Corporate Profile Mailing Address: P.O. Box 418, Station C Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL Canada A0P 1C0 In Person: 169 Hamilton River Road Komatik Real Estate Building, Suite 100 Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL Canada Toll Free: 1.866.446.5035 Local: 709.896.5722 Fax: 709.896.5739
[email protected] Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @nunacor Table of Contents Nunacor Development Corporation 2 NunatuKavut 4 Nunacor Companies 5 NDC Fisheries Limited. 6 Komatik Training Solutions Inc. 7 Komatik Real Estate Corporation. 8 Strategic Partners 9 Allnorth Consultants Limited. 10 Big Land Industrial. 11 Cabo Drilling Corp. 12 CleanEarth Technologies. 13 Komatik Support Services Inc. 14 Tervita Corporation. 15 Securitas Canada Limited. 16 ABOUT US Nunacor Development Corporation was incorporated in 2003 by the Labrador Metis Nation (now NunatuKavut Community Council Inc.) to pursue economic and business opportunities for the NunatuKavut membership. The Corporation falls into what can be considered the Nunacor Development social economy. Social economy enterprises operate like businesses, producing goods and services for the market economy, but they manage their operations Corporation and redirect their surpluses in pursuit of social and community goals. In this instance, surpluses are redirected to the NunatuKavut Community Council, who delivers programs and services to its membership. Nunacor is governed by a board of directors who are appointed by the NunatuKavut Community Council. Continual effort is placed on governance and strategic planning, while maintaining a deep respect for southern Inuit traditions, elders, and NunatuKavut policies. VISION Nunacor strives for revenue growth through strategic diversification, creating sustainable dividends and meaningful employment opportunities, positioning Nunacor as a catalyst for employment, and creating pride throughout NunatuKavut.