THE VICTORIAN MASONIC GUIDE 2018 PUBLISHED BY THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF VICTORIA Good men, supporting each other, their families and the community. INDEX 2 Administration Office 3 Administration Email Index THE MASONIC GUIDE 3 Board of General Purposes 3 Chamar Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES 4 District Coordinators Lodge Entry $45 per year (includes GST & 1 copy of each issue). 5 FMV Library and Museum No charge for alterations. Price per copy, $11.00 (postage extra). 6 Craft Daylight and Twilight Lodges Payments are to be made to “Freemasons Victoria”. 7 Other Daylight and Twilight Lodges 8-19 Diary of Meetings Please Note: Whilst every possible care is taken in preparation of 20-21 Craft Lodges Index the publication, it is the Secretary's responsibility that their Lodge 22-71 Craft Lodges Directory Entry is up to date and upon receipt advise the Editor of any errors 72 Mark Lodges Index or omissions. 73-85 Mark Lodges Directory All communication must be in writing and submissions on the prescribed 86 Royal Ark Mariners of Victoria Index form, addressed to: 87-93 Royal Ark Mariners of Victoria Directory WBro. Ben Quick 94 Holy Royal Arch Chapters Index PO Box 553, East Melbourne, 8002 95-103 Holy Royal Arch Chapters Directory
[email protected] 104 Other Masonic Rites Index 105-108 Knights Templar (KT) 109-111 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (SC) 112-113 Allied Masonic Degrees (AMD) 114-120 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Australia (AC) 121 The Worshipful Society of Free Masons (OPS) 122-125 The Order of the Secret Monitor (OSM) 126-127 Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests (KTP) 128-130 Masonic and Military Order (RCC) 131 Rectified Scottish Rite (RER) 132-135 Royal and Select Masters (RSM) 136-137 Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) FMV Member 138 The Royal Order of Scotland (ROSC) 139-140 Grand Council of Knight Masons (KM) 141 Royal Order of ERI (ROEri) Benefit Program 142 Masonic Order of Athelstan (ATH) You deserve to be rewarded.