Land Tenure and Rights Team

Cristina Alvarez | Senior Associate

Cristina Alvarez has more than 20 years of experience managing international and economic development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Cristina specializes in project management, tenure and property rights, land information systems, and organizational capacity strengthening.

Creighton Camera | Staff Associate

Creighton Camera has more than four years of experience in international and business development project management in the Middle East, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. She specializes in economic growth and trade policy.

Ariana Frascatore | Staff Associate

Ariana Frascatore has more than three years of experience supporting international development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a specific focus on tenure, , and democracy and governance.

Mark Freudenberger | Senior Associate

Mark Freudenberger, PhD, has 35 years of primarily field experience in francophone West and Central Africa and Madagascar in regional and rural planning, public policy and governance advocacy on land tenure, landscape conservation, regenerative , conflict minerals, and livelihood diversification.

Laura Gallup | Associate

Laura Gallup has 10 years of experience in international development with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa. She has experience in project management, environmental policy, survey research, natural resource management (mangrove reforestation), and Indigenous Peoples issues. Land Tenure and Property Rights Team

Jennifer Graham | Associate

Jennifer Graham has more than 20 years of experience working in Africa, Latin America, and Central and Southeast Asia. Her centers on natural resources management, environmental peacebuilding, and institutional strengthening.

Melissa Hall | Deputy Chief of Party

Melissa Hall has 12 years of experience supporting land tenure and natural resource rights and governance projects, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Her experience includes project management, capacity building, and policy.

Megan Huth | Senior Associate

Megan Huth has over 20 years of experience in community engagement and participatory land governance and documentation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her work focuses on the recognition of customary land rights, planning and land administration.

John (Jack) Keefe | Senior Associate

John (Jack) Keefe, J.D., has 20 years of experience in mass property rights claims adjudication, property restitution, systematic land registration and titling, and developing policies and strategies in post-conflict and transitioning countries. His experience spans Africa, Eastern and Central Asia.

Christian Kolar | Senior Associate

Christian Kolar has 25 years of experience managing economic growth, land reform, and governance in Latin America and the Caribbean. His experience includes 10 years of program management postings in Honduras, Bolivia, and Colombia. Land Tenure and Property Rights Team

Catherine Picard | Senior Associate

Catherine Picard, Ph.D. has 20 years of experience in natural resource management and governance in sub Saharan Africa, including: artisanal mining, community-based conservation, protected areas management, institutional capacity building, and the intersection of natural resources, business and human rights.

Ian Rose | Senior Associate

Ian Rose is a land rights lawyer with 20 years of international development experience. He has led land administration and titling projects in Mozambique and Cabo Verde, and access to justice projects in Colombia and Lebanon. His technical work currently focuses on land policy reform, customary tenure, public private partnerships and coastal tenure.

Jolyne Sanjak | Sector Director

Jolyne Sanjak, Ph.D., is an agricultural economist who engages with partners to strengthen land governance, enhance rural livelihood opportunities, and champion gender equality and social inclusion. She has 30+ years of experience, globally.

Matt Sommerville | Chief of Party, ILRG Zambia

Matt Sommerville, Ph.D. is an expert in land and natural resource policy, particularly related to land rights, private sector engagement, and forest and wildlife governance. Matt’s experience spans Southeast Asia, West, East and Southern Africa, and Central America, including multi-year postings in Zambia and Madagascar.

Nigel Thomson | Senior Associate

Nigel Thomson is a property lawyer holding a master’s degree in International and Comparative Law. He has been working on housing, land and property issues in the international development context for more than 20 years, including land rights administration, legislative development, human rights, and post-conflict land rights issues.