

Kim Deitch,Renee French,Kevin Huizenga,Steven Weissman,Julia Gfrörer | 250 pages | 16 Jun 2016 | | 9781606999127 | English | Seattle, United States Kramers Ergot 7 Signing

It must be stated up front that Kramers Ergot has made Kramers Ergot: No. 9 far too easy for critics. Anthologies are often difficult to analyze, because most of them wear the pragmatic limits of their creation like flimsy invisible dust jackets. It is not uncommon, I think, for editors to surrender to chance when putting these things together; you can hook up with however many contributors you want, and coordinate as best you can with those contributors you want to pursue, and reject, in the face of plenty, those submissions you can't use, but to an extent you are at the mercy of what you are given. And indeed, there are anthologies most succinctly described as 'what was given. Kramershowever, has long offered a pillowy slipstream on which the featherweight may drift behind; in this group I include myself. Who could forget the technological acuity of Kramers Ergot 4 Avodah Books, : production so sharp that you were bade not only to read stories-as-stories or factor drawing-as-drawing, but to consider textural components and the play of media — and, implicitly, the character of reproduction itself in art primed for mass distribution? You could ride that breeze all the way to Kramers Ergot 7 ,a toddler-high harassment of bygone-Sunday-funnies dimensions, then crash bloodily to earth with Kramers Ergot 8 PictureBox Books,as gnashing a howl of despair at the futility of it all as I've seen from a high- profile comics anthology. It's not that you can't also evaluate the strengths of the contents therein, but there is a unique character to the various Kramers that afford a ready chassis for review. So what the fuck do you make of Kramers Ergot 9? Where once Kramers seemed restless in terms of format, it Kramers Ergot: No. 9 now be characterized with some yen for stability, or even a desire to recapture the feel of the series' heyday. But these are simplistic poetics, and while Kramers 9 is probably the most difficult-to-classify of the volumes since Kramers Ergot 6 Buenaventura Press,it is nonetheless shot through with continuing themes of illusion and mistake: perfect for an American election year. The whole affair starts with a Steven Weissman story in which a Native American rider surveys a mighty canyon, searching for his Silver Medicine Horse. Pictured often in long shot, dabbled by shadows among high rock walls, the hero recalls Jesse Marsh's Tarzan in Kramers Ergot: No. 9 landscape stripped of foliage, though this man is hardly in control of his environment. He is stranded by a storm, menaced by a big cat, and bitten, finally, by the Silver Medicine Horse, which was demonstrably never in his control. Perhaps the horse is fate, laughing at the hero's projection of confidence and stranding him in a dark cave of uncanny secrets. Similarly troubled are Jay and Kay, the frequent heroines of comics by John Pham, who's been doing his best work in recent issues of his Epoxy series. In those books, comics are bound Kramers Ergot: No. 9 of comics, so that Pham's style shifts as the reader draws closer to the center, growing more text-heavy and cartoonily humorous as the pamphlets-within-pamphlets become Kramers Ergot: No. 9 smaller. There is no such context in Kramerswhich throws the satiric qualities of Jay and Kay into sharper relief: hug-prone best buds, they are generally unable to deal with the realities of life despite the support and positivity they offer one another, which mainly serve to reinforce their preconceptions. Here, googly-eyed as ever -- Pham drawing as if contracted by a distinctly saccharine children's magazine -- the pair explore a scary graveyard in search of a lost child, eventually discovering that the local monsters are actually homeless people, some of them veterans of war. Yet despite the innocence of the heroines' misunderstanding, not all of the locals appreciate their intentions; their fussy care for others is ineffectual, and arguably selfish. There is little to do but return to their own home, Kramers Ergot: No. 9 which they are at least familiar. War again figures in, this time finding soldiers in the midst of friendly plunder, entering homes in occupied areas to collect supplies. Quickly, the writing falls out of sync with the pictures, as householders posing as cooperative fire upon the departing troops from a distance. Not every contribution is so grave, but characters throughout are rarely wise to trust their assumptions. , of course, is an old hand at this, whipping up Kramers Ergot: No. 9 chapter from his personal history of disposable-culture-as-hidden-myth, this time concerning the White Jungle Hero trope; a young boy's messianic and bestial destiny is sidetracked by Kramers Ergot: No. 9 intervention and electroshock therapy, with only the prospect of reincarnation looming as the salvation of his desires. But preceding it is an alternate and far more severe rendition of similar themes, from the always-striking Lale Westvind. But the weight of violence is such that she cannot continue, and she is reborn a scarred jungle heroine, living among beasts and their unconcerned appetites while waiting to die. And then, a little later, you might catch reflections of all of this in a wholly unrelated story, an untitled piece by Manuele Fior. On a class trip to Paris, a tutor cannot help but notice her class's disdain for her stern and intellectual ways. A colleague narrates Kramers Ergot: No. 9 discrepancy between the ideal of a place and the reality; the tutor lectures casually on the swarming Kramers Ergot: No. 9 of people on each other, at which point her purse is stolen. Yet before long she has abandoned her work to wander the city — to confront the illusion, or to submerge herself within it? There are seven tiers of panels. The first three concern her address, and conclude with her eyes being closed and ghouls stealing the child. The next three concern her flight, real or dreamed, literal or allegorical, as she digs the child up breathing from a fresh grave. The final tier Kramers Ergot: No. 9 her entirely. The child has grown. She falls and cries, but rises again. Yet I am risk of becoming trapped in impositions myself; this is not a hard- and-fast theme of Kramers 9just a striking commonality among a good number of Kramers Ergot: No. 9 pieces. Some of them are just funny jokes, like those of Andrew Jeffrey Kramers Ergot: No. 9 an escalating war of art between graffiti punks and a very inspired janitor or Ben Jones a spiraling bit of slapstick, read in a Brian Chippendale- like coil. Some of the better of them are expert slices of life: Gabrielle Bell accompanying her mother on a richly-observed adventure in home- buying; Trevor Alixopulos tracking an eventful night in the life of a punk stumbling adjacent to a 'respectable' future. The level of quality is generally pretty high, though I don't think there's much in here that feels avant-garde or particularly transgressive re: the boundaries of the medium. That's an expectation built chiefly by the formidability of the series' prior numbers, but it's good to expect a lot. Still, to my eye, since Kramers 8what is unique about the series is the restless sense of anxiety in its stories, as if the book is preparing for Kramers Ergot: No. 9. Throughout, people are unwilling or unable to successfully navigate the world. Anya Davidson a welcome source of bold, hot colors offers a short biography of Hypatia of Alexandria, seen first rejecting the Kramers Ergot: No. 9 abandon of the Earthly plane, only to be murdered via the convenient metaphysics of Kramers Ergot: No. 9 and political conflict. Michael DeForge is vicious -- always underrated, him, for his viciousness -- in depicting the rictus of a college boy suspended in a social media bubble of false, commodified emotion, the program Kramers Ergot: No. 9 sucking his dick and telling him it loves him while presenting emails as delicate chicks and wiki searches as animals gutted in a field, their entrails read and spilled to help the boy slide by in Kramers Ergot: No. 9. For what were they searching? Great review! What did Kramers Ergot: No. 9 think of the Adam Buttrick entry? That spun my head in a good way, was looking forward to any comments you had on it. I think its effect basically comes from appearing extremely basic and then disrupting those expectations to disquieting effect, which is also what I think Tim Hensley often does albeit not in Kramers 9though he and Buttrick are otherwise very different artists. He certainly makes you wonder how his art will develop…. Your Kramers Ergot: No. 9 address will not be published. In this interview, Richard Sala discusses his genre influences, style, and pop culture obsession. Skip to content. John Pham. Dash Shaw. Lale Westvind. Walker says:. Joe McCulloch says:. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Subscribe to our newsletter Get Kramers Ergot: No. 9 weekly dose of comics news, insightful criticism, and colorful Kramers Ergot: No. 9 diaries! First Name. Last Name. Kramer Ergot #9 | Wow Cool

This is where anything goes with subversion ruling the day. The shifts can be jarring but the payoffs can be great too. We can do a little bit of comparing to my previous review dealing with Aboriginal people. Its goal is clarity of purpose and to deliver compelling facts much like Kramers Ergot: No. 9 documentary. Steven Weissman has a different take in keeping with the goals of Kramers Ergot. In his story, the Native American character seems to have been stripped of any significance. He feels more like just a guy and flawed in a low-key sort of way. No great drama. This guy is a little jerk a favorite comics trope : basically selfish and inconsiderate. The simplicity and Zen-like quality to this comic can be deceiving too. As we see, he might be on a quest, per se. But he is petty narrow-minded and Kramers Ergot: No. 9 kills off any mystery. In the end, the animals will eventually pull rank on him. He is no hero but the story itself is magical. There is plenty of irony in this short work as opposed to a more earnest approach with the last book I reviewed. The computer and college student love Kramers Ergot: No. 9 other and they engage in unabashed sex. The acts they engage in are joyous and Kramers Ergot: No. 9 in a relatively tasteful manner. It is what it is. And, sure enough, it will offend some readers and helps to place this book in a teen and up category. The artwork is spare and crisp. Each reader will need to make their own value judgment on this one. Is it too crass? And, all I can say here is that Bell keeps getting better and better. If someone could get Bell to take her comics and adapt them into a series on HBO, that would be something! And pretty darn inexpensive. Shaw and Bell, along with a number of Kramers Ergot: No. 9 artists in this book, belong to the same tribe, as Peter Schjeldahl has put it regarding certain artists from a certain time and place. And, what I say about Bell, also holds true for Shaw albeit in a different sort of way special to him. And the sheer power of persistence will carry him Kramers Ergot: No. 9 to a higher level. And I really like the more refined handling of the artwork compared to some work in the past. And, whatever Shaw is up to with a Civil War theme is okay by me! It is Alexandria, Egypt, circa CE. We find Hypatia, a young woman who is trying her best to tutor Anaxis, a wayward and lusty young man. She leaves him frustrated and in a rush to present a lecture on the algebraic equations of Diophantus. But, before she gets too far, she is forcefully detained. She has been sentenced to death for crimes Kramers Ergot: No. 9 the Kramers Ergot: No. 9. This is a story that quickly builds up to its dramatic and abrupt ending. Yes, Matthew Thurber is sick and tired of being associated with James Thurber. Then it really sucks! Why did there ever have to be a James Thurber in the first place?! And then, as fate would have it, Matthew Thurber stumbles upon a plot by the writers who once held court at the fabled Algonquin Round Table. You know the bunch. People like Dorothy Parker and S. Well, they would all like to see Thurber dead too! Utterly hilarious and drawn in a wry and witty style. Hooray for Matthew Thurber, no relation to James Thurber. It seems that the little one got lost in Holy Lake Cemetery. This Kramers Ergot: No. 9 an excellent immersive narrative playing off more traditional comics storytelling. While invested with a lighthearted and whimsical quality, in the same spirit as the best comics of yesteryear, a dark wisdom prevails. This is neither earnest or ironic. Really, quite beautiful. We follow a woman who seems, at first, of no significance, more like a kook who would use tin foil to pick up signals from Mars. But the kooks shall inherit the Earth, right? It turns out that she has tapped into something cosmic. Our main character, in turn, is engaging in a gathering of beings from various interstellar origins. They are all gathered to feast upon each other, mind, body, and soul. However, the animals seem to understand these dark secrets all too well. This is a book full of A-list cartoonists. These are the sort of comics artists for whom it is a point of pride to be squarely in the alternative comics camp. That means comics that are an alternative to genre, especially the superhero genre. Would they be at all interested in a corporate gig? No, not in general but do give them a call. They are mostly interested in the art. A lot of these cartoonists are willing to only ask for some legitimacy and maybe even a taste of immortality. That is where Kramers Ergot: No. 9 book such as Kramers Ergot gains its strength and Kramers Ergot: No. 9. It is published by Fantagraphics Books. Comics Grinder. Skip to content. Kramers Ergot 9. Like this: Like Loading August 18, at pm. Excellent review. Thank you. Kramers Ergot: No. 9 Chamberlain. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Search for:. A Night at Kramers Ergot: No. 9 Sorrento and Other Stories. Like Us On Facebook. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Kramers Ergot #9 by Sammy Harkham

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Kramers Ergot 9 by Sammy Harkham. Kim Deitch. Kevin Huizenga. Michael DeForge. Powerful and impulsive cartooning of the highest caliber still exists in the short form; you just have to look. For all these lonely lovers, Kramers Ergot fights the good fight and gathers many of the best and brightest together in one giant, oversized collection. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Kramers Ergot 9. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Kramers Ergot 9please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Kramers Ergot 9. Jun 03, Rod Brown rated it did not like it. Aside from one or two pieces that are tolerable, this is mostly a compendium of the sort of bullshit, nonsensical art comics that I despise. Garbage and a pure waste of time. Dec 02, vostendrasamigosyotengolibros rated it liked it. May 07, J. It feels almost sacrilegious to give an issue of Kramers Ergot three stars, but please read on for my reasons. By Kramers Ergot: No. 9, anthologies are a mixed bag. That's in part, why I am always drawn to them. You may not love every piece included, but hopefully you'll find at least one new artist you weren't previously aware of to follow. I should mention that I'm much more into narrative comics rather than "art comics", so that may explain my gripes with some of the work included. If you like more experimental arty comics, take my review with a grain of salt. I was ecstatic to see something new from Archer Prewitt, but I wish it Kramers Ergot: No. 9 been longer than one page. Don't get me wrong, it's nicely presented and oversized, but the slick presentation seems a bit unnecessary. I remember issue 7's size being a big deal, and some of the artists utilized the oversized format to their advantage but here it seems like an afterthought. Dec 26, Scott Gilbert added it Kramers Ergot: No. 9 artscomix. I never paid this much money for a comic in my fucking life. But I was helping out a new bookstore owner, and I figured I'd get the best comix ever here. And there are a few pieces in this that are astounding, funny, and truly innovative. But overall, the majority of the stories are uninspired, hipster bullshit, with very little visual and narrative invention on display. I'm tired of this shit, from North American comics. We need to step up the game. Oct 14, Eric rated it it was ok. I'm going to be entirely honest here. This was Kramers Ergot: No. 9 unskilled and actually pretty boring. I found myself setting it down Kramers Ergot: No. 9 times out of boredom before picking it back up again, but I did finally finish it. I couldn't make it Kramers Ergot: No. 9 many of these pieces without skimming. I'm not sure what inspires people to produce anticlimactic and directionless stories of an artless nature, but I suspect it's probably getting high and then having nothing to do There were a few ok pieces, but nothing really stood out to me personally except maybe Kim Deitch's piece. Oct 23, Andrew rated it really Kramers Ergot: No. 9 it Shelves: comicsi-own-this. I finally get my greasy mitts on a Kramers Ergot collection. I love Sammy Harkham's work but he's either not very prolific or just hard to find. I used to dislike anthology series, but now I typically find Kramers Ergot: No. 9 highly enjoyable. I've just learned to ignore the stories I disliked and I tend to not factor them heavily in my score. After all, I think I would rather anthology to have some really great stories and be inconsistent than be consistently average. It's all about the best stories, it's eas I finally get my greasy mitts on a Kramers Ergot collection. It's all about the best stories, it's easy to forgive an editor for letting some trash slip through if he's also finding gems that no one else publishes. I enjoyed a good number of the stories here and I can't wait to read more from this series. Dec 29, Derek Royal rated it liked it. Overall, I enjoyed the latest Kramers Ergot. And there are some selections from it that are truly outstanding, pieces that are some of my favorite reads of this year. The Kim Deitch contribution is one that immediately leaps Kramers Ergot: No. 9 mind. But as a complete text, an anthology with a cohesiveness however looseI'm less enthusiastic. There were a number of contributions that were mediocre, or at least they didn't do much for me. Maybe one of the problems for me Kramers Ergot: No. 9 that I had high expectations for thi Overall, I enjoyed the latest Kramers Ergot. Maybe one of the problems for me is that I had high expectations for this, and I was really looking forward to this book since it's been awhile since the last Kramers Ergot and the first that Fantagraphics is putting out. And the experience of Kramers Ergot: No. 9 it fell below those expectations. Dec 15, Alex L Combs rated it really liked it. A fun way to discover new artists! Kind of annoying because many are only short excerpts of longer works, but that's kind of the point. It's a nice showcase of unusual comic Kramers Ergot: No. 9. Jun 13, Ryan rated it liked it Shelves: justok. Some pretty good stuff. There were a couple of throwaways one pagers that just weren't the right size, needed a larger format. I found myself surprised when a story actually made sense. And I don't mind this so much if either the tone is interesting or the art is nice to look at. But there are a Kramers Ergot: No. 9 of stories in this book that are intentional nonsense and meant to be ugly. Not a big fa Some pretty good stuff. Not a big fan of that, scribbles don't make a good comic story, maybe that seems shallow if you love art comics, but it's just my preference. Kramers Ergot: No. 9 09, Peacegal rated it liked it. It was Ok Oct 14, Sonic rated it really liked it. A real mixed bag a varying quality, but it's always weird and almost always interesting. Dec 05, Matt rated it liked it. Wild artsy bits. Seems like an excuse for transgressive stuff at times. Dec 08, Aaron rated it it was amazing Shelves: comics.