


is*r wwth batt trath.tnth. berbr 34. IMO. While one admtaws bis eourace tn EtMlor of the Cbtintsford Weekly taktoc a stand whlBt moat bring A veddy___ , r*w*i»pef_ - _ | erefy TfanndAy sttcniMB by Uie News, CqDLMSFOKD NEWSWEEKLT COMPANY. M NcwllcU Strtct. Nortb him a great deal of crltldam. cne Nerfield 8L zemembeia that he la no looses the North CbelmsfenJ, ffas. lone eagle; that periiaps bis grari- Dew 6ir:- otu and peoUe co-ptiot ia orawlon- HEYtng lust read the OpstPcmim aliy allowed to chart the courae column, 1 am g somewhat Adrertisliir nUca »t borintm oBee or cent opoo appHccUm. It aeems quite obvious that ttie diSerent opiltiloD wtikh I happened CHELMSFORD NEWSWEEKLY wnme* no flnaactol responslbmi Uunited Slates of America must «mnin adTerttoementc. bnt vtD pobUah witboat charge, acorrertkin in to put down oB paperlastMonday. either abandon Monroe Doctrine thcBOCtfeHM. I am interested to see tf you wffl or prepare to protect the western ues a oommimlftattoo which is per­ hemisphere. To abandco the kCmroe haps not in line with the edltivla] Doctrine la to accept an iaolatlOB TEUEPHONE: 2.Z3K policy of the currestt Issoe. which would stop the wheels of In­ dustry. If we are to protect this CYRIL C. TOUBBY. hemisphere we must brip to subdue the world outlaws whQe they are y^ THE ISSUE at bay. We cannot Itope to so When Cokmel Undbergh B>eakz if pirates of the sea and air Rgdaee OD aviatSm, he speaks, et ooune, the British Navy. with authority, but whai he titea To state that we will not be sub­ the possibility of inndon of the jected to attack unless we meddlf NOT nation It is doubtful if he has ms with Gemany's amblttan to domin ­ cnnplete a picture as baa beat vlew- ate the worid fa to maintain tlH by th. Chia -n» I mU-piaMtmM-lid, bM “That these dead shall cot have died in vain ...” DfioSi b^i pnb,d. .. -Ibb loo. N.T111. olamboiUD. HorSff, Applied to those valiant dead of the first World War, r Uoes not neceeariJy make of him a | HcPUand, and Brigtum. this is perhaps the most classicaUy misinterpreted state­ I I great pbUoeopber. In stating as' Undbeegh as a ‘ B ment in the wholehistoryofthought. dl«M lb . p««om rtblo -11,011. bbt u bOulnt. oiul- be „pibi„ b, omn . IdUo, prau- They died for freedom, and there is less freedom in who was the Unkn^ Soldier?Itp. 11.1 It 1. ra.tn-e b> bouook. ia- u, youp, io.b M tti, poa WB the world today than ever before. Tb> cUM It «, «U lb.t cmtlook duca ,IUi con- | UptOmi, to ana Uic I« They died -fordemocracy,yetthosepeoptesofthe • to diuobs.- to. colonel protrejn tbe that the preant twrld sinade bo- UK«U) «aS bb cned. proetlivUy the air-minded to be ______world who have still left a vestige of democracy Are in­ But if the auum t* oar qw d t» their Battoa ------PoM fa llistt in 'tcblcb ear (ConUnoed On Pw •) volved in a death Etniggle in the dreadful fear that vestige dlTloM). «b«l «ouU U MU rtt tiMu! Wo.de MrrtotUd hf tU. hMe-iMpM tortk,.. of democracy shall Be tom from their feeble grasp. vt be Idmp W If (hr Mtdirr , urdfoRif. Hl..rthi. IsulmsI •Uilud* mud BOY •Mu dttoest . .. tbt pelriol. «tw of nations and men is pfaclically non-existent. Sinafif creufh. Ihtrr ur pUra to Ihn he.r dkd for thdr eniair7-or Unt who u* Thousands of innocent men and women are being ' ddUr-t .hue oebr u. prntoiird u>d deiB( ihdr ben u SERVE Ibtir taentit... slaughtered today in Euro|ie as we pause to respect the CBTMUMed to •lUek poplr ... yM. Men to eor eoud-Y-A-MERICA! memories of those valiant Americans, who, one short generation ago, gave their lives for freedom, democracy, brotherhood. ^IGHT® If they could but rise from their graves and see the STONY BROOK HERMIT SAYS world as it is today, what would they say? Would they say, “We have died in vain.” and sadly “ResoI?e to Stay Out of War”g New York, N. Y.—Snagging the spotlight away from return to a restless peaeje? the many-*trawhat theatres already to be seen mushroom­ Theirs might not be a peaceful sleep, in the inow- To the editer, ing all over the New York. New Jersey and New England ledge that their immortal sacrifioe went for naught. The landscapes is a courageous little group of thespians known ideals for which they gladly gave their lives are in danger Chelmsford Newsweekly Howdy N^ebor, as the Cabal Players, who presicte nightly over matters again, not many mote than twenty years after their last dramatic at the MillpondPlayhouse,in Roslyn.L. I. These act Who wuld tove thot that on this Memorial day, bare ­ WASHmOTON. D. c.—An unpre­ ly a generation after the last war is over, our peepel wuld energetic boys and girls are out to translate into reality Are their brothers and sons soon to be called upon to cedented pboiomenan took placetn be afraid that we’d be about to act into another Uropeen what has always bejen regarded the “misty dream" of dra ­ _ fulfill the same awfid destiny? WMbiejHnM lut week when i ma visionaries—a nationaltheatre. The modusoperand! 65 members of Congreaa’ discarded war. ' . . . “In Flanders field thje poppies grow...” of the said hoped-for translation places major emphagirsiT- The forcesofignoranceand hatred are tearingthose party lines to participate voluntarily I think if theose brave soljers who died in the first In a survey of the unemployi the idea that the star, or big name, systjem must be junked poppiesup by the roots,and with the same fierpe stroke world war culd cum to life agin today they wuld ask us not sltuatkm. We are not sufScienUy to pray fer them, but, in ren^emberia them, to pray fer and m its void competent actors with an altruistic and they are destroying the ideals that lie buried therein. native to believe that this move peace so thet no more of our boys v^ld have to die like sincere love of the theatre established. Thje experiment Is it our duty to follow our dear fathers into the land which may have far-reaching sign­ has caughtthe attentionofthe shrewdest Oocalproducing ificance. Is wholly altruistic on their they did. ofthedead? Have our fathers died in \’ain? Would they eyes. Backbone of"the acting corpsofthis enterprising sanctionourdeath in followingthe same vain hopethat part. 8mne of these gentlemen . It be pretty terrible to die, but it be even more so if undoubtedly gathering tools organization,toourwayofthinking, is JohnHarris, whose we might preserve peace and freedom and perpetuate you die and then everythin you died fer goes blewey. They potltical fence-mending in the newt toldthe boyslast tin^ theywas fitin to“savethe worldfer playing has such distinction that we prfetliet he’ll some day , democracy? Will the ever come to elecUofi campaign. Most, however dem9crscy.” Tis to laff, aint it. Tbey^goes ahead and storm the portals of stardom—if the Cabal Players will exist? Will the teachings of Christ ever be heeded? are going forward with the study allow the heresy! Can we but be told the truth and we would follow despite the realization that tbelr gets killed, but they wins the war an'd saves the world. So it gladlythoughit lead todeath —^justas thosebrave men efforts may be forgotten in the their grate sacrifice did sum good anyway. Then jist a growing preoccupation with The othernightduringa performanceof"Higherand droveheadlongtotheir death twenty-oddyearsago,fol­ little wile after they is dead everything goes beserk again, European.war and the naUonal de- and thei)e ain’t nomoredemocracy. Hi^er,” Shirley Boss dropped a $2500 diamond dinner lowingwhat theythoughttobe the truth. mse program. And efin thisvMbu keeps upb.,, there won'tV be...... nomore...... nothin. nngon the stage while playing a scene with Sharkey, the We are nowiser than ourfathers, but we havetheir A conuniitee's prehminaiy leport The pecooliarpart ofthe matter is that theyain’t agointo seal whohas becomeBroadway’s darling. Sharkey example to profit by. . Though they aife dead, their voices Kommends a vast housing pro ­ gram. and warns that while *hiiUta- have sich an ,«asy time...... kiddin our yung folks...... this time. s*'*’ the ring fall and before anyone could interfere he are ever ringing In our ears with the everlasting, plaintive slithered oi^rtowhere it layand swallowedit in onegulp. querj*, “Did we die in vain?” expendltures may temporarily They is pretty smart and they knows what happened to the ease the relief burden to s«ne ex ­ Now,distinguUhed assayersofseal onthe hoofplace Shar­ Howcan wfi answer this questionfromthe grave? If last boys that went over and what good it did, so they ain’t tent. they are not a solutlaD to our at all anxioustogoover,and its gonnatake plentyofcon- key’s valuation at $3600, which added to the $2500 ring we, too, die for democracy, freedom end brotherhood, how problem." - vincin to make these yung folks believe that they otta go noiv inside of him raises his total dollar worth to a neat six can we be sure that the forces of evil will not spring to life Further endeavors may suggi grand—orindubiUbly the mostvaluabletrained seal in again in another generation ? > weridng approach to the unemploy- o!^er and fite sumbudy elses war this time. ment pr^lem. At least they wiU captivity. Day and night guards have been placed in Wandering the face ofthe earth todayare restless • the country people !*♦- indicateanawarenessof the ritua- vlslUii the gravesol those bo}-s that goin on. they Is goln to sayto them­ charge of Sharkey until the ring can be retrieved throu^ spirits who cry aloud in pain at the sights they se& They uon andadesire on the partof our was fcined In the last war. and re- selves. “There ain't no use ktllln due process of natuiie. gaze with bloody faceg upon a bloody world and cry to to do something about it meod>eriB those Urat be burled over sum more of our loved ones. It each other, “Where is the brotherhood of man for which Uiere In FranceandBelgitnn. WhUe don't do no good anyway. Those When thetb Wright hrothets'made A dog that wouldn’t bark almok ruined the “con­ we died? Where is the love for which we fought? Can they Is ranemberlnthese boys and evil peepel will only crop up again fliwt successful airplane1 sequence” being paid by Mias Regina Kelly of N. Y. at how they loved them andhow they 'm afew more yean andthen We'D it be tnve that the lesson of our costly deaths has so soon backIn 1903, itUle did they dream aacrificxdtbetr Uvea aU Ter nothin, have another war. andthere aInX Ralph Edwards ’ “Truth or Consequences” kilocycle show been forgotten?” thatthey hadcreatedirtiatwasto they U bound t«.think about the no'Jiln goln to stop It.” last wjeek. Called on to warble a duet with the dog, Miss Fortheir preciousliveswere notlostin vain. Their beotsne the most terrible Instru- war now goln oi tn Erope. And It.. be _pretty______sad to have__perori 80well that Roversimplycocked his head toone mmt of destruction the world hes aacrifiee has truly borne fruit if we would but stop and iriren they thinks of this w now athinidn like that, but that's the) side —and listened. A soundeffects man, held ontap for ever known. think of the lesson It has taught ' way it be with 'most peepel, and just such an emergency, rushed forward, to fill in with True, it has notpreserved democracy,forthere is Experte claim the plane of to- there ain'tno stopptn them fer the badbeart trickle taletten urging imitationbarks. Hearinghim, the.dogunloosedsomefuri­ veryIhtae ofit left in the worldtoday. It has notspread motTow will do 600 miles pxw hour — time bein anyway. placing America but four hours members of Congress to rerise the ousbarking ofhiri own. The.duet waV^uccesfc—nay,a Pretty soon the allieswS^,^le£losse freedom, for there has never been a time in the modem awayfrom Europe, andthereby giv­ neutrality laws to pennit loans to bowingtrio! aU tbelr propagandaIn this coun ­ historyofthe worldwhen sofew peopleshaveknown,not ing U reason to MaraOeimtn vic­ the AUles hasnow become adeluge try and then everybody will ferget tory. At the same time, mOltaiy of telegrams demanding Immediate the privileges, bnt the rights of freedom. And it certainly tU abouUthe lesson thqr IsatnedIn advlserahere eay thatthe Urtltm perttcq»UoD in tne war. Bqne-. TOWN JOTTINGS. Aside to Hedy Lamarr: When has not sptjead the doctrine of brotherhood and universal the lasfwar,andthey wyi wantto Stateswill remainsecure from am BentaU>*es of thirty denomtnatlcns. the unexpurgated vereion of your European film, fove.Neverhavemen sopreached the doctrinesofbroth­ go to waragainazulkill sum more but a“stunt" attackfrom idroed meeting In PhUadelphiatn a Na- “Ecstasy,” wagshowntoDartmoutiiCollegeaudio-visual peepel. It be terrible bow emoUpn- erly love, and yet so grossly neglec^d them. Tor some years to come. Tha ttonal Study Conference on the al most peenel be. Bfin you want at Qie moment of the famous floating scene! . . , Lovely Buttheir Immorta?and selfless sacrifice has taughttis security. howAer. wlU depend Churches andthe IndustrialSltua- to arouse than ;to option, dont students at Hanover,N. H. recently,a fuseblew outjust the certaintyth^t this Governn tlOD. concluded "UiatIt Is impossi ­ one lesson that-we cannot forget appealto the minds, weal\otheh wm permit no foreign pwwer to gain ble wholly to divorce foreign poUey Anna Neagle, who plays fetchingly on t^e Radio City Mu­ That all war is vain and futile] feer,ngs and emotions and beto any bawfew operatim on or-neas from domestic policy and that any sic HaH screen in “Irene,” brought her little “Alice you knows It. they will wantto kUl ^ That man was meant to build and lo^.' And that the Americancoasts afactthatex ­ comprehensive progrw for peace allthe,peepel In the world who they Gown” to the stage-of the mammoth tljeatre and danced kiHing one’s fellow man.is to destroy one’s self. plains the sudden Interest here is must contain a synthesis of botta' thlpk Is bad.even If they hasto die in it throughout Thursday for the benefit of premiere audi­ Our fathers'have not died in vain. As we honor them Beramda. Triiddad and Greenland And what the public reaction Is themselves to do It. ences. Before her last pierformance, she was hostess at a on this Memorial Day, can we not hear their urgent cries. as -wril as in the islands of the to the poariblfiW of a Oennan vlc- r Thatthee pro; adaIs already receptionin honorofthe ten originalIrenes 'whoappeared “Donotdie! live! Liveand Build! Build foryourselvesPeclflc. tory *.«« clear tc'-Con ­ t work. All the i . . . . in the musicaTs longBroadwayand roadengagementin and build foryourchildren. Loveyourfellowman, and t • • gress. euggasUnu for adjournment Three weeks of action by the of domestic politics arebeing made, printing stories bait bow the’ oeq| 19201 ... ^mes Square’s newest passion^-tbe astrological eventuallyhe will Ijeam toloveyou.‘Turnthe othercheek. jnUer hordes in'Weston Eurtgx but re^io^rible vtw w that cocktail—is pouring New York’s smart drinkere into the Betum good for evlL’ Do not think that by fighting again have transformed the internal situa­ Congress is In no mood to-fttreat English and French libationparlorsofthe HotelPiccadiHy. The refreshment tion within the United States.'whatfrom isolation atpresent WhatlU to malm us believe that they are ,tn and by sacrificing your lives, you am carrying the torch IS the creationofSara Gatrard. noted-analyst,in collabora­ that we haveborneand dropped. Hather youwill fulfill had been a national need for 5000 mood will be in six mqntbs from a very bad way. Mafbe they is. and maybe It be only propagandato get tionWith Frank Kennedy, prominehtmixologist!... Motto ourmissionbylivingat peace, by preservingfreedomand warplanes hm