CONVOYS. Regretting Your Majesty's action in appointing The meeting of citizens held at the Bethel last small minority, many compelled country and aro not aM round the horizou, and shall also exhibit a flareup or companies a Ministry which we ore by tho dictates Wednesday was composed of men of all vocations. interest with tho light Sec. 2. Said individuals or shall ct Article 26. Nothing in these rules shall interfere with of and of patriotism to oppose, Although called upon only about two hours notice, citizens. flareup lights at short intervals, which shall never exceed havo and be entitled to all the privileges and We respectfully beg that Your Majesty will re- the operation of any special rules made by the Government to steam lines aro of sentiment from those who the church was packed full, and its orderly and fifteen minutes. A pilot vessel, when not engaged on her exemptions which foreign gard this expression dignified proceedings spoke well for the strength of auy nation with respect to additional station aud signal now entitled by law. have sustained Your Kingdom in the past and are station ou pilotage duty, shall carry lights similar to those of identified with its future, and to appoint as its and prosperity of our institutions. Public meet- DR. E. H. THACHER, lights for two or more ships for 3. The Minister of Finance is hereby ings are a safety valve whenever they are conduct- other ships. of war, or ships sailing under Sec. Administrators those who can command our res- DEXTIST, convoy. authorized and required to pay such subsidy pect and with whom we can ed calmly and for the purpose of discussing public AEtiCLE 10. Open fishing-boat- s matters in a lawful and proper way. There has ori. HHMCTrw.truoaouus,ixtmt raj (a) and other open boats, to the contracting parties out of any money in And your petitioners will ever pray. r-- -'" that he haa locaica. ,, in,. THE been more or less talk to the effect that w v sm..a--- side-ligh- SECOND SCHEDULE. t a certain notice ni promnoa m y - when under way, shall not be obliged to carry the ts the public treasury not otherwise appropriated Mr. A. J. Cartwright now entered the Church wide-sprea- feeling among Hawaiians had better FJIIIosoKfteetaHjr.wlulesoM" iu"m5.and plauaa, by law. audience King, be allowed to have way, as &a their place ta other vessels ; AUSTRO-HTJXGAR- and informed the that the tnlirthj its it is thought that it illver, and enamel alJlas th lie require3for but every such boat shall, iu lieu ITALY, vajoabla ajcaU-t- ie teeOu Approved on the I3th day of August,' his men volition, had removed Mr. Moreno from would do, if not kept down by foreign influence. prnerraUon of Usee therecfj have ready at hand a lantern with a green glass ou BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS, of We taks upon ourselves to say that this U not the Jn ArtlSclnl Work, the terth win be aeteetod wtta A. D. 18S0. KALAKAUA R. office. At this three rousing cheers weie given much care. While In addition to the aaoal materia lafar oneMde, and a red glass on the side ; on CHILE, NORWAY, wise oi the proper feeling to indulge, and we are a artltle. tad the the other and, the for King Kxlikaua. certain that the second and sober thoughts plates la that of OHiloW, nrr other vessels, DENMARK, PORTUGAL. of the inoat natural In color of aay material now sted. JH approach of or to such lantern shall be FRANCE, RUSSIA, AN ACT On motion of Mr. C. B. Bishop a Committee was community are with us there. It is the duty of Work ThoroBh, and aa reaaosaaut a bokH to everv wise and thoughtful man to discountenance worfc. sufiicicnt time to prevent collision, so that the GERMANY, SPAIN, amend Section 498 of the Civil Code. to on Hi3 Majesty to thank him for do ort-c- To appointed wait the whole thing, by bis words and acts and es- Offleeandmldence, Boetaala suttt, between Fort green fight shall not be seen on the port side, nor the red GREAT BRITAIN. SWEDEN, Enacted by the King and the Legisla- - this and to ask when he would receive the respects pecially in talking with natives. There is no and Haeana au. GREECE, UNITED STATES. Be it x. live Assembly Islands in citizens. By perhaps elicitoug blunder, doubt that everything will shortly settle down to a light on the starboard side. of the Hawaiian of the a f satisfactory gpxxx six. 30th the Legislature theKingdom assembled: was put " to congratulate His Majesty," nuiet and condition. Public onininn. (&) A fishing vessel and an open boat, when at anchor, Approved this day ofJuly, A.D. 1880. of the motion when formulated and expressed, firmly but respect-- iriiiKR wncaijiMswaw - rAjr-- was amended and congratnlatt" Foraalebj - KALAKAUA 1. That Section 498 of tho Civil which "to thank win uh: ecu accoxnpiisa mi shall cjiibit a- bright white light R. Section iiuij ui wai i3requirea 794 AW ?EXXCE CO-- Code as amended by an Act approved the let Messrs. Bishop, Cartwright, May, Pflnger and or wished, which is a cafe and respectable Ministry. 2a i

Tj - at,, . '" " ' iu r ,v - ' "'""""is' Kf"1 1P?V 7m?hJ$ - "P1. K'mmm'h

Hawaiian Gazette Supplement "Wednesday, August 25, 1880. X'

Remarks of Hon. S. N. Castle on the $10,000,000 Loan Bill. NEW GOODS lis. Pseuukm : The Honorable member from Ijahmlrnt eays that a loan maj be used with great advantage often in constructing irrigating canals and thereby Riving fertility to large areas of waste land, in building of railways, telegraphs, ocean cables, constructing marine railways, and other works of internal improvements, &c I am happy to agree with the gentleman, that great benefits may arise from snch investments. A nation's strength, consists largely in the pros- perity, happiness, contentment and wealth of its subjects or citizens and where such investments will pay directly or indirectly by adding increased value to property and promoting industry amongst the people, and giving the elements of strength to the government, loans by a government to accom- plish these ends are no doubt often not only justi- fiable bnt wise. Bat the first (question a prmlent business man -- FROM- asks of himself is will it pij ? For instance, the ocean cable is very expensive, iind from oar limi- ted area and necessarily insufficient population it YORK AND ENGLAND cannot be expected to pay directly or indirectly. NEW It would be pleasant to enjoy its conveniences and advantages, rat it could not be expected to pay EX either pecuniarily or indirectly by oonwonenf in- j crease of business to the island jcpulatioii. Mr. Field, the President, and Col. Harris, the Secre- tary, of the Atlantic Cable Company told mo that T.F. WHIT0N, CITY OF MADRID the corit of cable and placing for rise was 300 or $1,500 per mile that thelength of cable required AND OTHER LATE ARRIVALS. from San Francisco via Honolulu and Midway Is- land to Japan or China including slack would not be far from 7,200 miles. Mr. Field slid he did not expect it to pay at present; but with the vast territory and population at either end and the FINE HARDWARE increasing commerce it would ultimately pay. This kingdom has not the territory, and cannot expect ever to have a population or business to AND make any considerable investment justifiable in ocean cables. For the convenience and the inci- HOUSE GOODS ! dental business of a way station it no doubt will FURNISHING . do something, and all that it ought to do. The gentleman says, no danger to our independ- Direct by from New York to Francisco,?,., ence is to be apprehended from debt. Nations are nil 9u sensitive to their honor and the protection of their Bought previous to lata advances in prieety.aad subjects or citizens, bnt are satisfied to let the sub- ' ject of debt take its chances in the courts. He for tale at Bottom Sates for Cash. instances tho vast debt of Great Britain and the 6 United States, and speaks of the repudiation by the State of Mississippi of her debt a generation -- ago largely due to British subjects without inter- ference on the part of the British government. A FIXE ASSORTMENT The illustration between a large and powerful and a small and feeble nation is not just. A strong OF nation can repudiate its debt, though it may be wrong to do it, but there Lino power to enforce payment. Whilst a v. eak nation will be compelled & CBfiNDELIiRS. to pay, or if not able or willing, its Sovereignty imn will be wrested from it, as we have too often seen Goods every from history. The British debt is about ono-tent-h Lamp in variety. of all the property in the United Kingdom, and Kerosene Oils Downer's and Palace. the United States debt about of all tho Kerosene Oil "Uoves, property in tho United States, but this Bill pro- Ilnbbuck's Faints and Oils. poses aloan equal to one-hal- f of all the property Tloose and Carriage Paints and Brashes, in the Kingdom, or a single loan at once or author- Varnishes, ity to loan a sum five times as large in proportion Terpentine, Glne. to the property in the Kingdom as the debt of 4 Great Bntian, and six times as large as tie debt of tho United States. The dobt of Great Britain Averill's Chemical Paint, is due chilly to its own subjects, and the debt of the United States, though more to foreigners, yet Lubricating Oils and Compounds. largely to its citizens. But this Bill contem-ate- s borrowing this great sum from abroad, and Albany lubricating Compound and Cnpi, in my view a large debt owing to foreigners would be a great element of danger to our independence. Albany Cylinder Oil, What cannot happen to the strong does happen to the weak. The heavy debts of Great Britain Ltird Oil, Castor Oil, Ac, Ac- - and the United States were not incurred from choice, but in great national wars for national life and honor. Great Britian commenced in the great BUILDERS' HARDWARE European wars of the middle of tho last century, and although in the most successful of her wars, when Canada was taken, she took about $G00,00O,- - A tpt Complete Assortment. 000 of prize money, and took and destroyed more than 100 of her eneinie's ships still she com- menced rolling up her debt though tho greater TABLE f'U T LERY part was contracted during the long continued Kapoleonio wars. The British occupation of these In great variety direct from the manufacturers. Islands from February 25 to July 31, 1843, was for , monetary demands claimed to be due to British Pockt't Cutlery, SicIinoi-n- ., - subjects, and in default of payment by the govern- ment the Sovereignty passed to the British as Ruiors aud IIoucm. security till other satisfaction could be had. After the restoration early in 1845, at the request of the Tools for Carpenters, Machinists, Masons, government, seconded by the personal application and other Mechanics. of Sir George Seymour and Consul --General Miller, 1 sat in arbitration on some of these claims many Reed & Barton's Celebrated! days with tho late Mr. Wvllie, then Acting British Consul, also with Mr. Suwerkroop, the Danish Consul, and lastly in one of the most important cases alone. Silver Plated Ware With these gentlemon I spent several weeks in listening to the testimony and rendering the awards. The cases acted upon by Mr. Wylhe and myself will no doubt bo found in tho government archives, and probably the others also. AGRICULTURAL However Rafe it may be for great and powerful nations to incnr foreign debt, it certainly is an element of danger to its independeco for a feeble one to do so, and this Bill proposes to authorize IMPLEMENTS the Ministry to borrow, if they can, a sum five times as large in proportion to the property of the Flows, riarrowa. Spades, Shovels, G-- Kingdom as the British nation accumulated Forks, Rakes, Planters' and Garden Hoes. through a contury of time and many years of wido- - RICE 110E8, Crowbars, and destructive wars. With these views Grindstones and Fixtures, r. President, I innst support tho motion for the indefinite postponement of the Bill. Pick Axes, Pick Mattocks, Tho Hon. member for Lahnina said that the Bush and Grass Scjthes, British occupation was based on claims for dama- Hash Ilooks, Rice Hooks, Grass nooks. ges for matters affecting national honor, as was Grub Hoes. Cane Knives, Axes, Hatchets, the claim made by Commodore Jones of the United Canal Barrows with iron, and wooden wheels. States Navy in ItCC. Tho previous question pre- Wheel Barrows, Tubular Barrows, vented any reply from Mr. Castle, but he was in a Ox Chains, Trace Chains, Back Chains, Topsail Chains, position to know tho character of the claims from the most anthentio Bources. It assumed the form of dobt, and if honest, as THE IMPROVED STEEL PiRIS PLOW some certainly were, tho creditor was and would be ob- justified in rpsorting to coercive measures to By some plan ten said to be eupcrlor to any other plow tain his riuhtaif the debtor refuses to pay. Why not if civil process for the same purpose is justifi- ever offered la this market, and to require less cattle for able between men. the (ima amount of work than any othar. If there is dobt.tbore is danger. If there is none thoro is no danger from that source. The motion for indefinite postponement was carried by a large CELEBRATED M0LINE PLOWS majority. In different sizes. T A. Fv I C XOTICE! Gang Plows Supplied to Order. UalTanlied Bavin) unci Backets, J. &C. LANE'S Tiuuare, Mlazhiim Bacltet. A LARGE INVOICE OF UON CAPS MARBLE WORKS, V Store Trucks, Wooden Whlffletrees, IIKI'UKI. NTJtr.KT, XKAB KINO. Douglass Force Pumps, Hay Cotters,, (Philadelphia Lawn Mowers, Lawn Sprinklers, OF MONUMENTS Platform Scales, Swcdgc Blocks, MANUFACTURERS Nails, Tacks, Screws, Spikes, Headstones, Tombs, Tire, Machine and Carriage Bolts, ' Galvanized Wash Boards Tablets, Marble Mantels, Rattan Yard Brooms, Door Mats, An elegant assortment of Vale Padlocks, "Washstand Tops, and Dixon's American Lead Pencils, a full Us Tiling in Black and White Marble. Galvanized and Painted Barbed Wire AND MARBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NTAPLKS. MAWK TO ORDER DILLINGHAM & CO. 809 37 Fort Street. Honolulu. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE BATES. Monument and llenilHtours Cleaapil and N, NEUFELD. Bexct. GRAM), SQUARE AND TJPBIGHT Orders from thn oihr Islamls promptly attended to. PIAU0-MAKE- EEEIOT. 813 W. II. REED, Agent for Ililo. H. Haekfeli ft Co, Agents far the Hawaiian Iilaadx . CITIZENS OF KOHALA Tkt Sydmj Mall, Saturday. January 17, 1880, " Perhapi yon better wait a leetle," paget 117, IIS. 2?T WASTE TOUB MONET IN purchasing poods at high prices, when Pianofortes in the Exhibition. X3zruc In nnr previous notice of the Pianos In the Exhibi- lOa. Soliala Store tion (So. IV.) In connection with those of the Germaa will sell at San Francisco prices, with simple freight Court, we were unable to do more than enumerate the added. Don't think we have not what you want, for we exhibits of L. NEUFELD, of Berlin, and that enumera- feel certain that we have.as we propose to keep a perfect tion was erroneous. Since writing that notice, the AHD PAHCT ABtlCLES," Sjdnej agents. Messrs. Rabone, Fecx & Co., have pveai 8T0CX OF TOILET us an opportunity of seeing the instruments, of which Together with Patent Remedies of all kinds. four are exhibited Instead of two. as formerly stated. The Pint la a Grand of full compass. 7H octave.. overstrung, 'an acousucai racial frame in acraaes, u. Confectionery, Nuts, Stationery, actios is perfect unfailing repetition." All the modem and all other articles kept in s Drug Stores. improvements are applied; the Instrument Is cased I. walnut, of fine tune and light touch, and being in addi- COMMAND LOOK AT OUR GOODS, tion by far the most priceworthy ought to command th. most ready market. AND ANH PKICZS. So. 2 la as uprltht cottage grand, with iron frasat overstrung, well finished, ana cased in a handsome untie Louis must i store.Hawaii. frame In the Quaurrze style. So. 3 is an up- 810 tn Kalopihl. Kohala, right cottage, simpler in the exterior, but with substan- tial metal frame, and all the evidences of thorough care in the internal construction. Ho. 1 Is an overstrung Ship Chandlery. upright boudoir cottage of very agreeable tone. fcVIUlK AHSOBTJIEWT. INCLUDING Having thoroughly examined the workmanship an4 Cordage. Hemp and Manila, construction, and tested tone and touch, we are able to A Cotton Duck. Hemp Canras, Flax Canvas, speak with confidence on the sterling merits of these Flax Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Instruments, especially when we compare the price Blocks, Oars. Mast Hoops, Jib Hanks, with those of other exhibits, isy Pianos are now oa -- lt,, exhibition at the store of .T"' C"Fo'le by BOLLE3 A Co. 810 Sm H HACKFELD4C0.

n, .si r , tT.A felSW t - " "fVi JJ J . t '! 1LJ.IL,. LgUMSJ