Parish Magazine Trinity/Summer issue Contents Page 2: Welcome Page 3: Key contact information | Prayer points Page 4: Who are we and what do we do? A letter from Adrian Page 6: Upcoming events | June Project Page 8: Annual Church Meeting (ACM) Page 9: Old Wrangthornians Page 10: Marks of Mission (part 2) Page 11: Activities Welcome Hello! Welcome to the latest edition of the Wrangthorn Parish Magazine. I would like to use this opportunity to introduce myself as the new editor! I’m a second year English Literature student at Leeds University who would like to make a contribution to the everyday life of this church that we call our spiritual home. While I have come to this new task with lots of enthusiasm and new ideas, I want to assure you that no drastic changes are coming for the magazine. I also want to thank Charlotte who has worked tirelessly as editor for the past number of years and James who has taken on a supporting role, in helping to bring me up to speed on the process that goes into making the magazine and who has been my eyes and ears as I try to edit from Northern Ireland. If you are new to the church or would like further information please do not hesitate to contact anyone listed in the 2 information below and if you would like to make a contribution to the next magazine, please get in touch! Thanks, Emma Key contact information Church Ann Johnson 0113 267 5487 Wardens Jim Rowland 0113 261 2009
[email protected] Church General Enquiries
[email protected] Office 0113 380 0849 James Meredith
[email protected]