M J2l O ,3Ac INIST

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M J2l O ,3Ac INIST ZLB.-J.-JB- . r - 8C',i1S?,iSnir--iVt- . (m gaurciiHtt ti&uzztti " f 'J- la JifJ & & . S I l!" - ( 1 OJt a ooftto 0 T C Ltaea- -K Ieh.l I Jfisal? a so f 1 T iaeh jf. 4 s mjtm i t..al ..m KBiaiAA A ti m 7 a te 3H 31 Uses 1 in ass ROBERT GRIEVE, M Lines 3li 93' at 1 3 A M TJnee - MH o rw.,t.e eif Pain 'imt-mm- 'H,'BH w Exery U'edncadaj Jlorninc M woe st eel most Third ofCoIumnA ..i Taoa ANNUM' or St i0e PEK Half (jolnmo... -- a fws 7ei oat se osi PITE DOLLARS Colama . a aa m .ja oh ! il DYJ.SCE. Qne Comma lwxi':nni J WWW "; rJATXTtlE JKJi Jb--, 4u.Iue Cards( - ... riJ?LSrSSwte-- FrlCSrlber.9T.OOto10.00.' anon en a aiscouni mwi ;- Adeertlsements, whsn paid or charged !5,rtJ'--:ajJ tTMckiaelttdes . B. All fcl-aMfei- T"ZmtSimVr with th. paj when ordered la, or n Office Building . -- .. In the new Post Eastern American advertlseatenttjor sa OrCE XVI.--.N- o. IcrlptlonaaVb Honolulu, H. L YCL. 34.1 HONOLULU, , WEDNESDAY, . --- by TJerahaatStrect, AUGUST 25, 1880. WHOLE No. 815.. tun pa.? . C. gusincsf (ards. gttSincss (aws. ijfjlii1tmttnl'gaT&s, $iisttrmtcc $ofo$s. &nsuratue polices. egojUJlt ejrtgijy. Sr trcT uieox. S. , C. S. RAKTOW. O. S. CU.U.-lliVG- 91. .. w , CO.. p spirit Kfce'cMBt" the Saviour, Auctioneer. jvm. aoiiKO-- noston Board of Underwriters. WILLIAMS, DIMtlS S&letroom on Queen Street, one door from Kainvmann SURGEON AHD HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. c Insurance Notice. Q I ndne, KrIroIa.a3t3L-f- A GENTS MtrciwBls Street. ly 776 H7aildr. for the Hawaiian Jilnnil. UNDERSIGNED ABE PREPARED Shlpplni; CeMtissiM -, lJ Office Comer Fort and Beretania Honolulu. es Mi-- lj aai cweiHn- St, So. Fort bt., below'Dr. CBitEWr-KtCO- . first-clas- .A-- stake Tfcf i ly THE write upon Merchandise, per vessels t J. -- CatlfsralaV Sen FT- -. ly wkereto all thtap are Thine I II. AUSTIN, XV. 31. ., MK - between this and the Coast Ports, covering loss or 784 1 Street, X IIIJ. a.o? It. JUKREA, CR01VE. t Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. damasre. If amounting to It) per cent, or more, cm the couirsKLiionM3 haw L ex.i3.c3. sound value of the whole shipment at port of delivery, W-- H. MO,, , O the ruber Eternal,, 7o.l3Kaahnmanmtreet. 3E2xoatlol.n.r-- Surgoon hotjsh dSovD siomr pAiirrirk, for upon favorable terms. 0S06SKAI sb WAILOKU, MATH. ly AGENTS the Ilarrallan Islands, Oerewtthcsja. Friend and Goest, IIACKFF.1VD e Sll OFFICE l"APEBn XGEK aBEgWERACO. BISHOP & Co. COMMISSION MBBCHJLXTS, II. CO., 4c, Agents the jAHtk'nbiemtaQUBuiioii, srr.ECKELS. a. V82 Xo 1 H Fort Street. Honolnln. H. L, ly of Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. GEKEBAL C0KM1BEI0H AQEHTS, clacs in, isvct CALIFORNIA Honolulu. Jan. 30, 1830. 910 3m IIS CAtaraaer Street, 3sw fork. H Hep and Ha Rest 1 Its Jer asd Oifen Strett. Honolulu. H.I. IS xvsi. a. iRvriw Jt co., J. II. WICKE, ,INSUEANCE COMPANY. Sefemet Caatl. A Cooke, and J. T."Wateraoa. Leave In darkness snHsbled, Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Insurance Notice. Beta - Il G. HITCHCOCK. ivca. 03:22311, OtTuarl fej Thy truth- holy fire ATTOBKTY AT LAW, HIL0, HAWAII. Honolnln. II. L Bti Aiaaen aireei. UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OP THE AGENT FOR BRITISH H. W. 8KVEKAMCK, One THE Curnpanr, THE S BM-f- et vrMtJi The canst not Inhabit oTT - Collected. ly door below Hotel Street. hare been authorized to fnsnre riles THE Marine Insurance Company, (Limited), has - Bill. Proar'- KOITTON. h'OKTOS. on te AWAIIAH COSertsX.- SH (3aUfstlsa St., ! a. V. O. B. Furniture of all descriDtions made and Cargo, Freight and Treainre, from Hoaolnla celred tostroctlops to reduce of Insurance Then doet not Inspire renal. .f r... to all parte of the world, and the rate, .SAnJraacieco. S P. A. SCIIAKFr.lt &. CO.. o. xv. roitxoiv Ac aooable rate,. Beet workmanahlpgnaranteed. oTS ly rice Tersa. between Reuolulu and Ports in the Paclae, and lanow pre- H co' ta IT H. HACKrtLI) CO. pared to Issue Policies at the lowest rates, with a special Parchaaing aatLCsTrimitM9Ti.Agt SMh sate stleaee. ray raMrieut Importers &. Commission Merchants Store, Grove Ranch Plantation. .Dealers in Choice Gro- THOMAS reduction on freight per stesmtr. ; HonoUln, ne.we.IUn I.lepde 1 ceries and Pronslona and General Merchandise. TAKSATT. ru Thy Pretence I eee 7SJ e P. A. NGHAUFEK, TITEO. n. DATTEL If davrtvit 818 ly. No. 63 Fort Street, oppo-it- E. O. Ilall & Son. , 76J SANDWICH ISLAND ASD OTHBS.I'BOMrCTS. - coming, Hoard J W Ins. Co.. Limited' lr When I t my " TbT ADA3IS. HA11II1.V orDremen of Underwriters, with Thee. K. 1. M, . anil AftentofDreiden rtoard of Underwriters, e rhtofn are radiant Commission J. WIUTIM.Y. 31. !., X. S. ri.NKJIACHINKIlYcarefnUj repaired In a Aent ol Vienna Board or Underwriters. I! Auctioneer and Merchant. Dental "Boons on Fort Street, workmanlike manner. Vff Orders from the NORTH GERMAN S"-- ly Claims against Insurance Companies within Qneen Street. Honolnlii.ll.l. f other Islands promptly attended to. 7S3 the Jurisdiction 0WkMin(ttlneTliK, OcV la Brewer's Block, corner of Hotel and Fort Streets. tf abo-- e FIRE INSURANCE, COMPANY, CARLSON & CURRIER, Agents always In sl-- ht J - of the Boards of Underwriters, will hare to be certl j arrawtth Thee P.. HALX. &. SOU. I1 MS- Entrance. Hbtel street. ly- - J. of ray being, O. C. COI.EIIAS. fled to by- the aUi-- agent to mate them tsIIJ. 780 ly Ijeri. ester this hflCM HABDWABE Capital, Five millions Rcicbsaark. ht 1 MPOBTEBS AND DEALEBB IS E. COOK WEBB, 31. BLACKSMITH AND Ad S every roam wKa Thy J., MACHINIST IIAMatIIRGJI--ISRE!llK- n DrGoodl,rlnti, 0Ilind0eniriilJlrrchDdlie, HOMEOPATHIST, Home Shoelns, Crtrrlnce Work, UNDERSIGNED HATING BEEN CornerFortindKln-E- H. (Late Chief of Staff Homeopathic Hospital, Ward's Plantation MocUJuery, c PIEE IHSUEA170E C0MPA.1TY. appointed Agenta for the above Company, are Gossip for tio Indies. Island, X. Y.) 809 Shop on King Street, neit Castle & Cooke's., ly notT.eady to Office Street, bpcclal app- .fOII?. II. PATY, fO Fort attention to diseases of UNDERSIGNED hnTlng been Policies Balld-lue-s, Smyrna, DelaTrare, women o. li. Issue ncnln.t Risks orFlre oa Xrt. AMsott, reodinj; at HOTABY COMMISSIOHEE of DEEDS. and children. 0. ,,nt,. ointed of the aboee Company, are prepared -- recently, fane was PUBLIC and . 2to-- l - - 803-4- to 2Icrchnudl!u cse4 urj sven years, died Omccthoure Until 10a. r.ic- G. NEKP.t.Kr-- Ac srifa . intni. risks araintt Ore, on Stone aad DrleU Bnllil. nud Furniture tfce widow of lmbnds. For the. Stele, of OlifbmL and Kew Tork.OIBce thr Ings. and on Merchandise stored therein, en the most on terms equal to those of other respectable companies. ktbj Bent ofBUhopaCo... Honololn. o'E r favorable terms, for particnlaraapplr at theoOceof Losses paid for and adjasted here. -- color, and is exactly the TIUBMITHS AKD PLllMBEES, Hterap i xe new Graduate oJlcCUl College.) T8 ly F. A.'SCKAEFIIR CO. i'or particulars spply to Ie er -- no. a .Mtnnnu levelr pssbsU pc-p- - the . IKO. HOrrSCIILAEGKC k CO.. of Medical Jnrleprndccce, and formerly stret. ra JI. AUCS8XLU A. Co Agenta. Late Professor Keep constantly on hand TRANS-ATLANTI- C Iro-- a vrtuca takes name. Anatomy Unircrtlty rull aseortment of Tin, Sheet 8 its naTOBTEBS AHD COMMISSION MEKCHAKTS, Semimetratcr of in the of Iron, and Copperware, TILK 880 Market Street, San Francisco. hriif vears a yelLthB Itisbop'e College, Montreal, Canada; and for bonie FIRE INSURANCE 801 ly . TU&tei rur-kii- Si nonolnln.Oenn.IT.T. oWl; time liuusc Surgeon In the London Hospital, Lon- 0alTd Iron and Pipe. COMPANY. Lloyd-Marine-Insuran- Greek asd Tenoan are arrayed in red, and the lead India Snbbor Hoo, 4c OF HAMBURG. Swiss Co. bltuJiea beneath a thicfc don, England. pgns &rc maid--a hide her XV. OFFICE Corner of Hotel and Fort Streets, (over - - OF IVINTERTHUR. shot with silver. A. Kl'SIl. Capital .- . .- Six Millions Reichsmarl; oneiai; ol neb. brocade AND PROVISION DEALER. Mellis Fiend s store) expressed by GROCER Home, 'rom 8 to 10 a. m.: 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 p. m. INNURKD ON BUILDINCiN. HER. UNDERSIGNED ars AUTHORIZED CONTRACTOR'S A txFPT ie in brsedets is harms F.mUjQrocer nd Feed Store, bt IMP0BTEB. MAHUFACTDREB, spread ont on the lower side of 8U0Hm HELL-- UPH0L8TEBEB, chandlse and Furniture, on liberal terms, br to insure wire 795 1 y) SO Fort Street. Hoe olnln. AKD DEALEB IK 178- - TI. tecKoi on. tie top, and at their joint 4c lr nACKFELD A CO., Agents., On Cargo, Freight tie sct roertm? -- HOLLLSTUK CO., and Treasure SPECIALNOTIGE diamond, ehich looks to &. CO.. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, leraaw: the of a I.AIiAF. Prvggists, Apothecaries, HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C From Honolulu to all parts of the world, ensapparted, ai the thin wire is almost and upon be eaurelr COMMISSION MERCHANTS Fnrniture e No. 1 Fort Street. Work shop at Importers of Tobacco and Cigars, old sUnd 2Litl3o:r, Importa. of end Deler InBaj, Grain, and Reneral Soda the on Hotel Street, PIEE INSURANCE COMPANY, v,- -il dresses worn recently hnvo Manufacturers uf Water, Coasters, by Special PerXBlssIoia ! SKmedseen as ...h. rr.Ji.rr. Honolulu, n. I. " 808 Ordessfromtheotherlslands promptly attended to. fly white satin, tnmmed with Uce Cnt " Agents for P. LorilUrd & Co's Tin Tag; W. S. Kimball Of HAMBURQ. On the most favorahle terms. beiBade of -- -- Carpenters. jbe mazes style, the overdress o lace, or lace WILDim & CO., & Co's Vanity 1 At; nd Goodwin Co's Old HONOLULU IERCIIANDISE, FURXI. J 8. WALKER ki Queen Eopololti, Jndge.
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