Children of the Heav'nly King: Religious Expression in the Central
Seldom has the folklore of a particular re- CHILDREN lar weeknight gospel singings, which may fea gion been as exhaustively documented as that ture both local and regional small singing of the central Blue Ridge Mountains. Ex- OF THE groups, tent revival meetings, which travel tending from southwestern Virginia into north- from town to town on a weekly basis, religious western North Carolina, the area has for radio programs, which may consist of years been a fertile hunting ground for the HE A"' T'NLV preaching, singing, a combination of both, most popular and classic forms of American .ft.V , .1 the broadcast of a local service, or the folklore: the Child ballad, the Jack tale, the native KING broadcast of a pre-recorded syndicated program. They American murder ballad, the witch include the way in which a church tale, and the fiddle or banjo tune. INTRODUCTORY is built, the way in which its interi- Films and television programs have or is laid out, and the very location portrayed the region in dozens of of the church in regard to cross- stereotyped treatments of mountain folk, from ESS A ....y roads, hills, and cemetery. And finally, they include "Walton's mountain" in the north to Andy Griffith's .ft. the individual church member talking about his "Mayberry" in the south. FoIklor own church's history, interpreting ists and other enthusiasts have church theology, recounting char been collecting in the region for acter anecdotes about well-known over fifty years and have amassed preachers, exempla designed to miles of audio tape and film foot illustrate good stewardship or even age.
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