
Private Care Providers

NOTE: Caregivers does not vet private care providers. It is the responsibility of the caregiver who is hiring their own staff to screen and interview carefully. These individuals have never been screened and are not being recommended in any way.

Michelle Cole Middleton area, CCA 902.309.1624

Kate Farris Middleton to Windsor, CCA 902.670.5633

Bonnie Spencer to , CCA, past experience 902.385.5299 with LTC homes

Brenda Moody Aylseford to Lawrencetown, no dogs, past 902.825.4996 experience in LTC homes

Terri Jamieson Middleton area, specializes in homemade 902.824.2520 and delivered meals, companion care

Shirley Ogilvie Kentville to Wolfville, past experience at 902.848.6888 Evergreen

Jane Prall Bridgetown to East Kingston, experience 902.825.2081 with home care

Debbie Rice Bridgetown to Digby, 15 yrs experience in 780.222.1766 private care

Janet Baltzer Kentville to 902.840.0780

Sandy Vidito Bridgetown 902.665.2783

Rhonda Bent Kingston to Annapolis Royal, 20 yrs 902.665.2159 experience, Evening, overnight, weekend

Nicole Hunt CCA, Greenwood to Annapolis Royal 902.488.0277

Mona LaPierre Kingston to Bridgetown, Hwy 10 to 902.825.6017 Springfield. Retired RN, no lifting, days

Dawn Marie McLearn Mt. Uniake to Falmouth to Walton loop. 902.229.7310 CCA worked for VON for 11.5yrs

Breanne Olaughlin New Albany to Aylesford 902.825.9225 CCA presently part time Soldiers Memorial [email protected] Special courses in Dementia care, Medication management and Palliative care

Jean Leopold Windsor area. CCA 8yrs LTC, first aid, 902.306.1955 Dementia and palliative training. Will do overnights

Operating in Eastern area Errands by Karen (Brooklyn to Coldbrook). Errands include 902.790.2626 appointments, shopping, respite and more. In home blood collection also offered.

Carna Gray Halifax, Annapolis Valley and South Shore. 902.955.7744 18+ yeas experience.

Note: We will do our best to keep this list updated, twice yearly. Please let us know if any of these numbers or services are unavailable. Updated 03.2020.