Ha Are. Omats Meet Indochina
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r f V ■ f . I ' i? '-'Ia PAGE EIGHTEEN X FRIDAY, MAY 14, 19j[4 Average Daily Nel Press Run iianrifgijtgr ^Eognlttg^llpraUi For the> Week Ended The Weather M ay 8. 1»M ForMaat of c. & Waithar Bafsaa \The strawberry festival oommit- x : tee^pf St. Mary’s Episcopal Men’s Carol Wood Plays fe About Town Club'will meet at 7 o’clock Monday Senior Honored 11,184 Fair aad Httle change la beat, night IfKthe parieb house. Member of the Audit permture tMa afteniaoa, taaight ^ l^raiida Lead Role Bureau of Clrcnlatioa f T he Grict Group of the Center aad Aoaday, Low tonight 45. ■ Con^egatlonel Church, Mre. Among bftihs at Hartford hoe- Manchester— A City of VUlaffe Charm Newell Smith leader, will hold Its pitals recently, were the following CafXwood. 43 Brainard PI., HALE'S annual meetinjr. followed by a to local residethp: a daughter to will be aebn in the role of Miranda Trewella the Center Thea- VOL. LXXIII, NO. 198 pirate whist, Monday night at 8 Mr. and Mrs. Doniild Vandenburgh. (Classified Advertising on Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 15. 1954 o clock in the Robbins Room. 83 Helaine Rd., on M-y 12 at the piana present "Miranda" ne.xt (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS Members are reminded to bring St. Francis Hospital; Slaughter to Thursday, Friday and Saturday } white elephants. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krikfclum, 75 evenings at the ”^owera School W. Middle Tpke., on May 1? at the auditorium. m M Mt. Sinai Hpspital, and a daughter Miranda’s arrival at\the home f The 73rd annual business meet to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson I^lm. of Sir Paul and Lady ^are Mar McCarthy ing of the Woman’s Auxiliary of 312 Oakland St., on May 11 at the tin as one of Sir raul'a "j^lents’’ A llies P o n d e r i the Diocese of Oonnecjtlcut will be Hartford Hospital. has an electrifying effect oi^._ the held at Trinity Church parish — , ^ male members of the househqld Wants All house,. New Haven, on Friday. and generates a natural curioai^. M ay 21, befeHnninK a t 10 a m. King David Eodge No. 31, lOOF. will m eet tonight a t 7:.30 in Odd and jealou.*y among the women. omats Meet \ Fellowa Hall. The amusing situations which fol ction Rev. K. Ejhar Rask, pastor low make for enjoyable theater Facts Told of the Covenant-Congregational to auit the taste of every audience. Church, will exchange pulpits with Oub Pack 120 will meet at 7 A lthough Carol wdll be m aking o’clock tonight at the Knight/r of Washington, May 15 (A*)— the Rev. Phillip Sandhek of the her initial appearance in a Thes Paris, May 15 (JP)—A new policy for Indochina, both mili Plainville Church, Sunday at the Columtus Home instead of at St, pian major production, she was Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) de James' School. seen in the one-act play "Gander tary and political, wa.s being hammered out today in Paris 11 a.m. service. His subject will and in Wa.shington with one quick immediate prospect—there manded today the "complete be "Preseing Through to Jesus. ” Sauce." which was presented last .story” of any part the .lu.stice Mr. Rask will preach in the eve Reservations will close this eve spring before several local organi likely will be two Pusan-like defense areas established in Indo- Indochina zations. Most recently she appear rhina to fortify the Western hold »———— —---------------------------- 1 Department played in trig ning at 7:30. ning for the dinner at Emanuel Church, Monday, May 17, at 6:30, ed in Gypsy Ro.se Lee’s Hartford there. gering Army charges that he in connection with the annual Edwin I. Quinn production of ’’The Naked Genius." The French Nstlonal Defense The Alpine Society will meet in LADY PEPPERELL and CANNON sought favored military treat meeting of the Manchester Council She has had. extensive modeling Council met yesterday and again ment for Pvt. G. David D irkseii TeHlifies at Hearing a body at 7 o’clock tonight at the of Churches. Reports, election of Edwin L. Quinn, son of Mr. artd experience and is now director and ' COATS and TOPPERS today to determine among other Rush Light Ike Urges ^ W. P. Quish Funeral 'tome to pay officers and a devotional period Mrs. Waitfr B. Quinn. 33 Park' co-owner of the Gwyneth Model- j FLAT SHEETS and PILLOW CASES tiling*, how far it could go In rein Schine, a former aide. respecta to Mrs. Santina Opiazi, ivill be followed by a lecture by St., ha* been named to Phi Beta ing sSchool and Agency in Harl-H forcing Indochina without inviting , And Sen. McClellan (Ark), sen- who was a member of the society. f ^ . Hrastically Reduced rebellloua factionrr In the Assembly lor investigations subcommittee D iscu ss Dean Luthe'r A. Weigle, an im Kappa at Dartmouth College, T ^ 1 3 0 Aircraft to Men Unite i______— ---------------------- Hanover, N. H. He i* one of to throw out the present govern- : Democrat, said that If the Ei.seh- i k portant figure in rell^ous educa CANNON FINE MUSLIN tion fields. 19 member.* of the senior cla.*.* to ■ ment. j bower administration blacks out To Hold Vital Points i details of a .Ian. 21 top-drawer! be ao honored. REG. $2.29—63x99 .... X ................... $1.79 He attended Manchester High C O A T S A . 9 5 Further, evidently with Ameri Fallen Fort ■ conference on the McCarthv-Army For Cause Robert E. Dunfield, .59 Harlan can consultation, France was look I dispute it will hsve to “take the T o F ace School. Hi* father is a graduate ^ PRESCRI^IONS ] Rd.. is attending the Armstrong TAMPAX REG. $2.69— 72x108 ................................. $2.19 ing into a vast regrouping of it* ^CAREFCIXT OOMPOCNDED 1 Cork Co. Bureau of Merchandising of D artm outh, cla.** of 1927. Saigon, Indochina. May 15 "W ib iru y for denying senators Wa.shington, May 15 (/P)— Quinn participated on the rifle Voluos to $49.95 badly scattered forces In Indochina wholesaler training course at Lan in 3 sizes REG. $2.89—81x108 .................... ../>. $2.29 with a view to holding the two (A»)—The French High Com Heicurity IJd Bared President Eisenhower, in an Geneva, May 15 (iP>-^Top diplomat.* of the western' Bif caster. Pa. He is an employe of squad in his sophomore year. most vital point*. These are the mand advised Victminh (Jen. The dmible-barrelled demand on Armed Forces Day address, Three met today in what an informed .source said w«s 5 ses \ tArthur Dnis Stores^ Riimaey Distributors, Inc., Hart (for monthly Red River Delta and the equally Captain David Samuelson of REG. 59c—42x36 ....................... 49c Vo Nguyen Giap today it con* the adminiatration came on the has declared that “free men sion designed to “map out strategy” for secret kast-West ford. tomfory rich section around Saigon. heela of testimony, yesterday the Bloomfield. N. J.. will be the proioOton) Officially, the French and Ameri aidered the evacuation of can do anything when they negotiations on trying to halt the war in Indochina. U. S. speaker at the citadel Sunday, TOPPERS 17th day In the televised proceed- Under Secretary of State W aiter* ------------------- — -------------------— - TY P E 144 cans were closemoiithed about-the wounded from Dien Bien Phu t^s-^that the executive branch of are united in a common cause while Major John Pickup and the Tampax i$ iMtriMily ^-•hole operation but certain sources by light plane and helicopter and set their hearts to that Bedell Smith and France's Foreign band and Songsters of the local worn — n«*4 M , W LADY PEPPERELL SUPERFINE the government has clamped a Minister Oorges Bidault drove to REG. SI 6.9S VALUES NOW $12.95 made it clear the present French secrec.Y lid on the now-famoiia Salvation Arrry are in Ooslon, removed during tliow* government is not considering impracticable and asked that cause.” the villa of Anthony Eden. Britain's a new plan be adopted. huddle in the .lustice Department. Although the Chief Executive foreign secretary to make their Benefit Bid GENERA!/ % ELECTRIC Saturday and Sunday for a heavy • f Of lub. Vttr com- REG. $2.99— 72x108 .............................. $2.49 Indochina a lort cause because of made no specific reference to na-^ schedule of events arranged by the defeat at DIen Blen Phu. and Attending the January meeting plan* for a Monday meeting with pact, effificni, comfort* there were’ AUy. Gen.' Brownell tional policies or inlernationiil the leader* of Russia and Red RAN6ES — REFRIGERATORS — WASHERS Major and Mrs. Benjamin Jones, able, invemad by a REG. $3.29— 81x108 ............... :..... $2.79 ^EG. S19;95 VALUES ... NOW $15.00 is operating with the expectation llanoi, Indochina, May 15 It will have' solid American sup and Deputy Atty. Geil. William events, hi.* talk reflected a back- China. Of Rail Men formerly of the Manchester Corps. dofiOf. (A*)—The French mobilized all Rogers, W'hite House Chief of diop of woiry over the Commu Representatives of Viet* Nam. NO SALESMEN—VERY LOW OVERHEAD Captain Samuelson was graduated $3.69— 90x108 ............... .............. RE^^ S25.00 and port. REG. $2.99 There were two major areas of i)vailable helicoptera and light Staff Sherman Adams and White nist menace in Sou(hea.*t Asia and Laos and Cambodia and the't^m - OPEN 8 to 9—SATURDAY 8 to 5 from the Clas.s of 1929, M anchester elsewhere. $29.95 VALUES.............NOW $19.95 high pressure negotiations aimed planes in Indochina today to House aide Gerald Morgan.