Heresy in 1600 Q 329
Index of Transcribed Tapes Prepared by The Jonestown Institute ( Key: Red type = Public figures/National and international names/Individuals not in Temple Blue type = Radio codes * = Voice on tape † = Died on November 18, 1978 [Notes at end] A Abedi, Agha Hasan, founder of BCCI bank in London Q 745 Abel, I.W., president of the United Steel Workers Q 153 Abercrombie, Hal, teacher at Opportunity High Q 735 Abernathy, Ralph, Civil rights worker, president of Southern Christian Leadership Conference Q 211, Q 314, Q 381, Q 382, Q 968, Q 1053-4 Abigail (reference seemingly to stateside person) Q 592 Abourezk, James, U.S. Senator, Democrat from South Dakota Q 49a, Q 198, Q 259, Q 289, Q 294, Q 314, Q 398 Abruzzo, Benjamin L., captain of the balloon Double Eagle Q 398 Ackman, Margaret, leader in Guyana’s People’s National Congress Q 50, Q 161, Q 322 Adams, John, former U.S. president Q 238 Adams, John, supporter of Dennis Banks Q 614 Adams, Norman, Guyanese official Q 724 Adams, Odell, Guyanese attorney Q 241 Adams, Paula Q 51, Q 197, Q 245*, Q 268, Q 347, Q 569, Q 570, Q 573, Q 588, Q 590, Q 598, Q 606, Q 639, Q 640, Q 662, Q 678, Q 705*, Q 781, Q 833*, Q 868 [in code], Q 933, Q 1058-3 (See also, Paula) Adams, Tom (See also, Tom) Q 708, Q 757, Q 900* Addonozio, Hugh, former Mayor of Newark, New Jersey Q 737 Adefope, Henry, Nigerian Foreign Minister Q 309 †Addison, Steve (See also, Steve ) Q 182, Q 242, Q 594*, Q 993, Q 1055-2 Aemilianus, Scipio Q 742 Africanus, Leo, map maker and explorer Q 742 Africanus, Scipio, military commander Q 742 Afshar, Amir Khosrow, Iranian Foreign Minister Q 266 Agee, Philip, former CIA agent, critic of agency Q 176, Q 184, Q 309, Q 342, Q 397 Agnes (See also, Jones, Agnes) Q 454 Agnew, Spiro, Vice President of U.S.
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