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CERN LIBRARIES, GENEVA CERN/88 31 CM-P00094894 ORGANISATION EUROPÉENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLÉAIRE CERN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH SCIENTIFIC POLICY COMMITTEE Twelfth Meeting Geneva - 17 April, 1959 DRAFT REPORT OF THE CERN STUDY GROUP ON FUSION PROBLEMS At its Tenth Session, the Council of CERN decided to set up a study group to initiate a study to evaluate the plasma physics research programmes aimed at fusion, which are at present being conducted or planned in European and other countries, and to report to the Council. Attached, you will find the second draft of the report to the Council. This is not yet the final version but it will probably not be changed much before issue to the Council. The members of the Scientific Policy Committee are invited to express their views on the conclusion of the CERN study group on fusion problems. 6486 CERN/FSG/7 2nd DRAFT 24th March, 1959. EUROPEAN FUSION RESEARCH Report of the CERN Study Group on FUSION PROBLEMS CERN/FSG/7 - 2nd DRAFT INDEX Part I - General. 1. Reasons for setting up the CERN Study Group on fusion problems. 2. Objectives of the Study Group. 3. Participants of the Study Group. 4. Brief Review of the activities of the Study Group. Part II - Review of the activities of European laboratories working on fusion problems. Part III- Discussions of the Study Group. 1. On the nature of the fusion problems in the next few years. 2. On the magnitude of the effort on fusion problems in Europe. 3. On the problem of education and training of staff and the exchange of staff between laboratories. 4. On the subject of national and international laboratories for fusion problems. 5. On the exchange of information between European laboratories and with those of the USA and USSR. Part IV - Recommendations of the Study Group. Part V - Proposals of the Study Group. PS/512 CERN/FSG/7 - 2nd DRAFT Page 1 PART I. General. 1. Reasons for setting up the CERN Study Group on Fusion Problems. In March 1958 a number of scientists met at CERN for a few days to talk about the results of plasma physics experiments aimed at controlled thermonuclear reactions being undertaken in various laboratories. At that time the most notable results were from the Zeta machine at AERE, Harwell and consequently most of the discussion was centred about these results. It became clear during the discussions that there were many European laboratories engaged in this type of work and many others seriously thinking of entering the field. Due to security classification, very little of the work done on fusion had been published at this time and many laboratories found themselves in the awkward situation of planning research which they feared might have been already completed elsewhere. The partial lifting of the security restrictions at the beginning of 1958 was the main reason for these first discussions at CERN. It was hoped that very much more information would be released at the 1958 Atoms for Peace Conference in Geneva and that it would then be possible to form a comprehensive picture of the real state of fusion research in the world. As a result of these first talks at CERN in March 1958 and the steady release of information on fusion work in the following months, CERN was asked by many laboratories to extend the original discussion group into a more formal study group and to arrange a series of meetings during the remainder of 1958. At the June 1958 meeting of the CERN Council approval was given to form a CERN Study Group on Fusion Problems and to hold the meetings at CERN in Geneva. 2. Objectives of the Study Group. The CERN Council, in giving its approval to the formation of PS/512 CERN/FSG/7 - 2nd DRAFT Page 2 the Study Group, agreed that the main objectives would be to exchange information on fusion research, to discuss the programmes being undertaken in the various laboratories and to consider ways of facilitating fusion research work in Europe. The final report of the Study Group to the CERN Council would be issued as a CERN report with the normal circulation and be freely available. 3. Participants of the Study Group. Each European laboratory working in the field of fusion research was asked to send along a few representatives to the Study Group meetings. In addition to CERN, Euratom and OEEC were asked to participate as international organizations. Also the AEC was invited to send its European representative, Dr. Amasa S. Bishop, to the meetings. The list of participants was as follows: BELGIUM DENMARK (cont'd) Prof. P. Baudoux Dr. T. Hesselberg Jensen Institut de Physique Risö Research Center Université Libre de Bruxelles Physics Department 50, Avenue F-D. Roosevelt Risö Bruxelles Roskilde (attended 3rd meeting) (attended 3rd meeting) Dr. Ch. Lafleur Dr. Carl F. Wandel Institut de Physique Risö Research Center Université Libre de Bruxelles Physics Department 50, Avenue F-D. Roosevelt Risö Bruxelles Roskilde (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) (attended 2nd meeting) DENMARK FRANCE Dr. O. Kofoed-Hansen Dr. M. Bernard Risö Research Center C.E.A. Physics Department I.N.S.T.N., Saclay Risö Boîte Postale No 6 Roskilde Gif-sur-Yvette (attended 1st meeting) (Seine-et-Oise) (attended 3rd meeting) PS/512 CERN/FSG/7 - 2nd DRAFT Page 3 FRANCE (cont'd) FRANCE (cont'd) Dr. J. Crussard Dr. J. Taillet C.E.A. C.E.A. Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay Boîte Postale No 2 Boîte Postale No 2 Gif-sur-Yvette Gif-sur-Yvette (Seine-et-Oise) (Seine-et-Oise) (attended 3rd meeting) (attended 3rd meeting) Prof. P. Grivet Dr. M. Trocheris Laboratoire d'Electronique et de C.E.A. Radioélectricité Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay 33, Avenue du Général Leclerc Boîte Postale No 2 Fontenay-aux-Roses Gif-sur-Yvette (Seine) (Seine-et-Oise) (attended 3rd meeting) (attended 1st, 2nd meetings) Dr. P. Hubert Dr. G. Vendryes C.E.A. C.E.A. Laboratoires du Fort de Chatillon Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay Service de Neutronique Expérimentale Boîte Postale No 2 Fontenay-aux-Roses Gif - sur-Yvette (Seine) (Seine-et-Oise) (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) (attended 1st, 2nd meetings) Dr. C. Mercier Dr. S.D. Winter C.E.A. C.E.A. Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay Boîte Postale No 2 Boîte Postale No 2 Gif-sur-Yvette Gif-sur-Yvette (Seine-et-Oise) (Seine-et-Oise) (attended 3rd meeting) (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) Dr. F. Prévôt GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC C.E.A. Laboratoires du Fort de Chatillon Prof. L. Biermann Service de Neutronique Expérimentale Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Fontenay-aux-Roses und Astrophysik (Seine) Aumeisterstrasse (attended 1st, 2nd meetings) München 23 (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) Mr. A. Samain C.E.A. Prof. W. Laboratoires du Fort de Chatillon Director Phys. Institut Service de Neutronique Expérimentale Technische Hochschule Fontenay-aux-Roses Templergraben 55 (Seine) Aachen (attended 2nd meeting) (attended 2nd, 3rd meetings) PS/512 CERN/FSG/7 - 2nd DRAFT Page 4 GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC (cont'd) NETHERLANDS (cont'd) Dr. G. von Gierke Prof. H. Brinkman Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Natuurkundig Laboratorium und Astrophysik der Rijksuniversiteit Aumeisterstrasse Westersingel 34 München 23 Groningen (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) (attended 1st, 3rd meetings) Dr. H.L. Jordan Prof. H.C. Brinkman Physikalisches Institut Blauwe Kamerlaan 15 Technische Hochschule 's-Gravenhage Templergraben 55 (attended 2nd, 3rd meetings) Aachen (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) Dr. D.T.J. ter Horst KEMA Kortsluitlaboratorium Dr. A. Schlüter Utrechtse Weg Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Arnhem und Astrophysik (attended 2nd meeting) Aumeisterstrasse München 23 Prof. J. Kistemaker (attended 1st meeting) Laboratorium voor Massaspectrografie Hoogte Kadijk 202 Amsterdam ITALY (attended 2nd, 3rd meetings) Dr. B. Brunelli Laboratorio Gas Ionizzati NORWAY C.N.R.N. c/o Istituto Fisico dell'Università Prof. Kjell Johnsen Piazzale delle Scienze 5 Noregs Tekniske Høgskule Roma Trondheim (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) Prof. E. Persico SWEDEN Laboratorio Gas Ionizzati C.N.R.N. Prof. H. Alfvén c/o Istituto Fisico dell'Università Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan Piazzale delle Scienze 5 Institutionen för Elektronik Roma Stockholm 70 (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) (unable to attend meetings) NETHERLANDS Dr. A. Dattner Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan Dr. C.M. Braams Institutionen för Elektronik F.O.M. Instituut voor Plasma-Fysica Stockholm 70 Rijnhuizen-Jutphaas (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) PS/512 CERN/FSG/7 - 2nd DRAFT Page 5 SWEDEN (cont'd) UNITED KINGDOM (cont'd) Mr. L. Högberg Dr. R. Latham Fysiska Institutionen Imperial College of Science Uppsala and Technology (attended 2nd meeting) Department of Physics Imperial Institute Road Dr. S. Lundquist South Kensington Swedish State Power Board London, S.W.7. Stockholm (attended 1st, 2nd meetings) (attended 3rd meeting) Dr. R.S. Pease Dr. N.R. Nilsson C.T.R. Division, Hangar 7 Fysiska Institutionen A.E.R.E. Harwell Didcot, Berks. Uppsala (attended 3rd meeting) (attended 3rd meeting) Prof. K. Siegbahn Dr. P.C. Thonemann Fysiska Institutionen C.T.R. Division, Hangar 7 Uppsala A.E.R.E. Harwell (attended 1st meeting) Didcot, Berks. (unable to attend meetings) SWITZERLAND U.S.A. Dr. H.E. Knoepfel Physikalisches Institut E.T.H. Dr. Amasa S. Bishop Gloriastrasse 35 U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Zürich 7/6 13, rue de la Loi Bruxelles, Belgium (attended 1st, 2nd, 3rd meetings) (attended 2nd, 3rd meetings) UNITED KINGDOM EURATOM Dr. R.J. Bickerton C.T.R. Division, Hangar 7 Dr. J. Guéron A.E.R.E. Harwell EURATOM Didcot, Berks.