Saint Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 12307 S
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Saint Spyridon Hellenic Orthodox Church 12307 S. Ridgeland Avenue, Palos Heights, IL. 60463 Phone 708-385-2311 * Fax 708-385-0166 Website: * E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Rev. Tilemahos Alikakos, Protopresbyter ~ Mr. James Korbakes, Parish Council President WORSHIP SCHEDULE COMING EVENTS Sunday, February 21st Sunday, February 21st Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee, Triodion begins Sunday School *Archangels Pancake Breakfast Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 8:00 a.m. Monday, February 22nd Memorials: Leonidas & Despina Moustakas Archangels—9 a.m. * Greek Bible—10:30am No fasting this week Greek School-4:30 pm Tuesday, February 23rd Tuesday, February 23rd St. Polycarp—Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 8:00 a.m. Archangels—9 a.m. *Festival Meeting—7pm *Jr. GOYA 7pm Friday, February 26th Wednesday, February 24th Paraklesis—6:00 p.m. Archangels—9:00 a.m. * Cherubs—10:30 a.m. Saturday, February 27th Bible Study—10:30 a.m. * Byzantine Music—6 pm Vespers —5:00 p.m. Iconography—6:00 p.m. * Bible Study—7:00 p.m. Sunday, February 28th Jr. Olympics Basketball Practice—7:00 p.m. Sunday of the Prodigal Son Thursday, February 25th Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 8:00 a.m. Archangels—9:00 a.m. Wedneday, March 2nd Friday, February 26th St. Nicholas Planas Archangels—9a.m. * Greek School -4:30 pm Orthros, Divine Liturgy & Agiasmos—8a.m. Family Fun Night hosted by PTA—6:30 p.m. Friday, March 4th Saturday, February 27th Paraklesis—6:00 p.m. Be the Bee Retreat. Sts. Peter & Paul, Glenview, IL Saturday, March 5th Pee-Wee Ball—11:30 am Saturday of Souls—Orthros, Divine Liturgy & Memorial-8 a.m. Sunday, February 28th Vespers—5:00 p.m. Sunday School * Jr. Choir STEWARDSHIP 2016 Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowledges accountability, rev- erence, and responsibility before God. A primary goal of Stewardship is to promote spiri- tual growth and strengthen faith. Becoming a Steward begins when we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God a portion of the gifts with which they have been blessed. An Orthodox Christian Steward is an active participant in the life of the Church. The parish encourages all who accept the Orthodox Faith to become practicing Stewards. Each year the Steward is expected to carefully review his or her personal circumstances and make a com- mitment of time, talent, and treasure to support the Parish and her Ministries, which in turn support the National Ministries of our Archdiocese, Metropolises, and institutions. We thank the 116 stewards who renewed their pledge for 2016. Stewardship cards are available for everyone who wishes to pledge their 2016 stewardship. The stewardship ma- terials is also available on Please consider making your 2016 Stewardship pledge today or give a stewardship card to a friend or family member. Be the Bee Retreat - All our Goyans are invited to the “Be ANNOUNCEMENTS the Bee Retreat” at Sts. Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church WELCOME— If you are visiting with us today, we wel- in Glenview, IL, on Saturday, February 27th, at 9:30 a.m.. To come you and hope that you will join us regularly for register please visit prayer and fellowship. Today the Archangels parents will Family Synaxis - All our Saint Spyridon families are invited be serving a pancake breakfast immediately following the to participate in the Family Synaxis Retreat hosted by our Divine Liturgy. Donation will be adults-$10 and children parish on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016. More details to follow. under 12-$5 and all proceeds benefit our Archangels Greek Independence Day Celebrations - This year’s Greek Academy. Independence Day Parade in Greektown will be taking place Food Pantry—Please remember the Food Pantry all year on Sunday, April 17th, at 2:30 p.m. In turn, our Greek School long so that we never have to turn anyone away. The observance of Greek Independence Day has been moved to Food Pantry wish list and donation drop-off is located at Sunday, March 27th, 2016, following the Divine Liturgy. the east exit of our community center. Apokreatiko Luncheon - Our Philoptochos of Saint Spyri- Archangels Academy-. Applications for the 2016—2017 don invites you all to Apokreatiko Luncheon on Sunday, School year of Archangels Academy are available in the March 6th, following the Divine Liturgy. Please make your office and on our website. Please be aware that applica- reservations by calling the church office. tions are accepted on a first come first serve basis with Church Bell—In preparation for the 100th Anniversary, we priority given to St. Spyridon stewards and alumni. We are starting a new project which centers around our bell and have limited space so please plan accordingly. As of to- bell tower. The old Saint Spyridon Church in Roseland had day, there is only one open spot remaining. Please con- acquired a cast iron bell from the Zion Evangelical Lutheran tact Ms. Jan at [email protected] or 385-2311 Church of Chicago which had suffered a fire in the 1950’s. to set up a visit to our school. Our preschool accepts stu- We hope that as we journey toward the 100th Anniversary, dents who will be three years old by September 1st, 2016. we can take on this endeavor and have our Saint Spyridon Festival Meeting—Our annual summer festival will take Bell ring once again. You can see the bell in the hallway by place on July 9th & 10th. A festival planning meeting will our bookstore. There is a donation box there for anyone take place at church on Tuesday, February 23rd, at 7:00 wishing to donate toward the bell restoration, or you may p.m. Everyone interested in helping with festival prepa- contact Fr. Tilemahos at the church office. rations is welcome. Building Committee Meeting—Our Maintenance and St. Paul's Second Letter to Timothy 3:10-15 Capital Projects Committee Meeting will take place on TIMOTHY, my son, you have observed my teaching, my Tuesday, March 1st, at 7:00 p.m. Please forward any sug- conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my gestions or concerns for the committee to the church of- steadfastness, my persecutions, my sufferings, what befell fice. me at Antioch, at lconion, and at Lystra, what persecutions I Valentine’s Day Party—On Friday, February 26th, at 6:30 endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me. Indeed all p.m. we are hosting our 3rd annual Valentine’s Party for who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be perse- all of our St. Spyridon’s youth and their parents. This year cuted, while evil men and impostors will go on from bad to the party will include a Potluck meal. All families attend- worse, deceivers and deceived. But as for you, continue in ing the party are requested to bring their favorite dish to what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing share! There will be games, crafts, & music for all to en- from whom you learned it and how from childhood you joy. We need volunteers to help organize games and ac- have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are tivities. PTA will help in the planning of the food. Please able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Je- see one of our PTA members and let us know what you sus. are able to volunteer with. The Gospel according to St. Luke “Greeks Got Talent” - The PTA is hosting the “Greeks The Lord said this parable, "Two men went up into the tem- Got Talent” event on Friday, March 11th. Please turn in ple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The forms ASAP if you or your child is interested in partici- Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, 'God, I thank pating. Volunteers are needed to help make this a suc- you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adul- cessful event. Thank you Maria Baltsas for organizing this terers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I event the past few years. Please contact a PTA mem- give tithes of all that I get.' But the tax collector, standing far ber or Maria for more information. off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his Pee-Wee Basketball - Our Pee-Wee team will finish its breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!' I tell you, season with a game and party on Saturday, February 27th this man went down to his house justified rather than the at 11:30 a.m. Come and join the fun with our Pee-Wee other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but basketball players. he who humbles himself will be exalted." 100TH Hymns of the Publican and the Pharisee ANNIVERSARY Brethren, let us not offer prayer CELEBRATION as did the Pharisee, for he who You are invited to join in exalts himself will be brought to the planning of our humility. Let us humble ourselves church's landmark celebra- in the presence of God, as did the tion - 100 years of service Publican, and through fasting cry to our families. Committee to Him, "God, be merciful to us members met on January sinners." 19th to discuss the commemorative album.