^ S ■$! f i y . n*Flb. AS IT LOOKS FROM HERE 24 Vol. 67, No. 43 3,1955 'he Township Committee Election For about the past two months The Item has presented series of articles prepared by Robertson D. Ward, Repub- jc a n , and Dickinson R. Debevoise, Democrat, candidates or election to the Township Committee. The election at MILLBURN hich the voters will-express their choice will be next Tues- jay, November 8, with the polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. We feel confident these articles have been instructive c and nil interesting and have served to make many residents n0re conscious of our local government. We hope this in­ vest continues in the years to come regardless of the out­ 7TEM come of Tuesday’s voting. For the first time in many years the Democratic candi- )ate for Township Committeeman has conducted ‘a real V ampaign locally in contrast to most of his predecessors •hose names generally just appeared on the ballot. We are lad Mr. Debevoise saw fit to conduct an active campaign Founded 18 8 8 Published every Thursday a t M I L L B U R P } . TEN CENTS ASA n this historically predominant Republican community. We eel his efforts have created a new awareness of the inipor- ssssssmSSSssBsrnaam ance of our local government. However, we do not agree Lanahan Retires , ith some of the points he has raised in the campaign. Item Available Democratic Party Township Committee Candidates L a r g e V o t e We feel Millburn has had the benefit of a very active * nd adequate Planning Board. We feel our Township Com- From Plan Board Expected Here ittee has done a very remarkable job in providing Millburn Early Thursday In Final W eek Henry Lanahan of Gap View -ith good government. We feel our growth has been or- road has retired as a member Due to tiie requests of numer­ ous commuters arrangements Next Tuesday |erly, well planned and controlled and that it will continue and chairman of the Millburn o develop as one of the best communities in the country. have been made to have The Of Local Campaign Planning Board effective at the Item available at newsstands Political observers here expect end of his term last Saturday. Over the years undoubtedly changes will be made and as soon as they open Thursday The Democratic Party in Mill­ one of the largest percentage votes Mr. Lanahan has served as a ierhaps a charter study will be recommended in the future, mornings. Early commuters burn is completing the final week to be recorded next Tuesday when member of the board since Octo­ t committee of civic association representatives is already therefore will now be able to of an intensive two and one-half the voters will elect a state sen­ ber of 1942 and was named chair­ purchase The Item with their month campaign in Millburn and ator, members of the General As­ , work on the feasibility of such a study. We do not feel man of the board following the regular daily morning paper. Short HMls. sembly, a county clerk, a county e need to rush into the formation of a charter commission. resignation of Ira C. Moore earlier register, four members of the As a close and long time observer of the Township this year. Party spokesmen state, “It has Board of Freeholders, and a mem­ nmmittee, the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment Mayor William B. Gero 'wrote supported the bi-partisan cam­ ber of the Township Committee. All paign of its local candidate for nd other Township agencies and officials, we are proud of Mr. Lanahan the following letter polling places will be open from following his retirement. Next Blood Bank the Township Committee, Dickin­ 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. he job which has been done. son R. Debevoise. It has given its “It is with regret that I comply Both the Republican and Dem­ unqualified endorsement of his For the past three years Robertson D. Ward has been with your request to retire from ocratic parties have conducted Here November 17 platform, which includes a stand member of the Township Committee and for the past year the Planning Board at the end of active campaigns for all offices member of the Planning Board. We believe him to be an your present term—Oct. 29, 1955. Employees of Chubb Si Sons will for non-partisan elections in Mill­ and a close vote is expected burn and the formation of a non­ nvaluable member and force on these two most important I am certain I speak for the en­ donate to the Essex County Blood throughout the county. Locally tire Board that your retirement partisan charter commission as ■•dies. We believe his financial experience and his long Bank Thursday November J7 at interest centers on the contest be­ from active duty will not only be Red Cross between the hours of authorized by state law for the tween Republican incumbent Rob­ „ne residence and activity here make him eminently quali- a loss to the Township but to the 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. Plans for this purpose of modernizing Millburn's ROBERTSON D. WARD, Repub-1 DICKINSON R. DEBEVOISE, ertson D. Ward and his Demoreatic ied to be returned to office. individual members as well. bank were completed at a meet­ outmoded committee system of lican candidate. ! Democratic candidate. opponent Dickinson R. Debevoise. We strongly recommend the reelection of Mr. Ward “During your tenure of office ing of the Blood Donor Service government.” ★ Both candidates have conducted ext Tuesday. you have taken an important part Committee last Tuesday at Red On Tuesday evening a gather­ active local campaigns in contrast in an outstanding municipal plan­ Cross. ing was held at the home of Mrs. t.» former years when Democratic ning activity. In fact, so outstand­ Chubb Si Sons annually recruit Lewis Warner of Locust avenue, Call Item For G O P Organizations candidates have made little if any ing that the department of muni­ a percentage of their employees to which seventy persons were in­ effort to garner other than straight cipal government at Trenton vited to hear Debevoise present D e f e n s e 100th Anniversary to donate blood to the bank. This Stress Import Of Democratic voters. ranks Millburn planning and gov­ qualifies the company as a par­ his program. After Debevoise con­ Election Result Millburn Township traditionally ernment high, if not among the ticipating industry and assures cluded his remarks, the floor was has been predominarftly Republi­ "est S a t i s f i e s Data Wanted first, in the municipalities of the blood protection to all Chubb em­ thrown open for. general discus­ Local election results will be Coming Election can and every effort is being made state. ployees and their families. sion and questions. This meeting furnished by The Item next by the Republican County Com­ In preparation for the ob­ concluded the campaign in the Tuesday night, November 8. As mittee to continue this dominance “You have also been fortunate Individual donors also may Millburn Republican organiza­ ,ocal O fficials servance of Millburn Town­ to have witnessed the substantial South Mountain area. the polls close at 8 p.m. infor­ by getting out the vote. The sub­ make appointments to donate tion spokesmen today issued the ship's 100th anniversary in mation will probably not be urban Essex County municipalities completion of many of the major blood to this batik. Under the The Debevoise campaign con­ following statement relative to the M illburn Civil Defense officials 1957 the Centennial Committee plans, such as the establishment available before 8:30 or later. are counted on to offset this ex­ xpressed satisfaction with the present credit system, credit sisted of concentrated effort in coming election. is soliciting old pictures, maps, of a Master Plan; advanced zon­ five areas of Millburn. Three areas The telephone number is DR pected heavy Democratic vote eal results of the CD test last cards are issued to a donor at personal recollections and an­ ing; sewer construction; traffic were die Washington School sec­ 6-1200. “A few weeks ago the election from Newark for county offices. hursday evening, according to the time of the initial donation. on Tuesday November 8 promised ecdotes, printed matter and relief; parking facilities; sfhool The Blood Donor Committee tion, South Mountain, Wyoming, Spearheaded by the local con­ udyard Jennings, new Civil De­ to be just another off-year elec­ test between Mr. Ward and Mr. data of all desciptions which facilities and fire protective facil­ wishes to remind holders of credit Country Club and Deerfield. In nse Director. tion. Now every indication points Debevoise, local voters are urged have a bearing on Millburn’s ities. cards that an annual donation of each area Mr. Debevoise’s com- j All tra ff ic in Millburn was to its being the most important by both parties to exercise their history. Material should be “Although you will not partici­ blood is required for renewal. A mittee members arranged gather- \ \ J ^ y A RnflnvCPfl jpped from 6 to 6:10 p.m. and off-year election in the history of voting privilege on Tuesday. More retary, at the Recreation pate In the formal discussions of credit card is a guarantee of ings in private homes. When not j * * ttlU L/IIUUI oCU vilians were cleared from the Millburn Township. Several hun­ than 9,000 voters are registered Building, Taylor Park. Infor­ the Planning Board we hope to be blood protection to the donor and attending such meetings, Mr. rcets as the local disaster unit here and predictions are that last mation from the material sub­ able to utilize your experience his family for the period ef r » Debevoise and his workers cam- I t ) . . I A f dred volunteer workers' are now year’s 76 per cent of the eligible cut into action in the first rush sent to George H. Bauer, sec- should occasion arise, With sin­ year. * paigned from door to door. 1 D y D O tlT U Vy l in the final week of their efforts #ur ra id drill since Wftyld JVar nrttted will be accumulated for cere appreciation for your serv­ to get out the vote. They will voters going to the polls will be A percentage of all blood col­ His campaign manager, John l . _ exceeded. The “High Brass” operated possible publication. All items ices and our best wishes for the • continue their work until the polls um Tow n Hall where a two way lected by the Essex County Blood ★ should be clearly marked with future, I remain Bank Is reserved for use of mem­ summarized his view of the local So. M ountain A ss’n close on idio k ep t Millburn in touch with the owners name and address. W. B. Gero, Mayor” bers of the community who, for campaign by stating. “The most j “For the most part these volun- e E ssex County disaster con- Caivano Heads ★ reasons of health or age, have significant development during The Board* of Governors of the! teers are working for one or anoth- nl unit. been unable themselves to donate tiie past few months has been the South Mountain Estates Civic As- ^ of the Republican D irector Jennings, Police Chief Senior Class blood. substantial amount of Republican . , , . . . I in the township. Some of them are MD Fund Drive toeckle and Auxiliary Police soeiation voted last Tlnusday assisting nccictincr thothe RepublicanRnnnhlioan fminlvCounty Parade Appointments for the Novem­ support which is backing Debe­ end H o m e r Wright made a rapid 500 endorse Robertson D. Ward for Committee of Millburn Township The appointment of Joseph Cai­ Play Nov. 18 ber 17 bank may be made by voise’s program.” spection of local streets and member of the Township Commit- which iias the responsibility of vano of the Millburn Post Office phoning DR 9-4197. isited South Mountain School For Halloween By Rita Zimany in Tuesday’s election. getting out the vote on election as chairman of the 1955 March ★ for Muscular Dystrophy iin Mill- here a f ir s t aid unit was in op- The senior class of Millburn Arts Center Plans itei,The Local Affairs Committee, day. An estimated 500 costumed bum was announced today by the ation with its own radio tele- High School will present “The Ad­ Left Turn Ban “All of the Republican organiza­ hone set. Other first aid units youngsters and a few adults par­ consisting of Vice President J. T. tions in the township have united Muscular Dystrophy Association miral Crichton” on November 18 Show at Library Kelly, Jr. and Secretary Edward of America. ere in operation at the high ticipated in the seventh annual at 8:30 p. m. in the high school to send out a letter urging on the hool, Wyoming School, Wash- Millburn Fire Department Hal­ auditorium, under the direction of To Be Continued L. Arnold, Jr„ outlined the plat­ voters the importance of the elec­ Chairman Caivano announced igton School and Christ Church, loween parade Monday night in An exhibition of paintings by that the Millburn quota had been Miss Dorothy Dromeshauscr and members of the Millburn-Short forms of Mr. Ward and Dickinson tion and at the same time asking igh school students acted as one of the most colorful events of Police Chief Frank J. Stoeckle them to make a contribution to set for $2,184 to be sought in a student directors Rosy Wood and Hills Arts Center will open at the R. Debevoise as stated by them essengers and were active in the fall season. Led by Uncle has announced that the ban on the Essex County Republican mail campaign. Phil Scaturro. Millburn Public Library in its on October 19 at the public meet­ idio and first aid work. Sam who was escorted by Girl left turns from Essex street into Committee. This will be followed Mr. Caivano,. who is secretary The play will have as its lead­ gallery above the bookstacks on ing at the high school and as re­ George A. Mott supervised op­ and Boy Scouts and the Millburn Main street will be continued lated in their articles in The Item. by letters from the members of of Branch 3012 of the National As­ ing characters Wayne Barber, Saturday, November. 5 and con­ t i o n s a t headquarters while High School Band under the di­ again this Friday, Saturday anil Following a discussion a vote was the county committee from each sociation of Letter Carriers, stated Joyce Cooper, Judy Lindsay, Don Sunday between the hours of 9 tinue through November 19. e inspection was made and rection of Raymond Wachter, the taken with Mr. Ward receiving the district, stressing to their friends that funds raised during the an­ Gordon, Shirley Lindstrom, Mike a. m. to 6 p. m. In addition traf­ A maximum of two original earce Chauncey supervised com- marchers proceeded from the new endorsement. and neighbors the necessity of nual appeal are used for research Makowsky, Frances Davenport, fic on Spring street between Mill­ paintings, in any medium, may unications. The auxiliary police firehouse on Essex street to the President Aaron Dorsky urged voting. The county committee and for the establishment and and Bill Robertson. burn avenue and Essex street be submitted by any painter- rce responded with 16 fully parking lot behind the library. those present who professed lack members will be assisted on elec­ maintenance of clinics and the “The Admiral Crichton” is a will be limited to one-way North­ member of the Arts Center on The parade as usual was formed of knowledge on candidates and tion day by volunteers who will patient-services program of the [nipped men and the regular dramatic fantasy by J. M. Bar­ bound. Friday, November 4, between 10 into six! groups and prizes were issues to attend public discussions Muscular Dystrophy Association dio c a rs of the Police Depart­ rie, and portrays a social clash a,m. and 12 noon, and on Satur­ be watchers at the polls, baby e d k e p t headquarters fully in- awarded in all categories. The between a group of English peo­ ¥ such as that at the high school. sitters where necessary, and who of America. day, between 10 a m. and 1 p.m. He suggested that discernment “We have victims of this crip­ rm ed fro m pre-selected sections old hose cart and the old fire­ ple and their servants on a South Sigis Gysin, Exhibition Chair­ will remind the voters by tele­ men’s red uniforms played a Princeton Lecture could come freely only with first pling disease in our town, only the Township. Robert Morris Sea island. man, is in charge of the Library phone to go out and vole.” onitored all radio broadcasts prominent part. Appearing in supporting roles hand intelligence at meetings “ It will greatly facilitate the a small part of the 200.000 through­ show, assisted by Mrs. Franklin where the electorate may apprise out the nation. A tragic fact about °™ his home short wave radio Prize winners included Dennis will be Sally Baldwin, Linda An­ Monday Night Deuel, Mrs. Frank Cornish, Mrs. work of the committeemen,” said ation. Malone, Marie Fiumara and Herb drews, Carol Aptekar, Natalie itself on issues. Elgin J. Marshall, Chairman of this disease is that most of its William Bernhard, and Mrs. Rob­ victims are children, who fare The F ire Department, following Schulz in the band; Mark Tappen, Eubanks, Amy Cezer, Virginia Dr. Harold W. Chase will lecture Jerome Holder, on behalf of the the County Committee of Millburn ert K.. Grcenlcaf. progressive weakening of their e public test sent a pumping Sylvia Barnett and Nancy Tappen, Huelsen, Arlene Hammcrle, on “American Federalism—Gov­ P. T. A. barn dance committee Township, “if every voter will go muscles and a helpless life in a igine to Northfield road and Cyndy Conchar and Diane Dupuis Sandy Hirsch, Neil Barrett, Bob ernment and Foreign” in the fifth headed by Mrs. Holder, reminded to the polls as early as possible. wheel chair or bed,” Mr. Caivano — fancy costume; Martin Gorn- Brunner, Tom Cook, Dean Cour- of a scries of Princeton lectures tiie group of the dance date, Satur­ Everyone who votes early reduces easant Valley way in the Res- said. stein, Betsy Dykema and Rickey sen, Pete McKinneil, Dave on “Open Windows on America Paper Drive day, November 19. Tickets are the work of our committee.” ■vation where more than 140 “Their only hope lies in untiring and Karen Luppy—original cos­ Marks, Henry Talbot, Charles and Russia” under the sponsor­ still available. The Young Republican Club hides from Newark and 11 other The next meeting of the South research into the causes of this tume; Jack Caffrey, Charles Bell', and George Ball. ship of the Millburn Adult School. will be active in the final stage •'sex C o u n ty communities were November 13 Mountain Association will be on mysterious disease. Funds from Birnholtz and Ben Gallitelli — Nancy Huyler is the chairman The lecture will be held at Short of the campaign as in the past. sem N ed to form a convoy to November 17 at Taylor Park and the MDAA appeal go to finance comic costume; Mark Vezos, Mur­ of costumes, Elynor Wertz make­ Hills School Monday night at 8:15. The American Legion has Not only will they urge all of e " S tric k e n ” New England and the third Thursday of each month these studies and to bring aid to V ork areas. iel Vezos and Fred Koenig, Nata­ up, Carol Jones small properties, scheduled its next paper collec­ their members to vote but they and Sue Scheller large props. tion for Sunday, November 13. thereafter. will undertake a program of plac­ victims through clinics and pa­ ★ lie Wright and Susan Hirsch, Di­ Treasurer Melvin Nuechterlein tient services. Jean Mauger will assist business Hadley Roe, Dean Coursen, and Residents are requested to place ing reminders to vote on the door ane McDonald and Gwen and Sue urges all families to forward their Lincoln—groups of two or more; manager Peter Berkley, While Fred Coombs will help stage man­ their old papers at the curb by knob of every house in Millburn 'Ompeting in ager Bob Calvin by supplying the membership dues to him and Jay Partington and Charles Alan Collander, house manager, 10 a.m. to facilitate pick-up. Township. sound effects. Southern Slope drive. Hi-Y Elects Gosling—floats. will be assisted by John Mulcahy. A new phase has been added to lofl Horse Show ★ this election. It is a committee of One hundred and seventeen independent citizens composed of Nine Members Miss G ail Guest of Woodficld high school students participated civic leaders who arc making a in the painting of store windows By Howard Stone h e and Miss Ann C. Voorhees concerted drive for the election , At its October meeting Mil throughout the township. Jefferson avenue will be among of Robertson Ward for the Town­ burn High School’s H*i-Y organiz: e ju n io r riders who will com- * Deputy Chief John Partington ship Committee. They have ex­ was general chairman, Captain tion admitted nine new membet ’e in the National Horse Show pressed their confidence in the into its ranks. Edward O’Brien was in charge of M adison Square Garden this type of men who are governing j Honored were seniors Pet* eek. the parade and Harold Garra- Millburn Township and are asking i Berkeley, John Cleminshaw, Die brant was in charge of the win­ Miss G u e st, who won the New for the re-election of Mr. Ward. Stockton, Peter Ruppreeht, Peti Tsey state Horsemanship Sad- dow painting. In summing up the reasons for Wester, and William Robertso: e Seat Championship last Sat- Judges of the costumes included the interest in the election H. E. New junior class members i ' % a t New Vernon, has r id d e n Gustav Nelson, Dr. A. Leo Kahn, Broadfoot, president of the Mill- elude Robert Honish, David Ada th irteen shows this year, win- George Bauer, Mrs. R. O. Zim- ! burn Short Hills Republican Club and Anthony Spallone. nS te n championships, and one merer, Edward F. Lonergan, Mrs. said, “This is no off-year election. Hi-Y, a senior school servi 'erve. she was the first in the H. G. Pollack, Mrs. H. V. Rave- It is of first rate importance to organization, is composed of bo ate of New Jersey to win the son, Dr. Alvin Wolansky, Charles every citizen in our township. We from the junior and senior class* °°u H a n d s event and also first T. King, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. want to keep efficient government New members are elected twi the s ta t e to win the three Howell Yogg, Rev. Hugh Dickin­ in our township. To do that we • year on the basis of leaders! h e ric a n Horse Show Associa- son, Mrs. H. B. Jones Jr. and need to elect Robertson Ward. ability and service to the scht °e medals. She took a total o f Roswell Roper. Just as important is the ejection and community. Under the adv "'en teen blues besides the cham- of the Republican Freeholders for ership of Mr. Fred Arnold a: the.County Government. presidency of Phil Scaturro tl °nships in the thirteen shows, sey State Horsemanship Hunter “Those two reasons for voting group aids the community wi ■si G u est is qualified for the Scat Championship during the are enough but the state govern­ various service projects such i ational Horse Show Equitation past year. As well as competing ment is also important. We need its annual Christmas party ft ampionship and the American over the week-end Miss Voorhees to keep a Republican Legislature the Neighborhood House. A ne’ ?rse S how Association Medal is riding in classes today. ‘ass F in a ls at the Garden this if we want to head off a sales tax project this year will be the r* e<*-end. m o r e discriminating b r id e s and a state income tax.” moval of the Hallowe’en paintmi select thetr weddin* stationery »t the UNCLE SAM, GRAtiD MARSHALL OF THE HALLOWEEN PARADE, SURROUNDED BY THE FIRST PRIZE WINNERS as select­ from store windows. _____ Voorhees has won four Item Press. 391 Millburn avenue, ed by the judge! in six categories. The parade, sponsored by the Fire Department, attracted several hundred youngsters and adults in sev­ MARION MANNING , npionships and six reserves than anywhere else In town Sample TYPING—STENOGRAPHY PORTRAITS by honks ma* bt taken home U de­ eral hundred varieties of costumes. (Ken Wheeler) DRexel 9-3044 Adr. wv«f glrlnf. OH- 3-818®. s the reserve in the New Jer- alt ed.

f [NOVEMBER 3 Paq« Z The Mlllburn & Short Hllla ITEM Plan governments in the state. of his statements stered by my Republican ment than a better form of gov­ I campaign. ernment. This strikes me as significant - THE CANDIDATES SPEAK predecessors and present as­ j He has criticized, at Vari The Our present Township Plan a sort of go slow sign — fashioned sociates? > times, our commission or comm',' (The Item this week publishes the last in a series of articles pre­ brings with It a number of ad­ by the experiences of other New 2. Is my Democratic opponent tee form of government, thewk < pared by Robertson D. Ward, Republican candidate for election to vantages. One of them is flexi­ Jerseyites who are just as anxiuus the Township Committee, and Dickinson R. Debevoise, Democratic qualified by experience in our suggesting that this is what MJJ.LBVRN & Township’s affairs to improve bility; another is absence of arbi­ for good government as we are. candidate. The election will be held on Tuesday, November 8). trary delegation of authority; a have in Millburn. He is mistake our local government? What about my opponent's role of course. We have the Town ’ third is responsiveness to popular in our township? Having resided SHORT MILLS ITEM DICKINSON R. DEBEVOISE ROBERTSON D. WARD 3. Do we want the Democratic Plan of government, which will. here only two years, is he experi­ >0000000000 A Bi-Partisan Program THE REAL ISSUES OF organization to gain a foot­ something quite different enced enough to be able to con­ For Mlllburn THE TOWNSHIP ELECTION hold in Millburn as part of Our Township Committee as a (Continued on Page 6) 11 THS MILLBURN and SHORT HILL8 ITEM Ls published every tribute effectively to good local Before presenting my final their campaign to control Es­ whole makes all policy and ad­ Thuriday by The Item Publishing and Printing Company, a During the past weeks in these government? Let us examine some corporation at 391 Mlllburn Avenue, Mlllburn, N. J. Editor, thoughts concerning the cam­ sex County and the State of ministrative decisions. Committee -DU MONT. Charlea E. Paulaon, Jr : Buslnesa Manager, Willard H. Baetzner. paign for the Township Commit­ columns, thanks to Mr. Charles Official newspaper of the Townahlp of Mlllburn. Subacrlptlon E. Paulson, Editor of the ITEM, New Jersey? members have only limited ad­ Television Service rate* by mall postpaid: one year $3.03, six months $1.75, pay­ tee, I would like to thank the ministrative responsibility. The THE able In advance. Single copies ten cents each. Entered as Millburn Item for publishing the and in our talks at the meeting We should not, in my opinion, Second Class Matter October 6. 1891 at the Post Office at sponsored by the civic associa­ tamper with Millburn’s present result is a partnership type of SINCE 1940 Mlllburn, New Jersey, under Act of March 3, 1879. seven articles in which I outlined organization which produces de­ Maplewood Glee Club Telephone DRexel fl-1200 our campaign objectives. tions, the Chamber of Commerce, Township Plan form of govern­ Beit equipped Du Mont ttk cisions by agreement in the best presents this year’* Our program is based upon rec­ and the League of Women Voters, ment. service shop in Newark. 0m Member Member my opponent and I have discussed I do not say this because I am interest of the Township. How­ specialty—repairing and servic New Jersey of New Jersey ognition of the fact that in every the. issues involved in this year’s in any way against change. I am ever, any Committeeman can al­ WINTER CONCERT Ing of Du Mout television Dress Association Quality Weeklies suburban community such as ways register his objection at a Millburn there comes a time when campaign for the Township Com­ not — and I heartily support pres­ at 8:30 P.M. on public meeting. the population growth causes the mittee. ent steps by the committee of the In 1950 the Faulkner Bills estab­ Saturday, Doc. 17th DAIDONE committee form of government to It seems to me that the Town­ civic associations established to lished procedures for New Jersey Investors Savings and Loan Asso­ become outmoded. The form of ship election comes down to three study possible formal action for Alfred Nyquist of 363 White Oak communities to change their form ALL ELECTRIC Investors Paying ciation in Millburn, Union and East government which was suitable basic issues, which I will discuss charter revision under the Faulk­ Ridge Rd. in Short Hills is anxious of government. Since then only to supply tickets at a price and de­ Orange, amounting to $751,960, is for Millburn when its population in this letter: ner Bills. tails free. Please call Drexel 9-2196 862 SOUTH ORANGE AVI I say it because I think charter two townships have actually between 9:30 and II A.M. on Satur­ Christmas Club now being paid and checks are be­ was 4,000 is not suitable today 1. Has our present Township NEWARK, N. J. Plan of government worked revision is much more likely to changed this form of government day, November 5, and authorise him ing mailed to 5218 savings mem­ when our population is over 16,000 to visit you. Phone—Essex 3-8160 The 1955 Christmas Club of and growing steadily. well for Millburn as admini­ give us a poorer form of govern­ out of a total of 224 Township bers. For those members who We as citizens have suffered have completed their club in full, from this inadequate structure of a dividend has been added to each government, for this may well be check. the major cause of costly lack of The 1956 Club opens November planning in Millburn. In preced­ ing articles we have discussed 1st. the evidence of lack of planning •k SECOND GRADERS at Short such as, for example: 1. Town Hall Pistol Range—1The A Message Hills School, accompanied by their cost of a totally unnecessary in­ teachers, Mrs. Valeda Crawford door pistol range in the renovated and Mrs. Sarah S. Hobbie, visited STOP town hall will be piany thousands the Farmers and Consumers Dairy of dollars. S E A R C H IN G T and the Alderney Farm last Fri­ to our friends and neighbors 2. $250,000.0(1 Parking Lot — you'll find day. Without even bothering to ascer­ Ih on tain the number of cars it would boautiful Voten of Essex County hold or its ultimate cost, the Township Committee undertook in Millburn and Short Hills ANDREW Monday, November 7 to construct a new parking lot by 8:30 P. M. purchasing the swampy land on GELLER the comer of Glen avenue and S H O E S •' WATV Channel 13 Lackawanna place for $29,500.00 See and Hear plus legal fees. The final cost will Those of us who have signed this advertisement are your friends and neighbors Dond C. Fox be about one quarter of a million dollars. Democratic Nominee for State 3. Inadequate Town Hall — in Millburn and Short Hills. Senator and other Legislative Though the School Board needed 151 Halsey St„ Newark candidates. office space when $250,000.00 was Paid for by Democratic Campalm (let. lank & Aeodemy Sti.) . Committee appropriated for renovating the Wed. Eve. to 9 f . M. town hall, the Township Commit­ Like you, we are proud of our town. tee never consulted with the School Board to determine if both iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiub bodies could save money by co­ operating to build one structure. Like you, we want it to become an even more desirable place to live. Now the School Board must pro­ ceed to build its own quarters at r Try Our great additional expense. The bi-partisan group which is Like you, we want to see it well governed by our most capable fellow-citizens. supporting me in this election has WEEK DAY a program to terminate this sit­ h . uation, and I am pledged to sup­ port that program which is as That is why we are going to vote for Robertson D. Ward, the Republican can­ SPECIAL! follows: 1. Elect men to the Township didate for Township Committeeman at the election on November 8th. Committee who will listen to the • SHRIMP COCKTAIL suggestions and criticisms of Millburn’s citizens instead of • Broiled U.S. Choice operating in the shrouded atmos­ That is why we urge you, too, to vote for Bob Ward, SIRLOIN STEAK $ 2 9 5 1 phere of the back room in Town Hall. • F.F.Pot.-MIxed Salad-Coffee 2. Elect men to the Township Served Every Tues., Wed., Thurs. from 5 to 8 P. M. Committee who will be alert to He is experienced, having served as Township Committeeman already for three methods of saving money and who will voice their suggestions years. at the public meetings. CONDOR 3. Institute non-partisan elec­ tions in Millburn so that genuine local issues will not continue to He is informed on Township problems. Restaurant be buried under a barrage of vac­ uous partisan ranting. W. NORTHFIELD ROAD LIVINGSTON 4 Proceed with a Charter Com­ mission as permitted by state law He stands for thoughtful, economical, government « but government that keeps to modernize Millburn’s govern­ mental structure. pace with our growing town. How have the members of the LI. 6-0527 opposition met our criticism and our proposals for reform? At first they tried to pretend our cam­ He is a fine friend and neighbor. paign did not exist. When that niiliiiiiiiimiiliillim (Continued on Page 6) We feel that Millburn and Short Hills are fortunate to have Bob Ward as a member of our Township Committee. Keep him there by voting on November 8th for LAST CALL FOR ROBERTSON D. W ARD WINTER COMFORT- James M. Adair Robert L. Cushing Mrs. Seabury B. Hough H. Van Brunt McKeaver Edward N. Ryan F. G. Adams Clive C. Day Lewis B. Hughes, Jr. Mrs. Florence McNeice William H. Satterfield Edward L. Arnold, Jr. J . Albert De Camp Thomas P. Jerman John C . McPherson Bayard Schieffelin A HOUSEHOLD LOAN MAKES William S. Auchincloss John A. do Elena J . B. Johnson A. Ross Meeker Robert C. Axt Emil Schuman IT EASY TO PAY WHILE YOU Edward Do Fabio E. Dayton Jones Richard Meyer John S. BacheHer Nancy C . Settelmeyer ENJOY THE IMPROVEMENTS! Aaron Dorsky George E. Keefe Alfred A. Baldwin Howard C. Miller Samuel M. Shearman Mrs. Maurice Eisenberg Mrs. Aldridge D. Kelley Robert H. Bamman Ira C . Moore, Jr. Mrs. Jacob Silverstein Stanley R. Ellison John T. Kelly, Jr; Why postpone that new roof, the extra comfort Henry C . Barkhom, Jr. Robert C. Moore Francis B. Snavely Ralph H. Ericsson J. Gordon Kerr of insulation, or a good coat of paint, when your C . D. Behringer Ralph G . Mori son Maynard Euverard John H. Kreirier Malcolm D. Spinning LOCAL Bank supplies the funds for easy budget- William G . Bernhard George A. Mott Richard Fiebelkom William H. Lang W allace A. Sprague E. Harold Biddfson size repayment? Allan D. Forbes George H. Lanier, Jr. WHIiam F. Mullins Walter R. Staub Paul O. Blackmore William B. Gero Robert C . Lydecker Norval F. Myers Charles A. Stevens Howard A. Blyth Leo L Glezen Nils Ohlson John K. P. Stone, Jr. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF George P. Bohrer Gustav 9. Nelson James M. Gorringe Esther L Taylor — and to your property! William E. Boye Rifehard D. Nelson Wilbur E. Ordell Edward A . Heiss Jaeob R. Teitje Richard A. Brayton D. Henderson Novitt J. Russell O'Reilly Remember, MODERNIZING means Fred H. Brackett Mrs. N. V. Hendricks Russell C . Newhouse Robert A. Vanderbilt keeping your property value high for H. Douglas Palmar Coleman Burke James Hermiston J . Wilson Newman R. M. Van Doren eventual resale; makes you feel better, Richard N. Parks John A. Cairns Douglas M. Hicks Donald A. Macrae Milton K. Varner Mrs. Carieton Parkins too! Worthington Campbell Clarence A. Hill Jules F. Maier Everett W. Vilett George R. Clark Sorgo J. Hill Harvey Mason Robert K. Pfistor Mrs! Gilbert L. Ward John D. Clark Joseph W . Hoioski Carl A. Mayer Mrs. Charits Riddell George Warren Charles L. Cook John G. Holschuh James F. McCabe Charles F. Riddell Ridley Watts, Jr. T he F irst National B ank of Millburn Fred. A. Coombs, Jr. J . Rowland Hotchkin David G . McComack Harding S. Roche Arthur B. White


r»iq for tr N.I,h1>on C«mmltt"

r\ m j OVEMBER 3, 1955 ] The Millburn & Short Bills ITEM F4ge 8 of the year. It does not have the Center. lan and Mrs. Philip Kaufman tof Letters necessary safety devices for either Mrs. Lloyd Kaplan, education Millburn. the person practicing or for keep­ Editor, The Item: chairman, will act as moderator ing away any children that might ★ During the open meeting held on be roaming In the vicinity. for a panel discussion by the del­ A United States Navy submar­ VOLKSWAGEN egates and alternates who re­ November 19th the Democratic It is necesssary for a well ine, the U.S.S. Pickerel, holds the LETS TALK QUALITY! Candidate for Township Commit­ cently attended the 13th Biennial record for longest underwater DOUGLAS MTRS., Inc. trained Police Force, both Regu­ Convention at the Waldorf Asto­ teeman made reference to the lar and Volunteer, to have a range cruise. It went 5,194 nautical miles 33 Union PI., Summit Rifle and Pistol Range that is ria. Participants will include Mrs. —from Hong Kong to Pearl Har­ (Opp. Lackawanna Sta.) CR. 3-2558 to allow for regular practice. I Morris Horowitz, Mrs. Lloyd Kap­ Why Pay More? .... Our Own Brands Are Top being constructed in the base­ believe it only fair to remind the bor—without surfacing. ment of the Town Hall. Democratic Candidate that such The context of the statement neighboring communities as Quality .... Top Value! was to the effect that this would Maplewood and South Orange both cost a fabulous amount and would have ranges in their buildings, Mail and Phone Orders Delivered Promptly — Call DRexel 6-4202 serve no useful purpose. and that Springfield will also have However, after an examination a range in their new proposed of the facts I believe this candi­ police headquarters building. date has created an erroneous Aside from affording a safe and impression. practical range for the Police It was necessary to raise the Forces, it is also planned to allow floor level of the former fire­ this range to be used, under 1 PAPER MILL house area about two feet to con­ proper supervision, by a revived form to the level of the sidewings Rifle Team of the Senior High of the Town Hall. While this for­ School. Up until nine years ago SCOTCH mer tile and concrete floor was Millburn High had a well organ­ being torn up some additional ex­ ized Rifle Team, which had to cavation was done, creating an disband when the rifle- range they were using in the basement of .core* increased basement area. There­ Jlaper iHtlt fore, at a low cost, space in the Wyoming School was converted basement which certainly is not into classrooms. The rifles that 4/ Qt. usable for office or meeting rooms were used have been kept in IUnM SctHh WhiAv has been fumed into an area storage and the team can there­ flutillrb inSfotlanO which will serve a most useful fore be reactivated as soon as the range is completed. CA SE OF TWELVE BOTTLES $53.47 purpose. As a member for about five I therefore feel that the mem­ Values to $2.19! years of the Civilian Defense bers of our Township Committee Exclusive With Dave’s sponsored Volunteer Police Unit, have acted very wisely in includ­ I am quite conversant with the ing this necessary and useful needs for a safe suitable target room in their alteration of the practice area. For many years Town Hall. the Regular Police Force and the NILS O. OHLSON REMEMBER .... It's Smart to Buy at the Mart! Volunteers have had to try and 322 Hobart Avenue use the wholly impractical and dangerous makeshift arrange­ ment located on Parsonage Hill Springfield ORT Road. What with the home build­ ing in this area, plus the proxim­ Chapter Meeting OAVE S LIQUOR MART ity of this site to the new Little League Ball Park the present tar­ Mrs. Philip Goldhammer will 188 ESSEX ST. MILLBURN, N. J. get range becomes a definite haz­ preside at the regular meeting of ard. .Furthermore, being an out­ the Springfield chapter of Wom­ door range it cannot be used dur­ en’s American ORT on Thursday OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P. M. EXCEPT SUNDAYS ing the winter months or during evening, November 10th at 8:30 LIFE inclement weather in other times p. m. at the Springfield Jewish



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JOWITT MOTORS, INC. (Only 30 minutes from the heart of Millburn) MILLBURN & MORRIS AVENUES at THE MILLBURN - SPRINGFIELD LINE DRexel 6

t / r NOVEMBER 3, ic. . . The Mlllbum Short Hills ITEM P « n 4 A "Pacific Explorations” and ‘‘La ance Co.’s Irvington District He became a staff manager in History Films Salle.” " In the Realm since 1947, celebrated his 30th 1928, then five years later was Subsequent programs are as fol­ appointed Manager of the Com­ Anniversary with the Company lows: MORE DAVE'S SPECIALS! pany’s Hackensack District. Aft­ In Newark Of Commerce yesterday. November 12: Daniel Boone, Karl S. Fennell, of Bailey Road, Mr. Pennell joined the Irving­ er 14 years, he returned to Ir­ The New Jersey Historical So­ Lewis and Clark, John C. Fremont. vvy^-' - ton District as an agent in 1925. vington. v k- manager of the Prudential Insur­ ciety is offering a series of four November 19th: Wilderness S t S m -” r _____i Born in Newark, Mr. Pennell motion picture programs on suc­ Road, Fur Trappers Westward. was graduated from South Side cessive Saturdays, beginning No­ November 26th: Alaska and the 1 “ a l l f iL JjjftAt I BuX 4| High School and later studied vember 5 at 11 a.m. to be shown Yukon, A Rock Climb, Antarctic Yea | evenings at New York University, at its museum building at 230 Expedition. M B°gt : Rutgers and Columbia. Before Broadway, Newark. The first pro­ The programs are open to the Get joining Prudential, he spent nine gram in the series entitled Explor­ public without charge, children years in the merchandising field, ing America, will present three under 12 being admitted with an Extra with Bamberger’s in Newark. films: “Christopher Columbus,” adult. Z w m Z i t f S x During World War I he served H k k * . with the U. S. Marines in France. 7 Tea Bags The local Prudential official is a past president of the Irvington I 62c M j g g p J I 1 Rotary Club; vice chairman of the v DU PO N T Irvington District, Boy Scouts of America, and a member of the SCHIEFER'S PASTRY Newark Association of Life Un­ Snow Crop Frozen Foods DULUX derwriters, The General Agents IU. •. a. PNT Off. and Managers Conference and Butter B e a n s ...... 10 oz. 24c ^ SUPER-WHITE ENAMEL Association, the Irvington Cham­ ARTHUR B. COLLINS SHOP Chopped Collard Greens...... 12 oz. 23c ber of Commerce and two Masonic ★ Ask your painter to use organizations — Eureka Lodge, f DULUX Super-White the vision since the company’s entry Chopped Turnip G re e n s...... 12 oz. 21c F. & A. M., and the Canyon Square next time your woodwork needs repainting. Thia brilliant into the Nuclear Energy field. Formerly Ritter's Orange Juice ...... 6 oz., 2 for 37c white enamel ia the same type of finish used on refrigerators Club. He enjoys traveling ahd with ★ and other home appliances. It produces a smooth, glossy his wife, Helen, has visited nine Coffee Concentrate...... 5Vi oz. 73c finish for long-lasting protection and beauty. European countries. All Welcome to John H. Horner, son of Mr. and SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Leaf Spinach ..." ...... il oz., 2 for 37c lxcall.nl cevsrass—high hiding I First Aid Class i f Rmliti chipping, cracking and marring Mrs. Halstead S. Horner, of White Mixed V eg etab les...... 10 oz. 22c When the First Aid class now in i f Ratalnc lit high gloif through repealed woihlngs Oak Ridge road, has been appoint­ ed a glass container salesman in progress at the Millbum Short the St. Louis branch of Owens- Hills Chapter of the American CHOCOLATE MINUTE MAID Millburn’s “Paint Spot” Illinois Glass Co. Mr. Horner, a Red Cross assembles on Thurs­ LAYER LION BRAND Grange Juice, i oz. graduate of Michigan State Uni­ day evening the students will be CAKE 7 9 2 for 37< versity, joined Owens-Illinois in trained in all the techniques of Grapefruit Sections, 12 oz. administering artificial respi­ February, • 1955, and recently 9" Decorated Birthday Cake .. $2.00 CREAM 2 for 35c completed the company’s sales ration. training program. Any and all citizens in this 10" Decorated Birthday Cake . . $3.00 • community are welcome to at­ CHEESE KEEBLER'S ’ / Arthur B. Collins of Stony lane tend this class. The instructor will Pumpkin & Mince P ie s ____ 35* & 70( CINNAMON CRISP demonstrate the new back-pres­ 16 ox. pkg. 39c was elected a vice president of Special Orders for Holiday the McGraw-Hill Book Company, sure-arm life method which has been accepted nationally as the it was announced last week. Pies, Stollens and Fruit Cakes l b . 6 5 c CH A SE & SANBORN Mr. Collins, assistant secretary most effective way of restoration of breathing after accidents such INSTANT COFFEE AND W ALLPAPER CO . of the Book Company since 1950 4 ox. |ar 98c and assistant treasurer since 1953, as drowning, suffocation, choking, 14 MAIN ST. MILLBURN will have executive responsibility hanging, carbon monoxide pois­ for the shipping warehousing and oning etc. Resuscitation for in­ 57 Main St. DRexel 6-0414 DRexel 6-1055 inventory control operations in ad­ fants is of special value to par­ DAVE'S MARKET 184 Essex St. ents of young children. dition to his present responsibility for budgetary matters and the No registrations are necessary. All are welcome to the Chapter Accounting and Order Service House at 8 o’clock Thursday eve­ Departments. ning, November 3. After serving as assistant con­ troller with Great American In­ ★ dustries, Inc., he joined McGraw- Howard Savings Hill In 1947, and was appointed RETAIN CLEAN GOVERNMENT Plant Now For Spring Beauty! manager of the Accounting and Order Service Departments later Opens New Branch • EVERGREENS— Large selection of our own that same year. Mr. Collins was grown better varieties. graduated from Williams College The Howard Savings Institution • SHADE and ORNAMENTAL TREES. and attended the graduate schools opened its sixth office and its first • HOLLAND BULBS. of Columbia and New York Uni­ outside of Newark last Tuesday, WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST! • HARDY CHRYSANTHEMUMS. versity. • November 1st. Located at 11 South Orange avenue, South Orange, • GRASS SEEDS. The appointment of Harold the Howard’s Branch is occupying • PEAT MOSS • MICHIGAN PEAT Etherington of Browning road as the premises formerly used by • FERTILIZERS • HUMUS a vice president of The Nuclear the South Orange Trust Company. Energy Products Division of ACF The latter’s assets which were Prevent the Newark City Democratic Industries, Incorporated was an­ eligible for mutual savings banks nounced October 31 by Rudolph S w t i t M ountain AttPM eAiU were purchased by The Howard Furrer, president of the division. Machine From Taking Control of the Savings Institution. Mr. Etherington will be located Established 1930 Howard President, William L. in the New York offices of the Maude, expressed in a letter to Essex County Government by company. He recently attended Mlllbum Ave. & Vaux Hall Road, Millbum all residents of South Orange how OPEN SUNDAYS DRexel 6-1339 the Geneva Conference on peace time uses of atomic poWer, and happy the Howard was in the. Electing These Four Outstanding Everything for Your Garden privilege of serving the families has been associated with the di- of South Orange with a local com­ munity branch. "Our prime pur­ Candidates for the Board pose,” he said, "in establishing savings bank facilities in the sub­ of Freeholders. urban area is to bring The How­ ard Savings Institution and its services close to the homes of our many depositors now living here.” The South Orange branch is ELWOOD P. RUSSELL Twenty years of Clean Government are in CLEARANCE readily accessible to railroad and highway traffic and is offering jeopardy next Tuesday. The Newark parking facilities and convenient banking hours for its customers. Democratic Machine is playing for HIGH Founded 98 years ago, The How­ ard Savings Institution is the STAKES. It needs to elect ONLY ONE largest savings bank in New Jer­ sey and the nineteenth largest in Freeholder to take, over control of our the United States. With four ON BU LBS- % branches located in Newark, in addition to its main office, the Essex County Government. Howard is serving over 276,000 depositors whose deposits total Clean Government will fall unless all Four STILL TIME TO PLANT. $289,000,000. •k of these Republican Candidates are elected— OLD EYEGLASSES may be left HURRY! LIMITED QUANTITIES at The Item office, 391 Millburn avenue, for contribution to New Eyes fo rthe Needy, Inc., world famous project of the Short Hills Elwood P. RUSSELL ALL IMPORTED FROM Junior Service League. EDITH K. REINHARD Edith K. REINHARD HOLLAND THANKS Ralph H. JACOBSON For the • TULIPS Eliza G. WRIGHT Compliments...

• TRIUMPH TULIPS . . . I’ve been to any number of wallpaper thopt but nowhere did l find anyone ai helpful in making my wallpaper i elec­ To Stand by Eisenhower and Head Off • COTTAGE TULIPS tion!” “you're 10 plea.ant and you have Sales and Income Taxes; Vote tuch nice latte'’ • DAFFODILS these are the kind of compli­ Republican Line "B"ALL THE WAY ment! our "Miss Lou” receives when assisting those who make their wallpaper selections. We ^ Tuesday, November 8th. ^ • HYACINTHS are extremely happy you like this personal attention and take great pride in being of service. RALPH H. JACOBSON Helping yon with your decorat­ • LILIES ing problem is always a pleasure. For State Senator We want to thank you for these MARK ANTON nice compliments. If you have a • CROCUS decorating problem we invite For County Clerk For County Register yon to drop in at Suburban I’aitit » ANTHONY GIULIANO ABBIE W. MAGEE & Wallpaper Co. — It’s Mill- S A bum’s “Paint Spot” for a more For Freeholders beautiful home. Come see our ELWOOD P. RUSSELL RALPH H. JACOBSON large selection of new 1956 wallpapers . . . we feature the EDITH K. REINHARD ELIZA G. WRIGHT largest selection for miles around. For General Assembly ESTHER B. BUSH LEO J. MOSCH JOHN W. LEBEDA DONALD J. FITZMAURICE RUBY V. PERFETTE JOHN J. GOFF LONERGAN’S SUBURBAN MARIE F. MAEBERT J. VANCE McIVER WM. S. MACDONALD PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. DOMINIC NICK CUNDARI HYMEN B. MINTZ THOS. M. SHERMAN 32B MILLBURN AVE. DRexel 6-0302 14 MAIN ST. MILLBURN ELIZA G. WRIGHT Paid for by Committee For Clean Government, Newark, N. J. Buy Onto — Get one FREE—O'CEDAR A TRAINLOAD OF SPONGE MOPS 2 for* , ‘4 50 MONEY-SAVING POWER ! §h LIBBY’S PUMPKIN 2 29-oz. cans 35c A DAVE'S SENSATION! Facial Tissue KLEENEX 2 pkgs. of 400 51c Fresh Killed, Eviscerated 10c Off! TENDERLEAF TEA pkg. of 48 51e SWANSON BONED CHICKEN 5-oz. can 35c fk Libby's Pitted im m vKSfa" RIPE OLIVES 9 ' / 2 - o z . can 32c FRYERS Twin Pack Valuable Bread Coupon WHlTE 0EVIl'5> FOOD OR.YELLOW PAN READY NYLONGE SPONGES 39c NESTLES' MORSELS 6-oz. pkg. 23c \ \ m Saves Time and Work DROMEDARY $ME ,, y.-Xy'A BISQUICK 40-oz. pkg. 41c IU ib . 3 / « DEL MONTE SEEDLESS RAISINS 15-oz. pkg. 19c DROMEDARY IQ O Z Pitted Dates 6V2 oz. pkg. 2 for 37c PH6. UKE MIX PRIME or CHOICE BAKING CUPS 2 pkgs. of 75 25c ARGO CORN STARCH 2 16-oz. pkgs. 25c DAVIS T H E F O A M I N 6 BAKING POWDER 8-oz. can 13c Ehlers sh«„ STEAKS VANILLA EXTRACT l '/2 -oz. 35c Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 2 16-oz. cans 37c AJAX RE 6, Shop-Rit* CAN Cranberry Sauce 2 16-oz. cans 33c 0 9 Ehlers lb. GROUND CINNAMON 4-oz. can 29c ClEANSER Ehlers __ GROUND NUTMEG l'/2-oz,|ean 19c Ehlere PURE GINGER I '/2 -oz. can 15c NBC S a v e 4 1 ! P o n /a l p P a c x CHOCOLATE GRAHAMS 5'/2-oz. cello bag 29c GRAPEFRUIT 1 TALL 6AvV e 4^1 &\P>@s LV£ aa ■■ 46 OZ. •! Prices effective W’ed- CAN 1- nesday, November 2 ; through Saturday JUICE 5$ a Nlte, November 6. We reserve rirh t to limit all quantities. vXvXv Not responsible for PEAS 2 35 iv!v typographical er­ rors. MAXWELL HOUSE S a v e D o n a l d Du c k m m ORANGEV 1 C ju ic e / L j

89 B i p , d ^ E y e F p -o z e n CHICKENTUR k EY'BEEF I L X C E L 6 I O R 8 OZ.PK6 . ch eese­ b u r g e r s

B ir d s ■£y e Ch o p p e d or l E A f n SPINACH VERI-BEST In farm 229 fresh fruits and vege­ tables are yours at Dave. Check our gar­ den fresh produce de­ partment and see for Fresh Frozen Seafood Treats ! yourself! Birds Eye Large Florida FILLET OF HADDOCK Mb', pkg. 39c Bumble Bee Guaranteed Quality Meats . . . that’s for sure when you shop ORANGES SALMON STEAKS I -lb. pkg. 83c Bumble Bee Fresh DAVE’S for meat. It’s your sign of nothing but the best! » V t , V ) ^ ■ ... HALIBUT I -Ib. pkg. 59c ___ ..^sHcirk .:«2SH CUT We E-Z Peel Doz. FRESH SHRIMP 12-oz. pkg. 59c JERSEY PORK! Pork Loins E5 25’ £ » 35* 1 0 & Maple Leal Canadian Iceberg Center Cut BA CO N ^ 65* AV LETTUCE • V r 4 * s Pork Chops 69* Choice Cut GQM m . RIB ROAST m End Cut Hd. 1 5

10" cut k. 53* 7" cut k. 59* .V%V Andy Boy Green Pork CEiops h>. 2 9 ( Pork Roll T A YLO R 1 '/I*, pkg. BROCCOLI bun. 2 5 * — N Jumbo, Tasty WOsll Brand Imported Canadian AVOCADOS || 1 ki O lbs. square JO .99 VELVEETA...: f l A r l O puHman mm Breakstone’* California M. COTTAGE CHEESE Haydu Skinless Old Faehioned Fresh, Washed SHARP CHEESE Ib. 59c FRANKS X, 4 9 * Shipped direct to Dave’s from Kraft f.OM lbe. of Mohawk Spinach Valley Sharp Mammoth Cheese! Haydn Midget Domestic 10-OE. BABY GOUDAS 33c bog Order your turkey NOW If BOLOGNA k. 4 9 * Vita Creamed you went to he sure of n Jones HERRING FILLET 8-oz. jar 35c reel Thanksgiving feast that will make a big hit with the SAUSAGE family. See Dave and make LINKS ...... "»• 7 3 ’ Shop-Rite Taste O ’ Home Baked Foods ! ■nre you get the turkey you Hawk-eye Brand Smoked Delirium All Varttlee want for the holiday. .Mmm m **** POUND CA KE I -Ib. 6-oz. pkg. 49c TONGUESBEEF _____ k 3 9 ’ ,‘V 7 " I Apple or Pineapple Cherje ,- v I SHOP-RITE PIES large size 39c ea. •:.#* I

184 ESSEX STREET DAVE S MARKET Opposite Municipal Parking Lot .».T~---- Pag* 8 The Millhurn & Short Hill* ITEM completed their requirements will do a skit about bee*. Mrs. Wijion OLD EYEGLASSES m ay b j' V tra property and a large increase most to see that Millburn receives be initiated as Bobcats. Chinnock’s Den 6 will dlaplay at The Item office, 391 D. R. Debevoise in the cost of remodeling the the kind of government it deserves as one of the finest communities Most of the dens will put on costumes and swords of Robin »venue, for contribution to x (Continued from Page 2) building to make this extra space r in America. skits or displays. Den 1, With Mrs. Hood’s “day which they made. Eyes for the Needy, inc., * failed, they tried to persuade us possible if it were desired by the | ■ IN O U R OND CENTURY ★ C. H. Burt as den mother, will Under Mrs. Thomas Ricci and famous projact of the short to not to present these issues to the Board of Education. Why not? put on a puppet show, "King | 9 ____ C O f SERVICE electorate, insisting that cam­ Mrs. William Fowler, Den 7 Will Junior Service League. ^ He has asserted that the esti­ Cub Pack 16 Richard Meets Robin Hood.” paigning cheapened Short Hills. Mrs. Samuel Williams will help present a skit, “Robin Hood to When that too failed, they let mated cost of $1,000 per car for a Den 2 display paper mache bee­ the Rescue.” Den 10, with Mr*,. future parking lot at Glen avenue PLANNING A PARTY? loose with the smokescreen that To Meet Friday hives. Den 3, with Mrs. Dayton Robert Hoppman leading, will a vote for a Millburn Democrat and Lackawanna place is “high.” Jones as den mother, will presept Jazz & Semi-Classical is really a vote for Hudson County It he were, familiar with the build­ Cub Pack 16 will hold its month­ present “How* The Sheriff Found r ly meeting at 7:15 p. m. tomor­ a contest by Robin Hood’s men. His Three Servants.” PIANO MUSIC r ORANGE Politics in Millburn. (By the same ing cost of other parking lots in Den 4, with Mrs. Max Dalheim Reasonable r* row, Friday, in Fellowship Hall * token, would not a vote for Mr. nearby townships, he would know leading, will do a skit “Bee Trav­ Refreshments will be served at Write Box 363, > Ward be a vote for vicious Atlan­ that this price is at worst moder­ at Wyoming Church. All boys who the close of the meeting. All par­ were Cubs last year will receive els.” Den 5, with Mrs. Charles c/o The Summit Herald tic County Politics in Millburn, ate and many would consider it Martel as den mother, will also ents are urged to attend. SAVINGS BANK with perhaps a few of Harold G. low. Again, he is not accurately a service star. About 15 who have Hoffman's tricks, thrown in?) informed on our local affairs. Along with this smokescreen, He has criticized the alleged For Future Emergencies— a whispering campaign was in­ omission of a water pressure gauge stituted. Shrill letters were writ­ in the new Essex street firehouse. ...AT THIS CONVENIENT ten to the Item, hinting at the As any senior fire department of­ FRIENDLY BANK YOU substance of statements spread ficial could have told him; expert DICKINSON R. DEBEVOISE furtively through Millburn. I am engineering advice on such a CAN BANK BY MAIL SAVE glad to st"te that neither I nor, gauge was sought last summer. as far as I know, any of the peo­ Why hasn’t he heard? ple working with me have re­ He has aUeged that our debt MORTGAGE MONEY taliated in kind. We have stuck load is huge and our taxes soaring Candidate for Township Committee AVAILABLE to the issues. — but at the same time admitted My opponent, Mr. Ward, has that he did not know how much made no effort to answer the spe­ our debt had increased since 1940. cific instances of poor planning The facts are interesting and to which we have raised. If there him they will be surprising. From were answers, it would have been 1940 to the end of 1954 our munici­ WHAT HE STANDS FOR a simple matter to have set them pal debt, over which the Township forth. Since no answers were Committee has control, declined given, I can only conclude that from $718,000 to $424,000 exclusive none exist. » of sewer assessment bonds being • NON - PARTISAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT Many Millburn citizens of both retired by owners of property Eliminate partisan politics in Millburn narties have joined with me in served by the sewer. School debt this campaign. We have worked has increased — but this is con­ to the limit of our strength and trolled by the Board of Education, resources to present a program not the Township Committee. As • CHARTER COMMISSION All Ladies Admire... in which we believe. This pro­ a candidate for office he should Beet a non-partisan Charter Commission to modomin Millburn's gram is not the property of Dem­ know these basic facts and a great ocrats or Republicans, but is one many others, but to judge from government on which members of both parties his oral and public statements he in Millburn can make common does not. cause. The final issue in the campaign • ELIMINATE WASTE I cannot predict the outcome of is Democratic Party control of this election. But whatever the Millburn. Halt foolish expenditures for projects such as an indoor outcome, I know that our efforts The Democrats want New Je r­ Pistol Range in the Town Hail have created a greater interest in sey; they are close to having con­ « more efficient, more responsive trol of Essex County; their pro­ government in Millburn. Win or gram means greater spending, • lose, we shall continue to work higher taxes, more government END CAUCUS RULE towards this goal. rather than less. Surely this is Attorney end Counselor at Low. Honest differences of opinion of Township Committee members should ★ not our aim in Millburn. be expressed at the Public Meetings instead of conceded by secret Robertson Ward I am running from personal Sergeant; World War II, Combat En­ choice, with the usual backing of sessions (Continued from Page 2) the Republican organization, I was gineers, three years. what he Is talking about, yet he not “assigned” to run for office wishes to occupy a leading office by ‘.‘Party Regulars,” and my am­ 1st Lieutenant, Korean V.' Army • CONSTRUCTIVE YOUTH iPROGRAM in our Township government! bition is to serve Millburn well InteMgenee. Recently he observed that the and not to rise in State politics. I Institute a constructive youth program Instead of merely issuing orders higher tax rates in our neighbor­ am running on my record in office Williams College and Columbia Law to the police to keep young people from congregating on Hie side- ing communities are because they and on that of my Republican wdks of Millburn are mature. This is simply not the predecessors who have given School. case. Taxes in these communities Millburn sound, clean, local gov­ NEW LOOKING SHIRTS should be low because they built ernment. Law Clerk, Federal Chltf Judge PhIHIp their schools, installed their pub­ Let ua then finally review the • TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE SCHOOL BOARD Ladies know that when they send theii lic buildings, etc., a t much lower issues. COOPERATION prices. They have not been mak­ Our present Township Plan of Director and Legal Counsel Newark men’s shirts to us, they always return ing capital improvements at cur­ government has, I believe, worked The Township Committee should coordinate Its plans with the School rent high prices. On this, as on well for Millburn. We should Junior Chamber of Commerce. Board instead of paying lip service only to such cooperation other important details of munici­ looking fresh and new. We wash them change it only if we are com­ pal government, my opponent is pletely sure that change will bring Chairman, Mlllburn-Short Hills Young not correctly informed. with it advantages. If it will not, carefully. . . iron them perfectly. Democratic Club. • REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENTS He has asserted that Millbum’a we should keep what we have, program for expansion of munici­ which is good. Secretary-Treasurer WIHIams' Alumni Our various municipal committees and boards should be strengthened pal facilities is a “ crash” pro­ My opponent simply does not gram — one rushed through with­ by including younger persons, women and people of more diversified know as much as he should about Association of Northern New Jersey. out plan. Again, he simply is not experiences and background local government His speeches aware of the facts. This program and articles have been critical in h a s followed recommendations a destructive way without any evi­ It 17 IS If M 21 made by the Planning Board after dence of constructive proposals. FOR MEMBER OF POR MEMBER 0F FOR MEMBERS OF THE THE IOARD OF THE TOWNSHIP careful study. It has not been by They show lack of information, CHOSEN SCHAIT & SON A Bi-Partisan program for BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS FREEHOLDERS COMMITTEE ^ 0 chance that we are expanding the (Unaifirad Tam) mistaken judgment, and failure to far Voto tor Om fire department into two units or Fete Thru Voto tor Om inform himself on many impor­ Alert Thinking that we are providing space for tant issues. How can it be other­ expanded municipal services in wise, since he has only lived in the remodeled Town Hall. Independents, Republicans » v JUST BELOW Millburn two years and has not He has criticized the fact that ISA 17A ISA 19A fOA 2IA 160 MAIN ST. TAYLOR PARK until lately interested himself in and Democrats. the Board of Education will not our local government in any way? tJkfcliuM H 1 be housed in the Town Hall. He Finally, do we want Democratic DEBEVOISE 0 ", A Drive-in for Your Convenience has not gone the second step, rule in Millburn? I believe we do however, and made it clear that not. I conclude with this affirma­ he would approve additional ex­ tion: Paid for by John P. Lowery, Campaign Manager penditures for the purchase of ex- H re-elected, I will do my ut­

Drive it at your Plymouth dealer’s - th e car that’s going places ■with the Young in Heart 1

HELP YOURSELF... mm i~, | 4 sgA&s

k? I - v WM~ i M i A, ~ it &■ 8ft J b \ ' t v. «f- - to Beauty -V- - ( i ’ * «•*'*,

This home of yours . . . the rooms you live in . . . the walls that surround you . . . your home deserves the utmost in careful planning for beauty. Really charming homes reflect the taste and activities of their various occupants. Your taste may run to smart, sophisti­ cated moderns—to the quiet elegance of traditional styling—or to the simple beauty of provincial forms. But whatever your taste, careful correlation and planning are both essential, and less expensive. It may sound complicated, but it really isn’t. That’s where The House of Hockenjos can be of real service to you. A visit to our new Wallpaper Studio and Color Center will help you to “help yourself to beauty” ... the easy way.

The look that goes with Push-Button Driving and 90-90 Turbo-Torque in the new Plym outh ’56

Here ie a car more truly representative of our jet air age than any PUSH-BUTTON DRIVING you have ever seen...in startling, sweeping new Aerodynamic The House Of Hockenjos With a finger-tip touch on a button you * Styling. . . in bold new concepts like Push-Button Driving. There’s select your driving range. As easy ss 90-90 Turbo-Torque Power and the great new Hy-Fire V-8 or new flicking a light switch! Then Plymouth’s PowerFlow 6 to give you Top Thrust at Take-Off. And Plymouth is fully automatic PowerFUte—the world’s smoothest, most advanced transmis­ Fine Paints and Wallpaper larger and longer outside. . . roomier inside. It’s all breath-takingly r • sion— takes over. You’ll find it the (Established 1861) ahead of its time. See your Plymouth dealer todayl s* ultimate in driving convenience. % 387 Millburn Avenue (Corner Spring Street) Millburn, New Jersey All-new Aerodynamic PLYM OUTH ’9 0 DRexel 6-5400 200 V-8 hp available with PowerPak in all 4 linaa—Batvadera, Savoy, Plaza and Suburban. Or choose 187 hp in Belvedere and Suburban tinea. In 8avoy and P laa rl Knaa you gat 180 V-8 hp. If you pnfsr the mi per-economy of Plymouth’s PowerFlow 6—also available in all 4 lines—you (at 126 hp. or 131 ho with PowarPak. PB0 Flews of Our Servicemen Tlie ‘‘United States Naval In­ stitu te Proceedings,” a journal THESE 3 GREAT ORGANIZATIONS for th e advancement of profes- ional literary and scientific knowledge in the Navy, has pub­ lished an article by Lt. j.g. Julian L Simon, U.S.N., entitled “Disci­ pline and the Division”. Lt Simon, a graduate of Mill- burn High School, has been an MILLBURN « APPLIANCE "JEt* officer in the Navy since he grad­ uated with honors from Harvard College in 1953. He served on the CS.S. Samuel B. Roberts (DD- Ridge Electrical Appliance/193 Bloomfield Ave., Newark 823) and has been liaison officer at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. At present he is attending the U.S. Ridge of Hillside Radio and T. V. Service School of Naval Justice at New­ port, Rhode Island. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Simon of South Mountain road. PRESENT A GREAT PRE-THANKSGIVING SPECIAL Tri Delta Notes Founder's Day The Northern New Jersey, Kidgewood and Westwood Alli­ CHICKEN NEST ances of Delta Delta Delta will celebrate their 67th Founder’s Day at a dinner on November FRESHLY KILLED 9th, 7 p. m. at the East Orange Hotel Suburban. Honored guests „;11 be Mrs. Chester B. Leaber, Xew York City, speaker and dis­ 10 POUND trict chairman, Mrs. John Fletch­ er, New York City, national TURKEY treasurer, Mrs. Carl E. Morris, Westfield, and Mrs. William R. McConnell, Larehmont, New York, district president. WITH THE PURCHASE OF A Mrs. Richard Ferdunn is gen­ eral chairman, assisted by Mrs. Kcnnelh Har of Maplewood, pres­ LISTING AT . • • • 79.95 BOTH ident of the Northern New Jersey $ 95 Alliance. A ll alumnae members BROIL-QUIK 10 Lb. TURKEY 6.95 are welcome. Reservations SP EC IA L TO should be made by November 4th with Mrs. Roy G. Vilas, 598 Val­ ley road, Upper Montclair. BROILER VALUE • • • • • 86.90 YOU FOR 3 6 Social Dancing Class Forming Hurry! Offer Good Only Thru Nov. 8 Freshly Killed Turkeys From The Chicken Nest, 63 Main St. Teenagers who would like to learn social dancing may regis­ ter for the class at the Recreation L&vei a uxywdetvfufi Department office in Taylor Park. M iss Patricia P eart is the in­ structor of the group which will meet Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. All teenagers in high school are eligible to register for the c la ss . For information call H COME SEE THESE BEST______BUYS!_ DR 6-1218. • this genuine 9 piece T he Recreation Department children’s dancing classes started last Thursday at the Taylor Park Recreation House. Tap and ballet Mirro Utensil Set instructions are available to local children. Parents may call DR 6- . *25°° Value Westinghouse Television 1218 to register or for information. A beginners as well as advanced classes have been started. Miss P e a rt is the instructor. Miss Peart studied at the Amer­ Thick durable aluminum New design ...inside and out! ican Ballet Academy and the for lifelong service. Use them on top of the Rnyce Dodge School of Dance. range or in the oven. Handsome black handles are heat proof. She taught at MacLeanys and D orothy Ebbe School of Dance. Brand new Big-Value features! She is a member of the Associa­ L j o w d tion of Dance and Affiliated Ar­ uj^il&ipa>vcLaie,of ch tists, Inc. • New Tip-Top Comfort Tunlngl ★ • New Sleek, Contemporary Design! Gift Making MAYTAG • New Decorator Colors! IV Subject • New Performance Dependabllifyl C h ristm a s gift making time is tcre again, and ideas for what to • Best-by-Eye Pictures! m ake a n d how to do it will be of- with the exclusive 'ered on “A Woman’s Work” Thursday, November 10, on WATV, ' disappearing shelf channel 13, from 12 to 12:30 p.m. . J frs. Margaret C. Shepard of The new Convenience you’ve ihort Hills, Essex County home wished f o r ...a pull-out shelf 'gent, and Miss Shirley John- at handy height, that slips out 21* TABLE MODEL ttone. associate home agent, will ihow how to make gifts for friends of sight when cooking is done. ind relatives of alt ages, as well Genuine Maytag 3 6 " range. 11 a felt skirt for the Christmas One hour time minder, large only ree a n d a centerpiece for the i , < & »•<: able. oven, two big storage areas, ' S m all children will adore the concealed lamp, spiral flame Ml house that folds for easy stor- burners with sim m er set, ’159” rge, a n d you'll want to make a 17" TABLE MODEL lew s u rp ris e s for the Christmas deluxe trim. lockings,” Mrs. Shepard says. In cl. Fed. Tax and Warrantf LOW DOWN (Swivel base optional at extra cost) THE CARMEL. (924T21) Big PAYMENT only *13995 picture-at a budget price . . . ind. Fed. Tax and Warranty and it's the clearest, sharpest, Hurry! This offer good for a limited time onlyl (Strive! stand optional at extra cost) steadiest picture money can THE SANTA BARBARA. (91ffT17) Top quality buy! Cocoa Brown as priced. SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW FROM OUR NEW performance and new, smart styling make this Terra Cotta, Spruce Green, GIFTWARE DEPARTMENT. set an outstanding value! Cocoa Brown as Ebony—slightly higher. Imported Crystal • Modern and Period Pottery • Low Priced priced. Cardinal Red, Spruce Green, Ebony— • Christmas Lay • A • W ay Plan slightly higher.


MILLBURN'S FASTEST GROW ING APPLIANCE STORE DREXEL 9-5300 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M.-9 P.M. 69 MAIN ST. Opposite Taylor Park SATURDAY We Are Here T o Please You FREE DELIVERY Free Parking In Rear 9 A.M .-A P.M. T h e A Short H U l» IT E M yJLjUOLD EYEGLASSESJCi X Dviunuasau may be left Eyes for the Needy, lnc., *v,i ■ I n L f . vember 9, at the home of Mrs. at The Item office,__ am391 vrniHtimMillburn fnmmiifamous nrniurtproject nfof the Short N. J. Wells Club William G. Johnston, 37 Haw­ avenue, for contribution to New Junior Service League. High School thorne place, Summit. The presi­ dent of the dub, Mrs. Stephen ‘Cafeteria Menu Fall Meeting Hopkins of Maplewood, will repor November 7 The fall meeting of the New on the annual Alumnae Council ^Hot Roast Pork'Sandwich Jersey Wells Club l(MSoutnern Southern sec-Sec meeting held at the college o HOW ABOUT YOUR Mashed Potato and Gravy tion)« _ willMl L. be - U-1 heldA nat t Q8 rtp.m„ m VoNo- Aurora, New York, 'Harvard Beets HEART? Milk November 8 You can have Informative heart booklets FREE by mailing Chicken a la king on Hot Biscuit the coupon below. Green Beans QUALITY NURSBtY STOCK n il .Milk November 9 Essex County Heart Association, Dept. D, Spaghetti 120 Evergreen Place, East Orange, N. J. Meat Balls in Tomato Sauce CHOICE SaECTION Cheese Please mail me, without any charge, the following Carrot Sticks booklets: Bread and Butter ^OXUJOOD BEN d Milk □ Your Heart and How It Works November 10 Roast Beef □ Heart Disease Caused by Coronary Arteriosclerosis Baked Potato and Gravy □ 101 Questions and Answers About Your Child’s Heart And Peas Your Own Bread and Butter Milk SMORT HILLS - NEW JCRSSV □ The Facts About Employment and Heart Disease November 11 Featuring: Heavy Berry Holly □ The Heart of the Home (easier ways of doing housework) No school. v Living Christmas Trees ★ Shade Trees NAME ...... S. M. Harkavy MLLBURN L E A G U E O ^V O M Ef^O TERfH lFFICIA LS INSTRUCT GIRL SCOUTS in the dis 1 Wholesale Retail Plant-U R-Self tribution of Voters’ Service Information Sheets which are being delivered by (lie Scouts to ADDRESS ...... CITY Funeral services for Samuel M. in the Township. Pictured are, left to right, Joan Baetzner, Barbara Lenahan, Mr Norman Slavitt, DRexel 9*3518 127 Parsonage Hill Rd. Harkavy of 176 Millburn avenue, chairman of Voters' Service, League President, Mrs. Harrison Durand, Judy Burke and were held Sunday at Philip Apter & Sons Funeral Home, Newark. Dr. Louis M. Levitsky of Congre­ gation Oheb Shalom officiated. \ a p e d i c t m s V j Burial was in Ohcb Shalom Ceme­ ' ^ P L U M B E R E tery. Mr. Harkavy, who was 52, suf­ fered a heart attack and died Fri­ WE GUARANTEE day while at Work in the Allied YOUU STOP Electrical Products Corp., Irving­ 'YOUR ton. He was emoloyed by the BLEATING. A. J. Willncr Co., Newark auction­ WHEN ONCI eering concern, and recently con­ WE SEE ducted an auction at the Irving­ .TVfO- ABOUT ton firm. Mr. Harkavv was born in New­ m \H g S ark and lived there until he moved SK *lY, to Millburn last year. He was a v\o 1. graduate of Central Hifh School, A** where he played on the basketball wit®’.a**1 team. ,0a* Mr. Harkavy was formerly head t*'-1 At®* of the Orange Truck Sales 8"d t i o v etfV' Service Co. of East Orange. He was a member of Oriental Lodge, .vjO*. A.PEDICINI F&AM, and a member of Con­ OR- *■ gregation Oheb Shalom. He was 0884 a former secretary of the Essex HOT tVA TER HEA TERS Countv Civic Clubs Council. td® • SIWERS 6 WASTE t v« He leaves his wife, Mrs. Doro­ • ElECTRICAllY CImauI edt® thea K. Harkavy; a daughter, Mrs. Arlene Pollock of Detroit; two brothers, I. Bernard Harkavy b * atlC of Maplewood and Abraham I. of a n 14 Newark, and a sister, Mrs. Eva d s s o * 0 * JSSV i Robinson of Newark. 1.....HI •f r i e1cv< p e a * no**'4 * loCa' ^de f°- ,.t» ★ *e t tfc* C. J. Bednarik T h e ^otaIl8e y , ceiWiri , qd-- W e l c o m e W a g o n ,\ie s A Solemn High Requiem Mass l a t n 1 X h e was offered Saturday morning in c * St. Rose of Lima Church for C. Welcome Wagon John Bednarik of 122 Greenwood H ostess drive. Burial was in St. Teresa’s s t i Cemetery, Summit. W ill Knock on Your Door Mr. Bednarik died October 25 0 * z with Gifts & Greetings in Overlook Hospital, Summit, -n0. V KoI, L« __ s o u t h U 8 , ’ ° . d . Irom Friendly Business after an illness of six weeks. He d e p c J t i d e was 47. tv i^1 o U t Neighbors and Your Born in New York, he was a o u t ne* * in »;;.tioXv to to EngagementAnnounceriients Agnes Ruane Bednarik; two 4i(,-ou” *‘r s i brothers, Alexander of New York a t e ? \ ef% e W Change of residence and Joseph of Jamaica, L. I., e * o t o » « Arrivals of Newcomers to and three sisters, Miss Ann Bed­ i n ’ C ity Pi v - tVve * * * narik, Mrs. Rose Richichi and Sovitn d e,0 “?'d *« °* e't e«ten4i<>i Phene DRexel 6-1200 Mrs. Mary Crowley, all of New •i^abO -W ^ and ^ # ^ ao4 * atti w* 4 LO •» York. t n ° r

,c©t eiY« S in 3 e t in t b e n® ,v»n» to oU* to' v ie® e « t o u t

d e n t

4. • H ew P o w e r ! • flew Design!

• New Picture V-. 1 • V l.v 1 F * ;Tr T T 1 ^ Brilliance! l BAANCH c . CHAKTIRED 1M7 when you get a color set, this same anfenno will bring you television in full color—at no MAIN OFFICE— 764-768 BROAD ST.r NEWARK 1, N. I. additional expensel Improve your present t TV reception by installing the Champion Bloomfield Ave. Branch: Bleemf itld Avt. at Clifton Ave. • Spring! hid Ave. Brnneh: Springfield Ave. at Ber 8**51 RAINBOW . . . and be really ready foi Vailsborg Branch: South Orange Ave. at Sandford Ave. • Downtown Branch: plena St. et Beymend Bevlt»,r COLOR tool Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corperation C a ll us today for full detallil =b-■ tT.i h Til^ 5 ) - : - . Now SOUTH ORANGE BRANCH Daidone All Electric 11 South Orange Avenue, South Orange, New Jersey (Formerly the South Orange Trust Company) 862 South Orange Ave. Newark, N. J.

Phone— Essex 3-8160 ■ lv ' f NOVEMBER 3, 1955 ] The Wilburn & Short Hills ITEM Page 9 THIS IS GLENWOOD SCHOOL

0n Tuesday, October 18th, Mr. were beautiful pieces of rocks with itzthum’s filth grade of Glen- glittering colors. jod School went to the Museum We went down the hallways to Natural History in New York. see the pre-historic animals. The e went by bus. On the bus we dinosaurs were interesting too. We pg songs. saw Tyronosaurus Rex and Bron­ when we arrived we went in tosaurus. We saw the bones of e side entrance. Mammals. We saw the longest started with the Indians. We tusk in the world. tered a room where they had After that we had lunch in the llage settings. We saw models Children’s Canteen. Ihe Indians’ homes. I enjoyed In the afternoon wc went to the eking at their costumes. We saw Zoo. SiiD IfL W U rH O T VALUES TOTw ARM UP EVERYOnT hT tHE FAMILY! Mummy that had been found. The thing the boys and girls We saw the Mexican Indians and liked best was feeding the pigeons. atues of their gods. There were Other interesting things we saw gny beautiful carvings of stones head to were the seals getting fed. I liked puts money im the Maya Indians and the the elephants, gorillas and the LEAVE IT TO T f a u S e m y i tecs. lions. Ir Vitzthum took us through the I enjoyed the trip and had a lot TO SAVE YOU MONEY! in your pants pocket with these clt' room. The rocks were beau- of fun. U1 There were beautiful pieces Marilyn Strubbe LEAVE IT TO T f a o t e / w f l stalactite and stalagmite. There Fifth Grade—Mr. Vitzthum CORDUROY « \ V TO GIVE YOU The Little Gray Squirrel Shawnsi Precast Steps Robin brought a baby squirrel SUPER-VALUES! to school. The baby squirrel fell \ luxurious, first quality from a tree. We fed him some milk from a bottle. The squirrel liked the milk. The baby squirrel tried to jump out of the box. And he did! We had fun watching the squirrel. Second Grade—Class Story Miss Capasso How Halloween Came About Attention, Homeowner! Halloween is a festival cele­ "Stop reintinf That Stoop" brated on October 31. Its name Shawnee precast steps means hallowed or holy evening will forever solve because it comes the day before your dilemma. All Saints Day. In modern times Water Repellant One piece units . . . it is celebrated with pranks and e Unlimited Guarantee parties, and with costumes that e No Conduction Tie-up are a mixture of many beliefs. HEADWARMERS e Adaptable fe Any Intronee The Druids, in early Britain, C Colot leeuty • Low Coil celebrated their autumn festival n o DOWN PATMENI s YEARS TO PAX at this time of year. They called the festival Samhain (sah win) or C PHONE: Summer's End. The Druids also efflce: MI. 7-0232, evei. ME. 5-8574 believed that on Halloween, Ladies' WONDERFLEX manufactured by: ghosts, spirits, fairies, witches and 1. & S. Concrete Steps Co. elves came out to harm people. Nylon Hose Railroad Avenue, Stirling. N. J. They built large bonfires to scare such creatures away. The people Short-Medium-Long Reg. 69c gathered around the fires and told stories about their meetings with Colors— Wonderbeige, BID Y O U the ghosts. We have kept many of wonderhaze Self-fringed. Pretty Plaids these customs in the use of the in wide assortment of col­ IO W T H A T pictures and shapes of ghosts and ors and patterns. I8"x72". witches which are used in Hal­ Sizes 10-18 /o u c a n r e n t loween decorations. Halloween is HURRY IN! VALUES LIKE THESE Solids & Prints the time for fun, not the time for , G O LIKE HOT CAKES! a new . damaging other peoples property. Lee Holschuh BOTH IN RED, TURQUOISE, CHARCOAL OR HACK. 6-B Many other assorted stylos and colors. IECCHI Have a Good Time While Sewing M achine? Being Good SNOW SUITS Our class had a discussion about Ladies' the nights before Halloween. We YOU CAN LOOK AND LOOK AND LOOK think it’s all right to have fun if for saiart you take into consideration other AND NEVER FIND A SWEATER VALUE people and their property and not TO MATCH THIS BEAUTY COAT cause destruction. Chalk night is all right if you write on things that are not harm­ ed by it. Of these, sidewalks are SWEATERS probably the best. Rains quickly LONG SLEEVE wash off markings. But if you write on things like houses, ‘which Re* $«V77 cost a lot of money to paint you 100% ORLON 52.98 are destroying property of other Exquisite New Shades o n ly J 2 2 people. Doorbell night is fun. But if you CLASSIC Girl's Printed A M O N T H know that a person is sick or a Call for FREE baby lives in a certain house you KNITTED shouldn’t ring that doorbell. A sick Corduroy Demonstration person in trying to get to the door might injure him or herself. Or Everything For Tho , you might wake a baby. Women Who Serve! By letting air out of tires on CARDIGAN PANTS A Complete Sewing Center cars you could cause an accident. • Button Holes • Buttons Sizes • Covered Buttons • Needles In emergencies it could cause • Belts Si Buckles • P a rts great inconvenience. 2-4 .77 • Largest Selection Of Buttons Reg. In Town — Priced Right Here are three rules we made: 51.98 $1 1. Don’t use chalk on houses. If rou CAN BUY A NECCHI you have to, play with it on the sidewalk. SPECIAL! I pc Brushed Cotton FOR AS LOW A S 98.95 2. Don’t ring doorbells where peo­ Big Trade-In Allowances ple are sick or where babies Guaranteed Alpine 40 hr. live. SLEEPERS 3. Don't let air out of other peo­ REG. $2.98 FURRER'S ples bicycle or car tires. Warm, softest brush cotton, Sewing Center If you follow the golden rule you Alarm Clock double sole enclosed feet, 100 Summit Are. C R . 3-0210 won't get into trouble. That is, Pick up several! loop full cut, gripper snap clos­ •r “ Do onto others as you would have Weekend 99 ing, elasticized waist. Cute 7 Bm St. Morristown them do onto you.’’ crew neck. Ribbed Only! animal designs on front. Jef. 9-2398 Anthony Lob n Washable. Sixes 1 to 6- Group 6-B bottom and cuffs; Basement Sales Floor matching shank Newberry's for Good Food buttons. White and choice of Try Our New many colors. 34-40. SHRIMP California Burger Beefburger on ^ P t Large Selection! -IN- Toasted Roll. SALE Crispy French Fries. Lettuce Sizes 3-18 BASKET and Tomato.

Crispy French Fries DeLuxe 18"x 18" Boys' 2 Pc. SUITS BANANA SPLIT Tasty Cole Slaw Hot Roll & Butter 3 Big Scoop* O Q t FILLED I c e Cream. dle9 $4.98 $*| O 98 Fruit Topping and Whipped SOFA Cream. 69c Special Friday & Saturday. Coat with Matching Trousers PILLOWS Sizes 2-10 SURCOATS Real Chic — Perfect For FaH Wear Assorted Patterns and Newberry's Self-Service and Colors Basement Stamped Pillow Tubing JACKETS And Cases .. 77* Parkas — 100% Wool Plaids TOYLAND All kinds of assorted pat- 2 Mouton Collars — Quilted Linings ......

2 FOR $1.49 terns. Choice of many NOW O P E N ! I colors. Size 34 x 26. Stock fo r Use our Easy Convenient Layaway Plan — NOW, up now. $ S .9 8 $ 9 . 9 8 While our large selection b complete! >e demand for this item has been so great that we have ranged with the manufacturer to make up another order Reg. 79c EA. a price that meant savings to you! STORE HOURS: GENERAL GREENE . - . Mon., Tue«„ & Wed., 9:30-5:30 p.m. General Greene T h u n , dt Fri., 9:30-9 p.m. s h o p p in g c e n t e r Springfield, N. J. Saturday, 9:30-6 p.m. Shopping Center J. J. N EW BERRY CO. J. J. NEWBERRY Springfield, N. J. !

C NOVEMBER 8 The Mlllbum A Short HUlt ITEM 1955] Id Anonymous, was established sev­ which can be given to traffi, and should be treated as such. parking areas at main artery (ex. " ft; sey. Petty political and provincial Democrats, Philip F. Fannan, South Orange Avenue) and city eral years ago and its work has gestion is the prohibition of, 2. Yes! Traffic congestion is one Candidates Answer Questions considerations have caused the Alice L. Lawson, Arthur Slavitt line intersections; urge bordering been most effective. As an expan­ ing on arterial highways sion of that program, the Board Republican party to default in its and Felix Rospond answered: of the most serious problems in municipalities to adopt and thus rush hours. Construction has authorized the preparation of duty in the face of an acknowl­ 1, The Democratic candidates, Essex County today. I have con­ extend Newark’s prohibition of street parking areas and 18 Of League of Women Voters edged water shortage; by the de­ sketches for a building to housi this year, as in the last several sistently been fighting for more' parking on alternate sides of main tinuation of the program , 611 fault, the economic and well-be­ roads to ease A.M. or P.M. peak these offenders. was instituted several - ^ Questions asked by the Essex are you especially interested? years, advocate special treatment assistance from the state and Democratic candidates, Donal ing of our citizens has been traffic. 2. The most immediate relief (Continued on Page^* County League of Women Voters and facilities for the care and re­ Federal government. For the past H) C. Fox for state senator, and Wil­ threatened. By its procrastina­ RALPH H. JACOBSON— habilitation of alcoholics. Special two years no aid has been received are answered by candidates for liam T. Wachenfeld, Norman N. tion, the Republican party has 1. Yes — the problem of alco­ study should be given to the prob­ from the State although Essex state senator, assemblymen and Schiff, Leonard D. Ronco, Fran­ multiplied the ultimate cost of a holism is growing in intensity and lem since these unfortunate per­ County jiays approximately 25% freeholders in a brochure pub­ ces X. McCarthy, Theodore Lyt- solution. The Republican-con- this program, as well as any trolled Legislature recently sons are sick, mentally and physi­ towards the funds for road con­ lished by the league which is be­ wyn, William F. Purcell, Sr., Van others that scientific and medical moved reluctantly, only by the cally, and should not be treated or struction. research establish as worth while, ANTIQUES SHOW ing distributed this week by the Y. Clinton, John P. Marinaro, My recommendations are: Ex­ Richard A. Lynch, Anthony Pa- pressure of public opinion. We incarcerated with ordinary crimi­ should and must be pursued. local Girl Scouts. tension of Route 10 in Essex Coun­ zos, William J. Straub and James pledge ourselves to work for an nals. 2, Yes — Believe that East-West Candidates for the senate ^nd adequate water supply program 2. The Democratic candidates ty. Route 21 extended to Route 3. Upper Montclair assembly were asked the follow­ E. Garrigan, for assemblymen, Route 22 extended to Newark. Highway program should be com­ issued the Democratic Party’s to meet both present and long deplore the “can’t do anything ing questions: 1, How do you Funds should be allqpated over a pleted at earliest possible mo­ answer as follows: range needs. now” attitude taken by Republi­ ment; that a County Traffic Com­ think the New Jersey water prob­ 2. We will support the estab­ period of years for the East-West Monday, Nov. 7 through Thursday, Nov. lo can county officials in connection mission should be created to study lem should best be solved?, 2, 1. We deplore the failure of the lishment of a state program to Freeway because of the excessive with the east-west traffic conges­ intra-county solutions to promote 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Should the state help local com­ Republican party during the many provide for construction of suffi­ cost. tion in our county. We are pledged flow of traffic from suburban Es­ munities which are unable to fi­ years of its control of the Legis­ cient school classrooms and to EDITH K. REINHARD— to immediate, implemented study sex into Newark and adequate nance needed additional school lature and the executive office, provide for the modernization and 1. I favor the plan for a separ­ COM M ONW EALTH CLUB 551 Valley Rood to provide for the critical water and action on this problem which parking facilities there for shop­ buildings?, and 3, In what prob­ rehabilitation of existing school seriously affects shopper, commu­ ate building to house alcoholics, lems of New Jersey government needs, particularly in North Jer- buildings and facilities. mindful that psychiatric treatment pers and workers. ter, business establishment and ELIZA G. WRIGHT— Eber's Patio Shop— Casual Furniture—Eber9s Patio Shop__Caimj 3. The members of the Demo­ industry alike. might be administered more effec­ tively, and greater benefits derived 1. For some time, under the cratic legislative ticket have The Republican candidates an­ leadership of Warden Read, a pro­ spent months in careful study of swered individually as follows: for this type of patient. Careful study would be essential before gram has been in effect to attempt government problems — many of ELWOOD P. RUSSELL- to rehabilitate alcoholics who are CLEARANCE them having been familiar with 1. I would favof segregation undertaking the project. sentenced to the County Penitenti­ them before. We would prefer to and treatment of alcoholics at the 2. Until suburban Essex and Newark are served by an “ex­ ary.. Under the leadership of the BIBP S * V lt lK emphasize no particular prob­ Essex County Penitentiary because | Warden, a chapter of Alcoholics c lem above others. In fact, our ex- i 1 believe alcoholism is a disease pressway,” I recommend more tensive, 23-plank platform indi- ! cates that we are prepared for l 1 frontal attack on all of those spe­ cific issues. Republican candidates. Mark Anton, incumbent, for state sen­ the most complete ator, and Esther B. Bush, Donald ____ — ------f t iH Sh o p J. Fitzmaurice, Marie F. Mae- j selections of cesuel A ll nationally advertised. One, bert, Dominic Nick Cundari, ______^ T w e k " » H ° “ Se furniture anywhere— two and three piece. In nylon Leo J. Moseh, Ruby V. Perfette. and other fabrics. Sizes 2 to James Vance Mclver. Hymen B. elso originel ber ac­ Mintz, John W. Lebeda. John J. 6 X . cessories and gifh. Goff, William MacDonald and , , uiRSCHO fr Thomas M. Sherman, for assem­ blymen, issued the Republican Party’s answer as follows: MU. JO H N 1. Under the leadership of Sen­ will s ^ ee , \95» THE UNUSUAL IN RATTAN! ator Mark Anton, New Jersey is The charm and color of the South Seas perfectly on Move* er -llable lor well on the Way to solution of the adapted for den, recreation room, rumpus room. state's most important problem . .( qiK* «re a —additional water supplies for A wide se\ecH°o • J ^ EXCITING W RO UGHT IRON! metropolitan North Jersey and Combining old world artisanship with the sophis­ also for South Jersey. Despite H°',d Y Mew opposition from rural interest, c.ree! Millburn, ^ ticated look of modern simplicity for any room Senator Anton was able to resolve in the home. differences over selection of a 178 site, financing and administra­ “T L e DRewel 6-0“ ' sliT1„*»v furniture for casual tion of a new water program so Route 22, that it obtained legislative ap­ proval and will be placed on the * North Plainfield ballots for the Nov. 8th election. c,tTS ’umova®®"5 € B € R / Senator Anton and Essex Repub­ BOOKS ’.i Mile West of lican Legislators have fought for i PATIO SHOP Somerset Street the water program for the last Open Daily Incl. Sunday, 9 A. M. to 10 P, M. three years and will campaign a the Year 'Round for adoption of the referendum for the issuance of 100 million 1 dollars in bonds, of which 60 mil­ Eber’t Patio Shop— Carnal Furniture—Eber’i Patio Shop—Caeual lion dollars will go for develop­ ment of a reservoir at Chimney ; Rock and the remaining 40 mil­ D r a p k i n ' s lions would be subject to future legislative appropriation for ad­ 335 Millburn Ave., Millburn DRexel 6-0620 ditional supplies in South Jersey and elsewhere. OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS 2. All Essex County Republican candidates are pledged to sup­ port a program for additional state aid to needy school districts for construction and reconstruc­ tion of schools. Senator Anton MERCURYS OCTOBER SALES GRIFFITHS IS HAMMOND ORGAN already has sponsored measures to create a state revolving fund Headquarters in North Jersey to loan money to needy school districts at low interest rates to supplement the proposed addi­ mam to tional direct state grants. In this way small communities with a rapidly expanding school popula­ tion would be able to begin school construction immediately and repay the loan over a period of years. SMASH ALL-TIME RECORDS 3. As Republicans of Essex County we favor a progressive program of highway construction to relieve present intolerable con­ gestion; a combined federal, state and municipal program in con­ Biggest October in Mercury history junction with private business to produce low cost middle income housing; additional motor vehicle testing stations to eliminate pres­ ent delays; and a greatly expand­ starts the big move to TH E BIG ed institutional program to assist unfortunates suffering from men­ tal illnesses. Candidates for Freeholder were You discover new thrills each time asked: 1, It has been suggested that alcoholics at the Essex Coun­ On September 29th THE BIG M —the new 1956 you play the Hammond Organ ty Penitentiary be segregated for intensive treatment. Would you Mercury—was unveiled for the first time in CHECK THE BIG M ’S Tha ftMclnatioH of a Hammond Organ is simply this—you can favor such a program and why, or do so much more with anything you play. why not? 2. Do you agree that dealers’ showrooms. By November 1st, actual LEADERSHIP FEATURES! H ere is a richness andnd range of tonal colors no comparable one of the most serious problems organ can equal. Here are new orchestral percussions . . . tones in Essex County is traffic conges­ like harp, chimes, bells, xylophone and many others, which tion? If elected have you any rec­ sales figures indicated immediate, overwhelming New 225-hp safety-surge V-8 engines yon can weave into your music in a way never before possible ommendations to bring to the in th e organ. Board of Freeholders on this m at­ New high in usable power for pickup, Yon can vary the simplest piece so many ways that every ter? public acceptance-far greater than in an y previous howr at the Hammond Organ unfolds fresh adventures! Mail passing, hill-climbing coupon for more details. first month following the introduction of a new Ten big, new Safety-Engineered features O n ly Hammond Mercury model. It’s still another new all-time rec­ Exciting, new Flo-Tone color styling gives you all this 13 glamorous new models, including a Harmonic Drawbars provide a vast range ord month for one of the fastest growing cars in whole fleet of low-silhouette hardtops of tonal combinations. Separate Vibrate Controls for lower and New, wider price range upper manuals in three degrees of vibrato automotive history. Come in now—see why so and vibrato chorus. Consistently higher resale value "ToucH-Rotponeo Percussion Controls’'* bring you a whole new world of orchestral percuseion tones. many people are making the move to THE BIG M . t Control adapts cathedral-like tones to any living room. Co-l* No Tuning Expense. Hammond is the only organ that never gets out of tune. Easiest to play of all keyboard instruments. Even if you know Kttle or nothing about music now, yoa’U play satisfying music in less than 30 days. Thousands of people have!


Gentlemen: Please send me full information on the Hammond Organ including your lesson plan and Say Conductor — did Washington cross the Delaware on the Penney what it will cost me. Check which model interests you. or the Lehigh Valley? □Chord □Spinet □Home □Church QConcert Here’s a firm which does not rail­ N ame...... road anyone, but has helped many Address. across the w ater of‘ advert! ‘ rslty . to the to THE BIG shore of satisfaction; and they didn’t need a pull or Pulman to get Phone.., the beet. Ivy's Cleaners The Music Center of New JerseyM Tailoring and Fur Stand# Be oure to oee the big television hit, the “Ed SulUvon Show” Sunday evening, 1:00 to 8:00, Station WCBS-TV, Channel 2 snow \-w hite Dry Cleaning Work Done On PremlKa GRIFFITH PIANO CO. Pick Up and Delivery Bachelor Service BASiUOND AND S7EI.Nir.iy REPRESENTATIVES M onthly Accte. 1 Hr. Service FLETCHER LINCOLN-MERCURY Corp. 605 Broad Street, Newark 2, N. J. 309 MILLBURN AVENUE Open W ed. Evea. u n til 9 - MArket 3 -3 8 8 0 DRexel 0-2014 • Short BUli 80 FRANKLIN PLACE SUMMIT CR. 7-1 ■ 1** f

r NOVEMBER 3. I9SS] The Millbum & Short Hills ITEM Page I I (Continued from Page 10) member of the Board of Free­ at Union Theological Seminary in a meditation and a Bible reading Parable of the Sower—Four Kinds subject “The Kind of Men Jesus visor; John H. G. Boer, choir­ widening and improving our holders I will continue the efforts Mexico City. conducted by one of the boys. of People”. At the next meeting Chose”. master; William Barnard, organ­ uBty highway system, will con- which we have made for several Author of scores of articles and Last Thursday Jack Palmer con­ John Griffin will give the Bible The Rector of the Church, the ist; and Mrs. Howard Blyth is Rev. Herbert H. Cooper is ad­ ue to be of material aid. As a years to get the State Highway numerous books, Dr. Felton has ducted the meditation on “The reading and will speak on the choir mother. chosen for his subject “Hope Rises Department to construct an east- from the Land” which is the title west freeway in our county. Ve Specialize In of his most recent book. ★ Tea will be served after the /HEEL CHAIR CLAUDETTE ROSE, daughter meeting. RENTALS of Mr. and Mrs. Lucien F. Rose ★ of Morris avenue, and Cynthia Ann S t Stephen's H arrar of Scarsdale, N. Y„ both h o s p it a l beds junior students at Western College CRUTCHES & CANES for Women, Oxford, 0., have been Supper Tonight OXYGEN SERVICE asked by President Herrick B. ALL HOSPITAL SUPPLIES Young to serve as the college’s of- The Parish supper of St.-Steph­ micial delegates to the Fifth Na­ en’s Episcopal Church is being Pay by Check FRUCHTMAN'S tional Conference convened by the held tonight (Thursday) in the United States National Commis­ .rescription c e n t e r Parish House on Main street. Ail sion for UNESCO. The girls have organizations of the church are o Maple St. Summit been selected because of their CR. 3-7171 study experiences in South Ameri­ participating in this affair. Mrs, ca and France, respectively. Handley H. Dickinson is general chairman. DR. RAf-PH A. FELTON, who The Christmas bazaar, with Mrs. will be guest speaker at a meet­ Robert Esler and Mrs. David Dover Street British Shoes ing of the Community Congrega Brown, co-chairmen, and the Win­ OUR BUSINESS It primarily telling tional Church Tuesday. ter Wonderland for Children, with Britith thort by mall on direct factory ★ Mrs. Clifford Anderson as chair­ representation at a fraction of their man is scheduled for December American retail price, taring pur- Church Guild 2nd and 3rd. cltatert lateral dollart a pair. ★ Open a For the convenience of local cuttomeri Selects Speaker Boys Elect uho with to be pertonolly fitted w FIRST NATIONAL CHECKING ACCOUNT are note open Dr. Ralph A. Fenton will be ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS— 10 AM. the guest speaker at the next Choir Officers to 6 PM. meeting of the Women’s Guild SATURDAYS 9 AM. to 2 PM. At its last meeting the Christ Save time, steps and money. of the Community Congregational Church Boys’ Choir, numbering MAIL ORDER PRICES PREVAIL Church of Short Hills on Tuesday, Keep your cash in your pen . . . not your pocket. fifty boys elected John Pieper as November 8, at 1^30 p.m. at the Pay your bills by mail with a First National check. home of Mrs. David H. Jackson, president; Peter Bowles, vice Onlr 9 - 9 5 *"** ' ■ ‘ ■,r9r-' 17 Hemlock road. president; and .tames H. Cooper, Dr. Felton, who is widely known secretary-treasurer. for his work in the improvement When you pay by check, you know where the money goes. The choir holds its rehearsals Martin's Scotch Grain of riiral community life in the Checks give you accurate records and legal receipts. A supple Scotch grain ox­ country and throughout the world, on Thursday evenings and sings ford, distinctively styled retired in 1952 as professor of at the 9:30 service In the Church rural sociology in the Theological for town or country. Hand each Sunday morning. The choir Come in ^nd open your checking account today. Seminary at Drew University. He lasted. Fully leather lined. has a Boys’ Club which meets established the rural church pro­ before each rehearsal for games, Tan only. gram at Drew in 1930 when the Style #3SJ work was being offered in only All shoes In stock for immediate delivery- two other institutions. A recent survey shows that 72 American POPULAR PIANO THE seminaries and colleges now have FIRST M rural church departments, 22 of Jack Barry AND TRUST COMPANY j&Rfostt JBilltaitw, 11th. which are headed by Drew grad­ «MCkM «fc* MchulT. N.A.M.M. Cherd 8re- O F S U M M IT uates. Um i t P»p»t*r Plane. 40 CHATHAM ROAD. SHORT HILLS, N. J. In 1952 CorneU University L nrn to play Fjw (Opposite Short Hills Lackawanna Station) awarded Dr. Felton the Oberlln favertto «««• smlcklr u 4 aullr hr ■» POUNDED 1197 LONDON OFFICE FeUowshlp Pin “ for distinguished m , pwdeni war. WILLIAM SCHLERETH, SftXBOBOUOH h o u s e j service to the rural church”. He "Lemons In Tear Home” FKBSIDENt 11 Barktley St., LONDON W. I. taught for extended periods at DROP IN I I Cornell, Drew, American Univer­ SOuth Oranga S-2445 See our complete selection of fine British shoes. sity in Beirut, Lebanon, Nanking Theatre Bldg. Maplawood MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 10 INSURE EACH DEPOSITORS ACCOUNI UP 10 SI0.000 J^heologi^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiituuiipj Limit On* 5c Special Per Person SPECIALS Offer Expires OPEN TONIGHT 1 1 1 0 P.M. Wed. Nov. 9th Reg. 29c! Box of 30 Wood t * Clothespins ...... only m II., Rog. 49c! Mustard or Catsup 1 IIP* D ispenser...... only 1 FREE REFRESHMENTS! Reg. 29c! Imported Wicker C r f Bread Baskets *...... f . oaly g NEW JERSEY’S LARGEST DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORE { Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii!iiiiii:iii illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliri

New Jersey’s Most Complete *Caldwell Store Only MEN'S 2-PC. HAIMES Discount Clothing Department QUILTED LINED Reg. SLEEPERS for for GABARDINE LENGTH SI 4.95 TODDLERS LADIES • MEN • BOYS & GIRLS JACKETS Sizes 1-2-3-4- Pink, Blue, Canary, Mint & Pumpkin

21 DIAMONDS in a Reg. $3.95 Value 14 Karat GOLD $ A.97 12’’ 331/3 SPEED EA. COLUMBIA NOW WEDDING RING DIAMOND Reg. $190 j plus ANDRE KOSTELANETZ Total Cost of Ring $62.37 Vatu* tax RECORD

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D o llS • • t a $12.95-1*16.95 $5 " CURTAINS


1956 BIG M .7 3 liiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...... — ------1956 24" $ 0 7 I EXTRA SPECIAL! f o r t h e n e x t 5 d a y s o n l y ! SCREEN • * • I EVEN cueki witd.wiHi iiMinN.OP'SUNION-OP'S RIGBIG DISCOUNTS C C I I I I l C C l with H»* purchasepurchase BIG SCREEN YOU RECEIVE A of any one REFRIGERATOR, WASHER, DRYER. RANGE Available In Factory Available in Factory HAM or FREEZER. Sealed Cartoni Sealed Cartoni F R E E 10 lb. TV Q uantity Limited TV ...... 1111...... mini.... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiniinntiiiiiiRininniiiiiiiniintinnnnnninininininuininntnnRiiiniinnfflniiniiiiniiiniiiniiiiiniiiiiiniiniinniiiunniNiiii ll!llllllllll!lll BOTH STORES OPEN TONIGHT & EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 P.M. VERONA STORE HIGHWAY STORE ifm em ber . . .

UNION-OP SELLS 645 Bloomfield Ave. ROUTE 46


s [ NOVEMBER 3 P»i» 1 3 The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM was “The Selection of Gifted Stu­ program conducted by the Edu­ lem. It concentrates not on the and emotional adjustments of Attends Meeting dents for National Survival.” She cational Records Bureau in con­ Hadassah Aids individual by himself, but the in­ these families in their environ­ attended the Thursday afternoon junction with the National Asso­ dividual as a part of his family, ment. The emphasis lies on pre­ session on the use of scholarships ciation of Remedial Reading. ventive medicine. On Education Health Center and through the family as a part in selection and guidance of stu­ ★ The goal of this medical station of the community. It pays parti­ Mrs. Winifred Moore, director dents and that evening’s session The Millburn Chapter of Hadas­ is to be prepared to take care of on tlie use of tests in the instruc­ Mark Maplewood cular attention to the physical, 20,000 people. ____ Join Our Christinas Club of the Far Brook School, attended sah has completed final arrange­ the Twentieth Educational Con­ tion and guidance of able stu­ ments for its fund raising project ference of the Educational Rec­ dents. DAR Anniversary ords Bureau and the American On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry to be held on November 9th, in Council of Education which was Furness of the Far Brook School The Watch Tower Chapter, behalf of Bet Mazmil. $1. $2, $3, $5. $10 Clubs held in New York City last Thurs­ faculty, attended the meeting on Daughters of the American Revo­ A group of gatherings at vari­ COMPLETE LUNCHEONS day and Friday. “Developing Maximum Reading lution of Maplewood, will celebrate ous houses will be held on that The theme of the conference Power among Gifted Pupils,” a its 31st birthday on November 7, NOW BEING SERVED ___ at the home of Mrs. Joseph P. day. The hostesses are the Mes- From 11:30 A . M. to 2:30 P. M. ..,...... UP8 5 ‘ Dividend paid on ad Skirdlant, 693 Prospect st., Maple­ dames Sol Milroad, Edward Sa- ALSO SANDWICHES and other QUICK ORDER completed clubs. Arabelle Jell-well says: wood. Mrs. Carl L. Minier, chap­ german, Lee Caproff, Alan Ra­ Selections ter regent will preside. phael, Sam Rosenberg, Herman Honored guests will include the Buncher, Harold Weston, Herman DINNER — 5 p.m. to closing Trymyrm/ | NSTANT New Jersey State Regent, Mrs. Pollack, Herbert Dobkin, Howard Special Charcoal Steaks & Chops Thomas Earle Reeves, 'and the Reis and Louis Feld. Refresh­ Cocktails — Finest Drinks — Served at all times MARBLE PIE! members of the State Board. The ments and various games (ca­ Open till 2 a.m. National Society will be repre­ nasta, bridge, mah jongg, scrab­ (Closed Tuesdays) INVESTORS SAVINGS sented by Mrs. William A. Becker, ble, chess, etc.) will be featured. honorary president general; Mrs. All guests will be welcome. For C. Edward Murray, honorary vice reservations call Mrs. Harry Wolt, 64 Main S tre e t president general, and Mrs. Ralph So. Orange 2-2655. T H E TWIGS W. Greenlaw, national vice presi­ Bet Mazmil has presented a Springfield Avenue (Rte. 24, Just O ff Morris Ave.) Millburn, N. J. dent general. Honorary New Jer­ new approach to medicine. It is Springfield, N. J. sey State Officers will he repre­ a community health center in Is­ DRexel 6-9885— Ask For "JA C K POWERS” sented by Mrs. J. Warren Perkins, rael which was started primarily Mrs. Edward F. Randolph and to cope with the immigrant prob­ Mrs. Palmer M. Way. Holy Hour Program for CYO CYO members from St. Rose of Lima, Short Hills, will attend the holy hour at St. Leo’s, Irving­ Lovely to look a t - SUGAR HONEY ton, this Sunday. A program of monthly holy hours has been in- Luscious to eat! GRAHAMS prated as the CYO’s principal NO COOKINO OR BAKING! 56 .activity and is designed So festive-yet easy, quick ijromote devotion to Christ the and delicious! Filling recipe on King. packages of Jell-well Instant Rev. James A. Carey will be Chocolate & Vanilla Puddings the speaker at St. Leo’s. He will and crunchy crust recipe on speak on “The Saorament of the Pirates’ Gold Graham Cracker ______„ Eucharist.” General theme of the entire program which will con­ package. Get both today a t. .. S A F E W A Y tinue through May, will be “The Eucharist and Youth.” CYO mem­ bers making the holy hour will be invited to join the Catholic Youth Adoration Society founded in 1948 by Rev. Joseph Bernier, S.S.S., For Spring who is helping plan the program. Activities at St. Stephen's St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church will celebrate Loyalty Sunday on November 6. On that date the entire congregation will be in­ vited to attend the 9:30 a. m. Family Worship Service, or the .11 a. m. Holy Communion Serv­ ice. Annual pledges for the annual support of the church will be made in the church during both serv­ ices. At 2' p. m. team captains and canvassers will assemble in the Parish House for final instruc­ The fruits of 25 years of Clean Government in Essex County with the cost of padded payrolls, with a higher and higher tions. They will then make parish must not be lost. . . . calls regarding interests, talents and higher tax rate. It means an end to Clean Government in and activities of parishioners. Economy and efficiency in our State and County government Essex County, the beginning of an era of waste and extrava­ Team Captains include Dr. must not give way to the irresponsibility of job-hungry, politi­ gance. The County Tax Rate in Essex County, under a Republican Thomas C. Kienzle, David H. cally-minded spenders. * p* -r - f *- _ administration, is 60 cents; in Hudson County, Brown, William Sorensen, Ralph Do we want the Hudson County type of v o t e T h e En t ir e Williams, Fred Thompson, Rob­ under a Democratic administration, it is $1.2S. SPECIALS ert G. Smith, and William A. political chicanery and extravagance in our REPUBLICAN TICKET County Court House and at Trenton? The loss of every Assemblyman jeopardizes Red Emperor Tulips, huge vermilion-red. Sale. Among the canvassers are Bor State Senator the Republican majority in the State Assembly; Dr. Richard B. Wearn, E. B. You’ve seen the Democratic political ma­ $1.35 dox.; $9.50 per 100 IB MARK ANTON Do you realize what that means? It means Henry, Stanley McConkey, C. N. chines at w ork-in Hudson County under possible control of the State Assembly and the Sunburst Darwin Tulips, golden yellow. Wheeler, Kenody Ware, James Hague, in New York under Tammany, in C. Bamaby, Ruth Anderson, 2B ESTHER B. BUSH beginning of a fight for a State Sales and $1.10 doz.; $7.50 per 100 Kansas City under Pendergast, in Chicago, in George Jones, Mark Oliver, Ray­ 3B DONALD J. FITZMAURICE Income Tax by the Democratic ADAs. mond Pittinger, Alfred Geissler, Washington. Extravagance. Waste. High taxes. Yellow Crocus, bulbs, V/ a in. a c ro s s ...... 75* doz.; 4B MARIE F. MAEBERT Alfred Young, L. Howarth, F. Political favoritism. Loaded payrolls. 5B DOMINIC NICK CUNDARI And the defeat of Senator Mark Anton would $1.45 for 25; $5.25 per 100 Warren Brown, Thomas H. Clark, This is more than an election of men and 6B LEO J. MOSCH be a blow to Essex County and the whole Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Pfirr- women to office. This election involves im­ 7B RUBY V. PERFETTE State. We need men like Senator Anton to rep­ Naturalizing Daffodils $2.25 for 25; $8.50 per 100 mann, Mrs. Earl W. Neal, Wil­ resent us in Trenton. He has a record of two liam Stoeckle, Mr. and Mrs. John portant, mighty important, principles. It is Lily-of-Hie-Valley. Bundle of 10 for 95* Clean Government vs. Bad Government. It is SfcBHy&SS years in the Senate sponsoring sound legisla­ Ebel, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Esler, 10B JOHN W. LBBEDA Miss Myrtle Livingston, Mrs. Economy vs. Waste. It is Decency vs. Political tion helpful to Essex County. He has served us ALSO. DAFFODILS, HYACINTHS, 11B J O H N J. GOFF David H. Brown, Mrs. Joyce B. Skulduggery. It is NO Income Taxes vs. In­ 12B WILLIAM S. MACDONALD with distinction and ability. No man in the Carroll, Mrs. Ralph Williams, come Taxes. It is NO Sales Tax vs. a Sales Tax. 13B THOMAS M. SHERMAN Senate has greater integrity or a broader CROCUS, SCILLAS, SNOWDROPS Hanley Dickinson, Mrs. Charles W. Ward, Ralston Young, Arthur As a good citizen, you should vote the For County Clerk business experience. He is progressive and far-seeing. AND MANY OTHERS West, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Straight Republican Ticket. This is important 14B ANTHONY GIULIANO to you. It is important to Essex County, to the Reeve, Mr. and Mrs. John Kulp; For County 1 Vote the Straight Republican Ticket—the Marshall Hettrick, parish chair­ State of New Jersey. 15B ABBIE W. MA< Clean Government Ticket. Vote to keep our man and David H. Brown, co- The loss of one Freeholder, just one, will ALL AT LOW PRICES chairman. taxes down. Vote against the Sales Tax. Vote put the Democrats in control of the County The adoption of the new Episco­ 16B ELW' against a State Income Tax. Vote against Over 250 Kinds Shown In Color Board of Freeholders. Do you realize what 17B EDI’ ...... pal Church School Curriculum by extravagance, against waste. Vote against St. Stephen's and the hiring of a that means? It means saddling Essex County IBS RALPH H senior seminary student from 19B ELIZA C • politically-motivated, high-cost government; >• Forbes Garden Centers General Theological Seminary in New York City, has increased the Morris Turnpike at Millburn Ave., Millburn number of Sunday services which include the 9:30 a. m. Family Clean Government has kept ydu from paying a Sales Tax and State Income Tax Phone Drexel 9-4430 Worship Service where the entire and Route 10, Hdnover (WHippany 8-0375) family worships as one unit in for the past 20 years. Do you want to start now? If not, vote Republican.* the church prior to church school. Stores open An adult parent class is under the direction of Seminarian R. MiHbum Sundays and Hanover Sundays and Dean Johnson. Robert G. Esler VOTE THE STRAIGHT CLEAN GOVERNMENT REPUBLICAN TICKET Weekdays 8:30 to 5 Weekdays 8:30 to 5:30 is the superintendent of the church school. VOTE LINE "B” ALL THE WAY STAND BY EISENHOWER

...... 1 Every Denomination Families of every denomination, for many decades, have selected the Young Service Home regardless of their financial means.

Y oung s S ervice H ome • • ESTABLISHED 1908 1JS J ® ^ ^ O U N G , Funeral Director 145-149 MAIN STREET, MILLBURN MARK ANTON Tel. DRexel 6-0406 Candidate for State Senator

This advertisement paid for by Wm. F. Yeomans, Campaign Manager, U Hill St., Newark, N. J. moVEMBER 3. 1955 ] The Mlllbum & Short Bills ITEM Paq* U Church of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, lence causes of the Presbyterian Iyoming Church Dr. Kurth now serves on the Gen­ Church for 1956. \oming Events eral Council of the Presbyterian The first of a series of Adult Church, U. S. A., and is secretary Study Classes for prospective iie Rev. Dr. Andrew Kurth members will be held in the Sanc­ be guest preacher at both for the Field Program of the De­ tuary next Sunday afternoon at BE SURE TO VO TE... ‘ices at Wyoming Church next partment of Stewardship and Pro­ 4 o’clock. The remaining classes riay morning. Former pastor motion, with offices in New York will be conducted the following the Westminster Presbyterian City. He will present the benevo- three Sundays in November at the same hour. Provision is being made for the care of children whose parents will be attending1 the classes. The Junior High Fellowship will meet next Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock In the church parlor for worship service and discus­ yon can sion. The Senior High Fellowship is entertaining the parents of the group at its regular meeting at 7:30 p. m. next Sunday evening. BUY Following a worship service, there will be a panel discussion on “Our Parents and Us,” with parents and students participat­ ing. Refreshments will follow. The Fellowship is sponsoring a MORE dance for Senior High students on Saturday, November 12, at 8 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Music will be provided by the “Blue Tones." The Cubs of Pack No. 16 will meet in Fellowship Hall tomor­ row evening, Friday, at 7:15 p.m. Cubmaster Clifton H. Burt has announced that the various dens will present original skits on the m i* ? * ' theme, “Robin Hood.” The Nursery-Kindergarten De­ partment of the Church School will hold a parent-teacher get- MIX 'EM OR MATCH 'EM together on Monday evening, No­ Fresh Dressed Eastern Shore — Regular Top Quality vember 7, at 8 p, m. in the church Any Combination of Items parlor. Under the leadership of In Each Group. Mrs. C. H. Burt, the meeting has 21% been planned as an opportunity for the parents to meet their chil­ BROILERS & FRYERS dren’s teachers and to discuss 7 for *1.00 per annum with them what church school latest rate means to. the small child. Whole Kernel NEW A coffee hour for the mothers 12 ox. READY Watch your money mount with these good earningsl of the Primary Department chil­ MIBLETS CORN can LOW Your savings insured up to $10,000. Money received dren will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, November 9, in the Cream Style TO COOK by the 10th of any month earns for that full month. church parlor. At this time, the PRICE! Save-by-mail accounts invited . . . we pay postage. teachers will preview the Fall GREEN Cl ANT corn can Unit and discuss plans for the Frethpak — Strained Nnaiin»imnnmmimii»iniiim!rtmini:n!i:niiimiman::niun;i!!i:;iiiimnir.ium;!iinimnranimiiniiii!i'Hiiiim.tUHiiiii year. The Primary Department is headed by Mrs. Robert Morris, 16 oi. NEW LOW PRICE.'-The Freezer Buy of the Week who will be in charge of the cof­ CRANBERRY sauce can IS fee hour. Grand Union ; 4 The Junior Department of the Church School will hold a Parent- Investors Child Dinner on Wednesday eve­ APPLESAUCE WHOLE PORK LOINS ning, November 9, at 6:30 p. m, in Mott's Fellowship Hall. Headed by de­ Custom Cut partment superintendent, Mrs. You Receive the following Cuts: ASSORTED JELLIES r ond Wrapped SAVINGS John Griffin, the dinner will be Choice Center Cut Chops, Loin put on by the class mothers. and Loan Association Movies for the children and a Avg.Wgt.8-12 lbs. End Roast ond Rib End Roost. talk to the parents will follow. 6 for $1.00 The Tandem Club will meet Thursday, November 10, at 7:15 Nabisco m a i n s t r e e t , MiM.Brnx, n . j . p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Follow­ 12 ox. 6-5IOO # Daily, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Monday Eves., 6:30 to 8:0<* ing dinner, Mrs. Elizabeth Lum Sliced Bacon S™ K " " * 59* Meat Loaf JS'&t, * 4 9 * in Office 977 Stuyveient Ava. • E. Orange Office 26 Washington PI. ^ Drake, guest speaker, will dis­ SHREDDED W H EA T ... cuss “The Middle East—Pivot of Frtshpak monOffice: 977 Stuyvesant Ave. • E. Orange Office: 28 Washington PI. Peace.” All married couples are ( ■ a n f i U E T T I *lbowMacaroni 11b. Veal Roast u ^ a fc, *>■ 69* I Swordfish Steaks S » 5 9 ‘ cordially invited. For reserva­ i r A llllE I 11 or Spaghettis pkg...... tions call Mrs. H. H. Blackwell, Savings Accounts • Christmas Club • Vacation Quick t Club • Money Orders • Travelers' Cheques DR 6-4269, by Tuesday, November For Bottor Health H 0% A Home Mortgage Loons • Publle Service tills 8. ------2 0 n . May Be Paid Here * U. S. Savings Bonds Sold DUAKER OATS pkg. and Redeemed m California wineries were shipping Freshpak their wines around Cape Horn to 10 ol the Eastern United States as early ORANGES 5 3 9 GRAPE JELLY i»r as 1860. , 1 New Jersey's Finest Fine For Soup Emperor lib . G ro p e s Ful1 c,uster‘ 2 lb*- 25* P o tato e s SWEET 3 b 19‘ GREEN split PEAS cello bag Fresh From Jersey Farms Fine In Any Salad 5 f o r $l. S p in ach ioox.ceiio 17^ A v o c a d o s 2 '” 29* •D «iiniiiiiiniiii!iini!i:iiiiiiiiniifliinniiniii!nii!iiiiii!ii!iniiiiiiiinniniiini«niiiiiiniiiiiniiiiniiiMi pmiinmiiniimiiimiiiimiinnnmnn'.iinnntiimnnnmmmnimmnminaiiimmni New Crop Quality Maid doz < 14 ox. Frtsh Grade A - Medium 53 Birdseye EGGS UHiimmiinninnnuinummiimmjiiiiiiiiininiiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiniminiiHmiimimnmiiimnmiitniw DEL MONTE catsup bot. HI Frozen Foods C&C Angel Soft TOUCHDOWN pkg. of SALE 3t.v,20'3"::29'cans FACIAL TISSUES 400 Beverages Tender, Young, Baby Gerber Strained Chopped For Baking 6 ox. LIMA BEANS NESTLE'S morsels pkg. Baby Foods 6i'»59' 6 i,r,89* Pure Vegetable Shortening Boneless and Skinless 2 £,“49* 3 ’/. oz. Fancy 13 2 ^ 3lb.can 3 5 ^ SARDINES Madrugada can Crisco ,,b“n R. & R. — Solid Peck GREEN PEAS Chef Boy-Ar-Dea 15'/i oz. SPAGHETTI & Meat Balls can Boned Chicken »«.«»69' 2 £ “ 3 9 * For Cooking end Baking | Chopped or Leaf Wesson Oil £ 33' £ 59' j^flacl1 2 z .m 4 for $1.00 - - ■ Golden Best For Your Pet Broadcast 16 oz. jCut Com 2 it 39* j 16 oz. 3 cans 29' ] French Fried CORNED BEEF hash can Cadet Dog Food Nabisco 2 p £ 3 1 * j Grand Union 13 oz. (Potatoes 16 oz. pkg. 29' BARTLETT PEARS can Waverly Wafers Swanson's White, Yellow, Devil's Food Detergent NEW LOW PRICE! 19 oz. Frozen Look who’s going back to school! CAKE MIXES Dromedary pkg. Ad Surf W//*.. ■■■ m TV Dinners Ever Ready Box. FRIED CHICKEN pkg.■*37* pkg.” 75* pkg.'*• 26* &62* Your neighbors are— and you're invitedl while? Especially in these difficult years of NESTLE'S COCOA can TURKEY The time is November 6 to 12... the place, swiftly rising enrollments—when teachers, Kraft Gets 'Em Bright Blues A s It W ash e s POT R O A ST our local schools... the occasion, Ameri­ principals, school boards and community can Education Week. And the purpose is conferences on education deserve the ac­ CHEESE LIN KS J L E Rinso Rinso Blue to make you better acquainted with the tive interest and support of every citizen. pkg. fine men and women responsible for the lg. SiininirtmnmrTmrnnTmimiiiiin-.iiumininimiiTinniiiBini pkg. education of our children — a responsibil­ American Education Week has become pkg. 30* £ 7 2 * 19 30’ £ 72* Star kilt ity every citizen shares. an annual community custom across the Tuna ^-**-33* nation. This year, the 35th annual observ­ Your F irst Package Keebler Isn’t it natural to want to spend a little FREE* Toiletries ance, some 20 million Americans will visit Grahams time with the people who spend most of Yeri Thin 'eig~29* their local schools during the second week No CookingI Albe their time with your children? Isn’t a first- No Baking! Mennen Skin Bracer ^ -59' Dry Instant Milk '«»vn 29* hand knowledge of your schools worth in November. Shall we see you then? T^Angel Pie Daliciout tgg whir* ailing and graham cracha* Pacquins Silk & Satin Lotion 4 9 ' (ru n both in *nn b * n - i* n min and M rv a l Bouillon ^ 3 ^ 2 3 * ^ •wars how VISIT YOUR SCHOOLS DURING 1. Today, buy a box of doM box top Irani Fluffy naw Fluffy A N G lt FIS at ANGEL FIE, .howlno Hi* WRdroot cr Hair Tonic £ £ 5 9 ’ Whole White ObIobs u^ 2 1* any o» our »tor#«. Fra- prlt* you poid. Mall tor S-Z Fop AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK par* your pla and *n|uy t-MINIT, Dapt. A, 1)1 Fy-O M. fuddln' Nestle it at dlnnar tonight. Fifth Avanu#, Naw York Pop Com « * n ‘» 35‘ _ _ _ , . . 17, N.w York. MHirH.por.fod 3 ™ " 20* s ir NOVEMBER 6-12 Cake Mix '£29* Oallcloaa h S j V T ? ' 4- Immediatelr Z-MINIT • he Foaming Cleanser Sweet *nd Gentle In cooperation with the tomu! *111 **"d you In rath. how yeu and tour tam llj (|m . you pQ|d «t«-17* CasMerr Bouquet ?£*«25‘ Cocoa Harsh ,,M ,,30* National Citizo Vs Commission for the Public School*, S is J r * £ £....0* FFluffy lu "* ANGEL P IE . not Ajax PIE. Be sure to print your exceeding -_.--5.__ 404. r»One „. offer Sweet end Gentle Slu Whitt this advertisement is sponsored by name and address. er family. Offer explrt Bevember 30, 1953. Cashmere Bouquet RdSi 26' Flakes 2pTJ,ir Spanish Rice ''If The Millbiirn teachers Assoc. Grocery Prices Effective All W eek through Wed., Nov. 9th. - Meat end Produce9 1Prices " W through I1MV»S|IX Sat., aNov. w » . Will#5th. GENERAL GREENE SHOPPING CENTER STORE HOURS: MON., WED. & SAT., S:30 A. M. TO « P- «• Prices effective only at Morris and Hemer Avenues, SPRINGFIELD TUES,ES. & THURS., 8:30 TO 9 P. M.—FRIDAYS 8:3# A. M. TO

\ NOVEMBER 2 Paq> 14 The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM Mrs. Franklin B. Satterthwaite, tension Service. She will also pre-1 as for lunchbox sandwiche hold its dinner meeting on No­ ls'Tke„ show on November 3 in the school Mrs. J. Harrison Gefaell, Mrs. sent ideas for garnishes as well I is no charge for this class vember 7th at 7 p. m. Dr. Ray­ Country Day St. Rose Group auditorium. Birthi John L. Kemmerer, Jr., Mrs. Gil­ Serving on the committee are mond S. Hall, Director of the Dr, and Mrs. J. M. Barb have Seamen’s Church Institute will bert H. Robinson, Mrs. Murray Virginia Darned, Mary De Corato Plans Book Sale Sinclaire, Mrs. C. Frederick Scher- To Give Show announced the birth of twin daugh­ be the speaker. Nancy Weigan, Mary Elizabeth merhorn, Mrs. J. Rowland Ilotch- The Short Hills Country Day St. Rose of Lima Church's newly Foley, Carol Rajappi, Antoinetta ters, Mary Elizabeth and Eileen Tuesday being election day, the kin, Mrs. John O. Hover, Mrs. Intili, Ellen Buffington, Angela founded teen-age girls’ Sodality, Patricia, on October 28. The Women’s Guild will not have a School's Ninth Annual Book Sale Stetson Baker, Mrs. William J. Safko, Jo Anne Safko, Christine GUNS AND couple have another daughter, meeting. The regular schedule will be held in the school library -Lippincott, Mrs. William C. Ridg- will present a fashion and talent Agricsti, Jeraldine MacEvoy, Deborah, 11 months old. Mrs. will be resumed Tuesday, Novem­ on November 7, 8 and 9 from 10 way, Jr., Mrs. John D. Brandli, RIFLES Nancy Tighe, Pat Mullins, Louise Barb is the former Martha Sykes. ber 15th at 10:00. a.m. to 4:23 p.m., with the excep­ Mrs. William M. Franklin, and Peters, Maureen Mascia and Betty A service of the Holy Commun­ tion of Tuesday the 8th, Election Mrs. J. Randall Williams. NEW* Ann Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Seger- ion will be held Tuesday, Novem­ AMMUNITION strom, Jr. of New Providence, Day, when the sale will be closed * Tickets will be sold by members ber 8th at 9:30 a. m. in the Me­ formerly of Millburn, are parents at noon. Everyone is invited to of the Sodality. morial Chapel. come and do their Christmas book Fancy Sandwich BOOTS of a daughter, Susan Leigh, born A luncheon meeting of the Re­ October 11 at the Hospital Center buying. tired Men’s League will be held A wide selection of books for Demonstration JACKETS Wyom'iling Club at Orange. The couple have a son, at 12 noon at the Church. All re­ Richard, 3. both children and adults will be Tricks in making fancy sand­ tired men in the community are on display in the school library. wiches will be shown during a ACCESSORIES Dinner . Dance invited to attend. Please call the The books can be ordered at the demonstration to be given on Fri­ All thepower»nd performance of some Church office DR 9-2898 for lunch­ ICE SKATES hearing aids twice ils size, of many sell­ The Wyoming Club will hold its Christ Church sale and received in time for day, November 4 by Mrs. Doro­ ing for 4 limes ils price! Plus super- eon reservations. Following Christmas. The P.T.A. of the thy Tighe at the Millburn Recrea­ IN STOCK! sensilive PermaphoneSf, smoolh-flow annual Prospective Members Dinner Dance on Saturday, No­ luncheon a movie will be shown. school uses the proceeds from this tion Center, Taylor Park. The Volume Conlrol, noise-limiting ano­ Darrow Sage is program chair­ dized Case. Zenith's finest quality vember 12. Dinner will be served Activities sale to buy new books for the lime is 9:30 a.m. throughout! See it today! { at 8 p. m. The Milan Hartz Or­ man of this group. school library. Mrs. Tighe, who is the director Bached by 10-Dor Money-Bach Coolanlee. The children’s choirs will re- The Senior and Young People’s HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL One-Year Warranty, Five-Year Service Flan chestra will play for the semi- hearse this afternoon with Auxili­ Mrs. Henry N. McCluney is of the women’s program at the formal dance from 9 p. m. to 1 Choir will meet for rehearsal at chairman of the sale. Assisting Recreation Center, is a volunteer SPORTING GOODS AND ary meeting at 3:15; Junior Girls’ 7:45 on Wednesday evening, No­ Andrew Kovacs a. m. at 3:30 and Senior Girls’ at 5:00. her are, Mrs. Edward C. Jaehnig, leader of the Essex County Ex- AM ERICAN AND ENGLISH Reservations should be made vember 10th. BICYCLES O p ticia n The Boys’ Choir Club will meet by November 7 with Mrs. John at 6:30 for a short meditation'fol­ 357 Millburn Ave., Millburn Knott, South Orange 3-4431 or lowed by games. Rehearsal will Congregational DRexel 9-4155 Mrs. Samuel C. Williams, Jr., start at 7. Use our convenient Christmas Lay-A-Way South Orange 3-2240. The Lions of Cub Pack I will meet at 7:30 Friday evening, No­ Church Notes vember 4th. Dr. Ralph A. Felton will be the The Young People's Fellowship MILLBURN BICYCLE SHOP will meet at 6:30 on Sunday eve­ guest sneaker at the next meeting ning, November 6th. There will of the Women's Guild of the Com­ be a meditation in the Church munity Congregational Church of SALES • SERVICE followed by supper in Parish Hall. Short Hills on Tuesdav, Novem­ This activity is open to all sopho­ ber 8, at 1:30 o.m. at the home of 42 MAIN ST. DRexel 6-0044 more, junior and senior classes Mrs. David H. Jackson, 17 Hem­ of the High School. lock road. The Monday Supper Club will Members of the guild are asked fo bring small toys, not wraoped, to the meeting. These will be PcxdO Ftai PHOTO 0 shipped to the Delmo communi­ ties in Missouri in time for Christ­ Christmas Cards ' mas. including envelopes The Counters Club are holding their Fall Barn Dance this Satur­ day evening from 8 to 11:30 at 25 1 the Glenwood School, witli Bill plus 3$c shipping, Wiebe calling the sauares. from you' own negative A Laymen's Luncheon for men ______Houf(keeping J of the church who are in business rUMITEO TRIAL OFFER in New York is being held tomor­ 1 order per customer Little House - ALDERNEY Just send snapshot negative (of row at the Lawyers Club, 115 child, family, home, pet,...... etc.) for free sampl iple, . Broadway. Dallas S. Townsend, rich, handsome, embossed Deluxe Yulecard, from world's largest producer. Please include 6y! stamps Assistant Attorney General of the for handling (alter Dec. I, 10?!). Negative returned United States, will speak on “Your with sample and illustrated style and price folder. Eat At Home? ICE CREAM ( If without negative, send photo and 50^ for new Department of Justice.” negative.) See before you buy. No obligation. Satis­ faction guaranteed. Write today. *T.M. Reg. The High School Pilgrim Fel­ We will prepare in Jig By bulk, in a delicious YULECARDS*. D ept. 103. Quincy «!>. M ass. lowship will meet Sunday' night Time, any item on our soda and sundae, or in from 6 to 8 at the home of Sally best way to say "HAPPY BIRTHDA Y" H Jurgensen, 31 Woodfield drive, menu including a ten half gallon, one gallon, for supper and a discussion of Means more because you say it in person. You share piece Chicken with and two-and-a-half gal­ INTERIOR “What Christians Should Know in tile excitement, too. Costs little to call anywhere. French - fried Potatoes lon containers. Also EXTERIOR About Communism.” Paterson to Albany 45c Choir rehearsals for the Junior Morristown to Detroit 90c to serve four, for yon sliced party bricks art and Young People's Choirs will Jersey City to Norfolk 75c to take out. always in stock. be held this afternoon at the 3 min. station calls after 6 PM and all day Sun. 10% Fed. Tax not included. 324 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Parsonage, at 3:15 and 4:30 re­ spectively. The Senior Choir re­ N EW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 545 Millburn Ave. DRexel 9-2201 EVERY KINO OF PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE INSIDE OR OUTSIDE hearses this evening at the home Complete Line of Nationally Advertised Wallpapers of Mrs. George R. Evans, 50 Ho­ ART SUPPLIES bart avenue. Next week the Senior MODERNIZE YOUR BATHROOM Choir will omit its regular Thurs­ FLOOR SANDERS • FLOOR POLISHERS day rehearsal because of the Fall STEAM WALLPAPER REMOVERS At Our Low-Estimate Price* Fellowship Dinner for the entire FOR RENT DUNCAN A. DOUGLAS CO. church membership that evening. Estab. 1891 A MESSAGE FROM YOUR GOVERNOR R. GLEMMING OLD EYEGLASSES may be left SHEET METAL WORK at The Item office, 391 Millburn PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. PLUMBING • HEATING avenue, for contribution to New 160 MAIN ST. MILLBURN 6-1722 Eyes for the Needy, Inc., world Just Below Taylor Park — Never a Parking Problem 303 M illburn Ave. DRexel 6-0344 famous project of the Short Hills Junior Service League.

S t a t e o r N e w J e r s e y Of f ic e of t h e Go v e r n o r Pontiac Headquarters T b h w t ON

B o b c a t B. m cvnc m jGOVCRNOft

ANDERSEN PONTIAC To the .people of Essex County: In November, 1953, a little short of two years ago, Essex 326 MORRIS AYE. SUMMIT. N. J. County residents were extremely helpful in my election as Governor of CRestview 3-9150 New Jersey. Since January 19, 1954, when I took office, I have s tr iv e n to redeem my campaign p led ges ahd to b u ild an e f f ic ie n t , 205 240 economical and honorable State Administration. H. P. NEW 1956 MODELS H. P. Progress toward this goal, however, has been impeded by a Legislature which is overwhelmingly dominated by the opposition party. At present, this party holds a majority in the State Senate of 17 to Three 2 Doom Catalina "IM O pS" 4 ; in the General Assembly, 40 to 19. Although New Jersey has had seven Democratic administrations since 1917, actually it has been 41 years since a Democratic Governor was permitted to work with a Levis- New FOLDAWAY 3-Seat 4 Door WAGON lature of his own party in both Houses.

While I have tried in every way to cooperate with the present Legislature —- and with some degree of success — many major measures NEW DUAL RANGE STRATO FLIGHT have passed only after long and costly delays, or with crippling amend­ ments, or not at all. It is natural for an opposition party to Jockey FAMOUS GENERAL MOTORS for position, and to use legislative dominance to partisan advantage, but this is often done at the expense of good government. HYDRAMATIC TRANSMISSION v I realize that my record as Governor is not negotiable; I believe further that I cannot tell the people of a great county how to vote. But I do feel it proper to express the hope that the candidates selected by my party are acceptable in your eyes. If, after examination, you find them so, their election would helo me to finish the job I started on January 19, 1954.'

S in c e r e ly ,

( \ j d k J i A A i> Governor y

PoM lot br Democrat November 8 t h LINE ‘ A ” All the Way Campcif Com mi MM 941 Itoo* W I C THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET THE FABULOUS ’56 PONTIAC [NOVEMBER 3, 1955 1 The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM tags I S Short Hills, in order to protect her ITEMIZING status as “Mama," she and the Lika H aving writers have come to the agree­ ment that Katrin is now old By Sara Ellen Barnett enough to marry. YOUR BEST An Oil W all Although she feels that her years so far In the theater have been the "happiest”, she says she advises I n Y o u r young girls who aspire to go into the theater—“don’t”. “The risk of heartbreak is so great, and the Own Backyard! chance of having your talent dis­ covered so small, it is not worth the gamble,” she feels. In her ten years she has ap­ peared in ten Broadway plays in addition to Mama and is now tak­ ing a role in the “soap opera,” of radio, “Young Doctor Malone.” All this activity means that she is in New York City early every day to start rehearsals that last from 9:30 a.m. unutil 1 p.m. (Last year “Mama” won the Radio and TV Mirror award as the most popular dramatic show.) Long ago she decided that even­ tually she would not devote her life to the theater, and feels that she CELEBRITY CORNER is working out her more important With MOBILHEAT you'll always have a role in this area as a housewife. Rosemary Rice (Katrin in the Her husband, John Merrill, who is reserve supply of fuel right on the premises I TV play, “Mama” ) is celebrating a lucky guy, is manager of -a cos­ a year’s residency in the Short metics firm in South Orange. Call ua for Mobilheat. From then on, we’ll watch your Hills area this month, as well as PAPER MILL POLL supply, automatically keep your tank filled. And that a year of marriage and is enjoy­ Frank Carrington, director of tankful—right on the premiaee-givee you security ing both, plus her busy life in one the Paper Mill Playhouse, had a you get with no other fuel. It’s a supply no one can of the newest mediums of dra­ pleasant revelation this week as matic enterprise—television. draw on but you! « the result of a poll he took on why It couldn’t happen to a nicer people preferred the living theater Now’s the time to order twin-action M obilheat-the person—that’s the feeling we got He got more than 350 answers after a brief interview with Rose­ fuel oil that cleans as it heats! from this area, in fact the towns mary at her home on 52 Keats that participated reads like a map road in the Country Club section. of the state. She told us right off that she en­ Director Carrington chose as the joys giving autographs to the chil­ most interesting reply that of dren in the neighborhood and has Leonard Friedman, 18 Wittkopp M o b ilh e a t signed as many as 500 within a SOCONYVACUUM HtATlNC OIL place, Millburn, who wrote: few weeks’ time. “ I like live theater because it is Her home is of the ranch type stimulating. When 1 leave my and the living room is tastefully home for an evening out I antici­ and modernly furnished in shades pate experiencing the “lift” that of cocoa brown, making a very face-to-face entertainment c a n C E C W N O IL nice setting for her blonde, re­ offer.” freshing type of beauty. Who can argue with that? CORPORATION She told us that she attended the Montclair schools, although she Chatham, New Jersey left at the age of 15 to attend SMITH COLLEGE Club of the Professional Children’s School in Oranges and Maplewood, will ME. 5-9300 New York City, At that time she launch its third annual pecan sale was in the Broadway play, “Junior this week. Proceeds will benefit (Day or Night) Miss.” the Smith College Scholarship This is her seventh year as Fund. Mrs. George N. Brown of Katrin in which she plays a nine Maplewood is chairman. LET US PROVE HEATING WITH OIL IS BEST teen-year-old girl. However, she ★ SAFER . . . MORE DEPENDABLE and met on TV this week the man she The newest statistics show that, will eventually marry in March, in relation to population, the MOST ECONOMICAL she admitted. As she is married United States has about 31 tele­ and is happily taking the role of phones for every 100 persons. Mrs. John Merrill, 52 Keats road, Sweden is serond with 28. Summit Welcomes Link Sausage LANCASTER BRAND Smoked Beef Tongues 1 45‘ Center Cut Chops or Sliced Bacon £ •> 33‘ Roast ft NEW BUIC Frosted Fish Features Now in most plentiful supply! Top Fillet Mackerel lb. Pkg. 0 SEA quality! Most economical! Lean, ten­ der pork is easy to digest, rich in vita- .TASTE O’ SEA Pre-Cooked Perch 10-ox. Pkg. m‘n

T d T a l "

CIANT VALUES! S a u e r k r a u 2 12-oz. ^ f t C N I BL E T S 2 7 - ox. Ca"‘ A t Can* Corn Kraut'. Serve Fork 16-oi. $ • 1 . 0 0 Peas “ 7 Cans PRINCESS Quarters Margarine Colored lb. Carton 19‘ WESTON CHOCOLATE 7-oz. 29* Cookies BON BON Pkg. 16-oi. Club Crackers KEEBLER Pkg. 35‘ when you put a 1956 Buick to the ext time you’re in the neighbor­ A nd while you’re there-treat your­ road and experience the smooth, hood, take a few minutes to self to a good look at the great new SWANEE ASSORTED 0 0 N 1956 Buick. You won’t have to look swift magic of its new Variable Pitch Q Roll* ^ visit this new Buick Dealer for a COLOR BATHROOM \ Dynaflow.* For, a great new friendly “hello” and a handshake. long or hard to see why it’s the Best Tissue Buick Yet. advance in, this most modern of all m mliMimM - M You’ll find him happy to greet you - automobile transmissions now gives frozen floods features Never before has any Buick boasted and eager to show you his complete you instant, double-action take-off IDEAL GREEN BABY LIMA such fresh, bold styling-from 5 red h t r a i l s & ‘Ve g e ta b le and efficient setup for Buick sales and acceleration right in the gas­ V-front grille to canted rear profile. and service. saving driving range-plus an extra Never have there been such smooth­ BEANS 2K45‘ abundance of safe-passing power in LARGE JUICY FLORIDA THIN SKIN He’s especially proud of his fine riding Buicks-with the deep-oil the performance range. idahery features Service Department. Not only is it cushioning of direct-action shock fully stocked with genuine Buick absorbers now added to Buick’s Drop in real soon, and get LEMON STREUSSEL parts —but also staffed by experi­ famed all-coil springing. acquainted with the Best Buick Yet. ORANGES enced Buick-trained mechanics COFFEE CAKE 29‘ Never before have Buicks been so * .\'cu i Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow who use the very latest tools and is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. easy to handle-or powered by such POUND CAKE cS r 49« techniques. * It is standard cm Roadmaster, Super and J Dozen mighty V8 engines. And that holds Century-optional at modest extra cost on Cherry Streussel Pie______3 9C So whether you drive a Buick or true for every Buick in the 1956 the Special. Dozen J J $ joo some other make of car, you can line - from the rock-bottom-priced jbairy features A count on getting the expert serv­ t&0-hp Special to the custom-built JERSEY ORANGE ice that keeps your car in its best­ 255-lip R oadmasteb. Extra Sharp Cheese Rindless ^ 79c performing, best-looking condition— Sweet Potatoes 3»». 19 and also saves you time and money. B u t the top thrill of a ll w ill come Rindless Sharp Cheese 63c CALIFORNIA Swiss Cheese Ib 59c Carrots S S 1 0 ‘ Fancy Mild Cheese Rindless ^ 49c Tossed Salad SIS' Kay Natural Cheese Rindless *b 55c All Price* Effective Wed. Thin Sot. Nov. 2 to Nov. 5 Open Every Thursday and Winn W tw Aulomobllu Art lull! Buick Will Build Thta 290 Millburn Ave. ■■ Free Parking Friday Till 9 P. M. ^ ^ 1 2 Great Stores to Serve You With the finest in TV and Appliances! r a d i o s a l e s c o r p . W e in vite you to MILLBURN - SUMMIT

"I RADIO SALES CORP. has had unequalled reputation for high service and low price *• for 33 years. BOTH THE MILLBURN AND SUMMIT STORES ARE AUTHORIZED DEALER Check these 2 RADIO SA LES CORP. owns and operates their own service company. No outside com- MAGNAVOX • RCA • DUMONT • ZENITH • GE ■■ A A NP ^ I * ponies to deal with, Open Every Night 'T il ADMIRAL • EMERSON • HOTPOINT • FRIGIDAIRE f A I I \ ^ 3 RADIO SALES CORP. since 1922 has been under the personal supervision of M. Milton WESTINGHOUSE • KITCHEN-AID • HAMILTON WHIRLPOOL • EASY • CALORIC • ROPER • UNI­ 9 P.M. RADIO SA LES CORP. sells exactly at advertised prices. No "hidden charges" or "extras." VERSAL • MAGIC CHEF • WEBCOR • GRANCO I 4 " SATURDAY TIL 6 P.M. VM • FISHER HI-FI. and be sure! RADIO SA LES CORP. sells only the finest of national brands. Your dollar goes further I 5 . «

NATIONALLY FAMOUS BRAND Ready - W illing - Able > SPECIALS!! For fast, efficient service on appliances and L • 5% IDIO SALES CORI \ fa TY— Pick up your phone and call CO 00 do “ *' -~ 00 ENTS THE SENSATIONAL NEW l o c UPRIGHT FREEZER IV CRESTVIEW 3-6803 Model T-825 To provide even better service for our customers wo The SUPIR-SYMPHOHY Radi. 21" TELEVISION 2 S S T S . J. 4 8 " Here’s America’s finest "FM/ hove moved our service department to much larger and AM table radio, now with AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY more modern quarters In our Summit store. The new 1956 ZENITH TELEVISION CONTROL that simplifies FM AUTO-GAS D R Y B ^ t t ’ 1. 8 4 “ tuning, locks-in the FM station! Eliminates re-tuning! Giant phone number for service will be CRestview 3-6803. 7M>-inch speaker. Acousti­ cally designed cabi­ net in choice of Swirl DO oc FULLY AUTO W A S H E R S S S 'J. 5 8 " Walnut, Dawn QT.TSt STORE YOUR! AIR CONDITIONER AND RADIO! Grey, or French S g g 8 8 Green. As low as... M frfe* HI-FIDEUTY PHONO ^ v \ \ W I . / ; _ / / / ^ FOR THE WINTER! TWO-DOOR REFRIG, 52 8 8 “ OUR SERVICE INCLUDES: A OF U6NT TUNIS 1. Removed from window. _ ___ 21"TELEVISION S S S f L . ’ 3 2 8 " 2. Pick-up and storage in our insured warehouse. 3. Complete cleaning and lubrication. ALL-NEW f e m s t ^ RADIO-PHONOGRAPH (p " r?L 4,. ? 5 8 “ 4. Installing new filters. 5. Re-installation when you want. 1956 jf ll ROOM/ Auto. Dishwasher . 9 8 “ f r o m a c * 0^ Phone CRestview 3-6803 MmM R-723 The SUPER-MIDAUION FM/AM Redie 24" CONSOLE TEL L 9 9 " You’ve never truly enjoyed FM till you’ve heard it on o ZENITH—world's recognized m m m m mo.ter. at making fine AM-FM radios. Wavemognct* Antenna, put this Super-Speaker, beautiful, modern 49.“5 PRICE REDUCTIONS!! cabinet. A real buy —a wonderful gift! gugprfc, amazing mSm • t.. u. S. fei. os. FAMOUS WEBCOR PHONOS!! radio LARK, Model 1 1 3 5 ...... Reg. 39.95 29.88 in your pocket s to i HOLIDAY, Model 1 1 2 4 ...... Reg. 79.95 59.88 C j — i . MUSICALE, Model 1133 ...... Reg. 149.95 99.88 This ZENITH Flash Tuner sends a ray of magic light jjg across the room (no wires, no cords) turns set on, off, or changes channels . . . and you remain in your easy chair. Brand New - Fully W arranteed LIMITED QUANTITIES - BUY NOW FOR XMAS GIFTS six ~~ YOU CAN ALSU SHUl OFF LONG, ANNOYING DECORATOR COMMERCIALS WHILE PICTURE REMAINS ON SCREEN COLORS

YOU HAVE TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT! THE PACEMAKER AM RADIO HOUSEWARES 6 APPLIANCES Small in aiie, but big in performance styling and value. 1 to 1 tuning dial— oivee faet, accurate station .election. Built-in Wavemagnct* antenna. Power- fill Alnico 5 .peaker magnet. Superb Steam Iron. . . T " Copper Cleaner 58* 0 * * * * * / W tone. In wide .election of wonderful NEW colon! AC/DC. , a ac ° N . ~cki!TH HAS IT / (in = = H i Medal E509, . . I.w . . Lewyt Vac Bags 68' Com Popper *4 " Bath S ca le s. . ’4.88 Cooking Timer s2" Tht Bismarck. 21f console with Fla*h«Motle Tuning. Royal "X" chant*, 16,500 voltt of pleturo poyrtr. AUTO. SUPER POWER••• Cin6btam. Cln4-ttn». Spotlit* Dial. Sun Lamp '4' TOASTER ’IT" " per performance 10' speaker. Contemporary cabinet on casters. X2264RQ in grained ma­ .88 hogany color; X2264EQ in btond finish. 288 (Mahogany color) Elec. H eater. . s6 Table Radio. S1 $ 4 9 95 ADVANCE- T.V. Tables... s2.88 F.M . Radio *2r MSS lATTItf engineered I ROYAL"X" THE ADVANCE AM RADIO 88 SXClUSIVt g Poorerful NEW performer with pu.h but­ Deep F iy e r . . *9 Port. Radio ’ 1.5“ CHASSIS ton. that require no stooping. They’re located on TOP of set! Finger Beam j i . ^ pocket radio Lateit Puli tha pleturo on *• *"•*" Dialite spotlights each atation you tun. 88 with d.lail and f” lllWMU. in. Handy carrying handle. Wavemag* Sponge M op. ’2 Laundry Cart v product of you n.v.r druom.d P * * * PICTURE TUM Scl.otlfleally-do'k.n.4 net* antenna. Smartly .tyled—in thrill­ World's First Transistor Radio — No Bulky Tubs* Zenith's tamod th , famou* Z«n"*> Plc‘ plctur. glowlbo* •*** ® ing new color selection. AC /DC. tur. tub. ttat doublM plu. factor tor CMbWJ Medal MU m I.wm 29 95 • A sensational product and a sensational offer! W orld i laboratorlel pichtr. pow»r. but u«.| Mop Refills 98* Scotch GriH *2" Pleturo Tuba. Co" first truly personal radio . . . in your possession for on. T ehoiilt B'«« 0 |,ii b.o" L! . ,rato.lbo W0M»V dhtortod pichir. in longor Mb. ®"‘ - pleturo, #Wo. oddoJ 88 CARPET dollar! Weighs 12 ounces, measures 3* x 5 ' x lH‘- Slip* cal fringo arta*. b.om r.floclc oil lb. dopth. grootor to"'™"’ Floor Waxer *36 SWEEPER V in pocket or purse, available with leather carrying cans .I.ctronle light «*'«'<* ,w o diorp.f. c',a,,r ICE CREAM $ Astonishingly clear tone, through speaker or tiny earphone ptctvr*. Scotch Kooler ’4 " SCO O P ...... r Shock-resistant, virtually service-free, engineered for lif*- time performance. Smart plastic case, choice of six attrac­ SEE THE tive colors. See it! Hear it! Get it! ALL ZENITH QUALITY REPEAT OF LAST WEEK’S SELLOUT ! ! iaoMur tarrying <■!., $1.91 lorphano, $7.S0 BoH.nr-11’1*1 SENSATIONAL TV ZENITH SUPER AM CLOCK-RADIO as low o< Awaken to .west music with this hand­ SENSATIONAL NEW APPLIANCE NEW 1956 somely styled new radio. Automatically turns radio on and off. Operates small COMB. PORT. HAND MIXER 88 .95 appliance.—acta as convenient, depend­ able timer. Clock hand, glow in dark. ELEC. KNIFE SHARPENER SPECIAL ZENITH TV 149 In Maroon or Ivory color. AC only. 1 7 Modal MI9, *• low o | 39,95 <11 US FOR TRADE-IN TERMS THAT CAN'T I S BN AT l *«•. U. S. PW. OC 2GREAT k 325-327M illburnAve.• Millburn 47-51 Maple St. * Summit STORES rr DREXEL 9-4200 CRESTVIEW 3-6800 MILLBURN — SUMMIT r NOVEMBER 3, 1955 1 The Millhurn & Short Hills ITEM Page 17 Concert Features Sale for Blind The new members are Frank J. tary club. Mr. Easterbrook traced | plained the aims and purposes of Red Cross Rotary Inducts Stoeckle, Millburn police chief, the beginnings of Rotary and ex- i the international organization. Maurice Eisenberg and William J. McCluskey, certi­ 'Next Thursday Needs Knitters New Members fied public accountant. Maurice Eisenberg of Cypress The induction ceremony was The public is cordially invited Two new members were in­ s tre e t, world famous cellist, will The Red Cross needs knitters conducted by past district gov­ to attend a sale of articles made join w ith violinist Maurice Wilk urgently to make men's coat ducted into the Millburn Rotary ernor Joshua Golightly.w The to present the Brahms Double by blind craftsmen of New Jersey, sweaters and men’s bed socks Club at the regular Tuesday speaker was Neil B. Easterbrook, C o n certo as the feature of the which is being held from 10 a.m. for, veterans hospitals. Those luncheon meeting of that group. past president of the Butler Ro­ New Jersey Symphony Orchestra to 4 p.m. at the Recreation House interested should call Drexel concert Monday night at Orange in Taylor Park next Thursday, 9-4198. High School. Dr. Samuel Antek, beginning his ninth year as con­ November 10, Mrs. Frank Rug- d u c to r of the orchestra, will use gles, sale chairman of the Mill­ Cub Pack 17 / FISCHER a score given him for this first burn Woman’s Club said today. night occasion by the famed There will be many beautiful Artur Toscanini. Opens Season articles for sale, among them Trustees of the orchestra plan­ dainty baby things, a large as­ Boy Scout Troop 17 extended a ning to attend the concert include 'OINMCr. sortment of dolls, lovely linens, friendly hand of brotherly greet­ BUTTERCI Mr. and Mrs. Clint Sellars, Mr. MAURICE EISENBERG who <»• ./» Oil B, ing to the Cub Pack of St. Rose Jffls8urnws«r and Mrs. David McCornack and will play with the New Jersey- rugs of assorted sizes and colors, “3I Dule.s. Cl Mr. and Mrs. Barkley A. King- Symphony Orchestra at its con­ in addition to many household of Lima Church at the Cub’s meet­ man. cert Monday night in Orange. ing last Friday. The Scouts dem­ The Friends of the Symphony articles, according to the chair­ gives you plan a series of benefits to be ★ man. onstrated what the Cubs could given during the coming months Supper Club to All these articles have been look forward to when they quali­ EXTRA for the orchestra and details of made under the supervision of fied to become Scouts. fine quality... the Millburn-Short Hills event The stage of the school hall was because of the extra skill and knowledge of will be announced at a later date. Heaf Dr. Hall the New Jersey State Commission transformed into a woodland scene FISCHER'S experienced bakers MOtvtin The “Music for Fun” concerts for the Blind and represent the Monday evening. November 7th, work of 400 handicapped nfen and as a tent was pitched and the for children, being held in nearby Scouts made preparations for high schools on Saturday morn­ at seven o’clock the Monday Sup­ women who for various reasons EXTRA nutritious values . . . per Club of Christ Church in must confine their earnings to roughing it in the woods. Tables ings are proving entertaining to and chairs were made and Scout because each pound loaf contains the non-fat the younger generation and many Short Hills will hold its second work which can be done at home. Jack Jennings proved the extent milk solids of 7 ounces of milk area children are taking advan­ scheduled meeting of the season. In many cases there is an added Dr. Raymond S. Hall, Director of handicap to that of blindness — of Scout lore with his own weighty tage of this introduction to music demonstration which satisfied even the Seamen’s Church Institute of some in the group are also deaf with Dr. Antek conducting. the most skeptical Cub. ★ j New York City will be the speak­ and others are crippled. There are er. six instructors, themselves blind, A skit on the atomic age was presented and greetings were ex­ Dr. Hall recently- completed a known as home teachers, who go ,s m s Washington tended from District Scout Di­ trip to many of the sea ports of about the state into the homes of rector Edward Stearns and Pack : the world. His subject will be these people to teach them various * 01 17o ”i"’“>r Ui,l ‘■*1 Master John Flood and with the *’ *‘,,cam/ ***£ School News j “The Work of the Institute." Res­ crafts, and it is a challenge to the blessing of Father Jensen the is vour buttineas easy ervations for dinner may be made blind person to want to produce to find in the Yellow Pages? A Trip to the Public Library Cubs were off to the start of a by calling the church office DR 9- articles of a saleable quality, the Are a// your products or services advertised? The First Grade of Washington commission reports. new year. 2898 not later than Saturday, No­ The next Pack meeting will be School under the guidance of their vember 5. This program of Home Indus­ NEW JERSEY BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY teacher, Mrs. Edith B. Dartt, and on November 18 when the Cubs The Commitiee on arrangements tries is carried on continuously two mothers, Mrs. Joseph Rizzo throughout the state and the public will present a pre-Thanksgiving is—Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Glasby, extravaganza. and Mrs. Edgar Rimback, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Coliyer Hoagland, is given repeated opportunities the Millburh library. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Knapp, Mr. during the year to purchase these Miss Herrmann, the librarian, and Mrs. Charles B. Taylor, Mr. articles through organized sales in greeted the children and told them and Mrs. S. Belmont Segar and different localities. The Woman’s delightful story entitled. ‘‘The Mjj\ and Mrs. Donald Giles. Club here has taken on the respon­ Man Who Lost His Head” . The sibility of organizing the sale with children browsed through the li­ church groups and civic organiza­ brary and found many fine books. Camera Club Will tions giving active support. Some of their favorites were, “Ja­ “We are proud to present this son and Timmy” , by Sally Scott Hear Dr. Ruch work,” Mrs. Ruggles said, “as it and “The Boy in Lincoln’s Lap”, Dr. Fred J. Ruch, APSA, of bears the closest inspection and by Jerold Bein. Plainfield will be the guest speak­ those buying receive a full dollar’s The trip was planned to stimu­ er at the meeting of the Millburn worth of every dollar spent. In late an interest in reading and Camera Club at the Recreation addition it helps these craftsmen to provide an opportunity for the House, Taylor Park, on Wednes­ to lead happier lives through the children to become acquainted day, November 9 at 8 p.m. opportunity to work.” with the new books. It also helped Dr. Ruch will illustrate his On Mrs. Ruggles’ committee the children develop habits of talk with some of his own color from the Millburn Woman’s Club courtesy and consideration for slides and show how a touch of are Mrs. Walter P. Antrim, Mrs. others. hand-coloring or other hand work Ralph Gates, Mrs. George D. Har­ After the children returned to may increase, the interest and rison, Jr., Mrs. Henry L. Junge, school, they made up a story beauty of color work. Color en­ Mrs. William G. Klehm, Mrs. Ken­ ut their trip. They discussed thusiasts will want to take advan­ neth C. McCracken, Mrs. Albert how they could be kind to books. tage of Dr. Ruch’s experience and K. Porter, Mrs. Philip Ritters- Mrs. Dartt told them a story—I helpful suggestions. The public is bacher, Mrs. Leslie W. Schreiijo- The Goops lick their fingers invited to attend this meeting. fer, and Mrs. Elmer E. Thomas. When they turn the wiges of a hook, 40* And they turn comers down Thinking no one looks. The First Graders will surely not be Goops. ★ . Heads Committee For Convention Benjamin Barbarosh of Ridge­ wood road, head counselor at Cleveland Junior High School N e w a rk , is chairman of a com­ m itte e which has concluded ar­ rangements for a meeting of the N ew Jersey Personnel and Guid­ ance Association section'-of the N ew Jersey Teachers Convention in Atlantic City on November 10. hr. Leon Mones, assistant su­ perintendent of Newark Schools " ill introduce Dr. Raloh Bran- cale, director of the Diagnostic Center at Menlo Park who will sneak on “Responsibilities of the Junior High School Counselor in the Emotional Development of the Young Adolescent.” Dr. Car­ rie Losi, director of guidance of Newark, will offer greetings to the audience representing super­ intendents of schools, school nurses, social workers, guidance counselors and school psycholo­ gist*. - w Women's Gym Class Open Local women interested In at­ tending tlie Recreation Depart­ ment Women’s Gym class may sign up b y calling DR 6-1218 or reporting to the girls’ gym In the Millburn High School Monday evening at 8 p.m. The class meets every Monday from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Miss Joan Piken, local school teacher is the instructor.

Cold W eather C om ing! We're ready with a huge assortment of Winter Clothes for MEN and BOYS Also Hunting Jackets

Nationally Advertised Brands at Saving Prices! SUZMAN OFFICIAL ARMY & NAVY d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e 201 Main St. Orange OR 3 7494 Mon., Thuri., Fri., 8»t., I to I tan . and Wed., > to S Lord & Taylor, Millburn [ NOVEMBER 3, it y i P>p> I S The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM from Short Hills on the commit­ tee are Mrs. George A. Sasseen, Miss Wanda Green Mrs. Edward Mooney, Mrs. An­ thony Mitchell, and Mrs. John Is Church Bride Kervick. Among the senior stu­ St. Rose of Lima Church was dents at the school who will serve the setting Saturday afternoon for as honor guard to the guests are the wedding pi Miss Wanda Green, ]jO O £ i the Misses Mary Mitchell, Pat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eslill I: Sasseen and Eileen Kervick. Green of Farley road, to 2nd Lt. e • C. James Sirchio, USAR, son of MOTE* Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sirchio. of of Old Short Hills road returned Conshohocken, Pa The Rev. John on Monday after a trip to New C. Seiner of Baltimore officiated. Orleans, Mobile and Sarasota, VIVIAN LANGE - DRexel 9-2823 A small family reception followed Florida. at the home of the bride's parents. ★ Mrs. Harold S. Stovall of Stony following the wedding rehearsal. Escorted by her father, the lane has concluded a fourteen-day • bride was dressed in white silk Women's Auxiliary satin fashioned with panels of im­ cruise in the Caribbean on the Mrs. Joseph H. McMullen of ported lacc and matching lace “SS Santa Paula.” Kenilworth drive spent several • days last week in New England Plans Fall Rally sleeves with a long train. Her Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Williams where she visited her daughter, chapel length veil was arranged of Glen avenue have had as guests Nancy, a freshman at Wellesley Mrs. Lester A. Crone, presi­ from a sweetheart lace cap Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Durand- College. dent of the Women's Auxiliary of trimmed with seed pearls. She Chastel who have now returned to • carried a cascade of orchids and Mr. and Mrs. George K. Bach- Overlook Hospital, ahnouirces the their home in Mexico City after stephanotis. mann of Woodcrest avenue have Annual Fall Rally, to be held > ■ ; a world tour. Mrs. Theodore von Claim, Jr. of • concluded a three weeks’ trip to Monday, November 7, , at the 4 # v'-jk Short Hills, sister of the bride, Dr. and Mrs. Cedric C. Carpen­ the west coast. Methodist Church parish house, W f u il was matron of honor. Miss Cynthia ter of Addison drive snent Parent’s Barry of Essex Fells was maid Diane Settle, daughter of Mr. De Forest avenue, Summit, to week-end at H o b a rt College. Their of honor. They were dressed in and Mrs. David W. Settle of South which not only all the 1,500 mem­ peacock blue velvet and carried son, Cedric Jr. (Kim) Is a fresh­ terrace, entertained several of man there. bers of the Auxiliary arc invited, cascadfs of chrysanthemums in e her young friends at a Halloween but also anyone in the community shades of yellow to bronze. Miss Peggy Stsob, daughter of prty on Saturday afternoon at her Russell A. Hedden of Trenton parents’ home. interested in the importance of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Staub of • was best man. Ushering were Lake road, was honored Tuesday volunteers to hospitals. Dr. and Mrs. George C. Dreher Charles P. Sitkin of Arlington, Va evening at a miscellaneous show­ Coffee will be served at 9:30, of Hillside avenue returned last and Roger Giorgian of Philadel­ er given bv Miss Marilvn Christ­ week after a stay at Tryon, North with baby sitting service pro­ phia. ensen of Springfield. Miss Staub Carolina. vided. Mrs. Thomas W. Johnston, Following a short wedding trip will become the bride tomorrow * first vicp president, will preside. the couple will reside at Ft. Ben- MRS. C. JAMES SIRCHIO of David E. George, son of Mr. A dinner dance for the benefit Mrs. William H. Conkling, Jr., MRS. A. ROSS MEEKER, JR. ning, Ga., where Lt. Sirchio is ( Turi-Larkial and Mrs. Wendell George of of the building fund of Oak Knoll Program co-chairman, has been (Bradford Bachrach) stationed. •k i ★ Watertown, N. Y. Tonight the School, Summit, will be held Fri­ in charge of arrangements. ★ Mrs. Sirchio is a graduate of couple will be honored at a sup­ He was a member of the Terrace Smith Mathiasen of the West Or- address the group o n the topic, day evening,' November 11th at The program begins at ten The Beard School, Centenary Jun per party at the Short Hills Club A. R. Meeker, Jr. Club. He is secretary-treasurer ange Community House who will 1 “Social Work: A Challenge, Ac Mayfair Farms. Among those o’clock, with Mrs. Olive E. An­ ior College and the Katharine of the A. R. Meeker Co., Newark. drews, director of Women’s Activ­ Gibbs School. Lt. Sirchio was ities of the United Hospital Fund Takes a Bride graduated from Lafayette College of New York, as speaker, her Overlook Follies' where he was a member of the topic being ‘‘Volunteering—that The marriage of Miss Virginia Phi Delta Theta fraternity. amazing avocation.” Carol Glaser, daughter of Mr. ★ THE OBERLIN Women’s Club Mrs. Andrews is nationally and Mrs. Frederic Francis Glaser Talent Night of Northern New Jersey will hold known for her leadership as head of West Orange, to A. Ross Meek­ of the service program of the This year's Overlook Follies its fall luncheon meeting at Rod’s, Fund with which 81 hospitals are er, Jr., son of Mr. Meeker of will get underway on Monday, No­ West Orange, on Saturday, No­ Whitney road, was performed vember 5, at 1 p. m. Guest speak­ affiliated. Her department re­ vember 7, with Talent Night, to Saturday afternoon in Wyoming er of the meeting will be Lucille cruits, trains, and assigns volun­ be held at 8:30 at the Suburban teers to voluntary and municipal Presbyterian Church. Dr. Donald hospitals throughout the citv. She M. Meisel officiated. A reception Hotel in Summit. Specialty Night was instrumental in establishing followed at the Maplewood Wom­ will be held on Wednesday, No­ For Sunday Dinner! the first course at Columbia Uni­ en’s Club. vember 9, at 8:30 at the Elk’s Viennese versity in the administration of Given in marriage by her fa­ Club in Summit. Pick up your needles, girls . . . Beef lover’s paradise . hospital volunteers, and in set­ ther, the bride wore a gown fash­ Eric SchCpard, of New York ting up institutes for volunteer ioned with an imported Chantilly City, will direct the Follies. The APPLE STRUDEL it’s time for the Christmas Knit!! DAVE’S MARKET, 184 E s s e x SL directors. She is a member of the lace bodice and scalloped pannier pianist will be John Almquist, and 17" long, serves 10 And THE KNITTING CENTER, They’ve the very finest B lu e Rib­ bon Beef (try one of th e ir well- Westchester County Council of skirt over silk satin and tulle, Robert E. Graef, the master of $3 .5° 348 Millburn Ave., has all the Social Agencies. and terminating in a train. Her ceremonies. The Follies will be aged porterhouse steaks or 1 yarns, needles, and designs, you'll Mrs. Crone states that ‘‘Over­ finger-tip veil was of imported held on the nights of December standing rib roast) and you'll be look. one of the smallest hospi­ lace. She carried a cascade of 2 and 3. need! Ideas: inexpensive and deliciously convinced. A n d with tals in the state, has the largest stephanotis, phalaenopis orchids Mrs. William F. Mullins and For Sunday Supper! quick-to-knit Angora stoles (love­ an eye to happy Holidays and number of volunteers. 740 at pres­ and variegated ivy. Mrs. C. Nicholas Miller are in Viennese ly!); picture knits with frames hostess gifts . . . a g if t basket ent. Out of 1001 auxiliaries in the Miss Constance May Glaser of charge of talent for the Short Hills for needlepointers (from “Old from DAVE’S makes y o u a most United States. 91 of them are in West Orange, was maid of honor area, and Mrs. John Van Cleve Masters” to flower designs); welcome guest. D R e x e l 6-4390. Ham Crescemts yarns for afghans. P.S. Capable • • • New Jersey. Overlook, like other for her sister. Miss Jean Rosenast and Mrs. Stone MacWhinney are You’ll want a wardrobe of these hospitals, has come to recognize of Chatham, a cousin of the bride; working on their committee. instructions by Mrs. Theresa Kol- $ 0 - 5 0 umban. sweaters! What a sweater cache the importance of adding a direc­ Mrs. Richard Hatch of Morris­ Monday, November 7 is also dot. dm • • • we discovered at LILLIAN tor of volunteers to its profession­ town and Mrs. Thomas Brocken- the deadline for patrons' tickets. O’GRADY, 415 S p r in g f i e l d Ave, al staff, in recent years.” Formula for fun: take the fam­ brough of Newark, Del., were Mrs. Statter Day heads the Short Please phone your order Summit. They’ve the n e w thick Over 300 members of the Short bridesmaids. They were dressed Hills patrons committee. ily to SIP & SUP, Springfield & Morris Aves., Springfield! Come richly knit sweaters (bulky but Hills Twigs, a part of the Wom­ in turquoise velvet gowns with ★ DRexel &-0228 in or call for curb service, then not clumsy!); long lin e tors) en’s Auxiliary, live in Millburn headpieces of variegated ivy and GEORGE C. MILLER of Madi­ sweaters, (so very new, so very Township. Mrs. Alex J. Fracken- roses. Miss Glaser carried talis­ son will speak at a meeting of place your orders for SIP & SUP’S divine specialties. Kidlets adore c h i c ) . Both stunning w h e n wore pohl of Hartshorn drive and Mrs. man roses, bronze and gold the Men’s Fellowship Class of MELLIE WEISS with a well-mannered LILLIAN Eugene Conroy of Chestnut place, chrysanthemums and variegated Morrow Memorial Church, Ma­ "The Champ” (double deck ham­ burgers with melted cheese, O’GRADY tweed skirt. are chairmen of the Short Hills ivy. The bridesmaids carried tea plewood, Sunday at 9:30 a. m. at 24 Taylor St. Millburn * * * Twigs. the church. Mr. Miller is a for­ shredded lettuce and dressing on roses, yellow roses and gold Opposite Washington School O u t of the test t u b e . . . straight chrysanthemums. mer Fellowship leader. Fred toasted bun, 50c!!); everybody to CENTRAL DRUG STORE, 32 Christmas Sale Schmidt will lead the devotions. loves their Fried Chicken Plate, Mr. Meeker was best man for $1.35!! M i l l b u r n Ave., come all the new­ his son. Ushering were John Gor­ • • • est and finest drugs quick as 1 don Meeker of Evanston, 111., flash! They're known fo r having Set For Nov. 15 Teens are in a whirl about the brother of the bridegroom; Eric the new . . . the hard-to-find gala evening and party dresses H. Stockholm 'of Knollwood road, and for their pleasing prices! The 12th annual Christmas sale at PHYLLIS KING, 90 Summit for the benefit of the Essex Coun­ Arthur M. Dorfner of Roselle CENTRAL DRUG is a Millburn Ave., Summit! Everything’s new ty Sheltered Workroom will be Park and Jack W. Matthews of tradition . . . and Larry Wortzel and exciting . . . from short prin­ held at The Racquets Club on Montclair. i s the 6th registered pharmacist cess brocades (just $19.95!) to Tuesday, November 15, between Following a wedding trip to the in CENTRAL DRUG’S pharma­ turquoise Crystalettes (sheer the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. West Indies, the couple will re­ ceutical familv! DRexel 6-1882. dancing dreams for $22.95). New Mrs. Arthur T. Vanderbilt will side on Woodland road. and dazzling: lame tops over bil­ be hostess, Mrs. Henry E. Leon­ VILLAGE WINE & LIQUOR The bride is a graduate of the lowing metallic net skirts ($25); ard, general chairman, and Miss University of North Carolina. Mr. STORE caters to e v e r y good silver-and-aqua stripes (straight Marjorie Held of East Orange, Meeker, a veteran of World War taste! At 515 Millburn A v e ., Short from N. Y. Times!). Hills, you’ll find a c h o ic e selec­ sales chairman. Board members II, was graduated from Princeton • • # will act in a sales capacity. University with the class of 1950. It s one thing to shop for sav­ tion for well-stocked c e l l a r s - ings . . . it’s another to find qual­ They’ve all nationally advertised — — g _ ity at great savings! FOOT­ liquors and liqueurs plus a fill array of imported and domestic WEAR, INC., 354 Springfield Ave., Summit, brings you Wom­ wines (from cooking s h e r r ie s ‘ rare vintage champagnes!)- Ft* en s & Debs' nationally-adver­ delivery is yours f o r phoning tised cancellation and factory- stock shoes at 33 lb to 50% off reg­ DRexel 6-5310. • • • .. ular prices!! Shoes reg. $9.95. ‘Til next Thursday, if you d $18.95 are FOOTWEAR - priced like to see Jane, please pho« $6.90-$10.90 . . . sizes 4-10, A AAA Bernardsville 8-2192. to C. JANE MATTHEWS. — Adv.

CELEBRATING OUR FIRST YEAR IN SUMMIT, WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO OFFER THE FOLLOWING ANNIVERSARY SAVINGS: * Chino Stadium Coats water repellent, plaid lining, wool OPEN T O E ...... SUNG BACK Interlining, buckle fastening, with matching detachable hood In khaki, charcoal and red. 1093 GENUINE RUST * Short Sleeve Cotton Blouses prints & solids Alligatof Shoes 2 10 * 3°® ) regularly 3.95 & 4.95 In High Heels

New — strapless second-skin fit- Natural uplift via leno • S c a r v e s ...... pUW-wool and[rayon, 2.95 .95 elastic and satin with embroidered-nylon charm. fringe trim. Also silk A. Bra with undercup wire. Wear It as shown shove or wear It • Cotton Plaid School D resses...... 1/3 OFF strapless, just by unhooking the wlde-eot straps. White, A and ws Special j B cup, SS.95. B. Strapless basque with congenial iplral boning. White, B cup, gio.BS Black, B cup, fl*.50

• m a t c h in g h a n d b a g s • « j | - Slender blonde beaver, HELEN BLAIR slotted shawl collar. Corset Shop 90 SUMMIT AVE., CORNER BANK STREET Where the Accent is on Fitting The Wolff Bros. CR. 3-4296 t x "New Jersey's Smartest Shoe Shops” n ESSEX ST. DRexel 9-5750 The White Shop ’Round The Corner’’ from Springfield Ate. Millburn Fur Shoppe ppotitc M ario’*) 383 Springfield Ave. Summit formerly with IVuensek 315 Millburn Ave. DRexel 9-4145 6 Washington St. Morriitown

OOPOCXXJOCXJCO0" r NOVEMBER 3. I9SS1 The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM Page 19 cousin of the bride, was matron at the home of Mrs. John F. Har­ of honor and bridesmaids were Smith College rison, 40 Ox Bow Lane, Summit, the Misses Marie A. and Nancy on November 14 at 1 p.m. Mrs. J. Clarkson, sisters of the bride. Club to Meet John C. Hover of Hobart avenue Hunt Club Edmond Weston of Union Village Plans for the forthcoming Smith- will present the plans. Coffee and served as best man and the ush­ Princeton concert, to be given on sandwiches will be served. The ers were William H. Hills of Red April 21 by the Watchung Hills regular club meeting, which this ffinnra Bank, brother-in-law of the bride­ Smith College Club, will be out­ meeting displaces, will be held groom, and Bernhard Kuehn of lined at an open board meeting on January 21. Air Conditioned Madison., The bride is a graduate of The TWO GOURMET Beard School, attended Mary­ Knit Garments Beautifully Cleaned SPECIALTIES land College for Women and grad­ uated from R.C.A. Institutes, Iff Addition To Th. New York City. She is employed ORANGE 3-g880 Regular as technical aid in the circuit re­ Dinner Menu search department of Bell Tele­ ABBOTT-HOGAN, Inc. phone Laboratories, Murray Hill. Our Thursday Mr. Markham attended Scotch Dependable Dry Cleaning SPECIAL! Plains High School. He was an 575 Scotland Road, Orange, N. J. air cadet and served three years in the U. S. Army Air Force dur­ ing World War II. He Is presently with Gardner Motors, Inc., Ber- Pick Up and Delivery Service Twice a Week in Short Hills nardsville. ROAST BABY CORNISH GAME HEN Stuffed with Wild Rice "XAVIER'S HAIRDRESSERS" 517 Millburn Ave. ^ Dr. 9-2313 Our Friday Short Hills FAVORITE ! Something new has been added to your neighbor­ hood Beauty Center. Xavier, for the first time, is proud to announce his shop is now staffed with the finest of Operators. MRS. C. RUSSELL RIGGS MRS. CHARLES GEORGE MARKHAM Miss Hazel Card, formerly of George Hairdressers (Jules A. Wolin) of Millburn, as Manager. WHOLE BROILED Berkeley Heights and Mr. George Her sisters-in-law, Mrs. Ralph D. Miss Clarkson's Miss Lucy Picarello, one of Elizabeth Arden's former managers MAINE LOBSTER Marian Beyer Beyer of Maplewood and Mrs. L. Markham of Verona. Rever­ and Traveling Hair Colouring Experts, will be happy to have you bring With Butter .Sauce end Jesse Lyons of Summit offi­ Ross H. Beyer of Delmar, N. Y. your colouring problems to her. Pounds Wed in Summit were her attendants. They were Nuptials Held ciated at the ceremony in the Fresh As the Breeze attired” in nile green brocaded Miss Carolyn Jones Clarkson, Wilson Memorial Union Church Miss Elsie Hallgring, formerly the owner of "Elsie's Beauty Sa­ From their Native Seas! The Community Church of Sum­ taffeta and carried dark red daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asthur in Watchung. A reception followed lon" of Maplewood Village. in the home of the bride’s parents. mit was the scene Saturday of the roses. Alexander Clarkson of Twin Oak Last but not least, Xavier himself, the former owner of J. Atria, Andrew A. Anspach of New road, became the bride on Sat­ The bride was given in mar­ Add zest to your dinner marriage of Marian Adams Bey­ York City was best man. The urday of Charles George Mark­ riage by her father. Mrs. Robert Hair Stylist of South Orange. and en{oy our er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ushers were William H. Schofield ham, son of Mrs. N. V. Green of Vanderminden of Granville, N. Y., Now let us tell you of the plans we have for the future. We Delicious Generous Cocktails Henry H. Beyer of Lupine way, III, of Oswego, N. Y., Sheridan are excited about them and hope you will be too. to C. Russell Riggs, son of Mr. R. Smith of New York City, Ralph We are now in the process of erecting a new building directly OTEL Charles C. Riggs of South "Orange D. Beyer of Maplewood, and Ross and the late Mrs. Riggs. The Rev. II. Beyer of Delmar. Milan Harrison Hartz across from our present location. W e are planning this Shop with Dr. Jacob Trapp officiated. The Mrs. Riggs is a graduate of Orchestras your convenience in mind. UBURBAM reception was held at the Fort­ Kent Place School and Vassar Distinctive music and entertainment Air Conditioning and ample parking facilities. Comfortable, nightly Club of Summit. College. Mr. Riggs was gradu­ for every occasion. cool, plus the newest and most convenient equipment. The bride, who was given in ated from Newark Academy, 570 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE Manhattan Suburban marriage by her father, wore a Yale University, and the New Our shop will be decorated by W. u J. Sloane, of Millburn...... SOuth Orange 2-8629 SUMMIT. N. J. dress of white satin and Chantilly York University School of Law. MUrray Hill 8-6217 DRexe, 6.4678 Why not Join us now, and grow with us I lace, and a fingertip veil. She He is now a faculty member and carried a bouquet of white ca­ a candidate for the Ph. D. de­ mellias and lilies of the valley. gree in history at the New York University School of Arts and Science. After a trip to Bermuda, the couple plan to live in New York Sloane’s anJ Heritage-Henredon present City.

It'a exciting, handsome In its exquisite simplicity so characteristic of Oriental design, combined with practicality and adaptability so neces­ sary for today’s m odern living. Superbly executed in magnificent w alnut in the new, exotic M antieha finish and contrasting white brass pulls.

A. Drop-leaf table, 65*,.« x 19", leaves up to 65' •> x SI" 195.00 13. Cabinet unit, 39 x 19 x 23" 169.00 Chest unit, 39 x 19x 23" 169.00 Base, 75 x 18 x KHs" 35.00 C. Cabinet unit, 39 x 19 x 23" 169.00 1). Chest, 39 x 19 x 33" 189.00 E. Cabinet, 39 x 19 x 33” 189.00 F. Ann chair, 22Va x 2 2 x 30" 100.50 Also a matching collection of occasional tables ami handsome game table desk.


OPEN Mon., Tues., Tliurs. and Sat. 9 i 3 0 to 5 » 3 0 , Wed. and Fri. 12 to 9 * 3 0 r NOVEMBER 3. io«j The Mlllbum & Short Hills ITEM "Busy Hands Miss Partington Happy Lives" Married at Mass The Annual Sale For The By At a nuptial mass at 10 o’clock will be held in the Recreati,, Saturday morning in St. Rose of Building of Taylor Park, NovcJ. Lima Church, Miss Patricia Ann ber 10, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Partington, daughter of Mr. and Although the sale is organize^ Mrs. John J. Partington of Dun­ by the Woman’s Club of Milibuj* can street, became the bride of Wilfred J. Murphy of Summit, it is actively supported bv n. KATHRYN SCHAUMBERG DRexel 9-3870 son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ women’* guilds of alTthe f c ★ ' fred J. Murphy. The Rev. James churches, the P.T.A. 0f J Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Stengel of Jr., and daughter, Brenda, recent­ J. Coyle officiated. A reception school, the Girl Scouts, the % Walnut avenue attended a Rotary ly of Millburn avenue, have left followed at the Club Diana, Union. ior Service League and the Art. district convention at Buck Hill to make their home in Livingston. Given in marriage by her fa­ Center. These organizations lt, Falls, Pa., last week. Mr. Stengel • ther, the bride wore a gown fash­ helping by sending workers to n, is president of the Hillside Rotary Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Dykema of ioned with Chantilly lace bodice sale, contributing food to the hi Club. Sagamore road were hosts on Sun­ and skirt of net over satin service and by selling iea ticket * day to about 45 neighbors and trimmed with matching lace. All the merchandise offered jj Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Niendorff of friends at a cocktail party. Mrs. Her fingertip veil of illusion was the sale will have been made t Reeve circle returned home on Dykema is a member of the New arranged from a cap of lace MISS ELISABETH ANN MORI- blind craftsmen under the direr, Sunday night by plane after a ten Jersey Symphony Orchestra which trimmed with seed pearls. She MISS ANN POWELL, whose en­ tion of the State of N. J. Commit SOM, whose engagement has been day western trip. Mr. Niendorff is presenting a series of concerts carried white orchids and steph- gagement has been announced. slon For The Blind. “Every mea. was in Montana for business pur­ innouwld. (E rnst Studio) in Orange and Montclair next anotis. * ber of the community can have poses and later joined his wife in week. The orchestra is under the Miss Janet Partington was n A a gratifying part in this worth, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where they direction of Samuel Antek. maid of honor for her sister. She Becomes Fiancee while project by visiting the sa|, visited with their son, Bob. * wore a princess style gown of Miss Morison * and by buying at least one a Mrs. Donald G. Lilja and son, American Beauty velvet with Mrs. Ralph Doubleday of Glen Of J . S. Henshaw cent tea ticket," the commit^ David, of Seattle, Washington, matching headpiece and carried avenue accompanied her husband Is Affianced states. “Let’s give this project have been visiting her parents, Mamie Eisenhovyer Carnations to Montreal, Canada, for a few Announcement has been made of our united support for we know Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brochhagen of with variagated ivy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Morison days last week where he attended the engagement of Miss Ann the truth of the Commission Fir Cypress street. The Misses Phyllis Pelligrina of Whitney road, have announced The Blind watchword. “Buij a conference of the American Drug • and Lorraine Storey, both of Mill­ Powell of Charlotte, N. C., daugh­ the engagement of their daughter, Hands Make Happy Lives." Manufacturers Association. Mrs. F. X. Kenneally, a former burn, were bridesmaids and ter of Mr. Laurie Powell of Lenoir, * Elisabeth Ann, to Charles Everett Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dodge, resident of Oakdale avenue, who Carol Long of Summit was junior N. C., and the late Mrs. Powell, Jr., of Southern Slope drive re­ has been a patient in All Souls bridesmaid. Patricia Brown of to John Scott Henshaw, son of Mr. Allen, of Millburn, son of the late Hospital since October 14 with a turned last Tuesday after a five Short Hills was flower girl. They and Mrs. R. M. Henshaw of Bailey Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell Allen, of fractured leg, is now at her home were dressed in electric blue vel­ MRS. WILFRED J. MURPHY Take Your Choice of day visit in Rochester, New York, road. Waco, Texas. with their cousins, Dr. and Mrs. on Woodland avenue, Morristown. vet with matching headpieces. * the Horticultural Society of New Miss Morison is a graduate of Robert Young. The bridesmaids carried Ameri­ Sisterhood to • Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Van can Beauty Roses and the flower York and of the Maplewood and DUDLEY N. CARPENTER, son Skidmore College and is*now em­ Houten and daughter, Valerie, of South Orange Garden Clubs. She Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bailey of girl carried a miniature old fash­ Hear Author of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Carpenter of ployed as nutrition director with Sagamore road are home after a Norwood terrace, spent four days ioned bouquet of sweetheart roses is a National Accredited Amateur the American Red Cross in Plain- recent European trip of six weeks. last week in Cincinnati and Ober- and variagated ivy. Flower Show Judge and a mem­ In observance of Jewish Book Addison drive, has been named to They toured in Norway, Sweden lin, Ohio. While in Cincinnati, Dr. James A. Kelley of Summit was ber of the Judges Council of New Month, the next regular meeting the Dean’s List at Colgate Univer­ field. and Denmark, and spent a week Van Houten, who is president of best man. William Wittberg and Jersey. of the Sisterhood of Congregation sity for academic excellence dur­ An alumnus of Baylor Universi­ CREAM in London. They had as guests Newark College of Engineering, Lester Doley, both of Summit, ★ B’nai Israel, will be devoted to a ing the preceding semester. Only ty, Waco, Texas, Mr. Allen at­ Take your pick! Not one, last week, Mr. and Miy William represented that college at the were ushers and John J. Par­ panel discussion on “Certain 8.5% of the University’s 1340 stu­ tended graduate school at Southern but all these kinds ol Methodist University and Is now Cahill of California. inauguration of Dr. Walter C. tington, Jr., brother of the bride, Evening Groups People of the Book” by Maurice dents attained this honor. Dudley cream from Borden’s! • Langsam as president of the Uni­ served as junior usher. Samuels. This newest best seller is a 1952 graduate of Summit High with the Colgate Palmolive Inter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Hale versity of Cincinnati. They also Following a wedding trip to 10th Anniversary by Mr. Samuels is based on bib­ School. national Co., Jersey City. and son, Joseph, of Decatur, Ga., visited with their oldest son, Jim, Florida, the couple will reside at lical characters. The panel chos­ have returned home after a visit who is a senior at the university. 21 Walnut street, Summit. St. Stephen’s Evening Group will en to discuss the book is com­ here with her parents, Mr. and From Cincinnati they went to Mrs. Murphy, a graduate of celebrate their tenth anniversary prised of Mesdames Gottscho, Mrs. Joseph A. Bennett of Berke­ Oberlin where they visited their Millburn High School, attended Leezenbaum, Simon and Warner, with a Communion Service on Sun­ Weekly Cleaning for Your Home ley road. son, Donald, who is a sophomore All Souls Hospital School of Nurs­ with Mrs. Alan Zane, acting as at Oberlin College, and with ing. She is employed by the First day morning, November 6th, at moderator. • Have a trained, trustworthy man assigned to your home Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bell, friends who are on the administra­ National Bank of Millburn. Mr. the 11:00 o’clock service. All mem­ At this meeting also Mrs. Henry on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Murphy, a graduate of Summit Weinstein will highlight the li­ tive staff of the college. bers of the Group, past or present, • All equipment, materials, insurance provided. High School, is employed by brary facilities now available to ★ are invited to attend. HAIR COLORING James Kane A Co., Fairview, He the community. With the new ad­ • Transportation, lunches furnished. Naturally OLD EYEGLASSES may be left The Group organized in Novem­ at The Item office, 391 Millburn served in the Navy for 3'A years. dition to the Synagogue building • Uninterrupted service guaranteed. HALF and HALF! By Betty Trainer ber 1945 for women of the church avenue, for contribution to New a library both for reading and Hair Coloritl Richer than milk! Lighter Eyes for the Needy, Inc., world who are employed and mothers of lending purposes has been opened Wins Tricolor for the use of all those interested. POTTER HOME CLEANERS than cream 1 Call Drexel 6-9877 famous project of the Short Hills young children who cannot attend DREXEL 6-0333 Junior Service League. The regular meeting of the Sis­ A t Mum Show meetings in the afternoons. Mem­ terhood will start with the serv­ bership is open to all who care to ing of coffee and cake at 12:30. FOR THE FINEST IN EYEWEAR join. The past ten years have Mrs. Saul Gluckman, president Mrs. Frank G. Ruggles of Min- seen the Group grow into a suc­ will preside and Mrs. Seymour nisink road won a Tricolor for a cessful organization. They have Lehroff, overall program chair­ HOURS: modern arrangement in the In­ sponsored many affairs and sup­ Laboratory on man, will present the program vitation Class and also the Ar­ ported many worthy causes. ELEGANCE Daily 9 5:30 for the day. A baby sitter will be framliai rangement Sweepstake in the Mrs. Henry Krautter, the Group’s Thurs. 9 9 Chrysanthemum Show sponsored available for those who must first president, is in charge of the bring young children with them. by the New Jersey Chrysanthe­ anniversary celebration. Past pres­ mum Society, Saturday, October The date of the meeting is set in MINK and ALASKA SEAL idents, in order, are Mrs. Frank ANDREW KOVACS 29. for Monday, November 7th. Benitz, Mrs. George Trundle, Mrs. LIGHT! OPTICIAN Mrs. Ruggles is a member of ★ 357 MILLBURN AVE., MILLBURN Near Theatre DR 9-4155 Ralph Williams and Mrs. William Sam Smith, son of Dr. and Mrs. For your coffee, cereal and Matthews. The present officers Thayer A. Smith of Forest drive, STIEFEL’S FURS fruits I are Mrs. Philip Fitting, president; a sophomore at Dartmouth has 363 MILLBURN AVENUE MILLBURN, N. J. W e fitted the Mrs. Robert Esler, vice-president; been pledged to Delta Tau Delta Mrs. James Barnaby, treasurer; fraternity. He was also on the TMftS Mrs. Ralph Williams, recording Honors List for the last term. WedtiHTi .. a pharmacist knows drugs Q ttfl a \ / / secretary, and Mrs. William Pea­ \ * ¥■ . cock, corresponding secretary. Cream to Jimmy s .. a jew eler knows clocks Betti ★ Tandem Club's Dinner Meeting MEDIUM! At its regular monthly dinner Light enough to pour, heavj FOR BETTER-LOOKING meeting on November 10, at 7:15 enough to whip! f p.m., the Tandem Club of Wyom­ LONGER-LASTING LINENS ing Church will be addressed by Mrs. Elizabeth Lum Drake of V Chatham, who will talk about “The Middle East — Pivot of Peace.” - Mr*. Drake ha* just returned from a four month visit to the Middle East. For the benefit of newcomers, HEAVY! the Tandem Club is a Christian organization of married couples Whips like a dreaffll and meet* once a month in Fel­ Quickly 1 W# Uk* ,,m« to «et friendly lowship Hall at Wyoming Church. *nd acquainted. We And die However, the membership is not confined only to members of the exprewlon eharacterlitle of church. Each couple attending the row yonngiter. Then we cap. dinner meetings 1* required to tore It In the lively moment bring a contribution of food. «fcat five* yon a portrait that On October 13 there was a rec­ ord attendance of 82 people who live# for the yeartl attended the buffet supper follow­ ed by an address by Jim Picker­ Jules A. Wolin ing. Hi* topic was “Man-Made SOUR! (Strand Theatre Bids.) Moons.” ★ Refreshing w ith vegetable! 447 Springfield Ave. An oil filter will remove a pound and fruit* 1 or more of dirt and sludge from CR. 3-0087 car's oil during 5,000 miles of driv ing. When you see the ELSIE DAISY on the carton, yf know it’a

Women’s and Deb*’ m m m s a y s : NATIONALLY-ADVERTISED' Honleiis mink.. beaver "Professional WATCH FOR CoH cellaU o*M and CREAM BETTY BEST ON TV Persian...... seal Laundering costs WRCA-TV (CHonnal 4) fyactou f-Stock SUoeA WCAU-TV (Chennai 10) m uskrat.. racoon FAR LESS 33% to 50% off broadtail, .squirrel • Surplus Stock* of Uadln* Manufacturers than you think” • The Brand Name Is Stamped an Ivory Pair at our low, dose-to-faclory co st prices

regularly sold, 9.95 to 18.95 * 1 1 9 . * 4 2 5 0 .

CLOTH COATS TOO! Union soil OUR PRICK 6 ” » 1 0 ’ 1 Styl* III 4 •» 10 VALUE YOU CAM SEE . . . AAAAteC Ivory Six# QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST) Laundry HOURS Dady to 9 p.m At yew Mod *tor*, 223 Millburn Ave. DRexel 6-2126 FOOTWEAR „c to 6 p.m. PLEMINGTON EUR CO. er of yew/ door- 354 SPRINGHE1D AVI., SUMMIT (Opp. Kress) SAT. & SUN. A llay* Parking in Front of Storm FIEMINOTON, N. i, ore* BAM. TO * P.M. FRIDAYS TO 9 P.M. rHIW JERSETJ LARGEST MANUFACTURE! 4 OISTIIIUTOt 01 UNI «"■«---- f NOVEMBER 3, I95S ] The Millburn & Short Utils ITEM Page 21 Ihorf Hills PTA faculty and reception rooms, Richard Crooks of Summit. Hanson of the Diocese of New­ ish and their guests. The meeting of the chapter. Mrs. Lawrence locker room and lavatory. A bronze plaque in the new ark, will talk to the women of St. is under the auspices of the Wom­ Dibble was the speaker. The student guard of honor will building will list the names of all Stephen’s Church on his work en's Guild. Tea will be served iponsors include: Miss Margo Leary, presi­ donors and contributors to the following the talk. with the City Mission Society. The first United States cents dent of the senior school; Jane Memorial Gifts Fund. and -half cents were struck in 1793. new type of program will be O’Connor, president of the Sodal­ Oak Knoll School of the Holy The meeting will be at 2 p.m. ALPHA RHO ALPHA chapter They were copper and about the onso re d fay the Short Hills ity; Patricia Nelson, president of Child has been conducted for in the Parish House and a cordial of Alpha Chi Omega met last size of present-day half dollars hool PTA when they present the senior class; Christine Fraw- thirty years by the Sisters of the invitation to be present is ex­ night at the home of Mrs. R. H. and quarters. On one side they e American Theatre Wing play, ley, senior class representative to Holy Child Jesus. tended to the women of the Par­ Burks of Browning road, president bore profile portraits of Liberty. the Student Council; Mary Mitch­ >oint o f Beginning” on Tuesday, ell, Maureen Crooks, Pat Sas- m em ber 15, at 8:15 p.m. in the seen and Eileen Kervick. Guild to Hear William D. Murphy . . . Local Representative for hool auditorium. “Point of Be- The committee in charge of the nning” i* » professionally writ- dinner is headed by Mrs. William Reverend Hanson GRIFFITH PIANOS and HAMMOND ORGANS _ play and will be presented by Meehan of South Orange. She On Tuesday, November 8th, will be assisted by Mrs. George the Reverend Canon Benedict H. cast of Broadway, radio, and Sasseen, Mrs. Edward Mooney, levision actors. Mrs. Robert Mrs. Anthony Mitchell and Mrs. Music Shop-Music Studio cWilliams, PTA vice-president, John Kervick of Short Hills and In charge of arrangements. Mrs. Richard Markey and Mrs. STRAND = Instrument Rentals The American Theatre Wing is non profit service agency dedi- THEATRE and Sales ted to entertainment which edu- 447 Springfield Ave., Summit Agent for MARTIN GUITARS tPg through the emotions as CR . 3-3900 ,U as the mind. Scripts are MRS. GEORGE A. HODGKINSON of Northern drive, admires a Voice Lessons • Organ Lessons •itten in collaboration with spe- f , L P5r5]an coat over a *5as‘c w°o1 dress modeled by Mrs. Henry ■lists in the subject dramatized, Bechtlof of Deerfield road, at the College Club of the Oranges' annual TUES. One Day Only NOV. 8 Instruments Taught fleers and directors of the or- scholarship fellowship benefit luncheon bridge and fashion show. Mrs. HERE'S nization include Helen Hayes, Hodgkmson is fellowship chairman for the club. "THE FINAL FOR EVENING APPOINTMENTS esident, Ralph Bellamy, ,Faye PLEASE PHONE CR. 3-0565 nerson, Oscar Hammerstein and Mrs. H. C. Englert. Teenagers James C. PetrlUo, Richard Civic Club Has in charge were Virginia Hartley, TEST" “EVERYTHING IN ME SIC" dgers, and Lawrence Tibbett. YOUR Raymle Gebauer, Nancy Gram A British film (RANK) by play, 'Point of Beginning” stresses Halloween Party and Diane Hohnstine. The cos­ wrlght Terence Ratlgan, (The responsibility of families to tume judges were Mrs. H. W. Winslow Boy). A neat combina­ WILLIAM D. MURPHY ing up responsible citizens for Crossroads - Deerfield Civil As­ Christiansen, Howard Simmon^, tion of light drama, comedy and c community. The New York sociation’s annual Hallowe’en P. W. Swenson and Gordon.Wood­ good natured jibes at British 351 SPRINGFIELD AVE.. 2nd FLOOR, SUMMIT CR 3-0565 mes says the play “indicates Party for resident children was ruff. foibles. TOY - HOBBY & JUVENILE SHOP...... 1st Floor it parents own honesty — or held Sunday, October 30. Due to Those who offered their homes iity _ even in minor matters rain the party could not be held were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Satter­ everyday living has a powerful outside as it usually is. Instead, field, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Parks, mulative influence on the the children were assigned to Mr. and Mrs. William Reiss and ung.” It was written by Nora various homes according to age Mr. and Mrs. Edward DeFabio. erling and tested in professional and school grade. rformances in New York before Once again the teenagers made Dinner - Dance ing released. the party a success through their rhe play runs approximately cooperation in planning and su­ rty minutes and will be foi­ pervising the games. Prizes were To Aid Oak Knoll led by a general question pe- awarded for the best costumes A dinner dance for the benefit d and diecussion of situations and cider and doughnuts were nilar to those shown on stage. served. of the building fund of Oak Knoll . Katherine Cobb, school psy- Those in charge were Mrs. School of the Holy Child, Summit, Millbum’s ologist, will moderate the after- F. R. Emerson, Mrs. William Mc­ will be held at Mayfair Farms, iv discussion. Connell, Mrs. Edward DeFabio, West Orange, Friday evening No­ vember 11 beginning with a recep­ tion at 7 o'clock. Fastest Growing Archbishop Thomas A. Boland of the Newark Archdiocese and Msgr. John A. McNulty, presi­ FREE dent of Seton Hall University, will Appliance Store be guests of honor. Former judge of the Chancery Court John A. NATIONAL Mathews will be master of cere­ POM POM monies. Eight senior students at Oak Knoll will serve as honor MILLBURN guard to the guests. FLOWER A drawing for prizes will be a feature of the evening. The first RIDGE BOUTONNIERE prize being a cruise for two. All prizes have been donated for the WEEK occasion. The goal for the fund drive is $400,000 for a senior school and APPLIANCE gymnasium and $50,000 for fur­ nishings and equipment. Con­ struction is to begin shortly after January 1, 1956. Joseph Allen Jr. is the architect. (9 MAIN ST. HARTH THE FLORIST, INC. The school wing of the new ‘The Welcome Wagon Florin” — Geo. Harlh. Owner building will contain six class­ DRcxel 9-5300 395 MILLBURN AVE. DREXEL 6-1530 rooms, a science room, a library, two music rooms, an art studio.

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Summit New Providence Member Federal Reserve System ' “See The Marks Bros*” Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Banking Hours 7:50 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. Monday through Friday RADIO SALES CORP. 6:00 - 8:00 Friday Evenings DRaxal 9-4200 Millburn, N. J. Television Headquartera \ OPEN BVfRT BVBNING 325-327 MILLBURN AVE. ESTABLISHED 1922 ------■■■■■—------...... — ' ------1 ~ t

Pag* 2 2 <6 The Millburn & Short Hilla ITEM [NOVEMBER 3^ .. 10 we all went up to Locust Grove Millers Beat Clifford Scott 16-13 and climbed South Mountain. At ,°U1Lra T Schaum- to Klepisch and Winkler. The extra officers. They will hold office for mony which was conducted ball Club will have Andre Briod, ed until March 15 between sunset a month. greater confidence for the all- “B” League 10/26 berg’s pass interception, some point was scored after the second the “Pinky Patrol”. O ur lead Brian Courtney, Bill Holleran, and sunrise only, are exceptional­ important Verona game a week W. Funk 201 fine tackling by Hadley Roe and TD on a pass from Silber to Klein. Pat Williams, Scribe discussed the further reqc Sandy Sehauinberg and Chickie ly plentiful and will offer excellent later. R. Giannattasio 201 Phil Haines for Scott loses, and The Short Hills Glenwood “C” Troop 23 (6th Grade) ments to be done in nature O’Cone in the backfield. At tackle sport and high bag returns for In the Suburban Conference Ve­ H. Nielsen 208 hard driving by Don Kienzle for game was a seesaw battle all the Today we had a surprise Hal­ our second class badge. After will be Bill Jemison, Don Red­ ’coon hunters. The law prohibits rona is first, Summit second, Mill- needed yardage. way. In the first half Glenwood lowe’en Party. We had ice cream we went outside and played man, and Lynn Dunlap. Jack the hunting of raccoon during the burn third, Caldwell fourth, Glen Dick Smith set up the next TD scored on a sleeper pass play and a Hallowe’en cup cake. Then eral games. Adams and Ken Hart will see firearm deer season. Ridge fifth, and Madison last. 'C' League aided by a nice block by Ted Loth from P. Hendricks to Weigand. we tried to bite into a bobbing Joan Orsulak, Scribe action at center. On the ends will on a 40 yard punt runback. Satter­ Just before the half ended Wick- On the first day, November 5, apple hanging on a string in the Troop 60 (Junior) Summit, however, has played one be Jerry Aires, John Fimia, October 26, 1955, First Quarter field again crossed the goal but enden tagged the S.H. ball carrier hunting is prohibited before 9 air. If we got our teeth In the Today at our f o u r th meet: more game than Millburn. “Red” Ahern, Howie Hill and W L Avg. HG Harth’s kick was blocked. Scott in the end zone for a safety to a.m. and must stop one half hour apple, we would get the apple we had our bowling lesson, Here is the probable Miller John Ott. Firemen 17 7 843 961 scored again on a pass play but take an 8-0 lead at half time. In after sunset. Other days the le­ and a lolly pop. This game gave scores improved. W e had i starting lineup for Saturday’s Last Sunday’s game with Wee- Bob’s Atlantic 14'a 9 li 845 1003 was wide for the extra point. the second half S.H. scored when gal hunting hours of the regular us credit toward our games badge. fun than ever because we game: center, Joe Alexander; Stieckels Auto 13 11 850 949 quahic was canceled because of guards, Gene Demonet and Dan Late in the final period Bob T. Hooke intercepted a pass and season are from one half hour We hope to have these five badges competition between teams, Millburn Del. 13 11 817 961 rain. Caivano; tackles, Bob Boye and Boye recovered a fumble to give ran it back 30 yards for a TD. before sunrise to one half hour finished by December: Sewing, all enjoyed today’s meeting Suburban Paints 11 13 816 '911 Pete Wester; ends, Hadley Roe, Millburn the ball when they had Just before the end of the game after sunset. Cooking, Games, Gardening and much. Marshall’s Ins. 10 14 827 883 to hold on to it. Pat O’Hara did a R. Lee tagged Hendricks in the This year also there will be an our Troop Badge. Outside, Mrs. Phil Haines, and George Harth; O’Cones 9 'A' League Judy T u c k e r, Scribe 15 782 873 marvelous job directing the team, end zone to knot the score at 8-8, extended season quail from De­ Weston showed us some flowers Troop 66 (3rd Grade) backs, Pat O’Hara, Jim Satter­ Dave's Liquor 814 1514 789 915 as did Pete Kouwenhoven, aver­ and cause the game to go into cember 19 to January 14 and for for our gardening badge. Then There were 11 girls present field, Don Kienzle, and Pete Kou- Individual Standings First Quarter—10/25/55 aging 45 yards a punt! Gene De- overtime. ruffed grouse and squirrel from we played Red .Rover, Basketball day. We were going to make be wenhoven. R. Barisky 3 W L Avg. HG 214 234 It took two extra periods of December 19 to December 31. On and giant steps. We had a very bags, but not all the girls R. Zwigard 9 Somerset 13 8 842 959 196 244 sudden death before Glenwood State Public Shooting and Fish­ nice time. their material for th e m . We R. Marshall, Jr. 24 181 247 Overhead Door 12)4 8V4 842 961 was finally able to score on a ing grounds the hunting hours Susan Raphael, Scribe refreshments today and most Grid Forecast B. Taaffee 24 181 224 Marshall’s Ins. 12 9 864 951 New Program pass from Hendricks to Litchen- from November 7 to December 10 Troop 38 (4th Grade) the girls had four cookies, N. Chango 24 180 226 Hay Realtors 11Vi 9Vi 818 928 By MIKE MAKOWSKY walter who ran the ball the last are from 7:30 a.m. to one half On our first meeting day the played hide and seek outsi D. Nigro 9 178 223 Bufo Builders 10 11 841 926 Millburn did not upset Clifford 30 yards for the winning TD. No hour after sunset; from Decem­ last week in September, we played Nancy Paulson fell a couple D. Marshall 24 178 246 Men’s Shop 10 11 839 926 For Jr. Red Cross Scott for the simple reason that Lonergan’s 10 11 832 992 extra point attempt was made, ber 19 to January 14, one half games outdoors and Mrs. Scharf times when we were playing. Millburn was the better team to E. Patterson 24 177 247 Under the direction of the offi­ giving Glenwood a 14-8 victory. D. Lyons Chango’s 5 16 845 914 hour before sunrise to one half gave us ice cream pops. The next Linda Whelan, Scribe start with. The Scotties, who boast 21 176 265 The two extra periods were 10 hour after sunset. W. Spriggs Individual Standings cers, Philip Scaturro, president, week we started to make felt Troop 75 (5th Grade) a good team themselves, were held 21 176 216 and 4 minutes long. During the season it will be un­ R. Spurr 24 175 245 S. Solewater 24 179 224 Cynthia Harris, vice-president, handkerchief cases and embroid­ For a special treat we all m to 41 yards on the ground by a This’next games will be played lawful to possess, take or attempt ered our names on them. We have T. O’Cone 22 174 214 R. Marshall, Jr. 24 178 218 Susan Scheller, treasurer, Ann cookies at Mrs. W illiam 's bon Millburn team which realized its Mayo at Taylor Park on November 4, to take female pheasants. Pos­ J. Gerardiello 24 173 231 G. 24 178 212 Scheller, secretary, and Miss Ruth been doing that for a few weeks. First we rolled the dough, i full potential this past week by J. Junior 21 1955 at 3:30 p.m.—Glenwood “C” session of a loaded gun in the field We learned two kinds of sewing G. Delgaldo 15 172 232 178 216 Ensor and Ralph Lundigan, teach­ then we each took a knife and crushing Scott. H. Love 24 vs Washington, So. Mtn. vs Short or woods will be considered evi­ stitches. V. O’Brien 6 172 227 178 220 er-sponsors, the Junior Red Cross our own shapes. The cookies* In ending the winless famine V. Marcantonio 24 Hills and Glenwood “V” vs Wyo­ dence of hunting. Daily bag lim­ P. Pisciotto 6 172 214 177 213 High School council is engaged in Ellen Maier, Scribe then put in the oven. When# against the East Orange school, S. Fimbel 24 175 228 ming. its are 4 rabbits; 1 Jackrabbit or Troop 45 (4th Grade) came out we iced th e m with which dates back to 1948, Millburn B. Denberg 6 170 211 a new program of activities. C. Piscuitto 21 175 219 hare; 2 male pheasants (10 in We said the Brownie Promise different colors of icing. We ei controlled the ball two-thirds of the T. Smith 3 170 189 During the several planning S. Berzenski 15 175 235 season); 7 quail; 3 grouse and 6 and then had refreshments. We made two or more to take hoi time and rolled up eleven first P. Gilbert 24 169 209 meetings with Mrs. F. I. Smith, Good Hunting T. Kavanaugh 24 175 221 squirrel. finished making our plaques for Barbara Jaehnig. Scribe downs to Scott’s four. The two C. Florindi 15 169 227 high school chairman and her A. Stefnagle 24 174 254 Scottie touchdowns were freakish E. Jackson 24 168 202 committee, the officers drew up T. Pisciotta 21 174 208 Predicted in N. J . 85 and 47 yard pass plays, making A. Quadrel 24 166 224 this year’s program which is as D. Marshall 24 173 222 Thousands of New Jersey the 16-13 final score a deceptive A. Stefnagle 24 167 246 follows: Continued programs . . . P. Pisciotta 6 173 194 criteria for judgment. C. Wade 24 166 221 sportsmen were advised today D. Bufo 14 172 219 Production Work—articles for hos­ Here are this week's guesses: R. Hodes 12 166 219 they may look forward to one of J. Arsi 24 171 213 pitals, children’s homes, etc.; Millburn vs. Highland Park: By B. Schmauder 18 165 193 E. O’Brien 3 170 195 Sewing Activity — afghans and the State’s better upland game all rights Millburn should win this E. O'Hara 24 165 212 E. Nirmaier 21 169 234 articles made for veteran’s hos­ seasons this year starting at game. Their defense is solid, their D. Catullo 21 165 212 N. Chango 24 169 197 pitals and those in need; Blood 9 a.m. on November 5. offense is hard hitting and fast, D. Marcketta 21 164 205 C. Johnson 21 169 205 Bank—assistance by students at Dr. Joseph E. McLean, Com­ their spirit high, and their players P. DeFuria 18 163 237 F. Bufo 24 169 213 headquarters including running a conditioned and sound. Highland A. Collandrea 24 163 243 missioner of the Department of M. Bufo 24 168 229 kindergarten, loading the Blood- Park managed to beat Sayerville V. Marcantonio 18 163 205 Conservation and Economic De­ N. Kosovan 15 168 209 mobile, and displaying of posters; last week, but this has been their N. Kosovan 24 162 195 velopment, announced that early V. Kane 21 168 223 High School Chest—filling of large only impressive performance. Mill­ P. Grosso 21 162 211 predictions concerning a good W. Buchanan 21 168 195 chest with articles of necessity to burn is the choice—by one TD. M. O’Cone 20 162 194 game supply have been substan­ R. Marshall, Sr. 21 167 190 be sent abroad; Annual D an ce- Verona vs. Clifford Scott: This a . Meisinger 24 160 256 tiated and the regular season, L. Lawn, Sr. 21 167 214 open to the entire school, profits should be a revealing game, since A. Fiore 24 160 217 which closes on December 10, L. Pulsinelle 21 167 231 used to fill chest; Student’s enroll­ Millburn just defeated Scott and R. King 21 159 215 should prove a successful one. A. Nichols 24 167 213 ment Drive—school wide request faces Verona after Highland Park. R. Marshall, Sr. 8 159 197 The State Division of Fish and J. Skarl 3 167 186 for voluntary enrollment contribu­ If Millburn can beat Clifford Scott, J. Greene 3 158 170 Game reported to Dr. McLean W. Schmidlin 166 216 tions from students; Annual As­ Verona should be able to also—by R. O'Brien 21 157 221 21 there is a definite increase in the M. Bontempo 24 166 198 one TD N. Lonergan 24 156 194 sembly Program — to encourage rinkneck pheasant population from C. Florindi 24 165 208 Predictions of other games in H. Berardesco 21 156 200 participation and interest in the Trenton northward. This natural F. S. Trunk 21 165 201 enrollment drive; Wood Shop Ac­ which Conference teams are in­ H. Knoblauch 6 155 177 reproduction has been amply sup­ W. Gildersleeve 11 165 200 volved are as follows: Rahway T. Wigg 24 154 193 tivity-production of various ar­ plemented from a record number J. Formichelli 21 163 227 over Summit by 2 TD’s and Mor­ C. Sachau 24 154 183 ticles for deserving organizations. of pheasants raised at the two R. O’Brien 20 ris Hills Regional over Madison 162 231 New Programs State Game Farms at Forked F. Wanner 3 154 167 T. Bufo by 2 TD’s. 15 162 204 International Correspondence — River and Rockport and by a 4-H D. Cooper 3 152 162 Leibowitz 24 162 224 For those televiewers possessed G. album to be sent abroad, contain, Club and other operations, Dr. E. Spencer 16 145 179 D. Hay 21 with morbid curiosities, tune in 160 211 ing short items with accompany­ McLean said. G. Ferguson 21 145 174 J. York 24 160 194 the Penn vs. Notre Dame game ing photos about numerous activ­ Observations in the. field indi­ R. Herbstsomer 6 145 175 F. Delhagen 24 160 210 which should prove to be a fear­ ities and functions ’of community cate that the cottontail rabbit is A. Rontgen 3 145 151 D. Chango 3 160 171 some carnage with the Irish 24 143 171 life. present in about the same num­ D. Krich E. Kudla 6 157 191 emerging victorious. In a more 136 170 Doll Production — the dressing bers as during the 1954 season. F. Marcketta 3 Smith 2 157 169 evenly matched duo Penn State of dolls in typical American cos­ The gray squirrel population has Hobberman 3 124 136 T. Young 19 156 223 meets Syracuse. Syracuse is the tumes for distribution abroad. increased slightly from that of F. Illing 20 120 164 F. Happich 12 149 174 favorite in a closely contested High Game—D. Lyons, 265. International Music Program - 1954 and there will be plenty of Breckhardt 3 149 162 recorded selections by the Mill­ battle. High Series—R. Barisky, 642. E. Lonergan 3 147 183 opportunity for those following Around.the nation: Cornell over burn High School A Cappella Choir the sport of hunting squirrels to Hermanson 12 143 176 and by the New Jersey All-state Brown. Dartmouth over Columbia, ft. Marzak 12 142 183 receive a substantial return from chorus of music representative of Women's League W. Zymantki 3 138 149 hunting efforts. the American heritage. 3 Ruffed grouse, while not overly Overseas Box Program — An First Quarter 1955 J Pisciotto 3 122 149 abundant, are present in New international Junior Red Cross w L Avg. HG D. Serratelli 3 121 147 Jersey in about the same num­ school program which includes During the coming holiday#, Lucky Strikes 1414 9V4 597 687 J. Tansey 3 118 126 bers as last year, the Division of Five Ups 13 11 656 791 the filling of small boxes with Fish and Game reported. The por­ Dubonnets 13 11 619 702 essentials for the needy all over gas will help you celebrate Clover Leafs 1214 11V4 624 683 A. Lyons 21 130 175 the world. Merry Mixers 12 12 649 708 E. Schiffbauer 24 129 170 Frederick Arnold, activities di­ Tip Tops 11 13 582 638 A. Bace 24 128 172 rector at the high school, has in so many way#. Knick Knacks 10V4 13V4 656 700 B. Christenson 24 128 158 made three rooms available to Eagles 9V4 14V4 571 630 D. Mclver 15 127 170 the council in addition to its usual Individual Standings E. Bair . 21 126 155 meeting place, to accommodate F. Niendorff 21 149 190 M. Pedoto 21 122 145 the membership of nearly 150. Di­ P. Evans 18 149 178 M. Smith 12 121 146 ane Dorris, Delores Hall, Edward D. Broholm 21 144 186 G. Stoeckle 12 120 147 Lytkowski, and John Wilkins have H. Whittles 21 142 163 D. Beilis 21 119 155 been selected to fill leadership N. DePue 12 140 176 B. Oliver 18 117 145 positions for the year 1956-57. Call G ut H eater L. Lore 18 139 168 D. Salmon 18 117 146 These students have and will at­ HUmboldt 2-0244 138 236 L. Boegershausen 21 116 160 MOntclair 3.1200 J. Schmauder 18 tend the State Leadership Train­ A. Bufo 24 137 170 M. Taffe 18 114 137 ing Centers for the New Jersey HUbbard 7-5414 R. Marcketta 24 136 173 M. O’Brien 15 114 144 Junior Red Cross during the sum­ a a i the wonder fuel — save# you time, D. Tighe 18 136 158 C. Fry 15 113 141 mer. / R .Arsi 24 135 175 C. Hahn 21 112 143 ★ work and money. SINCLAIR L. Sayer 24 135 160 E. Currey 11 107 139 OLD EYEGLASSES may be left M. Gentile 21 132 155 M. Dow 21 105 137 at The Item office, 391 Millburn ANTI-RUST FUEL Oil Y- Gerardiello 21 131 172 D. Heidt 24 101 129 avenue, for contribution to New B- Tighe 24 130 176 M. Harrison 18 97 121 E. Boye Eyes for the Needy, Inc., world SINCLAIR REFINING COMPANY 21 130 179 M. Lyons 24 94 124 famous project of the Short Hills Spinning 24 130 158 High Series—D. Broholm, 523. Junior Service League. ^ S E R V I C E •NOVEMBER 3, I95S] The Millburn & Short Hills ITEM _Paje_23 Services in the East Orange General Hospital school of nursing where she is School of Nursing as a delegate, president of her class and co- College YOU ARE INVITED TO THE SUMMIT Nearby Churches Connie is a senior student in the editor of the yearbook. Corner Short Hflls Baptist Bible Group PRESBYTERIAN •hrist c h u r c h First Church of Christ, Scientist CHURCH 'n HMUMi *»M «. M.rt BlII. DIANA POPE, daughter of Mr. Sprlnffliltf A*tnu*. Summit, R. J. EXTENSION OF THE CLINTON HILL Tk> H.rb.rt H. Cm *.. and Mrs. Chester Pope of High­ in Morris and Maple SU., BAPTIST CHURCH OF NEWARK Thi K i t . G.r.ld M. CoT.r, Jr. land avenue, had a chorus part In A brunch of THE MOTHER CHURCH, THE FIRST CHURCH OP Summit, N. J. T AXl.tMt CHRIST SCIENTIST la Button U u t the junior class show at Mount Sunday Struct at 11:00 A U Sunday School 1100 A U. EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 8 P.M. WORSHIP SERVICE: SUNDAY Holyoke College. Wisdneaday Ttatlmnnlal U tttloc. «:15 P It 9:30 & 11.00 a.m. - # ffocs — 65 Lake Road, Short Hills 8 «,m. Holy Communion. Rtadlng Room, 140 SprtajAtU Att. Opta dally 10 to 4:M n e tpi Dorothy K. Kenlan of Millburn CHURCH SCHOOL g.30 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sunday* and Holiday*: alts Friday attains* 1 JO to I JO and REV. EVERETT A. BARKER ermon (Holy Communion first avenue, a senior English major altar tht Wadnaaday matting. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. at Montclair State Teachers Col­ For Information C all: ESsex 2-6171 unday of month). A CORDIAL WELCOME AWAITS YOU 9 30 a.m. Church School (pre- lege, will make her dramatic de­ ndergarten through grade 12). but on campus November 16 in 9 30 a.m. Junior Congregation. “Kind Lady,” a three-act melo­ I SAVINGS & LOAN • 11 a.m . Morning Prayer and Ser- drama by Edward Chodorov. The ion, (Holy Communion first Sun- production, which will have a five- , O h r — ; & av of month). day run, is the annual fall pre­ INVESTORS 11 a.m . Church School (pre-kin- sentation of Players, campus dra­ argarten through grade 6). ma group. A 1952 graduate of Mill­ BUSINESS DIRECTORY SAVINGS AND LOAN 5:30 p.m. Vesper Services — as burn High School, Dorothy is a RAPID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES ' nnounced. member of the College Choir and ASSOCIATION ★ of Sigma Alpha Eta. She is the daughter of Mrs. Charles J. Ken­ INSURED SAVINGS T, ROSE O F LIMA lan. ANTIQUES CURRENT DIVIDEND 2Vi% Short B U li A rn u o . K lU k ira • ALTO DEALERS • DAIRY PRODUCTS c Kaspereens Market • LIQUOR STORES • Sunday Masses, 8:45, 1:00, MARY ANNE WINTERER, DRexel 6-5100 MRS. FRANK BIEN There It flo Substitute for Quality Village oo, 10:00, 11:00, 12 noon. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steele Millburn Motor 64 Main Street ★ L ,, Winterer, of Fairfield drive, Eagle Crest House 1840 BALDWIN'S MT. AGED PRIME MEATS Wine & Liquor FREEZER ORDERS Millburn ONGREGATION served on the make-up committee Authentic Antiques Sales Co. BEER • ALB for the recent production of “In A OUR SPECIALTY ----- BEVERAGES NAI ISRAEL Buying • Selling • Appraising Alfred H. Geissler, Prop. PLEASANT FARM WINES & LIQUORS 160 Mnlbura A?#. Pickle,” original musical revue Authorized CaU Us—We Deliver Any FREE DELIVERY SERVICE • Dr. Max Oru#n#WAld, Babbl Expert Restorations PREMIER PASTEURIZED MILK Cantor. Mlobatl Alexander written and presented by the Jun­ Size Order DRexel 6-5310 # ior class at Wellesley College. Mu­ Located Between Jockey Hollow R U S tt Jersey Creamline Milk STATIONS 321-C MUlburn Ave. MUlburn 515 Millburn Ave., Short Hills iervlcei: sic, lyrics, script, choregraphy And the Old Mill Inn on Route 202 Strictly Fresh Eggs DRexel 6-0750 Friday evening, 1:30 p.m. and orchestration were all com­ Jefferson 4-7961 554 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave. ATLANTIC SERVICE Sabbath morning, 0:00 a m. • LUMBER • posed by committees of students. Livingston STATION Sabbath evening, 1 p.m. Mary Anne, a graduate of the • FUEL OIL • LIVINGSTON 6 0474 Bob Spurr, Prop. ★ Kent Place School, has been ac­ Sales & Service Car Washing & Polishing T. STEPHEN'S. tive in social service and college • APPLIANCE • Complete Auto Maintenance Home Columbia Lumber Road Service—Lubrication PISCOPAL CHURCH government during her three years 382 MUlburn Ave. SCHMALZ Tires Tubes Batteries Main 8tr##t. Millburn at Wellesley. REPAIRS DRexel 6-0353 & Millwork Co. 139 Millburn Ave. 1EV. HUGH W. DICKINSON • * Milk & Cream Fuel Oil Company Sector DRexel 6-9873 • SUSAN JANET BARTLESON, Of East Orange Lumber - Building WERNER MOTOR CO. * Buttermilk 8 a m.—Holy Communion. Smith College sophomore, daugh­ SAL'S GULF 9:30 a.m. Family Worship Sqrv ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. PAUL L. WERNER, Prop. • Cottage Cheese Materials e. church School and Bible Class. SERVICE STATION Bartleson of Whitney road, has RADIO SALES CORP. • Butter & Eggs 11 a .m .— Morning Prayer and been named to the dean’s list at CHRYSLER GULF PRODUCTS Paints - Hardware Gas - Oil - Accessories ermon. (Holy Communion and Smith College for having main­ "See The Marks Bros" PLYMOUTH DeUvered Fresh from irmon on first Sunday each tained an academic average of We Pick Up & Deliver Sales - Installations • Service DEALER Our Nearby Farm THERMEX FUEL OIL 26 Main St. onth). “B” or better during the last col­ General Electric Oil Burners Mftits, of Special Millwork Salet • Service DRexel 6-9838 ★ lege year. Named to the dean’s t Air-Conditioners • Refrigerators CaU . . . 144 Midland Ave. E. Orange Drcxel 6-5950 Murdock 6-8600 HE CHURCH OF list were 143 members of the • Television • Appliance Repairs 100% Guaranteed Used Cars ORANGE 5-8000 Maple & Springfield Avenues sophomore class, 140 members of 517 Springfield Ave. MILLINGTON 7-0025 W ILLIA M S' ESUS CHRIST t Radios • Washing Machines SPRINGFIELD IF LATTER DAY SAINTS the junior class, and 182 members Modern Body and Paint Shop Millburn Coal & Oil Co. of the senior class. 140 White Oak Ridge Road Call DRexel 9-4200 Car Leasing Weekly Monthly FUEL OIL Short Hllla, New Jersey * Yearly • MOVERS • Bishop Edwin M. Thonua, • DELICATESSENS COAL Presiding Officer DAVID K. SIAS, JR., son of 325-327 MUlburn Ave. Low Rates KOPPERS COKE • Mr. and Mrs. Sias of Midhurst CRestview 3-4343 MILLBURN DELICATESSEN 9 Main St. SERVICE unday— road, Is one of 12 members of the Phone: DRexel 6-0008 ALBANESE Specializing in Tune-Up Work a.m. Sunday School. Delicatessen — Cold Cuts 500 Millburn Ave. DRexel 6-9860 10:30 freshman class- at Yale elected to Emergency: DRexel 6-0016 Local and Long Distance 6:30 p.m. Sacrament Meeting. • ALTO DEALERS • Salads serve on the newly formed Fresh­ Wyman Motors Open Dally to 8 p.m. MOVING today— man Recreation Committee. The Closed Wed. • FUNERAL • Packing—Shipping—Crating 4 SHOE REPAIRS • 7:30 p.m . Mutual Improvement committee will facilitate better DRexel 6-1294 ssociation (Young People’s). Inc. 331 MUlburn Ave. VICTORY use of the new recreation room in FLETCHER DRexel 6-1602 DIRECTORS 393 MUlburn Avenue ★ Durfee Hall. Plans will be made Your Authorized Lincoln • Mercury Corp. SHOE REBUILDERS HE COMMUNITY for dances, parties and use of Y O U N G 'S ALLIED VAN LINES While-You-Wait-Service ONGREGATIONAL CHURCH games. The committee will also DR LG STORES FUNERAL SERVICE INC Orthopedic Shoes Rebuilt RfT. H. Otheman Smith. Mlnlatcr consider recreational activities Toe Cut Out—Vamn Cut Down Gilbert L . Johnston, Asst. In Authorised Alfred L. Young The SUMMIT EXPRESS Co. Younf People's Work for freshmen in other areas. Dave INC 312 Millburn Ave. DRexel 6-1579 Director Of Funerals Richard Connelly, Organist and is a graduate of Millburn High LINCOLN Dealer Local And Long Distance Moving Choir Master 149 Main St. a School. • MERCURY Sales & Service TOWNE PHARMACY Storage Warehouse TAVERNS O D. J. PETKILLO, B.S. In Pharmacy DRexel 6-0406 66 RaUroad Ave. CRestview 7-0315 9:30 a.m. Church School for 1713 Springfield Ave., Maplewood rimary, Junior, Junior High and PHILIP B. HAFF, son of Mr. Saltt A Service Prescription Specialists and Mrs. A. J. Snyder of Oak Hill SOUTH ORANGE 2-9300 • FURRIERS • LACKAWANNA enior High departments. • SICK ROOM NEEDS • • road, has one of the lead roles in Parts • Repairs - Used Cars Parts — Repairs PAIN TERS TAVERN & LIQUOR 11 a.m. Church School for Kin- • BIOLOGICALS ergarten and Pre-Kindergarten “Thieves’ Carnval,” opening play MILLBURN FUR SHOPPE SHOP of the Antioch Area Theatre’s win­ CRestview 7 0904 • SUNDRIES Wolff Bros. EDWARD CHIOVAROU cpartments. » ALTO • TVINES - LIQUORS Morning Worship and ter season. 30-82 Franklin Place Summit DRexel 6-6666 QUALITY FURS DRexel 6 9864 11 a.m . Repairing - RemodeUng ■ Storage AND SO N rmon. Topic: “How Do We Deal Philip, a senior International Re­ ELECTRICAL Delivery Servlet Painting Contractors 44 Essex St. (Opp. Lackawanna lations major at Antioch College, 315 A MUlburn Ave. DRexel 9-4145 ith Sin?” This will be the fourth 196 Essex St. MUlburn Decorators Station) plays Peterbone in the comedy SERVICE a series of six sermons on (Opp. Parking Lot) Estimates Furnished roblems Which Belong to All of which Brooks Atkinson, New York Jowitt Motors • HEATING • CaU CRestview 3-3567 TELEVISION Times drama critic, called “a 11 Union PI. Summit For the present, services are witty masquerade.” MILLBURN ELECTRICIANS Duncan A. Douglas & Co. Holme Radio & The stage set, designed by Inc. Elt. 1893 eld at the Short Hills School on Plumbing & Heating Contractors Refrigeration Service George Dembo, instructor in the JIM'S • PLUMBERS • lobart avenue. Authorized AUTO ELECTRIC Sheet Metal Work — Jobbing Antioch drama department, makes TELEVISION ★ ELECTRICAL SERVICE Oil Burners — Water Heaters use of the Area Theatre’s unique Scientific Motor Tune Up Sales & Service 'HITE OAK RIDGE Wiring & Repairs 303 MUlburn Ave. Duncan A. Douglas Co. flexible play house in which stag­ -Est. 1893- Philco Admiral Zenith We Repair Estimates Given DRexel 6-0344 OMMUNITY CHAPEL ing can be arranged according to Plumbing Heating 43 Main St. DRexel 6-1056 F .r .o n x , U hl R o .d , Short R 1U( the demands of the particular • Starters •Voltage Regulators JIM NITTOLO REV. t . R. LINCOLN DRexel 9-5028 # INSURANCE • Sheet Metal Work Pastor play being performed. “Thieves’ • Generators — Lights DRexel 6-0344 >ev. Douglas Herbert, Asilstant Pastor MERIT a Carnival,” has been staged with • Carburetors Jobbing 9:45 a.m . Sunday School. Classes the auidence on three sides of the Sales & Service THOMPSON ELECTRIC 303 MUlburn Ave. TELEVISION SERVICE >r all ages. set. We Pick Up and Deliver WIRING George S. White&Co., Inc. Radio, Auto Radio, TV Repairs. 11 a.m. Worship Service. Mr. “Thieves’ Carnival,” a French Dodge “Job-Rated” Trucks 156 Main Street DRexel 6-5828 HOMES - INDUSTRIAL KEENAN BROS. Inter-coms installed. rbert will preach. comedy by Jean Anouilh, is the Sale and Complete Installation of Short Hills Agency, Inc. 36(4 Main Street 583 Millburn Ave. Plumbing & Heating first of a series of six plays to be Attic Fans & Air Conditioners DRexel 6-4121 ★ • REALTY SHOPS « Contractors DOMING PRESBYTERIAN performed during the winter sea­ DRexel 6-2180 Estimates Given DRexel 6-1525 INSURANCE ESTIMATES GIVEN IS! Wyoming Avenue. Millburn son. t TRAVEL BUREAUS • R e . Donald M. M eliel. Fh.D . * 306 MUlburn Ave. Re. Lawrence H. Kellmer, Jr. LANA GERHARDT, daughter of WYOMING 74 Morris Turnpike DRexel 6-1150 Sunday—9:30 and 11 a.m. Wor- • FLOOR | SUBURBAN TRAVEL Mr. and Mrs. Erwin O. Gerhardt SUMMIT, N. J SERVICE ‘P Services. The Rev. Dr. An­ of Great Hills terrace, was re­ Maple Buick, Inc. HAIRDRESSERS COVERINGS ew K urth iWll be guest preacher, Over 18 Yra. In Bualneea Authorized Agents cently initiated into Omicron Nu, Authorized • HEAL ESTATE • ^ildren under 3 years of age will nation home economics honor so­ INDIVIDUALIZED CRestview 7-2100 • Air Lines • Steamship Lines cared fo r during both services ciety at the Pennsylvania State CENTER CARPET Robert E. Dietz Company • Railroad Tours Fellowship Hall. University where she is a senior • Hair Styling ‘Floor Coverings Of Every Description* • Hotel Reservations Rubber X II I* —Realtors— 348 Millburn Ave. DRexel 9-3600 9:30 a.m. Church School (all de- in the College of Home Economics Robert E. Dietz Company • Hair Coloring Aiph*It I I L t Serving Short Hills, Millburn 'rtments except Junior High). and School of Child Development. Cork l l 10:50 a.m. Church School, Junior Rug Cleaning & Storage Realtors — Insurance Maplewood, The Oranges & Vicinity TREE SI nGERY | Lana is also corresponding secre­ • Hair Cutting In All Its Branches igh Department. 630 Morris & Essex Tpk. tary of her social sorority, Gam­ Quality ”ermanants 31 Summit Av. CRestview 7-2700 630 Morris & Essex Tpk. 4 p m. Junior High Westminster Sales & Service DRexel 6-4321 “Uovvship. ma Phi Beta. At Reasonable Pricer DRexel 6-4321 L. G. Daoero 30 p m. Senior High Westmin- CONSTANCE BEISLIE, daugh­ 9-17 W. South Orange Ave. 217 Millburn Ave. E. L. FITTERER CERTIFIED TREE EXPERT er Fellowship. (Near Lord & Taylor’.) PHILIP C. GILBERT CRestview 7-1144 ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Beislie South Orange South Orange 3-3782 F lo o r A Wall Tile GENERAL INSURANCE Short Hills The Sanctuary is open during of Oakdale avenue, attended the Linoleum & Asphalt DRexel 6-4700 Authentic Arboriculture 5 week for prayer and medlta- Sales: S. Orange 2-2700 Wyoming Section Student Nurse’s Convention at At­ Tile Installed by Experts South Orange 3-0029 in. lantic City where she represented • BLILDEIIS • Service: S. Orange 2-2714, 2-5002 Broadloom Carpets Rugs 32 Essex Street MUlburn South Mountain Estates SUMMIT 409 BROAD STREET Springfield AD O LPH OLSON, Inc. CRestview 3-8282 • JEW ELERS f ) TREE EXPERTS i i i r ■ Reliable Service Over 40 Years Harry J. Stevens Neil McAllister JStickel Auto Building — Carpentry S. LICHT ARTHUR BLATT CRestview 5-4252 Jeweler INC. Specialize in Tree Removal 97 Sanford St. East Orange FLOOR COVERINGS Swiss Trained Watchmaker Realtors Insurors Established 1928____ Sales Corp. ORANGE 3-2993 Broadloom Carpeting Diamond.—Platinum & Gold Jewelry 242 MUlburn Ave. Linoleum Tiles Diamond. — Jewelry Bouyht (PUOI.STEREI1S Your Authorized • CARPENTRY « Open Wed. & Fri. Eve’s to 9 350 MUlburn Ave. South Orange 2-4510 when need arises... 537 MUlburn Ave. MUlburn DRexel 6-1866 GANEK MODEL i DRexel 6-6293 FRANK & MIKE BUFO • REFRIGERATOR • UPHOLSTERING CO. Smith and Smith's traditionally fine serv­ • LAUNDRIES • Custom Made NEW HOMES FLORISTS SEIIVHE Alterations - Repairs Remodeling Slip Covers - Drapes ice is immediately available. A phone cal| Dealer CORBY'S Upholstered Furniture TV • Recreation Rooms MILLBURN FLORIST Enterprise Laundry, Inc. Holme Radio 4 Sales & Service Porch Enclosures Roofing & Siding Open Evenings • Estimates to either of the Smith and Smith homes “Everything In Flowers" • Est. 1899 Refrigerator Service 531 MUlburn Ave. DRexel 1-0684 Kitchen Cabinets Repairs — Genuine Parts • Cut Flowers • Corsages Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Rug Free Estimates WESTINGHOUSE - PHILCO will take care of every detail. • Funeral Sprays • Floral Designs Cleaning, Fur Storage DRexel 6-1378 ADMIRAL SOUTH ORANGE 3-3088 38 Main St. 27-31 Summit Ave. WASHER REPAIRS Sales Si Service 73 MUlburn Ave. MUlburn DRexel 9-2011 CRestview 6-1000 If no answer MOrristown 4-1383 M 43 Main St. DRexel 6-1056 Holme Radio & SM ITH A N D SMITH PRINTING • LIQUOR STORES • Refrigerator Sarvie# WESTINGHOUSE ■ MAYTAG FUNIRAl DIRICTORS HARTH 1 SAVINGS A LOAN • WELLS REMEMBER— WHIRLPOOL An Outstanding Service "Within tht Meant of All" THE FLORIST, INC. It’s Smart to Buy at the Marti Washers 43 Main 6treet CADILLAC - OLDSMOBILE WELCOME WAGON FLORIST DAVE'S LIQUOR MART 18* Essex St., MUlburn • CRESTMONT DRexel 6-1056 HOME FOR SERVICES SUBURBAN CaU DRexel 6-1530 6,uthorized CaU DRexel 6-4202 160 Clinton Av«nu* 415 Morri. Av.nut SAVINGS & LOAN For Free Delivery • WATCH R E P A IR S i N.work J, N.w J.riny Sprlngfl.ld, N.w J«rt«y Sales THE ITEM PRESS • FOOD MARKETS ASSOCIATION llgtltw 3-3121 .< »*! 6-4282 end MILLBURN Inert to Pntt Offlc.) “Save For A Purpose* ARTHUR BLAH (Amplt perking an premises) Service LIQUOR SHOP Swiss Trained Watchmaker Liberal Earnlnga With Cannizzo Market Est. 1933 Watch & Clock We Buy and SaU • PRIME MEATS Insured Safety Paul H. Waese Repairing & Remodeling Good Used Cars D R EX EL 6 1200 • GROCERIES FREE PROMPT DELIVERY Mortgage Funds Available •FROZEN FOODS DRexel 6-1886 350 MUlburn Ave. caU SOutb Orange 2-7069 Next to MUlburn Theatre • VEGETABLES 36 Main St. MUlburn Phone: SOuth Orange 2-5100 25 Vose Ave. South Orange 40 Main Street DRexel 6-0612 1886 Springfield Ave. DRexel *-1866

t v Peqe THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1955 SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES OFFERId FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED— MALE & FEMALE 23—CARPENTERS Classified MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS KIRMAN American O riental with pad CARPENTRY, construction, altera­ KEYS mad® In on® minute 6 FT. bar, red padded front, 3 chrome tion* and repairs Ami ano Bro* There Is No Belter Place To Work! •tools, $75. CR. 7-0233. , $75; dinner service $75; 9-piece Mis­ berry’*, General Green* o'? Advertising Rates sion dining room set $40; Wilton OR 3-1643 or CR 3-4431.______Center, Springfield FRESH SWEET CIDER rug Sc pad $15; 2 Iron bedsteads, containing no preservatives, made CARPENTRY, ALTERATIONS repair* ROOFING, gutter*, single, $7.50 each; chairs, tables, Free Estimates. Call Evenings, Drexel All Classified Ads appear auto­ dally at our own ddetr mill. Fancy etc. All In good condition. 17 Chest­ matically In The Summ it Herald, apples, Hallowe’en pumpkins, Honey n u t St., Chatham, ME. 5-947,1, Sat. 6-6420. ______Kan* Millburn-Short Hills Item ano and Maple Syrup; homemade sausage. & Sun. Nov 5 & 6 ONLY. ______24-A—DRESSMAKING Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Company Springfield Sun. Wightman’s Farms, Morristown-Bern­ MARIO D’OCcino ards vllle Rd., Morristown.______ORIENTAL runner, practically new; Landscape Game* antique single 4-poster • maple bed; DRESSMAKER, alteration*. Draper­ Mason Work Combined Circulation HORSE and cow manure; well ratted. white Wedgwood lamp, CR. 7-1577. ies. ME 5-8144. ______517 Morris Avs. . a division of Over 11,000 Rich black loam top soil. Delivered aiiwse from farm. Guaranteed the TWO ohlntt base h an d -painted table DRESSMAKER Designer, 96 yearn ex­ EXPERT best. Reasonable. Louis Feins, Essex lamps, 26” high. $8. CR. 3-1572. perience, Fifth & Park Avea. Eve­ -SHOE——- REPAIR - Rates 3-8843, 7 to, 8 a.m. or any time after CRIB birch, with mattress. Aluminum ning — Cocktail — Bridal New, re- 30 years service in Springfield , 6 p.m.______bathlnette. Good Oonditdon. Drexel modeled. References. CR 3-4377. 24-hour service - over 50 y j!? 1 10 WOltfis or less ...... $1.00 business.hiiAinPAM y ear* tp» KEMPER INSURANCE MOVING—Must sell 25 3-year odd 6-5745.______SEWING (minimum charge) Crimson Azalea* $2 each. 6-plece TWO girl’s bicycles; Goodyear and OOLANTONE SHOE SHOP newly sprayed white wicker porch DRESSMAKING and alteration* by the 245 Morris Ave. S p rtS ffi? , Each addition*! word ______10c English. Good condition. Drexel 6- furniture $25. Ladder back mahog­ 2762.______day In private house. Have refer­ any rocker $35. Sheraton mahogany ence*. Murdock 6-9846.______CARPENTRY-TILINgY unto Qualified men and women are invited to investigate the Capital letten ...... SI.oo per Una armchair, $15. 2 large French Li­ SINGER sewing machine, cabinet Prod J. Rlbbaoh moges platters and vase. $10. 6 Aus­ style, all attachm ents, $50. Baby HEMS adjusted, simple alteration* Repalm and altratlons; baih. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY trian lunch plates, maroon border, crib, gray, with imnerspnlng mat­ neatly done. South Orange 3-4524, kltohens, or any Inside work many openings available with'heading insurance organ­ tress, and chest, $50. Drexel 9-4619. M.OO per Inch $1 each. 4 Italian decorative plates, 2SA—LANDSCAPE GARDENING too small. CR. 3-3828 oTcs. fjjj ization. $1 e-aoh. Large, solid, copper tray, RUG, lamps and drapes; golf clubs $5. CR. 3-1559. ______and bag. Drexel 9-3792. ______LAWN maintenance. Yard clean-up, TYPEWRITERS Deadline S P.M. Tuesday COMBINATION doans $4 each, 36x80, cellars, attics. Drexel 6-0254. ANTIQUES, chairs, trays, sliver chests, REPAIRS • SALE RENTALS Vacancies exist now in temporary quarters in Summit. New 29x80. Sashes and screens $2 eaoh, hand painted tin and wood craft* LANDSCAPING MATERIALS - topsoil Right to classify, edit at reject 30x47, 36x47. ME. 5-9593. _____ by Marion Spinning. Sat. Nov. 5, humu* belglum blocks Alao Mason All Work Done On Our Pr.™ any advertisement Is reserved by PORTABLE Royal typewriter, $25. 12-6. 5 Irving Place, Summit._____ work. Call Appollto's. Drexel 6-1271. Low Down Payments - E t o r S building will be ready for occupancy in January, 1956. the newspaper. Call after 5. CR. 3-5193. DELUXE gae range with griddle. Easy LANDSCAPING repair and put In new High Trades y T*» Splndry washer, fireplace set and We will not be .responalble for IMPORTED rug, 9x12. good condition. lawn, lawn care, clean up lawn $nd New apartm ent size stove. CR. 3- screen. CR. 3 - 5 5 6 1 .______flower bed*, tran*plantlng Oall for SUM M IT TYPEWRITE# Openings include the following: any errors unless they are detected 39 River Rd., Summ it CRt a „._ J* before the second Insertion. 0747. 10—MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS free estim ate. Drexel 6-4568. HANOVTA standing ultra-violet sun DOMINICK CHI0RA—General land­ ALL brick work. Flagstone Summit Herald . . CR. 3*4000 lamp $50. CR. 3-8583.______STEINWAY consoles and grands, $995 scaping and mason contractor. Flag­ walks, steps, plastering up; Kimball consolette. French pro­ stone work. CR 7-0445.______work. Louis Salerno. CR 3 sggf FORCED liot air furnace, almost new. vincial. $495. Dowe, 233 Broad St., Female Millburn Item . . .DR. 6-1200 Stoker. Twin lnnemsprlng mattress Summit.______— LANDSCAPE Gardener. Lawn cart by PAINTINGS restored, cleaned and coll spring. $18. CR. 3-2390. the month Repair and put In new ished. Expert lnternatlonaliy'itlS Pianos and Organs Since 1847 lawn Top dressing lawns. Re-seed­ portrait artist; 30 years POUCYWRITERS TRANSCRIBERS Springfield Sun . . DR. 9-5000 BARGAINS! Carriage $10; car bed $2 Fine Pianos at Low Prices ing, fertilizing, also shrub work highest references. Work ion. , TYPISTS oar seat $1; serving table $12; enc Student Uprights --- $ 100.00 Complete tree sarvloe. Free eetlmate satisfied people in Short mV, * table $3; other items. Direxel 6-5571 Sohmer Mahogany Upright--- 150.00 Lenox Spinet Plano ------275.00 Drexel 6-2165. nlity. Reasonable prices; ouot.S RATERS FILE CLERKS RCA radio-phonograph console, mahog­ New Gulbransen S p in e t------495.00 without obligation. Elizabeth w ? KEYPUNCH OPERATORS EMPLOYMENT WANTED any, excellent condition, reasonable, Short Hills Landscaping Contractor Drexel 6-6472. Sohmer Spinet Consol® ------695.00 ' l MATURE woman, experienced child Wurlitzer Organs ------900.00 AUDIT BILLERS PAYROLL CLERKS care, now available for baby-sitting. WELL rotted m anure. Little Falls 4- Hammond Solo vox ...... 150.00 TOP SOIL ROOF LEAK ' AUDIT REVIEWERS Own transportation. Orange 6-1052. 1010. Hammond Chord Organ ------650.00 We are roofing and siding sm c i. ii. ULTRA complete set of Lionel trains Hammond Organ & Bench 1050.00 Manure,- Perm anent Driveway* WOMAN wants days work, experienced. Leslie Organ Speaker ------495.00 No Job too small. Written and equipment. Call Drexel 6-4074 Bulldozer Sc Loader for Hire with all work. Free estlmataM? OFFICE CLERKS SECRETARIES OR. 7-1995. after 6 P.M. Knabe Spinet Console ------900.00 FALL CLEANING OF GUTTERS Lauter Reconditioned Grand __ 575.00 bum , 1044 B urnett Avenue BntaS All Kinds of Trucking & Maintenance 8-3322 MUrdock , g MALE nurse will take home oases; NORGE Hanovia sun lamp, deluxe Cable-Nelson Reconditioned CALL DRexel 9-3185 MUrdock local doctor’s reference. CR. 3-2475. model, $75. Drexel 6-2935. Grand ______----- 695.00 WINDOWS washed. scriS U S i BABY sitter, mother of two, wishes CHILD’S crib & mattress $5; bathl- Inquire about our 29—MASON CONTRACTORS down, storm sash washed and hn week-end and evening baby sitting nette $7; stroller $5. CR. 7-0393. Rental-Purchase Plan chimney cleaning. Reinhardt, “ Male Job. CR. 7-4286. Official Agent NICHOLAS RUDISI. Ma*on Con­ Mason Sc Hamlin — Knabe — Sohmer tractor. Stone, brick, sidewalk*. All TYPING for business or professional Singer Featherweight Portable, 11 lbs. EL 2-0668 type concrete work. CRest view 3- WINDOW CLEANING. S 5 5 r w S UNDERWRITERS JUNIOR UNDERWRITERS RATERS needs. Prompt service, perfectionist 7 oz., sews backward and forward, ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE 4262. INO, EXPERIENCED. C R 7.$ * standard. Will pick up and deliver. over pins. Perfect condition. Free 1150 East Jersey St. Elizabeth. N.J. WILLIAM J. MATTEO - Plastering, GUTTERS cleaned. Fully Insured on Also tape recorder installed reason­ sewing course. Terms ------$124.50 patching, sidewalks, patios, chim­ ter and leader repairs, Sniimti. ably. For information call MErcury USED Spinet in excellent condition, MAIL CLERKS $395. Craftsman Plano Shop at The ney Sc fireplaces; brick work, stone Roofing Co. Drexel 9-42071 ™ STOCK CLERKS AUDIT REVIEWERS 5-8197; Suburban Secretarial Service, work Sc block work. All work guar- Mrs. Gertrude Feder. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Silo; telephone between 9 and 6, 32—PAINTING—DECORATING’ JElferson 8-1042.______anted Free estimate. 41 Ash wood GENTLEMAN desires full or part time 387 Springfield Ave. CR. 3-6453 Ave. CReatvlew 3-0533. MULTIGRAPH OPERATORS clerical work in Summit area. 11—DOGS AND PETS J D McCRAY, 9 South St Pvr CR. 3-6225. 30—MISCELLANEOUS 6s Paperlmnger. Phone CR 3-834, ARCHIE BUYS Sc SELLS FREE to good home, black And white C ut glass bowls $4; books Sc records HERMAN SCHMIDT painting COOKING, first floor, $50 week. Sleep Spaniel. Raised with children. Drex- ASPHALT driveways, parking lot*, orating, formerly Schmidt A „„ In No children. CR. 7-1182. 15c eaoh; television chains $3.50; _ el 6-0723.______sidewalk*. curbing F!l] dirt, grading ULTRA-MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED BUILDING ohild’s maple desk and chair $5; bi­ top soil. Nlohola* Grace. MErcury man. For free estimate call Uu LEAVES raked, $2 hour. Call CR. 7- cycles $12.50. Good used furniture, MALE miniature poodle pup. 6 months 5-5296. dock 6-2057. “ FIVE-DAY, 36V4-HOUR WEEK clothing, shoes, plumbing supplies, old. Fully Inoculated; black. Excel­ SOWING Machine Repair, all makes WANTED—Houses to paint c , MOTHER, let me care for your child. guns, tools. Archie’s Resale Shop. lent pedigree and disposition. Mari- White. Jr 6e Co Painting and Oi TIME OFF AND CASH AWARDS FOR PERFECT ATTENDANCE Meyersvllle Center. Open daily except an Barto, BBmardsvllle 8-1166. and models. Bought and sold. Vin­ Your home or mine. Reasonable cent Manno. DRexel 6-4318 after 6 orating. 13 Edgar St. Crestrlev rates. References. CR. 3-4718. Wednesday 10 to 7. Millington 7- 2635. Free Estimates. MERIT SALARY INCREASE PROGRAM 1166-W. SERVICES OFFERED p.m. HOUSE OF EXPERTS PAPERHANGING Interior and exter EMPLOYMENT AGENCY STORKLINE crib, Simmons mattress. 23—CARPENTERS painting Reasonable W,ra PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS 412 Morris Ave. Apt. 54, Summit. Excellent Home Repairs SCOTT’s Employment Agency, 421 Patio*; painting, Inside and outside; Pleper, DRexel 9-5039 or MErn CONVENIENT TO ALL TRANSPORTATION Essex St.. Millburn, for good house WEBCOR record player, table top FRED STENGEL patch plastering, brick pointing, com­ 5-7944. workers, cooks, day workers. DRexel Jubilee, new, sacrifice $45; maple Carpentry repairs, alterations, cabinets plete or spot; chimneys repaired or PAINTING—Interior, Exterior Paper AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES 6-0917. chest on chest, 5 drawers, good con­ bars, formica tops, recreation rooms cleaned: sidewalks, new or repaired hanging. Plastering Quality work dition, $30; maple dresser mirror $5. additions. ^248 Magnolia Place. Union No Job too small. Free estimate* popular price*. Bob Fabrlc*ton CAFETERIA ON PREMISES FOR SALE CR. 7-0009. N J. Murdock 0-6632. CR 3.-4415. DR®X£l 6-0035. LIBERAL EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS 1—ANTIQUES MISCELLANEOUS antique*; love seat, carved, fine condition; large gold- AIVD leaf frames with portrait*, square For Immediate Employment Apply or oval. Drexel 6-5761. REAL ESTATE fo r sa le WAMEI EXCEPTIONALLY fine Duncan Phyfe dining table; also butler’* desk. 1—SUMMIT 1—SUMMIT 1-SUMMIT 40 BEECHWOOD ROAD, SUMMIT — CReitview 3 - 8600 Drexel 9-5095. * 1—SUMMIT J—CLOTHING FOR THE BEST SERVICE INSPECTION INVITED , Daily — 9 A.M to 8 P.M. S A lw ays NEED Work Shoes? We have complete ON TWO UNUSUALLY NICE HOUSES « Top Location selection. Oolantone Shoe Shop, 245 44 PINE GROVE ROAD. Berkeley Heights. A splc-and-span Cape Cod In th e A little Jewel in the heart of on< Saturday — 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Morris Ave., Springfield. 'Consult a Realtor' beautiful Stony Hill section. Custom built, on® floor plan, with Youngstown Sum m it’s finest neighborhoods, c TUXEDO, double breasted, size 39. kitohon (dishwasher); two firepdaoea. All this and a wonderful view for $22,- to Franklin School and surrounded of the 500. Immediate occupancy. homes of greater value. This rare! Excellent condition. Drexel 9-3786. Open Saturday from 2 to 4:30 SUMMIT has, plus the usual 6 rooms, an HELP WANTED— FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE VISIT MERRY-GO-ROUND closed porch, den and full bath on f Quality resale shop. 4% Lackawanna REAL ESTATE BOARD 4 BEEKMAN ROAD. Summit. Modern atone front Colonial with slate roof. floor. Two bedrooms are of Ulni Place DRexel 6-1155, 10-5:30. Closed Three large bedrooms. 2',£ baths; gas heat, attached garage. Walking distance and one is nursery size. Immetfi GIRLS Wednesday. covering to everything. Immediate occupancy. occupancy. Asking $29,750. THE ROBIN Hood Shop. 2 Taylor SUMMIT Open Sat. Sc Sun. afternoon*, 2 to 4:30 TYPISTS Street, Millburn, sell* used oloth- Call.for an appointment or see these two houses over the week-end. RICHLAND CO. LIGHT WORK AND GOOD PAY AT ing of better quality for every mem­ BERKELEY HEIGHTS Realtors ber of the family. Hour* 10 to 5. NEW PROVIDENCE EXECUTIVE’S COLONIAL HOME 41 Maple St.. Summ it CR. H ESSEX ELECTRONICS Closed all day Wednesday. DRexel Consisting of center hall, library, lavatory, four bedrooms, two baths, maid’s Permanent pocition* now open for Sun. Sc Eve*, call Mr. Syme, CR. 3-( 9-4126. quarters, on a beautifully landscaped acre In the heart of one of Summit's or Mr. Seymour, CR. 3*1 typist*. Experience desirable but not loveliest residential aeotions. This Is a brand new Hating this week, and priced Full or part time or second shift (6 p.m, to midnight) essential. Company providing Ideal GIRL’S tweed coat, 8-12, rose with BOARD MEMBERS far below reproduction oasts. working conditions will locate near gray Persian trim, wool interlining, Assembly work in a modern electronics plant. Paid holidays MJlLbum Center In three months. h u t to match. Red wool Jumper, size Cr. 3-6950 GLAZEBROOK-SHEPARD AGENCY Cr. 3-4610 Liberal employee benefits. For per­ 10, new. Reasonable. Drexel 6-0857. Joseph F. Ohuroh CR. 3-0417 Come and See W alter E. Edmondson 3-7200 — paid vacations. No experience required. Apply in person. sonal interview call Mr. Spencer. 5-FURNITURE Mitchell 2-0178. Glazebrook-Shepard Agency 3-6950 SHEFFIELD MANOR There Is a atone front Colonial. 1 Grace A. Handwork 3-9400 years old. at 137 Canoe Brook Pari ESSEX ELECTRONICS BEDROOM suite, French walnut. In­ Holme* Agency 3-2400 In beautiful Ivanhoe Park, Is the setting for a few distinctive contem­ way. In order th a t we may proper! laid marquetry; 6 piece*, 2 large Elmer G. Houston 3-6464 porary homes, featuring 3 bedrooms. 2 baths or 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, in ad­ show this lovely home, one of our s' 556 Springfield Are. Berkeley Heights STANDARD ACCIDENT mirror*. Drexel 9-4051. Jobs-Beck-Schmidt Co. 7-1021 dition to paneled den. living room, full dining room, efficiently designed force will be on the premise* fra kitchen with wall oven and dishwasher, utility room and oversized 2-car COUPLES, experienced; housekeeper*; DENTAL assistant. Oall Drexel 6-0006. IN SU R A N C E CO. COMPLETE dining room set. excel­ Clarence D. Long & Son 7-4488 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., Sunday, Novemba len t condition. Sum m it Express Co.. Spencer Maben 3-1900 garage; imagine finding homes such as these in Summit (adjoining Short 6th. cooks; general maid*. References, Cornell Grossman, Dentist, 46 Old under $35,000. Inspect^ these In time to select your own decoration. permanent. Newmark’s Agency, Mor­ Short Hill* Road. MILlbum. Summ it. Walter A. McNamara 3-3880 If a. 4-bedroom, 3 -bath home at * ris town. Jefferoon 9-3699. James B. Morris Agency 3-5424 ^SPBCTION DAILY, 2 TO 5 P.M. DRIVE OUT ESSEX RD.. 1 asking price of $31,500 interests you ADVERTISING saleswoman or traihee PAIR of beautiful chairtreawe fireside El wood M. Obrig 7-0435 BLOCK PAST ROBINHOOD ROAD. drop in and look it over. HOUSEKEEPER-CO OK for business chairs. Custom mad®, with covers. The Richland Co. 3-7010 SECRETARY, stenographer, •enlor; for suburban weekly newspaper. oouple. Sleep In ca out. $50 per week. Cost $450. sell for $150. After 6 P.M. S P E N C E R M. MABEN •tenographer, Junior, good typist; Some layout and copy experience Drexel 9-2958. The Stafford Agency 3-1000 Drexel 6-4472. W. A. McNamara 22 Beeohwood Road SumJ general office girl*, good at figure*; essential. Telephone Drexel 6-1200 Richard H. Stromenger “-4024 CR. 3-3880 clerk* typists. Top pay. Newmarka for appointment. DOUBLE bed-size Hidabed, green, Robert H. Steele •-0057 CR. 3-7966 MI. 7-0086-R1 CRestvlew 3-1900 Agency, 19 King St., Morristown. HELP WANTED MALE good condition, $65. ME 5-5428. John F. Taylor -7676 Night* and Sundays oall JEffemcm 9-3899. WOMAN, European preferred, for gen­ Whitmore Sc Johnson 3-1404 It’s For Real Charles Day, CRestvlew 3-6383 eral cleaning Ironing, one day a TAXI driver wanted. Lackawanna Taxi. LARGE dining room *et, carved oak, Alfred S. Anderson 3-8400 J. R. Whitlock, CReatvlew 3-2717 8TENO-CLERK week. Drexel 6-5448. CR 7-1100. 10 pieces. CR. 7-2628. Butler Agency 3-7700 $23,000 — six room frame colonial near rranklin School. Lot 70 x 150. Good »alary; excellent working condi­ MAHOGANY dining table and buffet, Bystrak Bros. 3-7060 Attached garage. Taxes under $300. Vacant. WE have a key. tions. modem office. Advancement. RELIABLE house worker, one day, DRIVER far light delivery truck. fine quality. CR. 3-8328. Joan O. OhrystaJ 7-1183 Call Cr. 3-5500. Thursday or Friday. Steady. Refer­ Macdonald, Florist, 5 Sayre street, First cornel First served! Don't delay I ST A T E LY COLONIAL ences. Drexiel 9-4012. Summit. SOFA, raspberry, with slip cover. Ex­ NURSE, registered, practical, and at­ cellent condition. CR. 3-9035. OPPORTUNITY 5 BEDROOMS, 3 BATHS tendant. FRonftler 7-1511 between 9 WAITRESS for luncheonette trade, YOUNG MAN — w ith some surveying Dial CR 3-9400 NOW a.m. and 5 p.m. No Saturday calls. 11:30 A.M. to 5 P.M., 6 days week. and drafting experience, veteran LIVING ROOM furniture. Fair condi­ Only once in a long while can a lucky OWNER MOVING SOUTH Inform ation Drexel 9-9800. preferred, to assist construction en­ tion. 8 years old. DRexel 6-6274. family move into the much sought STENO-clerk, excellent working con­ after Franklin School district on such MULTIPLE LISTINGS — Summit, New Providence and COOK-House keeper; experienced; sleep- gineer. COMMONWEALTH WATER CHILD’S desk; small love seat; Sim­ This owner spent thousands of d dition*. good salary. modem office, COMPANY. 11 Beeobwood Road, a reasonable basis. The charming Berkeley Height* and a great deal of time and effort 1 advancement. OR. 3-5500. KeUte In; ranch liouae. Own room, baitli and Summit, N. J. mons hlde-a-bed eofa; TV aerial, house that offer* this happy situa­ TV. All appliances. Other help kept. Lincoln rocker. Drexel 9-3167. putting this solidly built, attract!* Corporation. Berkeley Heights, N. J. tion Is only 18 months old and has Grace A. Handwork, Realtor center hall Colonial home In » S tart $40. Short Hill*. DR. 6-4936. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT CEDAR chest, natural wood, large on the first floor, entrance vestibule, STENOGRAPHER - typist, air - condi­ 306 Springfield Ave. CR 3-9400 ; 3468 sound condition, expecting to 1 tioned office. Opportunity advance­ GENERAL housewarker, plain cooking; Experienced. Excellent opportunity size, 41” x 22Mi" * 22”. Drexel 9-5095. living room with fireplace, dining OPPOSITE NIOOLA CHEVROLET here for many years. Now the < ment; many employee benefit*. Ap- 3 adult*. Live in. References. CR. 3- for one willing to work. Apply in 8—HOUSEHOLD GOODS room, spacious kitchen, powder room. says, "Go live in Florida.” So the a plv P. O. Box 89, 8um m it, or oall 7833. person. Summ it Ave. Shell Station, 67 2nd floor, three, twin-eized bedrooms lucky owner only has to make any i and colored tiled bath. Full, dry base­ CR. 3-2300. SALESWOMAN wanted, 20 to 45; no ex­ Summ it Ave., Sum m it, N. J LOVING CARE sired surface Improvements to have ment, gas heat, large wooded lot. VOTE YES home beautiful to the eye and t DOMESTIC housekeeper, 2 adult*. 1 perience necessary- Apply Fanny ADVERTISING salesman for suburban Easy Splndry washer, excellent con­ Transferred owner must sell and is Yes, th at Is what Mr. and Mrs. D„ my Farmer Candy Shop, 399 Springfield dition ...... $50 TO SEE THESE on the pocketbook. Features of pt child. Plain oooking. Experienced, weekly newspaper. Some layout and asking a low $22,500.00. (1) Spic and span 4 bedroom. 1 % only owners have given me since we erty are, 5 bedrooms, 3 tiled baths. 3 reference*. CR. 3-2535. Ave., Sum m it. _____ copy experience essential. Telephone bath dwelling with den. large porch Ilrst met; they have artistically Drexel 6-1200 for aippolntment Easy Splndry washer, excellent con­ R ICH LAN D CO. oar attached garage, new brick-c^ PART time office worker for email MATURE woman five afternoons a dition ------75 and 2 oar garage, near Franklin grade planted my ground so It takes only crete terrace with awning, large office. Knowledge of typing and week; cleaning, care school children. HANDY man for several days garden R ealtors school and transportation. Occupancy m inutes of oare each week; besides landscaped lot with fine plaminj shorthand preferred. Reply to Box CR. 7-1343 after 7 p.m. work. Call Drexel 6-4370. Frlgldalre clothe* dryer ...... 50 41 Maple St., Sum m it CR. 3-7010 to suit. Offered at $26,800. what you usually find on the first Incidentally, the house Is only rooewj 365. Summit Herald. ___ Sundays Sc Evenings call (2) Solid masonry dwelling in excel­ floor, I have, a pine panelled den and ate in size and only about 25 years or SECRETARY and bookkeeper, full or YOUNG man. over 18. general assist­ a soreened-ln patio; on my second part tim e. CR. 3-2651. 7 ft. Frigidaire refrigerator 4*#--— 90 Mr. Syme CR. 3-6985 lent condition. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, STENOGRAPHER, experienced and ac­ ant engineering office. No experi­ or Mr. Seymour CR. 3-5807 2 lavatories, modern kitchen. Conven­ floor there are three bedrooms and 2 Top location on on® of the best atr curate. 40 hm. High educational NURSEMAID. LIVE IN OR OUT. RE­ ence necessary. 529 Millburn Ave, ient to grade, high and parochial tiled baths; now my owners have re­ Short Hills. Bendlx washer ______25 in, beautiful Summit. Lincoln sc background. Location Summit. Box FINED. EXPERIENCED AND WILL­ schools. Asking $27,500. tired and going to Florida. I am now area; offered for prompt occupy 366. Summit Herald. Summit. ING. S1*-DAY WEEK. EXCELLENT TREE men, experienced. Apply 1728 Table Top ironer______50 HARD TO FIND (3) North side home in Summit’s looking for a new owner. Please call owner leaving for Delray Beach. HOUSEKEEPER. European, p art or SALARY. REFERENCES. PERMA­ East 2nd St.. Scotch Plains, be­ beautiful Prospect Hill Section. 6 bed­ my agent for further details. da, very soon. full time; own room, bath, TV. NENT POSITION. CR. 3-7244. tween 3 and 5 p.m. G. E. Dishwasher ______50 Gleaming white colonial; 4 years rooms 3 baths all on 2nd floor. Den, Couple and daughter 11. DR. 6-4951. old; built by one of Sum m it’s best lavatory, large porah and 2 car at­ HOLMES AGENCY, Realtor SHOE salesman or woman experienced. Double Oven 6-burner builders for his own hom®; strictly tached garage. Owner transferred. A. S. ANDERSON, Realti FILE CLERK-SWITCHBOARD Nee Dell Shoe Store. CR. 3-2042. Est. 1898 OPERATOR Roper gaa range ...... 65quality construction throughout; he Offered at 36,500. 45 Maple St. CReatvlew 3-2400 443 Springfield Ave. SumJ SECRETARY YOUNG man, full tim e, can drive; to now needs larger home; 1st floor cen­ WHITMORE & JOHNSON CR. 3-8400 Eves. CR. 3-6237, CR 3-0» Immediate opening for file clerk who work In shop. Come in person be­ Usod Frigidaire refrigerator ...... 50 ter hall living room, dining room, mod­ has had experience on PXB switch­ tween 4 and 5 p.m. Friday. Culli- ern kitchen with dining area, lava­ Realtors NOW IT WILL BE EASY Local organization seek* top not oh gan Soft Water Service, 8 Commerce EASTERN FUEL CO. tory. large pine-paneled den; screened 8 Bank Sit. CReatvlew 3-1404 board. Typing ability desirable but 233 Broad St. CR. 3-0004 for Children Can Romp Her® secretary with the following qualifica­ not essential. Liberal benefits. St., Chatham. porch; recreation room in basement; tions; ______Open evening* 2d floor, 3 bedrooms, til® bath; gas- G. .1. JOE CIBA PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS. hot water heat costs only $225; full Nice roomy, comfortable home in J INC. COMPACT vacuum cleaner, cost $135 Doctor's Home derfUl condition. Spacious first n Solid business experience at exec­ year ego, $70. CR. 3-3699. insulation; storm sash; taxes $293, In utive secretarial level. Summ it. N. J. CR. 3-3500 DRUG CLERK Franklin School area; nice lot; over (AND OFFICE) Just like new. Completely includes large library and moo ONE 7x9 rug; chaim. Reasonable. CR. sized 2-oar garage, attached; (carpets, Ideal corner location near center. modernized kitchen. Bathroom kitchen. Second floor, 4 bedroom*; College or secretarial school back­ STENO CLERK Full tim e. Top salary. 3-9236.______refrigerator and washing machine can Spacious first floor layout sufficient with colored fixtures, new baths. Maid’s quarters on t.lura. ground. be had at reasonable prices); asking to satisfy office and family needs. 6 plumbing and furnace plus Mrs. Clark, Crestvlew 3-2139. HARDWICH 4-burner ga* range, 1- bedrooms and 3 baths above. New g«6 the latest decorating — wall Competent, alert, neat appearing year old. Best offer. CR. 3-1852. $25,500; occupancy Nov. 15. Poise and excellent appearance. voung woman far public relations of­ CHARLINE’S DRUG STORE heating unit. 2 oar garage, reason­ to wall carpeting. More like a SARGENT DUMPER. O. E. WRINGER washing maclihie, ex­ OBRIG, REALTOR able taxes. Continuous asphalt drive­ doll house. Near sohool and fice. Interesting work, good future; 417 Springfield Av. Summit. Letters of application must include excellent benefit*. cellent condition; Ironing board. 21 Maple St. Summit, N J. way street to street with extra park­ town — for the veteran at REALTOR detailed resume and salary required. CR. 3-1032. CR. 7-1281.______CRestvlew 7-0435 ing space. Offered at $28,500 C.R.V ...... $18,800 506 Millburn Ave. Short * ORestview 3-5866 CRestvtew 7-1175 Replies confidential. Box 367, Summit CIBA PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS, 7 CO. FT. Frigidaire, good condition, WHITMORE & JOHNSON Drexel 6-2460 Herald, Summit. INC. SUPERINTENDENT — Kent Court _ $15. ME. 5-5757.______JOAN 0. CHRYSTAL, Realtor Summ it, N. J. CR. 3-3500 Apartment. Utilities furnished. Call In Summit C. Kelly Realtors 2A—SHORT HILLS CR. 7-0.388 between hours 9-5 for EXTENSION table and pads. Liquor 6 Bunk St.______CRcstvlew 3-1404 1 De Forest Ave. Sum m it ORDER & BILLING CLERK SALESLADIES, part time. Excellent cabinet, like new. Solid walnut com­ Crestvlew 3-8224 SHORT HILLS. MILLBURN, working condition*. Apply at once appointment. t • HEY, MOM! Young, like figure* — some typing. bination bookcase and walil cabinet. Look what we’v® found! Four bedroom, WOOD, THE ORANGES and IT J — In person, Busch As Sons, Inc., Sum­ HANDY MAN. Part time. Steady. Call Sacrifice. DRexel 9-5765. suburban residential conamuni_ Pleasant air-conditioned office - lunch­ mit, N. J. CR. 7-2126. Drexel 9-5106. two bath brick and frame beauty “I'm told that the Butler NEW LISTING eon facilltlc*. 5-day week - Company 9—MISCELLANEOUS located in fin® school section, plus Agency Is th e plaoe to buy throughout Essex Union ana paid benefit* plus bonus. Convenient TYPIST — Insurance company moving LIGHT factory work. Apply In person, recreation room, lovely living room slid sell Real Bstaite." Spaalou* modified English house, top countie*; convenient to the to transportation. to Millburn next spring, five day, Michel’s Screen Company, 750 Morris IF IT ’S WOVEN, TRY ALPERN’S; with fireplace, famUy size dining room looatlon, 2 block* to Brayton School, WU.UUU MARTINDALE- 36*; hour Week, pleasant working Turnpike, 8hort Hill*. Percale*, 29c: P. F organdy, 49c: and kitchen with dishwasher. This walking distance to town and ohurohe*. condition*. Telephone Mr. Knapp, hom® 1* well constructed and In ex­ ROBERT E. DIETZ COMPAQ dotted swla®, 49c; taffeta, 59c; san­ BUTLER AGENCY Living room, dining room, , modern REALTORS HUBBELL, INC. Mitchell 2-4230, for Interview ap­ H#lp Wanted— Male & Female forized broadcloth, 49c; satin, 59c: cellent condition. Asking only $28,900. kitchen, breakfast room, powder room, 1 Prospect St. Summit pointment or apply Room 2328, Ray­ Offers Invited. 7 DeForest Av®. CR. 3-7700 large sun room, screened porch. Sec­ 830 Morrle end Essex Turnpike corduroy, $1.10; nylon. 89c; contact. Hills. DRexel 6-4321. ______. ______CR. 3-0000 mond Commerce Building. Newark. MAN or woman for house cleaning. 55c; foam rubber, shredded, 59c per T H E C. KELLY AGENCY Custom Parking ond floor, 4 lovely bedrooms, 2 bath*. Experienced. Drexel 9-3567. Third floor one unfinished room and TYPIST-EDIPHONE OIRL, some housework and cook din­ lb.; monk’s cloth, 48-ln, 98c; simi­ 76 Summ it Ave. Sum m it CR. 7-2121 SEE our ad of Sheffield Manor ner, 3:15 to 7:15, Monday through CHRISTMAS HELP WANTED lar savings in wool? ellk, linen, ny­ Eve*. FR. 7-3639. storage. Full dry basement, 2-oar at­ Joining Short Hills) under ■- OPERATOR Friday. OR. 3-&146. lon, dacron, orlon, drapery, uphol­ CONSULT thi* Agency for properties tached garage, oil steam heat, low W. A. McNamara. OR. Pull or Part Time. LOW down payment for non-G.I. taxes. M ust be good typist - young. Pleasant stery, bridal fabric*, “Do It Your­ in Summit and vicinity, from $10,000 DENTAL assistant, Summ it. CR. 3- TOY DEPT. self” accessories and notions from Splc-and-span, 6 rooms and garage. and up. «ir#condltioned office - luncheon fa- 5038. Vicinity. $13,900. R. T. STROMENGER REAL ESTATE WANTED cilitdes. 5-day week - Company puid SUMMIT HARDWARE CO. Bates, Dan River, Botany. Everfa*t. JOSEPH F. CHURCH benefit* plus bomu*. Convenient to SALESLADY. Gift shop. Experienced. Quadriga. Galey Sc Lord, Malllnson. R ealtor WANTED; One acre land, near Wj transportation. Permanent or part time. Pace Setter, 357 Springfield Ave. Summit Belding-CortlceUi, Punjab, Wam- W. A. McNamara R ealtor 248 Morris Ave., Springfield. Drexel CR. 3-0217 CR. 3-3880 332 Sprlugflefd Ave. Sum m it and schood. C om m uting a MARTINDALE- autta, Crompton, Schumacher-Wav* 382 Broad at. CR. 3-0417 CR. 7-4024 Eves. & 8un. CR. 3-9178 ‘ New York. CHeetnut 5-6876____ , 9-9824. erly etc. Advance, Butterlck, McCall HUBBELL, INC. LIKES arts, sign painting and dis­ EMPLOYMENT WANTED and Simplicity pattern*; Vogue and ! Prow*** » . OT 3-<090 summit play work. Full or part time work. Mode* Royales Pattern Service Open Apply j . j . Newberry Co., Spring- LIGHT ironing a t home. Call CR. 3- evening* to 10 P.M., Sunday to 6 2269. jRKER. one day every two field, N. J. P .M , MOrrlstown 4-1718. CR. 7-2023. day worker. Experienced. Good ref- LIGHT laundry and curtains done at HOMES • HOMESITES evenoea. D read 9-5298. my home. CR 3-3427. ______ALPERN’S YARD GOODS and DECOR­ ^ F .N O R GIRLS ATOR SUPPLIE8. opposite Alderney FAMILY Ironing and curtain* done at Milk Barn on Rt. 10, entrance on M ant i—inmri~ir steady D^ d i,wo£ t5 f’ <-**'ve*'*1 cleaning. Good my home. CR 3-2420.______p Z o iin e m to •tart. No «*- J^.cbU drcn. In Springfield. Drexel Littleton rd (Rt. 202) No 72 bu* •SUMMIT'S NEWEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY" DAY’S work, Monday, Tuesday, Wed­ atop 100 feet away Morrl* Plains, N J nesday, Thursday and Friday. Gen­ rum iANERS COW manure, rotted, protect, enrich" CTpSIOan^rf£S*1'*1 °mce' atcuogra- eral housework. Drexel 6-7445. J WELLMORE BUILDERS or YOUR OWN BROKER Crestvlew 3-5410 Summit weL J ,57H“8 required, five day rose*, flower bed6, lawns, shrubs, E d n L .? 30**130* ttillbum IV Wild of MOTHER’S helper want* fire day* for rhododendron*. Rich top aoil, $5. De­ OH. 3-3100 w ucauon. Call Drexel 9-4777 five hours, weekly. Murdock 8-3513. livered. MU. 8-4888.


V \ 1

[•NOVEMBER 3. 1988 1 The Wilburn & Short Hills ITEM Page 25 SERVICES 0 WIRED LEGAL NOTICE INSTRUCTIONS couata of the Subscriber, Executors of ber next. Benson. 2:45, 6:20, 9:55; Kiss of Fire, 0:30, 10:00; Kla* of Fire, 1:33, 5-08, NOTICE O r SETTLEMENT the Last Will and Testam ent and Dated: October 10, 1955. 1:15, 4:50, 8:25. Nov. 5—Private War 8:33. Nov. 7—Private War of Major T ^ a in t ino- oec o m W o ACCORDION, Hawaiian Guitar. Les- ESTATE OF CORNELIUS J. CURTIN, Codicil thereto of EDWARD A. MARK- CHARLES T. SCHAEDEL Police Blotter »°“* at your home. Werner, Frontier JR., deceased. of Major Benson, 4:00, 7:30, 10:55; Benaon, 1:41, 7:00, 10:23; Kiss of Flra, "•WO. LEY, deceased, will be audited and JAMES N. PAPPAS, Attorney Kiss of Fire, 2:20, 6:00, 9:25. 3:26, 8:56. Nov. 8—Private War of LLIAM r o it b b r pjtottfl|. naper- Notice la hereby given that the ac­ stated by the Surrogate and reported 17 Academy Street, Thtinn decorating « Maple »va, Reported in fair condition and Major Benson. 3:00. 6:30, 10:00; Kla* counts el the subscribers, Frances for settlement to the Essex County Newark 2, N. J. ORANGE of Fire, 1:33, 5:03. 8:33. p!wieid. PRt»i nisi. ANNOUNCEMENT O Donoghue, executrix ef the Last Court, Probate Division, op Tuesday, Oct. 13. 20. 27. Nov. 3. 10, '55 Feo-$8.00 undergoing X-rays in St. Barnabas the 29th day of November next. EMBASSY t t r ME oome to your birthday party Will and Teatament of Frank O'Donog- LEGAL T NOTfCiT ’ hmiut *■ '*“«“«• Ana help entertain your guarta by hue, deceased, who, during his life­ Dated: October 20, 1955. Hospital, Newark, yesterday was Nov. 3, 4-M r. Roberta, 2:50, 7:00, fewatin*. paperhinstng. Interior. EDNA 8. MARKLEY NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT 10:20; Gamebuatar*. 1:30, 9:05. Nov. ,twlor Murdock 8-7198,______giving pony rtdet, Little F alk 4-1010. time, was extoutor of the Last Villi Mrs. Mary Timer of Newark, who end Testament of CORNELIUS J. INEZ M. DUNNE ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE A. EATON, 5—Francis Covers Big Town, '12.50, ROCCO CARELLA CURTIN, JR„ deceased, and Sarah M. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY deceased. was struck by a car in Essex 3:55; Little Tough Guys. 2:40, 2:15. .0,rt Interior and exterior paint- FURNISHED APARTMENT Curtin, Substituted Administratrix OF NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Mr. Roberta, 6:40, 10:(H>; Gangbu6ters, ,Ppaperh»mrt»«. W tlng** WM«I c.t.a. of the estate of CORNELIUS J EMORY, LANGAN & LAMB, Attorneys the accounts of the aubaerlbw, street near the railroad station 5:20, 8:45; Nov. 8—Mr. Roberta, 3:30, bVO O H ient In Summ. it: . prl- CURTIN. JR„ deceased will be audited 1 Exchange Plgee '* 6:15, 10:06; Gangburter*. 1:10, 4 55, 367. , Bath with »hshower and stated by the Surrogate and re. Jersey City 2, N. J. Wtdneaday morning. Dr. Sidney 8:40. Nor. 7-M r. Robert*, J:80, 7:00. O o n v n m e l.___ 32-A-P1ABP TCBWQ D. L is W. and cen- ported for eettlem ent . to the Essex Oct. 27. Nov. 3. 10, 17. 24, ’55 Fse-$8.00 ceased, will be audited Mid stated by Brandt of Greenwood drive was 10:20; Oangbuaters, 1:30, 9:05. Nov. t*r of town.K CR 8, 8—You're Never Too Young, 3:00, County Court, Probate Division, on LEGAL NOTICE the Surrogate and reported for #ettle- turning left onto Essex street \ '0 TROUBLES? Call O Warth, & ROOMS, Ideal for three bachelors or Tuesday, the 29th day of November ment to the Essex County Court, Pro­ 7:00, 10:00; The Warrior*, 1:30, 8 50. ,an0 technician and teacher M buelness couple. *125, Including util. next. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT bate Division, on Tuesday, the 15th from Holmes street when he PALACE liirnurn Are Smjth Orange 4 'J tit Itlee. Call CR. 3-3899, Dated: October 13, 1955. day of November next. ESTATE OF GEORGE R. SIMPSON. struck Mrs. Timer, according to Nov. 3. 4^-Prlvate War of Major Sen- FRANCES O’faONOOHUE Deoessed. Dated: October 5. 1955. PIANO TUNING 3 ROOMS and bath, all utilities SARAH M. CURTIN WILFRED ERNEST EATON. SR. police. Mrs. Timer was treated at son, 1:41, 7:00, 10:23; Kla* of Fire. furnished. FR, 7-1305,______Notice Is hereby given that the ac­ 3:28, 8:56. Nov. I—Private War of •our piano tuned, II. by master WILLIAM E. KENNEDY, Attorney THE NATIONAL NEWARK & ESSEX the scene of the accident by Dr. FURNISHED 4-room, first floor apart­ 380 Main Stfe«t counts ©f the subscriber. Trustee un­ BANKING COaMPANY OF NEWARK. Major Benson. 12:40, 4:03, 7:18. 10:38; raftsman. REGINALD BELCHER, der the Last Will and Teatam ent of Brunning and taken to the hos­ Kla* of Fire, 2:36, 8:48, 9:11. Nov. 8— S years plane tuner and church ment with garage; best location. East Orange, N. J. HOWE & DAVIS, Attorneys Dec. 1 to June 30. CR. 3-8S83. Oct. 20. 27, Nov. 3. 10. 17, ’55 Fee-$8.00 GEORGE R SIMPSON, deceased, will 282 Main Street, Private War of Major Benson, 3:00, be audited and stated by the Surro­ pital in the Township Ambulance. Sanlst’ jEffereon 8-5423_____ Orange, N. J. » LEGAL NOTICE gate and reported for settlement to Oot. 13, 20, 27. Nov. 3. 10. '55 Feo-18.00 14-PLATING FURNISHED ROOMS NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT tlMsEhsex County Court, Probate Divl- Philip Goldring of Newark, a pa­ ESTATE OF WILLIAM M. WILSON, siw!. on Tuesday, th e 15th day of No­ LEGAL NOTICE SINGLE room near Wyoming School vember next. Notice of Intention tient at Greystone Hospital. Mor­ VER Plating, Tea eete. traye, can- and hue lines. Drexel 9-2380. deceased. 1 0 'slatlcka. Repairing, pollahlng, lao- Notice le hereby given that the ac­ Dated: October 3. 1955. Take notice that application has ris Plaint, was picked up Friday BRHI F RD uerlng of all metals. Fireplace SOOM and bath, private entrance, count* of the mbacriber. Trustee of THE NATIONAL NEWARK 8c been inadt to the Township Commit­ ESSEX BANKING COMPANY tee of the Township of Millburn to by Officer Pieper at Ridgewood fin s Drive In to Madison Oallerlee, near oemtar. Woman preferred. CR. the Truat for the benefit of Marjorie NOW SHOWING 'w Main St FRonUer 7-1907. 7-0040, evee. J. Wlleon created by Articles FOURTH OP NEWARK. transfer to THE ARCH, INC. for prem­ road and Sunset drive, and re­ and SEVENTH of the Will Of WIL­ PITNEY, HARDIN 8c WARD, ises located at 840-842-844 Morris Turn­ pike, Millburn, New Jersey, the plen­ turned to the hospital. f l o o r maintenance SINGLE and double rooms Oentle- LIAM M. WILSON, deceased, will be Attorneys * L#J meh preferred I Parmley Place audited and stated by the Surrogate 744 Broad Street ary retail consumption license num­ ■OOR maintenance, sanding, finish- Summ it and reported for eettlement to the Es­ Newark 2, N. J. ber 7. heretofor issued to Charles A sweater was taken from a car „g and waxing, PReas) 4-6846 sex County Court, Probate Dlvltlon, Oot. 6, 13. 20, 27, Nov. 3. ’55 Fee: $8.00 Ross, trading as The New Millbrook LARGE, pleasant, newly-decorated at 200 Main street, th© Township of parked in the Lord & Taylor park­ room; semi private bathroom. Nice on Tuesday, the J9th day of Novem­ Millburn. New Jersey. LOST neighborhood. Phone CR 7-1206. ber next. LEGAL NOTICE ing lot last Thursday. Dated: October 16, 1055. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT The tranafeir of the Uoense Is re­ • SSBOOK No. 3*33. Return to Hill DOUBLE and single room. Business HELENA M. MEYER quested for a building whtoh Is to The Hudson Tool Co. of East Uty Savings * Loan, New Providence oouple or person. CR. 3-6439 between HARRISON F. DURAND. Attorney ESTATE OF DEMETRIOS LITOIDES, be constructed at 840-842*844 Morris 5 & 6 p m 744 Broad Street Turnpike, Millburn. New Jersey. Plane Willow street reported that sev­ ■anch. deceased. for construction of the building may M MURPHYj 1 GLE. female, five months old, Mili­ ATTRACTIVE front room; central lo- Newark 2. N. J. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That eral panes of glass were broken Oct. 20, 27. Nov.’3, 10. 17, ’55 Fee—$8.00 be examined at the office of the um license UJ5, named Bndffy. Re- oatlon. Business person. CR. 7-1724. the accounts of the subscriber, Ad­ Township Clerk. during the week-end. Nothing was I AMERICA'S MOST DCCOMTID HEM) I ard. Drexel 8-8315.______ministrator of the estate of DEME­ The names and residences of all SINGLE or double, connecting bath. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT TRIOS LITOIDES, deceased, will be stolen. |ClNBMttcOrt'T&M**.| jV’s’ wrlstwateh. between Post Of- Convenient looatlon. Parking. CR. offlcere and all directors who have * 7-0902. audited and stated by the Surrogate no other named office, and the names ]" 1-mu " — r ce and Irving Place. Reward. CR. ESTATE OF EDWARD A. MARKLEY, and reported for settlement to the and residences of all stockholders John Sanders, who gave his ad­ J Angela lansbury. geitk Andes I •3076 FURNISHED room, close to transpor- deceased. Essex County Court. Probate Division, holding more than ten percentum 1 plastic notebook, 2x3". oontaln- tatlon. Call after 5 p.m. CR. 3-2206 Notice Is hereby given that the ac- on Tuesday, the 13th day of Decern- (10Vo) of any of the stock of sold dress as the Market Street Mis­ | A LIFE AT STAKE'! ie driver’s lloenee, etc. Reward. CR. FURNISHED room and bath, 5 m inutes corporation are as follows: sion, Morristown, was summoned 4532. from all transportation. Preferably Philip Dameo. president. 116 Fair- by Officer Wyckoff on Morris NOW woman. CR. 3-4894, field Drive. Short Hills, New Jersey. ,’KBOOK No. 14043. Return to Silvio Orlando, vice president art! turnpike for failing to give a good •estmont Savings and Loan AssO- ROOM and private bath, gentlemen atlon. Springfield treasurer. 357 Millburn avenue, Mill­ account of himself. He was sen­ only, Dyexel 6-1645. burn. New Jersey. J ohn W ayne 1KBOOK No. 14009. Return to ROOM near Mill burn Center, good Ernest Brlta, secretary, 439 Millburn tenced to 15 days in the county j fstmomt Savings and Loan Aseo- transportation. 416 Millburn Avenue. Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey. jail by Judge Milton Freiman. PAPER MILL it-lon, Sprlngflsld.______Shown Saturdays or after 6 P.M. Objections If any should be made • I Lauren B acall immediately in writing to Theodore FOUND PLEA3ANT, large room, In attractive L. Wldmayer, Township Clerk of the Seymour Lehrhoff of Locust PLAYHOUSE and convenient location. CR. 7-0224. Township of Millburn. avenue was brought to Police MILLBURN, N. J. DREXEL 6-4343 03 - CATS - tee Summit AntmaT LARGE room, private bath. Parking, THE ARCH. INC. Frsnk Csrrinrtan. Dirsetor j B I lood A lley Welfare League notice Social page centrally looated. OR. 3-7671. Ernest Brtta, Secretary Headauarters Friday evening by Box Office Open 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. u wanner B*o *«* nmmlt Herald If to u t doe la found October 27. November 3. Sgt. Daniel Tighe on a Bench Eves., Tuesday thru Saturday, 8:30 C in e m a s c o p e ATTRACTIVE room, semi-private bath; Mat*., Thun., Sat. 2;30. Sun. S-.O* W'apapncrC olor breakfast. CR. 3-3153. LEGAL NOTICE Warrant from the Township of DIAMOND APPRAISERS Notice Is hereby given th at & Gen­ NOW Thru SUN., NOV. 20 Also ROOM far gentlemen on Short Hills Sparta. The charge was improper EDWARD G. ROBINSON Avenue, Springfield, near buses and eral Election will be held on Tues­ ficial Diamond Appraisers. Sidney day, Nov. 8. 1955, 7 A.M. to 8 PM. motor vehicle passing. Mr. Lehr­ ’ Holt. Eat 1883 MA 3-273*. TM trains. Drexel 6-4103. State Senator IAN KEITH in in "ILLEGAL" Iroad street (Merket): take el. to OPPORTUNITY to secure exception­ Assembly hoff put up $30 bail for his ap­ ,lnth floor ally desirable accommodations. Two County Clerk pearance in Sparta and was re­ sleeping room* and bath, second Register "I KILLED AN EASTIRN MANAWMfNT OUTDOOR THEATRE USED CARS FOR SALE floor, private entrance. Private house Freeholders leased. In excellent neighborhood. Air con­ Member of the Township Committee 2 NASH Rambler station wagon, ditioner and telephone in each First District—Ridgewood Road from THE COUNT” ROUTE 2? • MU 6-1260 oocl condition; snow tires. ME. 5- room. Near bus, train and center Whlttlngham Terrace to Main Street, A comedy mystery guaranteed to keep 194. in Chatham. Reasonable rate. Ga­ FORM BUTTER to the Union line, to the Athletic you laughing on the edge of your seat UNION DfllVEINIHE

i r NOVEMBER 3, 19551 The Millburn & Short Bills ITEM _V s l *L Round-Up. Expert observers estimate that The very circumstancT^ National Girl Scout Council will Puerto Rico, and Alaska will Summit will work together as a these workshops, the girls will learn how to live comfortably-in ■¥' traffic jams in New York cost your suffering sense Girl Scouts Plan hold its first Round-Up at the camp together for 12 days. group. This group will be under Most frequently counterfeited motorists about $25,000,000 a year the direction of four leaders from a primitive camp. By Christmas, wrathful and afflictive, Lov, Highland State Park Recreation This Round-Up is the first time among U. S. Bills are $10 and $20 in wasted gasoline, on which tax National Round-Up Area near Pontiac, Michigan. anything of its kind has ever been Millburn and Summit. the local council hopes to make make an angel entertained*™? the final selection of girls who denominations, says the National to the State totals some By Arlyne B. Travers Approximately 5,000 representa­ held by the Girl Scouts. First The first Round-Up workshop wares. - M a r y will represent Millburn at the Geographic Society. $3,000,000. Bake, J From June 29 to July 11, the tives from 48 states, and, Hawaii, Class Scouts from Millburn and will take place November 17. At

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Ivory Lux Toilet Soap Ivory Soap | Ivory Soap Lnx Flakes Surf Silver Cast Kirkman’s Far toilet or bath Far dishes, laundry or bath For dishes, laundry or both Personal Soap Far fine fabrics For the f.mlly wash and dishes Blue detergent Datargonf IZ 2 $ * 2 !S 2 * ' j 3 "ST 26* 4 « l..2 3 ® X * l* f 7 5 ' h 'X2E' '£«2* X * ! ' '£ 7 5 * giant N ( 1 pig*""

245 MILLBURN AVE., MILLBURN Open Tonight and Every Thursday and Friday Until 9 P. M. FREE PARKING ADJOINING ST