^ S ■$! f i y . n*Flb. AS IT LOOKS FROM HERE 24 Vol. 67, No. 43 3,1955 'he Township Committee Election For about the past two months The Item has presented series of articles prepared by Robertson D. Ward, Repub- jc a n , and Dickinson R. Debevoise, Democrat, candidates or election to the Township Committee. The election at MILLBURN hich the voters will-express their choice will be next Tues- jay, November 8, with the polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. We feel confident these articles have been instructive c and nil interesting and have served to make many residents n0re conscious of our local government. We hope this in­ vest continues in the years to come regardless of the out­ 7TEM come of Tuesday’s voting. For the first time in many years the Democratic candi- )ate for Township Committeeman has conducted ‘a real V ampaign locally in contrast to most of his predecessors •hose names generally just appeared on the ballot. We are lad Mr. Debevoise saw fit to conduct an active campaign Founded 18 8 8 Published every Thursday a t M I L L B U R P } . TEN CENTS ASA n this historically predominant Republican community. We eel his efforts have created a new awareness of the inipor- ssssssmSSSssBsrnaam ance of our local government. However, we do not agree Lanahan Retires , ith some of the points he has raised in the campaign. Item Available Democratic Party Township Committee Candidates L a r g e V o t e We feel Millburn has had the benefit of a very active * nd adequate Planning Board. We feel our Township Com- From Plan Board Expected Here ittee has done a very remarkable job in providing Millburn Early Thursday In Final W eek Henry Lanahan of Gap View -ith good government. We feel our growth has been or- road has retired as a member Due to tiie requests of numer­ ous commuters arrangements Next Tuesday |erly, well planned and controlled and that it will continue and chairman of the Millburn o develop as one of the best communities in the country. have been made to have The Of Local Campaign Planning Board effective at the Item available at newsstands Political observers here expect end of his term last Saturday. Over the years undoubtedly changes will be made and as soon as they open Thursday The Democratic Party in Mill­ one of the largest percentage votes Mr. Lanahan has served as a ierhaps a charter study will be recommended in the future, mornings. Early commuters burn is completing the final week to be recorded next Tuesday when member of the board since Octo­ t committee of civic association representatives is already therefore will now be able to of an intensive two and one-half the voters will elect a state sen­ ber of 1942 and was named chair­ purchase The Item with their month campaign in Millburn and ator, members of the General As­ , work on the feasibility of such a study. We do not feel man of the board following the regular daily morning paper. Short HMls. sembly, a county clerk, a county e need to rush into the formation of a charter commission. resignation of Ira C. Moore earlier register, four members of the As a close and long time observer of the Township this year. Party spokesmen state, “It has Board of Freeholders, and a mem­ nmmittee, the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment Mayor William B. Gero 'wrote supported the bi-partisan cam­ ber of the Township Committee. All paign of its local candidate for nd other Township agencies and officials, we are proud of Mr. Lanahan the following letter polling places will be open from following his retirement. Next Blood Bank the Township Committee, Dickin­ 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. he job which has been done. son R. Debevoise. It has given its “It is with regret that I comply Both the Republican and Dem­ unqualified endorsement of his For the past three years Robertson D. Ward has been with your request to retire from ocratic parties have conducted Here November 17 platform, which includes a stand member of the Township Committee and for the past year the Planning Board at the end of active campaigns for all offices member of the Planning Board. We believe him to be an your present term—Oct. 29, 1955. Employees of Chubb Si Sons will for non-partisan elections in Mill­ and a close vote is expected burn and the formation of a non­ nvaluable member and force on these two most important I am certain I speak for the en­ donate to the Essex County Blood throughout the county. Locally tire Board that your retirement partisan charter commission as ■•dies. We believe his financial experience and his long Bank Thursday November J7 at interest centers on the contest be­ from active duty will not only be Red Cross between the hours of authorized by state law for the tween Republican incumbent Rob­ „ne residence and activity here make him eminently quali- a loss to the Township but to the 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. Plans for this purpose of modernizing Millburn's ROBERTSON D. WARD, Repub-1 DICKINSON R. DEBEVOISE, ertson D. Ward and his Demoreatic ied to be returned to office. individual members as well. bank were completed at a meet­ outmoded committee system of lican candidate. ! Democratic candidate. opponent Dickinson R. Debevoise. We strongly recommend the reelection of Mr. Ward “During your tenure of office ing of the Blood Donor Service government.” ★ Both candidates have conducted ext Tuesday. you have taken an important part Committee last Tuesday at Red On Tuesday evening a gather­ active local campaigns in contrast in an outstanding municipal plan­ Cross. ing was held at the home of Mrs. t.» former years when Democratic ning activity. In fact, so outstand­ Chubb Si Sons annually recruit Lewis Warner of Locust avenue, Call Item For G O P Organizations candidates have made little if any ing that the department of muni­ a percentage of their employees to which seventy persons were in­ effort to garner other than straight cipal government at Trenton vited to hear Debevoise present D e f e n s e 100th Anniversary to donate blood to the bank. This Stress Import Of Democratic voters. ranks Millburn planning and gov­ qualifies the company as a par­ his program. After Debevoise con­ Election Result Millburn Township traditionally ernment high, if not among the ticipating industry and assures cluded his remarks, the floor was has been predominarftly Republi­ "est S a t i s f i e s Data Wanted first, in the municipalities of the blood protection to all Chubb em­ thrown open for. general discus­ Local election results will be Coming Election can and every effort is being made state. ployees and their families. sion and questions. This meeting furnished by The Item next by the Republican County Com­ In preparation for the ob­ concluded the campaign in the Tuesday night, November 8. As mittee to continue this dominance “You have also been fortunate Individual donors also may Millburn Republican organiza­ ,ocal O fficials servance of Millburn Town­ to have witnessed the substantial South Mountain area. the polls close at 8 p.m. infor­ by getting out the vote. The sub­ make appointments to donate tion spokesmen today issued the ship's 100th anniversary in mation will probably not be urban Essex County municipalities completion of many of the major blood to this batik. Under the The Debevoise campaign con­ following statement relative to the M illburn Civil Defense officials 1957 the Centennial Committee plans, such as the establishment available before 8:30 or later. are counted on to offset this ex­ xpressed satisfaction with the present credit system, credit sisted of concentrated effort in coming election. is soliciting old pictures, maps, of a Master Plan; advanced zon­ five areas of Millburn. Three areas The telephone number is DR pected heavy Democratic vote eal results of the CD test last cards are issued to a donor at personal recollections and an­ ing; sewer construction; traffic were die Washington School sec­ 6-1200. “A few weeks ago the election from Newark for county offices. hursday evening, according to the time of the initial donation. on Tuesday November 8 promised ecdotes, printed matter and relief; parking facilities; sfhool The Blood Donor Committee tion, South Mountain, Wyoming, Spearheaded by the local con­ udyard Jennings, new Civil De­ to be just another off-year elec­ test between Mr. Ward and Mr. data of all desciptions which facilities and fire protective facil­ wishes to remind holders of credit Country Club and Deerfield. In nse Director. tion. Now every indication points Debevoise, local voters are urged have a bearing on Millburn’s ities. cards that an annual donation of each area Mr. Debevoise’s com- j All tra ff ic in Millburn was to its being the most important by both parties to exercise their history. Material should be “Although you will not partici­ blood is required for renewal. A mittee members arranged gather- \ \ J ^ y A RnflnvCPfl jpped from 6 to 6:10 p.m. and off-year election in the history of voting privilege on Tuesday. More retary, at the Recreation pate In the formal discussions of credit card is a guarantee of ings in private homes. When not j * * ttlU L/IIUUI oCU vilians were cleared from the Millburn Township. Several hun­ than 9,000 voters are registered Building, Taylor Park. Infor­ the Planning Board we hope to be blood protection to the donor and attending such meetings, Mr.
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