OPEN FUNDRAISING – EVENT REPORT May 31 (Wolfville) The Liberal Party of Canada has moved forward with the strongest standards in federal politics for more open and transparent party fundraising events, and is challenging other parties to do the same. The Liberal Party believes that fundraising events with Ministers, Party Leaders, and Leadership candidates as special guests should meet even stronger standards for transparency, including advance posting, hosting in publicly accessible spaces, timely reporting of event details and guests, and the facilitation of media coverage. The Liberal Party’s own independent steps were implemented in advance of legislation that has been proposed by the government. For more details, please visit: Date May 31 2018 Featured guest(s) Justin Trudeau Location Wolfville, NS Venue Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards Event type National Range of donation amounts required to attend $75-$400 ATTENDEES: Attendees for this event are listed below, with the exception of minors, members of the press, volunteers, or any support staff. Last Name First Name City Prov. Abu-Dayyeh Faris Halifax NS Almuhtaseb Nida Bedford NS Andrews Robert Halifax NS Anjoul Ray Halifax NS Arafeh Lina Halifax NS Armitstead Wayne Mahone Bay NS Attwater Alan Dartmouth NS Attwater Stephanie Dartmouth NS Bagley Andrew Canning NS Barrett Jeffrey Falmouth NS Bidgod Cheryl Bedford NS Bishop Darcy Black River NS Bizimana Telesphore Halifax NS Blain Dylan Dartmouth NS Blois Barron Kennetcook NS Blois Deborah Kennetcook NS Bramwell Robert Mahone Bay NS Brett Derek Bedford NS Brett Harper Bedford NS Brison Scott Newport NS Media questions? Please contact
[email protected] Posted: 11/06/2018 1 Last Name First Name City Prov.